for led strip

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/motion_tracking.cpp	Mon Jun 11 20:33:26 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+#include "motion_tracking.h"
+void acquire_new_speed(float *cur_speed, float duration, float *instant_accel) {
+    cur_speed[0] = cur_speed[0] + duration * instant_accel[0];
+    cur_speed[1] = cur_speed[1] + duration * instant_accel[1];
+    cur_speed[2] = cur_speed[2] + duration * instant_accel[2];
+void acquire_sensor_data(float *accel_data, float *gyro_data, float *calib_data, 
+                         int calibFlag, FXOS8700 *accel, FXAS21002 *gyro) {
+    accel->acquire_accel_data_g(accel_data);
+    gyro->acquire_gyro_data_dps(gyro_data);
+    int precision = 1000;
+    float temp_y = accel_data[1];
+    accel_data[1] = accel_data[0];
+    accel_data[0] = temp_y;
+    if (calibFlag && (calib_data != NULL)) {
+        int i;
+        for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+            accel_data[i] -= calib_data[i];
+            gyro_data[i] -= calib_data[i + 3];
+            if (accel_data[i] < 0) {
+                accel_data[i] = floor(-1*precision*accel_data[i])/(-1 * precision);
+            } else {
+                accel_data[i] = floor(precision*accel_data[i])/precision;
+            }
+            if (gyro_data[i] < 0) {
+                gyro_data[i] = floor(-1*precision*gyro_data[i])/(-1*precision);
+            } else {
+                gyro_data[i] = floor(precision*gyro_data[i])/precision;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+void get_caliberate_data(float *caliberate, FXOS8700 *accel, FXAS21002 *gyro) {
+    int i;
+    int j;
+    float accel_data[3];
+    float gyro_data[3];
+    double temp_calib[6] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
+    for (i = 0; i < CALIBTIMES; i++) {
+        acquire_sensor_data(accel_data, gyro_data, NULL, 0, accel, gyro);
+        for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+            temp_calib[j]     += accel_data[j];
+            temp_calib[j + 3] += gyro_data[j];
+        }
+        wait_ms(MAINWAIT);
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
+           temp_calib[i] /= (double)CALIBTIMES;
+           caliberate[i] = (float)temp_calib[i];
+    }
+void load_buffer(float **all_data, float *accel_data, float time, int i) {
+    if (i == MAXBUFFERSIZE) {
+        printf("Buffer full!\n\r");
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    all_data[0][i] = time;
+    all_data[1][i] = accel_data[0];
+    all_data[2][i] = accel_data[1];
+    all_data[3][i] = accel_data[2];
+void init_moving_avg_buf(float moving_avg_buf[][MOVINGAVRBUFSIZE], int *num_samples, 
+                         float *last_total, float **all_data, float *caliberate, 
+                         Timer *t, FXOS8700 *accel, FXAS21002 *gyro) {
+    int i;
+    float accel_data[3];
+    float gyro_data[3];
+    float time;
+    float total_accelx = 0.0f;
+    float total_accely = 0.0f;
+    float total_accelz = 0.0f;
+    for (i = 0; i < (int)MOVINGAVRBUFSIZE; i++) {
+        acquire_sensor_data(accel_data, gyro_data, caliberate, 1, accel, gyro);
+        time = t->read();
+        moving_avg_buf[0][i] = accel_data[0];
+        moving_avg_buf[1][i] = accel_data[1];
+        moving_avg_buf[2][i] = accel_data[2];
+        moving_avg_buf[3][i] = time;
+        wait_ms(MAINWAIT);
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < (int)MOVINGAVRBUFSIZE; i++) {
+        total_accelx += moving_avg_buf[0][i];
+        total_accely += moving_avg_buf[1][i];
+        total_accelz += moving_avg_buf[2][i];
+    }
+    last_total[0] = total_accelx;
+    last_total[1] = total_accely;
+    last_total[2] = total_accelz;
+    all_data[0][0] = moving_avg_buf[3][0];
+    all_data[1][0] = total_accelx/(float) MOVINGAVRBUFSIZE;
+    all_data[2][0] = total_accely/(float) MOVINGAVRBUFSIZE;
+    all_data[3][0] = total_accelz/(float) MOVINGAVRBUFSIZE;
+    (*num_samples)++;
+void get_new_moving_average_point(float **all_data, float *last_total, 
+                                float *accel_data, float moving_avg_buf[][MOVINGAVRBUFSIZE], 
+                                float time, int *num_samples, int *start, 
+                                int *end) {
+    last_total[0] = last_total[0] - moving_avg_buf[0][*start] + accel_data[0];
+    last_total[1] = last_total[1] - moving_avg_buf[1][*start] + accel_data[1];
+    last_total[2] = last_total[2] - moving_avg_buf[2][*start] + accel_data[2];
+    all_data[0][*num_samples] = moving_avg_buf[3][*start];
+    float temp_x = last_total[0] / (float)MOVINGAVRBUFSIZE;
+    float temp_y = last_total[1] / (float)MOVINGAVRBUFSIZE;
+    float temp_z = last_total[2] / (float)MOVINGAVRBUFSIZE;
+    if (abs(temp_x) > (float) XMECHANICAL) {
+        all_data[1][*num_samples] = temp_x;
+    } else {
+        all_data[1][*num_samples] = 0.0f;
+    }
+    if (abs(temp_y) > (float) YMECHANICAL) {
+        all_data[2][*num_samples] = temp_y;
+    } else {
+        all_data[2][*num_samples] = 0.0f;
+    }
+    if (abs(temp_z) > (float) ZMECHANICAL) {
+        all_data[3][*num_samples] = temp_z;
+    } else {
+        all_data[3][*num_samples] = 0.0f;
+    }
+    *start = (*start + 1) % (int) MOVINGAVRBUFSIZE;
+    *end = (*end + 1) % (int) MOVINGAVRBUFSIZE;
+    moving_avg_buf[0][*end] = accel_data[0];
+    moving_avg_buf[1][*end] = accel_data[1];
+    moving_avg_buf[2][*end] = accel_data[2];
+    moving_avg_buf[3][*end] = time;
+    (*num_samples) += 1;
+void apply_trend_protect(float **all_data, int num_samples, float *total_diff,
+                        float *additional_to_vel, float duration) {
+    if (num_samples > TRENDPROTECTBUFSIZE) {
+        total_diff[0] -= all_data[2][num_samples-TRENDPROTECTBUFSIZE] - all_data[2][num_samples-TRENDPROTECTBUFSIZE - 1];
+        total_diff[1] -= all_data[3][num_samples-TRENDPROTECTBUFSIZE] - all_data[3][num_samples-TRENDPROTECTBUFSIZE - 1];
+        total_diff[0] += all_data[2][num_samples-1] - all_data[2][num_samples-2];
+        total_diff[1] += all_data[3][num_samples-1] - all_data[3][num_samples-2];
+        if (abs(total_diff[0]) <= (float)XTRENDPROTECTTHRESHOLD) {
+            additional_to_vel[0] = -1000.0f;
+        } else {
+            float avg_accel = all_data[2][num_samples-1] - ((all_data[2][num_samples-1] - all_data[2][num_samples-2])/2.0f);
+            additional_to_vel[0] = avg_accel * duration;
+        }
+        if (abs(total_diff[1]) <= (float)YTRENDPROTECTTHRESHOLD) {
+            additional_to_vel[1] = -1000.0f;
+        } else {
+            float avg_accel = all_data[3][num_samples-1] - ((all_data[3][num_samples-1] - all_data[3][num_samples-2])/2.0f);
+            additional_to_vel[1] = avg_accel * duration;
+        }
+    } else {
+        if(num_samples == 1){
+        } else {
+            total_diff[0] += all_data[2][num_samples-1] - all_data[2][num_samples-2];
+            total_diff[1] += all_data[3][num_samples-1] - all_data[3][num_samples-2];
+        }
+    }
+void apply_move_end_check(float **all_data, int num_samples, 
+                        int moving_end_buf[][MOVINGENDBUFSIZE],
+                        int *num_unqualified, int *start, int *end,
+                        float *addition_to_vel, float duration,
+                        float *total_diff) {
+    if (num_samples > MOVINGENDBUFSIZE) {
+        num_unqualified[0] -= moving_end_buf[0][*start];
+        num_unqualified[1] -= moving_end_buf[1][*start];
+        *start = (*start + 1) % MOVINGENDBUFSIZE;
+        *end = (*end + 1) % MOVINGENDBUFSIZE;
+        if (abs(all_data[2][num_samples-1]) <= (float) YMOVENDTHRESHOLD ){
+            num_unqualified[0] += 1;
+            moving_end_buf[0][*end] = 1;
+        } else {
+            moving_end_buf[0][*end] = 0;
+        }
+        if (abs(all_data[3][num_samples-1]) <= (float) ZMOVENDTHRESHOLD ){
+            num_unqualified[1] += 1;
+            moving_end_buf[1][*end] = 1;
+        } else {
+            moving_end_buf[1][*end] = 0;
+        }
+        if (num_unqualified[0] >= (int)YMOVENDBIASNUM){
+            addition_to_vel[0] = -1000.0f;
+        }
+        if (num_unqualified[1] >= (int)ZMOVENDBIASNUM){
+            addition_to_vel[1] = -1000.0f;
+        }
+        apply_trend_protect(all_data, num_samples, total_diff, addition_to_vel,
+                            duration);
+        if (num_unqualified[0] < (int)YMOVENDBIASNUM){
+            float avg_accel = all_data[2][num_samples-1] - ((all_data[2][num_samples-1] - all_data[2][num_samples-2])/2.0f);
+            addition_to_vel[0] = avg_accel * duration;
+        }
+        if (num_unqualified[1] < (int)ZMOVENDBIASNUM){
+            float avg_accel = all_data[3][num_samples-1] - ((all_data[3][num_samples-1] - all_data[3][num_samples-2])/2.0f);
+            addition_to_vel[1] = avg_accel * duration;
+        }
+    } else if (num_samples < MOVINGENDBUFSIZE) {
+        addition_to_vel[0] = -1000.0f;
+        addition_to_vel[1] = -1000.0f;
+        apply_trend_protect(all_data, num_samples, total_diff, addition_to_vel,
+                            duration);
+    } else {
+        int i;
+        for (i = 0; i < MOVINGENDBUFSIZE; i++) {
+            if (abs(all_data[2][i]) <= (float)YMOVENDTHRESHOLD) {
+                moving_end_buf[0][i] = 1;
+                num_unqualified[0] += 1;
+            } else {
+                moving_end_buf[0][i] = 0;
+            }
+            if (abs(all_data[3][i]) <= (float)ZMOVENDTHRESHOLD) {
+                moving_end_buf[1][i] = 1;
+                num_unqualified[1] += 1;
+            } else {
+                moving_end_buf[1][i] = 0;
+            }
+            addition_to_vel[0] = -1000.0f;
+            addition_to_vel[1] = -1000.0f;
+        }
+        apply_trend_protect(all_data, num_samples, total_diff, addition_to_vel,
+                            duration);
+    }
+void get_new_velocity (float *original_speed, float *addition_to_vel) {
+    if (addition_to_vel[0] == -1000.0f) {
+        original_speed[0] = 0.0f;
+    } else {
+        original_speed[0] += addition_to_vel[0];
+    }
+    if (addition_to_vel[1] == -1000.0f) {
+        original_speed[1] = 0.0f;
+    } else {
+        original_speed[1] += addition_to_vel[1];
+    }
+void get_new_position (float *original_position, float *cur_speed, float duration) {
+    original_position[0] += cur_speed[0] * duration;
+    original_position[1] -= cur_speed[1] * duration;
+void insert_new_vel_to_buffer(float** vel_buffer, float time, float* cur_vel,
+                              int num_samples) {
+    vel_buffer[0][num_samples - 1] = time;
+    vel_buffer[1][num_samples - 1] = cur_vel[0];
+    vel_buffer[2][num_samples - 1] = cur_vel[1];
+void insert_new_pos_to_buffer(float** pos_buffer, float time, float* cur_pos,
+                              int num_samples) {
+    pos_buffer[0][num_samples - 1] = time;
+    pos_buffer[1][num_samples - 1] = cur_pos[0];
+    pos_buffer[2][num_samples - 1] = cur_pos[1];
+void insert_new_color_to_buffer(float **color_buffer, int r, int g, int b, 
+                                float time, int num_samples) {
+    color_buffer[0][num_samples - 1] = time;
+    color_buffer[1][num_samples - 1] = (float) r;
+    color_buffer[2][num_samples - 1] = (float) g;
+    color_buffer[3][num_samples - 1] = (float) b;
+void initialize_color_table(RGB rgb_table[][HORIZONTALNUMCOLOR]){
+    rgb_table[0][0] = (RGB){255, 77, 210};
+    rgb_table[0][1] = (RGB){255, 77, 77};
+    rgb_table[0][2] = (RGB){255, 179, 102};
+    rgb_table[0][3] = (RGB){133, 224, 133};
+    rgb_table[0][4] = (RGB){77, 121, 255};
+    rgb_table[1][0] = (RGB){255, 0, 191};
+    rgb_table[1][1] = (RGB){255, 0, 0};
+    rgb_table[1][2] = (RGB){255, 128, 0};
+    rgb_table[1][3] = (RGB){51, 204, 51};
+    rgb_table[1][4] = (RGB){0, 64, 255};
+    rgb_table[2][0] = (RGB){179, 0, 134};
+    rgb_table[2][1] = (RGB){179, 0, 0};
+    rgb_table[2][2] = (RGB){204, 102, 0};
+    rgb_table[2][3] = (RGB){31, 122, 31};
+    rgb_table[2][4] = (RGB){0, 45, 179};
+RGB get_new_color(float *cur_location, RGB rgb_table[][HORIZONTALNUMCOLOR]) {
+    int x;
+    int y;
+    if (cur_location[0] < -0.03f) {
+        x = 0;
+    } else if (cur_location[0] >= -0.03f && cur_location[0] < -0.01f) {
+        x = 1;
+    } else if (cur_location[0] >= -0.01f && cur_location[0] < 0.01f) {
+        x = 2;
+    } else if (cur_location[0] >= 0.01f && cur_location[0] < 0.03f) {
+        x = 3;
+    } else {
+        x = 4;
+    }
+    if (cur_location[1] > 0.0165f) {
+        y = 0;
+    } else if (cur_location[1] > -0.0165f && cur_location[1] <= 0.0165f) {
+        y = 1;
+    } else {
+        y = 2;
+    }
+    return rgb_table[y][x];
+void output_all_to_serial(float **all_data, int num_samples) {
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < num_samples; i++) {
+        printf("%6.3f,%7.5f,%7.5f,%7.5f\n",all_data[0][i],all_data[1][i],all_data[2][i],all_data[3][i]);
+        wait(0.01);
+    }
+    printf("Number of samples = %d\n", num_samples);
+    printf ("End Transmission!\n");
+void output_color_to_serial(float **color_data, int num_samples) {
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < num_samples; i++) {
+        printf("%6.3f,%d,%d,%d\n", color_data[0][i], (int)color_data[1][i],
+                    (int)color_data[2][i],(int)color_data[3][i]);
+        wait(0.01);
+    }
+    printf("Number of samples = %d\n", num_samples);
+    printf ("End Transmission!\n");
+void output_to_serial(float **vel_data, int num_samples) {
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < num_samples; i++) {
+        printf("%6.3f,%7.5f,%7.5f\n", vel_data[0][i], vel_data[1][i],vel_data[2][i]);
+        wait(0.01);
+    }
+    printf("Number of samples = %d\n", num_samples);
+    printf ("End Transmission!\n");
\ No newline at end of file