Update hormone config

Dependencies:   mbed Servo PM mbed-rtos hormone calculator



File content as of revision 12:a9d894e37936:

/***************************< File comment >***************************/  
/* project:   TurtleBot Project                                       */ 
/* project description : -                                            */ 
/* version : 0.9                                                      */ 
/* board : NUCLEO-F411RE                                              */ 
/* detail : two hg is added                                           */
/* create : 19/08/2018                                                */ 
/* programmer : Worasuchad Haomachai                                  */ 
/*                           Include file                             */ 
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "mbed.h"
#include "Servo.h"
#include "rtos.h"
#include "attitude.h"
#include "math.h"
#include "calculator.h"
#include "hormone.h"
#include "PowerMon.h"

Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);                 // Serial Port
Timer timer1;
Thread thread1;         
Thread thread2;
Thread thread3;

Servo Servo1(D4);                        // Servo Left Up (L1)
Servo Servo2(D5);                        // Servo Left Down (L2)
Servo Servo3(D8);                        // Servo Right Up (R1)
Servo Servo4(D9);                        // Servo Right Down (R2)

/*                           prototype fun                            */ 
void IMU();
void servo();
void servoLeft();
void servoRight();
void servoFirstState();
void calcStepDown(float);
void calcStepUp(float);
bool checkIMUFirst(float , float, float );

/* debug func */
void printStateGait();

/*                         Global variable                            */ 
// home variable
int initCheck = 0;
float waittime = 0.001 ;
int round = 25;

//  pm variable
int iterPM = 0;
float sumOfPower = 0.0, Energy = 0.0;
// interface wt hormone variable
// config flat //
float upDeg = 45.00;
float downDeg = 95.00;

// config small //
float upDeg = 60.00;
float downDeg = 100.00;

// config big //
float upDeg = 75.00;
float downDeg = 90.00;
// servo motor variable
float pos_down_start = 1400.00;
float pos_up_start = 1000.00;
float stepmin = 1.5;
// servo left side
float pos_down_left = 1400.00;
float pos_up_left = 1000.00;
float pos_down_end_left;
float pos_up_end_left; 
float step_down_left;
float step_up_left;
int state_count_left = 0;
int round_count_left = 0;

// servo right side
float pos_down_right = 1400.00;
float pos_up_right = 1000.00;
float pos_down_end_right;
float pos_up_end_right;
float step_up_right;
float step_down_right;
int state_count_right = 0;
int round_count_right = 0;

// Timer variable 
uint32_t getIMUTimer;
uint32_t walkingTimer;

/* debug variable */
// print state gait
int stateGaitOne = 0, stateGaitTwo = 0, stateGaitThree = 0, stateGaitFour = 0;

/*                              main                                  */ 
int main() 
    attitude_setup();                                   // IMU setup                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
    pc.printf(" Please press! '1' to start..\n\r");                                                                                                                   
    if (pc.getc() == '1')
        timer1.start();                                 // start timer counting
        thread1.start(IMU);                             // IMU thread start
        thread2.start(servo);                           // servo thread start                                                                                                                                     

/*                              IMU                                   */ 
void IMU()

    powerMon pmR2(-1);
    powerMon pmR1(2000);
    powerMon pmL2(560);
    powerMon pmL1(3600);

    calculator calc;
    hormone hg;

    int iterIMU = 0, state_count_left_old = 0, state_count_right_old = 0;
    float readTime = 1;
    bool IMUWasStable = false;
    float *ArrayOfRoll = new float[10];
    float *ArrayOfPitch = new float[10];
    float *ArrayOfYaw = new float[10];
    float SDOfRoll, SDOfPitch, SDOfYaw, FirstOfRoll, FirstOfPitch, FirstOfYaw;
    float *vAx, *vAy, *vAz;
    float *pRoll, *pPitch;
    /*  param of State 2  */
    int iterAG2 = 0;
    float sdVectorAG2 = 0.0;
    /*  param of State 3  */
    int iterAG3 = 0;
    float sdVectorAG3 = 0.0;
    /*  param of State 4  */
    int iterG4 = 0;
    float meanG4 = 0.0;
    /*  memory allocate for G2 and G3 */    
    vAx = (float *)malloc(60*sizeof(float));
    vAy = (float *)malloc(60*sizeof(float));
    vAz = (float *)malloc(60*sizeof(float));
    /* check malloc is not return NULL */
    if( vAx == NULL or vAy == NULL or vAz == NULL )
        pc.printf("Error: memory could not be allocated in vectorA!\n\r");
    /*  memory allocate for G4 */  
    pRoll  = (float *)malloc(80*sizeof(float));
    pPitch = (float *)malloc(80*sizeof(float));
    /* check malloc is not return NULL */
    if( pRoll == NULL or pPitch == NULL )
        pc.printf("Error: memory could not be allocated in pointG4!\n\r");
    getIMUTimer = timer1.read_ms();
        if ((timer1.read_ms() - getIMUTimer) >= readTime)      // read time in 1 ms
            /*                  Signal Pre-Process every 10 ms                    */ 
            if(iterIMU < 10)
                    ArrayOfRoll[iterIMU] = roll;
                    ArrayOfPitch[iterIMU] = pitch;
                    ArrayOfYaw[iterIMU] = yaw;
                    //pc.printf("%i\t   %.3f\t   %.3f\t   %.3f\n\r",i, roll, pitch, yaw);
            else  // every 10 ms
                /* print state of gait */
                /* roll pitch yaw  */
                //pc.printf("%.3f\t\t %.3f\t\t %.3f\n\r",  roll,   pitch, yaw );
                //pc.printf("%.3f\t", roll);
                //pc.printf("%.3f\t", pitch);
                //pc.printf("%.3f\t\t", yaw);

                /* the accleration value  */
                //pc.printf("%.3f\t", gx*PI/180.0f);
                //pc.printf("%.3f\t", gy*PI/180.0f);
                //pc.printf("%.3f\t\t", gz*PI/180.0f);  
                /* the gyro value  */
                //pc.printf("%.3f\t", ax * 9.81f );             // convert g to m/s^2
                //pc.printf("%.3f\t", ay * 9.81f);              // convert g to m/s^2
                //pc.printf("%.3f\t\t", ( az - 1 ) * 9.81f);    // m/s^2 and 1g for eliminating earth gravity 
                /* power monitoring  */
                //pc.printf("%.3f\t", pmL1.Power());
                //pc.printf("%.3f\t", pmR1.Power());
                //pc.printf("%.3f\t", pmL2.Power());
                //pc.printf("%.3f\t\t", pmR2.Power());
                /*     IMU check whetherbe stable or not before servo begin           */ 
                    //////////// roll //////////////
                    SDOfRoll = calc.calculateSD(ArrayOfRoll, 10);
                    //SDOfRoll = calculateSD(ArrRoll, 10);
                    //pc.printf("%.3f\t", SDOfRoll);
                    //pc.printf("%.3f\t\t", ArrayOfRoll[9]); 
                    //////////// pitch ///////////////
                    SDOfPitch = calc.calculateSD(ArrayOfPitch, 10);
                    //SDOfPitch = calculateSD(ArrPitch, 10 );
                    //pc.printf("%.3f\t", SDOfPitch);
                    //pc.printf("%.3f\t\t", ArrayOfPitch[9]);
                    //////////// yaw   ///////////////
                    SDOfYaw = calc.calculateSD(ArrayOfYaw, 10);
                    //SDOfYaw = calculateSD(ArrYaw, 10 );
                    //pc.printf("%.3f\n\r", SDOfYaw);
                    //pc.printf("%.3f\t\t", ArrayOfYaw[9]);
                    /*                      power monitoring in J                         */
                    /*              PM ship can update fastest in 125 ms                  */
                    //pc.printf("%d\t", iterPM);
                    //pc.printf("%.3f\t", pmL1.Power());
                    //pc.printf("%.3f\t", pmR1.Power());
                    //pc.printf("%.3f\t", pmL2.Power());
                    //pc.printf("%.3f\n\r", pmR2.Power());
                    sumOfPower += pmL1.Power();
                    sumOfPower += pmR1.Power();
                    sumOfPower += pmL2.Power();
                    sumOfPower += pmR2.Power();
                    //sumOfPower = pmL1.Power() + pmR1.Power() + pmL2.Power() + pmR2.Power();
                if(checkIMUFirst(SDOfRoll, SDOfPitch, SDOfYaw))    // only one time for comming 
                    FirstOfRoll = calc.calculateMean(ArrayOfRoll, 10);
                    FirstOfPitch = calc.calculateMean(ArrayOfPitch, 10);
                    FirstOfYaw = calc.calculateMean(ArrayOfYaw, 10);
                    pc.printf("FirstOfRoll: %.3f, FirstOfPitch: %.3f, FirstOfYaw: %.3f\n\r", FirstOfRoll, FirstOfPitch, FirstOfYaw);
                    state_count_left  = 1;
                    round_count_left  = 1;
                    state_count_right = 1;
                    round_count_right = 1;
                    walkingTimer = timer1.read_ms();
                    IMUWasStable = true;
                    pc.printf("\n\r:::::::::: IMU was stable ::::::::::\n\r");
                    delete[] ArrayOfRoll;
                    delete[] ArrayOfPitch;
                    delete[] ArrayOfYaw;
                    readTime = 0.1;
                /*                      || A || in State 2                            */
                /*              || A || = sqrt( Ax^2) + Ay^2 + Az^2 )                 */ 

                if(state_count_left == 2 and state_count_right == 2)
                    vAx[iterAG2] = ax*9.81f;
                    vAy[iterAG2] = ay*9.81f;
                    vAz[iterAG2] = ( az - 1 ) * 9.81f;
                    state_count_left_old  = state_count_left;
                    state_count_right_old = state_count_right;
                else if(state_count_left_old == 2 and state_count_right_old == 2 and state_count_left == 3 and state_count_right == 3)
                    //  calculate SD of size vector A in G2  //
                    sdVectorAG2 = calc.calcSDVectorA(vAx, vAy, vAz, iterAG2);
                    pc.printf("%.3f\t", sdVectorAG2);
                    // hormone concentration //
                    //pc.printf("HG2 %.3f\n\r", hg.Cg);
                    iterAG2 = 0;
                    state_count_left_old = 0;
                    state_count_right_old = 0;

                /*                      || A || in State 3                            */
                /*              || A || = sqrt( Ax^2) + Ay^2 + Az^2 )                 */ 
                else if(state_count_left == 3 and state_count_right == 3)
                    vAx[iterAG3] = ax*9.81f;
                    vAy[iterAG3] = ay*9.81f;
                    vAz[iterAG3] = ( az - 1 ) * 9.81f;
                    state_count_left_old  = state_count_left;
                    state_count_right_old = state_count_right;
                else if(state_count_left_old == 3 and state_count_right_old == 3 and state_count_left == 4 and state_count_right == 4)
                    //  calculate SD of size vector A in G3  //
                    sdVectorAG3 = calc.calcSDVectorA(vAx, vAy, vAz, iterAG3);
                    pc.printf("%.3f\t", sdVectorAG3); 
                    // hormone concentration //
                    //pc.printf("HG3 %.3f\n\r", hg.Cg);
                    iterAG3 = 0;
                    state_count_left_old = 0;
                    state_count_right_old = 0;
                /*                 (rall,pitch) in State 4                            */
                /*                distance form origin (0,0)                          */ 

                else if(state_count_left == 4 and state_count_right == 4 )
                    pRoll[iterG4]  = roll;
                    pPitch[iterG4] = pitch;
                    //pc.printf("\n %.3f\t", pRoll[iterG4] );
                    //pc.printf("%.3f\n\r", pPitch[iterG4]);
                    state_count_left_old  = state_count_left;
                    state_count_right_old = state_count_right;
                else if(state_count_left_old == 4 and state_count_right_old == 4 and state_count_left == 1 and state_count_right == 1)
                    //  calculate SD of size vector A in G3  //
                    meanG4 = calc.calcG4(pRoll, pPitch, iterG4);
                    pc.printf("%.3f\t", meanG4);
                    // hormone concentration //
                    upDeg = hg.upHG(sdVectorAG2, meanG4);         // normalize by 2 for SB
                    downDeg = hg.downHG(sdVectorAG2, sdVectorAG3);
                    pc.printf("%d\t", timer1.read_ms() - walkingTimer);
                    pc.printf("%.3f\t", sumOfPower);
                    pc.printf("%.3f\t", hg.cgDown);
                    pc.printf("%.3f\t", hg.cgUp);
                    pc.printf("%.3f\t", hg.hormoneRecDown(downDeg));
                    pc.printf("%.3f\n\r", hg.hormoneRecUp(upDeg));
                    iterG4 = 0;
                    state_count_left_old = 0;
                    state_count_right_old = 0;
                /*                    FIN for walking                                 */ 

                if (state_count_left == 5 and round_count_left == round and state_count_right == 5 and round_count_right == round)
                    Energy = sumOfPower * ( (timer1.read_ms() - walkingTimer) / iterPM );
                    pc.printf("%d\t", timer1.read_ms() - walkingTimer);
                    pc.printf("%.3f\t", sumOfPower);
                    pc.printf("%.3f\t", hg.cgDown);
                    pc.printf("%.3f\t", hg.cgUp);
                    pc.printf("%.3f\t", hg.hormoneRecDown(downDeg));
                    pc.printf("%.3f\n\r", hg.hormoneRecUp(upDeg));
                    pc.printf("TIME %d \n\r", timer1.read_ms() - walkingTimer);
                    pc.printf("E %.3f \n\r", Energy / 1000.00f);
                    pc.printf("P %.3f \n\r", sumOfPower);
                    pc.printf("ITER PM %d \n\r", iterPM);
                    pc.printf("FIN IMU!\n\r");

                // reset iteration
                iterIMU = 0;
            getIMUTimer = timer1.read_ms();

/*                              servo                                 */ 
void servo()
    hormone hr;

        calcStepUp( hr.hormoneRecUp(upDeg) );           // return "step_up_right" and "step_up_left"
        calcStepDown( hr.hormoneRecDown(downDeg) );     // return "step_down_right" and "step_down_left"
        servoLeft();                                    // control left lag
        servoRight();                                   // control right leg
        // FIN for walking 
        if (state_count_left == 5 and round_count_left == round and state_count_right == 5 and round_count_right == round)
            //pc.printf("FIN SERVO! \n\r");

/*            calculate step of servo down                            */ 
void calcStepDown(float hormDown)
    pos_down_end_left = (1000.00 + ((700.00/90.00)*( hormDown )));     // get degree for hormone receiver about downDegree ~ 90*,  
    pos_down_end_right = (1060.00 + ((700.00/90.00)*( hormDown )));    // so both pos_down_end_left and pos_down_end_right are around 1700
    if (pos_down_end_right > pos_down_end_left)
        step_down_right = (pos_down_end_right - pos_down_start)*stepmin/(pos_down_end_left - pos_down_start);   //stepmin = 1, pos_down_start = 1400.00
        step_down_left = stepmin;
    else if (pos_down_end_right < pos_down_end_left)
        step_down_right = stepmin;
        step_down_left = (pos_down_end_left - pos_down_start)*stepmin/(pos_down_end_right - pos_down_start);
    else                // pos_down_end_right == pos_down_end_left
        step_down_right = stepmin;
        step_down_left = stepmin;

/*            calculate step of servo up                              */ 
void calcStepUp(float hormUp)
    pos_up_end_left = 1000.00 + ((700.00/90.00)*( hormUp ));                   // get degree for hormone receiver about upDegree ~ 45*,
    pos_up_end_right = 1000.00 + ((700.00/90.00)*( hormUp ));                  // so both pos_up_end_left and pos_up_end_right are around 1350
    if (pos_up_end_right > pos_up_end_left)
        step_up_right = (pos_up_end_right - pos_up_start)*stepmin/(pos_up_end_left - pos_up_start);         //stepmin = 1, pos_up_start = 1000.00
        step_up_left = stepmin;
    else if (pos_up_end_right < pos_up_end_left)
        step_up_right = stepmin;
        step_up_left = (pos_up_end_left - pos_up_start)*stepmin/(pos_up_end_right - pos_up_start);
    else                    // step_up_right == step_up_left
        step_up_right = stepmin;
        step_up_left = stepmin;

/*                      servo in left side                            */ 
void servoLeft()
        if(state_count_left == 1)   
            Servo1.SetPosition(pos_down_left);      // pos_down_left = 1400.00
            wait(waittime);         // 0.001 ms
            pos_down_left += step_down_left;
            if(pos_down_left >= pos_down_end_left + step_down_left and pos_up_left == pos_up_start)     // pos_down_end_left ~ 1700
                state_count_left = 2;
        else if(state_count_left == 2)
            Servo2.SetPosition(pos_up_left);        // pos_up_left = 1000.00
            pos_up_left += step_up_left;
            if(pos_down_left >= pos_down_end_left + step_down_left and pos_up_left >= pos_up_end_left + step_up_left) 
                state_count_left = 3;
        else if(state_count_left == 3) 
            pos_down_left -= step_down_left;
            if(pos_down_left <= pos_down_start - step_down_left and pos_up_left >= pos_up_end_left + step_up_left) 
                state_count_left = 4;
        else if(state_count_left == 4) 
            pos_up_left -= step_up_left;
            if(pos_down_left <= pos_down_start - step_down_left and pos_up_left <= pos_up_start - step_up_left) 
                state_count_left = 5;
        else if (state_count_left == 5 and round_count_left < round) 
            state_count_left = 1;
            pos_down_left = pos_down_start;
            pos_up_left = pos_up_start;

/*                      servo in right side                           */ 
void servoRight()
    if(state_count_right == 1) 
        pos_down_right = pos_down_right + step_down_right;
        if(pos_down_right >= pos_down_end_right + step_down_right and pos_up_right == pos_up_start) 
            state_count_right = 2;
    else if(state_count_right == 2) 
        pos_up_right = pos_up_right + step_up_right;
        if(pos_down_right >= pos_down_end_right + step_down_right and pos_up_right >= pos_up_end_right + step_up_right) 
            state_count_right = 3;
    else if(state_count_right == 3) 
        pos_down_right = pos_down_right - step_down_right;
        if(pos_down_right <= pos_down_start - step_down_right and pos_up_right >= pos_up_end_right + step_up_right) 
            state_count_right = 4;
    else if(state_count_right == 4) 
        pos_up_right = pos_up_right - step_up_right;
        if(pos_down_right <= pos_down_start - step_down_right and pos_up_right <= pos_up_start - step_up_right) 
            state_count_right = 5;
    else if (state_count_right == 5 and round_count_right < round) 
        round_count_right = round_count_right+1;
        state_count_right = 1;
        pos_down_right = pos_down_start;
        pos_up_right = pos_up_start;

/*                      check IMU first                               */ 
bool checkIMUFirst(float SDOfRoll, float SDOfPitch, float SDOfYaw)
    if( SDOfRoll < 0.03f and SDOfPitch < 0.03f and SDOfYaw < 0.03f and initCheck == 0)
        initCheck = 1;
        return true;   
    return false;

/*                   print state gait for debuging                    */ 
void printStateGait()
    if(state_count_left == 1 and state_count_right == 1 and stateGaitOne == 0)
        //pc.printf("\n\r State Gait 1 \n\r");
        pc.printf("\n\rG1\t*\t*\t\t*\t*\t*\t\t*\t*\t*\t\t*\t*\t*\t*\t\t \n\r");
        stateGaitOne = 1; stateGaitTwo = 0; stateGaitThree = 0; stateGaitFour = 0; 
    else if(state_count_left == 2 and state_count_right == 2 and stateGaitTwo == 0)
        //pc.printf("\n\r State Gait 2 \n\r");
        pc.printf("\n\rG2\t*\t*\t\t*\t*\t*\t\t*\t*\t*\t\t*\t*\t*\t*\t\t \n\r");
        stateGaitOne = 0; stateGaitTwo = 1; stateGaitThree = 0; stateGaitFour = 0;
    else if(state_count_left == 3 and state_count_right == 3 and stateGaitThree == 0)
        //pc.printf("\n\r State Gait 3 \n\r");
        pc.printf("\n\rG3\t*\t*\t\t*\t*\t*\t\t*\t*\t*\t\t*\t*\t*\t*\t\t \n\r");
        stateGaitOne = 0; stateGaitTwo = 0; stateGaitThree = 1; stateGaitFour = 0;
    else if(state_count_left == 4 and state_count_right == 4 and stateGaitFour == 0)
        //pc.printf("\n\r State Gait 4 \n\r");
        pc.printf("\n\rG4\t*\t*\t\t*\t*\t*\t\t*\t*\t*\t\t*\t*\t*\t*\t\t \n\r");
        stateGaitOne = 0; stateGaitTwo = 0; stateGaitThree = 0; stateGaitFour = 1;