A Command Interpreter with support for used defined commands, subsystems, macros, help and parameter parsing.

Request to fix CMDB compile error.

Hi, Wim van der Vegt

CMDB library is excellent. But due to recent change of Serial class in mbed, there is compile error during CMDB build procedure. I hope you merge my patch.

Fix compile error of CMDB which occurred by mbed-src modification. CMDB


30 Mar 2015


Please keep me informed (due to some critical code I have not updated mbed libs in my main app, so have not encountered these changes myself).

If you have any questions or suggestions, please let me know!

regards wvd_vegt

22 Jan 2019

Hellow Mr. van der Vegt, It looks like your library is what I am looking for. I imported it to my project today and still exploring it. I found a compile error with CMdb constructor:

Cmdb cmdb(serial, cmds, &my_dispatcher);

where serial is defined like so:

RawSerial serial(USBTX, USBRX);

The issue is that on Mbed 5.11, RawSerial is a noncopyable object. In the object constructor the param _serial (RawSerial& _serial) is an object reference which is then copied to the member serial which violate noncopyable restriction.

I fixed it by changing the data type of the member serial from RawSerial& serial; to RawSerial& serial; and remove const from constructor's definition Cmdb(const RawSerial& _serial, std::v . . .)

That's was the only change I have to make. Thanks very much, -Sitti