DISCO-F469NI_Button_and_Slider_Library v1.0

Dependencies:   BSP_DISCO_F469NI LCD_DISCO_F469NI TS_DISCO_F469NI mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Sep 25 12:38:48 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+//  Demo program for 
+//  F469_Button and Slider library
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "F469_BUTTON.hpp"
+#include "F469_SLIDER.hpp"
+DigitalOut led_green(LED1);
+DigitalOut led_orange(LED2);
+DigitalOut led_red(LED3);
+DigitalOut led_blue(LED4);
+TS_DISCO_F469NI ts_;
+LCD_DISCO_F469NI lcd_;
+char char_SliderDisplayValue[4];    // String Value to display for the Slider Control value 
+uint16_t SliderDisplayValue_;       // Variable used to access Slider Control Value in F469SLIDER.cpp
+int main()
+    led_green = 1;         // Switch off all LEDs
+    led_orange = 1;
+    led_red = 1;
+    led_blue = 1; 
+    lcd_.Clear(LCD_COLOR_WHITE);                                        // Set LCD Background colour
+    Slider sld1(lcd_, ts_, 20, 350, 220, 40, 5, 1, 20,      
+                 LCD_COLOR_BLUE, LCD_COLOR_YELLOW, 1, "Slider1", Font20);   // Define sld1 slider            
+    sld1.Render();                                                          // Draw sld1 Slider  
+    Slider Slider2(lcd_, ts_, 300, 350, 300, 40, 50, 1, 100,      
+                 LCD_COLOR_BLUE, LCD_COLOR_YELLOW, 2, "Slider2", Font20);   // Define Slider2 slider            
+    Slider2.Render();                                                       // Draw Slider2 Slider      
+    Button btn1(lcd_, ts_, 20, 100, 120, 60,            
+                 LCD_COLOR_BLUE, LCD_COLOR_YELLOW, 1, "BUTTON1", Font20);  // Define btn1 button            
+    btn1.Render();                                                         // Draw btn1 button
+    Button test(lcd_, ts_, 160, 100, 120, 60,
+                 LCD_COLOR_DARKBLUE, LCD_COLOR_GREEN, 1, "TEST", Font20);  // Define test button                   
+    test.Render();                                                         // Draw test button
+    Button show(lcd_, ts_, 300, 100, 120, 60,            
+                 LCD_COLOR_BROWN, LCD_COLOR_GRAY, 1,  "SHOW", Font20);     // Define hide button            
+    show.Hide();  
+    Button hide(lcd_, ts_, 300, 100, 120, 60,            
+                 LCD_COLOR_BROWN, LCD_COLOR_GRAY, 1,  "HIDE", Font20);     // Define hide button             
+    hide.Render();                                                         // Draw hide button
+    Button button3D(lcd_, ts_, 580, 100, 160, 60,            
+                 LCD_COLOR_BLUE, LCD_COLOR_YELLOW, 2, "3D BUTTON", Font20);    // Define button3D button            
+    button3D.Render();                                                         // Draw 3Dbutton button
+    lcd_.SetTextColor(LCD_COLOR_BLACK);                                                         // Set Text colour to Black
+    lcd_.SetFont(&Font20);                                                                      // Font size 20
+    lcd_.DisplayStringAt(5, 5, (uint8_t *)"Button / Slider driver for DISCO_F469", LEFT_MODE);  // Display main header text
+    lcd_.SetFont(&Font16);                                                                      // Font size 16
+    lcd_.DisplayStringAt(5, 45, (uint8_t *)"Button example", LEFT_MODE);                        // Display secondary header text
+    while (true)                                                    // Main program loop
+    {
+        led_green = 1;                                              // Switch off all LEDs
+        led_orange = 1;
+        led_red = 1;
+        led_blue = 1; 
+        if (sld1.Moved())                                           // Check if sld1 Slider was touched and run instructions if true
+        {    
+            led_blue = 0; 
+            lcd_.SetTextColor(LCD_COLOR_BLACK);                     
+            lcd_.FillRect(85, 265, 80, 40);                         // Draw border to display Slider Control Value
+            lcd_.SetTextColor(LCD_COLOR_WHITE);
+            lcd_.FillRect(95, 270, 60, 30);                         // Draw border to display Slider Control Value                                     
+            sprintf(char_SliderDisplayValue, "%3d", (int) SliderDisplayValue_);                     // Convert integer to text
+            lcd_.SetFont(&Font16);                                                                  // Set Font size
+            lcd_.SetTextColor(LCD_COLOR_BLACK);                                                     // Set Font colour
+            lcd_.DisplayStringAt(100, 280, (uint8_t *)char_SliderDisplayValue, LEFT_MODE);          // Write Slider Control Value to the LCD
+            if (SliderDisplayValue_ < 10)                                                           // Slider Control Value decision
+                {
+                    lcd_.DisplayStringAt(60, 330, (uint8_t *)"                     ", LEFT_MODE);   // Overwrite previous text
+                    lcd_.DisplayStringAt(60, 330, (uint8_t *)"SLIDER1 < 50%", LEFT_MODE);           // Write text to LCD
+                }
+            else if (SliderDisplayValue_ == 10)                                                     // Slider Control Value decision
+                {  
+                    lcd_.DisplayStringAt(60, 330, (uint8_t *)"                     ", LEFT_MODE);   // Overwrite previous text
+                    lcd_.DisplayStringAt(60, 330, (uint8_t *)"SLIDER1 = 50%", LEFT_MODE);           // Write text to LCD
+                }
+            else                                                                                    // Slider Control Value decision
+                {  
+                    lcd_.DisplayStringAt(60, 330, (uint8_t *)"                     ", LEFT_MODE);   // Overwrite previous text
+                    lcd_.DisplayStringAt(60, 330, (uint8_t *)"SLIDER1 > 50%", LEFT_MODE);           // Write text to LCD
+                }          
+        }                                                                                           // End sld1 instructions
+        if (Slider2.Moved())                                      // Check if Slider2 Slider was touched and run instructions if true
+        {    
+            led_green = 0; 
+            lcd_.SetTextColor(LCD_COLOR_BLACK);                     
+            lcd_.FillRect(400, 265, 80, 40);                         // Draw border to display Slider Control Value
+            lcd_.SetTextColor(LCD_COLOR_WHITE);
+            lcd_.FillRect(410, 270, 60, 30);                         // Draw border to display Slider Control Value                                     
+            sprintf(char_SliderDisplayValue, "%3d", (int) SliderDisplayValue_);                     // Convert integer to text
+            lcd_.SetFont(&Font16);                                                                  // Set Font size
+            lcd_.SetTextColor(LCD_COLOR_BLACK);                                                     // Set Font colour
+            lcd_.DisplayStringAt(415, 280, (uint8_t *)char_SliderDisplayValue, LEFT_MODE);          // Write Slider Control Value to the LCD
+        }    
+        if (btn1.Press())                                         // Check if btn1 button was touched and run instructions if true
+        {    
+            lcd_.SetFont(&Font16);
+            lcd_.SetTextColor(LCD_COLOR_BLACK);
+            lcd_.DisplayStringAt(5, 200, (uint8_t *)"Button1 pressed - switch on orange LED", LEFT_MODE);
+            led_orange = 0; 
+            wait(0.5); 
+            lcd_.DisplayStringAt(5, 200, (uint8_t *)"                                        ", LEFT_MODE);
+        }                                                           // End btn1 button instructions
+        if (test.Press())                                         // Check if test button was touched and run instructions if true
+        {
+            lcd_.SetFont(&Font16);
+            lcd_.SetTextColor(LCD_COLOR_BLACK);
+            lcd_.DisplayStringAt(5, 200, (uint8_t *)"TEST pressed - switch on red LED", LEFT_MODE);
+            led_red = 0;
+            wait(0.5);
+            lcd_.DisplayStringAt(5, 200, (uint8_t *)"                                        ", LEFT_MODE);
+        }                                                           // End test button instructions
+        if (hide.Press())                                         // Check if hide button was touched and run instructions if true
+        {    
+            lcd_.SetFont(&Font16);
+            lcd_.SetTextColor(LCD_COLOR_BLACK);
+            lcd_.DisplayStringAt(5, 200, (uint8_t *)"Hide pressed - Hide other buttons", LEFT_MODE);
+            led_green = 0;
+            btn1.Hide();                                            // Hide btn1 button
+            test.Hide();                                            // Hide test button
+            hide.Hide();  
+            show.Render();
+            wait(0.5);
+            lcd_.DisplayStringAt(5, 200, (uint8_t *)"                                        ", LEFT_MODE);
+        }                                                           // End hide button instructions
+         if (show.Press())                                        // Check if hide button was touched and run instructions if true
+        {  
+            lcd_.SetFont(&Font16);
+            lcd_.SetTextColor(LCD_COLOR_BLACK);
+            lcd_.DisplayStringAt(5, 200, (uint8_t *)"UNHIDE pressed - Restore other buttons", LEFT_MODE);
+            led_blue = 0; 
+            wait(0.5);
+            lcd_.DisplayStringAt(5, 200, (uint8_t *)"                                        ", LEFT_MODE);
+            show.Hide();                                            // Hide show button before drawing new button in same place
+            hide.Render();                                            // Draw hide button after hiding button in same position
+            btn1.Render();                                            // Draw btn1 button
+            test.Render();                                            // Draw test button
+        }         
+        if (button3D.Press())                                     // Check if 3Dbutton button was touched and run instructions if true
+        {    
+            lcd_.SetFont(&Font16);
+            lcd_.SetTextColor(LCD_COLOR_BLACK);
+            lcd_.DisplayStringAt(5, 200, (uint8_t *)"3D Button pressed - switch on blue LED", LEFT_MODE);
+            led_blue = 0;
+            wait(0.5);
+            lcd_.DisplayStringAt(5, 200, (uint8_t *)"                                           ", LEFT_MODE);
+        }                                                           // End 3D button instructions
+        wait(0.02f);   
+    }                                                               // End Main program loop
+}                                                                   // End Main program