The CMSIS DSP 5 library

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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/functions/MatrixFunctions/arm_mat_inverse_f64.c	Wed Jun 20 11:21:31 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,691 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Project:      CMSIS DSP Library
+ * Title:        arm_mat_inverse_f64.c
+ * Description:  Floating-point matrix inverse
+ *
+ * $Date:        27. January 2017
+ * $Revision:    V.1.5.1
+ *
+ * Target Processor: Cortex-M cores
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2017 ARM Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
+ * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
+ * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "arm_math.h"
+ * @ingroup groupMatrix
+ */
+ * @defgroup MatrixInv Matrix Inverse
+ *
+ * Computes the inverse of a matrix.
+ *
+ * The inverse is defined only if the input matrix is square and non-singular (the determinant
+ * is non-zero). The function checks that the input and output matrices are square and of the
+ * same size.
+ *
+ * Matrix inversion is numerically sensitive and the CMSIS DSP library only supports matrix
+ * inversion of floating-point matrices.
+ *
+ * \par Algorithm
+ * The Gauss-Jordan method is used to find the inverse.
+ * The algorithm performs a sequence of elementary row-operations until it
+ * reduces the input matrix to an identity matrix. Applying the same sequence
+ * of elementary row-operations to an identity matrix yields the inverse matrix.
+ * If the input matrix is singular, then the algorithm terminates and returns error status
+ * <code>ARM_MATH_SINGULAR</code>.
+ * \image html MatrixInverse.gif "Matrix Inverse of a 3 x 3 matrix using Gauss-Jordan Method"
+ */
+ * @addtogroup MatrixInv
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief Floating-point matrix inverse.
+ * @param[in]       *pSrc points to input matrix structure
+ * @param[out]      *pDst points to output matrix structure
+ * @return     		The function returns
+ * <code>ARM_MATH_SIZE_MISMATCH</code> if the input matrix is not square or if the size
+ * of the output matrix does not match the size of the input matrix.
+ * If the input matrix is found to be singular (non-invertible), then the function returns
+ * <code>ARM_MATH_SINGULAR</code>.  Otherwise, the function returns <code>ARM_MATH_SUCCESS</code>.
+ */
+arm_status arm_mat_inverse_f64(
+  const arm_matrix_instance_f64 * pSrc,
+  arm_matrix_instance_f64 * pDst)
+  float64_t *pIn = pSrc->pData;                  /* input data matrix pointer */
+  float64_t *pOut = pDst->pData;                 /* output data matrix pointer */
+  float64_t *pInT1, *pInT2;                      /* Temporary input data matrix pointer */
+  float64_t *pOutT1, *pOutT2;                    /* Temporary output data matrix pointer */
+  float64_t *pPivotRowIn, *pPRT_in, *pPivotRowDst, *pPRT_pDst;  /* Temporary input and output data matrix pointer */
+  uint32_t numRows = pSrc->numRows;              /* Number of rows in the matrix  */
+  uint32_t numCols = pSrc->numCols;              /* Number of Cols in the matrix  */
+#if defined (ARM_MATH_DSP)
+  float64_t maxC;                                /* maximum value in the column */
+  /* Run the below code for Cortex-M4 and Cortex-M3 */
+  float64_t Xchg, in = 0.0f, in1;                /* Temporary input values  */
+  uint32_t i, rowCnt, flag = 0U, j, loopCnt, k, l;      /* loop counters */
+  arm_status status;                             /* status of matrix inverse */
+  /* Check for matrix mismatch condition */
+  if ((pSrc->numRows != pSrc->numCols) || (pDst->numRows != pDst->numCols)
+     || (pSrc->numRows != pDst->numRows))
+  {
+    /* Set status as ARM_MATH_SIZE_MISMATCH */
+  }
+  else
+#endif /*    #ifdef ARM_MATH_MATRIX_CHECK    */
+  {
+    /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	 * Matrix Inverse can be solved using elementary row operations.
+	 *
+	 *	Gauss-Jordan Method:
+	 *
+	 *	   1. First combine the identity matrix and the input matrix separated by a bar to form an
+	 *        augmented matrix as follows:
+	 *				        _ 	      	       _         _	       _
+	 *					   |  a11  a12 | 1   0  |       |  X11 X12  |
+	 *					   |           |        |   =   |           |
+	 *					   |_ a21  a22 | 0   1 _|       |_ X21 X21 _|
+	 *
+	 *		2. In our implementation, pDst Matrix is used as identity matrix.
+	 *
+	 *		3. Begin with the first row. Let i = 1.
+	 *
+	 *	    4. Check to see if the pivot for column i is the greatest of the column.
+	 *		   The pivot is the element of the main diagonal that is on the current row.
+	 *		   For instance, if working with row i, then the pivot element is aii.
+	 *		   If the pivot is not the most significant of the columns, exchange that row with a row
+	 *		   below it that does contain the most significant value in column i. If the most
+	 *         significant value of the column is zero, then an inverse to that matrix does not exist.
+	 *		   The most significant value of the column is the absolute maximum.
+	 *
+	 *	    5. Divide every element of row i by the pivot.
+	 *
+	 *	    6. For every row below and  row i, replace that row with the sum of that row and
+	 *		   a multiple of row i so that each new element in column i below row i is zero.
+	 *
+	 *	    7. Move to the next row and column and repeat steps 2 through 5 until you have zeros
+	 *		   for every element below and above the main diagonal.
+	 *
+	 *		8. Now an identical matrix is formed to the left of the bar(input matrix, pSrc).
+	 *		   Therefore, the matrix to the right of the bar is our solution(pDst matrix, pDst).
+	 *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    /* Working pointer for destination matrix */
+    pOutT1 = pOut;
+    /* Loop over the number of rows */
+    rowCnt = numRows;
+    /* Making the destination matrix as identity matrix */
+    while (rowCnt > 0U)
+    {
+      /* Writing all zeroes in lower triangle of the destination matrix */
+      j = numRows - rowCnt;
+      while (j > 0U)
+      {
+        *pOutT1++ = 0.0f;
+        j--;
+      }
+      /* Writing all ones in the diagonal of the destination matrix */
+      *pOutT1++ = 1.0f;
+      /* Writing all zeroes in upper triangle of the destination matrix */
+      j = rowCnt - 1U;
+      while (j > 0U)
+      {
+        *pOutT1++ = 0.0f;
+        j--;
+      }
+      /* Decrement the loop counter */
+      rowCnt--;
+    }
+    /* Loop over the number of columns of the input matrix.
+       All the elements in each column are processed by the row operations */
+    loopCnt = numCols;
+    /* Index modifier to navigate through the columns */
+    l = 0U;
+    while (loopCnt > 0U)
+    {
+      /* Check if the pivot element is zero..
+       * If it is zero then interchange the row with non zero row below.
+       * If there is no non zero element to replace in the rows below,
+       * then the matrix is Singular. */
+      /* Working pointer for the input matrix that points
+       * to the pivot element of the particular row  */
+      pInT1 = pIn + (l * numCols);
+      /* Working pointer for the destination matrix that points
+       * to the pivot element of the particular row  */
+      pOutT1 = pOut + (l * numCols);
+      /* Temporary variable to hold the pivot value */
+      in = *pInT1;
+      /* Grab the most significant value from column l */
+      maxC = 0;
+      for (i = l; i < numRows; i++)
+      {
+        maxC = *pInT1 > 0 ? (*pInT1 > maxC ? *pInT1 : maxC) : (-*pInT1 > maxC ? -*pInT1 : maxC);
+        pInT1 += numCols;
+      }
+      /* Update the status if the matrix is singular */
+      if (maxC == 0.0f)
+      {
+        return ARM_MATH_SINGULAR;
+      }
+      /* Restore pInT1  */
+      pInT1 = pIn;
+      /* Destination pointer modifier */
+      k = 1U;
+      /* Check if the pivot element is the most significant of the column */
+      if ( (in > 0.0f ? in : -in) != maxC)
+      {
+        /* Loop over the number rows present below */
+        i = numRows - (l + 1U);
+        while (i > 0U)
+        {
+          /* Update the input and destination pointers */
+          pInT2 = pInT1 + (numCols * l);
+          pOutT2 = pOutT1 + (numCols * k);
+          /* Look for the most significant element to
+           * replace in the rows below */
+          if ((*pInT2 > 0.0f ? *pInT2: -*pInT2) == maxC)
+          {
+            /* Loop over number of columns
+             * to the right of the pilot element */
+            j = numCols - l;
+            while (j > 0U)
+            {
+              /* Exchange the row elements of the input matrix */
+              Xchg = *pInT2;
+              *pInT2++ = *pInT1;
+              *pInT1++ = Xchg;
+              /* Decrement the loop counter */
+              j--;
+            }
+            /* Loop over number of columns of the destination matrix */
+            j = numCols;
+            while (j > 0U)
+            {
+              /* Exchange the row elements of the destination matrix */
+              Xchg = *pOutT2;
+              *pOutT2++ = *pOutT1;
+              *pOutT1++ = Xchg;
+              /* Decrement the loop counter */
+              j--;
+            }
+            /* Flag to indicate whether exchange is done or not */
+            flag = 1U;
+            /* Break after exchange is done */
+            break;
+          }
+          /* Update the destination pointer modifier */
+          k++;
+          /* Decrement the loop counter */
+          i--;
+        }
+      }
+      /* Update the status if the matrix is singular */
+      if ((flag != 1U) && (in == 0.0f))
+      {
+        return ARM_MATH_SINGULAR;
+      }
+      /* Points to the pivot row of input and destination matrices */
+      pPivotRowIn = pIn + (l * numCols);
+      pPivotRowDst = pOut + (l * numCols);
+      /* Temporary pointers to the pivot row pointers */
+      pInT1 = pPivotRowIn;
+      pInT2 = pPivotRowDst;
+      /* Pivot element of the row */
+      in = *pPivotRowIn;
+      /* Loop over number of columns
+       * to the right of the pilot element */
+      j = (numCols - l);
+      while (j > 0U)
+      {
+        /* Divide each element of the row of the input matrix
+         * by the pivot element */
+        in1 = *pInT1;
+        *pInT1++ = in1 / in;
+        /* Decrement the loop counter */
+        j--;
+      }
+      /* Loop over number of columns of the destination matrix */
+      j = numCols;
+      while (j > 0U)
+      {
+        /* Divide each element of the row of the destination matrix
+         * by the pivot element */
+        in1 = *pInT2;
+        *pInT2++ = in1 / in;
+        /* Decrement the loop counter */
+        j--;
+      }
+      /* Replace the rows with the sum of that row and a multiple of row i
+       * so that each new element in column i above row i is zero.*/
+      /* Temporary pointers for input and destination matrices */
+      pInT1 = pIn;
+      pInT2 = pOut;
+      /* index used to check for pivot element */
+      i = 0U;
+      /* Loop over number of rows */
+      /*  to be replaced by the sum of that row and a multiple of row i */
+      k = numRows;
+      while (k > 0U)
+      {
+        /* Check for the pivot element */
+        if (i == l)
+        {
+          /* If the processing element is the pivot element,
+             only the columns to the right are to be processed */
+          pInT1 += numCols - l;
+          pInT2 += numCols;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          /* Element of the reference row */
+          in = *pInT1;
+          /* Working pointers for input and destination pivot rows */
+          pPRT_in = pPivotRowIn;
+          pPRT_pDst = pPivotRowDst;
+          /* Loop over the number of columns to the right of the pivot element,
+             to replace the elements in the input matrix */
+          j = (numCols - l);
+          while (j > 0U)
+          {
+            /* Replace the element by the sum of that row
+               and a multiple of the reference row  */
+            in1 = *pInT1;
+            *pInT1++ = in1 - (in * *pPRT_in++);
+            /* Decrement the loop counter */
+            j--;
+          }
+          /* Loop over the number of columns to
+             replace the elements in the destination matrix */
+          j = numCols;
+          while (j > 0U)
+          {
+            /* Replace the element by the sum of that row
+               and a multiple of the reference row  */
+            in1 = *pInT2;
+            *pInT2++ = in1 - (in * *pPRT_pDst++);
+            /* Decrement the loop counter */
+            j--;
+          }
+        }
+        /* Increment the temporary input pointer */
+        pInT1 = pInT1 + l;
+        /* Decrement the loop counter */
+        k--;
+        /* Increment the pivot index */
+        i++;
+      }
+      /* Increment the input pointer */
+      pIn++;
+      /* Decrement the loop counter */
+      loopCnt--;
+      /* Increment the index modifier */
+      l++;
+    }
+  /* Run the below code for Cortex-M0 */
+  float64_t Xchg, in = 0.0f;                     /* Temporary input values  */
+  uint32_t i, rowCnt, flag = 0U, j, loopCnt, k, l;      /* loop counters */
+  arm_status status;                             /* status of matrix inverse */
+  /* Check for matrix mismatch condition */
+  if ((pSrc->numRows != pSrc->numCols) || (pDst->numRows != pDst->numCols)
+     || (pSrc->numRows != pDst->numRows))
+  {
+    /* Set status as ARM_MATH_SIZE_MISMATCH */
+  }
+  else
+#endif /*      #ifdef ARM_MATH_MATRIX_CHECK    */
+  {
+    /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	 * Matrix Inverse can be solved using elementary row operations.
+	 *
+	 *	Gauss-Jordan Method:
+	 *
+	 *	   1. First combine the identity matrix and the input matrix separated by a bar to form an
+	 *        augmented matrix as follows:
+	 *				        _  _	      _	    _	   _   _         _	       _
+	 *					   |  |  a11  a12  | | | 1   0  |   |       |  X11 X12  |
+	 *					   |  |            | | |        |   |   =   |           |
+	 *					   |_ |_ a21  a22 _| | |_0   1 _|  _|       |_ X21 X21 _|
+	 *
+	 *		2. In our implementation, pDst Matrix is used as identity matrix.
+	 *
+	 *		3. Begin with the first row. Let i = 1.
+	 *
+	 *	    4. Check to see if the pivot for row i is zero.
+	 *		   The pivot is the element of the main diagonal that is on the current row.
+	 *		   For instance, if working with row i, then the pivot element is aii.
+	 *		   If the pivot is zero, exchange that row with a row below it that does not
+	 *		   contain a zero in column i. If this is not possible, then an inverse
+	 *		   to that matrix does not exist.
+	 *
+	 *	    5. Divide every element of row i by the pivot.
+	 *
+	 *	    6. For every row below and  row i, replace that row with the sum of that row and
+	 *		   a multiple of row i so that each new element in column i below row i is zero.
+	 *
+	 *	    7. Move to the next row and column and repeat steps 2 through 5 until you have zeros
+	 *		   for every element below and above the main diagonal.
+	 *
+	 *		8. Now an identical matrix is formed to the left of the bar(input matrix, src).
+	 *		   Therefore, the matrix to the right of the bar is our solution(dst matrix, dst).
+	 *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    /* Working pointer for destination matrix */
+    pOutT1 = pOut;
+    /* Loop over the number of rows */
+    rowCnt = numRows;
+    /* Making the destination matrix as identity matrix */
+    while (rowCnt > 0U)
+    {
+      /* Writing all zeroes in lower triangle of the destination matrix */
+      j = numRows - rowCnt;
+      while (j > 0U)
+      {
+        *pOutT1++ = 0.0f;
+        j--;
+      }
+      /* Writing all ones in the diagonal of the destination matrix */
+      *pOutT1++ = 1.0f;
+      /* Writing all zeroes in upper triangle of the destination matrix */
+      j = rowCnt - 1U;
+      while (j > 0U)
+      {
+        *pOutT1++ = 0.0f;
+        j--;
+      }
+      /* Decrement the loop counter */
+      rowCnt--;
+    }
+    /* Loop over the number of columns of the input matrix.
+       All the elements in each column are processed by the row operations */
+    loopCnt = numCols;
+    /* Index modifier to navigate through the columns */
+    l = 0U;
+    //for(loopCnt = 0U; loopCnt < numCols; loopCnt++)
+    while (loopCnt > 0U)
+    {
+      /* Check if the pivot element is zero..
+       * If it is zero then interchange the row with non zero row below.
+       * If there is no non zero element to replace in the rows below,
+       * then the matrix is Singular. */
+      /* Working pointer for the input matrix that points
+       * to the pivot element of the particular row  */
+      pInT1 = pIn + (l * numCols);
+      /* Working pointer for the destination matrix that points
+       * to the pivot element of the particular row  */
+      pOutT1 = pOut + (l * numCols);
+      /* Temporary variable to hold the pivot value */
+      in = *pInT1;
+      /* Destination pointer modifier */
+      k = 1U;
+      /* Check if the pivot element is zero */
+      if (*pInT1 == 0.0f)
+      {
+        /* Loop over the number rows present below */
+        for (i = (l + 1U); i < numRows; i++)
+        {
+          /* Update the input and destination pointers */
+          pInT2 = pInT1 + (numCols * l);
+          pOutT2 = pOutT1 + (numCols * k);
+          /* Check if there is a non zero pivot element to
+           * replace in the rows below */
+          if (*pInT2 != 0.0f)
+          {
+            /* Loop over number of columns
+             * to the right of the pilot element */
+            for (j = 0U; j < (numCols - l); j++)
+            {
+              /* Exchange the row elements of the input matrix */
+              Xchg = *pInT2;
+              *pInT2++ = *pInT1;
+              *pInT1++ = Xchg;
+            }
+            for (j = 0U; j < numCols; j++)
+            {
+              Xchg = *pOutT2;
+              *pOutT2++ = *pOutT1;
+              *pOutT1++ = Xchg;
+            }
+            /* Flag to indicate whether exchange is done or not */
+            flag = 1U;
+            /* Break after exchange is done */
+            break;
+          }
+          /* Update the destination pointer modifier */
+          k++;
+        }
+      }
+      /* Update the status if the matrix is singular */
+      if ((flag != 1U) && (in == 0.0f))
+      {
+        return ARM_MATH_SINGULAR;
+      }
+      /* Points to the pivot row of input and destination matrices */
+      pPivotRowIn = pIn + (l * numCols);
+      pPivotRowDst = pOut + (l * numCols);
+      /* Temporary pointers to the pivot row pointers */
+      pInT1 = pPivotRowIn;
+      pOutT1 = pPivotRowDst;
+      /* Pivot element of the row */
+      in = *(pIn + (l * numCols));
+      /* Loop over number of columns
+       * to the right of the pilot element */
+      for (j = 0U; j < (numCols - l); j++)
+      {
+        /* Divide each element of the row of the input matrix
+         * by the pivot element */
+        *pInT1 = *pInT1 / in;
+        pInT1++;
+      }
+      for (j = 0U; j < numCols; j++)
+      {
+        /* Divide each element of the row of the destination matrix
+         * by the pivot element */
+        *pOutT1 = *pOutT1 / in;
+        pOutT1++;
+      }
+      /* Replace the rows with the sum of that row and a multiple of row i
+       * so that each new element in column i above row i is zero.*/
+      /* Temporary pointers for input and destination matrices */
+      pInT1 = pIn;
+      pOutT1 = pOut;
+      for (i = 0U; i < numRows; i++)
+      {
+        /* Check for the pivot element */
+        if (i == l)
+        {
+          /* If the processing element is the pivot element,
+             only the columns to the right are to be processed */
+          pInT1 += numCols - l;
+          pOutT1 += numCols;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          /* Element of the reference row */
+          in = *pInT1;
+          /* Working pointers for input and destination pivot rows */
+          pPRT_in = pPivotRowIn;
+          pPRT_pDst = pPivotRowDst;
+          /* Loop over the number of columns to the right of the pivot element,
+             to replace the elements in the input matrix */
+          for (j = 0U; j < (numCols - l); j++)
+          {
+            /* Replace the element by the sum of that row
+               and a multiple of the reference row  */
+            *pInT1 = *pInT1 - (in * *pPRT_in++);
+            pInT1++;
+          }
+          /* Loop over the number of columns to
+             replace the elements in the destination matrix */
+          for (j = 0U; j < numCols; j++)
+          {
+            /* Replace the element by the sum of that row
+               and a multiple of the reference row  */
+            *pOutT1 = *pOutT1 - (in * *pPRT_pDst++);
+            pOutT1++;
+          }
+        }
+        /* Increment the temporary input pointer */
+        pInT1 = pInT1 + l;
+      }
+      /* Increment the input pointer */
+      pIn++;
+      /* Decrement the loop counter */
+      loopCnt--;
+      /* Increment the index modifier */
+      l++;
+    }
+#endif /* #if defined (ARM_MATH_DSP) */
+    /* Set status as ARM_MATH_SUCCESS */
+    status = ARM_MATH_SUCCESS;
+    if ((flag != 1U) && (in == 0.0f))
+    {
+      pIn = pSrc->pData;
+      for (i = 0; i < numRows * numCols; i++)
+      {
+        if (pIn[i] != 0.0f)
+            break;
+      }
+      if (i == numRows * numCols)
+        status = ARM_MATH_SINGULAR;
+    }
+  }
+  /* Return to application */
+  return (status);
+ * @} end of MatrixInv group
+ */