wolfSSL 3.11.1 for TLS1.3 beta

Fork of wolfSSL by wolf SSL



File content as of revision 13:80fb167dafdf:

/* sniffer.c
 * Copyright (C) 2006-2016 wolfSSL Inc.
 * This file is part of wolfSSL.
 * wolfSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * wolfSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA

    #include <config.h>

#include <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/settings.h>


#include <assert.h>
#include <time.h>

#ifndef _WIN32
  #include <arpa/inet.h>

#ifdef _WIN32
    #define SNPRINTF _snprintf
    #define SNPRINTF snprintf

#include <wolfssl/openssl/ssl.h>
#include <wolfssl/internal.h>
#include <wolfssl/error-ssl.h>
#include <wolfssl/sniffer.h>
#include <wolfssl/sniffer_error.h>
#ifdef NO_INLINE
    #include <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/misc.h>
    #include <wolfcrypt/src/misc.c>

    /* Cache unclosed Sessions for 15 minutes since last used */

/* Misc constants */
enum {
    MAX_SERVER_ADDRESS = 128, /* maximum server address length */
    MAX_SERVER_NAME    = 128, /* maximum server name length */
    MAX_ERROR_LEN      = 80,  /* maximum error length */
    ETHER_IF_ADDR_LEN  = 6,   /* ethernet interface address length */
    LOCAL_IF_ADDR_LEN  = 4,   /* localhost interface address length, !windows */
    TCP_PROTO          = 6,   /* TCP_PROTOCOL */
    IP_HDR_SZ          = 20,  /* IP header length, min */
    TCP_HDR_SZ         = 20,  /* TCP header length, min */
    IPV4               = 4,   /* IP version 4 */
    TCP_PROTOCOL       = 6,   /* TCP Protocol id */
    TRACE_MSG_SZ       = 80,  /* Trace Message buffer size */
    HASH_SIZE          = 499, /* Session Hash Table Rows */
    PSEUDO_HDR_SZ      = 12,  /* TCP Pseudo Header size in bytes */
    FATAL_ERROR_STATE  =  1,  /* SnifferSession fatal error state */
    TICKET_HINT_LEN    = 4,   /* Session Ticket Hint length */
    EXT_TYPE_SZ        = 2,   /* Extension length */
                         MTU_EXTRA,  /* Max input sz of reassembly */
    EXT_MASTER_SECRET  = 0x17, /* Extended Master Secret Extension ID */
    TICKET_EXT_ID      = 0x23 /* Session Ticket Extension ID */

#ifdef _WIN32

static HMODULE dllModule;  /* for error string resources */

                       DWORD  ul_reason_for_call,
                       LPVOID lpReserved
	static int didInit = 0;

    switch (ul_reason_for_call)
		if (didInit == 0) {
            dllModule = hModule;
			didInit = 1;
		if (didInit) {
			didInit = 0;
    return TRUE;

#endif /* _WIN32 */

static int TraceOn = 0;         /* Trace is off by default */
static FILE* TraceFile = 0;

/* windows uses .rc table for this */
#ifndef _WIN32

static const char* const msgTable[] =
    /* 1 */
    "Out of Memory",
    "New SSL Sniffer Server Registered",
    "Checking IP Header",
    "SSL Sniffer Server Not Registered",
    "Checking TCP Header",

    /* 6 */
    "SSL Sniffer Server Port Not Registered",
    "RSA Private Decrypt Error",
    "RSA Private Decode Error",
    "Set Cipher Spec Error",
    "Server Hello Input Malformed",

    /* 11 */
    "Couldn't Resume Session Error",
    "Server Did Resumption",
    "Client Hello Input Malformed",
    "Client Trying to Resume",
    "Handshake Input Malformed",

    /* 16 */
    "Got Hello Verify msg",
    "Got Server Hello msg",
    "Got Cert Request msg",
    "Got Server Key Exchange msg",
    "Got Cert msg",

    /* 21 */
    "Got Server Hello Done msg",
    "Got Finished msg",
    "Got Client Hello msg",
    "Got Client Key Exchange msg",
    "Got Cert Verify msg",

    /* 26 */
    "Got Unknown Handshake msg",
    "New SSL Sniffer Session created",
    "Couldn't create new SSL",
    "Got a Packet to decode",
    "No data present",

    /* 31 */
    "Session Not Found",
    "Got an Old Client Hello msg",
    "Old Client Hello Input Malformed",
    "Old Client Hello OK",
    "Bad Old Client Hello",

    /* 36 */
    "Bad Record Header",
    "Record Header Input Malformed",
    "Got a HandShake msg",
    "Bad HandShake msg",
    "Got a Change Cipher Spec msg",

    /* 41 */
    "Got Application Data msg",
    "Bad Application Data",
    "Got an Alert msg",
    "Another msg to Process",
    "Removing Session From Table",
    /* 46 */
    "Bad Key File",
    "Wrong IP Version",
    "Wrong Protocol type",
    "Packet Short for header processing",
    "Got Unknown Record Type",
    /* 51 */
    "Can't Open Trace File",
    "Session in Fatal Error State",
    "Partial SSL record received",
    "Buffer Error, malformed input",
    "Added to Partial Input",
    /* 56 */
    "Received a Duplicate Packet",
    "Received an Out of Order Packet",
    "Received an Overlap Duplicate Packet",
    "Received an Overlap Reassembly Begin Duplicate Packet",
    "Received an Overlap Reassembly End Duplicate Packet",

    /* 61 */
    "Missed the Client Hello Entirely",
    "Got Hello Request msg",
    "Got Session Ticket msg",
    "Bad Input",
    "Bad Decrypt Type",

    /* 66 */
    "Bad Finished Message Processing",
    "Bad Compression Type",
    "Bad DeriveKeys Error",
    "Saw ACK for Missing Packet Error",
    "Bad Decrypt Operation",

    /* 71 */
    "Decrypt Keys Not Set Up",
    "Late Key Load Error",
    "Got Certificate Status msg",
    "RSA Key Missing Error",
    "Secure Renegotiation Not Supported",

    /* 76 */
    "Get Session Stats Failure",
    "Reassembly Buffer Size Exceeded",
    "Dropping Lost Fragment",
    "Dropping Partial Record",
    "Clear ACK Fault",

    /* 81 */
    "Bad Decrypt Size",
    "Extended Master Secret Hash Error"

/* *nix version uses table above */
static void GetError(int idx, char* str)
    XSTRNCPY(str, msgTable[idx - 1], MAX_ERROR_LEN);

#else /* _WIN32 */

/* Windows version uses .rc table */
static void GetError(int idx, char* buffer)
    if (!LoadStringA(dllModule, idx, buffer, MAX_ERROR_LEN))
        buffer[0] = 0;

#endif /* _WIN32 */

/* Packet Buffer for reassembly list and ready list */
typedef struct PacketBuffer {
    word32  begin;      /* relative sequence begin */
    word32  end;        /* relative sequence end   */
    byte*   data;       /* actual data             */
    struct PacketBuffer* next; /* next on reassembly list or ready list */
} PacketBuffer;

#ifdef HAVE_SNI

/* NamedKey maps a SNI name to a specific private key */
typedef struct NamedKey {
    char             name[MAX_SERVER_NAME];      /* server DNS name */
    word32           nameSz;                     /* size of server DNS name */
    byte*            key;                        /* DER private key */
    word32           keySz;                      /* size of DER private key */
    struct NamedKey* next;                       /* for list */
} NamedKey;


/* Sniffer Server holds info for each server/port monitored */
typedef struct SnifferServer {
    SSL_CTX*       ctx;                          /* SSL context */
    char           address[MAX_SERVER_ADDRESS];  /* passed in server address */
    word32         server;                       /* netowrk order address */
    int            port;                         /* server port */
#ifdef HAVE_SNI
    NamedKey*      namedKeys;                    /* mapping of names and keys */
    wolfSSL_Mutex   namedKeysMutex;               /* mutex for namedKey list */
    struct SnifferServer* next;                  /* for list */
} SnifferServer;

/* Session Flags */
typedef struct Flags {
    byte           side;            /* which end is current packet headed */
    byte           serverCipherOn;  /* indicates whether cipher is active */
    byte           clientCipherOn;  /* indicates whether cipher is active */
    byte           resuming;        /* did this session come from resumption */
    byte           cached;          /* have we cached this session yet */
    byte           clientHello;     /* processed client hello yet, for SSLv2 */
    byte           finCount;        /* get both FINs before removing */
    byte           fatalError;      /* fatal error state */
    byte           cliAckFault;     /* client acked unseen data from server */
    byte           srvAckFault;     /* server acked unseen data from client */
    byte           cliSkipPartial;  /* client skips partial data to catch up */
    byte           srvSkipPartial;  /* server skips partial data to catch up */
    byte           expectEms;       /* expect extended master secret */
} Flags;

/* Out of Order FIN caputre */
typedef struct FinCaputre {
    word32 cliFinSeq;               /* client relative sequence FIN  0 is no */
    word32 srvFinSeq;               /* server relative sequence FIN, 0 is no */
    byte   cliCounted;              /* did we count yet, detects duplicates */
    byte   srvCounted;              /* did we count yet, detects duplicates */
} FinCaputre;

typedef struct HsHashes {
#ifndef NO_OLD_TLS
#ifndef NO_SHA
    Sha hashSha;
#ifndef NO_MD5
    Md5 hashMd5;
#ifndef NO_SHA256
    Sha256 hashSha256;
#ifdef WOLFSSL_SHA384
    Sha384 hashSha384;
} HsHashes;

/* Sniffer Session holds info for each client/server SSL/TLS session */
typedef struct SnifferSession {
    SnifferServer* context;         /* server context */
    SSL*           sslServer;       /* SSL server side decode */
    SSL*           sslClient;       /* SSL client side decode */
    word32         server;          /* server address in network byte order */
    word32         client;          /* client address in network byte order */
    word16         srvPort;         /* server port */
    word16         cliPort;         /* client port */
    word32         cliSeqStart;     /* client start sequence */
    word32         srvSeqStart;     /* server start sequence */
    word32         cliExpected;     /* client expected sequence (relative) */
    word32         srvExpected;     /* server expected sequence (relative) */
    FinCaputre     finCaputre;      /* retain out of order FIN s */
    Flags          flags;           /* session flags */
    time_t         lastUsed;          /* last used ticks */
    PacketBuffer*  cliReassemblyList; /* client out of order packets */
    PacketBuffer*  srvReassemblyList; /* server out of order packets */
    word32         cliReassemblyMemory; /* client packet memory used */
    word32         srvReassemblyMemory; /* server packet memory used */
    struct SnifferSession* next;      /* for hash table list */
    byte*          ticketID;          /* mac ID of session ticket */
    HsHashes*       hash;
} SnifferSession;

/* Sniffer Server List and mutex */
static SnifferServer* ServerList = 0;
static wolfSSL_Mutex ServerListMutex;

/* Session Hash Table, mutex, and count */
static SnifferSession* SessionTable[HASH_SIZE];
static wolfSSL_Mutex SessionMutex;
static int SessionCount = 0;

/* Recovery of missed data switches and stats */
static wolfSSL_Mutex RecoveryMutex;      /* for stats */
static int RecoveryEnabled    = 0;       /* global switch */
static int MaxRecoveryMemory  = -1;      /* per session max recovery memory */
static word32 MissedDataSessions = 0;    /* # of sessions with missed data */

static void UpdateMissedDataSessions(void)
    MissedDataSessions += 1;

/* Initialize overall Sniffer */
void ssl_InitSniffer(void)

#ifdef HAVE_SNI

/* Free Named Key and the zero out the private key it holds */
static void FreeNamedKey(NamedKey* in)
    if (in) {
        if (in->key) {
            ForceZero(in->key, in->keySz);

static void FreeNamedKeyList(NamedKey* in)
    NamedKey* next;

    while (in) {
        next = in->next;
        in = next;


/* Free Sniffer Server's resources/self */
static void FreeSnifferServer(SnifferServer* srv)
    if (srv) {
#ifdef HAVE_SNI

/* free PacketBuffer's resources/self */
static void FreePacketBuffer(PacketBuffer* del)
    if (del) {

/* remove PacketBuffer List */
static void FreePacketList(PacketBuffer* in)
    if (in) {
        PacketBuffer* del;
        PacketBuffer* packet = in;
        while (packet) {
            del = packet;
            packet = packet->next;

/* Free Sniffer Session's resources/self */
static void FreeSnifferSession(SnifferSession* session)
    if (session) {


/* Free overall Sniffer */
void ssl_FreeSniffer(void)
    SnifferServer*  srv;
    SnifferServer*  removeServer;
    SnifferSession* session;
    SnifferSession* removeSession;
    int i;

    srv = ServerList;
    while (srv) {
        removeServer = srv;
        srv = srv->next;

    for (i = 0; i < HASH_SIZE; i++) {
        session = SessionTable[i];
        while (session) {
            removeSession = session;
            session = session->next;



    if (TraceFile) {
        TraceOn = 0;
        TraceFile = NULL;



static int HashInit(HsHashes* hash)
    int ret = 0;

    XMEMSET(hash, 0, sizeof(HsHashes));

#ifndef NO_OLD_TLS
#ifndef NO_SHA
    if (ret == 0)
        ret = wc_InitSha(&hash->hashSha);
#ifndef NO_MD5
    if (ret == 0)
#ifndef NO_SHA256
    if (ret == 0)
        ret = wc_InitSha256(&hash->hashSha256);
#ifdef WOLFSSL_SHA384
    if (ret == 0)
        ret = wc_InitSha384(&hash->hashSha384);

    return ret;

static int HashUpdate(HsHashes* hash, const byte* input, int sz)
    int ret = 0;


#ifndef NO_OLD_TLS
#ifndef NO_SHA
    if (ret == 0)
        ret = wc_ShaUpdate(&hash->hashSha, input, sz);
#ifndef NO_MD5
    if (ret == 0)
        wc_Md5Update(&hash->hashMd5, input, sz);
#ifndef NO_SHA256
    if (ret == 0)
        ret = wc_Sha256Update(&hash->hashSha256, input, sz);
#ifdef WOLFSSL_SHA384
    if (ret == 0)
        ret = wc_Sha384Update(&hash->hashSha384, input, sz);

    return ret;

static int HashCopy(HS_Hashes* d, HsHashes* s)
#ifndef NO_OLD_TLS
#ifndef NO_SHA
        XMEMCPY(&d->hashSha, &s->hashSha, sizeof(Sha));
#ifndef NO_MD5
        XMEMCPY(&d->hashMd5, &s->hashMd5, sizeof(Md5));

#ifndef NO_SHA256
        XMEMCPY(&d->hashSha256, &s->hashSha256, sizeof(Sha256));
#ifdef WOLFSSL_SHA384
        XMEMCPY(&d->hashSha384, &s->hashSha384, sizeof(Sha384));

    return 0;


/* Initialize a SnifferServer */
static void InitSnifferServer(SnifferServer* sniffer)
    sniffer->ctx = 0;
    XMEMSET(sniffer->address, 0, MAX_SERVER_ADDRESS);
    sniffer->server   = 0;
    sniffer->port     = 0;
#ifdef HAVE_SNI
    sniffer->namedKeys = 0;
    sniffer->next     = 0;

/* Initialize session flags */
static void InitFlags(Flags* flags)
    flags->side           = 0;
    flags->serverCipherOn = 0;
    flags->clientCipherOn = 0;
    flags->resuming       = 0;
    flags->cached         = 0;
    flags->clientHello    = 0;
    flags->finCount       = 0;
    flags->fatalError     = 0;
    flags->cliAckFault    = 0;
    flags->srvAckFault    = 0;
    flags->cliSkipPartial = 0;
    flags->srvSkipPartial = 0;
    flags->expectEms      = 0;

/* Initialize FIN Capture */
static void InitFinCapture(FinCaputre* cap)
    cap->cliFinSeq  = 0;
    cap->srvFinSeq  = 0;
    cap->cliCounted = 0;
    cap->srvCounted = 0;

/* Initialize a Sniffer Session */
static void InitSession(SnifferSession* session)
    session->context        = 0;
    session->sslServer      = 0;
    session->sslClient      = 0;
    session->server         = 0;
    session->client         = 0;
    session->srvPort        = 0;
    session->cliPort        = 0;
    session->cliSeqStart    = 0;
    session->srvSeqStart    = 0;
    session->cliExpected    = 0;
    session->srvExpected    = 0;
    session->lastUsed       = 0;
    session->cliReassemblyList = 0;
    session->srvReassemblyList = 0;
    session->cliReassemblyMemory = 0;
    session->srvReassemblyMemory = 0;
    session->next           = 0;
    session->ticketID       = 0;
    session->hash = 0;

/* IP Info from IP Header */
typedef struct IpInfo {
    int    length;        /* length of this header */
    int    total;         /* total length of fragment */
    word32 src;           /* network order source address */
    word32 dst;           /* network order destination address */
} IpInfo;

/* TCP Info from TCP Header */
typedef struct TcpInfo {
    int    srcPort;       /* source port */
    int    dstPort;       /* source port */
    int    length;        /* length of this header */
    word32 sequence;      /* sequence number */
    word32 ackNumber;     /* ack number */
    byte   fin;           /* FIN set */
    byte   rst;           /* RST set */
    byte   syn;           /* SYN set */
    byte   ack;           /* ACK set */
} TcpInfo;

/* Tcp Pseudo Header for Checksum calculation */
typedef struct TcpPseudoHdr {
    word32  src;        /* source address */
    word32  dst;        /* destination address */
    byte    rsv;        /* reserved, always 0 */
    byte    protocol;   /* IP protocol */
    word16  length;     /* tcp header length + data length (doesn't include */
                        /* pseudo header length) network order */
} TcpPseudoHdr;

/* Password Setting Callback */
static int SetPassword(char* passwd, int sz, int rw, void* userdata)
    XSTRNCPY(passwd, (const char*)userdata, sz);
    return (int)XSTRLEN((const char*)userdata);

/* Ethernet Header */
typedef struct EthernetHdr {
    byte   dst[ETHER_IF_ADDR_LEN];    /* destination host address */ 
    byte   src[ETHER_IF_ADDR_LEN];    /* source  host address */ 
    word16 type;                      /* IP, ARP, etc */ 
} EthernetHdr;

/* IP Header */
typedef struct IpHdr {
    byte    ver_hl;              /* version/header length */
    byte    tos;                 /* type of service */
    word16  length;              /* total length */
    word16  id;                  /* identification */
    word16  offset;              /* fragment offset field */
    byte    ttl;                 /* time to live */
    byte    protocol;            /* protocol */
    word16  sum;                 /* checksum */
    word32  src;                 /* source address */
    word32  dst;                 /* destination address */
} IpHdr;

#define IP_HL(ip)      ( (((ip)->ver_hl) & 0x0f) * 4)
#define IP_V(ip)       ( ((ip)->ver_hl) >> 4)

/* TCP Header */
typedef struct TcpHdr {
    word16  srcPort;            /* source port */
    word16  dstPort;            /* destination port */
    word32  sequence;           /* sequence number */ 
    word32  ack;                /* acknoledgment number */ 
    byte    offset;             /* data offset, reserved */
    byte    flags;              /* option flags */
    word16  window;             /* window */
    word16  sum;                /* checksum */
    word16  urgent;             /* urgent pointer */
} TcpHdr;

#define TCP_LEN(tcp)  ( (((tcp)->offset & 0xf0) >> 4) * 4)
#define TCP_FIN 0x01
#define TCP_SYN 0x02
#define TCP_RST 0x04
#define TCP_ACK 0x10

/* Use platform specific GetError to write to tracfile if tracing */ 
static void Trace(int idx) 
    if (TraceOn) {
        char myBuffer[MAX_ERROR_LEN];
        GetError(idx, myBuffer);
        fprintf(TraceFile, "\t%s\n", myBuffer);
        fprintf(stderr,    "\t%s\n", myBuffer);

/* Show TimeStamp for beginning of packet Trace */
static void TraceHeader(void)
    if (TraceOn) {
        time_t ticks = time(NULL);
        fprintf(TraceFile, "\n%s", ctime(&ticks));

/* Show Set Server info for Trace */
static void TraceSetServer(const char* srv, int port, const char* keyFile)
    if (TraceOn) {
        fprintf(TraceFile, "\tTrying to install a new Sniffer Server with\n");
        fprintf(TraceFile, "\tserver: %s, port: %d, keyFile: %s\n", srv, port,

#ifdef HAVE_SNI

/* Show Set Named Server info for Trace */
static void TraceSetNamedServer(const char* name,
                                 const char* srv, int port, const char* keyFile)
    if (TraceOn) {
        fprintf(TraceFile, "\tTrying to install a new Sniffer Server with\n");
        fprintf(TraceFile, "\tname: %s, server: %s, port: %d, keyFile: %s\n",
                                                      name, srv, port, keyFile);


/* Trace got packet number */
static void TracePacket(void)
    if (TraceOn) {
        static word32 packetNumber = 0;
        fprintf(TraceFile, "\tGot a Packet to decode, packet %u\n",

/* Convert network byte order address into human readable */
static char* IpToS(word32 addr, char* str)
    byte* p = (byte*)&addr;
    SNPRINTF(str, TRACE_MSG_SZ, "%d.%d.%d.%d", p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]);
    return str;

/* Show destination and source address from Ip Hdr for packet Trace */
static void TraceIP(IpHdr* iphdr)
    if (TraceOn) {
        char src[TRACE_MSG_SZ];
        char dst[TRACE_MSG_SZ];
        fprintf(TraceFile, "\tdst:%s src:%s\n", IpToS(iphdr->dst, dst),
                IpToS(iphdr->src, src));

/* Show destination and source port from Tcp Hdr for packet Trace */
static void TraceTcp(TcpHdr* tcphdr)
    if (TraceOn) {
        fprintf(TraceFile, "\tdstPort:%u srcPort:%u\n", ntohs(tcphdr->dstPort),

/* Show sequence and payload length for Trace */
static void TraceSequence(word32 seq, int len)
    if (TraceOn) {
        fprintf(TraceFile, "\tSequence:%u, payload length:%d\n", seq, len);

/* Show sequence and payload length for Trace */
static void TraceAck(word32 ack, word32 expected)
    if (TraceOn) {
        fprintf(TraceFile, "\tAck:%u Expected:%u\n", ack, expected);

/* Show relative expected and relative received sequences */
static void TraceRelativeSequence(word32 expected, word32 got)
    if (TraceOn) {
        fprintf(TraceFile, "\tExpected sequence:%u, received sequence:%u\n",
                expected, got);

/* Show server sequence startup from SYN */
static void TraceServerSyn(word32 seq)
    if (TraceOn) {
        fprintf(TraceFile, "\tServer SYN, Sequence Start:%u\n", seq);

/* Show client sequence startup from SYN */
static void TraceClientSyn(word32 seq)
    if (TraceOn) {
        fprintf(TraceFile, "\tClient SYN, Sequence Start:%u\n", seq);

/* Show client FIN capture */
static void TraceClientFin(word32 finSeq, word32 relSeq)
    if (TraceOn) {
        fprintf(TraceFile, "\tClient FIN capture:%u, current SEQ:%u\n",
                finSeq, relSeq);

/* Show server FIN capture */
static void TraceServerFin(word32 finSeq, word32 relSeq)
    if (TraceOn) {
        fprintf(TraceFile, "\tServer FIN capture:%u, current SEQ:%u\n",
                finSeq, relSeq);

/* Show number of SSL data bytes decoded, could be 0 (ok) */
static void TraceGotData(int bytes)
    if (TraceOn) {
        fprintf(TraceFile, "\t%d bytes of SSL App data processed\n", bytes);

/* Show bytes added to old SSL App data */
static void TraceAddedData(int newBytes, int existingBytes)
    if (TraceOn) {
                "\t%d bytes added to %d existing bytes in User Buffer\n",
                newBytes, existingBytes);

/* Show Stale Session */
static void TraceStaleSession(void)
    if (TraceOn) {
        fprintf(TraceFile, "\tFound a stale session\n");

/* Show Finding Stale Sessions */
static void TraceFindingStale(void)
    if (TraceOn) {
        fprintf(TraceFile, "\tTrying to find Stale Sessions\n");

/* Show Removed Session */
static void TraceRemovedSession(void)
    if (TraceOn) {
        fprintf(TraceFile, "\tRemoved it\n");

/* Set user error string */
static void SetError(int idx, char* error, SnifferSession* session, int fatal)
    GetError(idx, error);
    if (session && fatal == FATAL_ERROR_STATE)
        session->flags.fatalError = 1;

/* See if this IPV4 network order address has been registered */
/* return 1 is true, 0 is false */
static int IsServerRegistered(word32 addr)
    int ret = 0;     /* false */
    SnifferServer* sniffer;

    sniffer = ServerList;
    while (sniffer) {
        if (sniffer->server == addr) {
            ret = 1;
        sniffer = sniffer->next;

    return ret;

/* See if this port has been registered to watch */
/* return 1 is true, 0 is false */
static int IsPortRegistered(word32 port)
    int ret = 0;    /* false */
    SnifferServer* sniffer;
    sniffer = ServerList;
    while (sniffer) {
        if (sniffer->port == (int)port) {
            ret = 1; 
        sniffer = sniffer->next;

    return ret;

/* Get SnifferServer from IP and Port */
static SnifferServer* GetSnifferServer(IpInfo* ipInfo, TcpInfo* tcpInfo)
    SnifferServer* sniffer;
    sniffer = ServerList;
    while (sniffer) {
        if (sniffer->port == tcpInfo->srcPort && sniffer->server == ipInfo->src)
        if (sniffer->port == tcpInfo->dstPort && sniffer->server == ipInfo->dst)
        sniffer = sniffer->next;
    return sniffer;

/* Hash the Session Info, return hash row */
static word32 SessionHash(IpInfo* ipInfo, TcpInfo* tcpInfo)
    word32 hash = ipInfo->src * ipInfo->dst;
    hash *= tcpInfo->srcPort * tcpInfo->dstPort;
    return hash % HASH_SIZE;

/* Get Exisiting SnifferSession from IP and Port */
static SnifferSession* GetSnifferSession(IpInfo* ipInfo, TcpInfo* tcpInfo)
    SnifferSession* session;
    time_t          currTime = time(NULL); 
    word32          row = SessionHash(ipInfo, tcpInfo);

    assert(row <= HASH_SIZE);
    session = SessionTable[row];
    while (session) {
        if (session->server == ipInfo->src && session->client == ipInfo->dst &&
                    session->srvPort == tcpInfo->srcPort &&
                    session->cliPort == tcpInfo->dstPort)
        if (session->client == ipInfo->src && session->server == ipInfo->dst &&
                    session->cliPort == tcpInfo->srcPort &&
                    session->srvPort == tcpInfo->dstPort)
        session = session->next;

    if (session)
        session->lastUsed= currTime; /* keep session alive, remove stale will */
                                     /* leave alone */   
    /* determine side */
    if (session) {
        if (ipInfo->dst == session->context->server &&
            tcpInfo->dstPort == session->context->port)
            session->flags.side = WOLFSSL_SERVER_END;
            session->flags.side = WOLFSSL_CLIENT_END;
    return session;

#ifdef HAVE_SNI

static int LoadKeyFile(byte** keyBuf, word32* keyBufSz,
                const char* keyFile, int typeKey,
                const char* password)
    byte* loadBuf;
    long fileSz = 0;
    XFILE file;
    int ret;

    if (keyBuf == NULL || keyBufSz == NULL || keyFile == NULL) {
        return -1;

    file = XFOPEN(keyFile, "rb");
    if (file == XBADFILE) return -1;
    XFSEEK(file, 0, XSEEK_END);
    fileSz = XFTELL(file);

    loadBuf = (byte*)malloc(fileSz);
    if (loadBuf == NULL) {
        return -1;

    ret = (int)XFREAD(loadBuf, 1, fileSz, file);

    if (ret != fileSz) {
        return -1;

    if (typeKey == SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) {
        byte* saveBuf   = (byte*)malloc(fileSz);
        int   saveBufSz = 0;

        ret = -1;
        if (saveBuf != NULL) {
            saveBufSz = wolfSSL_KeyPemToDer(loadBuf, (int)fileSz,
                                                saveBuf, (int)fileSz, password);
            if (saveBufSz < 0) {
                saveBufSz = 0;
                saveBuf = NULL;
                ret = 0;

        ForceZero(loadBuf, (word32)fileSz);

        if (saveBuf) {
            *keyBuf = saveBuf;
            *keyBufSz = (word32)saveBufSz;
    else {
        *keyBuf = loadBuf;
        *keyBufSz = (word32)fileSz;

    if (ret < 0) {
        return -1;

    return ret;


static int SetNamedPrivateKey(const char* name, const char* address, int port,
            const char* keyFile, int typeKey, const char* password, char* error)
    SnifferServer* sniffer;
    int            ret;
    int            type = (typeKey == FILETYPE_PEM) ? SSL_FILETYPE_PEM :
    int            isNew = 0;
    word32         serverIp;

#ifdef HAVE_SNI
    NamedKey* namedKey = NULL;

#ifdef HAVE_SNI
    if (name != NULL) {
        namedKey = (NamedKey*)malloc(sizeof(NamedKey));
        if (namedKey == NULL) {
            SetError(MEMORY_STR, error, NULL, 0);
            return -1;
        XMEMSET(namedKey, 0, sizeof(NamedKey));

        namedKey->nameSz = (word32)XSTRLEN(name);
        XSTRNCPY(namedKey->name, name, sizeof(namedKey->name));
        if (namedKey->nameSz >= sizeof(namedKey->name)) {
            namedKey->nameSz = sizeof(namedKey->name) - 1;
            namedKey->name[namedKey->nameSz] = '\0';

        ret = LoadKeyFile(&namedKey->key, &namedKey->keySz,
                          keyFile, type, password);
        if (ret < 0) {
            SetError(KEY_FILE_STR, error, NULL, 0);
            return -1;

    serverIp = inet_addr(address);
    sniffer = ServerList;
    while (sniffer != NULL &&
           (sniffer->server != serverIp || sniffer->port != port)) {
        sniffer = sniffer->next;

    if (sniffer == NULL) {
        isNew = 1;
        sniffer = (SnifferServer*)malloc(sizeof(SnifferServer));
        if (sniffer == NULL) {
            SetError(MEMORY_STR, error, NULL, 0);
#ifdef HAVE_SNI
            return -1;

        XSTRNCPY(sniffer->address, address, MAX_SERVER_ADDRESS-1);
        sniffer->address[MAX_SERVER_ADDRESS-1] = '\0';
        sniffer->server = serverIp;
        sniffer->port = port;

        sniffer->ctx = SSL_CTX_new(TLSv1_client_method());
        if (!sniffer->ctx) {
            SetError(MEMORY_STR, error, NULL, 0);
#ifdef HAVE_SNI
            return -1;

    if (name == NULL) {
        if (password) {
            SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb(sniffer->ctx, SetPassword);
                                                 sniffer->ctx, (void*)password);
        ret = SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(sniffer->ctx, keyFile, type);
        if (ret != SSL_SUCCESS) {
            SetError(KEY_FILE_STR, error, NULL, 0);
            if (isNew)
            return -1;
#ifdef HAVE_SNI
    else {
        namedKey->next = sniffer->namedKeys;
        sniffer->namedKeys = namedKey;

    if (isNew) {
        sniffer->next = ServerList;
        ServerList = sniffer;

    return 0;

#ifdef HAVE_SNI

/* Sets the private key for a specific name, server and port  */
/* returns 0 on success, -1 on error */
int ssl_SetNamedPrivateKey(const char* name,
                           const char* address, int port,
                           const char* keyFile, int typeKey,
                           const char* password, char* error)
    int ret;

    TraceSetNamedServer(name, address, port, keyFile);

    ret = SetNamedPrivateKey(name, address, port, keyFile,
                             typeKey, password, error);

    if (ret == 0)

    return ret;


/* Sets the private key for a specific server and port  */
/* returns 0 on success, -1 on error */
int ssl_SetPrivateKey(const char* address, int port, const char* keyFile,
                      int typeKey, const char* password, char* error)
    int ret;

    TraceSetServer(address, port, keyFile);

    ret = SetNamedPrivateKey(NULL, address, port, keyFile,
                             typeKey, password, error);

    if (ret == 0)

    return ret;

/* Check IP Header for IPV4, TCP, and a registered server address */
/* returns 0 on success, -1 on error */
static int CheckIpHdr(IpHdr* iphdr, IpInfo* info, int length, char* error)
    int    version = IP_V(iphdr);


    if (version != IPV4) {
        SetError(BAD_IPVER_STR, error, NULL, 0); 
        return -1;

    if (iphdr->protocol != TCP_PROTOCOL) { 
        SetError(BAD_PROTO_STR, error, NULL, 0);
        return -1;

    if (!IsServerRegistered(iphdr->src) && !IsServerRegistered(iphdr->dst)) {
        SetError(SERVER_NOT_REG_STR, error, NULL, 0);
        return -1;

    info->length  = IP_HL(iphdr);
    info->total   = ntohs(iphdr->length);
    info->src     = iphdr->src;
    info->dst     = iphdr->dst;

    if (info->total == 0)
        info->total = length;  /* reassembled may be off */

    return 0;

/* Check TCP Header for a registered port */
/* returns 0 on success, -1 on error */
static int CheckTcpHdr(TcpHdr* tcphdr, TcpInfo* info, char* error)
    info->srcPort   = ntohs(tcphdr->srcPort);
    info->dstPort   = ntohs(tcphdr->dstPort);
    info->length    = TCP_LEN(tcphdr);
    info->sequence  = ntohl(tcphdr->sequence);
    info->fin       = tcphdr->flags & TCP_FIN;
    info->rst       = tcphdr->flags & TCP_RST;
    info->syn       = tcphdr->flags & TCP_SYN;
    info->ack       = tcphdr->flags & TCP_ACK;
    if (info->ack)
        info->ackNumber = ntohl(tcphdr->ack); 

    if (!IsPortRegistered(info->srcPort) && !IsPortRegistered(info->dstPort)) {
        SetError(SERVER_PORT_NOT_REG_STR, error, NULL, 0);
        return -1;

    return 0;

/* Decode Record Layer Header */
static int GetRecordHeader(const byte* input, RecordLayerHeader* rh, int* size)
    *size = (rh->length[0] << 8) | rh->length[1];

        return LENGTH_ERROR;

    return 0;

/* Process Client Key Exchange, RSA only */
static int ProcessClientKeyExchange(const byte* input, int* sslBytes,
                                    SnifferSession* session, char* error)
    word32 idx = 0;
    RsaKey key;
    int    ret;

    if (session->sslServer->buffers.key == NULL ||
        session->sslServer->buffers.key->buffer == NULL ||
        session->sslServer->buffers.key->length == 0) {

        SetError(RSA_KEY_MISSING_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
        return -1;
    ret = wc_InitRsaKey(&key, 0);
    if (ret == 0)
        ret = wc_RsaPrivateKeyDecode(session->sslServer->buffers.key->buffer,
                          &idx, &key, session->sslServer->buffers.key->length);
    if (ret == 0) {
        int length = wc_RsaEncryptSize(&key);

        if (IsTLS(session->sslServer))
            input += 2;     /* tls pre length */

        if (length > *sslBytes) {
            SetError(PARTIAL_INPUT_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
            return -1;
        #ifdef WC_RSA_BLINDING
            ret = wc_RsaSetRNG(&key, session->sslServer->rng);
            if (ret != 0) {
                SetError(RSA_DECRYPT_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
                return -1;
        ret = wc_RsaPrivateDecrypt(input, length,
                  session->sslServer->arrays->preMasterSecret,SECRET_LEN, &key);

        if (ret != SECRET_LEN) {
            SetError(RSA_DECRYPT_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
            return -1;
        session->sslServer->arrays->preMasterSz = SECRET_LEN;

        /* store for client side as well */
               session->sslServer->arrays->preMasterSecret, SECRET_LEN);
        session->sslClient->arrays->preMasterSz = SECRET_LEN;

        #ifdef SHOW_SECRETS
            int i;
            printf("pre master secret: ");
            for (i = 0; i < SECRET_LEN; i++)
                printf("%02x", session->sslServer->arrays->preMasterSecret[i]);
    else {
        SetError(RSA_DECODE_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
        return -1;

    if (SetCipherSpecs(session->sslServer) != 0) {
        SetError(BAD_CIPHER_SPEC_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
        return -1;

    if (SetCipherSpecs(session->sslClient) != 0) {
        SetError(BAD_CIPHER_SPEC_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
        return -1;

    ret  = MakeMasterSecret(session->sslServer);
    ret += MakeMasterSecret(session->sslClient);
    ret += SetKeysSide(session->sslServer, ENCRYPT_AND_DECRYPT_SIDE);
    ret += SetKeysSide(session->sslClient, ENCRYPT_AND_DECRYPT_SIDE);

    if (ret != 0) {
        SetError(BAD_DERIVE_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
        return -1;

        int i;
        printf("server master secret: ");
        for (i = 0; i < SECRET_LEN; i++)
            printf("%02x", session->sslServer->arrays->masterSecret[i]);

        printf("client master secret: ");
        for (i = 0; i < SECRET_LEN; i++)
            printf("%02x", session->sslClient->arrays->masterSecret[i]);

        printf("server suite = %d\n", session->sslServer->options.cipherSuite);
        printf("client suite = %d\n", session->sslClient->options.cipherSuite);

    return ret;

/* Process Session Ticket */
static int ProcessSessionTicket(const byte* input, int* sslBytes,
                                SnifferSession* session, char* error)
    word16 len;

    /* make sure can read through hint and len */
    if (TICKET_HINT_LEN + LENGTH_SZ > *sslBytes) {
        SetError(BAD_INPUT_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
        return -1;

    input     += TICKET_HINT_LEN;  /* skip over hint */
    *sslBytes -= TICKET_HINT_LEN;

    len = (word16)((input[0] << 8) | input[1]);
    input     += LENGTH_SZ;
    *sslBytes -= LENGTH_SZ;

    /* make sure can read through ticket */
    if (len > *sslBytes || len < ID_LEN) {
        SetError(BAD_INPUT_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
        return -1;

    /* store session with macID as sessionID */
    session->sslServer->options.haveSessionId = 1;
    XMEMCPY(session->sslServer->arrays->sessionID, input + len - ID_LEN,ID_LEN);

    return 0;

/* Process Server Hello */
static int ProcessServerHello(int msgSz, const byte* input, int* sslBytes,
                              SnifferSession* session, char* error)
    ProtocolVersion pv;
    byte            b;
    int             toRead = VERSION_SZ + RAN_LEN + ENUM_LEN;
    int             doResume     = 0;
    int             initialBytes = *sslBytes;


    /* make sure we didn't miss ClientHello */
    if (session->flags.clientHello == 0) {
        SetError(MISSED_CLIENT_HELLO_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
        return -1;

    /* make sure can read through session len */
    if (toRead > *sslBytes) {
        SetError(SERVER_HELLO_INPUT_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
        return -1;

    XMEMCPY(&pv, input, VERSION_SZ);
    input     += VERSION_SZ;
    *sslBytes -= VERSION_SZ;

    session->sslServer->version = pv;
    session->sslClient->version = pv;

    XMEMCPY(session->sslServer->arrays->serverRandom, input, RAN_LEN);
    XMEMCPY(session->sslClient->arrays->serverRandom, input, RAN_LEN);
    input    += RAN_LEN;
    *sslBytes -= RAN_LEN;

    b = *input++;
    *sslBytes -= 1;

    /* make sure can read through compression */
    if ( (b + SUITE_LEN + ENUM_LEN) > *sslBytes) {
        SetError(SERVER_HELLO_INPUT_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
        return -1;
    if (b) {
        XMEMCPY(session->sslServer->arrays->sessionID, input, ID_LEN);
        session->sslServer->options.haveSessionId = 1;
    input     += b;
    *sslBytes -= b;

    /* cipher suite */
    b = *input++;  /* first byte, ECC or not */
    session->sslServer->options.cipherSuite0 = b;
    session->sslClient->options.cipherSuite0 = b;
    b = *input++;
    session->sslServer->options.cipherSuite = b;
    session->sslClient->options.cipherSuite = b;
    *sslBytes -= SUITE_LEN;

    /* compression */
    b = *input++;
    *sslBytes -= ENUM_LEN;

    if (b) {
        SetError(BAD_COMPRESSION_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
        return -1;

    /* extensions */
    if ((initialBytes - *sslBytes) < msgSz) {
        word16 len;

        /* skip extensions until extended master secret */
        /* make sure can read len */
        if (SUITE_LEN > *sslBytes) {
            SetError(SERVER_HELLO_INPUT_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
            return -1;
        len = (word16)((input[0] << 8) | input[1]);
        input     += SUITE_LEN;
        *sslBytes -= SUITE_LEN;
        /* make sure can read through all extensions */
        if (len > *sslBytes) {
            SetError(SERVER_HELLO_INPUT_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
            return -1;

        while (len >= EXT_TYPE_SZ + LENGTH_SZ) {
            byte   extType[EXT_TYPE_SZ];
            word16 extLen;

            extType[0] = input[0];
            extType[1] = input[1];
            input     += EXT_TYPE_SZ;
            *sslBytes -= EXT_TYPE_SZ;

            extLen = (word16)((input[0] << 8) | input[1]);
            input     += LENGTH_SZ;
            *sslBytes -= LENGTH_SZ;

            /* make sure can read through individual extension */
            if (extLen > *sslBytes) {
                SetError(SERVER_HELLO_INPUT_STR, error, session,
                return -1;

            if (extType[0] == 0x00 && extType[1] == EXT_MASTER_SECRET) {
                session->flags.expectEms = 1;

            input     += extLen;
            *sslBytes -= extLen;
            len       -= extLen + EXT_TYPE_SZ + LENGTH_SZ;

    if (!session->flags.expectEms) {
        session->hash = NULL;

    if (session->sslServer->options.haveSessionId &&
                    session->sslClient->arrays->sessionID, ID_LEN) == 0)
        doResume = 1;
    else if (session->sslClient->options.haveSessionId == 0 &&
             session->sslServer->options.haveSessionId == 0 &&
        doResume = 1;

    if (session->ticketID && doResume) {
        /* use ticketID to retrieve from session, prefer over sessionID */
        session->sslServer->options.haveSessionId = 1;  /* may not have
                                                           actual sessionID */

    if (doResume ) {
        int ret = 0;
        SSL_SESSION* resume = GetSession(session->sslServer,
                                  session->sslServer->arrays->masterSecret, 0);
        if (resume == NULL) {
            SetError(BAD_SESSION_RESUME_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
            return -1;
        /* make sure client has master secret too */
               session->sslServer->arrays->masterSecret, SECRET_LEN);
        session->flags.resuming = 1;

        if (SetCipherSpecs(session->sslServer) != 0) {
            SetError(BAD_CIPHER_SPEC_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
            return -1;

        if (SetCipherSpecs(session->sslClient) != 0) {
            SetError(BAD_CIPHER_SPEC_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
            return -1;

        if (session->sslServer->options.tls) {
            ret =  DeriveTlsKeys(session->sslServer);
            ret += DeriveTlsKeys(session->sslClient);
        else {
            ret =  DeriveKeys(session->sslServer);
            ret += DeriveKeys(session->sslClient);
        ret += SetKeysSide(session->sslServer, ENCRYPT_AND_DECRYPT_SIDE);
        ret += SetKeysSide(session->sslClient, ENCRYPT_AND_DECRYPT_SIDE);

        if (ret != 0) {
            SetError(BAD_DERIVE_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
            return -1;
        int i;
        printf("cipher suite = 0x%02x\n",
        printf("server random: ");
        for (i = 0; i < RAN_LEN; i++)
            printf("%02x", session->sslServer->arrays->serverRandom[i]);
    return 0;

/* Process normal Client Hello */
static int ProcessClientHello(const byte* input, int* sslBytes,
                              SnifferSession* session, char* error)
    byte   bLen;
    word16 len;
    int    toRead = VERSION_SZ + RAN_LEN + ENUM_LEN;

#ifdef HAVE_SNI
        byte name[MAX_SERVER_NAME];
        word32 nameSz = sizeof(name);
        int ret;

        ret = wolfSSL_SNI_GetFromBuffer(
                             input - HANDSHAKE_HEADER_SZ - RECORD_HEADER_SZ,
                             *sslBytes + HANDSHAKE_HEADER_SZ + RECORD_HEADER_SZ,
                             WOLFSSL_SNI_HOST_NAME, name, &nameSz);

        if (ret == SSL_SUCCESS) {
            NamedKey* namedKey;

            if (nameSz >= sizeof(name))
                nameSz = sizeof(name) - 1;
            name[nameSz] = 0;
            namedKey = session->context->namedKeys;
            while (namedKey != NULL) {
                if (nameSz == namedKey->nameSz &&
                           XSTRNCMP((char*)name, namedKey->name, nameSz) == 0) {
                    if (wolfSSL_use_PrivateKey_buffer(session->sslServer,
                                            namedKey->key, namedKey->keySz,
                                            SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1) != SSL_SUCCESS) {
                        SetError(CLIENT_HELLO_LATE_KEY_STR, error, session,
                        return -1;
                    namedKey = namedKey->next;

    session->flags.clientHello = 1;  /* don't process again */

    /* make sure can read up to session len */
    if (toRead > *sslBytes) {
        SetError(CLIENT_HELLO_INPUT_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
        return -1;

    /* skip, get negotiated one from server hello */
    input     += VERSION_SZ;
    *sslBytes -= VERSION_SZ;

    XMEMCPY(session->sslServer->arrays->clientRandom, input, RAN_LEN);
    XMEMCPY(session->sslClient->arrays->clientRandom, input, RAN_LEN);

    input     += RAN_LEN;
    *sslBytes -= RAN_LEN;

    /* store session in case trying to resume */
    bLen = *input++;
    *sslBytes -= ENUM_LEN;
    if (bLen) {
        if (ID_LEN > *sslBytes) {
            SetError(CLIENT_HELLO_INPUT_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
            return -1;
        XMEMCPY(session->sslClient->arrays->sessionID, input, ID_LEN);
        session->sslClient->options.haveSessionId = 1;
        int i;
        printf("client random: ");
        for (i = 0; i < RAN_LEN; i++)
            printf("%02x", session->sslServer->arrays->clientRandom[i]);

    input     += bLen;
    *sslBytes -= bLen;

    /* skip cipher suites */
    /* make sure can read len */
    if (SUITE_LEN > *sslBytes) {
        SetError(CLIENT_HELLO_INPUT_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
        return -1;
    len = (word16)((input[0] << 8) | input[1]);
    input     += SUITE_LEN;
    *sslBytes -= SUITE_LEN;
    /* make sure can read suites + comp len */
    if (len + ENUM_LEN > *sslBytes) {
        SetError(CLIENT_HELLO_INPUT_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
        return -1;
    input     += len;
    *sslBytes -= len;

    /* skip compression */
    bLen       = *input++;
    *sslBytes -= ENUM_LEN;
    /* make sure can read len */
    if (bLen > *sslBytes) {
        SetError(CLIENT_HELLO_INPUT_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
        return -1;
    input     += bLen;
    *sslBytes -= bLen;
    if (*sslBytes == 0) {
        /* no extensions */
        return 0;
    /* skip extensions until session ticket */
    /* make sure can read len */
    if (SUITE_LEN > *sslBytes) {
        SetError(CLIENT_HELLO_INPUT_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
        return -1;
    len = (word16)((input[0] << 8) | input[1]);
    input     += SUITE_LEN;
    *sslBytes -= SUITE_LEN;
    /* make sure can read through all extensions */
    if (len > *sslBytes) {
        SetError(CLIENT_HELLO_INPUT_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
        return -1;

    while (len >= EXT_TYPE_SZ + LENGTH_SZ) {
        byte   extType[EXT_TYPE_SZ];
        word16 extLen;

        extType[0] = input[0];
        extType[1] = input[1];
        input     += EXT_TYPE_SZ;
        *sslBytes -= EXT_TYPE_SZ;

        extLen = (word16)((input[0] << 8) | input[1]);
        input     += LENGTH_SZ;
        *sslBytes -= LENGTH_SZ;

        /* make sure can read through individual extension */
        if (extLen > *sslBytes) {
            SetError(CLIENT_HELLO_INPUT_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
            return -1;

        if (extType[0] == 0x00 && extType[1] == TICKET_EXT_ID) {

            /* make sure can read through ticket if there is a non blank one */
            if (extLen && extLen < ID_LEN) {
                SetError(CLIENT_HELLO_INPUT_STR, error, session,
                return -1;

            if (extLen) {
                if (session->ticketID == 0) {
                    session->ticketID = (byte*)malloc(ID_LEN);
                    if (session->ticketID == 0) {
                        SetError(MEMORY_STR, error, session,
                        return -1;
                XMEMCPY(session->ticketID, input + extLen - ID_LEN, ID_LEN);

        input     += extLen;
        *sslBytes -= extLen;
        len       -= extLen + EXT_TYPE_SZ + LENGTH_SZ;

    return 0;

/* Process Finished */
static int ProcessFinished(const byte* input, int size, int* sslBytes,
                           SnifferSession* session, char* error)
    SSL*   ssl;
    word32 inOutIdx = 0;
    int    ret;
    if (session->flags.side == WOLFSSL_SERVER_END)
        ssl = session->sslServer;
        ssl = session->sslClient;

    ret = DoFinished(ssl, input, &inOutIdx, (word32) size, (word32) *sslBytes,
    *sslBytes -= (int)inOutIdx;

    if (ret < 0) {
        SetError(BAD_FINISHED_MSG, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
        return ret;
    if (ret == 0 && session->flags.cached == 0) {
        if (session->sslServer->options.haveSessionId) {
            WOLFSSL_SESSION* sess = GetSession(session->sslServer, NULL, 0);
            if (sess == NULL)
                AddSession(session->sslServer);  /* don't re add */
            session->flags.cached = 1;

    /* If receiving a finished message from one side, free the resources
     * from the other side's tracker. */
    if (session->flags.side == WOLFSSL_SERVER_END)

    return ret;

/* Process HandShake input */
static int DoHandShake(const byte* input, int* sslBytes,
                       SnifferSession* session, char* error)
    byte type;
    int  size;
    int  ret = 0;
    int  startBytes;

    if (*sslBytes < HANDSHAKE_HEADER_SZ) {
        SetError(HANDSHAKE_INPUT_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
        return -1;
    type = input[0];
    size = (input[1] << 16) | (input[2] << 8) | input[3];
    input     += HANDSHAKE_HEADER_SZ;
    *sslBytes -= HANDSHAKE_HEADER_SZ;
    startBytes = *sslBytes;

    if (*sslBytes < size) {
        SetError(HANDSHAKE_INPUT_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
        return -1;

    /* A session's arrays are released when the handshake is completed. */
    if (session->sslServer->arrays == NULL &&
        session->sslClient->arrays == NULL) {

        SetError(NO_SECURE_RENEGOTIATION, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
        return -1;
    if (session->hash) {
        if (HashUpdate(session->hash, input, size) != 0) {
            SetError(EXTENDED_MASTER_HASH_STR, error,
                     session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
            return -1;

    switch (type) {
        case hello_verify_request:
        case hello_request:
        case session_ticket:
            ret = ProcessSessionTicket(input, sslBytes, session, error);
        case server_hello:
            ret = ProcessServerHello(size, input, sslBytes, session, error);
        case certificate_request:
        case server_key_exchange:
            /* can't know temp key passively */
            SetError(BAD_CIPHER_SPEC_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
            ret = -1;
        case certificate:
        case server_hello_done:
        case finished:
            ret = ProcessFinished(input, size, sslBytes, session, error);
        case client_hello:
            ret = ProcessClientHello(input, sslBytes, session, error);
        case client_key_exchange:
            if (session->flags.expectEms && session->hash != NULL) {
                if (HashCopy(session->sslServer->hsHashes,
                             session->hash) == 0 &&
                             session->hash) == 0) {

                    session->sslServer->options.haveEMS = 1;
                    session->sslClient->options.haveEMS = 1;
                else {
                    SetError(EXTENDED_MASTER_HASH_STR, error,
                             session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
                    ret = -1;
                XMEMSET(session->hash, 0, sizeof(HsHashes));
                session->hash = NULL;
            else {
                session->sslServer->options.haveEMS = 0;
                session->sslClient->options.haveEMS = 0;
            if (ret == 0)
                ret = ProcessClientKeyExchange(input, sslBytes, session, error);
        case certificate_verify:
        case certificate_status:
            SetError(GOT_UNKNOWN_HANDSHAKE_STR, error, session, 0);
            return -1;

    *sslBytes = startBytes - size;  /* actual bytes of full process */

    return ret;

/* Decrypt input into plain output, 0 on success */
static int Decrypt(SSL* ssl, byte* output, const byte* input, word32 sz)
    int ret = 0;


    switch (ssl->specs.bulk_cipher_algorithm) {
        #ifdef BUILD_ARC4
        case wolfssl_rc4:
            wc_Arc4Process(ssl->decrypt.arc4, output, input, sz);
        #ifdef BUILD_DES3
        case wolfssl_triple_des:
            ret = wc_Des3_CbcDecrypt(ssl->decrypt.des3, output, input, sz);
        #ifdef BUILD_AES
        case wolfssl_aes:
            ret = wc_AesCbcDecrypt(ssl->decrypt.aes, output, input, sz);
        #ifdef HAVE_HC128
        case wolfssl_hc128:
            wc_Hc128_Process(ssl->decrypt.hc128, output, input, sz);
        #ifdef BUILD_RABBIT
        case wolfssl_rabbit:
            wc_RabbitProcess(ssl->decrypt.rabbit, output, input, sz);

        #ifdef HAVE_CAMELLIA 
        case wolfssl_camellia:
            wc_CamelliaCbcDecrypt(ssl->decrypt.cam, output, input, sz);

        #ifdef HAVE_IDEA
        case wolfssl_idea:
            wc_IdeaCbcDecrypt(ssl->decrypt.idea, output, input, sz);

        #ifdef HAVE_AESGCM
        case wolfssl_aes_gcm:
            if (sz >= (word32)(AESGCM_EXP_IV_SZ + ssl->specs.aead_mac_size))
                /* scratch buffer, sniffer ignores auth tag*/
                byte authTag[WOLFSSL_MIN_AUTH_TAG_SZ];

                byte nonce[AESGCM_NONCE_SZ];
                XMEMCPY(nonce, ssl->keys.aead_dec_imp_IV, AESGCM_IMP_IV_SZ);
                XMEMCPY(nonce + AESGCM_IMP_IV_SZ, input, AESGCM_EXP_IV_SZ);

                if (wc_AesGcmEncrypt(ssl->decrypt.aes,
                            input + AESGCM_EXP_IV_SZ,
                            sz - AESGCM_EXP_IV_SZ - ssl->specs.aead_mac_size,
                            nonce, AESGCM_NONCE_SZ,
                            authTag, sizeof(authTag),
                            NULL, 0) < 0) {
                    ret = -1;
                ForceZero(nonce, AESGCM_NONCE_SZ);
            else {
                ret = -1;

            ret = -1;

    return ret;

/* Decrypt input message into output, adjust output steam if needed */
static const byte* DecryptMessage(SSL* ssl, const byte* input, word32 sz,
                                  byte* output, int* error, int* advance)
    int ivExtra = 0;

    int ret = Decrypt(ssl, output, input, sz);
    if (ret != 0) {
        *error = ret;
        return NULL;
    ssl->keys.encryptSz = sz;
    if (ssl->options.tls1_1 && ssl->specs.cipher_type == block) {
        output += ssl->specs.block_size;     /* go past TLSv1.1 IV */
        ivExtra = ssl->specs.block_size;
        *advance = ssl->specs.block_size;

    if (ssl->specs.cipher_type == aead) {
        *advance = ssl->specs.aead_mac_size;
        ssl->keys.padSz = ssl->specs.aead_mac_size;
        ssl->keys.padSz = ssl->specs.hash_size;

    if (ssl->specs.cipher_type == block)
        ssl->keys.padSz += *(output + sz - ivExtra - 1) + 1;
    return output;

/* remove session from table, use rowHint if no info (means we have a lock) */
static void RemoveSession(SnifferSession* session, IpInfo* ipInfo,
                        TcpInfo* tcpInfo, word32 rowHint)
    SnifferSession* previous = 0;
    SnifferSession* current;
    word32          row = rowHint;
    int             haveLock = 0;
    if (ipInfo && tcpInfo)
        row = SessionHash(ipInfo, tcpInfo);
        haveLock = 1;
    assert(row <= HASH_SIZE);
    if (!haveLock)
    current = SessionTable[row];
    while (current) {
        if (current == session) {
            if (previous)
                previous->next = current->next;
                SessionTable[row] = current->next;
        previous = current;
        current  = current->next;
    if (!haveLock)

/* Remove stale sessions from the Session Table, have a lock */
static void RemoveStaleSessions(void)
    word32 i;
    SnifferSession* session;
    for (i = 0; i < HASH_SIZE; i++) {
        session = SessionTable[i];
        while (session) {
            SnifferSession* next = session->next; 
            if (time(NULL) >= session->lastUsed + WOLFSSL_SNIFFER_TIMEOUT) {
                RemoveSession(session, NULL, NULL, i);
            session = next;

/* Create a new Sniffer Session */
static SnifferSession* CreateSession(IpInfo* ipInfo, TcpInfo* tcpInfo,
                                     char* error)
    SnifferSession* session = 0;
    int row;
    /* create a new one */
    session = (SnifferSession*)malloc(sizeof(SnifferSession));
    if (session == NULL) {
        SetError(MEMORY_STR, error, NULL, 0);
        return 0;
        HsHashes* newHash = (HsHashes*)malloc(sizeof(HsHashes));
        if (newHash == NULL) {
            SetError(MEMORY_STR, error, NULL, 0);
            return 0;
        if (HashInit(newHash) != 0) {
            SetError(EXTENDED_MASTER_HASH_STR, error, NULL, 0);
            return 0;
        session->hash = newHash;
    session->server  = ipInfo->dst;
    session->client  = ipInfo->src;
    session->srvPort = (word16)tcpInfo->dstPort;
    session->cliPort = (word16)tcpInfo->srcPort;
    session->cliSeqStart = tcpInfo->sequence;
    session->cliExpected = 1;  /* relative */
    session->lastUsed= time(NULL);
    session->context = GetSnifferServer(ipInfo, tcpInfo);
    if (session->context == NULL) {
        SetError(SERVER_NOT_REG_STR, error, NULL, 0);
        return 0;
    session->sslServer = SSL_new(session->context->ctx);
    if (session->sslServer == NULL) {
        SetError(BAD_NEW_SSL_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
        return 0;
    session->sslClient = SSL_new(session->context->ctx);
    if (session->sslClient == NULL) {
        session->sslServer = 0;

        SetError(BAD_NEW_SSL_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
        return 0;
    /* put server back into server mode */
    session->sslServer->options.side = WOLFSSL_SERVER_END;
    row = SessionHash(ipInfo, tcpInfo);
    /* add it to the session table */
    session->next = SessionTable[row];
    SessionTable[row] = session;
    if ( (SessionCount % HASH_SIZE) == 0) {
    /* determine headed side */
    if (ipInfo->dst == session->context->server &&
        tcpInfo->dstPort == session->context->port)
        session->flags.side = WOLFSSL_SERVER_END;
        session->flags.side = WOLFSSL_CLIENT_END;        
    return session;


/* Process Old Client Hello Input */
static int DoOldHello(SnifferSession* session, const byte* sslFrame,
                      int* rhSize, int* sslBytes, char* error)
    const byte* input = sslFrame;
    byte        b0, b1;
    word32      idx = 0;
    int         ret;

    session->flags.clientHello = 1;    /* don't process again */
    b0 = *input++;
    b1 = *input++;
    *sslBytes -= 2;
    *rhSize = ((b0 & 0x7f) << 8) | b1;

    if (*rhSize > *sslBytes) {
        SetError(OLD_CLIENT_INPUT_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
        return -1;

    ret = ProcessOldClientHello(session->sslServer, input, &idx, *sslBytes,
    if (ret < 0 && ret != MATCH_SUITE_ERROR) {
        SetError(BAD_OLD_CLIENT_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
        return -1;
           session->sslServer->arrays->clientRandom, RAN_LEN);
    *sslBytes -= *rhSize;
    return 0;

#endif /* OLD_HELLO_ALLOWED */

#if 0
/* Calculate the TCP checksum, see RFC 1071 */
/* return 0 for success, -1 on error */
/* can be called from decode() with
   TcpChecksum(&ipInfo, &tcpInfo, sslBytes, packet + ipInfo.length);
   could also add a 64bit version if type available and using this
int TcpChecksum(IpInfo* ipInfo, TcpInfo* tcpInfo, int dataLen,
                const byte* packet)
    TcpPseudoHdr  pseudo;
    int           count = PSEUDO_HDR_SZ;
    const word16* data = (word16*)&pseudo;
    word32        sum = 0;
    word16        checksum;
    pseudo.src = ipInfo->src;
    pseudo.dst = ipInfo->dst;
    pseudo.rsv = 0;
    pseudo.protocol = TCP_PROTO;
    pseudo.length = htons(tcpInfo->length + dataLen);
    /* pseudo header sum */
    while (count >= 2) {
        sum   += *data++;
        count -= 2;
    count = tcpInfo->length + dataLen;
    data = (word16*)packet;
    /* main sum */
    while (count > 1) {
        sum   += *data++;
        count -=2;
    /* get left-over, if any */
    packet = (byte*)data;
    if (count > 0) {
        sum += *packet;
    /* fold 32bit sum into 16 bits */
    while (sum >> 16)
        sum = (sum & 0xffff) + (sum >> 16);
    checksum = (word16)~sum;
    /* checksum should now equal 0, since included already calcd checksum */
    /* field, but tcp checksum offloading could negate calculation */
    if (checksum == 0)
        return 0;
    return -1;

/* Check IP and TCP headers, set payload */
/* returns 0 on success, -1 on error */
static int CheckHeaders(IpInfo* ipInfo, TcpInfo* tcpInfo, const byte* packet,
                  int length, const byte** sslFrame, int* sslBytes, char* error)

    /* ip header */
    if (length < IP_HDR_SZ) {
        SetError(PACKET_HDR_SHORT_STR, error, NULL, 0);
        return -1;
    if (CheckIpHdr((IpHdr*)packet, ipInfo, length, error) != 0)
        return -1;
    /* tcp header */ 
    if (length < (ipInfo->length + TCP_HDR_SZ)) {
        SetError(PACKET_HDR_SHORT_STR, error, NULL, 0);
        return -1;
    if (CheckTcpHdr((TcpHdr*)(packet + ipInfo->length), tcpInfo, error) != 0)
        return -1;
    /* setup */ 
    *sslFrame = packet + ipInfo->length + tcpInfo->length;
    if (*sslFrame > packet + length) {
        SetError(PACKET_HDR_SHORT_STR, error, NULL, 0);
        return -1;
    *sslBytes = (int)(packet + length - *sslFrame);
    return 0;

/* Create or Find existing session */
/* returns 0 on success (continue), -1 on error, 1 on success (end) */
static int CheckSession(IpInfo* ipInfo, TcpInfo* tcpInfo, int sslBytes,
                        SnifferSession** session, char* error)
    /* create a new SnifferSession on client SYN */
    if (tcpInfo->syn && !tcpInfo->ack) {
        *session = CreateSession(ipInfo, tcpInfo, error);
        if (*session == NULL) {
            *session = GetSnifferSession(ipInfo, tcpInfo);
            /* already had existing, so OK */
            if (*session)
                return 1;
            SetError(MEMORY_STR, error, NULL, 0);
            return -1;
        return 1;
    /* get existing sniffer session */
    else {
        *session = GetSnifferSession(ipInfo, tcpInfo);
        if (*session == NULL) {
            /* don't worry about extraneous RST or duplicate FINs */
            if (tcpInfo->fin || tcpInfo->rst)
                return 1;
            /* don't worry about duplicate ACKs either */
            if (sslBytes == 0 && tcpInfo->ack)
                return 1;
            SetError(BAD_SESSION_STR, error, NULL, 0);
            return -1;
    return 0;

/* Create a Packet Buffer from *begin - end, adjust new *begin and bytesLeft */
static PacketBuffer* CreateBuffer(word32* begin, word32 end, const byte* data,
                                  int* bytesLeft)
    PacketBuffer* pb;
    int added = end - *begin + 1;
    assert(*begin <= end);
    pb = (PacketBuffer*)malloc(sizeof(PacketBuffer));
    if (pb == NULL) return NULL;
    pb->next  = 0;
    pb->begin = *begin;
    pb->end   = end;
    pb->data = (byte*)malloc(added);
    if (pb->data == NULL) {
        return NULL;
    XMEMCPY(pb->data, data, added);
    *bytesLeft -= added;
    *begin      = pb->end + 1;
    return pb;

/* Add sslFrame to Reassembly List */
/* returns 1 (end) on success, -1, on error */
static int AddToReassembly(byte from, word32 seq, const byte* sslFrame,
                           int sslBytes, SnifferSession* session, char* error)
    PacketBuffer*  add;
    PacketBuffer** front = (from == WOLFSSL_SERVER_END) ?
                       &session->cliReassemblyList: &session->srvReassemblyList;
    PacketBuffer*  curr = *front;
    PacketBuffer*  prev = curr;
    word32* reassemblyMemory = (from == WOLFSSL_SERVER_END) ?
                  &session->cliReassemblyMemory : &session->srvReassemblyMemory;
    word32  startSeq = seq;
    word32  added;
    int     bytesLeft = sslBytes;  /* could be overlapping fragment */

    /* if list is empty add full frame to front */
    if (!curr) {
        if (MaxRecoveryMemory != -1 &&
                      (int)(*reassemblyMemory + sslBytes) > MaxRecoveryMemory) {
            SetError(REASSEMBLY_MAX_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
            return -1;
        add = CreateBuffer(&seq, seq + sslBytes - 1, sslFrame, &bytesLeft);
        if (add == NULL) {
            SetError(MEMORY_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
            return -1;
        *front = add;
        *reassemblyMemory += sslBytes;
        return 1;
    /* add to front if before current front, up to next->begin */
    if (seq < curr->begin) {
        word32 end = seq + sslBytes - 1;
        if (end >= curr->begin)
            end = curr->begin - 1;
        if (MaxRecoveryMemory -1 &&
                      (int)(*reassemblyMemory + sslBytes) > MaxRecoveryMemory) {
            SetError(REASSEMBLY_MAX_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
            return -1;
        add = CreateBuffer(&seq, end, sslFrame, &bytesLeft);
        if (add == NULL) {
            SetError(MEMORY_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
            return -1;
        add->next = curr;
        *front = add;
        *reassemblyMemory += sslBytes;
    /* while we have bytes left, try to find a gap to fill */
    while (bytesLeft > 0) {
        /* get previous packet in list */
        while (curr && (seq >= curr->begin)) {
            prev = curr;
            curr = curr->next;
        /* don't add  duplicate data */
        if (prev->end >= seq) {
            if ( (seq + bytesLeft - 1) <= prev->end)
                return 1;
            seq = prev->end + 1;
            bytesLeft = startSeq + sslBytes - seq;
        if (!curr)
            /* we're at the end */
            added = bytesLeft;
            /* we're in between two frames */
            added = min((word32)bytesLeft, curr->begin - seq);
        /* data already there */
        if (added == 0)
        if (MaxRecoveryMemory != -1 &&
                         (int)(*reassemblyMemory + added) > MaxRecoveryMemory) {
            SetError(REASSEMBLY_MAX_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
            return -1;
        add = CreateBuffer(&seq, seq + added - 1, &sslFrame[seq - startSeq],
        if (add == NULL) {
            SetError(MEMORY_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
            return -1;
        add->next  = prev->next;
        prev->next = add;
        *reassemblyMemory += added;
    return 1;

/* Add out of order FIN capture */
/* returns 1 for success (end) */
static int AddFinCapture(SnifferSession* session, word32 sequence)
    if (session->flags.side == WOLFSSL_SERVER_END) {
        if (session->finCaputre.cliCounted == 0)
            session->finCaputre.cliFinSeq = sequence;
    else {
        if (session->finCaputre.srvCounted == 0)
            session->finCaputre.srvFinSeq = sequence;
    return 1;

/* Adjust incoming sequence based on side */
/* returns 0 on success (continue), -1 on error, 1 on success (end) */
static int AdjustSequence(TcpInfo* tcpInfo, SnifferSession* session,
                          int* sslBytes, const byte** sslFrame, char* error)
    word32  seqStart = (session->flags.side == WOLFSSL_SERVER_END) ? 
                                     session->cliSeqStart :session->srvSeqStart;
    word32  real     = tcpInfo->sequence - seqStart;
    word32* expected = (session->flags.side == WOLFSSL_SERVER_END) ?
                                  &session->cliExpected : &session->srvExpected;
    PacketBuffer* reassemblyList = (session->flags.side == WOLFSSL_SERVER_END) ?
                        session->cliReassemblyList : session->srvReassemblyList;
    byte  skipPartial = (session->flags.side == WOLFSSL_SERVER_END) ?
                                session->flags.srvSkipPartial :
    /* handle rollover of sequence */
    if (tcpInfo->sequence < seqStart)
        real = 0xffffffffU - seqStart + tcpInfo->sequence;
    TraceRelativeSequence(*expected, real);
    if (real < *expected) {
        if (real + *sslBytes > *expected) {
            int overlap = *expected - real;
            /* adjust to expected, remove duplicate */
            *sslFrame += overlap;
            *sslBytes -= overlap;

            /* The following conditional block is duplicated below. It is the
             * same action but for a different setup case. If changing this
             * block be sure to also update the block below. */
            if (reassemblyList) {
                word32 newEnd = *expected + *sslBytes;
                if (newEnd > reassemblyList->begin) {
                    /* remove bytes already on reassembly list */
                    *sslBytes -= newEnd - reassemblyList->begin;
                if (newEnd > reassemblyList->end) {
                    /* may be past reassembly list end (could have more on list)
                       so try to add what's past the front->end */
                    AddToReassembly(session->flags.side, reassemblyList->end +1,
                                *sslFrame + reassemblyList->end - *expected + 1,
                                 newEnd - reassemblyList->end, session, error);
            return 1;
    else if (real > *expected) {
        if (*sslBytes > 0) {
            int addResult = AddToReassembly(session->flags.side, real,
                                          *sslFrame, *sslBytes, session, error);
            if (skipPartial) {
                *sslBytes = 0;
                return 0;
                return addResult;
        else if (tcpInfo->fin)
            return AddFinCapture(session, real);
    else if (*sslBytes > 0) {
        if (skipPartial) {
            AddToReassembly(session->flags.side, real,
                                          *sslFrame, *sslBytes, session, error);
            *expected += *sslBytes;
            *sslBytes = 0;
            if (tcpInfo->fin)
                *expected += 1;
            return 0;
        /* The following conditional block is duplicated above. It is the
         * same action but for a different setup case. If changing this
         * block be sure to also update the block above. */
        else if (reassemblyList) {
            word32 newEnd = *expected + *sslBytes;

            if (newEnd > reassemblyList->begin) {

                /* remove bytes already on reassembly list */
                *sslBytes -= newEnd - reassemblyList->begin;
            if (newEnd > reassemblyList->end) {

                /* may be past reassembly list end (could have more on list)
                   so try to add what's past the front->end */
                AddToReassembly(session->flags.side, reassemblyList->end +1,
                            *sslFrame + reassemblyList->end - *expected + 1,
                             newEnd - reassemblyList->end, session, error);
    /* got expected sequence */
    *expected += *sslBytes;
    if (tcpInfo->fin)
        *expected += 1;
    return 0;

static int FindNextRecordInAssembly(SnifferSession* session,
                                    const byte** sslFrame, int* sslBytes,
                                    const byte** end, char* error)
    PacketBuffer**     front = (session->flags.side == WOLFSSL_SERVER_END) ?
                                    &session->cliReassemblyList :
    PacketBuffer*       curr = *front;
    PacketBuffer*       prev = NULL;
    byte*        skipPartial = (session->flags.side == WOLFSSL_SERVER_END) ?
                                    &session->flags.srvSkipPartial :
    word32* reassemblyMemory = (session->flags.side == WOLFSSL_SERVER_END) ?
                                    &session->cliReassemblyMemory :
    SSL*                 ssl = (session->flags.side == WOLFSSL_SERVER_END) ?
                                    session->sslServer :
    ProtocolVersion       pv = ssl->version;
    word32*         expected = (session->flags.side == WOLFSSL_SERVER_END) ?
                                    &session->cliExpected :

    while (curr != NULL) {
        *expected = curr->end + 1;

        if (curr->data[0] == application_data &&
            curr->data[1] == pv.major &&
            curr->data[2] == pv.minor) {

            if (ssl->buffers.inputBuffer.length > 0)

            *sslBytes = curr->end - curr->begin + 1;
            if ( (word32)*sslBytes > ssl->buffers.inputBuffer.bufferSize) {
                if (GrowInputBuffer(ssl, *sslBytes, 0) < 0) {
                    SetError(MEMORY_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
                    return -1;

            XMEMCPY(ssl->buffers.inputBuffer.buffer, curr->data, *sslBytes);

            *front = curr->next;
            *reassemblyMemory -= *sslBytes;

            ssl->buffers.inputBuffer.length = *sslBytes;
            *sslFrame = ssl->buffers.inputBuffer.buffer;
            *end = *sslFrame + *sslBytes;
            *skipPartial = 0;

            return 0;
        else if (ssl->specs.cipher_type == block) {
            if (ssl->specs.bulk_cipher_algorithm == wolfssl_aes) {
#ifdef BUILD_AES
                            curr->data + curr->end - curr->begin
                                       - ssl->specs.block_size + 1);
            else if (ssl->specs.bulk_cipher_algorithm == wolfssl_triple_des) {
#ifdef BUILD_DES3
                              curr->data + curr->end - curr->begin
                                         - ssl->specs.block_size + 1);

        prev = curr;
        curr = curr->next;
        *reassemblyMemory -= (prev->end - prev->begin + 1);

    *front = curr;

    return 0;

static int FixSequence(TcpInfo* tcpInfo, SnifferSession* session)
    word32*   expected = (session->flags.side == WOLFSSL_SERVER_END) ?
                                &session->srvExpected : &session->cliExpected;
    PacketBuffer* list = (session->flags.side == WOLFSSL_SERVER_END) ?
                                session->srvReassemblyList :
    byte*  skipPartial = (session->flags.side != WOLFSSL_SERVER_END) ?
                                &session->flags.srvSkipPartial :

    *skipPartial = 1;
    if (list != NULL)
        *expected = list->begin;
    else {
        word32 seqStart = (session->flags.side == WOLFSSL_SERVER_END) ?
                                session->srvSeqStart : session->cliSeqStart;
        word32     real = tcpInfo->ackNumber - seqStart;

        *expected = real;

    return 1;

/* Check latest ack number for missing packets
   return 0 ok, <0 on error */
static int CheckAck(TcpInfo* tcpInfo, SnifferSession* session)
    if (tcpInfo->ack) {
        word32  seqStart = (session->flags.side == WOLFSSL_SERVER_END) ? 
                                     session->srvSeqStart :session->cliSeqStart;
        word32  real     = tcpInfo->ackNumber - seqStart;
        word32  expected = (session->flags.side == WOLFSSL_SERVER_END) ?
                                  session->srvExpected : session->cliExpected;
        /* handle rollover of sequence */
        if (tcpInfo->ackNumber < seqStart)
            real = 0xffffffffU - seqStart + tcpInfo->ackNumber;
        TraceAck(real, expected);

        if (real > expected)
            return -1;  /* we missed a packet, ACKing data we never saw */
    return 0;

/* Check TCP Sequence status */
/* returns 0 on success (continue), -1 on error, 1 on success (end) */
static int CheckSequence(IpInfo* ipInfo, TcpInfo* tcpInfo,
                         SnifferSession* session, int* sslBytes,
                         const byte** sslFrame, char* error)
    int actualLen;
    byte* ackFault = (session->flags.side == WOLFSSL_SERVER_END) ?
                        &session->flags.cliAckFault :

    /* init SEQ from server to client */
    if (tcpInfo->syn && tcpInfo->ack) {
        session->srvSeqStart = tcpInfo->sequence;
        session->srvExpected = 1;
        return 1;
    /* adjust potential ethernet trailer */
    actualLen = ipInfo->total - ipInfo->length - tcpInfo->length;
    if (*sslBytes > actualLen) {
        *sslBytes = actualLen;
    TraceSequence(tcpInfo->sequence, *sslBytes);
    if (CheckAck(tcpInfo, session) < 0) {
        if (!RecoveryEnabled) {
            SetError(ACK_MISSED_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
            return -1;
        else {
            SetError(ACK_MISSED_STR, error, session, 0);
            if (*ackFault == 0) {
                *ackFault = 1;
            return FixSequence(tcpInfo, session);
    if (*ackFault) {
        *ackFault = 0;

    return AdjustSequence(tcpInfo, session, sslBytes, sslFrame, error);    

/* Check Status before record processing */
/* returns 0 on success (continue), -1 on error, 1 on success (end) */
static int CheckPreRecord(IpInfo* ipInfo, TcpInfo* tcpInfo,
                          const byte** sslFrame, SnifferSession** session,
                          int* sslBytes, const byte** end, char* error)
    word32 length;
    SSL*  ssl = ((*session)->flags.side == WOLFSSL_SERVER_END) ?
                                  (*session)->sslServer : (*session)->sslClient;
    byte  skipPartial = ((*session)->flags.side == WOLFSSL_SERVER_END) ?
                        (*session)->flags.srvSkipPartial :
    /* remove SnifferSession on 2nd FIN or RST */
    if (tcpInfo->fin || tcpInfo->rst) {
        /* flag FIN and RST */
        if (tcpInfo->fin)
            (*session)->flags.finCount += 1;
        else if (tcpInfo->rst)
            (*session)->flags.finCount += 2;
        if ((*session)->flags.finCount >= 2) {
            RemoveSession(*session, ipInfo, tcpInfo, 0);
            *session = NULL;
            return 1;
    if ((*session)->flags.fatalError == FATAL_ERROR_STATE) {
        SetError(FATAL_ERROR_STR, error, NULL, 0);
        return -1;
    if (skipPartial) {
        if (FindNextRecordInAssembly(*session,
                                     sslFrame, sslBytes, end, error) < 0) {
            return -1;

    if (*sslBytes == 0) {
        return 1;
    /* if current partial data, add to end of partial */
    /* if skipping, the data is already at the end of partial */
    if ( !skipPartial &&
         (length = ssl->buffers.inputBuffer.length) ) {
        if ( (*sslBytes + length) > ssl->buffers.inputBuffer.bufferSize) {
            if (GrowInputBuffer(ssl, *sslBytes, length) < 0) {
                SetError(MEMORY_STR, error, *session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
                return -1;
        XMEMCPY(&ssl->buffers.inputBuffer.buffer[length], *sslFrame, *sslBytes);
        *sslBytes += length;
        ssl->buffers.inputBuffer.length = *sslBytes;
        *sslFrame = ssl->buffers.inputBuffer.buffer;
        *end = *sslFrame + *sslBytes;

    if ((*session)->flags.clientHello == 0 && **sslFrame != handshake) {
        /* Sanity check the packet for an old style client hello. */
        int rhSize = (((*sslFrame)[0] & 0x7f) << 8) | ((*sslFrame)[1]);

        if ((rhSize <= (*sslBytes - 2)) &&
            (*sslFrame)[2] == OLD_HELLO_ID && (*sslFrame)[3] == SSLv3_MAJOR) {
        int ret = DoOldHello(*session, *sslFrame, &rhSize, sslBytes, error);
        if (ret < 0)
            return -1;  /* error already set */
        if (*sslBytes <= 0)
            return 1;
        else {
            return 1;

    return 0;

/* See if input on the reassembly list is ready for consuming */
/* returns 1 for TRUE, 0 for FALSE */
static int HaveMoreInput(SnifferSession* session, const byte** sslFrame,
                         int* sslBytes, const byte** end, char* error)
    /* sequence and reassembly based on from, not to */
    int            moreInput = 0;
    PacketBuffer** front = (session->flags.side == WOLFSSL_SERVER_END) ?
                      &session->cliReassemblyList : &session->srvReassemblyList;
    word32*        expected = (session->flags.side == WOLFSSL_SERVER_END) ?
                                  &session->cliExpected : &session->srvExpected;
    /* buffer is on receiving end */
    word32*        length = (session->flags.side == WOLFSSL_SERVER_END) ?
                               &session->sslServer->buffers.inputBuffer.length :
    byte**         myBuffer = (session->flags.side == WOLFSSL_SERVER_END) ?
                               &session->sslServer->buffers.inputBuffer.buffer :
    word32*       bufferSize = (session->flags.side == WOLFSSL_SERVER_END) ?
                           &session->sslServer->buffers.inputBuffer.bufferSize :
    SSL*               ssl  = (session->flags.side == WOLFSSL_SERVER_END) ?
                            session->sslServer : session->sslClient;
    word32*     reassemblyMemory = (session->flags.side == WOLFSSL_SERVER_END) ?
                  &session->cliReassemblyMemory : &session->srvReassemblyMemory;
    while (*front && ((*front)->begin == *expected) ) {
        word32 room = *bufferSize - *length;
        word32 packetLen = (*front)->end - (*front)->begin + 1;

        if (packetLen > room && *bufferSize < MAX_INPUT_SZ) {
            if (GrowInputBuffer(ssl, packetLen, *length) < 0) {
                SetError(MEMORY_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
                return 0;
            room = *bufferSize - *length;   /* bufferSize is now bigger */
        if (packetLen <= room) {
            PacketBuffer* del = *front;
            byte*         buf = *myBuffer;
            XMEMCPY(&buf[*length], (*front)->data, packetLen);
            *length   += packetLen;
            *expected += packetLen;
            /* remove used packet */
            *front = (*front)->next;

            *reassemblyMemory -= packetLen;
            moreInput = 1;
    if (moreInput) {
        *sslFrame = *myBuffer;
        *sslBytes = *length;
        *end      = *myBuffer + *length;
    return moreInput;

/* Process Message(s) from sslFrame */
/* return Number of bytes on success, 0 for no data yet, and -1 on error */
static int ProcessMessage(const byte* sslFrame, SnifferSession* session,
                          int sslBytes, byte** data, const byte* end,
                          char* error)
    const byte*       sslBegin = sslFrame;
    const byte*       recordEnd;   /* end of record indicator */
    const byte*       inRecordEnd; /* indicator from input stream not decrypt */
    RecordLayerHeader rh;
    int               rhSize = 0;
    int               ret;
    int               errCode = 0;
    int               decoded = 0;      /* bytes stored for user in data */
    int               notEnough;        /* notEnough bytes yet flag */
    int               decrypted = 0;    /* was current msg decrypted */
    SSL*              ssl = (session->flags.side == WOLFSSL_SERVER_END) ?
                                        session->sslServer : session->sslClient;
    notEnough = 0;
    if (sslBytes < 0) {
        SetError(PACKET_HDR_SHORT_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
        return -1;
    if (sslBytes >= RECORD_HEADER_SZ) {
        if (GetRecordHeader(sslFrame, &rh, &rhSize) != 0) {
            SetError(BAD_RECORD_HDR_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
            return -1;
        notEnough = 1;

    if (notEnough || rhSize > (sslBytes - RECORD_HEADER_SZ)) {
        /* don't have enough input yet to process full SSL record */
        /* store partial if not there already or we advanced */
        if (ssl->buffers.inputBuffer.length == 0 || sslBegin != sslFrame) {
            if (sslBytes > (int)ssl->buffers.inputBuffer.bufferSize) {
                if (GrowInputBuffer(ssl, sslBytes, 0) < 0) { 
                    SetError(MEMORY_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
                    return -1;
            XMEMMOVE(ssl->buffers.inputBuffer.buffer, sslFrame, sslBytes);
            ssl->buffers.inputBuffer.length = sslBytes;
        if (HaveMoreInput(session, &sslFrame, &sslBytes, &end, error))
            goto doMessage;
        return decoded;
    sslFrame += RECORD_HEADER_SZ;
    sslBytes -= RECORD_HEADER_SZ;
    recordEnd = sslFrame + rhSize;   /* may have more than one record */
    inRecordEnd = recordEnd;
    /* decrypt if needed */
    if ((session->flags.side == WOLFSSL_SERVER_END &&
     || (session->flags.side == WOLFSSL_CLIENT_END &&
                                               session->flags.clientCipherOn)) {
        int ivAdvance = 0;  /* TLSv1.1 advance amount */
        if (ssl->decrypt.setup != 1) {
            SetError(DECRYPT_KEYS_NOT_SETUP, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
            return -1;
        if (CheckAvailableSize(ssl, rhSize) < 0) {
            SetError(MEMORY_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
            return -1;
        sslFrame = DecryptMessage(ssl, sslFrame, rhSize,
                                  ssl->buffers.outputBuffer.buffer, &errCode,
        recordEnd = sslFrame - ivAdvance + rhSize;  /* sslFrame moved so
                                                       should recordEnd */
        decrypted = 1;
        if (errCode != 0) {
            SetError(BAD_DECRYPT, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
            return -1;

    switch ((enum ContentType)rh.type) {
        case handshake:
                int startIdx = sslBytes;
                int used;

                ret = DoHandShake(sslFrame, &sslBytes, session, error);
                if (ret != 0) {
                    if (session->flags.fatalError == 0)
                        SetError(BAD_HANDSHAKE_STR, error, session,
                    return -1;

                /* DoHandShake now fully decrements sslBytes to remaining */
                used = startIdx - sslBytes;
                sslFrame += used;
                if (decrypted)
                    sslFrame += ssl->keys.padSz;
        case change_cipher_spec:
            if (session->flags.side == WOLFSSL_SERVER_END)
                session->flags.serverCipherOn = 1;
                session->flags.clientCipherOn = 1;
            ssl->options.handShakeState = HANDSHAKE_DONE;
            ssl->options.handShakeDone  = 1;

            sslFrame += 1;
            sslBytes -= 1;

        case application_data:
                word32 inOutIdx = 0;
                ret = DoApplicationData(ssl, (byte*)sslFrame, &inOutIdx);
                if (ret == 0) {
                    ret = ssl->buffers.clearOutputBuffer.length;
                    if (ret) {  /* may be blank message */
                        byte* tmpData;  /* don't leak on realloc free */
                        /* add an extra byte at end of allocation in case user
                         * wants to null terminate plaintext */
                        tmpData = (byte*)realloc(*data, decoded + ret + 1);
                        if (tmpData == NULL) {
                            ForceZero(*data, decoded);
                            *data = NULL;
                            SetError(MEMORY_STR, error, session,
                            return -1;
                        *data = tmpData;
                        XMEMCPY(*data + decoded,
                                ssl->buffers.clearOutputBuffer.buffer, ret);
                        TraceAddedData(ret, decoded);
                        decoded += ret;
                        ssl->buffers.clearOutputBuffer.length = 0;
                else {
                    SetError(BAD_APP_DATA_STR, error,session,FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
                    return -1;
                if (ssl->buffers.outputBuffer.dynamicFlag)

                sslFrame += inOutIdx;
                sslBytes -= inOutIdx;
        case alert:
            sslFrame += rhSize;
            sslBytes -= rhSize;
        case no_type:
            SetError(GOT_UNKNOWN_RECORD_STR, error, session, FATAL_ERROR_STATE);
            return -1;

    /* do we have another msg in record ? */
    if (sslFrame < recordEnd) {
        goto doPart;

    /* back to input stream instead of potential decrypt buffer */
    recordEnd = inRecordEnd;

    /* do we have more records ? */
    if (recordEnd < end) {
        sslFrame = recordEnd;
        sslBytes = (int)(end - recordEnd);
        goto doMessage;
    /* clear used input */
    ssl->buffers.inputBuffer.length = 0;
    /* could have more input ready now */
    if (HaveMoreInput(session, &sslFrame, &sslBytes, &end, error))
        goto doMessage;

    if (ssl->buffers.inputBuffer.dynamicFlag)
        ShrinkInputBuffer(ssl, NO_FORCED_FREE);
    return decoded;

/* See if we need to process any pending FIN captures */
static void CheckFinCapture(IpInfo* ipInfo, TcpInfo* tcpInfo, 
                            SnifferSession* session)
    if (session->finCaputre.cliFinSeq && session->finCaputre.cliFinSeq <= 
                                         session->cliExpected) {
        if (session->finCaputre.cliCounted == 0) {
            session->flags.finCount += 1;
            session->finCaputre.cliCounted = 1;
            TraceClientFin(session->finCaputre.cliFinSeq, session->cliExpected);
    if (session->finCaputre.srvFinSeq && session->finCaputre.srvFinSeq <= 
                                         session->srvExpected) {
        if (session->finCaputre.srvCounted == 0) {
            session->flags.finCount += 1;
            session->finCaputre.srvCounted = 1;
            TraceServerFin(session->finCaputre.srvFinSeq, session->srvExpected);
    if (session->flags.finCount >= 2) 
        RemoveSession(session, ipInfo, tcpInfo, 0);

/* If session is in fatal error state free resources now 
   return true if removed, 0 otherwise */
static int RemoveFatalSession(IpInfo* ipInfo, TcpInfo* tcpInfo,
                              SnifferSession* session, char* error)
    if (session && session->flags.fatalError == FATAL_ERROR_STATE) {
        RemoveSession(session, ipInfo, tcpInfo, 0);
        SetError(FATAL_ERROR_STR, error, NULL, 0);
        return 1;
    return 0;

/* Passes in an IP/TCP packet for decoding (ethernet/localhost frame) removed */
/* returns Number of bytes on success, 0 for no data yet, and -1 on error */
int ssl_DecodePacket(const byte* packet, int length, byte** data, char* error)
    TcpInfo           tcpInfo;
    IpInfo            ipInfo;
    const byte*       sslFrame;
    const byte*       end = packet + length;
    int               sslBytes;                /* ssl bytes unconsumed */
    int               ret;
    SnifferSession*   session = 0;

    if (CheckHeaders(&ipInfo, &tcpInfo, packet, length, &sslFrame, &sslBytes,
                     error) != 0)
        return -1;
    ret = CheckSession(&ipInfo, &tcpInfo, sslBytes, &session, error);
    if (RemoveFatalSession(&ipInfo, &tcpInfo, session, error)) return -1;
    else if (ret == -1) return -1;
    else if (ret ==  1) return  0;   /* done for now */
    ret = CheckSequence(&ipInfo, &tcpInfo, session, &sslBytes, &sslFrame,error);
    if (RemoveFatalSession(&ipInfo, &tcpInfo, session, error)) return -1;
    else if (ret == -1) return -1;
    else if (ret ==  1) return  0;   /* done for now */
    ret = CheckPreRecord(&ipInfo, &tcpInfo, &sslFrame, &session, &sslBytes,
                         &end, error);
    if (RemoveFatalSession(&ipInfo, &tcpInfo, session, error)) return -1;
    else if (ret == -1) return -1;
    else if (ret ==  1) return  0;   /* done for now */

    ret = ProcessMessage(sslFrame, session, sslBytes, data, end, error);
    if (RemoveFatalSession(&ipInfo, &tcpInfo, session, error)) return -1;
    CheckFinCapture(&ipInfo, &tcpInfo, session);
    return ret;

/* Deallocator for the decoded data buffer. */
/* returns 0 on success, -1 on error */
int ssl_FreeDecodeBuffer(byte** data, char* error)
    return ssl_FreeZeroDecodeBuffer(data, 0, error);

/* Deallocator for the decoded data buffer, zeros out buffer. */
/* returns 0 on success, -1 on error */
int ssl_FreeZeroDecodeBuffer(byte** data, int sz, char* error)

    if (sz < 0) {
        return -1;

    if (data != NULL) {
        ForceZero(*data, (word32)sz);
        *data = NULL;

    return 0;

/* Enables (if traceFile)/ Disables debug tracing */
/* returns 0 on success, -1 on error */
int ssl_Trace(const char* traceFile, char* error)
    if (traceFile) {
        TraceFile = fopen(traceFile, "a");
        if (!TraceFile) {
            SetError(BAD_TRACE_FILE_STR, error, NULL, 0);
            return -1;
        TraceOn = 1;
        TraceOn = 0;

    return 0;

/* Enables/Disables Recovery of missed data if later packets allow
 * maxMemory is number of bytes to use for reassembly buffering per session,
 * -1 means unlimited
 * returns 0 on success, -1 on error */
int ssl_EnableRecovery(int onOff, int maxMemory, char* error)

    RecoveryEnabled = onOff;
    if (onOff)
        MaxRecoveryMemory = maxMemory;

    return 0;

int ssl_GetSessionStats(unsigned int* active,     unsigned int* total,
                        unsigned int* peak,       unsigned int* maxSessions,
                        unsigned int* missedData, unsigned int* reassemblyMem,
                        char* error)
    int ret;

    if (missedData) {
        *missedData = MissedDataSessions;

    if (reassemblyMem) {
        SnifferSession* session;
        int i;

        *reassemblyMem = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < HASH_SIZE; i++) {
            session = SessionTable[i];
            while (session) {
                *reassemblyMem += session->cliReassemblyMemory;
                *reassemblyMem += session->srvReassemblyMemory;
                session = session->next;

    ret = wolfSSL_get_session_stats(active, total, peak, maxSessions);

    if (ret == SSL_SUCCESS)
        return 0;
    else {
        SetError(BAD_SESSION_STATS, error, NULL, 0);
        return -1;

#endif /* WOLFSSL_SNIFFER */
#endif /* WOLFCRYPT_ONLY */