OSC Receiver program on mbed supporting types i:int32, b:blob, s:string, f:float32, m:MIDI. Attached OSC Sender program(in processing). Plese refer for detail:http://opensoundcontrol.org/introduction-osc

Dependencies:   EthernetNetIf mbed

diff -r 000000000000 -r cbfa819100c7 OSCReceiver.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/OSCReceiver.cpp	Mon Jan 10 04:08:25 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+// OSC Receiver
+// date: 2011/1/10
+// version: 0.7
+// written by: xshige
+// please find OSC Sender program at the bottom of this file
+  The followings are supported:
+    Transport Type: 
+      UDP
+    Features: 
+     Packet Parsing (Client)
+     Not Supported:Packet Construction (Server)
+     Bundle NOT Support
+     Timetag NOT Support
+    Type Support: 
+     i: int32
+     b: blob
+     s: string
+     f: float32
+     m: MIDI message(port id, status byte, data1, data2) // I don't know the detail
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "EthernetNetIf.h"
+#include "UDPSocket.h"
+//#define DHCP
+//#define INPUT_PORT 12000
+#define INPUT_PORT 57130
+#ifdef DHCP
+EthernetNetIf eth;
+EthernetNetIf eth(
+  IpAddr(192,168,0,25), //IP Address
+  IpAddr(255,255,255,0), //Network Mask
+  IpAddr(192,168,0,1), //Gateway
+  IpAddr(192,168,0,1)  //DNS
+//--- OSC related stuff ---
+union OSCarg {
+// char*, int and float are assumed four bytes
+        char *address;
+        char *typeTag;
+        int i;
+        float f;
+        char *s;
+        struct {
+            int len; // is "int i"
+            char *p;
+        } blob;
+        char m[4];  // for MIDI
+        char _b[4]; // endian conversion temp variable
+void getOSCmsg(char *packet , union OSCarg *msg){
+// Caution: the returned result points to packet as blobs or strings (not newly allocatd)
+    char *p, *typeTag; char c;
+    msg[0].address = packet; // address
+    msg[1].typeTag = packet+4*(strlen(msg[0].s)/4+1);//typeTag
+    typeTag=msg[1].s+1; // skip ','
+    p= msg[1].s+4*(strlen(msg[1].s)/4+1);
+    for(int n=0; n<strlen(typeTag); n++){
+        c = typeTag[n];
+        if (('s'==c)) {
+            msg[n+2].s=p;
+            p += 4*(strlen(msg[n+2].s)/4+1);
+        } else if (('i'==c)||('f'==c)) {
+            // chang endian (big to little)
+            msg[n+2]._b[3]=p[0]; 
+            msg[n+2]._b[2]=p[1]; 
+            msg[n+2]._b[1]=p[2];
+            msg[n+2]._b[0]=p[3];
+            p +=4;  
+        } else if ('b'==c) {
+            // chang endian (big to little)
+            // get lenth of blog (copy to msg[n].blog.len)
+            msg[n+2]._b[3]=p[0]; 
+            msg[n+2]._b[2]=p[1]; 
+            msg[n+2]._b[1]=p[2];
+            msg[n+2]._b[0]=p[3];
+            p +=4;  
+            // get ponter of blog (copy to msg[n].blog.p)
+            msg[n+2].blob.p=p;
+            p += 4*(msg[n+2].blob.len/4+1);       
+        } else if ('m'==c) {
+            // get midi data (copy to msg[n].m[])
+            msg[n+2].m[0]=p[0]; 
+            msg[n+2].m[1]=p[1]; 
+            msg[n+2].m[2]=p[2];
+            msg[n+2].m[3]=p[3];
+            p +=4;  
+        } else {
+            printf("*** Not Supported TypeTag:%s ****\n",typeTag);
+        }
+    };
+UDPSocket udp;
+void onUDPSocketEvent(UDPSocketEvent e)
+  union OSCarg msg[10];
+  switch(e)
+  {
+  case UDPSOCKET_READABLE: //The only event for now
+    char buf[256] = {0};
+    Host host;
+    while( int len = udp.recvfrom( buf, 256, &host ) )
+    {
+      if( len <= 0 )
+        break;
+      printf("\r\nFrom %d.%d.%d.%d:\r\n", 
+      host.getIp()[0], host.getIp()[1], host.getIp()[2], host.getIp()[3]);
+      getOSCmsg(buf,msg);
+      // address pattern samples
+      if (strcmp(msg[0].address,"/test")==0) {
+        printf("OSCmsg: %s %s %d %f %s %d\n", 
+            msg[0].address, msg[1].typeTag,msg[2].i, msg[3].f, msg[4].s, msg[5].blob.len);
+        printf("blob content:\n");
+        char *p=msg[5].blob.p;
+        for(int n=0; n<msg[5].blob.len; p++,n++) printf(" %02X",(unsigned char)(*p));
+        printf("\n");
+        break;
+      }
+      if (strcmp(msg[0].address,"/kb/m")==0) {
+        printf("OSCmsg: %s %s %d %d %d\n", 
+            msg[0].address, msg[1].typeTag,msg[2].i, msg[3].i, msg[4].i);
+        break;
+      }
+      if (strcmp(msg[0].address,"/cc/m")==0) {
+        printf("OSCmsg: %s %s %d %d %d\n", 
+            msg[0].address, msg[1].typeTag,msg[2].i, msg[3].i, msg[4].i);
+        break;
+      }
+      if (strcmp(msg[0].address,"/1/fader1")==0) {
+        printf("OSCmsg: %s %s %f\n", 
+            msg[0].address, msg[1].typeTag,msg[2].f);
+        break;
+      }
+      if (strcmp(msg[0].address,"/1/knob1")==0) {
+        printf("OSCmsg: %s %s %f\n", 
+            msg[0].address, msg[1].typeTag, msg[2].f);
+        break;
+      } 
+      if (strcmp(msg[0].address,"/1/butt/A1")==0) {
+        printf("OSCmsg: %s %s %i\n", 
+            msg[0].address, msg[1].typeTag, msg[2].i);
+        break;
+      }
+      if (strcmp(msg[0].address,"/1/butt/B1")==0) {
+        printf("OSCmsg: %s %s %i\n", 
+            msg[0].address, msg[1].typeTag, msg[2].i);
+        break;
+      }
+      if (strcmp(msg[0].address,"/mouse/dragged")==0) {
+        printf("OSCmsg: %s %s %i %i\n", 
+            msg[0].address, msg[1].typeTag, msg[2].i, msg[3].i);
+        break;
+      }
+      if (strcmp(msg[0].address,"/mouse/pressed")==0) {
+        printf("OSCmsg: %s %s %i %i\n", 
+            msg[0].address, msg[1].typeTag, msg[2].i, msg[3].i);
+        break;
+      }
+      if (strcmp(msg[0].address,"/1/xy")==0) {
+        printf("OSCmsg: %s %s %f %f %d\n", 
+            msg[0].address, msg[1].typeTag, msg[2].f, msg[3].f, msg[4].i);
+        break;
+      }
+      printf("undefined OSCmsg:%s %s\n",msg[0].address, msg[1].typeTag);
+    } // while
+    break;
+  } // case
+int main() {
+// make debug port Fast
+   Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+//    pc.baud(9600);
+    pc.baud(115200);
+//  pc.baud(230400);
+  printf("Setting up...\r\n");
+  EthernetErr ethErr = eth.setup();
+  if(ethErr)
+  {
+    printf("Error %d in setup.\r\n", ethErr);
+    return -1;
+  }
+  printf("Setup OK\r\n");
+  // port setup
+  Host recHost(IpAddr(192, 168, 0, 7), INPUT_PORT, NULL);
+  udp.setOnEvent(&onUDPSocketEvent);
+  udp.bind(recHost);
+  Timer tmr;
+  tmr.start();
+  while(true)
+  {
+    Net::poll();
+    if(tmr.read() > 5)
+    {
+      tmr.reset();
+    }
+  }
+// OSC mouse (OSC Sender)
+// written in: processing(refer to: http://processing.org/)
+// please install oscP5 lib
+// you can download this from: http://www.sojamo.de/libraries/oscP5/
+import oscP5.*;
+// initialise all OSC functionality
+void initOsc() {
+  host = ""; // mbed IP address (change this to fit your mbed)
+  sendToPort = 57130; // mbed port# (chang this if you need)
+  receiveAtPort = 12000; // not used at this time 
+  oscP5event = "oscEvent"; // the analyser method 
+  oscP5 = new OscP5(this, host, sendToPort, receiveAtPort, oscP5event);
+// oscP5 instance for the osc communication
+OscP5 oscP5;
+int receiveAtPort;
+int sendToPort;
+String host;
+String oscP5event;
+void setup(){
+  background(0);
+  size(400, 400);   
+  initOsc();
+  sendTestMsg();
+void oscEvent(OscIn oscIn) {
+  println("\n\nreceived a message ... forwarding to analyseMessage(OscIn)");
+  analyseMessage(oscIn);
+void analyseMessage(OscIn oscIn) {  
+    println("you have received an osc message "+
+      oscIn.getAddrPatternAsBytes()+"   "+oscIn.getTypetagAsBytes()
+      );
+      byte[] o = oscIn.getBytes();
+     for(int i=0;i<o.length;i++) {
+      if ((i%4)==0) println("\n--------------------");
+      print(hex(o[i],2)+"("+char(o[i])+")"+":");
+       if ((((i+1)%4)==0)&&((i+1)>=4)) {
+         int data= (0x1000000*(o[i-3]&0xFF)+
+               0x10000*(o[i-2]&0xFF)+
+               0x100*(o[i-1]&0xFF)+
+               (o[i]&0xFF));
+         print("\nint: "+data);
+         print("\nfloat: "+Float.intBitsToFloat(data));
+    }
+  }
+void draw() {
+void sendTestMsg() {        
+  OscMessage oscMsg= oscP5.newMsg("/test");
+  oscMsg.add(mouseY);
+  oscMsg.add(34.55);
+  oscMsg.add("yippyy!"); 
+  // add a byte blob to the osc message
+  oscMsg.add(
+     new byte[] {0x00, 0x01, 0x10, 0x20,0x30,0x40,0x50,0x60,0x7F,
+       -128,-1,(byte)0x80,(byte)0x90,(byte)0xA0,(byte)0xB0,(byte)0xC0,
+     (byte)0xD0,(byte)0xE0,(byte)0xFF});
+ // 0x80,0x90,0xFE,0xFF etc do not work because byte is 127 thru -128.
+ // so do it like: (byte)0xFF
+  oscP5.send(oscMsg);
+void mousePressed() {        
+  OscMessage oscMsg= oscP5.newMsg("/mouse/pressed");
+  oscMsg.add(mouseX);
+  oscMsg.add(mouseY);
+  oscP5.send(oscMsg);
+  oscMsg= oscP5.newMsg("/1/xy");
+  oscMsg.add(mouseX*1.0/width);
+  oscMsg.add(mouseY*1.0/height);
+  oscMsg.add(1);// button status:pressed
+  oscP5.send(oscMsg);
+void mouseDragged() { 
+  OscMessage oscMsg= oscP5.newMsg("/mouse/dragged");
+  oscMsg.add(mouseX);
+  oscMsg.add(mouseY);
+  oscP5.send(oscMsg);
+  oscMsg= oscP5.newMsg("/1/xy");
+  oscMsg.add(mouseX*1.0/width);
+  oscMsg.add(mouseY*1.0/height);
+  oscMsg.add(1); // button status:pressed
+  oscP5.send(oscMsg);
+void mouseReleased() {        
+  OscMessage oscMsg= oscP5.newMsg("/1/xy");
+  oscMsg.add(mouseX*1.0/width);
+  oscMsg.add(mouseY*1.0/height);
+  oscMsg.add(0); // button status:released
+  oscP5.send(oscMsg);