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AX12 Class Reference

AX12 Class Reference

Servo control class, based on a PwmOut. More...

#include <AX12.h>

Public Member Functions

 AX12 (PinName tx, PinName rx, int ID, int baudrate)
 Create an AX12 servo object connected to the specified serial port, with the specified ID.
int SetMode (int mode)
 Set the mode of the servo.
int SetGoal (int degrees, int flags=0)
 Set goal angle in integer degrees, in positional mode.
int SetCRSpeed (float speed)
 Set the speed of the servo in continuous rotation mode.
int SetCWLimit (int degrees)
 Set the clockwise limit of the servo.
int SetCCWLimit (int degrees)
 Set the counter-clockwise limit of the servo.
int SetID (int CurrentID, int NewID)
 Change the ID of a servo.
int isMoving (void)
 Poll to see if the servo is moving.
void trigger (void)
 Send the broadcast "trigger" command, to activate any outstanding registered commands.
float GetPosition ()
 Read the current angle of the servo.
float GetTemp (void)
 Read the temperature of the servo.
float GetVolts (void)
 Read the supply voltage of the servo.

Detailed Description

Servo control class, based on a PwmOut.


 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "AX12.h"
 int main() {
   AX12 myax12 (p9, p10, 1);

   while (1) {
       myax12.SetGoal(0);    // go to 0 degrees
       wait (2.0);
       myax12.SetGoal(300);  // go to 300 degrees
       wait (2.0);

Definition at line 74 of file AX12.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

AX12 ( PinName  tx,
PinName  rx,
int  ID,
int  baudrate 

Create an AX12 servo object connected to the specified serial port, with the specified ID.

pintx pin
pinrx pin
intID, the Bus ID of the servo 1-255

Definition at line 28 of file AX12.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

float GetPosition ( void   )

Read the current angle of the servo.

float in the range 0.0-300.0

Definition at line 230 of file AX12.cpp.

float GetTemp ( void   )

Read the temperature of the servo.

float temperature

Definition at line 246 of file AX12.cpp.

float GetVolts ( void   )

Read the supply voltage of the servo.

float voltage

Definition at line 258 of file AX12.cpp.

int isMoving ( void   )

Poll to see if the servo is moving.

true is the servo is moving

Definition at line 166 of file AX12.cpp.

int SetCCWLimit ( int  degrees )

Set the counter-clockwise limit of the servo.


Definition at line 134 of file AX12.cpp.

int SetCRSpeed ( float  speed )

Set the speed of the servo in continuous rotation mode.

speed,-1.0to 1.0 -1.0 = full speed counter clock wise 1.0 = full speed clock wise

Definition at line 87 of file AX12.cpp.

int SetCWLimit ( int  degrees )

Set the clockwise limit of the servo.


Definition at line 114 of file AX12.cpp.

int SetGoal ( int  degrees,
int  flags = 0 

Set goal angle in integer degrees, in positional mode.

flags,defaultsto 0 flags[0] = blocking, return when goal position reached flags[1] = register, activate with a broadcast trigger

Definition at line 56 of file AX12.cpp.

int SetID ( int  CurrentID,
int  NewID 

Change the ID of a servo.


If a servo ID is not know, the broadcast address of 0 can be used for CurrentID. In this situation, only one servo should be connected to the bus

Definition at line 153 of file AX12.cpp.

int SetMode ( int  mode )

Set the mode of the servo.

mode0 = Positional, default 1 = Continuous rotation

Definition at line 38 of file AX12.cpp.

void trigger ( void   )

Send the broadcast "trigger" command, to activate any outstanding registered commands.

Definition at line 174 of file AX12.cpp.