Fork of the offical HSP_RPC_GUI firmware

Dependencies:   USBDevice

Fork of MAXREFDES100 firmware for MAX32620HSP

--- a/HSP/Devices/S25FS256/S25FS512.h	Tue Oct 25 15:22:11 2016 +0000
+++ b/HSP/Devices/S25FS256/S25FS512.h	Fri Apr 21 12:12:30 2017 -0500
@@ -36,75 +36,116 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "QuadSpiInterface.h"
+#define IOMUX_IO_ENABLE              1
+#define S25FS512_SPI_PORT            1
+#define S25FS512_CS_PIN              0
+#define S25FS512_CS_POLARITY         0
+#define S25FS512_CS_ACTIVITY_DELAY   0
+#define S25FS512_CLK_HI              4
+#define S25FS512_CLK_LOW             4
+#define S25FS512_ALT_CLK             0
+#define S25FS512_CLK_POLARITY        0
+#define S25FS512_CLK_PHASE           0
+#define S25FS512_WRITE               1
+#define S25FS512_READ                0
+///< Byte addresses for flash configuration
+#define Address_CR1NV   0x00000002
+#define Address_CR1V    0x00800002
+#define Address_CR2NV   0x00000003
+#define Address_CR2V    0x00800003
+#define INT_PORT_B 3
+#define INT_PIN_B 6
 class S25FS512 {
+  ///< @detail S25FS512 Commands
+  typedef enum{ 
+    Write_Reg              = 0x01,
+    Read_Status_Reg1       = 0x05,
+    Write_Enable           = 0x06,
+    Erase_4k               = 0x20,
+    Bulk_Erase             = 0x60,
+    Read_Any_Reg           = 0x65,
+    Software_Reset_Enable  = 0x66,
+    Write_Any_Reg          = 0x71,
+    Software_Reset         = 0x99,
+    Read_Id                = 0x9F,
+    Erase_64k_256k         = 0xD8,
+    Quad_IO_Read           = 0xEB,
+  } S25FS512_Commands_t;
   S25FS512(QuadSpiInterface *_quadSpiInterface);
   QuadSpiInterface *quadSpiInterface;
-  /** Initialize the driver
+  /** @brief Initialize the driver
-  int init(void);
+  void init(void);
-  /** Detect the presence of the flash device
+  /** @brief Detect the presence of the flash device
   uint8_t detect(void);
-  /** Read the identification of the flash
+  /** @brief Read the identification of the flash
   int8_t readIdentification(uint8_t *dataArray, uint8_t length);
-  /** Bulk erase the flash device
+  /** @brief Bulk erase the flash device
   int8_t bulkErase_Helper(void);
-  /** Erase Parameter Sectors
+  /** @brief Erase Parameter Sectors
   int8_t parameterSectorErase_Helper(uint32_t address);
-  /** Write a Page
+  /** @brief Write a Page
-  int8_t writePage_Helper(uint32_t pageNumber, uint8_t *buffer,
-                          uint32_t offset);
+  int8_t writePage_Helper(uint32_t pageNumber, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t offset);
+  /** @brief Read a Page 
+  */
+  int8_t readPages_Helper(uint32_t startPageNumber,uint32_t endPageNumber, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t offset);
-  /** Read a Page
-  * @param
-  */
-  int8_t readPages_Helper(uint32_t startPageNumber, uint32_t endPageNumber,
-                          uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t offset);
-  /** Erase a Sector
+  /** @brief Erase a Sector 
   @param address Address of sector to erase
+  int8_t sectorErase_Helper(uint32_t address);
-  int8_t sectorErase_Helper(uint32_t address);
-  /** Scans through byte pointer for a page worth of data to see if the page is all FFs
+  /** @brief Scans through byte pointer for a page worth of data to see if the page is all FFs
   @param ptr Byte pointer to buffer to scan
   @return Returns a 1 if the page is empty, 0 if it is not all FFs
-  uint32_t isPageEmpty(uint8_t *ptr);
-  /** Issue a software reset to the flash device
+  bool isPageEmpty(uint8_t *ptr);
+  /** @brief Issue a software reset to the flash device 
   uint8_t reset(void);
-  /** Enable a hardware reset
+  /** @brief Enable a hardware reset
   uint8_t enableHWReset(void);
-  /** Read the id byte of this device
+  /** @brief Read the id byte of this device 
   void readID(uint8_t *id);
+  void test_verifyPage0Empty(uint8_t *ptr, int currentPage, int pagesWrittenTo);
+  void disableInterrupt(uint8_t state);
   int8_t reg_write_read_multiple_quad_last(uint8_t *dataIn, uint8_t numberIn, uint8_t *dataOut, uint8_t numberOut, uint8_t last);
   int8_t reg_write_read_multiple_quad(uint8_t *dataIn, uint8_t numberIn, uint8_t *dataOut, uint8_t numberOut);
   int8_t reg_write_read_multiple_4Wire(uint8_t *bufferOut, uint8_t numberOut, uint8_t *bufferIn, uint8_t numberIn);
   uint8_t spiWriteRead (uint8_t writeNumber,uint8_t *writeData, uint8_t readNumber, uint8_t *readData);
   uint8_t spiWriteRead4Wire(uint8_t writeNumber,uint8_t *writeData, uint8_t readNumber, uint8_t *readData);
   int8_t writeAnyRegister(uint32_t address, uint8_t data);
   int8_t writeAnyRegister4Wire(uint32_t address, uint8_t data);
   int8_t writeRegisters(void);
@@ -120,8 +161,7 @@
   void waitTillNotBusy(void);
   int8_t sectorErase(uint32_t address);
   int8_t parameterSectorErase(uint32_t address);
-  void wait_1mS(void);
-  void wait_100uS(void);
-  void wait_10mS(void);
+  uint8_t flashBuffer[257 + 10];
 #endif /* S25FS512_H_ */