Dependencies:   max32630fthr Adafruit_FeatherOLED USBDevice

Sun Apr 19 11:19:57 2020 +0000

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
gmehmet 1:f60eafbf009a 1 /** 128*128 1bpp version of the mbed-enabled logo */
gmehmet 1:f60eafbf009a 2 #if 0
gmehmet 1:f60eafbf009a 3 extern const unsigned char mbed_enabled_logo[];
gmehmet 1:f60eafbf009a 4 #endif
gmehmet 1:f60eafbf009a 5 extern const unsigned char maxim_integrated_logo[];
gmehmet 1:f60eafbf009a 6 extern const unsigned char maxim128Bitmaps[];
gmehmet 1:f60eafbf009a 7 extern const unsigned char BLELogoBitmap[];
gmehmet 1:f60eafbf009a 8 extern const unsigned char USBLogoBitmap[];
wwwarunraj 4:291477e8690d 9 //extern const unsigned string a;
gmehmet 1:f60eafbf009a 10
gmehmet 1:f60eafbf009a 11 #ifndef MBED_LOGO_H
gmehmet 1:f60eafbf009a 12 #define MBED_LOGO_H
gmehmet 1:f60eafbf009a 13
gmehmet 1:f60eafbf009a 14 typedef struct
gmehmet 1:f60eafbf009a 15 {
gmehmet 1:f60eafbf009a 16 const unsigned char width;
gmehmet 1:f60eafbf009a 17 const unsigned char height;
gmehmet 1:f60eafbf009a 18 const unsigned short offset;
gmehmet 1:f60eafbf009a 19
gmehmet 1:f60eafbf009a 20 } FONT_CHAR_INFO;
gmehmet 1:f60eafbf009a 21
gmehmet 1:f60eafbf009a 22 typedef struct
gmehmet 1:f60eafbf009a 23 {
gmehmet 1:f60eafbf009a 24 const unsigned char height;
gmehmet 1:f60eafbf009a 25 const char startCh;
gmehmet 1:f60eafbf009a 26 const char endCh;
gmehmet 1:f60eafbf009a 27 const FONT_CHAR_INFO* charDesc;
gmehmet 1:f60eafbf009a 28 const unsigned char* bitmap;
gmehmet 1:f60eafbf009a 29
gmehmet 1:f60eafbf009a 30 } FONT_INFO;
gmehmet 1:f60eafbf009a 31
gmehmet 1:f60eafbf009a 32 // Font data for Ubuntu Condensed 28pt
gmehmet 1:f60eafbf009a 33 extern const unsigned char ubuntuCondensed_28ptBitmaps[];
gmehmet 1:f60eafbf009a 34 extern const FONT_INFO ubuntuCondensed_28ptFontInfo;
gmehmet 1:f60eafbf009a 35 extern const FONT_CHAR_INFO ubuntuCondensed_28ptDescriptors[];
gmehmet 1:f60eafbf009a 36 // Bitmap info for maxim128
gmehmet 1:f60eafbf009a 37
gmehmet 1:f60eafbf009a 38 //extern const unsigned char maxim128WidthPages;
gmehmet 1:f60eafbf009a 39 //extern const unsigned char maxim128HeightPixels;
gmehmet 1:f60eafbf009a 40
gmehmet 1:f60eafbf009a 41 // Font data for Microsoft Sans Serif 8pt
gmehmet 1:f60eafbf009a 42 extern const unsigned char AM_Bitmap[];
gmehmet 1:f60eafbf009a 43 extern const unsigned char PM_Bitmap[];
gmehmet 1:f60eafbf009a 44
gmehmet 1:f60eafbf009a 45
gmehmet 1:f60eafbf009a 46 #endif // MBED_LOGO_H