nucleo f767zi onenet edp test

Dependencies:   cJSON_lib Common_lib EdpKit_lib

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Jenkinsfile	Mon Jun 18 09:15:03 2018 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+properties ([[$class: 'ParametersDefinitionProperty', parameterDefinitions: [
+  [$class: 'StringParameterDefinition', name: 'mbed_os_revision', defaultValue: '', description: 'Revision of mbed-os to build. Use format "pull/PR-NUMBER/head" to access mbed-os PR']
+  ]]])
+if (params.mbed_os_revision == '') {
+  echo 'Use mbed OS revision from mbed-os.lib'
+} else {
+  echo "Use mbed OS revisiong ${params.mbed_os_revision}"
+  if (params.mbed_os_revision.matches('pull/\\d+/head')) {
+    echo "Revision is a Pull Request"
+  }
+// List of targets with supported RF shields to compile
+def targets = [
+  "K64F",
+  "NUCLEO_F429ZI"
+  ]
+// Map toolchains to compilers
+def toolchains = [
+  ARM: "armcc",
+  GCC_ARM: "arm-none-eabi-gcc",
+  IAR: "IAR-linux"
+  ]
+def stepsForParallel = [:]
+// Jenkins pipeline does not support map.each, we need to use oldschool for loop
+for (int i = 0; i < targets.size(); i++) {
+    for(int j = 0; j < toolchains.size(); j++) {
+          def target = targets.get(i)
+          def toolchain = toolchains.keySet().asList().get(j)
+          def compilerLabel = toolchains.get(toolchain)
+          def stepName = "${target} ${toolchain}"
+          stepsForParallel[stepName] = buildStep(target, compilerLabel, toolchain)
+    }
+timestamps {
+  parallel stepsForParallel
+def buildStep(target, compilerLabel, toolchain) {
+  return {
+    stage ("${target}_${compilerLabel}") {
+      node ("${compilerLabel}") {
+        deleteDir()
+        dir("mbed-os-example-socket") {
+          checkout scm
+          // Set mbed-os to revision received as parameter
+          execute ("mbed deploy --protocol ssh")
+          if (params.mbed_os_revision != '') {
+            dir ("mbed-os") {
+              if (params.mbed_os_revision.matches('pull/\\d+/head')) {
+                execute("git fetch origin ${params.mbed_os_revision}:PR")
+                execute("git checkout PR")
+              } else {
+                execute ("git checkout ${params.mbed_os_revision}")
+              }
+            }
+          }
+          execute("mbed new .")
+          execute ("mbed compile --build out/${target}_${toolchain}/ -m ${target} -t ${toolchain}")
+        }
+        stash name: "${target}_${toolchain}", includes: '**/mbed-os-example-socket.bin'
+        archive '**/mbed-os-example-socket.bin'
+        step([$class: 'WsCleanup'])
+      }
+    }
+  }