
Dependencies:   mbed Maxon_setting move4wheel2 EC PathFollowing_12_22 CruizCore_R1370P

diff -r 000000000000 -r f0f40dddc0c4 main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sat Dec 15 13:25:43 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,653 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "EC.h"
+#include "R1370P.h"
+#include "move4wheel.h"
+#include "PathFollowing.h"
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#define PI 3.141592
+#define DEBUG_MODE                              // compile as debug mode (comment out if you don't use)
+#ifdef DEBUG_MODE
+#define DEBUG_PRINT                             // enable debug_printf
+Serial pc(USBTX,USBRX);
+void debug_printf(const char* format,...);      // work as printf in debug
+void Debug_Control();                           // control by PC keybord
+#define SPI_FREQ    1000000         // 1MHz
+#define SPI_BITS    16
+#define SPI_MODE    0
+#define SPI_WAIT_US 1               // 1us
+*     md1//---F---\\md4
+*        |         |
+*        L    +    R
+*        |         |
+*     md2\\---B---//md3
+SPI spi(p5,p6,p7);
+CAN can1(p30,p29,1000000);
+DigitalOut ss_md1(p15);           //エスコンの設定
+DigitalOut ss_md2(p16);
+DigitalOut ss_md3(p17);
+DigitalOut ss_md4(p18);
+DigitalOut md_enable(p25);
+//DigitalIn md_ch_enable(p10);        // check enable switch is open or close
+//Timer md_disable;
+DigitalOut md_stop(p24);          // stop all motor
+DigitalIn  md_check(p23);           // check error of all motor driver  //とりあえず使わない
+Ec EC1(p8,p26,NC,500,0.05);
+Ec EC2(p21,p22,NC,500,0.05);
+R1370P gyro(p28,p27);
+Ticker motor_tick;  //角速度計算用ticker
+Ticker ticker;  //for enc
+SPI spi(PB_5,PB_4,PB_3);
+DigitalOut ss_md1(PB_15);           //エスコンの設定
+DigitalOut ss_md2(PB_14);
+DigitalOut ss_md3(PB_13);
+DigitalOut ss_md4(PC_4);
+DigitalOut md_enable(PA_13);        // do all motor driver enable
+//DigitalIn md_ch_enable(p10);        // check enable switch is open or close
+//Timer md_disable;
+DigitalOut md_stop(PA_14);          // stop all motor
+DigitalIn  md_check(PB_7);           // check error of all motor driver  //とりあえず使わない
+Ec EC1(PC_6,PC_8,NC,500,0.05);
+Ec EC2(PB_1,PB_12,NC,500,0.05);
+R1370P gyro(PC_6,PC_7);
+Ticker motor_tick;  //角速度計算用ticker
+Ticker ticker;  //for enc  */
+//DigitalOut can_led(LED1);           //if can enable -> toggle
+DigitalOut debug_led(LED2);         //if debugmode -> on
+DigitalOut md_stop_led(LED3);       //if motor stop -> on
+DigitalOut md_err_led(LED4);        //if driver error -> on  //とりあえず使わない
+DigitalOut led(LED1);
+double new_dist1=0,new_dist2=0;
+double old_dist1=0,old_dist2=0;
+double d_dist1=0,d_dist2=0;  //座標計算用関数
+double d_x,d_y;
+double start_x=0,start_y=0;  //スタート位置
+double x_out,y_out,r_out;  //出力値
+static int16_t m1=0, m2=0, m3=0, m4=0;  //int16bit = int2byte
+double usw_data1,usw_data2,usw_data3,usw_data4;//CAN通信で受け取った超音波センサーの値(1000倍してあったものを0.01倍して単位を㎝から㎜に直しつつ元の値に戻す(超音波センサーは㎝で距離を読み取る))
+ *状況に応じて、どのセンサーにより算出した情報を信用するかを選択し、その都度now_angle,now_x,now_yに代入する。(何種類かのセンサーの情報を混ぜて使用することも可能)
+ *(ex)
+ *info.nowX.enc → エンコーダにより算出した機体位置のx座標
+ *info.nowY.usw → 超音波センサーにより求めた機体位置のy座標
+typedef struct{ //使用センサーの種類
+    double usw;  //超音波センサー
+    double enc;  //エンコーダ
+    double gyro; //ジャイロ
+    //double line;//ラインセンサー
+typedef struct{ //機体情報の種類
+    robo_sensor angle; //←機体角度は超音波センサーやラインセンサーからも算出可能なので一応格納先を用意したが、ジャイロの値を完全に信用してもいいかも
+    robo_sensor nowX;
+    robo_sensor nowY;
+robo_data info={{0,0,0},{0,0,0},{0,0,0}}; //全てのデータを0に初期化
+void UserLoopSetting();             // initialize setting
+void DAC_Write(int16_t data, DigitalOut* DAC_cs);
+void MotorControl(int16_t val_md1, int16_t val_md2, int16_t val_md3, int16_t val_md4);
+void calOmega()  //角速度計算関数
+    EC1.CalOmega();
+    EC2.CalOmega();
+void can_read(){//CAN通信受信
+    CANMessage msg;
+    if(can1.read(msg)){
+      if(msg.id == 1){
+        led = 1;
+        usw_data1 = 0.01 * (short)((msg.data[0]<<8) | msg.data[1]);
+        //printf("usw_data1 = %d:%d,%d\n\r",msg.data[0],msg.data[1],x);
+      }else if(msg.id == 2){
+        led = 1;
+        usw_data2 = 0.01 * (short)((msg.data[0]<<8) | msg.data[1]);
+        //printf("usw_data2 = %d:%d,%d\n\r",msg.data[0],msg.data[1],x);
+      }else if(msg.id == 3){
+        led = 1;
+        usw_data3 = 0.01 * (short)((msg.data[0]<<8) | msg.data[1]);
+        //printf("usw_data3 = %d:%d,%d\n\r",msg.data[0],msg.data[1],x);
+      }else if(msg.id == 4){
+        led = 1;
+        usw_data4 = 0.01 * (short)((msg.data[0]<<8) | msg.data[1]);
+        //printf("usw_data4 = %d:%d,%d\n\r",msg.data[0],msg.data[1],x);
+      }
+    }
+void output(double FL,double BL,double BR,double FR)
+    m1=FL;
+    m2=BL;
+    m3=BR;
+    m4=FR;
+void base(double FL,double BL,double BR,double FR,double Max)
+    if(fabs(FL)>=Max||fabs(BL)>=Max||fabs(BR)>=Max||fabs(FR)>=Max) {
+        if     (fabs(FL)>=fabs(BL)&&fabs(FL)>=fabs(BR)&&fabs(FL)>=fabs(FR))output(Max*FL/fabs(FL),Max*BL/fabs(FL),Max*BR/fabs(FL),Max*FR/fabs(FL));
+        else if(fabs(BL)>=fabs(FL)&&fabs(BL)>=fabs(BR)&&fabs(BL)>=fabs(FR))output(Max*FL/fabs(BL),Max*BL/fabs(BL),Max*BR/fabs(BL),Max*FR/fabs(BL));
+        else if(fabs(BR)>=fabs(FL)&&fabs(BR)>=fabs(BL)&&fabs(BR)>=fabs(FR))output(Max*FL/fabs(BR),Max*BL/fabs(BR),Max*BR/fabs(BR),Max*FR/fabs(BR));
+        else                                                               output(Max*FL/fabs(FR),Max*BL/fabs(FR),Max*BR/fabs(FR),Max*FR/fabs(FR));
+    } else {
+        output(FL,BL,BR,FR);
+    }
+void calc_xy() //エンコーダによる座標計算
+    now_angle=gyro.getAngle();  //ジャイロの値読み込み
+    new_dist1=EC1.getDistance_mm();
+    new_dist2=EC2.getDistance_mm();
+    d_dist1=new_dist1-old_dist1;
+    d_dist2=new_dist2-old_dist2;
+    old_dist1=new_dist1;
+    old_dist2=new_dist2;  //微小時間当たりのエンコーダ読み込み
+    d_x=d_dist2*sin(now_angle*PI/180)-d_dist1*cos(now_angle*PI/180);
+    d_y=d_dist2*cos(now_angle*PI/180)+d_dist1*sin(now_angle*PI/180);  //微小時間毎の座標変化
+    info.nowX.enc = info.nowX.enc + d_x;
+    info.nowY.enc = info.nowY.enc - d_y;  //微小時間毎に座標に加算
+void calc_xy_usw(double tgt_angle,int xy_type,int pm_type,double xy_base){ //超音波センサーによる座標計算(機体が旋回する場合はこの方法による座標計算は出来ない)
+    double R1=130,R2=130,R3=130,R4=130; //機体の中心から各超音波センサーが付いている面までの距離
+    double D1=50,D2=50,D3=50,D4=50; //各超音波センサーが付いている面の中心から各超音波センサーまでの距離
+    now_angle=gyro.getAngle();
+    if(tgt_angle==0){
+      if(xy_type==0 && pm_type==0){
+        info.nowX.usw = xy_base - (usw_data3 + R3*cos(now_angle*PI/180) + D3*sin(now_angle*PI/180));
+      }else if(xy_type==0 && pm_type==1){
+        info.nowX.usw = xy_base + (usw_data4 + R4*cos(now_angle*PI/180) + D4*sin(now_angle*PI/180));
+      }else if(xy_type==1 && pm_type==0){
+        info.nowY.usw = xy_base - (usw_data1 + R1*cos(now_angle*PI/180) + D1*sin(now_angle*PI/180));
+      }else if(xy_type==1 && pm_type==1){
+        info.nowY.usw = xy_base + (usw_data2 + R2*cos(now_angle*PI/180) + D2*sin(now_angle*PI/180));
+      }
+    }else if(tgt_angle==90){
+      if(xy_type==0 && pm_type==0){
+        info.nowX.usw = xy_base - (usw_data2 + R2*cos(now_angle*PI/180) + D2*sin(now_angle*PI/180));
+      }else if(xy_type==0 && pm_type==1){
+        info.nowX.usw = xy_base + (usw_data1 + R1*cos(now_angle*PI/180) + D1*sin(now_angle*PI/180));
+      }else if(xy_type==1 && pm_type==0){
+        info.nowY.usw = xy_base - (usw_data3 + R3*cos(now_angle*PI/180) + D3*sin(now_angle*PI/180));
+      }else if(xy_type==1 && pm_type==1){
+        info.nowY.usw = xy_base + (usw_data4 + R4*cos(now_angle*PI/180) + D4*sin(now_angle*PI/180));
+      }
+    }else if(tgt_angle==180){    
+       if(xy_type==0 && pm_type==0){
+        info.nowX.usw = xy_base - (usw_data4 + R4*cos(now_angle*PI/180) + D4*sin(now_angle*PI/180));
+      }else if(xy_type==0 && pm_type==1){
+        info.nowX.usw = xy_base + (usw_data3 + R3*cos(now_angle*PI/180) + D3*sin(now_angle*PI/180));
+      }else if(xy_type==1 && pm_type==0){
+        info.nowY.usw = xy_base - (usw_data2+ R2*cos(now_angle*PI/180) + D2*sin(now_angle*PI/180));
+      }else if(xy_type==1 && pm_type==1){
+        info.nowY.usw = xy_base + (usw_data1 + R1*cos(now_angle*PI/180) + D1*sin(now_angle*PI/180));
+      }
+    }
+void purecurve2(int type,                         //正面を変えずに円弧or楕円を描いて曲がる
+                double point_x1,double point_y1,
+                double point_x2,double point_y2,
+                int theta,
+                double speed,
+                double q_p,double q_d,
+                double r_p,double r_d,
+                double r_out_max,
+                double target_angle)
+//type:動きの種類(8パターン) point_x1,point_y1=出発地点の座標 point_x2,point_x2=目標地点の座標 theta=plotの間隔(0~90°) speed=速度
+    //-----PathFollowingのパラメーター設定-----//
+    q_setPDparam(q_p,q_d);  //ベクトルABに垂直な方向の誤差を埋めるPD制御のパラメータ設定関数
+    r_setPDparam(r_p,r_d);  //機体角度と目標角度の誤差を埋めるPD制御のパラメータ設定関数
+    set_r_out(r_out_max);  //旋回時の最大出力値設定関数
+    set_target_angle(target_angle);  //機体目標角度設定関数
+    int s;
+    int t = 0;
+    double X,Y;//X=楕円の中心座標、Y=楕円の中心座標
+    double a,b; //a=楕円のx軸方向の幅の半分,b=楕円のy軸方向の幅の半分
+    double plotx[(90/theta)+1];  //楕円にとるplotのx座標
+    double ploty[(90/theta)+1];
+    double x_out,y_out,r_out;
+    a=fabs(point_x1-point_x2);
+    b=fabs(point_y1-point_y2);
+    switch(type) {
+        case 1://→↑移動
+            X=point_x1;
+            Y=point_y2;
+            for(s=0; s<((90/theta)+1); s++) {
+                plotx[s] = X + a * cos(-PI/2 + s * (PI*theta/180));
+                ploty[s] = Y + b * sin(-PI/2 + s * (PI*theta/180));
+                //debug_printf("plotx[%d]=%f ploty[%d]=%f\n\r",s,plotx[s],s,ploty[s]);
+            }
+            break;
+        case 2://↑→移動
+            X=point_x2;
+            Y=point_y1;
+            for(s=0; s<((90/theta)+1); s++) {
+                plotx[s] = X + a * cos(PI - s * (PI*theta/180));
+                ploty[s] = Y + b * sin(PI - s * (PI*theta/180));
+                //debug_printf("plotx[%d]=%f ploty[%d]=%f\n\r",s,plotx[s],s,ploty[s]);
+            }
+            break;
+        case 3://↑←移動
+            X=point_x2;
+            Y=point_y1;
+            for(s=0; s<((90/theta)+1); s++) {
+                plotx[s] = X + a * cos(s * (PI*theta/180));
+                ploty[s] = Y + b * sin(s * (PI*theta/180));
+                //debug_printf("plotx[%d]=%f ploty[%d]=%f\n\r",s,plotx[s],s,ploty[s]);
+            }
+            break;
+        case 4://←↑移動
+            X=point_x1;
+            Y=point_y2;
+            for(s=0; s<((90/theta)+1); s++) {
+                plotx[s] = X + a * cos(-PI/2 - s * (PI*theta/180));
+                ploty[s] = Y + b * sin(-PI/2 - s * (PI*theta/180));
+                //debug_printf("plotx[%d]=%f ploty[%d]=%f\n\r",s,plotx[s],s,ploty[s]);
+            }
+            break;
+        case 5://←↓移動
+            X=point_x1;
+            Y=point_y2;
+            for(s=0; s<((90/theta)+1); s++) {
+                plotx[s] = X + a * cos(PI/2 + s * (PI*theta/180));
+                ploty[s] = Y + b * sin(PI/2 + s * (PI*theta/180));
+                //debug_printf("plotx[%d]=%f ploty[%d]=%f\n\r",s,plotx[s],s,ploty[s]);
+            }
+            break;
+        case 6://↓←移動
+            X=point_x2;
+            Y=point_y1;
+            for(s=0; s<((90/theta)+1); s++) {
+                plotx[s] = X + a * cos(-s * (PI*theta/180));
+                ploty[s] = Y + b * sin(-s * (PI*theta/180));
+                //debug_printf("plotx[%d]=%f ploty[%d]=%f\n\r",s,plotx[s],s,ploty[s]);
+            }
+            break;
+        case 7://↓→移動
+            X=point_x2;
+            Y=point_y1;
+            for(s=0; s<((90/theta)+1); s++) {
+                plotx[s] = X + a * cos(PI + s * (PI*theta/180));
+                ploty[s] = Y + b * sin(PI + s * (PI*theta/180));
+                //debug_printf("plotx[%d]=%f ploty[%d]=%f\n\r",s,plotx[s],s,ploty[s]);
+            }
+            break;
+        case 8://→↓移動
+            X=point_x1;
+            Y=point_y2;
+            for(s=0; s<((90/theta)+1); s++) {
+                plotx[s] = X + a * cos(PI/2 - s * (PI*theta/180));
+                ploty[s] = Y + b * sin(PI/2 - s * (PI*theta/180));
+                //debug_printf("plotx[%d]=%f ploty[%d]=%f\n\r",s,plotx[s],s,ploty[s]);
+            }
+            break;
+    }
+    while(1) {
+        calc_xy();
+        now_x = info.nowX.enc; //カーブする時はエンコーダにより求める機体位置を100%信用
+        now_y = info.nowY.enc;
+        XYRmotorout(plotx[t],ploty[t],plotx[t+1],ploty[t+1],&x_out,&y_out,&r_out,speed,speed);
+        CalMotorOut(x_out,y_out,r_out);
+        //debug_printf("t=%d now_x=%f now_y=%f x_out=%f y_out=%f\n\r",t,now_x,now_y,x_out,y_out);
+        base(GetMotorOut(0),GetMotorOut(1),GetMotorOut(2),GetMotorOut(3),4095);  //m1~m4に代入
+        //debug_printf("t=%d (0)=%f (1)=%f (2)=%f (3)=%f\n\r",t,GetMotorOut(0),GetMotorOut(1),GetMotorOut(2),GetMotorOut(3));
+        if(((plotx[t+1] - now_x)*(plotx[t+1] - plotx[t]) + (ploty[t+1] - now_y)*(ploty[t+1] - ploty[t])) < 0)t++;
+        MotorControl(m1,m2,m3,m4);  //出力
+        debug_printf("t=%d m1=%d m2=%d m3=%d m4=%d x=%f y=%f angle=%f\n\r",t,m1,m2,m3,m4,now_x,now_y,now_angle);
+        if(t == (90/theta))break;
+    }
+void gogo_straight(double x1_point,double y1_point,  //直線運動プログラム
+                   double x2_point,double y2_point,
+                   double speed1,double speed2,
+                   double q_p,double q_d,
+                   double r_p,double r_d,
+                   double r_out_max,
+                   double target_angle)   
+//引数:出発地点の座標(x,y)、目標地点の座標(x,y)、初速度(speed1)、目標速度(speed2)//speed1=speed2 のとき等速運動
+    //-----PathFollowingのパラメーター設定-----//
+    q_setPDparam(q_p,q_d);  //ベクトルABに垂直な方向の誤差を埋めるPD制御のパラメータ設定関数
+    r_setPDparam(r_p,r_d);  //機体角度と目標角度の誤差を埋めるPD制御のパラメータ設定関数
+    set_r_out(r_out_max);  //旋回時の最大出力値設定関数
+    set_target_angle(target_angle);  //機体目標角度設定関数
+    while (1) {
+        calc_xy();
+        XYRmotorout(x1_point,y1_point,x2_point,y2_point,&x_out,&y_out,&r_out,speed1,speed2);
+        //printf("x = %f, y = %f,angle = %f,x_out=%lf, y_out=%lf, r_out=%lf\n\r",now_x,now_y,now_angle,x_out, y_out,r_out);
+        CalMotorOut(x_out,y_out,r_out);
+        //printf("out1=%lf, out2=%lf, out3=%lf, out4=%lf\n",GetMotorOut(0),GetMotorOut(1),GetMotorOut(2),GetMotorOut(3));
+        base(GetMotorOut(0),GetMotorOut(1),GetMotorOut(2),GetMotorOut(3),4095);
+        //printf("m1=%d, m2=%d, m3=%d, m4=%d\r\n",m1,m2,m3,m4);
+        MotorControl(m1,m2,m3,m4);
+        debug_printf("m1=%d m2=%d m3=%d m4=%d x=%f y=%f angle=%f\n\r",m1,m2,m3,m4,now_x,now_y,now_angle);
+        if(((x2_point - now_x)*(x2_point - x1_point) + (y2_point - now_y)*(y2_point - y1_point)) < 0)break;
+    }
+/*void usw_pos_correction(int type,double error,double base_x,double base_y,double x1_point,double y1_point,double x2_point,double y2_point){ //超音波センサーによる位置補正プログラム(x軸 or y軸に平行なきのみ)
+    }*/
+int main()
+    UserLoopSetting();
+    //Debug_Control()
+    //purecurve2(2,start_x,start_y,500,1000,9,1000,5,0.1,10,0.1,600,0);
+    purecurve2(5,start_x,start_y,-500,-500,9,1500,5,0.1,10,0.1,600,0);
+    gogo_straight(-500,-500,-500,-1500,2000,2000,5,0.1,10,0.1,600,0);
+    //purecurve2(3,now_x,now_y,0,2500,9,1000,5,0.1,10,0.1,600,0);
+    MotorControl(0,0,0,0);
+void UserLoopSetting()
+//info.nowX = {0,0,0};
+//info.nowY = {0,0,0};
+    spi.format(SPI_BITS, SPI_MODE);
+    spi.frequency(SPI_FREQ);
+    ss_md1 = 1;
+    ss_md2 = 1;
+    ss_md3 = 1;
+    ss_md4 = 1;
+    md_enable = 1;  //enable on
+    md_err_led = 0;
+    md_stop = 1;
+    md_stop_led = 1;
+    gyro.initialize();
+    motor_tick.attach(&calOmega,0.05);  //0.05秒間隔で角速度を計算
+    EC1.setDiameter_mm(48);
+    EC2.setDiameter_mm(48);  //測定輪半径//後で測定
+#ifdef DEBUG_MODE
+    debug_led = 1;
+    pc.attach(Debug_Control, Serial::RxIrq);
+    debug_led = 0;
+#define MCP4922_AB      (1<<15)
+#define MCP4922_BUF     (1<<14)
+#define MCP4922_GA      (1<<13)
+#define MCP4922_SHDN    (1<<12)
+#define MCP4922_SET_OUTA    (0x3000)    //( MCP4922_GA || MCP4922_SHDN )  //12288
+#define MCP4922_SET_OUTB    (0xB000)    //( MCP4922_AB || MCP4922_GA || MCP4922_SHDN )  //45056
+#define MCP4922_MASKSET     (0x0FFF)    //4095
+void DAC_Write(int16_t data, DigitalOut* DAC_cs)   //(出力,出力場所)
+    static uint16_t dataA;  //送るデータ
+    static uint16_t dataB;
+    dataA = MCP4922_SET_OUTA;
+    dataB = MCP4922_SET_OUTB;
+    if(data >= 0) {
+        if(data > 4095) {
+            data = 4095;
+        }
+        dataA += (MCP4922_MASKSET & (uint16_t)(data));
+    } else {
+        if(data < -4095) {
+            data = -4095;
+        }
+        dataB += (MCP4922_MASKSET & (uint16_t)(-data));
+    }
+    //Aの出力設定
+    (DigitalOut)(*DAC_cs)=0;
+    wait_us(SPI_WAIT_US);
+    spi.write(dataA);
+    wait_us(SPI_WAIT_US);
+    (DigitalOut)(*DAC_cs)=1;
+    wait_us(SPI_WAIT_US);
+    //Bの出力設定
+    (DigitalOut)(*DAC_cs)=0;
+    wait_us(SPI_WAIT_US);
+    spi.write(dataB);
+    wait_us(SPI_WAIT_US);
+    (DigitalOut)(*DAC_cs)=1;
+void MotorControl(int16_t val_md1, int16_t val_md2, int16_t val_md3, int16_t val_md4)   //出力
+    static int16_t zero_check;
+    DAC_Write(val_md1, &ss_md1);
+    DAC_Write(val_md2, &ss_md2);
+    DAC_Write(val_md3, &ss_md3);
+    DAC_Write(val_md4, &ss_md4);
+    zero_check = (val_md1 | val_md2 | val_md3 | val_md4);  //すべての出力が0なら強制停止
+    if(zero_check == 0) {
+        md_stop = 1;
+        md_stop_led = 1;
+    } else {
+        md_stop = 0;
+        md_stop_led = 0;
+    }
+#ifdef DEBUG_MODE
+void Debug_Control()
+    static char pc_command = '\0';
+    pc_command = pc.getc();
+    if(pc_command == 'w') {  //前進
+        m1+=500;
+        m2+=500;
+        m3-=500;
+        m4-=500;
+    } else if(pc_command == 's') {  //後進
+        m1-=500;
+        m2-=500;
+        m3+=500;
+        m4+=500;
+    } else if(pc_command == 'd') {  //右回り
+        m1+=500;
+        m2+=500;
+        m3+=500;
+        m4+=500;
+    } else if(pc_command == 'a') {  //左回り
+        m1-=500;
+        m2-=500;
+        m3-=500;
+        m4-=500;
+    } else {
+        m1=0;
+        m2=0;
+        m3=0;
+        m4=0;
+    }
+    if(m1>4095) {  //最大値を超えないように
+        m1=4095;
+    } else if(m1<-4095) {
+        m1=-4095;
+    }
+    if(m2>4095) {
+        m2=4095;
+    } else if(m2<-4095) {
+        m2=-4095;
+    }
+    if(m3>4095) {
+        m3=4095;
+    } else if(m3<-4095) {
+        m3=-4095;
+    }
+    if(m4>4095) {
+        m4=4095;
+    } else if(m4<-4095) {
+        m4=-4095;
+    }
+    debug_printf("%d %d %d %d\r\n",m1,m2,m3,m4);
+    MotorControl(m1,m2,m3,m4);
+    pc_command = '\0';
+void debug_printf(const char* format,...)
+    va_list arg;
+    va_start(arg, format);
+    vprintf(format, arg);
+    va_end(arg);
\ No newline at end of file