wolfSSL 3.11.1 for TLS1.3 beta

Fork of wolfSSL by wolf SSL

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/wolfcrypt/src/asn.c	Tue May 30 06:16:19 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,10834 @@
+/* asn.c
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2016 wolfSSL Inc.
+ *
+ * This file is part of wolfSSL.
+ *
+ * wolfSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * wolfSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA
+ */
+    #include <config.h>
+#include <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/settings.h>
+ASN Options:
+ * NO_ASN_TIME: Disables time parts of the ASN code for systems without an RTC
+    or wishing to save space.
+ * IGNORE_NAME_CONSTRAINTS: Skip ASN name checks.
+ * ASN_DUMP_OID: Allows dump of OID information for debugging.
+ * RSA_DECODE_EXTRA: Decodes extra information in RSA public key.
+ * WOLFSSL_CERT_GEN: Cert generation. Saves extra certificate info in GetName.
+#ifndef NO_ASN
+#ifdef HAVE_RTP_SYS
+    #include "os.h"           /* dc_rtc_api needs    */
+    #include "dc_rtc_api.h"   /* to get current time */
+#include <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/asn.h>
+#include <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/coding.h>
+#include <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/md2.h>
+#include <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/hmac.h>
+#include <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/error-crypt.h>
+#include <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/pwdbased.h>
+#include <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/des3.h>
+#include <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/logging.h>
+#include <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/random.h>
+#include <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/hash.h>
+#ifdef NO_INLINE
+    #include <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/misc.h>
+    #include <wolfcrypt/src/misc.c>
+#ifndef NO_RC4
+    #include <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/arc4.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_NTRU
+    #include "libntruencrypt/ntru_crypto.h"
+#if defined(WOLFSSL_SHA512) || defined(WOLFSSL_SHA384)
+    #include <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/sha512.h>
+#ifndef NO_SHA256
+    #include <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/sha256.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_ECC
+    #include <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/ecc.h>
+#ifndef NO_RSA
+    #include <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/rsa.h>
+    #if defined(FREESCALE_MQX) || defined(FREESCALE_KSDK_MQX)
+        #if MQX_USE_IO_OLD
+            #include <fio.h>
+        #else
+            #include <nio.h>
+        #endif
+    #else
+        #include <stdio.h>
+    #endif
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+    /* 4996 warning to use MS extensions e.g., strcpy_s instead of XSTRNCPY */
+    #pragma warning(disable: 4996)
+#define ERROR_OUT(err, eLabel) { ret = (err); goto eLabel; }
+#ifndef NO_ASN_TIME
+#if defined(USER_TIME)
+    /* Use our gmtime and time_t/struct tm types.
+       Only needs seconds since EPOCH using XTIME function.
+       time_t XTIME(time_t * timer) {}
+    */
+    #define WOLFSSL_GMTIME
+    #define USE_WOLF_TM
+    #define USE_WOLF_TIME_T
+#elif defined(TIME_OVERRIDES)
+    /* Override XTIME() and XGMTIME() functionality.
+       Requires user to provide these functions:
+        time_t XTIME(time_t * timer) {}
+        struct tm* XGMTIME(const time_t* timer, struct tm* tmp) {}
+    */
+    #ifndef HAVE_TIME_T_TYPE
+        #define USE_WOLF_TIME_T
+    #endif
+    #ifndef HAVE_TM_TYPE
+        #define USE_WOLF_TM
+    #endif
+    #define NEED_TMP_TIME
+#elif defined(HAVE_RTP_SYS)
+    /* uses parital <time.h> structures */
+    #define XTIME(tl)       (0)
+    #define XGMTIME(c, t)   rtpsys_gmtime((c))
+#elif defined(MICRIUM)
+        #define XVALIDATE_DATE(d, f, t) NetSecure_ValidateDateHandler((d), (f), (t))
+    #else
+        #define XVALIDATE_DATE(d, f, t) (0)
+    #endif
+    #define NO_TIME_H
+    /* since Micrium not defining XTIME or XGMTIME, CERT_GEN not available */
+#elif defined(MICROCHIP_TCPIP_V5) || defined(MICROCHIP_TCPIP)
+    #include <time.h>
+    #define XTIME(t1)       pic32_time((t1))
+    #define XGMTIME(c, t)   gmtime((c))
+#elif defined(FREESCALE_MQX) || defined(FREESCALE_KSDK_MQX)
+    #define XTIME(t1)       mqx_time((t1))
+    #define HAVE_GMTIME_R
+    #include <time.h>
+    #ifndef XTIME
+        #define XTIME(t1)   ksdk_time((t1))
+    #endif
+    #define XGMTIME(c, t)   gmtime((c))
+#elif defined(WOLFSSL_ATMEL)
+    #define XTIME(t1)       atmel_get_curr_time_and_date((t1))
+    #define WOLFSSL_GMTIME
+    #define USE_WOLF_TM
+    #define USE_WOLF_TIME_T
+#elif defined(IDIRECT_DEV_TIME)
+    /*Gets the timestamp from cloak software owned by VT iDirect
+    in place of time() from <time.h> */
+    #include <time.h>
+    #define XTIME(t1)       idirect_time((t1))
+    #define XGMTIME(c, t)   gmtime((c))
+#elif defined(_WIN32_WCE)
+    #include <windows.h>
+    #define XTIME(t1)       windows_time((t1))
+    #define WOLFSSL_GMTIME
+    /* default */
+    /* uses complete <time.h> facility */
+    #include <time.h>
+/* Map default time functions */
+#if !defined(XTIME) && !defined(TIME_OVERRIDES) && !defined(USER_TIME)
+    #define XTIME(tl)       time((tl))
+#if !defined(XGMTIME) && !defined(TIME_OVERRIDES)
+    #if defined(WOLFSSL_GMTIME) || !defined(HAVE_GMTIME_R)
+        #define XGMTIME(c, t)   gmtime((c))
+    #else
+        #define XGMTIME(c, t)   gmtime_r((c), (t))
+        #define NEED_TMP_TIME
+    #endif
+#if !defined(XVALIDATE_DATE) && !defined(HAVE_VALIDATE_DATE)
+    #define XVALIDATE_DATE(d, f, t) ValidateDate((d), (f), (t))
+/* wolf struct tm and time_t */
+#if defined(USE_WOLF_TM)
+    struct tm {
+        int  tm_sec;     /* seconds after the minute [0-60] */
+        int  tm_min;     /* minutes after the hour [0-59] */
+        int  tm_hour;    /* hours since midnight [0-23] */
+        int  tm_mday;    /* day of the month [1-31] */
+        int  tm_mon;     /* months since January [0-11] */
+        int  tm_year;    /* years since 1900 */
+        int  tm_wday;    /* days since Sunday [0-6] */
+        int  tm_yday;    /* days since January 1 [0-365] */
+        int  tm_isdst;   /* Daylight Savings Time flag */
+        long tm_gmtoff;  /* offset from CUT in seconds */
+        char *tm_zone;   /* timezone abbreviation */
+    };
+#endif /* USE_WOLF_TM */
+#if defined(USE_WOLF_TIME_T)
+    typedef long time_t;
+/* forward declarations */
+#if defined(USER_TIME)
+    struct tm* gmtime(const time_t* timer);
+    extern time_t XTIME(time_t * timer);
+    #ifdef STACK_TRAP
+        /* for stack trap tracking, don't call os gmtime on OS X/linux,
+           uses a lot of stack spce */
+        extern time_t time(time_t * timer);
+        #define XTIME(tl)  time((tl))
+    #endif /* STACK_TRAP */
+#elif defined(TIME_OVERRIDES)
+    extern time_t XTIME(time_t * timer);
+    extern struct tm* XGMTIME(const time_t* timer, struct tm* tmp);
+#elif defined(WOLFSSL_GMTIME)
+    struct tm* gmtime(const time_t* timer);
+    /* extern time_t ksdk_time(time_t* timer); */
+#if defined(_WIN32_WCE)
+time_t windows_time(time_t* timer)
+    SYSTEMTIME     sysTime;
+    FILETIME       fTime;
+    ULARGE_INTEGER intTime;
+    time_t         localTime;
+    if (timer == NULL)
+        timer = &localTime;
+    GetSystemTime(&sysTime);
+    SystemTimeToFileTime(&sysTime, &fTime);
+    XMEMCPY(&intTime, &fTime, sizeof(FILETIME));
+    /* subtract EPOCH */
+    intTime.QuadPart -= 0x19db1ded53e8000;
+    /* to secs */
+    intTime.QuadPart /= 10000000;
+    *timer = (time_t)intTime.QuadPart;
+    return *timer;
+#endif /*  _WIN32_WCE */
+#if defined(WOLFSSL_GMTIME)
+struct tm* gmtime(const time_t* timer)
+    #define YEAR0          1900
+    #define EPOCH_YEAR     1970
+    #define SECS_DAY       (24L * 60L * 60L)
+    #define LEAPYEAR(year) (!((year) % 4) && (((year) % 100) || !((year) %400)))
+    #define YEARSIZE(year) (LEAPYEAR(year) ? 366 : 365)
+    static const int _ytab[2][12] =
+    {
+        {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31},
+        {31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}
+    };
+    static struct tm st_time;
+    struct tm* ret = &st_time;
+    time_t secs = *timer;
+    unsigned long dayclock, dayno;
+    int year = EPOCH_YEAR;
+    dayclock = (unsigned long)secs % SECS_DAY;
+    dayno    = (unsigned long)secs / SECS_DAY;
+    ret->tm_sec  = (int) dayclock % 60;
+    ret->tm_min  = (int)(dayclock % 3600) / 60;
+    ret->tm_hour = (int) dayclock / 3600;
+    ret->tm_wday = (int) (dayno + 4) % 7;        /* day 0 a Thursday */
+    while(dayno >= (unsigned long)YEARSIZE(year)) {
+        dayno -= YEARSIZE(year);
+        year++;
+    }
+    ret->tm_year = year - YEAR0;
+    ret->tm_yday = (int)dayno;
+    ret->tm_mon  = 0;
+    while(dayno >= (unsigned long)_ytab[LEAPYEAR(year)][ret->tm_mon]) {
+        dayno -= _ytab[LEAPYEAR(year)][ret->tm_mon];
+        ret->tm_mon++;
+    }
+    ret->tm_mday  = (int)++dayno;
+    ret->tm_isdst = 0;
+    return ret;
+#endif /* WOLFSSL_GMTIME */
+#if defined(HAVE_RTP_SYS)
+#define YEAR0          1900
+struct tm* rtpsys_gmtime(const time_t* timer)       /* has a gmtime() but hangs */
+    static struct tm st_time;
+    struct tm* ret = &st_time;
+    dc_rtc_time_get(&cal, TRUE);
+    ret->tm_year  = cal.year - YEAR0;       /* gm starts at 1900 */
+    ret->tm_mon   = cal.month - 1;          /* gm starts at 0 */
+    ret->tm_mday  = cal.day;
+    ret->tm_hour  = cal.hour;
+    ret->tm_min   = cal.minute;
+    ret->tm_sec   = cal.second;
+    return ret;
+#endif /* HAVE_RTP_SYS */
+#if defined(MICROCHIP_TCPIP_V5) || defined(MICROCHIP_TCPIP)
+ * time() is just a stub in Microchip libraries. We need our own
+ * implementation. Use SNTP client to get seconds since epoch.
+ */
+time_t pic32_time(time_t* timer)
+    DWORD sec = 0;
+    uint32_t sec = 0;
+    time_t localTime;
+    if (timer == NULL)
+        timer = &localTime;
+    sec = TCPIP_SNTP_UTCSecondsGet();
+    sec = SNTPGetUTCSeconds();
+    *timer = (time_t) sec;
+    return *timer;
+#if defined(FREESCALE_MQX) || defined(FREESCALE_KSDK_MQX)
+time_t mqx_time(time_t* timer)
+    time_t localTime;
+    TIME_STRUCT time_s;
+    if (timer == NULL)
+        timer = &localTime;
+    _time_get(&time_s);
+    *timer = (time_t) time_s.SECONDS;
+    return *timer;
+#if defined(WOLFSSL_TIRTOS)
+time_t XTIME(time_t * timer)
+    time_t sec = 0;
+    sec = (time_t) Seconds_get();
+    if (timer != NULL)
+        *timer = sec;
+    return sec;
+#endif /* WOLFSSL_TIRTOS */
+static INLINE word32 btoi(byte b)
+    return (word32)(b - 0x30);
+/* two byte date/time, add to value */
+static INLINE void GetTime(int* value, const byte* date, int* idx)
+    int i = *idx;
+    *value += btoi(date[i++]) * 10;
+    *value += btoi(date[i++]);
+    *idx = i;
+#if defined(MICRIUM)
+CPU_INT32S NetSecure_ValidateDateHandler(CPU_INT08U *date, CPU_INT08U format,
+                                         CPU_INT08U dateType)
+    CPU_BOOLEAN  rtn_code;
+    CPU_INT32S   i;
+    CPU_INT32S   val;
+    CPU_INT16U   year;
+    CPU_INT08U   month;
+    CPU_INT16U   day;
+    CPU_INT08U   hour;
+    CPU_INT08U   min;
+    CPU_INT08U   sec;
+    i    = 0;
+    year = 0u;
+    if (format == ASN_UTC_TIME) {
+        if (btoi(date[0]) >= 5)
+            year = 1900;
+        else
+            year = 2000;
+    }
+    else  { /* format == GENERALIZED_TIME */
+        year += btoi(date[i++]) * 1000;
+        year += btoi(date[i++]) * 100;
+    }
+    val = year;
+    GetTime(&val, date, &i);
+    year = (CPU_INT16U)val;
+    val = 0;
+    GetTime(&val, date, &i);
+    month = (CPU_INT08U)val;
+    val = 0;
+    GetTime(&val, date, &i);
+    day = (CPU_INT16U)val;
+    val = 0;
+    GetTime(&val, date, &i);
+    hour = (CPU_INT08U)val;
+    val = 0;
+    GetTime(&val, date, &i);
+    min = (CPU_INT08U)val;
+    val = 0;
+    GetTime(&val, date, &i);
+    sec = (CPU_INT08U)val;
+    return NetSecure_ValidateDate(year, month, day, hour, min, sec, dateType);
+#endif /* MICRIUM */
+#if defined(IDIRECT_DEV_TIME)
+extern time_t getTimestamp();
+time_t idirect_time(time_t * timer)
+    time_t sec = getTimestamp();
+    if (timer != NULL)
+        *timer = sec;
+    return sec;
+#endif /* IDIRECT_DEV_TIME */
+#endif /* !NO_ASN_TIME */
+WOLFSSL_LOCAL int GetLength(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx, int* len,
+                           word32 maxIdx)
+    int     length = 0;
+    word32  idx = *inOutIdx;
+    byte    b;
+    *len = 0;    /* default length */
+    if ((idx + 1) > maxIdx) {   /* for first read */
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("GetLength bad index on input");
+        return BUFFER_E;
+    }
+    b = input[idx++];
+    if (b >= ASN_LONG_LENGTH) {
+        word32 bytes = b & 0x7F;
+        if ((idx + bytes) > maxIdx) {   /* for reading bytes */
+            WOLFSSL_MSG("GetLength bad long length");
+            return BUFFER_E;
+        }
+        while (bytes--) {
+            b = input[idx++];
+            length = (length << 8) | b;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+        length = b;
+    if ((idx + length) > maxIdx) {   /* for user of length */
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("GetLength value exceeds buffer length");
+        return BUFFER_E;
+    }
+    *inOutIdx = idx;
+    if (length > 0)
+        *len = length;
+    return length;
+/* Get the DER/BER encoding of an ASN.1 header.
+ *
+ * input     Buffer holding DER/BER encoded data.
+ * tag       ASN.1 tag value expected in header.
+ * inOutIdx  Current index into buffer to parse.
+ * len       The number of bytes in the ASN.1 data.
+ * maxIdx    Length of data in buffer.
+ * returns BUFFER_E when there is not enough data to parse.
+ *         ASN_PARSE_E when the expected tag is not found or length is invalid.
+ *         Otherwise, the number of bytes in the ASN.1 data.
+ */
+static int GetASNHeader(const byte* input, byte tag, word32* inOutIdx, int* len,
+                        word32 maxIdx)
+    word32 idx = *inOutIdx;
+    byte   b;
+    int    length;
+    if ((idx + 1) > maxIdx)
+        return BUFFER_E;
+    b = input[idx++];
+    if (b != tag)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if (GetLength(input, &idx, &length, maxIdx) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    *len      = length;
+    *inOutIdx = idx;
+    return length;
+WOLFSSL_LOCAL int GetSequence(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx, int* len,
+                           word32 maxIdx)
+    return GetASNHeader(input, ASN_SEQUENCE | ASN_CONSTRUCTED, inOutIdx, len,
+                        maxIdx);
+WOLFSSL_LOCAL int GetSet(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx, int* len,
+                        word32 maxIdx)
+    return GetASNHeader(input, ASN_SET | ASN_CONSTRUCTED, inOutIdx, len,
+                        maxIdx);
+/* Get the DER/BER encoded ASN.1 NULL element.
+ * Ensure that the all fields are as expected and move index past the element.
+ *
+ * input     Buffer holding DER/BER encoded data.
+ * inOutIdx  Current index into buffer to parse.
+ * maxIdx    Length of data in buffer.
+ * returns BUFFER_E when there is not enough data to parse.
+ *         ASN_TAG_NULL_E when the NULL tag is not found.
+ *         ASN_EXPECT_0_E when the length is not zero.
+ *         Otherwise, 0 to indicate success.
+ */
+static int GetASNNull(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx, word32 maxIdx)
+    word32 idx = *inOutIdx;
+    byte   b;
+    if ((idx + 2) > maxIdx)
+        return BUFFER_E;
+    b = input[idx++];
+    if (b != ASN_TAG_NULL)
+        return ASN_TAG_NULL_E;
+    if (input[idx++] != 0)
+        return ASN_EXPECT_0_E;
+    *inOutIdx = idx;
+    return 0;
+/* Set the DER/BER encoding of the ASN.1 NULL element.
+ *
+ * output  Buffer to write into.
+ * returns the number of bytes added to the buffer.
+ */
+static int SetASNNull(byte* output)
+    output[0] = ASN_TAG_NULL;
+    output[1] = 0;
+    return 2;
+/* Get the DER/BER encoding of an ASN.1 BOOLEAN.
+ *
+ * input     Buffer holding DER/BER encoded data.
+ * inOutIdx  Current index into buffer to parse.
+ * maxIdx    Length of data in buffer.
+ * returns BUFFER_E when there is not enough data to parse.
+ *         ASN_PARSE_E when the BOOLEAN tag is not found or length is not 1.
+ *         Otherwise, 0 to indicate the value was false and 1 to indicate true.
+ */
+static int GetBoolean(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx, word32 maxIdx)
+    word32 idx = *inOutIdx;
+    byte   b;
+    if ((idx + 3) > maxIdx)
+        return BUFFER_E;
+    b = input[idx++];
+    if (b != ASN_BOOLEAN)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if (input[idx++] != 1)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    b = input[idx++] != 0;
+    *inOutIdx = idx;
+    return b;
+/* Set the DER/BER encoding of the ASN.1 NULL element.
+ * Note: Function not required as yet.
+ *
+ * val     Boolean value to encode.
+ * output  Buffer to write into.
+ * returns the number of bytes added to the buffer.
+ */
+static int SetBoolean(int val, byte* output)
+    output[0] = ASN_BOOLEAN;
+    output[1] = 1;
+    output[2] = val ? -1 : 0;
+    return 3;
+/* Get the DER/BER encoding of an ASN.1 OCTET_STRING header.
+ *
+ * input     Buffer holding DER/BER encoded data.
+ * inOutIdx  Current index into buffer to parse.
+ * len       The number of bytes in the ASN.1 data.
+ * maxIdx    Length of data in buffer.
+ * returns BUFFER_E when there is not enough data to parse.
+ *         ASN_PARSE_E when the OCTET_STRING tag is not found or length is
+ *         invalid.
+ *         Otherwise, the number of bytes in the ASN.1 data.
+ */
+static int GetOctetString(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx, int* len,
+                          word32 maxIdx)
+    return GetASNHeader(input, ASN_OCTET_STRING, inOutIdx, len, maxIdx);
+/* Get the DER/BER encoding of an ASN.1 INTEGER header.
+ * Removes the leading zero byte when found.
+ *
+ * input     Buffer holding DER/BER encoded data.
+ * inOutIdx  Current index into buffer to parse.
+ * len       The number of bytes in the ASN.1 data (excluding any leading zero).
+ * maxIdx    Length of data in buffer.
+ * returns BUFFER_E when there is not enough data to parse.
+ *         ASN_PARSE_E when the INTEGER tag is not found, length is invalid,
+ *         or invalid use of or missing leading zero.
+ *         Otherwise, 0 to indicate success.
+ */
+static int GetASNInt(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx, int* len,
+                     word32 maxIdx)
+    int    ret;
+    ret = GetASNHeader(input, ASN_INTEGER, inOutIdx, len, maxIdx);
+    if (ret < 0)
+        return ret;
+    if (*len > 0) {
+        /* remove leading zero, unless there is only one 0x00 byte */
+        if ((input[*inOutIdx] == 0x00) && (*len > 1)) {
+            (*inOutIdx)++;
+            (*len)--;
+            if (*len > 0 && (input[*inOutIdx] & 0x80) == 0)
+                return ASN_PARSE_E;
+        }
+        else if ((input[*inOutIdx] & 0x80) == 0x80)
+            return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    }
+    return 0;
+/* Get the DER/BER encoding of an ASN.1 INTEGER that has a value of no more than
+ * 7 bits.
+ *
+ * input     Buffer holding DER/BER encoded data.
+ * inOutIdx  Current index into buffer to parse.
+ * maxIdx    Length of data in buffer.
+ * returns BUFFER_E when there is not enough data to parse.
+ *         ASN_PARSE_E when the INTEGER tag is not found or length is invalid.
+ *         Otherwise, the 7-bit value.
+ */
+static int GetInteger7Bit(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx, word32 maxIdx)
+    word32 idx = *inOutIdx;
+    byte   b;
+    if ((idx + 3) > maxIdx)
+        return BUFFER_E;
+    if (input[idx++] != ASN_INTEGER)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if (input[idx++] != 1)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    b = input[idx++];
+    *inOutIdx = idx;
+    return b;
+#if !defined(NO_DSA) || defined(HAVE_ECC) || (!defined(NO_RSA) && (defined(WOLFSSL_CERT_GEN) || (defined(WOLFSSL_KEY_GEN) && !defined(HAVE_USER_RSA))))
+/* Set the DER/BER encoding of the ASN.1 INTEGER header.
+ *
+ * len        Length of data to encode.
+ * firstByte  First byte of data, most significant byte of integer, to encode.
+ * output     Buffer to write into.
+ * returns the number of bytes added to the buffer.
+ */
+static int SetASNInt(int len, byte firstByte, byte* output)
+    word32 idx = 0;
+    output[idx++] = ASN_INTEGER;
+    if (firstByte & 0x80)
+        len++;
+    idx += SetLength(len, output + idx);
+    if (firstByte & 0x80)
+        output[idx++] = 0x00;
+    return idx;
+#if !defined(NO_DSA) || defined(HAVE_ECC) || (defined(WOLFSSL_KEY_GEN) && !defined(NO_RSA) && !defined(HAVE_USER_RSA))
+/* Set the DER/BER encoding of the ASN.1 INTEGER element with an mp_int.
+ * The number is assumed to be positive.
+ *
+ * n       Multi-precision integer to encode.
+ * maxSz   Maximum size of the encoded integer.
+ *         A negative value indicates no check of length requested.
+ * output  Buffer to write into.
+ * returns BUFFER_E when the data is too long for the buffer.
+ *         MP_TO_E when encoding the integer fails.
+ *         Otherwise, the number of bytes added to the buffer.
+ */
+static int SetASNIntMP(mp_int* n, int maxSz, byte* output)
+    int idx = 0;
+    int leadingBit;
+    int length;
+    int err;
+    leadingBit = mp_leading_bit(n);
+    length = mp_unsigned_bin_size(n);
+    idx = SetASNInt(length, leadingBit ? 0x80 : 0x00, output);
+    if (maxSz >= 0 && (idx + length) > maxSz)
+        return BUFFER_E;
+    err = mp_to_unsigned_bin(n, output + idx);
+    if (err != MP_OKAY)
+        return MP_TO_E;
+    idx += length;
+    return idx;
+#if !defined(NO_RSA) && defined(HAVE_USER_RSA) && defined(WOLFSSL_CERT_GEN)
+/* Set the DER/BER encoding of the ASN.1 INTEGER element with an mp_int from
+ * an RSA key.
+ * The number is assumed to be positive.
+ *
+ * n       Multi-precision integer to encode.
+ * output  Buffer to write into.
+ * returns BUFFER_E when the data is too long for the buffer.
+ *         MP_TO_E when encoding the integer fails.
+ *         Otherwise, the number of bytes added to the buffer.
+ */
+static int SetASNIntRSA(mp_int* n, byte* output)
+    int idx = 0;
+    int leadingBit;
+    int length;
+    int err;
+    leadingBit = wc_Rsa_leading_bit(n);
+    length = wc_Rsa_unsigned_bin_size(n);
+    idx = SetASNInt(length, leadingBit ? 0x80 : 0x00, output);
+    if ((idx + length) > MAX_RSA_INT_SZ)
+        return BUFFER_E;
+    err = wc_Rsa_to_unsigned_bin(n, output + idx, length);
+    if (err != MP_OKAY)
+        return MP_TO_E;
+    idx += length;
+    return idx;
+                                           !HAVE_USER_RSA))) */
+/* Windows header clash for WinCE using GetVersion */
+WOLFSSL_LOCAL int GetMyVersion(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx,
+                               int* version, word32 maxIdx)
+    word32 idx = *inOutIdx;
+    if ((idx + MIN_VERSION_SZ) > maxIdx)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if (input[idx++] != ASN_INTEGER)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if (input[idx++] != 0x01)
+        return ASN_VERSION_E;
+    *version  = input[idx++];
+    *inOutIdx = idx;
+    return *version;
+#ifndef NO_PWDBASED
+/* Get small count integer, 32 bits or less */
+int GetShortInt(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx, int* number, word32 maxIdx)
+    word32 idx = *inOutIdx;
+    word32 len;
+    *number = 0;
+    /* check for type and length bytes */
+    if ((idx + 2) > maxIdx)
+        return BUFFER_E;
+    if (input[idx++] != ASN_INTEGER)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    len = input[idx++];
+    if (len > 4)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if (len + idx > maxIdx)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    while (len--) {
+        *number  = *number << 8 | input[idx++];
+    }
+    *inOutIdx = idx;
+    return *number;
+#endif /* !NO_PWDBASED */
+/* May not have one, not an error */
+static int GetExplicitVersion(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx, int* version,
+                              word32 maxIdx)
+    word32 idx = *inOutIdx;
+    WOLFSSL_ENTER("GetExplicitVersion");
+    if ((idx + 1) > maxIdx)
+        return BUFFER_E;
+    if (input[idx++] == (ASN_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | ASN_CONSTRUCTED)) {
+        *inOutIdx = ++idx;  /* skip header */
+        return GetMyVersion(input, inOutIdx, version, maxIdx);
+    }
+    /* go back as is */
+    *version = 0;
+    return 0;
+int GetInt(mp_int* mpi, const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx, word32 maxIdx)
+    word32 idx = *inOutIdx;
+    int    ret;
+    int    length;
+    ret = GetASNInt(input, &idx, &length, maxIdx);
+    if (ret != 0)
+        return ret;
+    if (mp_init(mpi) != MP_OKAY)
+        return MP_INIT_E;
+    if (mp_read_unsigned_bin(mpi, (byte*)input + idx, length) != 0) {
+        mp_clear(mpi);
+        return ASN_GETINT_E;
+    }
+    if (wc_bigint_from_unsigned_bin(&mpi->raw, input + idx, length) != 0) {
+        mp_clear(mpi);
+        return ASN_GETINT_E;
+    }
+#endif /* HAVE_WOLF_BIGINT */
+    *inOutIdx = idx + length;
+    return 0;
+static int CheckBitString(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx, int* len,
+                          word32 maxIdx, int zeroBits, byte* unusedBits)
+    word32 idx = *inOutIdx;
+    int    length;
+    byte   b;
+    if ((idx + 1) > maxIdx)
+        return BUFFER_E;
+    if (input[idx++] != ASN_BIT_STRING)
+        return ASN_BITSTR_E;
+    if (GetLength(input, &idx, &length, maxIdx) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    /* extra sanity check that length is greater than 0 */
+    if (length <= 0) {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("Error length was 0 in CheckBitString");
+        return BUFFER_E;
+    }
+    if (idx + 1 > maxIdx) {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("Attempted buffer read larger than input buffer");
+        return BUFFER_E;
+    }
+    b = input[idx];
+    if (zeroBits && b != 0x00)
+        return ASN_EXPECT_0_E;
+    if (b >= 0x08)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if (b != 0) {
+        if ((byte)(input[idx + length - 1] << (8 - b)) != 0)
+            return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    }
+    idx++;
+    length--; /* length has been checked for greater than 0 */
+    *inOutIdx = idx;
+    if (len != NULL)
+        *len = length;
+    if (unusedBits != NULL)
+        *unusedBits = b;
+    return 0;
+#if (!defined(NO_RSA) && (defined(WOLFSSL_CERT_GEN) || \
+                          (defined(WOLFSSL_KEY_GEN) && \
+                           !defined(HAVE_USER_RSA)))) || \
+    (defined(HAVE_ECC) && (defined(WOLFSSL_CERT_GEN) || \
+                           defined(WOLFSSL_KEY_GEN)))
+/* Set the DER/BER encoding of the ASN.1 BIT_STRING header.
+ *
+ * len         Length of data to encode.
+ * unusedBits  The number of unused bits in the last byte of data.
+ *             That is, the number of least significant zero bits before a one.
+ *             The last byte is the most-significant non-zero byte of a number.
+ * output      Buffer to write into.
+ * returns the number of bytes added to the buffer.
+ */
+static word32 SetBitString(word32 len, byte unusedBits, byte* output)
+    word32 idx = 0;
+    output[idx++] = ASN_BIT_STRING;
+    idx += SetLength(len + 1, output + idx);
+    output[idx++] = unusedBits;
+    return idx;
+/* Set the DER/BER encoding of the ASN.1 BIT_STRING with a 16-bit value.
+ *
+ * val         16-bit value to encode.
+ * output      Buffer to write into.
+ * returns the number of bytes added to the buffer.
+ */
+static word32 SetBitString16Bit(word16 val, byte* output)
+    word32 idx;
+    int    len;
+    byte   lastByte;
+    byte   unusedBits = 0;
+    if ((val >> 8) != 0) {
+        len = 2;
+        lastByte = (byte)(val >> 8);
+    }
+    else {
+        len = 1;
+        lastByte = (byte)val;
+    }
+    while (((lastByte >> unusedBits) & 0x01) == 0x00)
+        unusedBits++;
+    idx = SetBitString(len, unusedBits, output);
+    output[idx++] = (byte)val;
+    output[idx++] = (byte)(val >> 8);
+    return idx;
+#endif /* WOLFSSL_CERT_EXT */
+                                           !HAVE_USER_RSA)) */
+/* hashType */
+static const byte hashMd2hOid[] = {42, 134, 72, 134, 247, 13, 2, 2};
+static const byte hashMd5hOid[] = {42, 134, 72, 134, 247, 13, 2, 5};
+static const byte hashSha1hOid[] = {43, 14, 3, 2, 26};
+static const byte hashSha224hOid[] = {96, 134, 72, 1, 101, 3, 4, 2, 4};
+static const byte hashSha256hOid[] = {96, 134, 72, 1, 101, 3, 4, 2, 1};
+static const byte hashSha384hOid[] = {96, 134, 72, 1, 101, 3, 4, 2, 2};
+static const byte hashSha512hOid[] = {96, 134, 72, 1, 101, 3, 4, 2, 3};
+/* sigType */
+#ifndef NO_DSA
+    static const byte sigSha1wDsaOid[] = {42, 134, 72, 206, 56, 4, 3};
+#endif /* NO_DSA */
+#ifndef NO_RSA
+    static const byte sigMd2wRsaOid[] = {42, 134, 72, 134, 247, 13, 1, 1, 2};
+    static const byte sigMd5wRsaOid[] = {42, 134, 72, 134, 247, 13, 1, 1, 4};
+    static const byte sigSha1wRsaOid[] = {42, 134, 72, 134, 247, 13, 1, 1, 5};
+    static const byte sigSha224wRsaOid[] = {42, 134, 72, 134, 247, 13, 1, 1,14};
+    static const byte sigSha256wRsaOid[] = {42, 134, 72, 134, 247, 13, 1, 1,11};
+    static const byte sigSha384wRsaOid[] = {42, 134, 72, 134, 247, 13, 1, 1,12};
+    static const byte sigSha512wRsaOid[] = {42, 134, 72, 134, 247, 13, 1, 1,13};
+#endif /* NO_RSA */
+#ifdef HAVE_ECC
+    static const byte sigSha1wEcdsaOid[] = {42, 134, 72, 206, 61, 4, 1};
+    static const byte sigSha224wEcdsaOid[] = {42, 134, 72, 206, 61, 4, 3, 1};
+    static const byte sigSha256wEcdsaOid[] = {42, 134, 72, 206, 61, 4, 3, 2};
+    static const byte sigSha384wEcdsaOid[] = {42, 134, 72, 206, 61, 4, 3, 3};
+    static const byte sigSha512wEcdsaOid[] = {42, 134, 72, 206, 61, 4, 3, 4};
+#endif /* HAVE_ECC */
+/* keyType */
+#ifndef NO_DSA
+    static const byte keyDsaOid[] = {42, 134, 72, 206, 56, 4, 1};
+#endif /* NO_DSA */
+#ifndef NO_RSA
+    static const byte keyRsaOid[] = {42, 134, 72, 134, 247, 13, 1, 1, 1};
+#endif /* NO_RSA */
+#ifdef HAVE_NTRU
+    static const byte keyNtruOid[] = {43, 6, 1, 4, 1, 193, 22, 1, 1, 1, 1};
+#endif /* HAVE_NTRU */
+#ifdef HAVE_ECC
+    static const byte keyEcdsaOid[] = {42, 134, 72, 206, 61, 2, 1};
+#endif /* HAVE_ECC */
+/* curveType */
+#ifdef HAVE_ECC
+    /* See "ecc_sets" table in ecc.c */
+#endif /* HAVE_ECC */
+/* blkType */
+static const byte blkAes128CbcOid[] = {96, 134, 72, 1, 101, 3, 4, 1, 2};
+static const byte blkAes192CbcOid[] = {96, 134, 72, 1, 101, 3, 4, 1, 22};
+static const byte blkAes256CbcOid[] = {96, 134, 72, 1, 101, 3, 4, 1, 42};
+static const byte blkDesCbcOid[]  = {43, 14, 3, 2, 7};
+static const byte blkDes3CbcOid[] = {42, 134, 72, 134, 247, 13, 3, 7};
+/* keyWrapType */
+static const byte wrapAes128Oid[] = {96, 134, 72, 1, 101, 3, 4, 1, 5};
+static const byte wrapAes192Oid[] = {96, 134, 72, 1, 101, 3, 4, 1, 25};
+static const byte wrapAes256Oid[] = {96, 134, 72, 1, 101, 3, 4, 1, 45};
+/* cmsKeyAgreeType */
+static const byte dhSinglePass_stdDH_sha1kdf_Oid[]   =
+                                          {43, 129, 5, 16, 134, 72, 63, 0, 2};
+static const byte dhSinglePass_stdDH_sha224kdf_Oid[] = {43, 129, 4, 1, 11, 0};
+static const byte dhSinglePass_stdDH_sha256kdf_Oid[] = {43, 129, 4, 1, 11, 1};
+static const byte dhSinglePass_stdDH_sha384kdf_Oid[] = {43, 129, 4, 1, 11, 2};
+static const byte dhSinglePass_stdDH_sha512kdf_Oid[] = {43, 129, 4, 1, 11, 3};
+/* ocspType */
+#ifdef HAVE_OCSP
+    static const byte ocspBasicOid[] = {43, 6, 1, 5, 5, 7, 48, 1, 1};
+    static const byte ocspNonceOid[] = {43, 6, 1, 5, 5, 7, 48, 1, 2};
+#endif /* HAVE_OCSP */
+/* certExtType */
+static const byte extBasicCaOid[] = {85, 29, 19};
+static const byte extAltNamesOid[] = {85, 29, 17};
+static const byte extCrlDistOid[] = {85, 29, 31};
+static const byte extAuthInfoOid[] = {43, 6, 1, 5, 5, 7, 1, 1};
+static const byte extAuthKeyOid[] = {85, 29, 35};
+static const byte extSubjKeyOid[] = {85, 29, 14};
+static const byte extCertPolicyOid[] = {85, 29, 32};
+static const byte extKeyUsageOid[] = {85, 29, 15};
+static const byte extInhibitAnyOid[] = {85, 29, 54};
+static const byte extExtKeyUsageOid[] = {85, 29, 37};
+static const byte extNameConsOid[] = {85, 29, 30};
+/* certAuthInfoType */
+static const byte extAuthInfoOcspOid[] = {43, 6, 1, 5, 5, 7, 48, 1};
+static const byte extAuthInfoCaIssuerOid[] = {43, 6, 1, 5, 5, 7, 48, 2};
+/* certPolicyType */
+static const byte extCertPolicyAnyOid[] = {85, 29, 32, 0};
+/* certKeyUseType */
+static const byte extAltNamesHwNameOid[] = {43, 6, 1, 5, 5, 7, 8, 4};
+/* certKeyUseType */
+static const byte extExtKeyUsageAnyOid[] = {85, 29, 37, 0};
+static const byte extExtKeyUsageServerAuthOid[] = {43, 6, 1, 5, 5, 7, 3, 1};
+static const byte extExtKeyUsageClientAuthOid[] = {43, 6, 1, 5, 5, 7, 3, 2};
+static const byte extExtKeyUsageOcspSignOid[] = {43, 6, 1, 5, 5, 7, 3, 9};
+/* kdfType */
+static const byte pbkdf2Oid[] = {42, 134, 72, 134, 247, 13, 1, 5, 12};
+static const byte* OidFromId(word32 id, word32 type, word32* oidSz)
+    const byte* oid = NULL;
+    *oidSz = 0;
+    switch (type) {
+        case oidHashType:
+            switch (id) {
+                case MD2h:
+                    oid = hashMd2hOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(hashMd2hOid);
+                    break;
+                case MD5h:
+                    oid = hashMd5hOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(hashMd5hOid);
+                    break;
+                case SHAh:
+                    oid = hashSha1hOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(hashSha1hOid);
+                    break;
+                case SHA224h:
+                    oid = hashSha224hOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(hashSha224hOid);
+                    break;
+                case SHA256h:
+                    oid = hashSha256hOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(hashSha256hOid);
+                    break;
+                case SHA384h:
+                    oid = hashSha384hOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(hashSha384hOid);
+                    break;
+                case SHA512h:
+                    oid = hashSha512hOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(hashSha512hOid);
+                    break;
+            }
+            break;
+        case oidSigType:
+            switch (id) {
+                #ifndef NO_DSA
+                case CTC_SHAwDSA:
+                    oid = sigSha1wDsaOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(sigSha1wDsaOid);
+                    break;
+                #endif /* NO_DSA */
+                #ifndef NO_RSA
+                case CTC_MD2wRSA:
+                    oid = sigMd2wRsaOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(sigMd2wRsaOid);
+                    break;
+                case CTC_MD5wRSA:
+                    oid = sigMd5wRsaOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(sigMd5wRsaOid);
+                    break;
+                case CTC_SHAwRSA:
+                    oid = sigSha1wRsaOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(sigSha1wRsaOid);
+                    break;
+                case CTC_SHA224wRSA:
+                    oid = sigSha224wRsaOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(sigSha224wRsaOid);
+                    break;
+                case CTC_SHA256wRSA:
+                    oid = sigSha256wRsaOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(sigSha256wRsaOid);
+                    break;
+                case CTC_SHA384wRSA:
+                    oid = sigSha384wRsaOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(sigSha384wRsaOid);
+                    break;
+                case CTC_SHA512wRSA:
+                    oid = sigSha512wRsaOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(sigSha512wRsaOid);
+                    break;
+                #endif /* NO_RSA */
+                #ifdef HAVE_ECC
+                case CTC_SHAwECDSA:
+                    oid = sigSha1wEcdsaOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(sigSha1wEcdsaOid);
+                    break;
+                case CTC_SHA224wECDSA:
+                    oid = sigSha224wEcdsaOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(sigSha224wEcdsaOid);
+                    break;
+                case CTC_SHA256wECDSA:
+                    oid = sigSha256wEcdsaOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(sigSha256wEcdsaOid);
+                    break;
+                case CTC_SHA384wECDSA:
+                    oid = sigSha384wEcdsaOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(sigSha384wEcdsaOid);
+                    break;
+                case CTC_SHA512wECDSA:
+                    oid = sigSha512wEcdsaOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(sigSha512wEcdsaOid);
+                    break;
+                #endif /* HAVE_ECC */
+                default:
+                    break;
+            }
+            break;
+        case oidKeyType:
+            switch (id) {
+                #ifndef NO_DSA
+                case DSAk:
+                    oid = keyDsaOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(keyDsaOid);
+                    break;
+                #endif /* NO_DSA */
+                #ifndef NO_RSA
+                case RSAk:
+                    oid = keyRsaOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(keyRsaOid);
+                    break;
+                #endif /* NO_RSA */
+                #ifdef HAVE_NTRU
+                case NTRUk:
+                    oid = keyNtruOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(keyNtruOid);
+                    break;
+                #endif /* HAVE_NTRU */
+                #ifdef HAVE_ECC
+                case ECDSAk:
+                    oid = keyEcdsaOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(keyEcdsaOid);
+                    break;
+                #endif /* HAVE_ECC */
+                default:
+                    break;
+            }
+            break;
+        #ifdef HAVE_ECC
+        case oidCurveType:
+            if (wc_ecc_get_oid(id, &oid, oidSz) < 0) {
+                WOLFSSL_MSG("ECC OID not found");
+            }
+            break;
+        #endif /* HAVE_ECC */
+        case oidBlkType:
+            switch (id) {
+                case AES128CBCb:
+                    oid = blkAes128CbcOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(blkAes128CbcOid);
+                    break;
+                case AES192CBCb:
+                    oid = blkAes192CbcOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(blkAes192CbcOid);
+                    break;
+                case AES256CBCb:
+                    oid = blkAes256CbcOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(blkAes256CbcOid);
+                    break;
+                case DESb:
+                    oid = blkDesCbcOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(blkDesCbcOid);
+                    break;
+                case DES3b:
+                    oid = blkDes3CbcOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(blkDes3CbcOid);
+                    break;
+            }
+            break;
+        #ifdef HAVE_OCSP
+        case oidOcspType:
+            switch (id) {
+                case OCSP_BASIC_OID:
+                    oid = ocspBasicOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(ocspBasicOid);
+                    break;
+                case OCSP_NONCE_OID:
+                    oid = ocspNonceOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(ocspNonceOid);
+                    break;
+            }
+            break;
+        #endif /* HAVE_OCSP */
+        case oidCertExtType:
+            switch (id) {
+                case BASIC_CA_OID:
+                    oid = extBasicCaOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(extBasicCaOid);
+                    break;
+                case ALT_NAMES_OID:
+                    oid = extAltNamesOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(extAltNamesOid);
+                    break;
+                case CRL_DIST_OID:
+                    oid = extCrlDistOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(extCrlDistOid);
+                    break;
+                case AUTH_INFO_OID:
+                    oid = extAuthInfoOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(extAuthInfoOid);
+                    break;
+                case AUTH_KEY_OID:
+                    oid = extAuthKeyOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(extAuthKeyOid);
+                    break;
+                case SUBJ_KEY_OID:
+                    oid = extSubjKeyOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(extSubjKeyOid);
+                    break;
+                case CERT_POLICY_OID:
+                    oid = extCertPolicyOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(extCertPolicyOid);
+                    break;
+                case KEY_USAGE_OID:
+                    oid = extKeyUsageOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(extKeyUsageOid);
+                    break;
+                case INHIBIT_ANY_OID:
+                    oid = extInhibitAnyOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(extInhibitAnyOid);
+                    break;
+                case EXT_KEY_USAGE_OID:
+                    oid = extExtKeyUsageOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(extExtKeyUsageOid);
+                    break;
+                case NAME_CONS_OID:
+                    oid = extNameConsOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(extNameConsOid);
+                    break;
+            }
+            break;
+        case oidCertAuthInfoType:
+            switch (id) {
+                case AIA_OCSP_OID:
+                    oid = extAuthInfoOcspOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(extAuthInfoOcspOid);
+                    break;
+                case AIA_CA_ISSUER_OID:
+                    oid = extAuthInfoCaIssuerOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(extAuthInfoCaIssuerOid);
+                    break;
+            }
+            break;
+        case oidCertPolicyType:
+            switch (id) {
+                case CP_ANY_OID:
+                    oid = extCertPolicyAnyOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(extCertPolicyAnyOid);
+                    break;
+            }
+            break;
+        case oidCertAltNameType:
+            switch (id) {
+                case HW_NAME_OID:
+                    oid = extAltNamesHwNameOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(extAltNamesHwNameOid);
+                    break;
+            }
+            break;
+        case oidCertKeyUseType:
+            switch (id) {
+                case EKU_ANY_OID:
+                    oid = extExtKeyUsageAnyOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(extExtKeyUsageAnyOid);
+                    break;
+                case EKU_SERVER_AUTH_OID:
+                    oid = extExtKeyUsageServerAuthOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(extExtKeyUsageServerAuthOid);
+                    break;
+                case EKU_CLIENT_AUTH_OID:
+                    oid = extExtKeyUsageClientAuthOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(extExtKeyUsageClientAuthOid);
+                    break;
+                case EKU_OCSP_SIGN_OID:
+                    oid = extExtKeyUsageOcspSignOid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(extExtKeyUsageOcspSignOid);
+                    break;
+            }
+            break;
+        case oidKdfType:
+            switch (id) {
+                case PBKDF2_OID:
+                    oid = pbkdf2Oid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(pbkdf2Oid);
+                    break;
+            }
+            break;
+        case oidKeyWrapType:
+            switch (id) {
+                case AES128_WRAP:
+                    oid = wrapAes128Oid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(wrapAes128Oid);
+                    break;
+                case AES192_WRAP:
+                    oid = wrapAes192Oid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(wrapAes192Oid);
+                    break;
+                case AES256_WRAP:
+                    oid = wrapAes256Oid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(wrapAes256Oid);
+                    break;
+            }
+            break;
+        case oidCmsKeyAgreeType:
+            switch (id) {
+                case dhSinglePass_stdDH_sha1kdf_scheme:
+                    oid = dhSinglePass_stdDH_sha1kdf_Oid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(dhSinglePass_stdDH_sha1kdf_Oid);
+                    break;
+                case dhSinglePass_stdDH_sha224kdf_scheme:
+                    oid = dhSinglePass_stdDH_sha224kdf_Oid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(dhSinglePass_stdDH_sha224kdf_Oid);
+                    break;
+                case dhSinglePass_stdDH_sha256kdf_scheme:
+                    oid = dhSinglePass_stdDH_sha256kdf_Oid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(dhSinglePass_stdDH_sha256kdf_Oid);
+                    break;
+                case dhSinglePass_stdDH_sha384kdf_scheme:
+                    oid = dhSinglePass_stdDH_sha384kdf_Oid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(dhSinglePass_stdDH_sha384kdf_Oid);
+                    break;
+                case dhSinglePass_stdDH_sha512kdf_scheme:
+                    oid = dhSinglePass_stdDH_sha512kdf_Oid;
+                    *oidSz = sizeof(dhSinglePass_stdDH_sha512kdf_Oid);
+                    break;
+            }
+            break;
+        case oidIgnoreType:
+        default:
+            break;
+    }
+    return oid;
+int EncodeObjectId(const word16* in, word32 inSz, byte* out, word32* outSz)
+    int i, x, len;
+    word32 d, t;
+    /* check args */
+    if (in == NULL || outSz == NULL) {
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    }
+    /* compute length of encoded OID */
+    d = (in[0] * 40) + in[1];
+    len = 0;
+    for (i = 1; i < (int)inSz; i++) {
+        x = 0;
+        t = d;
+        while (t) {
+            x++;
+            t >>= 1;
+        }
+        len += (x / 7) + ((x % 7) ? 1 : 0) + (d == 0 ? 1 : 0);
+        if (i < (int)inSz - 1) {
+            d = in[i + 1];
+        }
+    }
+    if (out) {
+        /* verify length */
+        if ((int)*outSz < len) {
+            return BUFFER_E; /* buffer provided is not large enough */
+        }
+        /* calc first byte */
+        d = (in[0] * 40) + in[1];
+        /* encode bytes */
+        x = 0;
+        for (i = 1; i < (int)inSz; i++) {
+            if (d) {
+                int y = x, z;
+                byte mask = 0;
+                while (d) {
+                    out[x++] = (byte)((d & 0x7F) | mask);
+                    d     >>= 7;
+                    mask  |= 0x80;  /* upper bit is set on all but the last byte */
+                }
+                /* now swap bytes y...x-1 */
+                z = x - 1;
+                while (y < z) {
+                    mask = out[y];
+                    out[y] = out[z];
+                    out[z] = mask;
+                    ++y;
+                    --z;
+                }
+            }
+            else {
+              out[x++] = 0x00; /* zero value */
+            }
+            /* next word */
+            if (i < (int)inSz - 1) {
+                d = in[i + 1];
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /* return length */
+    *outSz = len;
+    return 0;
+#endif /* HAVE_OID_ENCODING */
+int DecodeObjectId(const byte* in, word32 inSz, word16* out, word32* outSz)
+    int x = 0, y = 0;
+    word32 t = 0;
+    /* check args */
+    if (in == NULL || outSz == NULL) {
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    }
+    /* decode bytes */
+    while (inSz--) {
+        t = (t << 7) | (in[x] & 0x7F);
+        if (!(in[x] & 0x80)) {
+            if (y >= (int)*outSz) {
+                return BUFFER_E;
+            }
+            if (y == 0) {
+                out[0] = (t / 40);
+                out[1] = (t % 40);
+                y = 2;
+            }
+            else {
+                out[y++] = t;
+            }
+            t = 0; /* reset tmp */
+        }
+        x++;
+    }
+    /* return length */
+    *outSz = y;
+    return 0;
+#endif /* HAVE_OID_DECODING */
+/* Get the DER/BER encoding of an ASN.1 OBJECT_ID header.
+ *
+ * input     Buffer holding DER/BER encoded data.
+ * inOutIdx  Current index into buffer to parse.
+ * len       The number of bytes in the ASN.1 data.
+ * maxIdx    Length of data in buffer.
+ * returns BUFFER_E when there is not enough data to parse.
+ *         ASN_OBJECt_ID_E when the OBJECT_ID tag is not found.
+ *         ASN_PARSE_E when length is invalid.
+ *         Otherwise, 0 to indicate success.
+ */
+static int GetASNObjectId(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx, int* len,
+                          word32 maxIdx)
+    word32 idx = *inOutIdx;
+    byte   b;
+    int    length;
+    if ((idx + 1) > maxIdx)
+        return BUFFER_E;
+    b = input[idx++];
+    if (b != ASN_OBJECT_ID)
+        return ASN_OBJECT_ID_E;
+    if (GetLength(input, &idx, &length, maxIdx) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    *len = length;
+    *inOutIdx = idx;
+    return 0;
+/* Set the DER/BER encoding of the ASN.1 OBJECT_ID header.
+ *
+ * len         Length of the OBJECT_ID data.
+ * output      Buffer to write into.
+ * returns the number of bytes added to the buffer.
+ */
+static int SetObjectId(int len, byte* output)
+    int idx = 0;
+    output[idx++] = ASN_OBJECT_ID;
+    idx += SetLength(len, output + idx);
+    return idx;
+int GetObjectId(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx, word32* oid,
+                                  word32 oidType, word32 maxIdx)
+    int    ret = 0, length;
+    word32 idx = *inOutIdx;
+#ifndef NO_VERIFY_OID
+    word32 actualOidSz = 0;
+    const byte* actualOid;
+#endif /* NO_VERIFY_OID */
+    (void)oidType;
+    WOLFSSL_ENTER("GetObjectId()");
+    *oid = 0;
+    ret = GetASNObjectId(input, &idx, &length, maxIdx);
+    if (ret != 0)
+        return ret;
+#ifndef NO_VERIFY_OID
+    actualOid = &input[idx];
+    if (length > 0)
+        actualOidSz = (word32)length;
+#endif /* NO_VERIFY_OID */
+    while (length--) {
+        /* odd HC08 compiler behavior here when input[idx++] */
+        *oid += (word32)input[idx];
+        idx++;
+    }
+    /* just sum it up for now */
+    *inOutIdx = idx;
+#ifndef NO_VERIFY_OID
+    {
+        const byte* checkOid = NULL;
+        word32 checkOidSz;
+    #ifdef ASN_DUMP_OID
+        int i;
+    #endif
+        if (oidType != oidIgnoreType) {
+            checkOid = OidFromId(*oid, oidType, &checkOidSz);
+        #ifdef ASN_DUMP_OID
+            /* support for dumping OID information */
+            printf("OID (Type %d, Sz %d, Sum %d): ", oidType, actualOidSz, *oid);
+            for (i=0; i<actualOidSz; i++) {
+                printf("%d, ", actualOid[i]);
+            }
+            printf("\n");
+            #ifdef HAVE_OID_DECODING
+            {
+                word16 decOid[16];
+                word32 decOidSz = sizeof(decOid);
+                ret = DecodeObjectId(actualOid, actualOidSz, decOid, &decOidSz);
+                if (ret == 0) {
+                    printf("  Decoded (Sz %d): ", decOidSz);
+                    for (i=0; i<decOidSz; i++) {
+                        printf("%d.", decOid[i]);
+                    }
+                    printf("\n");
+                }
+                else {
+                    printf("DecodeObjectId failed: %d\n", ret);
+                }
+            }
+            #endif /* HAVE_OID_DECODING */
+        #endif /* ASN_DUMP_OID */
+            if (checkOid != NULL &&
+                (checkOidSz != actualOidSz ||
+                    XMEMCMP(actualOid, checkOid, checkOidSz) != 0)) {
+                WOLFSSL_MSG("OID Check Failed");
+                return ASN_UNKNOWN_OID_E;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+#endif /* NO_VERIFY_OID */
+    return ret;
+#if defined(HAVE_ECC) || (!defined(NO_RSA) && !defined(HAVE_USER_RSA) && (defined(OPENSSL_EXTRA) || defined(RSA_DECODE_EXTRA)))
+static int SkipObjectId(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx, word32 maxIdx)
+    word32 idx = *inOutIdx;
+    int    length;
+    int ret;
+    ret = GetASNObjectId(input, &idx, &length, maxIdx);
+    if (ret != 0)
+        return ret;
+    idx += length;
+    *inOutIdx = idx;
+    return 0;
+WOLFSSL_LOCAL int GetAlgoId(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx, word32* oid,
+                     word32 oidType, word32 maxIdx)
+    int    length;
+    word32 idx = *inOutIdx;
+    int    ret;
+    *oid = 0;
+    WOLFSSL_ENTER("GetAlgoId");
+    if (GetSequence(input, &idx, &length, maxIdx) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if (GetObjectId(input, &idx, oid, oidType, maxIdx) < 0)
+        return ASN_OBJECT_ID_E;
+    /* could have NULL tag and 0 terminator, but may not */
+    if (input[idx] == ASN_TAG_NULL) {
+        ret = GetASNNull(input, &idx, maxIdx);
+        if (ret != 0)
+            return ret;
+    }
+    *inOutIdx = idx;
+    return 0;
+#ifndef NO_RSA
+#ifndef HAVE_USER_RSA
+int wc_RsaPrivateKeyDecode(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx, RsaKey* key,
+                        word32 inSz)
+    int version, length;
+    if (GetSequence(input, inOutIdx, &length, inSz) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if (GetMyVersion(input, inOutIdx, &version, inSz) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    key->type = RSA_PRIVATE;
+    if (GetInt(&key->n,  input, inOutIdx, inSz) < 0 ||
+        GetInt(&key->e,  input, inOutIdx, inSz) < 0 ||
+        GetInt(&key->d,  input, inOutIdx, inSz) < 0 ||
+        GetInt(&key->p,  input, inOutIdx, inSz) < 0 ||
+        GetInt(&key->q,  input, inOutIdx, inSz) < 0 ||
+        GetInt(&key->dP, input, inOutIdx, inSz) < 0 ||
+        GetInt(&key->dQ, input, inOutIdx, inSz) < 0 ||
+        GetInt(&key->u,  input, inOutIdx, inSz) < 0 )  return ASN_RSA_KEY_E;
+    return 0;
+#endif /* HAVE_USER_RSA */
+#endif /* NO_RSA */
+/* Remove PKCS8 header, place inOutIdx at beginning of traditional,
+ * return traditional length on success, negative on error */
+int ToTraditionalInline(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx, word32 sz)
+    word32 idx, oid;
+    int    version, length;
+    int    ret;
+    if (input == NULL || inOutIdx == NULL)
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    idx = *inOutIdx;
+    if (GetSequence(input, &idx, &length, sz) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if (GetMyVersion(input, &idx, &version, sz) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if (GetAlgoId(input, &idx, &oid, oidKeyType, sz) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if (input[idx] == ASN_OBJECT_ID) {
+        if (SkipObjectId(input, &idx, sz) < 0)
+            return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    }
+    ret = GetOctetString(input, &idx, &length, sz);
+    if (ret < 0)
+        return ret;
+    *inOutIdx = idx;
+    return length;
+/* Remove PKCS8 header, move beginning of traditional to beginning of input */
+int ToTraditional(byte* input, word32 sz)
+    word32 inOutIdx = 0;
+    int    length;
+    if (input == NULL)
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    length = ToTraditionalInline(input, &inOutIdx, sz);
+    if (length < 0)
+        return length;
+    XMEMMOVE(input, input + inOutIdx, length);
+    return length;
+/* find beginning of traditional key inside PKCS#8 unencrypted buffer
+ * return traditional length on success, with inOutIdx at beginning of
+ * traditional
+ * return negative on failure/error */
+int wc_GetPkcs8TraditionalOffset(byte* input, word32* inOutIdx, word32 sz)
+    int length;
+    if (input == NULL || inOutIdx == NULL || (*inOutIdx > sz))
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    length = ToTraditionalInline(input, inOutIdx, sz);
+    return length;
+/* PKCS#8 from RFC 5208
+ * This function takes in a DER key and converts it to PKCS#8 format. Used
+ * in creating PKCS#12 shrouded key bags.
+ * Reverse of ToTraditional
+ *
+ * PrivateKeyInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
+ *  version Version,
+ *  privateKeyAlgorithm PrivateKeyAlgorithmIdentifier,
+ *  privateKey          PrivateKey,
+ *  attributes          optional
+ *  }
+ *  Version ::= INTEGER
+ *  PrivateKeyAlgorithmIdentifier ::= AlgorithmIdentifier
+ *  PrivateKey ::= OCTET STRING
+ *
+ * out      buffer to place result in
+ * outSz    size of out buffer
+ * key      buffer with DER key
+ * keySz    size of key buffer
+ * algoID   algorithm ID i.e. RSAk
+ * curveOID ECC curve oid if used. Should be NULL for RSA keys.
+ * oidSz    size of curve oid. Is set to 0 if curveOID is NULL.
+ *
+ * Returns the size of PKCS#8 placed into out. In error cases returns negative
+ * values.
+ */
+int wc_CreatePKCS8Key(byte* out, word32* outSz, byte* key, word32 keySz,
+        int algoID, const byte* curveOID, word32 oidSz)
+        word32 keyIdx = 0;
+        word32 tmpSz  = 0;
+        word32 sz;
+        /* If out is NULL then return the max size needed
+         * + 2 for ASN_OBJECT_ID and ASN_OCTET_STRING tags */
+        if (out == NULL && outSz != NULL) {
+            *outSz = keySz + MAX_SEQ_SZ + MAX_VERSION_SZ + MAX_ALGO_SZ
+                     + MAX_LENGTH_SZ + MAX_LENGTH_SZ + 2;
+            if (curveOID != NULL)
+                *outSz += oidSz + MAX_LENGTH_SZ + 1;
+            WOLFSSL_MSG("Checking size of PKCS8");
+            return LENGTH_ONLY_E;
+        }
+        WOLFSSL_ENTER("wc_CreatePKCS8Key()");
+        if (key == NULL || out == NULL || outSz == NULL) {
+            return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+        }
+        /* check the buffer has enough room for largest possible size */
+        if (curveOID != NULL) {
+            if (*outSz < (keySz + MAX_SEQ_SZ + MAX_VERSION_SZ + MAX_ALGO_SZ
+                   + MAX_LENGTH_SZ + MAX_LENGTH_SZ + 3 + oidSz + MAX_LENGTH_SZ))
+                return BUFFER_E;
+        }
+        else {
+            oidSz = 0; /* with no curveOID oid size must be 0 */
+            if (*outSz < (keySz + MAX_SEQ_SZ + MAX_VERSION_SZ + MAX_ALGO_SZ
+                      + MAX_LENGTH_SZ + MAX_LENGTH_SZ + 2))
+                return BUFFER_E;
+        }
+        /* PrivateKeyInfo ::= SEQUENCE */
+        keyIdx += MAX_SEQ_SZ; /* save room for sequence */
+        /*  version Version
+         *  no header information just INTEGER */
+        sz = SetMyVersion(PKCS8v0, out + keyIdx, 0);
+        tmpSz += sz; keyIdx += sz;
+        /*  privateKeyAlgorithm PrivateKeyAlgorithmIdentifier */
+        sz = 0; /* set sz to 0 and get privateKey oid buffer size needed */
+        if (curveOID != NULL && oidSz > 0) {
+            byte buf[MAX_LENGTH_SZ];
+            sz = SetLength(oidSz, buf);
+            sz += 1; /* plus one for ASN object id */
+        }
+        sz = SetAlgoID(algoID, out + keyIdx, oidKeyType, oidSz + sz);
+        tmpSz += sz; keyIdx += sz;
+        /*  privateKey          PrivateKey *
+         * pkcs8 ecc uses slightly different format. Places curve oid in
+         * buffer */
+        if (curveOID != NULL && oidSz > 0) {
+            sz = SetObjectId(oidSz, out + keyIdx);
+            keyIdx += sz; tmpSz += sz;
+            XMEMCPY(out + keyIdx, curveOID, oidSz);
+            keyIdx += oidSz; tmpSz += oidSz;
+        }
+        sz = SetOctetString(keySz, out + keyIdx);
+        keyIdx += sz; tmpSz += sz;
+        XMEMCPY(out + keyIdx, key, keySz);
+        tmpSz += keySz;
+        /*  attributes          optional
+         * No attributes currently added */
+        /* rewind and add sequence */
+        sz = SetSequence(tmpSz, out);
+        XMEMMOVE(out + sz, out + MAX_SEQ_SZ, tmpSz);
+        return tmpSz + sz;
+/* check that the private key is a pair for the public key in certificate
+ * return 1 (true) on match
+ * return 0 or negative value on failure/error
+ *
+ * key   : buffer holding DER fromat key
+ * keySz : size of key buffer
+ * der   : a initialized and parsed DecodedCert holding a certificate */
+int wc_CheckPrivateKey(byte* key, word32 keySz, DecodedCert* der)
+    if (key == NULL || der == NULL) {
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    }
+    #if !defined(NO_RSA)
+    {
+        RsaKey a, b;
+        word32 keyIdx = 0;
+        int    ret    = 0;
+        /* test if RSA key */
+        if (der->keyOID == RSAk) {
+            if (wc_InitRsaKey(&a, NULL) == 0 &&
+                wc_RsaPrivateKeyDecode(key, &keyIdx, &a, keySz) == 0) {
+                WOLFSSL_MSG("Checking RSA key pair");
+                keyIdx = 0; /* reset to 0 for parsing public key */
+                if (wc_InitRsaKey(&b, NULL) == 0) {
+                    if ((ret = wc_RsaPublicKeyDecode(der->publicKey, &keyIdx,
+                                                   &b, der->pubKeySize)) == 0) {
+                        /* limit for user RSA crypto because of RsaKey
+                         * dereference. */
+                        #if defined(HAVE_USER_RSA)
+                            WOLFSSL_MSG("Cannot verify RSA pair with user RSA");
+                            wc_FreeRsaKey(&b);
+                            wc_FreeRsaKey(&a);
+                            return 1; /* return first RSA cert as match */
+                        #else
+                        /* both keys extracted successfully now check n and e
+                         * values are the same. This is dereferencing RsaKey */
+                        if (mp_cmp(&(a.n), &(b.n)) != MP_EQ ||
+                            mp_cmp(&(a.e), &(b.e)) != MP_EQ) {
+                            ret = MP_CMP_E;
+                        }
+                        else {
+                            /* match found, free keys and return success */
+                            wc_FreeRsaKey(&b);
+                            wc_FreeRsaKey(&a);
+                            return 1;
+                        }
+                        #endif
+                    }
+                    wc_FreeRsaKey(&b);
+                }
+            }
+            wc_FreeRsaKey(&a);
+        }
+        /* if ret is not 0 then there was a failed comparision attempt */
+        if (ret != 0) {
+            return ret;
+        }
+    }
+    #endif /* NO_RSA */
+    #ifdef HAVE_ECC
+    {
+        int ret = 0;
+        word32  keyIdx = 0;
+        ecc_key key_pair;
+        if (der->keyOID == ECDSAk) {
+            if ((ret = wc_ecc_init(&key_pair)) == 0 &&
+                wc_EccPrivateKeyDecode(key, &keyIdx, &key_pair, keySz) == 0) {
+                WOLFSSL_MSG("Checking ECC key pair");
+                keyIdx = 0;
+                if ((ret = wc_ecc_import_x963(der->publicKey, der->pubKeySize,
+                                                             &key_pair)) == 0) {
+                    /* public and private extracted successfuly no check if is
+                     * a pair and also do sanity checks on key. wc_ecc_check_key
+                     * checks that private * base generator equals pubkey */
+                    if ((ret = wc_ecc_check_key(&key_pair)) == 0) {
+                        /* found a match */
+                        wc_ecc_free(&key_pair);
+                        return 1;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            wc_ecc_free(&key_pair);
+        }
+        /* error on attempt to match */
+        if (ret != 0) {
+            return ret;
+        }
+    }
+    #endif /* HAVE_ECC */
+    /* no match found */
+    return 0;
+#ifndef NO_PWDBASED
+/* Check To see if PKCS version algo is supported, set id if it is return 0
+   < 0 on error */
+static int CheckAlgo(int first, int second, int* id, int* version)
+    *id      = ALGO_ID_E;
+    *version = PKCS5;   /* default */
+    if (first == 1) {
+        switch (second) {
+        case 1:
+            *id = PBE_SHA1_RC4_128;
+            *version = PKCS12v1;
+            return 0;
+        case 3:
+            *id = PBE_SHA1_DES3;
+            *version = PKCS12v1;
+            return 0;
+        default:
+            return ALGO_ID_E;
+        }
+    }
+    if (first != PKCS5)
+        return ASN_INPUT_E;  /* VERSION ERROR */
+    if (second == PBES2) {
+        *version = PKCS5v2;
+        return 0;
+    }
+    switch (second) {
+    case 3:                   /* see RFC 2898 for ids */
+        *id = PBE_MD5_DES;
+        return 0;
+    case 10:
+        *id = PBE_SHA1_DES;
+        return 0;
+    default:
+        return ALGO_ID_E;
+    }
+/* Check To see if PKCS v2 algo is supported, set id if it is return 0
+   < 0 on error */
+static int CheckAlgoV2(int oid, int* id)
+    switch (oid) {
+    case 69:
+        *id = PBE_SHA1_DES;
+        return 0;
+    case 652:
+        *id = PBE_SHA1_DES3;
+        return 0;
+    default:
+        return ALGO_ID_E;
+    }
+/* Decrypt input in place from parameters based on id */
+static int DecryptKey(const char* password, int passwordSz, byte* salt,
+                      int saltSz, int iterations, int id, byte* input,
+                      int length, int version, byte* cbcIv)
+    int typeH;
+    int derivedLen;
+    int decryptionType;
+    int ret = 0;
+    byte* key;
+    byte key[MAX_KEY_SIZE];
+    (void)input;
+    (void)length;
+    switch (id) {
+        case PBE_MD5_DES:
+            typeH = MD5;
+            derivedLen = 16;           /* may need iv for v1.5 */
+            decryptionType = DES_TYPE;
+            break;
+        case PBE_SHA1_DES:
+            typeH = SHA;
+            derivedLen = 16;           /* may need iv for v1.5 */
+            decryptionType = DES_TYPE;
+            break;
+        case PBE_SHA1_DES3:
+            typeH = SHA;
+            derivedLen = 32;           /* may need iv for v1.5 */
+            decryptionType = DES3_TYPE;
+            break;
+        case PBE_SHA1_RC4_128:
+            typeH = SHA;
+            derivedLen = 16;
+            decryptionType = RC4_TYPE;
+            break;
+        default:
+            return ALGO_ID_E;
+    }
+    if (key == NULL)
+        return MEMORY_E;
+    if (version == PKCS5v2)
+        ret = wc_PBKDF2(key, (byte*)password, passwordSz,
+                        salt, saltSz, iterations, derivedLen, typeH);
+#ifndef NO_SHA
+    else if (version == PKCS5)
+        ret = wc_PBKDF1(key, (byte*)password, passwordSz,
+                        salt, saltSz, iterations, derivedLen, typeH);
+    else if (version == PKCS12v1) {
+        int  i, idx = 0;
+        byte unicodePasswd[MAX_UNICODE_SZ];
+        if ( (passwordSz * 2 + 2) > (int)sizeof(unicodePasswd)) {
+            return UNICODE_SIZE_E;
+        }
+        for (i = 0; i < passwordSz; i++) {
+            unicodePasswd[idx++] = 0x00;
+            unicodePasswd[idx++] = (byte)password[i];
+        }
+        /* add trailing NULL */
+        unicodePasswd[idx++] = 0x00;
+        unicodePasswd[idx++] = 0x00;
+        ret =  wc_PKCS12_PBKDF(key, unicodePasswd, idx, salt, saltSz,
+                            iterations, derivedLen, typeH, 1);
+        if (decryptionType != RC4_TYPE)
+            ret += wc_PKCS12_PBKDF(cbcIv, unicodePasswd, idx, salt, saltSz,
+                                iterations, 8, typeH, 2);
+    }
+    else {
+        return ALGO_ID_E;
+    }
+    if (ret != 0) {
+        return ret;
+    }
+    switch (decryptionType) {
+#ifndef NO_DES3
+        case DES_TYPE:
+        {
+            Des    dec;
+            byte*  desIv = key + 8;
+            if (version == PKCS5v2 || version == PKCS12v1)
+                desIv = cbcIv;
+            ret = wc_Des_SetKey(&dec, key, desIv, DES_DECRYPTION);
+            if (ret != 0) {
+                XFREE(key, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+                return ret;
+            }
+            wc_Des_CbcDecrypt(&dec, input, input, length);
+            break;
+        }
+        case DES3_TYPE:
+        {
+            Des3   dec;
+            byte*  desIv = key + 24;
+            if (version == PKCS5v2 || version == PKCS12v1)
+                desIv = cbcIv;
+            ret = wc_Des3_SetKey(&dec, key, desIv, DES_DECRYPTION);
+            if (ret != 0) {
+                XFREE(key, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+                return ret;
+            }
+            ret = wc_Des3_CbcDecrypt(&dec, input, input, length);
+            if (ret != 0) {
+                XFREE(key, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+                return ret;
+            }
+            break;
+        }
+#ifndef NO_RC4
+        case RC4_TYPE:
+        {
+            Arc4    dec;
+            wc_Arc4SetKey(&dec, key, derivedLen);
+            wc_Arc4Process(&dec, input, input, length);
+            break;
+        }
+        default:
+            return ALGO_ID_E;
+    }
+    return 0;
+int wc_GetKeyOID(byte* key, word32 keySz, const byte** curveOID, word32* oidSz,
+        int* algoID, void* heap)
+    word32 tmpIdx = 0;
+#ifdef HAVE_ECC
+    ecc_key ecc;
+#ifndef NO_RSA
+    RsaKey rsa;
+    if (algoID == NULL) {
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    }
+    *algoID = 0;
+#ifndef NO_RSA
+    if (wc_InitRsaKey(&rsa, heap) == 0) {
+        if (wc_RsaPrivateKeyDecode(key, &tmpIdx, &rsa, keySz) == 0) {
+            *algoID = RSAk;
+        }
+        else {
+            WOLFSSL_MSG("Not RSA DER key");
+        }
+        wc_FreeRsaKey(&rsa);
+    }
+    else {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("GetKeyOID wc_InitRsaKey failed");
+    }
+#endif /* NO_RSA */
+#ifdef HAVE_ECC
+    if (*algoID != RSAk) {
+        tmpIdx = 0;
+        if (wc_ecc_init_ex(&ecc, heap, INVALID_DEVID) == 0) {
+            if (wc_EccPrivateKeyDecode(key, &tmpIdx, &ecc, keySz) == 0) {
+                *algoID = ECDSAk;
+                /* sanity check on arguments */
+                if (curveOID == NULL || oidSz == NULL) {
+                    WOLFSSL_MSG("Error getting ECC curve OID");
+                    wc_ecc_free(&ecc);
+                    return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+                }
+                /* now find oid */
+                if (wc_ecc_get_oid(ecc.dp->oidSum, curveOID, oidSz) < 0) {
+                    WOLFSSL_MSG("Error getting ECC curve OID");
+                    wc_ecc_free(&ecc);
+                    return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+                }
+            }
+            else {
+                WOLFSSL_MSG("Not ECC DER key either");
+            }
+            wc_ecc_free(&ecc);
+        }
+        else {
+            WOLFSSL_MSG("GetKeyOID wc_ecc_init_ex failed");
+        }
+    }
+#endif /* HAVE_ECC */
+    /* if flag is not set then is neither RSA or ECC key that could be
+     * found */
+    if (*algoID == 0) {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("Bad key DER or compile options");
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    }
+    (void)curveOID;
+    (void)oidSz;
+    return 1;
+/* Remove Encrypted PKCS8 header, move beginning of traditional to beginning
+   of input */
+int ToTraditionalEnc(byte* input, word32 sz,const char* password,int passwordSz)
+    word32 inOutIdx = 0, oid;
+    int    ret = 0, first, second, length = 0, version, saltSz, id;
+    int    iterations = 0;
+    byte*  salt = NULL;
+    byte*  cbcIv = NULL;
+    byte   salt[MAX_SALT_SIZE];
+    byte   cbcIv[MAX_IV_SIZE];
+    if (GetSequence(input, &inOutIdx, &length, sz) < 0) {
+        ERROR_OUT(ASN_PARSE_E, exit_tte);
+    }
+    if (GetAlgoId(input, &inOutIdx, &oid, oidSigType, sz) < 0) {
+        ERROR_OUT(ASN_PARSE_E, exit_tte);
+    }
+    first  = input[inOutIdx - 2];   /* PKCS version always 2nd to last byte */
+    second = input[inOutIdx - 1];   /* version.algo, algo id last byte */
+    if (CheckAlgo(first, second, &id, &version) < 0) {
+        ERROR_OUT(ASN_INPUT_E, exit_tte); /* Algo ID error */
+    }
+    if (version == PKCS5v2) {
+        if (GetSequence(input, &inOutIdx, &length, sz) < 0) {
+            ERROR_OUT(ASN_PARSE_E, exit_tte);
+        }
+        if (GetAlgoId(input, &inOutIdx, &oid, oidKdfType, sz) < 0) {
+            ERROR_OUT(ASN_PARSE_E, exit_tte);
+        }
+        if (oid != PBKDF2_OID) {
+            ERROR_OUT(ASN_PARSE_E, exit_tte);
+        }
+    }
+    if (GetSequence(input, &inOutIdx, &length, sz) <= 0) {
+        ERROR_OUT(ASN_PARSE_E, exit_tte);
+    }
+    ret = GetOctetString(input, &inOutIdx, &saltSz, sz);
+    if (ret < 0)
+        goto exit_tte;
+    if (saltSz > MAX_SALT_SIZE) {
+        ERROR_OUT(ASN_PARSE_E, exit_tte);
+    }
+    if (salt == NULL) {
+        ERROR_OUT(MEMORY_E, exit_tte);
+    }
+    XMEMCPY(salt, &input[inOutIdx], saltSz);
+    inOutIdx += saltSz;
+    if (GetShortInt(input, &inOutIdx, &iterations, sz) < 0) {
+        ERROR_OUT(ASN_PARSE_E, exit_tte);
+    }
+    if (cbcIv == NULL) {
+        ERROR_OUT(MEMORY_E, exit_tte);
+    }
+    if (version == PKCS5v2) {
+        /* get encryption algo */
+        /* JOHN: New type. Need a little more research. */
+        if (GetAlgoId(input, &inOutIdx, &oid, oidBlkType, sz) < 0) {
+            ERROR_OUT(ASN_PARSE_E, exit_tte);
+        }
+        if (CheckAlgoV2(oid, &id) < 0) {
+            ERROR_OUT(ASN_PARSE_E, exit_tte); /* PKCS v2 algo id error */
+        }
+        ret = GetOctetString(input, &inOutIdx, &length, sz);
+        if (ret < 0)
+            goto exit_tte;
+        if (length > MAX_IV_SIZE) {
+            ERROR_OUT(ASN_PARSE_E, exit_tte);
+        }
+        XMEMCPY(cbcIv, &input[inOutIdx], length);
+        inOutIdx += length;
+    }
+    ret = GetOctetString(input, &inOutIdx, &length, sz);
+    if (ret < 0)
+        goto exit_tte;
+    ret = DecryptKey(password, passwordSz, salt, saltSz, iterations, id,
+                                   input + inOutIdx, length, version, cbcIv);
+    if (ret == 0) {
+        XMEMMOVE(input, input + inOutIdx, length);
+        ret = ToTraditional(input, length);
+    }
+    return ret;
+/* decrypt PKCS */
+int DecryptContent(byte* input, word32 sz,const char* password,int passwordSz)
+    word32 inOutIdx = 0, oid;
+    int    ret = 0;
+    int    first, second, length = 0, version, saltSz, id;
+    int    iterations = 0;
+    byte*  salt = NULL;
+    byte*  cbcIv = NULL;
+    byte   salt[MAX_SALT_SIZE];
+    byte   cbcIv[MAX_IV_SIZE];
+    if (GetAlgoId(input, &inOutIdx, &oid, oidSigType, sz) < 0) {
+        ERROR_OUT(ASN_PARSE_E, exit_dc);
+    }
+    first  = input[inOutIdx - 2];   /* PKCS version always 2nd to last byte */
+    second = input[inOutIdx - 1];   /* version.algo, algo id last byte */
+    if (CheckAlgo(first, second, &id, &version) < 0) {
+        ERROR_OUT(ASN_INPUT_E, exit_dc); /* Algo ID error */
+    }
+    if (version == PKCS5v2) {
+        if (GetSequence(input, &inOutIdx, &length, sz) < 0) {
+            ERROR_OUT(ASN_PARSE_E, exit_dc);
+        }
+        if (GetAlgoId(input, &inOutIdx, &oid, oidKdfType, sz) < 0) {
+            ERROR_OUT(ASN_PARSE_E, exit_dc);
+        }
+        if (oid != PBKDF2_OID) {
+            ERROR_OUT(ASN_PARSE_E, exit_dc);
+        }
+    }
+    if (GetSequence(input, &inOutIdx, &length, sz) <= 0) {
+        ERROR_OUT(ASN_PARSE_E, exit_dc);
+    }
+    ret = GetOctetString(input, &inOutIdx, &saltSz, sz);
+    if (ret < 0)
+        goto exit_dc;
+    if (saltSz > MAX_SALT_SIZE) {
+        ERROR_OUT(ASN_PARSE_E, exit_dc);
+    }
+    if (salt == NULL) {
+        ERROR_OUT(MEMORY_E, exit_dc);
+    }
+    XMEMCPY(salt, &input[inOutIdx], saltSz);
+    inOutIdx += saltSz;
+    if (GetShortInt(input, &inOutIdx, &iterations, sz) < 0) {
+        ERROR_OUT(ASN_PARSE_E, exit_dc);
+    }
+    if (cbcIv == NULL) {
+        ERROR_OUT(MEMORY_E, exit_dc);
+    }
+    if (version == PKCS5v2) {
+        /* get encryption algo */
+        /* JOHN: New type. Need a little more research. */
+        if (GetAlgoId(input, &inOutIdx, &oid, oidBlkType, sz) < 0) {
+            ERROR_OUT(ASN_PARSE_E, exit_dc);
+        }
+        if (CheckAlgoV2(oid, &id) < 0) {
+            ERROR_OUT(ASN_PARSE_E, exit_dc); /* PKCS v2 algo id error */
+        }
+        ret = GetOctetString(input, &inOutIdx, &length, sz);
+        if (ret < 0)
+            goto exit_dc;
+        XMEMCPY(cbcIv, &input[inOutIdx], length);
+        inOutIdx += length;
+    }
+    if (input[inOutIdx++] != (ASN_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | 0)) {
+        ERROR_OUT(ASN_PARSE_E, exit_dc);
+    }
+    if (GetLength(input, &inOutIdx, &length, sz) < 0) {
+        ERROR_OUT(ASN_PARSE_E, exit_dc);
+    }
+    ret = DecryptKey(password, passwordSz, salt, saltSz, iterations, id,
+                                   input + inOutIdx, length, version, cbcIv);
+    if (ret == 0) {
+        XMEMMOVE(input, input + inOutIdx, length);
+        ret = length;
+    }
+    return ret;
+#endif /* NO_PWDBASED */
+#ifndef NO_RSA
+#ifndef HAVE_USER_RSA
+int wc_RsaPublicKeyDecode(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx, RsaKey* key,
+                       word32 inSz)
+    int  length;
+#if defined(OPENSSL_EXTRA) || defined(RSA_DECODE_EXTRA)
+    byte b;
+    int ret;
+    if (input == NULL || inOutIdx == NULL || key == NULL)
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    if (GetSequence(input, inOutIdx, &length, inSz) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    key->type = RSA_PUBLIC;
+#if defined(OPENSSL_EXTRA) || defined(RSA_DECODE_EXTRA)
+    if ((*inOutIdx + 1) > inSz)
+        return BUFFER_E;
+    b = input[*inOutIdx];
+    if (b != ASN_INTEGER) {
+        /* not from decoded cert, will have algo id, skip past */
+        if (GetSequence(input, inOutIdx, &length, inSz) < 0)
+            return ASN_PARSE_E;
+        if (SkipObjectId(input, inOutIdx, inSz) < 0)
+            return ASN_PARSE_E;
+        /* Option NULL ASN.1 tag */
+        if (input[*inOutIdx] == ASN_TAG_NULL) {
+            ret = GetASNNull(input, inOutIdx, inSz);
+            if (ret != 0)
+                return ret;
+        }
+        /* should have bit tag length and seq next */
+        ret = CheckBitString(input, inOutIdx, NULL, inSz, 1, NULL);
+        if (ret != 0)
+            return ret;
+        if (GetSequence(input, inOutIdx, &length, inSz) < 0)
+            return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    }
+#endif /* OPENSSL_EXTRA */
+    if (GetInt(&key->n,  input, inOutIdx, inSz) < 0)
+        return ASN_RSA_KEY_E;
+    if (GetInt(&key->e,  input, inOutIdx, inSz) < 0) {
+        mp_clear(&key->n);
+        return ASN_RSA_KEY_E;
+    }
+    return 0;
+/* import RSA public key elements (n, e) into RsaKey structure (key) */
+int wc_RsaPublicKeyDecodeRaw(const byte* n, word32 nSz, const byte* e,
+                             word32 eSz, RsaKey* key)
+    if (n == NULL || e == NULL || key == NULL)
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    key->type = RSA_PUBLIC;
+    if (mp_init(&key->n) != MP_OKAY)
+        return MP_INIT_E;
+    if (mp_read_unsigned_bin(&key->n, n, nSz) != 0) {
+        mp_clear(&key->n);
+        return ASN_GETINT_E;
+    }
+    if (mp_init(&key->e) != MP_OKAY) {
+        mp_clear(&key->n);
+        return MP_INIT_E;
+    }
+    if (mp_read_unsigned_bin(&key->e, e, eSz) != 0) {
+        mp_clear(&key->n);
+        mp_clear(&key->e);
+        return ASN_GETINT_E;
+    }
+    return 0;
+#endif /* HAVE_USER_RSA */
+#ifndef NO_DH
+int wc_DhKeyDecode(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx, DhKey* key, word32 inSz)
+    int    length;
+    if (GetSequence(input, inOutIdx, &length, inSz) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if (GetInt(&key->p,  input, inOutIdx, inSz) < 0 ||
+        GetInt(&key->g,  input, inOutIdx, inSz) < 0) {
+        return ASN_DH_KEY_E;
+    }
+    return 0;
+int wc_DhParamsLoad(const byte* input, word32 inSz, byte* p, word32* pInOutSz,
+                 byte* g, word32* gInOutSz)
+    word32 idx = 0;
+    int    ret;
+    int    length;
+    if (GetSequence(input, &idx, &length, inSz) <= 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    ret = GetASNInt(input, &idx, &length, inSz);
+    if (ret != 0)
+        return ret;
+    if (length <= (int)*pInOutSz) {
+        XMEMCPY(p, &input[idx], length);
+        *pInOutSz = length;
+    }
+    else {
+        return BUFFER_E;
+    }
+    idx += length;
+    ret = GetASNInt(input, &idx, &length, inSz);
+    if (ret != 0)
+        return ret;
+    if (length <= (int)*gInOutSz) {
+        XMEMCPY(g, &input[idx], length);
+        *gInOutSz = length;
+    }
+    else {
+        return BUFFER_E;
+    }
+    return 0;
+#endif /* NO_DH */
+#ifndef NO_DSA
+int DsaPublicKeyDecode(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx, DsaKey* key,
+                        word32 inSz)
+    int    length;
+    if (GetSequence(input, inOutIdx, &length, inSz) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if (GetInt(&key->p,  input, inOutIdx, inSz) < 0 ||
+        GetInt(&key->q,  input, inOutIdx, inSz) < 0 ||
+        GetInt(&key->g,  input, inOutIdx, inSz) < 0 ||
+        GetInt(&key->y,  input, inOutIdx, inSz) < 0 )
+        return ASN_DH_KEY_E;
+    key->type = DSA_PUBLIC;
+    return 0;
+int DsaPrivateKeyDecode(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx, DsaKey* key,
+                        word32 inSz)
+    int    length, version;
+    if (GetSequence(input, inOutIdx, &length, inSz) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if (GetMyVersion(input, inOutIdx, &version, inSz) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if (GetInt(&key->p,  input, inOutIdx, inSz) < 0 ||
+        GetInt(&key->q,  input, inOutIdx, inSz) < 0 ||
+        GetInt(&key->g,  input, inOutIdx, inSz) < 0 ||
+        GetInt(&key->y,  input, inOutIdx, inSz) < 0 ||
+        GetInt(&key->x,  input, inOutIdx, inSz) < 0 )
+        return ASN_DH_KEY_E;
+    key->type = DSA_PRIVATE;
+    return 0;
+static mp_int* GetDsaInt(DsaKey* key, int idx)
+    if (idx == 0)
+        return &key->p;
+    if (idx == 1)
+        return &key->q;
+    if (idx == 2)
+        return &key->g;
+    if (idx == 3)
+        return &key->y;
+    if (idx == 4)
+        return &key->x;
+    return NULL;
+/* Release Tmp DSA resources */
+static INLINE void FreeTmpDsas(byte** tmps, void* heap)
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < DSA_INTS; i++)
+        XFREE(tmps[i], heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_DSA);
+    (void)heap;
+/* Convert DsaKey key to DER format, write to output (inLen), return bytes
+ written */
+int wc_DsaKeyToDer(DsaKey* key, byte* output, word32 inLen)
+    word32 seqSz, verSz, rawLen, intTotalLen = 0;
+    word32 sizes[DSA_INTS];
+    int    i, j, outLen, ret = 0, mpSz;
+    byte  seq[MAX_SEQ_SZ];
+    byte  ver[MAX_VERSION_SZ];
+    byte* tmps[DSA_INTS];
+    if (!key || !output)
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    if (key->type != DSA_PRIVATE)
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    for (i = 0; i < DSA_INTS; i++)
+        tmps[i] = NULL;
+    /* write all big ints from key to DER tmps */
+    for (i = 0; i < DSA_INTS; i++) {
+        mp_int* keyInt = GetDsaInt(key, i);
+        rawLen = mp_unsigned_bin_size(keyInt) + 1;
+        tmps[i] = (byte*)XMALLOC(rawLen + MAX_SEQ_SZ, key->heap,
+                                                              DYNAMIC_TYPE_DSA);
+        if (tmps[i] == NULL) {
+            ret = MEMORY_E;
+            break;
+        }
+        mpSz = SetASNIntMP(keyInt, -1, tmps[i]);
+        if (mpSz < 0) {
+            ret = mpSz;
+            break;
+        }
+        intTotalLen += (sizes[i] = mpSz);
+    }
+    if (ret != 0) {
+        FreeTmpDsas(tmps, key->heap);
+        return ret;
+    }
+    /* make headers */
+    verSz = SetMyVersion(0, ver, FALSE);
+    seqSz = SetSequence(verSz + intTotalLen, seq);
+    outLen = seqSz + verSz + intTotalLen;
+    if (outLen > (int)inLen)
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    /* write to output */
+    XMEMCPY(output, seq, seqSz);
+    j = seqSz;
+    XMEMCPY(output + j, ver, verSz);
+    j += verSz;
+    for (i = 0; i < DSA_INTS; i++) {
+        XMEMCPY(output + j, tmps[i], sizes[i]);
+        j += sizes[i];
+    }
+    FreeTmpDsas(tmps, key->heap);
+    return outLen;
+#endif /* NO_DSA */
+void InitDecodedCert(DecodedCert* cert, byte* source, word32 inSz, void* heap)
+    cert->publicKey       = 0;
+    cert->pubKeySize      = 0;
+    cert->pubKeyStored    = 0;
+    cert->keyOID          = 0;
+    cert->version         = 0;
+    cert->signature       = 0;
+    cert->subjectCN       = 0;
+    cert->subjectCNLen    = 0;
+    cert->subjectCNEnc    = CTC_UTF8;
+    cert->subjectCNStored = 0;
+    cert->weOwnAltNames   = 0;
+    cert->altNames        = NULL;
+    cert->altEmailNames   = NULL;
+    cert->permittedNames  = NULL;
+    cert->excludedNames   = NULL;
+    cert->issuer[0]       = '\0';
+    cert->subject[0]      = '\0';
+    cert->source          = source;  /* don't own */
+    cert->srcIdx          = 0;
+    cert->maxIdx          = inSz;    /* can't go over this index */
+    cert->heap            = heap;
+    XMEMSET(cert->serial, 0, EXTERNAL_SERIAL_SIZE);
+    cert->serialSz        = 0;
+    cert->extensions      = 0;
+    cert->extensionsSz    = 0;
+    cert->extensionsIdx   = 0;
+    cert->extAuthInfo     = NULL;
+    cert->extAuthInfoSz   = 0;
+    cert->extCrlInfo      = NULL;
+    cert->extCrlInfoSz    = 0;
+    XMEMSET(cert->extSubjKeyId, 0, KEYID_SIZE);
+    cert->extSubjKeyIdSet = 0;
+    XMEMSET(cert->extAuthKeyId, 0, KEYID_SIZE);
+    cert->extAuthKeyIdSet = 0;
+    cert->extKeyUsageSet  = 0;
+    cert->extKeyUsage     = 0;
+    cert->extExtKeyUsageSet = 0;
+    cert->extExtKeyUsage    = 0;
+    cert->isCA            = 0;
+    cert->pathLengthSet   = 0;
+    cert->pathLength      = 0;
+#ifdef HAVE_PKCS7
+    cert->issuerRaw       = NULL;
+    cert->issuerRawLen    = 0;
+    cert->subjectSN       = 0;
+    cert->subjectSNLen    = 0;
+    cert->subjectSNEnc    = CTC_UTF8;
+    cert->subjectC        = 0;
+    cert->subjectCLen     = 0;
+    cert->subjectCEnc     = CTC_PRINTABLE;
+    cert->subjectL        = 0;
+    cert->subjectLLen     = 0;
+    cert->subjectLEnc     = CTC_UTF8;
+    cert->subjectST       = 0;
+    cert->subjectSTLen    = 0;
+    cert->subjectSTEnc    = CTC_UTF8;
+    cert->subjectO        = 0;
+    cert->subjectOLen     = 0;
+    cert->subjectOEnc     = CTC_UTF8;
+    cert->subjectOU       = 0;
+    cert->subjectOULen    = 0;
+    cert->subjectOUEnc    = CTC_UTF8;
+    cert->subjectEmail    = 0;
+    cert->subjectEmailLen = 0;
+#endif /* WOLFSSL_CERT_GEN */
+    cert->beforeDate      = NULL;
+    cert->beforeDateLen   = 0;
+    cert->afterDate       = NULL;
+    cert->afterDateLen    = 0;
+    XMEMSET(&cert->issuerName, 0, sizeof(DecodedName));
+    XMEMSET(&cert->subjectName, 0, sizeof(DecodedName));
+    cert->extCRLdistSet = 0;
+    cert->extCRLdistCrit = 0;
+    cert->extAuthInfoSet = 0;
+    cert->extAuthInfoCrit = 0;
+    cert->extBasicConstSet = 0;
+    cert->extBasicConstCrit = 0;
+    cert->extSubjAltNameSet = 0;
+    cert->extSubjAltNameCrit = 0;
+    cert->extAuthKeyIdCrit = 0;
+    cert->extSubjKeyIdCrit = 0;
+    cert->extKeyUsageCrit = 0;
+    cert->extExtKeyUsageCrit = 0;
+    cert->extExtKeyUsageSrc = NULL;
+    cert->extExtKeyUsageSz = 0;
+    cert->extExtKeyUsageCount = 0;
+    cert->extAuthKeyIdSrc = NULL;
+    cert->extAuthKeyIdSz = 0;
+    cert->extSubjKeyIdSrc = NULL;
+    cert->extSubjKeyIdSz = 0;
+#endif /* OPENSSL_EXTRA */
+    cert->extNameConstraintSet = 0;
+#ifdef HAVE_ECC
+    cert->pkCurveOID = 0;
+#endif /* HAVE_ECC */
+    cert->deviceTypeSz = 0;
+    cert->deviceType = NULL;
+    cert->hwTypeSz = 0;
+    cert->hwType = NULL;
+    cert->hwSerialNumSz = 0;
+    cert->hwSerialNum = NULL;
+    #ifdef OPENSSL_EXTRA
+        cert->extCertPolicySet = 0;
+        cert->extCertPolicyCrit = 0;
+    #endif /* OPENSSL_EXTRA */
+#endif /* WOLFSSL_SEP */
+    XMEMSET(cert->extCertPolicies, 0, MAX_CERTPOL_NB*MAX_CERTPOL_SZ);
+    cert->extCertPoliciesNb = 0;
+    cert->ca = NULL;
+    InitSignatureCtx(&cert->sigCtx, heap, INVALID_DEVID);
+void FreeAltNames(DNS_entry* altNames, void* heap)
+    (void)heap;
+    while (altNames) {
+        DNS_entry* tmp = altNames->next;
+        XFREE(altNames->name, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ALTNAME);
+        XFREE(altNames,       heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ALTNAME);
+        altNames = tmp;
+    }
+void FreeNameSubtrees(Base_entry* names, void* heap)
+    (void)heap;
+    while (names) {
+        Base_entry* tmp = names->next;
+        XFREE(names->name, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ALTNAME);
+        XFREE(names,       heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ALTNAME);
+        names = tmp;
+    }
+void FreeDecodedCert(DecodedCert* cert)
+    if (cert->subjectCNStored == 1)
+        XFREE(cert->subjectCN, cert->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_SUBJECT_CN);
+    if (cert->pubKeyStored == 1)
+        XFREE(cert->publicKey, cert->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_PUBLIC_KEY);
+    if (cert->weOwnAltNames && cert->altNames)
+        FreeAltNames(cert->altNames, cert->heap);
+    if (cert->altEmailNames)
+        FreeAltNames(cert->altEmailNames, cert->heap);
+    if (cert->permittedNames)
+        FreeNameSubtrees(cert->permittedNames, cert->heap);
+    if (cert->excludedNames)
+        FreeNameSubtrees(cert->excludedNames, cert->heap);
+    XFREE(cert->deviceType, cert->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_X509_EXT);
+    XFREE(cert->hwType, cert->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_X509_EXT);
+    XFREE(cert->hwSerialNum, cert->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_X509_EXT);
+#endif /* WOLFSSL_SEP */
+    if (cert->issuerName.fullName != NULL)
+        XFREE(cert->issuerName.fullName, cert->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_X509);
+    if (cert->subjectName.fullName != NULL)
+        XFREE(cert->subjectName.fullName, cert->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_X509);
+#endif /* OPENSSL_EXTRA */
+    FreeSignatureCtx(&cert->sigCtx);
+static int GetCertHeader(DecodedCert* cert)
+    int ret = 0, len;
+    if (GetSequence(cert->source, &cert->srcIdx, &len, cert->maxIdx) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    cert->certBegin = cert->srcIdx;
+    if (GetSequence(cert->source, &cert->srcIdx, &len, cert->maxIdx) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    cert->sigIndex = len + cert->srcIdx;
+    if (GetExplicitVersion(cert->source, &cert->srcIdx, &cert->version,
+                                                              cert->maxIdx) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if (GetSerialNumber(cert->source, &cert->srcIdx, cert->serial,
+                                        &cert->serialSz, cert->maxIdx) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    return ret;
+#if !defined(NO_RSA)
+/* Store Rsa Key, may save later, Dsa could use in future */
+static int StoreRsaKey(DecodedCert* cert)
+    int    length;
+    word32 recvd = cert->srcIdx;
+    if (GetSequence(cert->source, &cert->srcIdx, &length, cert->maxIdx) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    recvd = cert->srcIdx - recvd;
+    length += recvd;
+    while (recvd--)
+       cert->srcIdx--;
+    cert->pubKeySize = length;
+    cert->publicKey = cert->source + cert->srcIdx;
+    cert->srcIdx += length;
+    return 0;
+#endif /* !NO_RSA */
+#ifdef HAVE_ECC
+    /* return 0 on success if the ECC curve oid sum is supported */
+    static int CheckCurve(word32 oid)
+    {
+        int ret = 0;
+        word32 oidSz = 0;
+        ret = wc_ecc_get_oid(oid, NULL, &oidSz);
+        if (ret < 0 || oidSz <= 0) {
+            WOLFSSL_MSG("CheckCurve not found");
+            ret = ALGO_ID_E;
+        }
+        return ret;
+    }
+#endif /* HAVE_ECC */
+static int GetKey(DecodedCert* cert)
+    int length;
+#ifdef HAVE_NTRU
+    int tmpIdx = cert->srcIdx;
+    if (GetSequence(cert->source, &cert->srcIdx, &length, cert->maxIdx) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if (GetAlgoId(cert->source, &cert->srcIdx,
+                  &cert->keyOID, oidKeyType, cert->maxIdx) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    switch (cert->keyOID) {
+   #ifndef NO_RSA
+        case RSAk:
+        {
+            int ret;
+            ret = CheckBitString(cert->source, &cert->srcIdx, NULL,
+                                 cert->maxIdx, 1, NULL);
+            if (ret != 0)
+                return ret;
+            return StoreRsaKey(cert);
+        }
+    #endif /* NO_RSA */
+    #ifdef HAVE_NTRU
+        case NTRUk:
+        {
+            const byte* key = &cert->source[tmpIdx];
+            byte*       next = (byte*)key;
+            word16      keyLen;
+            word32      rc;
+            word32      remaining = cert->maxIdx - cert->srcIdx;
+            byte*       keyBlob = NULL;
+            byte        keyBlob[MAX_NTRU_KEY_SZ];
+            rc = ntru_crypto_ntru_encrypt_subjectPublicKeyInfo2PublicKey(key,
+                                &keyLen, NULL, &next, &remaining);
+            if (rc != NTRU_OK)
+                return ASN_NTRU_KEY_E;
+            if (keyLen > MAX_NTRU_KEY_SZ)
+                return ASN_NTRU_KEY_E;
+            keyBlob = (byte*)XMALLOC(MAX_NTRU_KEY_SZ, NULL,
+                                     DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+            if (keyBlob == NULL)
+                return MEMORY_E;
+            rc = ntru_crypto_ntru_encrypt_subjectPublicKeyInfo2PublicKey(key,
+                                &keyLen, keyBlob, &next, &remaining);
+            if (rc != NTRU_OK) {
+                XFREE(keyBlob, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+                return ASN_NTRU_KEY_E;
+            }
+            if ( (next - key) < 0) {
+                XFREE(keyBlob, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+                return ASN_NTRU_KEY_E;
+            }
+            cert->srcIdx = tmpIdx + (int)(next - key);
+            cert->publicKey = (byte*) XMALLOC(keyLen, cert->heap,
+                                              DYNAMIC_TYPE_PUBLIC_KEY);
+            if (cert->publicKey == NULL) {
+                XFREE(keyBlob, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+                return MEMORY_E;
+            }
+            XMEMCPY(cert->publicKey, keyBlob, keyLen);
+            cert->pubKeyStored = 1;
+            cert->pubKeySize   = keyLen;
+            return 0;
+        }
+    #endif /* HAVE_NTRU */
+    #ifdef HAVE_ECC
+        case ECDSAk:
+        {
+            int ret;
+            if (GetObjectId(cert->source, &cert->srcIdx,
+                            &cert->pkCurveOID, oidCurveType, cert->maxIdx) < 0)
+                return ASN_PARSE_E;
+            if (CheckCurve(cert->pkCurveOID) < 0)
+                return ECC_CURVE_OID_E;
+            /* key header */
+            ret = CheckBitString(cert->source, &cert->srcIdx, &length,
+                                 cert->maxIdx, 1, NULL);
+            if (ret != 0)
+                return ret;
+            cert->publicKey = (byte*) XMALLOC(length, cert->heap,
+                                              DYNAMIC_TYPE_PUBLIC_KEY);
+            if (cert->publicKey == NULL)
+                return MEMORY_E;
+            XMEMCPY(cert->publicKey, &cert->source[cert->srcIdx], length);
+            cert->pubKeyStored = 1;
+            cert->pubKeySize   = length;
+            cert->srcIdx += length;
+            return 0;
+        }
+    #endif /* HAVE_ECC */
+        default:
+            return ASN_UNKNOWN_OID_E;
+    }
+/* process NAME, either issuer or subject */
+static int GetName(DecodedCert* cert, int nameType)
+    int    length;  /* length of all distinguished names */
+    int    dummy;
+    int    ret;
+    char*  full;
+    byte*  hash;
+    word32 idx;
+    #ifdef OPENSSL_EXTRA
+        DecodedName* dName =
+                  (nameType == ISSUER) ? &cert->issuerName : &cert->subjectName;
+    #endif /* OPENSSL_EXTRA */
+    WOLFSSL_MSG("Getting Cert Name");
+    if (nameType == ISSUER) {
+        full = cert->issuer;
+        hash = cert->issuerHash;
+    }
+    else {
+        full = cert->subject;
+        hash = cert->subjectHash;
+    }
+    if (cert->source[cert->srcIdx] == ASN_OBJECT_ID) {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("Trying optional prefix...");
+        if (SkipObjectId(cert->source, &cert->srcIdx, cert->maxIdx) < 0)
+            return ASN_PARSE_E;
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("Got optional prefix");
+    }
+    /* For OCSP, RFC2560 section 4.1.1 states the issuer hash should be
+     * calculated over the entire DER encoding of the Name field, including
+     * the tag and length. */
+    idx = cert->srcIdx;
+    if (GetSequence(cert->source, &cert->srcIdx, &length, cert->maxIdx) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+#ifdef NO_SHA
+    ret = wc_Sha256Hash(&cert->source[idx], length + cert->srcIdx - idx, hash);
+    ret = wc_ShaHash(&cert->source[idx], length + cert->srcIdx - idx, hash);
+    if (ret != 0)
+        return ret;
+    length += cert->srcIdx;
+    idx = 0;
+#ifdef HAVE_PKCS7
+    /* store pointer to raw issuer */
+    if (nameType == ISSUER) {
+        cert->issuerRaw = &cert->source[cert->srcIdx];
+        cert->issuerRawLen = length - cert->srcIdx;
+    }
+    if (nameType == SUBJECT) {
+        cert->subjectRaw = &cert->source[cert->srcIdx];
+        cert->subjectRawLen = length - cert->srcIdx;
+    }
+    while (cert->srcIdx < (word32)length) {
+        byte   b;
+        byte   joint[2];
+        byte   tooBig = FALSE;
+        int    oidSz;
+        if (GetSet(cert->source, &cert->srcIdx, &dummy, cert->maxIdx) < 0) {
+            WOLFSSL_MSG("Cert name lacks set header, trying sequence");
+        }
+        if (GetSequence(cert->source, &cert->srcIdx, &dummy, cert->maxIdx) <= 0)
+            return ASN_PARSE_E;
+        ret = GetASNObjectId(cert->source, &cert->srcIdx, &oidSz, cert->maxIdx);
+        if (ret != 0)
+            return ret;
+        /* make sure there is room for joint */
+        if ((cert->srcIdx + sizeof(joint)) > cert->maxIdx)
+            return ASN_PARSE_E;
+        XMEMCPY(joint, &cert->source[cert->srcIdx], sizeof(joint));
+        /* v1 name types */
+        if (joint[0] == 0x55 && joint[1] == 0x04) {
+            byte   id;
+            byte   copy = FALSE;
+            int    strLen;
+            cert->srcIdx += 2;
+            id = cert->source[cert->srcIdx++];
+            b  = cert->source[cert->srcIdx++]; /* encoding */
+            if (GetLength(cert->source, &cert->srcIdx, &strLen,
+                          cert->maxIdx) < 0)
+                return ASN_PARSE_E;
+            if ( (strLen + 14) > (int)(ASN_NAME_MAX - idx)) {
+                /* include biggest pre fix header too 4 = "/serialNumber=" */
+                WOLFSSL_MSG("ASN Name too big, skipping");
+                tooBig = TRUE;
+            }
+            if (id == ASN_COMMON_NAME) {
+                if (nameType == SUBJECT) {
+                    cert->subjectCN = (char *)&cert->source[cert->srcIdx];
+                    cert->subjectCNLen = strLen;
+                    cert->subjectCNEnc = b;
+                }
+                if (!tooBig) {
+                    XMEMCPY(&full[idx], "/CN=", 4);
+                    idx += 4;
+                    copy = TRUE;
+                }
+                #ifdef OPENSSL_EXTRA
+                    dName->cnIdx = cert->srcIdx;
+                    dName->cnLen = strLen;
+                #endif /* OPENSSL_EXTRA */
+            }
+            else if (id == ASN_SUR_NAME) {
+                if (!tooBig) {
+                    XMEMCPY(&full[idx], "/SN=", 4);
+                    idx += 4;
+                    copy = TRUE;
+                }
+                #ifdef WOLFSSL_CERT_GEN
+                    if (nameType == SUBJECT) {
+                        cert->subjectSN = (char*)&cert->source[cert->srcIdx];
+                        cert->subjectSNLen = strLen;
+                        cert->subjectSNEnc = b;
+                    }
+                #endif /* WOLFSSL_CERT_GEN */
+                #ifdef OPENSSL_EXTRA
+                    dName->snIdx = cert->srcIdx;
+                    dName->snLen = strLen;
+                #endif /* OPENSSL_EXTRA */
+            }
+            else if (id == ASN_COUNTRY_NAME) {
+                if (!tooBig) {
+                    XMEMCPY(&full[idx], "/C=", 3);
+                    idx += 3;
+                    copy = TRUE;
+                }
+                #ifdef WOLFSSL_CERT_GEN
+                    if (nameType == SUBJECT) {
+                        cert->subjectC = (char*)&cert->source[cert->srcIdx];
+                        cert->subjectCLen = strLen;
+                        cert->subjectCEnc = b;
+                    }
+                #endif /* WOLFSSL_CERT_GEN */
+                #ifdef OPENSSL_EXTRA
+                    dName->cIdx = cert->srcIdx;
+                    dName->cLen = strLen;
+                #endif /* OPENSSL_EXTRA */
+            }
+            else if (id == ASN_LOCALITY_NAME) {
+                if (!tooBig) {
+                    XMEMCPY(&full[idx], "/L=", 3);
+                    idx += 3;
+                    copy = TRUE;
+                }
+                #ifdef WOLFSSL_CERT_GEN
+                    if (nameType == SUBJECT) {
+                        cert->subjectL = (char*)&cert->source[cert->srcIdx];
+                        cert->subjectLLen = strLen;
+                        cert->subjectLEnc = b;
+                    }
+                #endif /* WOLFSSL_CERT_GEN */
+                #ifdef OPENSSL_EXTRA
+                    dName->lIdx = cert->srcIdx;
+                    dName->lLen = strLen;
+                #endif /* OPENSSL_EXTRA */
+            }
+            else if (id == ASN_STATE_NAME) {
+                if (!tooBig) {
+                    XMEMCPY(&full[idx], "/ST=", 4);
+                    idx += 4;
+                    copy = TRUE;
+                }
+                #ifdef WOLFSSL_CERT_GEN
+                    if (nameType == SUBJECT) {
+                        cert->subjectST = (char*)&cert->source[cert->srcIdx];
+                        cert->subjectSTLen = strLen;
+                        cert->subjectSTEnc = b;
+                    }
+                #endif /* WOLFSSL_CERT_GEN */
+                #ifdef OPENSSL_EXTRA
+                    dName->stIdx = cert->srcIdx;
+                    dName->stLen = strLen;
+                #endif /* OPENSSL_EXTRA */
+            }
+            else if (id == ASN_ORG_NAME) {
+                if (!tooBig) {
+                    XMEMCPY(&full[idx], "/O=", 3);
+                    idx += 3;
+                    copy = TRUE;
+                }
+                #ifdef WOLFSSL_CERT_GEN
+                    if (nameType == SUBJECT) {
+                        cert->subjectO = (char*)&cert->source[cert->srcIdx];
+                        cert->subjectOLen = strLen;
+                        cert->subjectOEnc = b;
+                    }
+                #endif /* WOLFSSL_CERT_GEN */
+                #ifdef OPENSSL_EXTRA
+                    dName->oIdx = cert->srcIdx;
+                    dName->oLen = strLen;
+                #endif /* OPENSSL_EXTRA */
+            }
+            else if (id == ASN_ORGUNIT_NAME) {
+                if (!tooBig) {
+                    XMEMCPY(&full[idx], "/OU=", 4);
+                    idx += 4;
+                    copy = TRUE;
+                }
+                #ifdef WOLFSSL_CERT_GEN
+                    if (nameType == SUBJECT) {
+                        cert->subjectOU = (char*)&cert->source[cert->srcIdx];
+                        cert->subjectOULen = strLen;
+                        cert->subjectOUEnc = b;
+                    }
+                #endif /* WOLFSSL_CERT_GEN */
+                #ifdef OPENSSL_EXTRA
+                    dName->ouIdx = cert->srcIdx;
+                    dName->ouLen = strLen;
+                #endif /* OPENSSL_EXTRA */
+            }
+            else if (id == ASN_SERIAL_NUMBER) {
+                if (!tooBig) {
+                   XMEMCPY(&full[idx], "/serialNumber=", 14);
+                   idx += 14;
+                   copy = TRUE;
+                }
+                #ifdef OPENSSL_EXTRA
+                    dName->snIdx = cert->srcIdx;
+                    dName->snLen = strLen;
+                #endif /* OPENSSL_EXTRA */
+            }
+            if (copy && !tooBig) {
+                XMEMCPY(&full[idx], &cert->source[cert->srcIdx], strLen);
+                idx += strLen;
+            }
+            cert->srcIdx += strLen;
+        }
+        else {
+            /* skip */
+            byte email = FALSE;
+            byte uid   = FALSE;
+            int  adv;
+            if (joint[0] == 0x2a && joint[1] == 0x86)  /* email id hdr */
+                email = TRUE;
+            if (joint[0] == 0x9  && joint[1] == 0x92)  /* uid id hdr */
+                uid = TRUE;
+            cert->srcIdx += oidSz + 1;
+            if (GetLength(cert->source, &cert->srcIdx, &adv, cert->maxIdx) < 0)
+                return ASN_PARSE_E;
+            if (adv > (int)(ASN_NAME_MAX - idx)) {
+                WOLFSSL_MSG("ASN name too big, skipping");
+                tooBig = TRUE;
+            }
+            if (email) {
+                if ( (14 + adv) > (int)(ASN_NAME_MAX - idx)) {
+                    WOLFSSL_MSG("ASN name too big, skipping");
+                    tooBig = TRUE;
+                }
+                if (!tooBig) {
+                    XMEMCPY(&full[idx], "/emailAddress=", 14);
+                    idx += 14;
+                }
+                #ifdef WOLFSSL_CERT_GEN
+                    if (nameType == SUBJECT) {
+                        cert->subjectEmail = (char*)&cert->source[cert->srcIdx];
+                        cert->subjectEmailLen = adv;
+                    }
+                #endif /* WOLFSSL_CERT_GEN */
+                #ifdef OPENSSL_EXTRA
+                    dName->emailIdx = cert->srcIdx;
+                    dName->emailLen = adv;
+                #endif /* OPENSSL_EXTRA */
+                #ifndef IGNORE_NAME_CONSTRAINTS
+                    {
+                        DNS_entry* emailName = NULL;
+                        emailName = (DNS_entry*)XMALLOC(sizeof(DNS_entry),
+                                              cert->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ALTNAME);
+                        if (emailName == NULL) {
+                            WOLFSSL_MSG("\tOut of Memory");
+                            return MEMORY_E;
+                        }
+                        emailName->name = (char*)XMALLOC(adv + 1,
+                                              cert->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ALTNAME);
+                        if (emailName->name == NULL) {
+                            WOLFSSL_MSG("\tOut of Memory");
+                            XFREE(emailName, cert->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ALTNAME);
+                            return MEMORY_E;
+                        }
+                        XMEMCPY(emailName->name,
+                                              &cert->source[cert->srcIdx], adv);
+                        emailName->name[adv] = 0;
+                        emailName->next = cert->altEmailNames;
+                        cert->altEmailNames = emailName;
+                    }
+                #endif /* IGNORE_NAME_CONSTRAINTS */
+                if (!tooBig) {
+                    XMEMCPY(&full[idx], &cert->source[cert->srcIdx], adv);
+                    idx += adv;
+                }
+            }
+            if (uid) {
+                if ( (5 + adv) > (int)(ASN_NAME_MAX - idx)) {
+                    WOLFSSL_MSG("ASN name too big, skipping");
+                    tooBig = TRUE;
+                }
+                if (!tooBig) {
+                    XMEMCPY(&full[idx], "/UID=", 5);
+                    idx += 5;
+                    XMEMCPY(&full[idx], &cert->source[cert->srcIdx], adv);
+                    idx += adv;
+                }
+                #ifdef OPENSSL_EXTRA
+                    dName->uidIdx = cert->srcIdx;
+                    dName->uidLen = adv;
+                #endif /* OPENSSL_EXTRA */
+            }
+            cert->srcIdx += adv;
+        }
+    }
+    full[idx++] = 0;
+    #ifdef OPENSSL_EXTRA
+    {
+        int totalLen = 0;
+        if (dName->cnLen != 0)
+            totalLen += dName->cnLen + 4;
+        if (dName->snLen != 0)
+            totalLen += dName->snLen + 4;
+        if (dName->cLen != 0)
+            totalLen += dName->cLen + 3;
+        if (dName->lLen != 0)
+            totalLen += dName->lLen + 3;
+        if (dName->stLen != 0)
+            totalLen += dName->stLen + 4;
+        if (dName->oLen != 0)
+            totalLen += dName->oLen + 3;
+        if (dName->ouLen != 0)
+            totalLen += dName->ouLen + 4;
+        if (dName->emailLen != 0)
+            totalLen += dName->emailLen + 14;
+        if (dName->uidLen != 0)
+            totalLen += dName->uidLen + 5;
+        if (dName->serialLen != 0)
+            totalLen += dName->serialLen + 14;
+        dName->fullName = (char*)XMALLOC(totalLen + 1, cert->heap,
+                                                             DYNAMIC_TYPE_X509);
+        if (dName->fullName != NULL) {
+            idx = 0;
+            if (dName->cnLen != 0) {
+                dName->entryCount++;
+                XMEMCPY(&dName->fullName[idx], "/CN=", 4);
+                idx += 4;
+                XMEMCPY(&dName->fullName[idx],
+                                     &cert->source[dName->cnIdx], dName->cnLen);
+                dName->cnIdx = idx;
+                idx += dName->cnLen;
+            }
+            if (dName->snLen != 0) {
+                dName->entryCount++;
+                XMEMCPY(&dName->fullName[idx], "/SN=", 4);
+                idx += 4;
+                XMEMCPY(&dName->fullName[idx],
+                                     &cert->source[dName->snIdx], dName->snLen);
+                dName->snIdx = idx;
+                idx += dName->snLen;
+            }
+            if (dName->cLen != 0) {
+                dName->entryCount++;
+                XMEMCPY(&dName->fullName[idx], "/C=", 3);
+                idx += 3;
+                XMEMCPY(&dName->fullName[idx],
+                                       &cert->source[dName->cIdx], dName->cLen);
+                dName->cIdx = idx;
+                idx += dName->cLen;
+            }
+            if (dName->lLen != 0) {
+                dName->entryCount++;
+                XMEMCPY(&dName->fullName[idx], "/L=", 3);
+                idx += 3;
+                XMEMCPY(&dName->fullName[idx],
+                                       &cert->source[dName->lIdx], dName->lLen);
+                dName->lIdx = idx;
+                idx += dName->lLen;
+            }
+            if (dName->stLen != 0) {
+                dName->entryCount++;
+                XMEMCPY(&dName->fullName[idx], "/ST=", 4);
+                idx += 4;
+                XMEMCPY(&dName->fullName[idx],
+                                     &cert->source[dName->stIdx], dName->stLen);
+                dName->stIdx = idx;
+                idx += dName->stLen;
+            }
+            if (dName->oLen != 0) {
+                dName->entryCount++;
+                XMEMCPY(&dName->fullName[idx], "/O=", 3);
+                idx += 3;
+                XMEMCPY(&dName->fullName[idx],
+                                       &cert->source[dName->oIdx], dName->oLen);
+                dName->oIdx = idx;
+                idx += dName->oLen;
+            }
+            if (dName->ouLen != 0) {
+                dName->entryCount++;
+                XMEMCPY(&dName->fullName[idx], "/OU=", 4);
+                idx += 4;
+                XMEMCPY(&dName->fullName[idx],
+                                     &cert->source[dName->ouIdx], dName->ouLen);
+                dName->ouIdx = idx;
+                idx += dName->ouLen;
+            }
+            if (dName->emailLen != 0) {
+                dName->entryCount++;
+                XMEMCPY(&dName->fullName[idx], "/emailAddress=", 14);
+                idx += 14;
+                XMEMCPY(&dName->fullName[idx],
+                               &cert->source[dName->emailIdx], dName->emailLen);
+                dName->emailIdx = idx;
+                idx += dName->emailLen;
+            }
+            if (dName->uidLen != 0) {
+                dName->entryCount++;
+                XMEMCPY(&dName->fullName[idx], "/UID=", 5);
+                idx += 5;
+                XMEMCPY(&dName->fullName[idx],
+                                   &cert->source[dName->uidIdx], dName->uidLen);
+                dName->uidIdx = idx;
+                idx += dName->uidLen;
+            }
+            if (dName->serialLen != 0) {
+                dName->entryCount++;
+                XMEMCPY(&dName->fullName[idx], "/serialNumber=", 14);
+                idx += 14;
+                XMEMCPY(&dName->fullName[idx],
+                             &cert->source[dName->serialIdx], dName->serialLen);
+                dName->serialIdx = idx;
+                idx += dName->serialLen;
+            }
+            dName->fullName[idx] = '\0';
+            dName->fullNameLen = totalLen;
+        }
+    }
+    #endif /* OPENSSL_EXTRA */
+    return 0;
+#ifndef NO_ASN_TIME
+#if !defined(NO_TIME_H) && defined(USE_WOLF_VALIDDATE)
+/* to the second */
+static int DateGreaterThan(const struct tm* a, const struct tm* b)
+    if (a->tm_year > b->tm_year)
+        return 1;
+    if (a->tm_year == b->tm_year && a->tm_mon > b->tm_mon)
+        return 1;
+    if (a->tm_year == b->tm_year && a->tm_mon == b->tm_mon &&
+           a->tm_mday > b->tm_mday)
+        return 1;
+    if (a->tm_year == b->tm_year && a->tm_mon == b->tm_mon &&
+        a->tm_mday == b->tm_mday && a->tm_hour > b->tm_hour)
+        return 1;
+    if (a->tm_year == b->tm_year && a->tm_mon == b->tm_mon &&
+        a->tm_mday == b->tm_mday && a->tm_hour == b->tm_hour &&
+        a->tm_min > b->tm_min)
+        return 1;
+    if (a->tm_year == b->tm_year && a->tm_mon == b->tm_mon &&
+        a->tm_mday == b->tm_mday && a->tm_hour == b->tm_hour &&
+        a->tm_min  == b->tm_min  && a->tm_sec > b->tm_sec)
+        return 1;
+    return 0; /* false */
+static INLINE int DateLessThan(const struct tm* a, const struct tm* b)
+    return DateGreaterThan(b,a);
+int GetTimeString(byte* date, int format, char* buf, int len)
+    struct tm t;
+    int idx = 0;
+    if (!ExtractDate(date, format, &t, &idx)) {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    if (date[idx] != 'Z') {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("UTCtime, not Zulu") ;
+        return 0;
+    }
+    /* place month in buffer */
+    buf[0] = '\0';
+    switch(t.tm_mon) {
+        case 0:  XSTRNCAT(buf, "Jan ", 4); break;
+        case 1:  XSTRNCAT(buf, "Feb ", 4); break;
+        case 2:  XSTRNCAT(buf, "Mar ", 4); break;
+        case 3:  XSTRNCAT(buf, "Apr ", 4); break;
+        case 4:  XSTRNCAT(buf, "May ", 4); break;
+        case 5:  XSTRNCAT(buf, "Jun ", 4); break;
+        case 6:  XSTRNCAT(buf, "Jul ", 4); break;
+        case 7:  XSTRNCAT(buf, "Aug ", 4); break;
+        case 8:  XSTRNCAT(buf, "Sep ", 4); break;
+        case 9:  XSTRNCAT(buf, "Oct ", 4); break;
+        case 10: XSTRNCAT(buf, "Nov ", 4); break;
+        case 11: XSTRNCAT(buf, "Dec ", 4); break;
+        default:
+            return 0;
+    }
+    idx = 4; /* use idx now for char buffer */
+    buf[idx] = ' ';
+    XSNPRINTF(buf + idx, len - idx, "%2d %02d:%02d:%02d %d GMT",
+              t.tm_mday, t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, t.tm_sec, t.tm_year + 1900);
+    return 1;
+int ExtractDate(const unsigned char* date, unsigned char format,
+                                                  struct tm* certTime, int* idx)
+    XMEMSET(certTime, 0, sizeof(struct tm));
+    if (format == ASN_UTC_TIME) {
+        if (btoi(date[0]) >= 5)
+            certTime->tm_year = 1900;
+        else
+            certTime->tm_year = 2000;
+    }
+    else  { /* format == GENERALIZED_TIME */
+        certTime->tm_year += btoi(date[*idx]) * 1000; *idx = *idx + 1;
+        certTime->tm_year += btoi(date[*idx]) * 100;  *idx = *idx + 1;
+    }
+    /* adjust tm_year, tm_mon */
+    GetTime((int*)&certTime->tm_year, date, idx); certTime->tm_year -= 1900;
+    GetTime((int*)&certTime->tm_mon,  date, idx); certTime->tm_mon  -= 1;
+    GetTime((int*)&certTime->tm_mday, date, idx);
+    GetTime((int*)&certTime->tm_hour, date, idx);
+    GetTime((int*)&certTime->tm_min,  date, idx);
+    GetTime((int*)&certTime->tm_sec,  date, idx);
+    return 1;
+/* like atoi but only use first byte */
+/* Make sure before and after dates are valid */
+int ValidateDate(const byte* date, byte format, int dateType)
+    time_t ltime;
+    struct tm  certTime;
+    struct tm* localTime;
+    struct tm* tmpTime = NULL;
+    int    i = 0;
+    int    timeDiff = 0 ;
+    int    diffHH = 0 ; int diffMM = 0 ;
+    int    diffSign = 0 ;
+#if defined(NEED_TMP_TIME)
+    struct tm tmpTimeStorage;
+    tmpTime = &tmpTimeStorage;
+    (void)tmpTime;
+    ltime = XTIME(0);
+    if (dateType == BEFORE) {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("Skewing local time for before date check");
+    }
+    if (dateType == AFTER) {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("Skewing local time for after date check");
+    }
+    if (!ExtractDate(date, format, &certTime, &i)) {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("Error extracting the date");
+        return 0;
+    }
+    if ((date[i] == '+') || (date[i] == '-')) {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("Using time differential, not Zulu") ;
+        diffSign = date[i++] == '+' ? 1 : -1 ;
+        GetTime(&diffHH, date, &i);
+        GetTime(&diffMM, date, &i);
+        timeDiff = diffSign * (diffHH*60 + diffMM) * 60 ;
+    } else if (date[i] != 'Z') {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("UTCtime, niether Zulu or time differential") ;
+        return 0;
+    }
+    ltime -= (time_t)timeDiff ;
+    localTime = XGMTIME(&ltime, tmpTime);
+    if (localTime == NULL) {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("XGMTIME failed");
+        return 0;
+    }
+    if (dateType == BEFORE) {
+        if (DateLessThan(localTime, &certTime)) {
+            WOLFSSL_MSG("Date BEFORE check failed");
+            return 0;
+        }
+    }
+    else {  /* dateType == AFTER */
+        if (DateGreaterThan(localTime, &certTime)) {
+            WOLFSSL_MSG("Date AFTER check failed");
+            return 0;
+        }
+    }
+    return 1;
+#endif /* !NO_TIME_H && USE_WOLF_VALIDDATE */
+int wc_GetTime(void* timePtr, word32 timeSize)
+    time_t* ltime = (time_t*)timePtr;
+    if (timePtr == NULL) {
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    }
+    if ((word32)sizeof(time_t) > timeSize) {
+        return BUFFER_E;
+    }
+    *ltime = XTIME(0);
+    return 0;
+#endif /* !NO_ASN_TIME */
+static int GetDate(DecodedCert* cert, int dateType)
+    int    length;
+    byte   date[MAX_DATE_SIZE];
+    byte   b;
+    word32 startIdx = 0;
+    XMEMSET(date, 0, MAX_DATE_SIZE);
+    if (dateType == BEFORE)
+        cert->beforeDate = &cert->source[cert->srcIdx];
+    else
+        cert->afterDate = &cert->source[cert->srcIdx];
+    startIdx = cert->srcIdx;
+    b = cert->source[cert->srcIdx++];
+    if (b != ASN_UTC_TIME && b != ASN_GENERALIZED_TIME)
+        return ASN_TIME_E;
+    if (GetLength(cert->source, &cert->srcIdx, &length, cert->maxIdx) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if (length > MAX_DATE_SIZE || length < MIN_DATE_SIZE)
+        return ASN_DATE_SZ_E;
+    XMEMCPY(date, &cert->source[cert->srcIdx], length);
+    cert->srcIdx += length;
+    if (dateType == BEFORE)
+        cert->beforeDateLen = cert->srcIdx - startIdx;
+    else
+        cert->afterDateLen  = cert->srcIdx - startIdx;
+#ifndef NO_ASN_TIME
+    if (!XVALIDATE_DATE(date, b, dateType)) {
+        if (dateType == BEFORE)
+            return ASN_BEFORE_DATE_E;
+        else
+            return ASN_AFTER_DATE_E;
+    }
+    return 0;
+static int GetValidity(DecodedCert* cert, int verify)
+    int length;
+    int badDate = 0;
+    if (GetSequence(cert->source, &cert->srcIdx, &length, cert->maxIdx) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if (GetDate(cert, BEFORE) < 0 && verify)
+        badDate = ASN_BEFORE_DATE_E;           /* continue parsing */
+    if (GetDate(cert, AFTER) < 0 && verify)
+        return ASN_AFTER_DATE_E;
+    if (badDate != 0)
+        return badDate;
+    return 0;
+int DecodeToKey(DecodedCert* cert, int verify)
+    int badDate = 0;
+    int ret;
+    if ( (ret = GetCertHeader(cert)) < 0)
+        return ret;
+    WOLFSSL_MSG("Got Cert Header");
+    if ( (ret = GetAlgoId(cert->source, &cert->srcIdx, &cert->signatureOID,
+                          oidSigType, cert->maxIdx)) < 0)
+        return ret;
+    WOLFSSL_MSG("Got Algo ID");
+    if ( (ret = GetName(cert, ISSUER)) < 0)
+        return ret;
+    if ( (ret = GetValidity(cert, verify)) < 0)
+        badDate = ret;
+    if ( (ret = GetName(cert, SUBJECT)) < 0)
+        return ret;
+    WOLFSSL_MSG("Got Subject Name");
+    if ( (ret = GetKey(cert)) < 0)
+        return ret;
+    WOLFSSL_MSG("Got Key");
+    if (badDate != 0)
+        return badDate;
+    return ret;
+static int GetSignature(DecodedCert* cert)
+    int length;
+    int ret;
+    ret = CheckBitString(cert->source, &cert->srcIdx, &length, cert->maxIdx, 1,
+                         NULL);
+    if (ret != 0)
+        return ret;
+    cert->sigLength = length;
+    cert->signature = &cert->source[cert->srcIdx];
+    cert->srcIdx += cert->sigLength;
+    return 0;
+static word32 SetOctetString8Bit(word32 len, byte* output)
+    output[0] = ASN_OCTET_STRING;
+    output[1] = (byte)len;
+    return 2;
+static word32 SetDigest(const byte* digest, word32 digSz, byte* output)
+    word32 idx = SetOctetString8Bit(digSz, output);
+    XMEMCPY(&output[idx], digest, digSz);
+    return idx + digSz;
+static word32 BytePrecision(word32 value)
+    word32 i;
+    for (i = sizeof(value); i; --i)
+        if (value >> ((i - 1) * WOLFSSL_BIT_SIZE))
+            break;
+    return i;
+WOLFSSL_LOCAL word32 SetLength(word32 length, byte* output)
+    word32 i = 0, j;
+    if (length < ASN_LONG_LENGTH)
+        output[i++] = (byte)length;
+    else {
+        output[i++] = (byte)(BytePrecision(length) | ASN_LONG_LENGTH);
+        for (j = BytePrecision(length); j; --j) {
+            output[i] = (byte)(length >> ((j - 1) * WOLFSSL_BIT_SIZE));
+            i++;
+        }
+    }
+    return i;
+WOLFSSL_LOCAL word32 SetSequence(word32 len, byte* output)
+    return SetLength(len, output + 1) + 1;
+WOLFSSL_LOCAL word32 SetOctetString(word32 len, byte* output)
+    output[0] = ASN_OCTET_STRING;
+    return SetLength(len, output + 1) + 1;
+/* Write a set header to output */
+WOLFSSL_LOCAL word32 SetSet(word32 len, byte* output)
+    output[0] = ASN_SET | ASN_CONSTRUCTED;
+    return SetLength(len, output + 1) + 1;
+WOLFSSL_LOCAL word32 SetImplicit(byte tag, byte number, word32 len, byte* output)
+    output[0] = ((tag == ASN_SEQUENCE || tag == ASN_SET) ? ASN_CONSTRUCTED : 0)
+                    | ASN_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | number;
+    return SetLength(len, output + 1) + 1;
+WOLFSSL_LOCAL word32 SetExplicit(byte number, word32 len, byte* output)
+    output[0] = ASN_CONSTRUCTED | ASN_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | number;
+    return SetLength(len, output + 1) + 1;
+#if defined(HAVE_ECC) && (defined(WOLFSSL_CERT_GEN) || defined(WOLFSSL_KEY_GEN))
+static int SetCurve(ecc_key* key, byte* output)
+    int ret;
+    int idx = 0;
+    word32 oidSz = 0;
+    /* validate key */
+    if (key == NULL || key->dp == NULL) {
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    }
+    ret = EncodeObjectId(key->dp->oid, key->dp->oidSz, NULL, &oidSz);
+    if (ret != 0) {
+        return ret;
+    }
+    oidSz = key->dp->oidSz;
+    idx += SetObjectId(oidSz, output);
+    ret = EncodeObjectId(key->dp->oid, key->dp->oidSz, output+idx, &oidSz);
+    if (ret != 0) {
+        return ret;
+    }
+    XMEMCPY(output+idx, key->dp->oid, oidSz);
+    idx += oidSz;
+    return idx;
+#endif /* HAVE_ECC && WOLFSSL_CERT_GEN */
+static INLINE int IsSigAlgoECDSA(int algoOID)
+    /* ECDSA sigAlgo must not have ASN1 NULL parameters */
+    if (algoOID == CTC_SHAwECDSA || algoOID == CTC_SHA256wECDSA ||
+        algoOID == CTC_SHA384wECDSA || algoOID == CTC_SHA512wECDSA) {
+        return 1;
+    }
+    return 0;
+WOLFSSL_LOCAL word32 SetAlgoID(int algoOID, byte* output, int type, int curveSz)
+    word32 tagSz, idSz, seqSz, algoSz = 0;
+    const  byte* algoName = 0;
+    byte   ID_Length[1 + MAX_LENGTH_SZ];
+    byte   seqArray[MAX_SEQ_SZ + 1];  /* add object_id to end */
+    tagSz = (type == oidHashType ||
+             (type == oidSigType && !IsSigAlgoECDSA(algoOID)) ||
+             (type == oidKeyType && algoOID == RSAk)) ? 2 : 0;
+    algoName = OidFromId(algoOID, type, &algoSz);
+    if (algoName == NULL) {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("Unknown Algorithm");
+        return 0;
+    }
+    idSz  = SetObjectId(algoSz, ID_Length);
+    seqSz = SetSequence(idSz + algoSz + tagSz + curveSz, seqArray);
+    XMEMCPY(output, seqArray, seqSz);
+    XMEMCPY(output + seqSz, ID_Length, idSz);
+    XMEMCPY(output + seqSz + idSz, algoName, algoSz);
+    if (tagSz == 2)
+        SetASNNull(&output[seqSz + idSz + algoSz]);
+    return seqSz + idSz + algoSz + tagSz;
+word32 wc_EncodeSignature(byte* out, const byte* digest, word32 digSz,
+                          int hashOID)
+    byte digArray[MAX_ENCODED_DIG_SZ];
+    byte algoArray[MAX_ALGO_SZ];
+    byte seqArray[MAX_SEQ_SZ];
+    word32 encDigSz, algoSz, seqSz;
+    encDigSz = SetDigest(digest, digSz, digArray);
+    algoSz   = SetAlgoID(hashOID, algoArray, oidHashType, 0);
+    seqSz    = SetSequence(encDigSz + algoSz, seqArray);
+    XMEMCPY(out, seqArray, seqSz);
+    XMEMCPY(out + seqSz, algoArray, algoSz);
+    XMEMCPY(out + seqSz + algoSz, digArray, encDigSz);
+    return encDigSz + algoSz + seqSz;
+int wc_GetCTC_HashOID(int type)
+    switch (type) {
+#ifdef WOLFSSL_MD2
+        case MD2:
+            return MD2h;
+#ifndef NO_MD5
+        case MD5:
+            return MD5h;
+#ifndef NO_SHA
+        case SHA:
+            return SHAh;
+#ifdef WOLFSSL_SHA224
+        case SHA224:
+            return SHA224h;
+#ifndef NO_SHA256
+        case SHA256:
+            return SHA256h;
+#ifdef WOLFSSL_SHA384
+        case SHA384:
+            return SHA384h;
+#ifdef WOLFSSL_SHA512
+        case SHA512:
+            return SHA512h;
+        default:
+            return 0;
+    };
+void InitSignatureCtx(SignatureCtx* sigCtx, void* heap, int devId)
+    if (sigCtx) {
+        XMEMSET(sigCtx, 0, sizeof(SignatureCtx));
+        sigCtx->devId = devId;
+        sigCtx->heap = heap;
+    }
+void FreeSignatureCtx(SignatureCtx* sigCtx)
+    if (sigCtx == NULL)
+        return;
+    if (sigCtx->digest) {
+        XFREE(sigCtx->digest, sigCtx->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+        sigCtx->digest = NULL;
+    }
+#ifndef NO_RSA
+    if (sigCtx->plain) {
+        XFREE(sigCtx->plain, sigCtx->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+        sigCtx->plain = NULL;
+    }
+    if (sigCtx->key.ptr) {
+        switch (sigCtx->keyOID) {
+        #ifndef NO_RSA
+            case RSAk:
+                wc_FreeRsaKey(sigCtx->key.rsa);
+                XFREE(sigCtx->key.ptr, sigCtx->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_RSA);
+                break;
+        #endif /* !NO_RSA */
+        #ifdef HAVE_ECC
+            case ECDSAk:
+                wc_ecc_free(sigCtx->key.ecc);
+                XFREE(sigCtx->key.ecc, sigCtx->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC);
+                break;
+        #endif /* HAVE_ECC */
+            default:
+                break;
+        } /* switch (keyOID) */
+        sigCtx->key.ptr = NULL;
+    }
+    /* reset state, we are done */
+    sigCtx->state = SIG_STATE_BEGIN;
+/* Return codes: 0=Success, Negative (see error-crypt.h), ASN_SIG_CONFIRM_E */
+static int ConfirmSignature(SignatureCtx* sigCtx,
+    const byte* buf, word32 bufSz,
+    const byte* key, word32 keySz, word32 keyOID,
+    const byte* sig, word32 sigSz, word32 sigOID)
+    int ret = 0;
+    if (sigCtx == NULL || buf == NULL || bufSz == 0 || key == NULL ||
+        keySz == 0 || sig == NULL || sigSz == 0) {
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    }
+    (void)key;
+    (void)keySz;
+    (void)sig;
+    (void)sigSz;
+    WOLFSSL_ENTER("ConfirmSignature");
+    switch (sigCtx->state) {
+        case SIG_STATE_BEGIN:
+        {
+            sigCtx->digest = (byte*)XMALLOC(WC_MAX_DIGEST_SIZE, sigCtx->heap,
+                                                    DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+            if (sigCtx->digest == NULL) {
+                ERROR_OUT(MEMORY_E, exit_cs);
+            }
+            /* fall through */
+            sigCtx->state = SIG_STATE_HASH;
+        } /* SIG_STATE_BEGIN */
+        case SIG_STATE_HASH:
+        {
+            switch (sigOID) {
+            #ifndef NO_MD5
+                case CTC_MD5wRSA:
+                if ((ret = wc_Md5Hash(buf, bufSz, sigCtx->digest)) == 0) {
+                    sigCtx->typeH    = MD5h;
+                    sigCtx->digestSz = MD5_DIGEST_SIZE;
+                }
+                break;
+            #endif
+            #if defined(WOLFSSL_MD2)
+                case CTC_MD2wRSA:
+                if ((ret = wc_Md2Hash(buf, bufSz, sigCtx->digest)) == 0) {
+                    sigCtx->typeH    = MD2h;
+                    sigCtx->digestSz = MD2_DIGEST_SIZE;
+                }
+                break;
+            #endif
+            #ifndef NO_SHA
+                case CTC_SHAwRSA:
+                case CTC_SHAwDSA:
+                case CTC_SHAwECDSA:
+                if ((ret = wc_ShaHash(buf, bufSz, sigCtx->digest)) == 0) {
+                    sigCtx->typeH    = SHAh;
+                    sigCtx->digestSz = SHA_DIGEST_SIZE;
+                }
+                break;
+            #endif
+            #ifdef WOLFSSL_SHA224
+                case CTC_SHA224wRSA:
+                case CTC_SHA224wECDSA:
+                if ((ret = wc_Sha224Hash(buf, bufSz, sigCtx->digest)) == 0) {
+                    sigCtx->typeH    = SHA224h;
+                    sigCtx->digestSz = SHA224_DIGEST_SIZE;
+                }
+                break;
+            #endif
+            #ifndef NO_SHA256
+                case CTC_SHA256wRSA:
+                case CTC_SHA256wECDSA:
+                if ((ret = wc_Sha256Hash(buf, bufSz, sigCtx->digest)) == 0) {
+                    sigCtx->typeH    = SHA256h;
+                    sigCtx->digestSz = SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE;
+                }
+                break;
+            #endif
+            #ifdef WOLFSSL_SHA512
+                case CTC_SHA512wRSA:
+                case CTC_SHA512wECDSA:
+                if ((ret = wc_Sha512Hash(buf, bufSz, sigCtx->digest)) == 0) {
+                    sigCtx->typeH    = SHA512h;
+                    sigCtx->digestSz = SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE;
+                }
+                break;
+            #endif
+            #ifdef WOLFSSL_SHA384
+                case CTC_SHA384wRSA:
+                case CTC_SHA384wECDSA:
+                if ((ret = wc_Sha384Hash(buf, bufSz, sigCtx->digest)) == 0) {
+                    sigCtx->typeH    = SHA384h;
+                    sigCtx->digestSz = SHA384_DIGEST_SIZE;
+                }
+                break;
+            #endif
+                default:
+                    ret = HASH_TYPE_E;
+                    WOLFSSL_MSG("Verify Signature has unsupported type");
+            }
+            if (ret != 0) {
+                goto exit_cs;
+            }
+            /* fall through */
+            sigCtx->state = SIG_STATE_KEY;
+        } /* SIG_STATE_HASH */
+        case SIG_STATE_KEY:
+        {
+            sigCtx->keyOID = keyOID;
+            switch (keyOID) {
+            #ifndef NO_RSA
+                case RSAk:
+                {
+                    word32 idx = 0;
+                    sigCtx->key.rsa = (RsaKey*)XMALLOC(sizeof(RsaKey),
+                                                sigCtx->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_RSA);
+                    sigCtx->plain = (byte*)XMALLOC(MAX_ENCODED_SIG_SZ,
+                                         sigCtx->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+                    if (sigCtx->key.rsa == NULL || sigCtx->plain == NULL) {
+                        ERROR_OUT(MEMORY_E, exit_cs);
+                    }
+                    if ((ret = wc_InitRsaKey_ex(sigCtx->key.rsa, sigCtx->heap,
+                                                        sigCtx->devId)) != 0) {
+                        goto exit_cs;
+                    }
+                    if (sigSz > MAX_ENCODED_SIG_SZ) {
+                        WOLFSSL_MSG("Verify Signature is too big");
+                        ERROR_OUT(BUFFER_E, exit_cs);
+                    }
+                    if ((ret = wc_RsaPublicKeyDecode(key, &idx, sigCtx->key.rsa,
+                                                                 keySz)) != 0) {
+                        WOLFSSL_MSG("ASN Key decode error RSA");
+                        goto exit_cs;
+                    }
+                    XMEMCPY(sigCtx->plain, sig, sigSz);
+                    sigCtx->out = NULL;
+                    break;
+                }
+            #endif /* !NO_RSA */
+            #ifdef HAVE_ECC
+                case ECDSAk:
+                {
+                    sigCtx->verify = 0;
+                    sigCtx->key.ecc = (ecc_key*)XMALLOC(sizeof(ecc_key),
+                                                sigCtx->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC);
+                    if (sigCtx->key.ecc == NULL) {
+                        ERROR_OUT(MEMORY_E, exit_cs);
+                    }
+                    if ((ret = wc_ecc_init_ex(sigCtx->key.ecc, sigCtx->heap,
+                                                          sigCtx->devId)) < 0) {
+                        goto exit_cs;
+                    }
+                    if ((ret = wc_ecc_import_x963(key, keySz,
+                                                        sigCtx->key.ecc)) < 0) {
+                        WOLFSSL_MSG("ASN Key import error ECC");
+                        goto exit_cs;
+                    }
+                    break;
+                }
+            #endif /* HAVE_ECC */
+                default:
+                    WOLFSSL_MSG("Verify Key type unknown");
+                    ret = ASN_UNKNOWN_OID_E;
+                    break;
+            } /* switch (keyOID) */
+            if (ret != 0) {
+                goto exit_cs;
+            }
+            /* fall through */
+            sigCtx->state = SIG_STATE_DO;
+        } /* SIG_STATE_KEY */
+        case SIG_STATE_DO:
+        {
+            switch (keyOID) {
+            #ifndef NO_RSA
+                case RSAk:
+                {
+                    ret = wc_RsaSSL_VerifyInline(sigCtx->plain, sigSz,
+                                                &sigCtx->out, sigCtx->key.rsa);
+                #ifdef WOLFSSL_ASYNC_CRYPT
+                    if (ret == WC_PENDING_E)
+                        sigCtx->asyncDev = &sigCtx->key.rsa->asyncDev;
+                #endif
+                    break;
+                }
+            #endif /* !NO_RSA */
+            #ifdef HAVE_ECC
+                case ECDSAk:
+                {
+                    ret = wc_ecc_verify_hash(sig, sigSz, sigCtx->digest,
+                        sigCtx->digestSz, &sigCtx->verify, sigCtx->key.ecc);
+                #ifdef WOLFSSL_ASYNC_CRYPT
+                    if (ret == WC_PENDING_E)
+                        sigCtx->asyncDev = &sigCtx->key.ecc->asyncDev;
+                #endif
+                    break;
+                }
+            #endif /* HAVE_ECC */
+                default:
+                    break;
+            }  /* switch (keyOID) */
+            if (ret < 0) {
+                /* treat all non async RSA errors as ASN_SIG_CONFIRM_E */
+                if (ret != WC_PENDING_E)
+                    ret = ASN_SIG_CONFIRM_E;
+                goto exit_cs;
+            }
+            /* fall through */
+            sigCtx->state = SIG_STATE_CHECK;
+        } /* SIG_STATE_DO */
+        case SIG_STATE_CHECK:
+        {
+            switch (keyOID) {
+            #ifndef NO_RSA
+                case RSAk:
+                {
+                    int encodedSigSz, verifySz;
+                #ifdef WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK
+                    byte* encodedSig = (byte*)XMALLOC(MAX_ENCODED_SIG_SZ,
+                                        sigCtx->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+                    if (encodedSig == NULL) {
+                        ERROR_OUT(MEMORY_E, exit_cs);
+                    }
+                #else
+                    byte encodedSig[MAX_ENCODED_SIG_SZ];
+                #endif
+                    verifySz = ret;
+                    /* make sure we're right justified */
+                    encodedSigSz = wc_EncodeSignature(encodedSig,
+                            sigCtx->digest, sigCtx->digestSz, sigCtx->typeH);
+                    if (encodedSigSz == verifySz &&
+                        XMEMCMP(sigCtx->out, encodedSig, encodedSigSz) == 0) {
+                        ret = 0;
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        WOLFSSL_MSG("RSA SSL verify match encode error");
+                        ret = ASN_SIG_CONFIRM_E;
+                    }
+                #ifdef WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK
+                    XFREE(encodedSig, sigCtx->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+                #endif
+                    break;
+                }
+            #endif /* NO_RSA */
+            #ifdef HAVE_ECC
+                case ECDSAk:
+                {
+                    if (sigCtx->verify == 1) {
+                        ret = 0;
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        WOLFSSL_MSG("ECC Verify didn't match");
+                        ret = ASN_SIG_CONFIRM_E;
+                    }
+                    break;
+                }
+            #endif /* HAVE_ECC */
+                default:
+                    break;
+            }  /* switch (keyOID) */
+            break;
+        } /* SIG_STATE_CHECK */
+    } /* switch (sigCtx->state) */
+    WOLFSSL_LEAVE("ConfirmSignature", ret);
+    if (ret != WC_PENDING_E) {
+        FreeSignatureCtx(sigCtx);
+    }
+    return ret;
+static int MatchBaseName(int type, const char* name, int nameSz,
+                         const char* base, int baseSz)
+    if (base == NULL || baseSz <= 0 || name == NULL || nameSz <= 0 ||
+            name[0] == '.' || nameSz < baseSz ||
+            (type != ASN_RFC822_TYPE && type != ASN_DNS_TYPE))
+        return 0;
+    /* If an email type, handle special cases where the base is only
+     * a domain, or is an email address itself. */
+    if (type == ASN_RFC822_TYPE) {
+        const char* p = NULL;
+        int count = 0;
+        if (base[0] != '.') {
+            p = base;
+            count = 0;
+            /* find the '@' in the base */
+            while (*p != '@' && count < baseSz) {
+                count++;
+                p++;
+            }
+            /* No '@' in base, reset p to NULL */
+            if (count >= baseSz)
+                p = NULL;
+        }
+        if (p == NULL) {
+            /* Base isn't an email address, it is a domain name,
+             * wind the name forward one character past its '@'. */
+            p = name;
+            count = 0;
+            while (*p != '@' && count < baseSz) {
+                count++;
+                p++;
+            }
+            if (count < baseSz && *p == '@') {
+                name = p + 1;
+                nameSz -= count + 1;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if ((type == ASN_DNS_TYPE || type == ASN_RFC822_TYPE) && base[0] == '.') {
+        int szAdjust = nameSz - baseSz;
+        name += szAdjust;
+        nameSz -= szAdjust;
+    }
+    while (nameSz > 0) {
+        if (XTOLOWER((unsigned char)*name++) !=
+                                               XTOLOWER((unsigned char)*base++))
+            return 0;
+        nameSz--;
+    }
+    return 1;
+static int ConfirmNameConstraints(Signer* signer, DecodedCert* cert)
+    if (signer == NULL || cert == NULL)
+        return 0;
+    /* Check against the excluded list */
+    if (signer->excludedNames) {
+        Base_entry* base = signer->excludedNames;
+        while (base != NULL) {
+            if (base->type == ASN_DNS_TYPE) {
+                DNS_entry* name = cert->altNames;
+                while (name != NULL) {
+                    if (MatchBaseName(ASN_DNS_TYPE,
+                                          name->name, (int)XSTRLEN(name->name),
+                                          base->name, base->nameSz))
+                        return 0;
+                    name = name->next;
+                }
+            }
+            else if (base->type == ASN_RFC822_TYPE) {
+                DNS_entry* name = cert->altEmailNames;
+                while (name != NULL) {
+                    if (MatchBaseName(ASN_RFC822_TYPE,
+                                          name->name, (int)XSTRLEN(name->name),
+                                          base->name, base->nameSz))
+                        return 0;
+                    name = name->next;
+                }
+            }
+            else if (base->type == ASN_DIR_TYPE) {
+                if (cert->subjectRawLen == base->nameSz &&
+                    XMEMCMP(cert->subjectRaw, base->name, base->nameSz) == 0) {
+                    return 0;
+                }
+            }
+            base = base->next;
+        }
+    }
+    /* Check against the permitted list */
+    if (signer->permittedNames != NULL) {
+        int needDns = 0;
+        int matchDns = 0;
+        int needEmail = 0;
+        int matchEmail = 0;
+        int needDir = 0;
+        int matchDir = 0;
+        Base_entry* base = signer->permittedNames;
+        while (base != NULL) {
+            if (base->type == ASN_DNS_TYPE) {
+                DNS_entry* name = cert->altNames;
+                if (name != NULL)
+                    needDns = 1;
+                while (name != NULL) {
+                    matchDns = MatchBaseName(ASN_DNS_TYPE,
+                                          name->name, (int)XSTRLEN(name->name),
+                                          base->name, base->nameSz);
+                    name = name->next;
+                }
+            }
+            else if (base->type == ASN_RFC822_TYPE) {
+                DNS_entry* name = cert->altEmailNames;
+                if (name != NULL)
+                    needEmail = 1;
+                while (name != NULL) {
+                    matchEmail = MatchBaseName(ASN_DNS_TYPE,
+                                          name->name, (int)XSTRLEN(name->name),
+                                          base->name, base->nameSz);
+                    name = name->next;
+                }
+            }
+            else if (base->type == ASN_DIR_TYPE) {
+                needDir = 1;
+                if (cert->subjectRaw != NULL &&
+                    cert->subjectRawLen == base->nameSz &&
+                    XMEMCMP(cert->subjectRaw, base->name, base->nameSz) == 0) {
+                    matchDir = 1;
+                }
+            }
+            base = base->next;
+        }
+        if ((needDns && !matchDns) || (needEmail && !matchEmail) ||
+            (needDir && !matchDir)) {
+            return 0;
+        }
+    }
+    return 1;
+static int DecodeAltNames(byte* input, int sz, DecodedCert* cert)
+    word32 idx = 0;
+    int length = 0;
+    WOLFSSL_ENTER("DecodeAltNames");
+    if (GetSequence(input, &idx, &length, sz) < 0) {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("\tBad Sequence");
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    }
+    cert->weOwnAltNames = 1;
+    while (length > 0) {
+        byte b = input[idx++];
+        length--;
+        /* Save DNS Type names in the altNames list. */
+        /* Save Other Type names in the cert's OidMap */
+        if (b == (ASN_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | ASN_DNS_TYPE)) {
+            DNS_entry* dnsEntry;
+            int strLen;
+            word32 lenStartIdx = idx;
+            if (GetLength(input, &idx, &strLen, sz) < 0) {
+                WOLFSSL_MSG("\tfail: str length");
+                return ASN_PARSE_E;
+            }
+            length -= (idx - lenStartIdx);
+            dnsEntry = (DNS_entry*)XMALLOC(sizeof(DNS_entry), cert->heap,
+                                        DYNAMIC_TYPE_ALTNAME);
+            if (dnsEntry == NULL) {
+                WOLFSSL_MSG("\tOut of Memory");
+                return MEMORY_E;
+            }
+            dnsEntry->name = (char*)XMALLOC(strLen + 1, cert->heap,
+                                         DYNAMIC_TYPE_ALTNAME);
+            if (dnsEntry->name == NULL) {
+                WOLFSSL_MSG("\tOut of Memory");
+                XFREE(dnsEntry, cert->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ALTNAME);
+                return MEMORY_E;
+            }
+            XMEMCPY(dnsEntry->name, &input[idx], strLen);
+            dnsEntry->name[strLen] = '\0';
+            dnsEntry->next = cert->altNames;
+            cert->altNames = dnsEntry;
+            length -= strLen;
+            idx    += strLen;
+        }
+        else if (b == (ASN_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | ASN_RFC822_TYPE)) {
+            DNS_entry* emailEntry;
+            int strLen;
+            word32 lenStartIdx = idx;
+            if (GetLength(input, &idx, &strLen, sz) < 0) {
+                WOLFSSL_MSG("\tfail: str length");
+                return ASN_PARSE_E;
+            }
+            length -= (idx - lenStartIdx);
+            emailEntry = (DNS_entry*)XMALLOC(sizeof(DNS_entry), cert->heap,
+                                        DYNAMIC_TYPE_ALTNAME);
+            if (emailEntry == NULL) {
+                WOLFSSL_MSG("\tOut of Memory");
+                return MEMORY_E;
+            }
+            emailEntry->name = (char*)XMALLOC(strLen + 1, cert->heap,
+                                         DYNAMIC_TYPE_ALTNAME);
+            if (emailEntry->name == NULL) {
+                WOLFSSL_MSG("\tOut of Memory");
+                XFREE(emailEntry, cert->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ALTNAME);
+                return MEMORY_E;
+            }
+            XMEMCPY(emailEntry->name, &input[idx], strLen);
+            emailEntry->name[strLen] = '\0';
+            emailEntry->next = cert->altEmailNames;
+            cert->altEmailNames = emailEntry;
+            length -= strLen;
+            idx    += strLen;
+        }
+    #ifdef WOLFSSL_SEP
+        {
+            int strLen;
+            word32 lenStartIdx = idx;
+            word32 oid = 0;
+            int    ret;
+            if (GetLength(input, &idx, &strLen, sz) < 0) {
+                WOLFSSL_MSG("\tfail: other name length");
+                return ASN_PARSE_E;
+            }
+            /* Consume the rest of this sequence. */
+            length -= (strLen + idx - lenStartIdx);
+            if (GetObjectId(input, &idx, &oid, oidCertAltNameType, sz) < 0) {
+                WOLFSSL_MSG("\tbad OID");
+                return ASN_PARSE_E;
+            }
+            if (oid != HW_NAME_OID) {
+                WOLFSSL_MSG("\tincorrect OID");
+                return ASN_PARSE_E;
+            }
+            if (input[idx++] != (ASN_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | ASN_CONSTRUCTED)) {
+                WOLFSSL_MSG("\twrong type");
+                return ASN_PARSE_E;
+            }
+            if (GetLength(input, &idx, &strLen, sz) < 0) {
+                WOLFSSL_MSG("\tfail: str len");
+                return ASN_PARSE_E;
+            }
+            if (GetSequence(input, &idx, &strLen, sz) < 0) {
+                WOLFSSL_MSG("\tBad Sequence");
+                return ASN_PARSE_E;
+            }
+            ret = GetASNObjectId(input, &idx, &strLen, sz);
+            if (ret != 0) {
+                WOLFSSL_MSG("\tbad OID");
+                return ret;
+            }
+            cert->hwType = (byte*)XMALLOC(strLen, cert->heap,
+                                          DYNAMIC_TYPE_X509_EXT);
+            if (cert->hwType == NULL) {
+                WOLFSSL_MSG("\tOut of Memory");
+                return MEMORY_E;
+            }
+            XMEMCPY(cert->hwType, &input[idx], strLen);
+            cert->hwTypeSz = strLen;
+            idx += strLen;
+            ret = GetOctetString(input, &idx, &strLen, sz);
+            if (ret < 0)
+                return ret;
+            cert->hwSerialNum = (byte*)XMALLOC(strLen + 1, cert->heap,
+                                               DYNAMIC_TYPE_X509_EXT);
+            if (cert->hwSerialNum == NULL) {
+                WOLFSSL_MSG("\tOut of Memory");
+                return MEMORY_E;
+            }
+            XMEMCPY(cert->hwSerialNum, &input[idx], strLen);
+            cert->hwSerialNum[strLen] = '\0';
+            cert->hwSerialNumSz = strLen;
+            idx += strLen;
+        }
+    #endif /* WOLFSSL_SEP */
+        else {
+            int strLen;
+            word32 lenStartIdx = idx;
+            WOLFSSL_MSG("\tUnsupported name type, skipping");
+            if (GetLength(input, &idx, &strLen, sz) < 0) {
+                WOLFSSL_MSG("\tfail: unsupported name length");
+                return ASN_PARSE_E;
+            }
+            length -= (strLen + idx - lenStartIdx);
+            idx += strLen;
+        }
+    }
+    return 0;
+static int DecodeBasicCaConstraint(byte* input, int sz, DecodedCert* cert)
+    word32 idx = 0;
+    int length = 0;
+    int ret;
+    WOLFSSL_ENTER("DecodeBasicCaConstraint");
+    if (GetSequence(input, &idx, &length, sz) < 0) {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("\tfail: bad SEQUENCE");
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    }
+    if (length == 0)
+        return 0;
+    /* If the basic ca constraint is false, this extension may be named, but
+     * left empty. So, if the length is 0, just return. */
+    ret = GetBoolean(input, &idx, sz);
+    if (ret < 0) {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("\tfail: constraint not valid BOOLEAN");
+        return ret;
+    }
+    cert->isCA = (byte)ret;
+    /* If there isn't any more data, return. */
+    if (idx >= (word32)sz)
+        return 0;
+    ret = GetInteger7Bit(input, &idx, sz);
+    if (ret < 0)
+        return ret;
+    cert->pathLength = (byte)ret;
+    cert->pathLengthSet = 1;
+    return 0;
+#define CRLDP_FULL_NAME 0
+    /* From RFC3280 SS4.2.1.14, Distribution Point Name*/
+    /* From RFC3280 SS4.2.1.7, GeneralName */
+static int DecodeCrlDist(byte* input, int sz, DecodedCert* cert)
+    word32 idx = 0;
+    int length = 0;
+    WOLFSSL_ENTER("DecodeCrlDist");
+    /* Unwrap the list of Distribution Points*/
+    if (GetSequence(input, &idx, &length, sz) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    /* Unwrap a single Distribution Point */
+    if (GetSequence(input, &idx, &length, sz) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    /* The Distribution Point has three explicit optional members
+     *  First check for a DistributionPointName
+     */
+    if (input[idx] == (ASN_CONSTRUCTED | ASN_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | 0))
+    {
+        idx++;
+        if (GetLength(input, &idx, &length, sz) < 0)
+            return ASN_PARSE_E;
+        if (input[idx] ==
+        {
+            idx++;
+            if (GetLength(input, &idx, &length, sz) < 0)
+                return ASN_PARSE_E;
+            if (input[idx] == (ASN_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | GENERALNAME_URI))
+            {
+                idx++;
+                if (GetLength(input, &idx, &length, sz) < 0)
+                    return ASN_PARSE_E;
+                cert->extCrlInfoSz = length;
+                cert->extCrlInfo = input + idx;
+                idx += length;
+            }
+            else
+                /* This isn't a URI, skip it. */
+                idx += length;
+        }
+        else {
+            /* This isn't a FULLNAME, skip it. */
+            idx += length;
+        }
+    }
+    /* Check for reasonFlags */
+    if (idx < (word32)sz &&
+        input[idx] == (ASN_CONSTRUCTED | ASN_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | 1))
+    {
+        idx++;
+        if (GetLength(input, &idx, &length, sz) < 0)
+            return ASN_PARSE_E;
+        idx += length;
+    }
+    /* Check for cRLIssuer */
+    if (idx < (word32)sz &&
+        input[idx] == (ASN_CONSTRUCTED | ASN_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | 2))
+    {
+        idx++;
+        if (GetLength(input, &idx, &length, sz) < 0)
+            return ASN_PARSE_E;
+        idx += length;
+    }
+    if (idx < (word32)sz)
+    {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("\tThere are more CRL Distribution Point records, "
+                   "but we only use the first one.");
+    }
+    return 0;
+static int DecodeAuthInfo(byte* input, int sz, DecodedCert* cert)
+ *  Read the first of the Authority Information Access records. If there are
+ *  any issues, return without saving the record.
+ */
+    word32 idx = 0;
+    int length = 0;
+    byte b;
+    word32 oid;
+    WOLFSSL_ENTER("DecodeAuthInfo");
+    /* Unwrap the list of AIAs */
+    if (GetSequence(input, &idx, &length, sz) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    while (idx < (word32)sz) {
+        /* Unwrap a single AIA */
+        if (GetSequence(input, &idx, &length, sz) < 0)
+            return ASN_PARSE_E;
+        oid = 0;
+        if (GetObjectId(input, &idx, &oid, oidCertAuthInfoType, sz) < 0)
+            return ASN_PARSE_E;
+        /* Only supporting URIs right now. */
+        b = input[idx++];
+        if (GetLength(input, &idx, &length, sz) < 0)
+            return ASN_PARSE_E;
+            oid == AIA_OCSP_OID)
+        {
+            cert->extAuthInfoSz = length;
+            cert->extAuthInfo = input + idx;
+            break;
+        }
+        idx += length;
+    }
+    return 0;
+static int DecodeAuthKeyId(byte* input, int sz, DecodedCert* cert)
+    word32 idx = 0;
+    int length = 0, ret = 0;
+    WOLFSSL_ENTER("DecodeAuthKeyId");
+    if (GetSequence(input, &idx, &length, sz) < 0) {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("\tfail: should be a SEQUENCE\n");
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    }
+    if (input[idx++] != (ASN_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | 0)) {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("\tinfo: OPTIONAL item 0, not available\n");
+        return 0;
+    }
+    if (GetLength(input, &idx, &length, sz) <= 0) {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("\tfail: extension data length");
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    }
+    cert->extAuthKeyIdSrc = &input[idx];
+    cert->extAuthKeyIdSz = length;
+#endif /* OPENSSL_EXTRA */
+    if (length == KEYID_SIZE) {
+        XMEMCPY(cert->extAuthKeyId, input + idx, length);
+    }
+    else {
+    #ifdef NO_SHA
+        ret = wc_Sha256Hash(input + idx, length, cert->extAuthKeyId);
+    #else
+        ret = wc_ShaHash(input + idx, length, cert->extAuthKeyId);
+    #endif
+    }
+    return ret;
+static int DecodeSubjKeyId(byte* input, int sz, DecodedCert* cert)
+    word32 idx = 0;
+    int length = 0, ret = 0;
+    WOLFSSL_ENTER("DecodeSubjKeyId");
+    if (sz <= 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    ret = GetOctetString(input, &idx, &length, sz);
+    if (ret < 0)
+        return ret;
+    #ifdef OPENSSL_EXTRA
+        cert->extSubjKeyIdSrc = &input[idx];
+        cert->extSubjKeyIdSz = length;
+    #endif /* OPENSSL_EXTRA */
+    if (length == SIGNER_DIGEST_SIZE) {
+        XMEMCPY(cert->extSubjKeyId, input + idx, length);
+    }
+    else {
+    #ifdef NO_SHA
+        ret = wc_Sha256Hash(input + idx, length, cert->extSubjKeyId);
+    #else
+        ret = wc_ShaHash(input + idx, length, cert->extSubjKeyId);
+    #endif
+    }
+    return ret;
+static int DecodeKeyUsage(byte* input, int sz, DecodedCert* cert)
+    word32 idx = 0;
+    int length;
+    int ret;
+    WOLFSSL_ENTER("DecodeKeyUsage");
+    ret = CheckBitString(input, &idx, &length, sz, 0, NULL);
+    if (ret != 0)
+        return ret;
+    cert->extKeyUsage = (word16)(input[idx]);
+    if (length == 2)
+        cert->extKeyUsage |= (word16)(input[idx+1] << 8);
+    return 0;
+static int DecodeExtKeyUsage(byte* input, int sz, DecodedCert* cert)
+    word32 idx = 0, oid;
+    int length;
+    WOLFSSL_ENTER("DecodeExtKeyUsage");
+    if (GetSequence(input, &idx, &length, sz) < 0) {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("\tfail: should be a SEQUENCE");
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    }
+    cert->extExtKeyUsageSrc = input + idx;
+    cert->extExtKeyUsageSz = length;
+    while (idx < (word32)sz) {
+        if (GetObjectId(input, &idx, &oid, oidCertKeyUseType, sz) < 0)
+            return ASN_PARSE_E;
+        switch (oid) {
+            case EKU_ANY_OID:
+                cert->extExtKeyUsage |= EXTKEYUSE_ANY;
+                break;
+            case EKU_SERVER_AUTH_OID:
+                cert->extExtKeyUsage |= EXTKEYUSE_SERVER_AUTH;
+                break;
+            case EKU_CLIENT_AUTH_OID:
+                cert->extExtKeyUsage |= EXTKEYUSE_CLIENT_AUTH;
+                break;
+            case EKU_OCSP_SIGN_OID:
+                cert->extExtKeyUsage |= EXTKEYUSE_OCSP_SIGN;
+                break;
+        }
+    #ifdef OPENSSL_EXTRA
+        cert->extExtKeyUsageCount++;
+    #endif
+    }
+    return 0;
+static int DecodeSubtree(byte* input, int sz, Base_entry** head, void* heap)
+    word32 idx = 0;
+    (void)heap;
+    while (idx < (word32)sz) {
+        int seqLength, strLength;
+        word32 nameIdx;
+        byte b;
+        if (GetSequence(input, &idx, &seqLength, sz) < 0) {
+            WOLFSSL_MSG("\tfail: should be a SEQUENCE");
+            return ASN_PARSE_E;
+        }
+        nameIdx = idx;
+        b = input[nameIdx++];
+        if (GetLength(input, &nameIdx, &strLength, sz) <= 0) {
+            WOLFSSL_MSG("\tinvalid length");
+            return ASN_PARSE_E;
+        }
+        if (b == (ASN_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | ASN_DNS_TYPE) ||
+            b == (ASN_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | ASN_RFC822_TYPE) ||
+            Base_entry* entry = (Base_entry*)XMALLOC(sizeof(Base_entry),
+                                                    heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ALTNAME);
+            if (entry == NULL) {
+                WOLFSSL_MSG("allocate error");
+                return MEMORY_E;
+            }
+            entry->name = (char*)XMALLOC(strLength, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ALTNAME);
+            if (entry->name == NULL) {
+                WOLFSSL_MSG("allocate error");
+                XFREE(entry, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ALTNAME);
+                return MEMORY_E;
+            }
+            XMEMCPY(entry->name, &input[nameIdx], strLength);
+            entry->nameSz = strLength;
+            entry->type = b & 0x0F;
+            entry->next = *head;
+            *head = entry;
+        }
+        idx += seqLength;
+    }
+    return 0;
+static int DecodeNameConstraints(byte* input, int sz, DecodedCert* cert)
+    word32 idx = 0;
+    int length = 0;
+    WOLFSSL_ENTER("DecodeNameConstraints");
+    if (GetSequence(input, &idx, &length, sz) < 0) {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("\tfail: should be a SEQUENCE");
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    }
+    while (idx < (word32)sz) {
+        byte b = input[idx++];
+        Base_entry** subtree = NULL;
+        if (GetLength(input, &idx, &length, sz) <= 0) {
+            WOLFSSL_MSG("\tinvalid length");
+            return ASN_PARSE_E;
+        }
+            subtree = &cert->permittedNames;
+        else if (b == (ASN_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | ASN_CONSTRUCTED | 1))
+            subtree = &cert->excludedNames;
+        else {
+            WOLFSSL_MSG("\tinvalid subtree");
+            return ASN_PARSE_E;
+        }
+        DecodeSubtree(input + idx, length, subtree, cert->heap);
+        idx += length;
+    }
+    return 0;
+#if defined(WOLFSSL_CERT_EXT) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SEP)
+static int Word32ToString(char* d, word32 number)
+    int i = 0;
+    if (d != NULL) {
+        word32 order = 1000000000;
+        word32 digit;
+        if (number == 0) {
+            d[i++] = '0';
+        }
+        else {
+            while (order) {
+                digit = number / order;
+                if (i > 0 || digit != 0) {
+                    d[i++] = (char)digit + '0';
+                }
+                if (digit != 0)
+                    number %= digit * order;
+                if (order > 1)
+                    order /= 10;
+                else
+                    order = 0;
+            }
+        }
+        d[i] = 0;
+    }
+    return i;
+/* Decode ITU-T X.690 OID format to a string representation
+ * return string length */
+static int DecodePolicyOID(char *out, word32 outSz, byte *in, word32 inSz)
+    word32 val, idx = 0, nb_bytes;
+    size_t w_bytes = 0;
+    if (out == NULL || in == NULL || outSz < 4 || inSz < 2)
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    /* first two byte must be interpreted as : 40 * int1 + int2 */
+    val = (word16)in[idx++];
+    w_bytes = Word32ToString(out, val / 40);
+    out[w_bytes++] = '.';
+    w_bytes += Word32ToString(out+w_bytes, val % 40);
+    while (idx < inSz) {
+        /* init value */
+        val = 0;
+        nb_bytes = 0;
+        /* check that output size is ok */
+        if (w_bytes > (outSz - 3))
+            return BUFFER_E;
+        /* first bit is used to set if value is coded on 1 or multiple bytes */
+        while ((in[idx+nb_bytes] & 0x80))
+            nb_bytes++;
+        if (!nb_bytes)
+            val = (word32)(in[idx++] & 0x7f);
+        else {
+            word32 base = 1, tmp = nb_bytes;
+            while (tmp != 0) {
+                val += (word32)(in[idx+tmp] & 0x7f) * base;
+                base *= 128;
+                tmp--;
+            }
+            val += (word32)(in[idx++] & 0x7f) * base;
+            idx += nb_bytes;
+        }
+        out[w_bytes++] = '.';
+        w_bytes += Word32ToString(out+w_bytes, val);
+    }
+    return 0;
+#if defined(WOLFSSL_SEP) || defined(WOLFSSL_CERT_EXT)
+    /* Reference: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section- */
+    static int DecodeCertPolicy(byte* input, int sz, DecodedCert* cert)
+    {
+        word32 idx = 0;
+        word32 oldIdx;
+        int ret;
+        int total_length = 0, policy_length = 0, length = 0;
+    #if !defined(WOLFSSL_SEP) && defined(WOLFSSL_CERT_EXT) && \
+        !defined(WOLFSSL_DUP_CERTPOL)
+        int i;
+    #endif
+        WOLFSSL_ENTER("DecodeCertPolicy");
+        if (GetSequence(input, &idx, &total_length, sz) < 0) {
+            WOLFSSL_MSG("\tGet CertPolicy total seq failed");
+            return ASN_PARSE_E;
+        }
+        /* Validate total length (2 is the CERT_POLICY_OID+SEQ) */
+        if ((total_length + 2) != sz) {
+            WOLFSSL_MSG("\tCertPolicy length mismatch");
+            return ASN_PARSE_E;
+        }
+        /* Unwrap certificatePolicies */
+        do {
+            if (GetSequence(input, &idx, &policy_length, sz) < 0) {
+                WOLFSSL_MSG("\tGet CertPolicy seq failed");
+                return ASN_PARSE_E;
+            }
+            oldIdx = idx;
+            ret = GetASNObjectId(input, &idx, &length, sz);
+            if (ret != 0)
+                return ret;
+            policy_length -= idx - oldIdx;
+            if (length > 0) {
+                /* Verify length won't overrun buffer */
+                if (length > (sz - (int)idx)) {
+                    WOLFSSL_MSG("\tCertPolicy length exceeds input buffer");
+                    return ASN_PARSE_E;
+                }
+    #if defined(WOLFSSL_SEP)
+                cert->deviceType = (byte*)XMALLOC(length, cert->heap,
+                                                  DYNAMIC_TYPE_X509_EXT);
+                if (cert->deviceType == NULL) {
+                    WOLFSSL_MSG("\tCouldn't alloc memory for deviceType");
+                    return MEMORY_E;
+                }
+                cert->deviceTypeSz = length;
+                XMEMCPY(cert->deviceType, input + idx, length);
+                break;
+    #elif defined(WOLFSSL_CERT_EXT)
+                /* decode cert policy */
+                if (DecodePolicyOID(cert->extCertPolicies[cert->extCertPoliciesNb], MAX_CERTPOL_SZ,
+                                    input + idx, length) != 0) {
+                    WOLFSSL_MSG("\tCouldn't decode CertPolicy");
+                    return ASN_PARSE_E;
+                }
+                #ifndef WOLFSSL_DUP_CERTPOL
+                /* From RFC 5280 section "A certificate policy OID MUST
+                 * NOT appear more than once in a certificate policies
+                 * extension". This is a sanity check for duplicates.
+                 * extCertPolicies should only have OID values, additional
+                 * qualifiers need to be stored in a seperate array. */
+                for (i = 0; i < cert->extCertPoliciesNb; i++) {
+                    if (XMEMCMP(cert->extCertPolicies[i],
+                            cert->extCertPolicies[cert->extCertPoliciesNb],
+                            MAX_CERTPOL_SZ) == 0) {
+                            WOLFSSL_MSG("Duplicate policy OIDs not allowed");
+                            WOLFSSL_MSG("Use WOLFSSL_DUP_CERTPOL if wanted");
+                            return CERTPOLICIES_E;
+                    }
+                }
+                #endif /* !defined(WOLFSSL_DUP_CERTPOL) */
+                cert->extCertPoliciesNb++;
+    #else
+                WOLFSSL_LEAVE("DecodeCertPolicy : unsupported mode", 0);
+                return 0;
+    #endif
+            }
+            idx += policy_length;
+        } while((int)idx < total_length
+    #if defined(WOLFSSL_CERT_EXT)
+            && cert->extCertPoliciesNb < MAX_CERTPOL_NB
+    #endif
+        );
+        WOLFSSL_LEAVE("DecodeCertPolicy", 0);
+        return 0;
+    }
+#endif /* WOLFSSL_SEP */
+static int DecodeCertExtensions(DecodedCert* cert)
+ *  Processing the Certificate Extensions. This does not modify the current
+ *  index. It is works starting with the recorded extensions pointer.
+ */
+    int ret;
+    word32 idx = 0;
+    int sz = cert->extensionsSz;
+    byte* input = cert->extensions;
+    int length;
+    word32 oid;
+    byte critical = 0;
+    byte criticalFail = 0;
+    WOLFSSL_ENTER("DecodeCertExtensions");
+    if (input == NULL || sz == 0)
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    if (input[idx++] != ASN_EXTENSIONS) {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("\tfail: should be an EXTENSIONS");
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    }
+    if (GetLength(input, &idx, &length, sz) < 0) {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("\tfail: invalid length");
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    }
+    if (GetSequence(input, &idx, &length, sz) < 0) {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("\tfail: should be a SEQUENCE (1)");
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    }
+    while (idx < (word32)sz) {
+        if (GetSequence(input, &idx, &length, sz) < 0) {
+            WOLFSSL_MSG("\tfail: should be a SEQUENCE");
+            return ASN_PARSE_E;
+        }
+        oid = 0;
+        if ((ret = GetObjectId(input, &idx, &oid, oidCertExtType, sz)) < 0) {
+            WOLFSSL_MSG("\tfail: OBJECT ID");
+            return ret;
+        }
+        /* check for critical flag */
+        critical = 0;
+        if (input[idx] == ASN_BOOLEAN) {
+            ret = GetBoolean(input, &idx, sz);
+            if (ret < 0) {
+                WOLFSSL_MSG("\tfail: critical boolean");
+                return ret;
+            }
+            critical = (byte)ret;
+        }
+        /* process the extension based on the OID */
+        ret = GetOctetString(input, &idx, &length, sz);
+        if (ret < 0) {
+            WOLFSSL_MSG("\tfail: bad OCTET STRING");
+            return ret;
+        }
+        switch (oid) {
+            case BASIC_CA_OID:
+                #ifdef OPENSSL_EXTRA
+                    cert->extBasicConstSet = 1;
+                    cert->extBasicConstCrit = critical;
+                #endif
+                if (DecodeBasicCaConstraint(&input[idx], length, cert) < 0)
+                    return ASN_PARSE_E;
+                break;
+            case CRL_DIST_OID:
+                #ifdef OPENSSL_EXTRA
+                    cert->extCRLdistSet  = 1;
+                    cert->extCRLdistCrit = critical;
+                #endif
+                if (DecodeCrlDist(&input[idx], length, cert) < 0)
+                    return ASN_PARSE_E;
+                break;
+            case AUTH_INFO_OID:
+                #ifdef OPENSSL_EXTRA
+                    cert->extAuthInfoSet  = 1;
+                    cert->extAuthInfoCrit = critical;
+                #endif
+                if (DecodeAuthInfo(&input[idx], length, cert) < 0)
+                    return ASN_PARSE_E;
+                break;
+            case ALT_NAMES_OID:
+                #ifdef OPENSSL_EXTRA
+                    cert->extSubjAltNameSet = 1;
+                    cert->extSubjAltNameCrit = critical;
+                #endif
+                if (DecodeAltNames(&input[idx], length, cert) < 0)
+                    return ASN_PARSE_E;
+                break;
+            case AUTH_KEY_OID:
+                cert->extAuthKeyIdSet = 1;
+                #ifdef OPENSSL_EXTRA
+                    cert->extAuthKeyIdCrit = critical;
+                #endif
+                if (DecodeAuthKeyId(&input[idx], length, cert) < 0)
+                    return ASN_PARSE_E;
+                break;
+            case SUBJ_KEY_OID:
+                cert->extSubjKeyIdSet = 1;
+                #ifdef OPENSSL_EXTRA
+                    cert->extSubjKeyIdCrit = critical;
+                #endif
+                #ifndef WOLFSSL_ALLOW_CRIT_SKID
+                    /* This check is added due to RFC 5280 section
+                     * stating that conforming CA's must mark this extension
+                     * as non-critical. When parsing extensions check that
+                     * certificate was made in compliance with this. */
+                    if (critical) {
+                        WOLFSSL_MSG("Critical Subject Key ID is not allowed");
+                        WOLFSSL_MSG("Use macro WOLFSSL_ALLOW_CRIT_SKID if wanted");
+                        return ASN_CRIT_EXT_E;
+                    }
+                #endif
+                if (DecodeSubjKeyId(&input[idx], length, cert) < 0)
+                    return ASN_PARSE_E;
+                break;
+            case CERT_POLICY_OID:
+                #ifdef WOLFSSL_SEP
+                    #ifdef OPENSSL_EXTRA
+                        cert->extCertPolicySet = 1;
+                        cert->extCertPolicyCrit = critical;
+                    #endif
+                #endif
+                #if defined(WOLFSSL_SEP) || defined(WOLFSSL_CERT_EXT)
+                    if (DecodeCertPolicy(&input[idx], length, cert) < 0) {
+                        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+                    }
+                #else
+                    WOLFSSL_MSG("Certificate Policy extension not supported yet.");
+                #endif
+                break;
+            case KEY_USAGE_OID:
+                cert->extKeyUsageSet = 1;
+                #ifdef OPENSSL_EXTRA
+                    cert->extKeyUsageCrit = critical;
+                #endif
+                if (DecodeKeyUsage(&input[idx], length, cert) < 0)
+                    return ASN_PARSE_E;
+                break;
+            case EXT_KEY_USAGE_OID:
+                cert->extExtKeyUsageSet = 1;
+                #ifdef OPENSSL_EXTRA
+                    cert->extExtKeyUsageCrit = critical;
+                #endif
+                if (DecodeExtKeyUsage(&input[idx], length, cert) < 0)
+                    return ASN_PARSE_E;
+                break;
+            #ifndef IGNORE_NAME_CONSTRAINTS
+            case NAME_CONS_OID:
+                cert->extNameConstraintSet = 1;
+                #ifdef OPENSSL_EXTRA
+                    cert->extNameConstraintCrit = critical;
+                #endif
+                if (DecodeNameConstraints(&input[idx], length, cert) < 0)
+                    return ASN_PARSE_E;
+                break;
+            #endif /* IGNORE_NAME_CONSTRAINTS */
+            case INHIBIT_ANY_OID:
+                WOLFSSL_MSG("Inhibit anyPolicy extension not supported yet.");
+                break;
+            default:
+                /* While it is a failure to not support critical extensions,
+                 * still parse the certificate ignoring the unsupported
+                 * extension to allow caller to accept it with the verify
+                 * callback. */
+                if (critical)
+                    criticalFail = 1;
+                break;
+        }
+        idx += length;
+    }
+    return criticalFail ? ASN_CRIT_EXT_E : 0;
+int ParseCert(DecodedCert* cert, int type, int verify, void* cm)
+    int   ret;
+    char* ptr;
+    ret = ParseCertRelative(cert, type, verify, cm);
+    if (ret < 0)
+        return ret;
+    if (cert->subjectCNLen > 0) {
+        ptr = (char*) XMALLOC(cert->subjectCNLen + 1, cert->heap,
+                              DYNAMIC_TYPE_SUBJECT_CN);
+        if (ptr == NULL)
+            return MEMORY_E;
+        XMEMCPY(ptr, cert->subjectCN, cert->subjectCNLen);
+        ptr[cert->subjectCNLen] = '\0';
+        cert->subjectCN = ptr;
+        cert->subjectCNStored = 1;
+    }
+    if (cert->keyOID == RSAk &&
+                          cert->publicKey != NULL  && cert->pubKeySize > 0) {
+        ptr = (char*) XMALLOC(cert->pubKeySize, cert->heap,
+                              DYNAMIC_TYPE_PUBLIC_KEY);
+        if (ptr == NULL)
+            return MEMORY_E;
+        XMEMCPY(ptr, cert->publicKey, cert->pubKeySize);
+        cert->publicKey = (byte *)ptr;
+        cert->pubKeyStored = 1;
+    }
+    return ret;
+/* from SSL proper, for locking can't do find here anymore */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    extern "C" {
+    WOLFSSL_LOCAL Signer* GetCA(void* signers, byte* hash);
+    #ifndef NO_SKID
+        WOLFSSL_LOCAL Signer* GetCAByName(void* signers, byte* hash);
+    #endif
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    }
+#if defined(WOLFCRYPT_ONLY) || defined(NO_CERTS)
+/* dummy functions, not using wolfSSL so don't need actual ones */
+Signer* GetCA(void* signers, byte* hash)
+    (void)hash;
+    return (Signer*)signers;
+#ifndef NO_SKID
+Signer* GetCAByName(void* signers, byte* hash)
+    (void)hash;
+    return (Signer*)signers;
+#endif /* NO_SKID */
+#endif /* WOLFCRYPT_ONLY || NO_CERTS */
+int ParseCertRelative(DecodedCert* cert, int type, int verify, void* cm)
+    int    ret = 0;
+    int    badDate = 0;
+    int    criticalExt = 0;
+    word32 confirmOID;
+    if (cert == NULL) {
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    }
+    if (cert->sigCtx.state == SIG_STATE_BEGIN) {
+        if ((ret = DecodeToKey(cert, verify)) < 0) {
+            if (ret == ASN_BEFORE_DATE_E || ret == ASN_AFTER_DATE_E)
+                badDate = ret;
+            else
+                return ret;
+        }
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("Parsed Past Key");
+        if (cert->srcIdx < cert->sigIndex) {
+        #ifndef ALLOW_V1_EXTENSIONS
+            if (cert->version < 2) {
+                WOLFSSL_MSG("\tv1 and v2 certs not allowed extensions");
+                return ASN_VERSION_E;
+            }
+        #endif
+            /* save extensions */
+            cert->extensions    = &cert->source[cert->srcIdx];
+            cert->extensionsSz  =  cert->sigIndex - cert->srcIdx;
+            cert->extensionsIdx = cert->srcIdx;   /* for potential later use */
+            if ((ret = DecodeCertExtensions(cert)) < 0) {
+                if (ret == ASN_CRIT_EXT_E)
+                    criticalExt = ret;
+                else
+                    return ret;
+            }
+            /* advance past extensions */
+            cert->srcIdx = cert->sigIndex;
+        }
+        if ((ret = GetAlgoId(cert->source, &cert->srcIdx, &confirmOID,
+                             oidSigType, cert->maxIdx)) < 0)
+            return ret;
+        if ((ret = GetSignature(cert)) < 0)
+            return ret;
+        if (confirmOID != cert->signatureOID)
+            return ASN_SIG_OID_E;
+    #ifndef NO_SKID
+        if (cert->extSubjKeyIdSet == 0 && cert->publicKey != NULL &&
+                                                        cert->pubKeySize > 0) {
+        #ifdef NO_SHA
+            ret = wc_Sha256Hash(cert->publicKey, cert->pubKeySize,
+                                                            cert->extSubjKeyId);
+        #else
+            ret = wc_ShaHash(cert->publicKey, cert->pubKeySize,
+                                                            cert->extSubjKeyId);
+        #endif /* NO_SHA */
+            if (ret != 0)
+                return ret;
+        }
+    #endif /* !NO_SKID */
+        if (verify != NO_VERIFY && type != CA_TYPE && type != TRUSTED_PEER_TYPE) {
+            cert->ca = NULL;
+        #ifndef NO_SKID
+            if (cert->extAuthKeyIdSet)
+                cert->ca = GetCA(cm, cert->extAuthKeyId);
+            if (cert->ca == NULL)
+                cert->ca = GetCAByName(cm, cert->issuerHash);
+        #else
+            cert->ca = GetCA(cm, cert->issuerHash);
+        #endif /* !NO_SKID */
+            WOLFSSL_MSG("About to verify certificate signature");
+            if (cert->ca) {
+                if (cert->isCA) {
+                    if (cert->ca->pathLengthSet) {
+                        if (cert->ca->pathLength == 0) {
+                            WOLFSSL_MSG("CA with path length 0 signing a CA");
+                            return ASN_PATHLEN_INV_E;
+                        }
+                        if (cert->pathLengthSet &&
+                            cert->pathLength >= cert->ca->pathLength) {
+                            WOLFSSL_MSG("CA signing CA with longer path length");
+                            return ASN_PATHLEN_INV_E;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+        #ifdef HAVE_OCSP
+                /* Need the CA's public key hash for OCSP */
+            #ifdef NO_SHA
+                ret = wc_Sha256Hash(cert->ca->publicKey, cert->ca->pubKeySize,
+                                                            cert->issuerKeyHash);
+            #else
+                ret = wc_ShaHash(cert->ca->publicKey, cert->ca->pubKeySize,
+                                                            cert->issuerKeyHash);
+            #endif /* NO_SHA */
+                if (ret != 0)
+                    return ret;
+        #endif /* HAVE_OCSP */
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (verify != NO_VERIFY && type != CA_TYPE && type != TRUSTED_PEER_TYPE) {
+        if (cert->ca) {
+            if (verify == VERIFY) {
+                /* try to confirm/verify signature */
+                if ((ret = ConfirmSignature(&cert->sigCtx,
+                        cert->source + cert->certBegin,
+                        cert->sigIndex - cert->certBegin,
+                        cert->ca->publicKey, cert->ca->pubKeySize,
+                        cert->ca->keyOID, cert->signature,
+                        cert->sigLength, cert->signatureOID)) != 0) {
+                    if (ret != WC_PENDING_E) {
+                        WOLFSSL_MSG("Confirm signature failed");
+                    }
+                    return ret;
+                }
+            #ifndef IGNORE_NAME_CONSTRAINTS
+                /* check that this cert's name is permitted by the signer's
+                 * name constraints */
+                if (!ConfirmNameConstraints(cert->ca, cert)) {
+                    WOLFSSL_MSG("Confirm name constraint failed");
+                    return ASN_NAME_INVALID_E;
+                }
+            #endif /* IGNORE_NAME_CONSTRAINTS */
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            /* no signer */
+            WOLFSSL_MSG("No CA signer to verify with");
+            return ASN_NO_SIGNER_E;
+        }
+    }
+    if (badDate != 0)
+        return badDate;
+    if (criticalExt != 0)
+        return criticalExt;
+    return ret;
+/* Create and init an new signer */
+Signer* MakeSigner(void* heap)
+    Signer* signer = (Signer*) XMALLOC(sizeof(Signer), heap,
+                                       DYNAMIC_TYPE_SIGNER);
+    if (signer) {
+        signer->pubKeySize = 0;
+        signer->keyOID     = 0;
+        signer->publicKey  = NULL;
+        signer->nameLen    = 0;
+        signer->name       = NULL;
+            signer->permittedNames = NULL;
+            signer->excludedNames = NULL;
+        #endif /* IGNORE_NAME_CONSTRAINTS */
+        signer->pathLengthSet = 0;
+        signer->pathLength = 0;
+        signer->next       = NULL;
+    }
+    (void)heap;
+    return signer;
+/* Free an individual signer */
+void FreeSigner(Signer* signer, void* heap)
+    XFREE(signer->name, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_SUBJECT_CN);
+    XFREE(signer->publicKey, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_PUBLIC_KEY);
+        if (signer->permittedNames)
+            FreeNameSubtrees(signer->permittedNames, heap);
+        if (signer->excludedNames)
+            FreeNameSubtrees(signer->excludedNames, heap);
+    #endif
+    XFREE(signer, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_SIGNER);
+    (void)heap;
+/* Free the whole singer table with number of rows */
+void FreeSignerTable(Signer** table, int rows, void* heap)
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
+        Signer* signer = table[i];
+        while (signer) {
+            Signer* next = signer->next;
+            FreeSigner(signer, heap);
+            signer = next;
+        }
+        table[i] = NULL;
+    }
+/* Free an individual trusted peer cert */
+void FreeTrustedPeer(TrustedPeerCert* tp, void* heap)
+    if (tp == NULL) {
+        return;
+    }
+    if (tp->name) {
+        XFREE(tp->name, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_SUBJECT_CN);
+    }
+    if (tp->sig) {
+        XFREE(tp->sig, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_SIGNATURE);
+    }
+        if (tp->permittedNames)
+            FreeNameSubtrees(tp->permittedNames, heap);
+        if (tp->excludedNames)
+            FreeNameSubtrees(tp->excludedNames, heap);
+    #endif
+    XFREE(tp, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CERT);
+    (void)heap;
+/* Free the whole Trusted Peer linked list */
+void FreeTrustedPeerTable(TrustedPeerCert** table, int rows, void* heap)
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
+        TrustedPeerCert* tp = table[i];
+        while (tp) {
+            TrustedPeerCert* next = tp->next;
+            FreeTrustedPeer(tp, heap);
+            tp = next;
+        }
+        table[i] = NULL;
+    }
+WOLFSSL_LOCAL int SetMyVersion(word32 version, byte* output, int header)
+    int i = 0;
+    if (output == NULL)
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    if (header) {
+        output[i++] = 3;
+    }
+    output[i++] = ASN_INTEGER;
+    output[i++] = 0x01;
+    output[i++] = (byte)version;
+    return i;
+WOLFSSL_LOCAL int SetSerialNumber(const byte* sn, word32 snSz, byte* output)
+    int result = 0;
+    WOLFSSL_ENTER("SetSerialNumber");
+    if (sn == NULL || output == NULL)
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    if (snSz <= EXTERNAL_SERIAL_SIZE) {
+        output[0] = ASN_INTEGER;
+        /* The serial number is always positive. When encoding the
+         * INTEGER, if the MSB is 1, add a padding zero to keep the
+         * number positive. */
+        if (sn[0] & 0x80) {
+            output[1] = (byte)snSz + 1;
+            output[2] = 0;
+            XMEMCPY(&output[3], sn, snSz);
+            result = snSz + 3;
+        }
+        else {
+            output[1] = (byte)snSz;
+            XMEMCPY(&output[2], sn, snSz);
+            result = snSz + 2;
+        }
+    }
+    return result;
+WOLFSSL_LOCAL int GetSerialNumber(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx,
+    byte* serial, int* serialSz, word32 maxIdx)
+    int result = 0;
+    int ret;
+    WOLFSSL_ENTER("GetSerialNumber");
+    if (serial == NULL || input == NULL || serialSz == NULL) {
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    }
+    /* First byte is ASN type */
+    if ((*inOutIdx+1) > maxIdx) {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("Bad idx first");
+        return BUFFER_E;
+    }
+    ret = GetASNInt(input, inOutIdx, serialSz, maxIdx);
+    if (ret != 0)
+        return ret;
+    if (*serialSz > EXTERNAL_SERIAL_SIZE) {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("Serial size bad");
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    }
+    /* return serial */
+    XMEMCPY(serial, &input[*inOutIdx], *serialSz);
+    *inOutIdx += *serialSz;
+    return result;
+const char* BEGIN_CERT         = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----";
+const char* END_CERT           = "-----END CERTIFICATE-----";
+const char* BEGIN_CERT_REQ     = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----";
+const char* END_CERT_REQ       = "-----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----";
+const char* BEGIN_DH_PARAM     = "-----BEGIN DH PARAMETERS-----";
+const char* END_DH_PARAM       = "-----END DH PARAMETERS-----";
+const char* BEGIN_DSA_PARAM    = "-----BEGIN DSA PARAMETERS-----";
+const char* END_DSA_PARAM      = "-----END DSA PARAMETERS-----";
+const char* BEGIN_X509_CRL     = "-----BEGIN X509 CRL-----";
+const char* END_X509_CRL       = "-----END X509 CRL-----";
+const char* BEGIN_RSA_PRIV     = "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----";
+const char* END_RSA_PRIV       = "-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----";
+const char* BEGIN_PRIV_KEY     = "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----";
+const char* END_PRIV_KEY       = "-----END PRIVATE KEY-----";
+const char* END_ENC_PRIV_KEY   = "-----END ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY-----";
+const char* BEGIN_EC_PRIV      = "-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----";
+const char* END_EC_PRIV        = "-----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----";
+const char* BEGIN_DSA_PRIV     = "-----BEGIN DSA PRIVATE KEY-----";
+const char* END_DSA_PRIV       = "-----END DSA PRIVATE KEY-----";
+const char* BEGIN_PUB_KEY      = "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----";
+const char* END_PUB_KEY        = "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----";
+#if defined(WOLFSSL_KEY_GEN) || defined(WOLFSSL_CERT_GEN) || defined(OPENSSL_EXTRA)
+/* Used for compatibility API */
+int wc_DerToPem(const byte* der, word32 derSz,
+                byte* output, word32 outSz, int type)
+    return wc_DerToPemEx(der, derSz, output, outSz, NULL, type);
+/* convert der buffer to pem into output, can't do inplace, der and output
+   need to be different */
+int wc_DerToPemEx(const byte* der, word32 derSz, byte* output, word32 outSz,
+             byte *cipher_info, int type)
+    char* header = NULL;
+    char* footer = NULL;
+    char header[40 + HEADER_ENCRYPTED_KEY_SIZE];
+    char footer[40];
+    int headerLen = 40 + HEADER_ENCRYPTED_KEY_SIZE;
+    int footerLen = 40;
+    int i;
+    int err;
+    int outLen;   /* return length or error */
+    if (der == output)      /* no in place conversion */
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    header = (char*)XMALLOC(headerLen, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+    if (header == NULL)
+        return MEMORY_E;
+    footer = (char*)XMALLOC(footerLen, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+    if (footer == NULL) {
+        return MEMORY_E;
+    }
+    if (type == CERT_TYPE) {
+        XSTRNCPY(header, BEGIN_CERT, headerLen);
+        XSTRNCAT(header, "\n", 1);
+        XSTRNCPY(footer, END_CERT, footerLen);
+        XSTRNCAT(footer, "\n", 1);
+    }
+    else if (type == PRIVATEKEY_TYPE) {
+        XSTRNCPY(header, BEGIN_RSA_PRIV, headerLen);
+        XSTRNCAT(header, "\n", 1);
+        XSTRNCPY(footer, END_RSA_PRIV, footerLen);
+        XSTRNCAT(footer, "\n", 1);
+    }
+#ifndef NO_DSA
+    else if (type == DSA_PRIVATEKEY_TYPE) {
+        XSTRNCPY(header, BEGIN_DSA_PRIV, headerLen);
+        XSTRNCAT(header, "\n", 1);
+        XSTRNCPY(footer, END_DSA_PRIV, footerLen);
+        XSTRNCAT(footer, "\n", 1);
+    }
+#ifdef HAVE_ECC
+    else if (type == ECC_PRIVATEKEY_TYPE) {
+        XSTRNCPY(header, BEGIN_EC_PRIV, headerLen);
+        XSTRNCAT(header, "\n", 1);
+        XSTRNCPY(footer, END_EC_PRIV, footerLen);
+        XSTRNCAT(footer, "\n", 1);
+    }
+    else if (type == CERTREQ_TYPE)
+    {
+        XSTRNCPY(header, BEGIN_CERT_REQ, headerLen);
+        XSTRNCAT(header, "\n", 1);
+        XSTRNCPY(footer, END_CERT_REQ, footerLen);
+        XSTRNCAT(footer, "\n", 1);
+    }
+#ifdef HAVE_CRL
+    else if (type == CRL_TYPE)
+    {
+        XSTRNCPY(header, BEGIN_X509_CRL, headerLen);
+        XSTRNCAT(header, "\n", 1);
+        XSTRNCPY(footer, END_X509_CRL, footerLen);
+        XSTRNCAT(footer, "\n", 1);
+    }
+    else {
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    }
+    /* extra header information for encrypted key */
+    if (cipher_info != NULL) {
+        size_t cipherInfoStrLen = XSTRLEN((char*)cipher_info);
+        if (cipherInfoStrLen > HEADER_ENCRYPTED_KEY_SIZE - (23+10+2))
+            cipherInfoStrLen = HEADER_ENCRYPTED_KEY_SIZE - (23+10+2);
+        XSTRNCAT(header, "Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED\n", 23);
+        XSTRNCAT(header, "DEK-Info: ", 10);
+        XSTRNCAT(header, (char*)cipher_info, cipherInfoStrLen);
+        XSTRNCAT(header, "\n\n", 2);
+    }
+    headerLen = (int)XSTRLEN(header);
+    footerLen = (int)XSTRLEN(footer);
+    /* if null output and 0 size passed in then return size needed */
+    if (!output && outSz == 0) {
+        outLen = 0;
+        if ((err = Base64_Encode(der, derSz, NULL, (word32*)&outLen))
+                != LENGTH_ONLY_E) {
+            return err;
+        }
+        return headerLen + footerLen + outLen;
+    }
+    if (!der || !output) {
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    }
+    /* don't even try if outSz too short */
+    if (outSz < headerLen + footerLen + derSz) {
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    }
+    /* header */
+    XMEMCPY(output, header, headerLen);
+    i = headerLen;
+    /* body */
+    outLen = outSz - (headerLen + footerLen);  /* input to Base64_Encode */
+    if ( (err = Base64_Encode(der, derSz, output + i, (word32*)&outLen)) < 0) {
+        return err;
+    }
+    i += outLen;
+    /* footer */
+    if ( (i + footerLen) > (int)outSz) {
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    }
+    XMEMCPY(output + i, footer, footerLen);
+    return outLen + headerLen + footerLen;
+#if !defined(NO_RSA) && (defined(WOLFSSL_CERT_GEN) || (defined(WOLFSSL_KEY_GEN) && !defined(HAVE_USER_RSA)))
+/* USER RSA ifdef portions used instead of refactor in consideration for
+   possible fips build */
+/* Write a public RSA key to output */
+static int SetRsaPublicKey(byte* output, RsaKey* key,
+                           int outLen, int with_header)
+    byte* n = NULL;
+    byte* e = NULL;
+    byte n[MAX_RSA_INT_SZ];
+    byte e[MAX_RSA_E_SZ];
+    byte seq[MAX_SEQ_SZ];
+    byte bitString[1 + MAX_LENGTH_SZ + 1];
+    int  nSz;
+    int  eSz;
+    int  seqSz;
+    int  bitStringSz;
+    int  idx;
+    if (output == NULL || key == NULL || outLen < MAX_SEQ_SZ)
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    /* n */
+    if (n == NULL)
+        return MEMORY_E;
+    nSz = SetASNIntRSA(key->n, n);
+    nSz = SetASNIntMP(&key->n, MAX_RSA_INT_SZ, n);
+    if (nSz < 0) {
+        return nSz;
+    }
+    /* e */
+    if (e == NULL) {
+        return MEMORY_E;
+    }
+    eSz = SetASNIntRSA(key->e, e);
+    eSz = SetASNIntMP(&key->e, MAX_RSA_INT_SZ, e);
+    if (eSz < 0) {
+        return eSz;
+    }
+    seqSz  = SetSequence(nSz + eSz, seq);
+    /* check output size */
+    if ( (seqSz + nSz + eSz) > outLen) {
+        return BUFFER_E;
+    }
+    /* headers */
+    if (with_header) {
+        int  algoSz;
+        byte* algo = NULL;
+        if (algo == NULL) {
+            return MEMORY_E;
+        }
+        byte algo[MAX_ALGO_SZ];
+        algoSz = SetAlgoID(RSAk, algo, oidKeyType, 0);
+        bitStringSz  = SetBitString(seqSz + nSz + eSz, 0, bitString);
+        idx = SetSequence(nSz + eSz + seqSz + bitStringSz + algoSz, output);
+        /* check output size */
+        if ( (idx + algoSz + bitStringSz + seqSz + nSz + eSz) > outLen) {
+            #ifdef WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK
+                XFREE(n,    NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+                XFREE(e,    NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+                XFREE(algo, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+            #endif
+            return BUFFER_E;
+        }
+        /* algo */
+        XMEMCPY(output + idx, algo, algoSz);
+        idx += algoSz;
+        /* bit string */
+        XMEMCPY(output + idx, bitString, bitStringSz);
+        idx += bitStringSz;
+    }
+    else
+        idx = 0;
+    /* seq */
+    XMEMCPY(output + idx, seq, seqSz);
+    idx += seqSz;
+    /* n */
+    XMEMCPY(output + idx, n, nSz);
+    idx += nSz;
+    /* e */
+    XMEMCPY(output + idx, e, eSz);
+    idx += eSz;
+    return idx;
+                                           !HAVE_USER_RSA))) */
+#if defined(WOLFSSL_KEY_GEN) && !defined(NO_RSA) && !defined(HAVE_USER_RSA)
+static mp_int* GetRsaInt(RsaKey* key, int idx)
+    if (idx == 0)
+        return &key->n;
+    if (idx == 1)
+        return &key->e;
+    if (idx == 2)
+        return &key->d;
+    if (idx == 3)
+        return &key->p;
+    if (idx == 4)
+        return &key->q;
+    if (idx == 5)
+        return &key->dP;
+    if (idx == 6)
+        return &key->dQ;
+    if (idx == 7)
+        return &key->u;
+    return NULL;
+/* Release Tmp RSA resources */
+static INLINE void FreeTmpRsas(byte** tmps, void* heap)
+    int i;
+    (void)heap;
+    for (i = 0; i < RSA_INTS; i++)
+        XFREE(tmps[i], heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_RSA);
+/* Convert RsaKey key to DER format, write to output (inLen), return bytes
+   written */
+int wc_RsaKeyToDer(RsaKey* key, byte* output, word32 inLen)
+    word32 seqSz, verSz, rawLen, intTotalLen = 0;
+    word32 sizes[RSA_INTS];
+    int    i, j, outLen, ret = 0, mpSz;
+    byte  seq[MAX_SEQ_SZ];
+    byte  ver[MAX_VERSION_SZ];
+    byte* tmps[RSA_INTS];
+    if (!key || !output)
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    if (key->type != RSA_PRIVATE)
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    for (i = 0; i < RSA_INTS; i++)
+        tmps[i] = NULL;
+    /* write all big ints from key to DER tmps */
+    for (i = 0; i < RSA_INTS; i++) {
+        mp_int* keyInt = GetRsaInt(key, i);
+        rawLen = mp_unsigned_bin_size(keyInt) + 1;
+        tmps[i] = (byte*)XMALLOC(rawLen + MAX_SEQ_SZ, key->heap,
+                                 DYNAMIC_TYPE_RSA);
+        if (tmps[i] == NULL) {
+            ret = MEMORY_E;
+            break;
+        }
+        mpSz = SetASNIntMP(keyInt, MAX_RSA_INT_SZ, tmps[i]);
+        if (mpSz < 0) {
+            ret = mpSz;
+            break;
+        }
+        intTotalLen += (sizes[i] = mpSz);
+    }
+    if (ret != 0) {
+        FreeTmpRsas(tmps, key->heap);
+        return ret;
+    }
+    /* make headers */
+    verSz = SetMyVersion(0, ver, FALSE);
+    seqSz = SetSequence(verSz + intTotalLen, seq);
+    outLen = seqSz + verSz + intTotalLen;
+    if (outLen > (int)inLen)
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    /* write to output */
+    XMEMCPY(output, seq, seqSz);
+    j = seqSz;
+    XMEMCPY(output + j, ver, verSz);
+    j += verSz;
+    for (i = 0; i < RSA_INTS; i++) {
+        XMEMCPY(output + j, tmps[i], sizes[i]);
+        j += sizes[i];
+    }
+    FreeTmpRsas(tmps, key->heap);
+    return outLen;
+/* Convert Rsa Public key to DER format, write to output (inLen), return bytes
+   written */
+int wc_RsaKeyToPublicDer(RsaKey* key, byte* output, word32 inLen)
+    return SetRsaPublicKey(output, key, inLen, 1);
+#endif /* WOLFSSL_KEY_GEN && !NO_RSA && !HAVE_USER_RSA */
+#if defined(WOLFSSL_CERT_GEN) && !defined(NO_RSA)
+/* Initialize and Set Certificate defaults:
+   version    = 3 (0x2)
+   serial     = 0
+   sigType    = SHA_WITH_RSA
+   issuer     = blank
+   daysValid  = 500
+   selfSigned = 1 (true) use subject as issuer
+   subject    = blank
+void wc_InitCert(Cert* cert)
+    cert->version    = 2;   /* version 3 is hex 2 */
+    cert->sigType    = CTC_SHAwRSA;
+    cert->daysValid  = 500;
+    cert->selfSigned = 1;
+    cert->isCA       = 0;
+    cert->bodySz     = 0;
+    cert->altNamesSz   = 0;
+    cert->beforeDateSz = 0;
+    cert->afterDateSz  = 0;
+    cert->skidSz = 0;
+    cert->akidSz = 0;
+    cert->keyUsage = 0;
+    cert->certPoliciesNb = 0;
+    XMEMSET(cert->akid, 0, CTC_MAX_AKID_SIZE);
+    XMEMSET(cert->skid, 0, CTC_MAX_SKID_SIZE);
+    cert->keyType    = RSA_KEY;
+    XMEMSET(cert->serial, 0, CTC_SERIAL_SIZE);
+    cert->issuer.country[0] = '\0';
+    cert->issuer.countryEnc = CTC_PRINTABLE;
+    cert->issuer.state[0] = '\0';
+    cert->issuer.stateEnc = CTC_UTF8;
+    cert->issuer.locality[0] = '\0';
+    cert->issuer.localityEnc = CTC_UTF8;
+    cert->issuer.sur[0] = '\0';
+    cert->issuer.surEnc = CTC_UTF8;
+    cert->issuer.org[0] = '\0';
+    cert->issuer.orgEnc = CTC_UTF8;
+    cert->issuer.unit[0] = '\0';
+    cert->issuer.unitEnc = CTC_UTF8;
+    cert->issuer.commonName[0] = '\0';
+    cert->issuer.commonNameEnc = CTC_UTF8;
+    cert->issuer.email[0] = '\0';
+    cert->subject.country[0] = '\0';
+    cert->subject.countryEnc = CTC_PRINTABLE;
+    cert->subject.state[0] = '\0';
+    cert->subject.stateEnc = CTC_UTF8;
+    cert->subject.locality[0] = '\0';
+    cert->subject.localityEnc = CTC_UTF8;
+    cert->subject.sur[0] = '\0';
+    cert->subject.surEnc = CTC_UTF8;
+    cert->subject.org[0] = '\0';
+    cert->subject.orgEnc = CTC_UTF8;
+    cert->subject.unit[0] = '\0';
+    cert->subject.unitEnc = CTC_UTF8;
+    cert->subject.commonName[0] = '\0';
+    cert->subject.commonNameEnc = CTC_UTF8;
+    cert->subject.email[0] = '\0';
+    cert->challengePw[0] ='\0';
+    cert->heap = (void*)WOLFSSL_HEAP_TEST;
+    cert->heap = NULL;
+/* DER encoded x509 Certificate */
+typedef struct DerCert {
+    byte size[MAX_LENGTH_SZ];          /* length encoded */
+    byte version[MAX_VERSION_SZ];      /* version encoded */
+    byte serial[CTC_SERIAL_SIZE + MAX_LENGTH_SZ]; /* serial number encoded */
+    byte sigAlgo[MAX_ALGO_SZ];         /* signature algo encoded */
+    byte issuer[ASN_NAME_MAX];         /* issuer  encoded */
+    byte subject[ASN_NAME_MAX];        /* subject encoded */
+    byte validity[MAX_DATE_SIZE*2 + MAX_SEQ_SZ*2];  /* before and after dates */
+    byte publicKey[MAX_PUBLIC_KEY_SZ]; /* rsa / ntru public key encoded */
+    byte ca[MAX_CA_SZ];                /* basic constraint CA true size */
+    byte extensions[MAX_EXTENSIONS_SZ]; /* all extensions */
+    byte skid[MAX_KID_SZ];             /* Subject Key Identifier extension */
+    byte akid[MAX_KID_SZ];             /* Authority Key Identifier extension */
+    byte keyUsage[MAX_KEYUSAGE_SZ];    /* Key Usage extension */
+    byte certPolicies[MAX_CERTPOL_NB*MAX_CERTPOL_SZ]; /* Certificate Policies */
+    byte attrib[MAX_ATTRIB_SZ];        /* Cert req attributes encoded */
+    byte altNames[CTC_MAX_ALT_SIZE];   /* Alternative Names encoded */
+    int  sizeSz;                       /* encoded size length */
+    int  versionSz;                    /* encoded version length */
+    int  serialSz;                     /* encoded serial length */
+    int  sigAlgoSz;                    /* encoded sig alog length */
+    int  issuerSz;                     /* encoded issuer length */
+    int  subjectSz;                    /* encoded subject length */
+    int  validitySz;                   /* encoded validity length */
+    int  publicKeySz;                  /* encoded public key length */
+    int  caSz;                         /* encoded CA extension length */
+    int  skidSz;                       /* encoded SKID extension length */
+    int  akidSz;                       /* encoded SKID extension length */
+    int  keyUsageSz;                   /* encoded KeyUsage extension length */
+    int  certPoliciesSz;               /* encoded CertPolicies extension length*/
+    int  altNamesSz;                   /* encoded AltNames extension length */
+    int  extensionsSz;                 /* encoded extensions total length */
+    int  total;                        /* total encoded lengths */
+    int  attribSz;
+} DerCert;
+/* Write a set header to output */
+static word32 SetUTF8String(word32 len, byte* output)
+    output[0] = ASN_UTF8STRING;
+    return SetLength(len, output + 1) + 1;
+#endif /* WOLFSSL_CERT_REQ */
+/* Write a serial number to output */
+static int SetSerial(const byte* serial, byte* output)
+    int length = 0;
+    output[length++] = ASN_INTEGER;
+    length += SetLength(CTC_SERIAL_SIZE, &output[length]);
+    XMEMCPY(&output[length], serial, CTC_SERIAL_SIZE);
+    return length + CTC_SERIAL_SIZE;
+#endif /* defined(WOLFSSL_CERT_GEN) && !defined(NO_RSA) */
+#if defined(HAVE_ECC) && (defined(WOLFSSL_CERT_GEN) || defined(WOLFSSL_KEY_GEN))
+/* Write a public ECC key to output */
+static int SetEccPublicKey(byte* output, ecc_key* key, int with_header)
+    byte bitString[1 + MAX_LENGTH_SZ + 1];
+    int  algoSz;
+    int  curveSz;
+    int  bitStringSz;
+    int  idx;
+    word32 pubSz = ECC_BUFSIZE;
+    byte* algo = NULL;
+    byte* curve = NULL;
+    byte* pub = NULL;
+    byte algo[MAX_ALGO_SZ];
+    byte curve[MAX_ALGO_SZ];
+    byte pub[ECC_BUFSIZE];
+    if (pub == NULL)
+        return MEMORY_E;
+    int ret = wc_ecc_export_x963(key, pub, &pubSz);
+    if (ret != 0) {
+        return ret;
+    }
+    /* headers */
+    if (with_header) {
+        if (curve == NULL) {
+            return MEMORY_E;
+        }
+        curveSz = SetCurve(key, curve);
+        if (curveSz <= 0) {
+            return curveSz;
+        }
+        if (algo == NULL) {
+            return MEMORY_E;
+        }
+        algoSz  = SetAlgoID(ECDSAk, algo, oidKeyType, curveSz);
+        bitStringSz = SetBitString(pubSz, 0, bitString);
+        idx = SetSequence(pubSz + curveSz + bitStringSz + algoSz, output);
+        /* algo */
+        XMEMCPY(output + idx, algo, algoSz);
+        idx += algoSz;
+       /* curve */
+        XMEMCPY(output + idx, curve, curveSz);
+        idx += curveSz;
+        /* bit string */
+        XMEMCPY(output + idx, bitString, bitStringSz);
+        idx += bitStringSz;
+    }
+    else
+        idx = 0;
+    /* pub */
+    XMEMCPY(output + idx, pub, pubSz);
+    idx += pubSz;
+    if (with_header) {
+    }
+    return idx;
+/* returns the size of buffer used, the public ECC key in DER format is stored
+   in output buffer
+   with_AlgCurve is a flag for when to include a header that has the Algorithm
+   and Curve infromation */
+int wc_EccPublicKeyToDer(ecc_key* key, byte* output, word32 inLen,
+                                                              int with_AlgCurve)
+    word32 infoSz = 0;
+    word32 keySz  = 0;
+    int ret;
+    if (output == NULL || key == NULL) {
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    }
+    if (with_AlgCurve) {
+        /* buffer space for algorithm/curve */
+        infoSz += MAX_SEQ_SZ;
+        infoSz += 2 * MAX_ALGO_SZ;
+        /* buffer space for public key sequence */
+        infoSz += MAX_SEQ_SZ;
+        infoSz += TRAILING_ZERO;
+    }
+    if ((ret = wc_ecc_export_x963(key, NULL, &keySz)) != LENGTH_ONLY_E) {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("Error in getting ECC public key size");
+        return ret;
+    }
+    if (inLen < keySz + infoSz) {
+        return BUFFER_E;
+    }
+    return SetEccPublicKey(output, key, with_AlgCurve);
+#if defined(WOLFSSL_CERT_GEN) && !defined(NO_RSA)
+static INLINE byte itob(int number)
+    return (byte)number + 0x30;
+/* write time to output, format */
+static void SetTime(struct tm* date, byte* output)
+    int i = 0;
+    output[i++] = itob((date->tm_year % 10000) / 1000);
+    output[i++] = itob((date->tm_year % 1000)  /  100);
+    output[i++] = itob((date->tm_year % 100)   /   10);
+    output[i++] = itob( date->tm_year % 10);
+    output[i++] = itob(date->tm_mon / 10);
+    output[i++] = itob(date->tm_mon % 10);
+    output[i++] = itob(date->tm_mday / 10);
+    output[i++] = itob(date->tm_mday % 10);
+    output[i++] = itob(date->tm_hour / 10);
+    output[i++] = itob(date->tm_hour % 10);
+    output[i++] = itob(date->tm_min / 10);
+    output[i++] = itob(date->tm_min % 10);
+    output[i++] = itob(date->tm_sec / 10);
+    output[i++] = itob(date->tm_sec % 10);
+    output[i] = 'Z';  /* Zulu profile */
+/* Copy Dates from cert, return bytes written */
+static int CopyValidity(byte* output, Cert* cert)
+    int seqSz;
+    WOLFSSL_ENTER("CopyValidity");
+    /* headers and output */
+    seqSz = SetSequence(cert->beforeDateSz + cert->afterDateSz, output);
+    XMEMCPY(output + seqSz, cert->beforeDate, cert->beforeDateSz);
+    XMEMCPY(output + seqSz + cert->beforeDateSz, cert->afterDate,
+                                                 cert->afterDateSz);
+    return seqSz + cert->beforeDateSz + cert->afterDateSz;
+/* for systems where mktime() doesn't normalize fully */
+static void RebuildTime(time_t* in, struct tm* out)
+    #if defined(FREESCALE_MQX) || defined(FREESCALE_KSDK_MQX)
+        out = localtime_r(in, out);
+    #else
+        (void)in;
+        (void)out;
+    #endif
+/* Set Date validity from now until now + daysValid
+ * return size in bytes written to output, 0 on error */
+static int SetValidity(byte* output, int daysValid)
+    byte before[MAX_DATE_SIZE];
+    byte  after[MAX_DATE_SIZE];
+    int beforeSz;
+    int afterSz;
+    int seqSz;
+    time_t     ticks;
+    time_t     normalTime;
+    struct tm* now;
+    struct tm* tmpTime = NULL;
+    struct tm  local;
+#if defined(NEED_TMP_TIME)
+    /* for use with gmtime_r */
+    struct tm tmpTimeStorage;
+    tmpTime = &tmpTimeStorage;
+    (void)tmpTime;
+    ticks = XTIME(0);
+    now   = XGMTIME(&ticks, tmpTime);
+    if (now == NULL) {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("XGMTIME failed");
+        return 0;   /* error */
+    }
+    /* before now */
+    local = *now;
+    before[0] = ASN_GENERALIZED_TIME;
+    beforeSz  = SetLength(ASN_GEN_TIME_SZ, before + 1) + 1;  /* gen tag */
+    /* subtract 1 day for more compliance */
+    local.tm_mday -= 1;
+    normalTime = mktime(&local);
+    RebuildTime(&normalTime, &local);
+    /* adjust */
+    local.tm_year += 1900;
+    local.tm_mon  +=    1;
+    SetTime(&local, before + beforeSz);
+    beforeSz += ASN_GEN_TIME_SZ;
+    /* after now + daysValid */
+    local = *now;
+    after[0] = ASN_GENERALIZED_TIME;
+    afterSz  = SetLength(ASN_GEN_TIME_SZ, after + 1) + 1;  /* gen tag */
+    /* add daysValid */
+    local.tm_mday += daysValid;
+    normalTime = mktime(&local);
+    RebuildTime(&normalTime, &local);
+    /* adjust */
+    local.tm_year += 1900;
+    local.tm_mon  +=    1;
+    SetTime(&local, after + afterSz);
+    afterSz += ASN_GEN_TIME_SZ;
+    /* headers and output */
+    seqSz = SetSequence(beforeSz + afterSz, output);
+    XMEMCPY(output + seqSz, before, beforeSz);
+    XMEMCPY(output + seqSz + beforeSz, after, afterSz);
+    return seqSz + beforeSz + afterSz;
+/* ASN Encoded Name field */
+typedef struct EncodedName {
+    int  nameLen;                /* actual string value length */
+    int  totalLen;               /* total encoded length */
+    int  type;                   /* type of name */
+    int  used;                   /* are we actually using this one */
+    byte encoded[CTC_NAME_SIZE * 2]; /* encoding */
+} EncodedName;
+/* Get Which Name from index */
+static const char* GetOneName(CertName* name, int idx)
+    switch (idx) {
+    case 0:
+       return name->country;
+    case 1:
+       return name->state;
+    case 2:
+       return name->locality;
+    case 3:
+       return name->sur;
+    case 4:
+       return name->org;
+    case 5:
+       return name->unit;
+    case 6:
+       return name->commonName;
+    case 7:
+       return name->email;
+    default:
+       return 0;
+    }
+/* Get Which Name Encoding from index */
+static char GetNameType(CertName* name, int idx)
+    switch (idx) {
+    case 0:
+       return name->countryEnc;
+    case 1:
+       return name->stateEnc;
+    case 2:
+       return name->localityEnc;
+    case 3:
+       return name->surEnc;
+    case 4:
+       return name->orgEnc;
+    case 5:
+       return name->unitEnc;
+    case 6:
+       return name->commonNameEnc;
+    default:
+       return 0;
+    }
+/* Get ASN Name from index */
+static byte GetNameId(int idx)
+    switch (idx) {
+    case 0:
+       return ASN_COUNTRY_NAME;
+    case 1:
+       return ASN_STATE_NAME;
+    case 2:
+       return ASN_LOCALITY_NAME;
+    case 3:
+       return ASN_SUR_NAME;
+    case 4:
+       return ASN_ORG_NAME;
+    case 5:
+       return ASN_ORGUNIT_NAME;
+    case 6:
+       return ASN_COMMON_NAME;
+    case 7:
+       /* email uses different id type */
+       return 0;
+    default:
+       return 0;
+    }
+ Extensions ::= SEQUENCE OF Extension
+ Extension ::= SEQUENCE {
+ extnValue  OCTET STRING }
+ */
+/* encode all extensions, return total bytes written */
+static int SetExtensions(byte* out, word32 outSz, int *IdxInOut,
+                         const byte* ext, int extSz)
+    if (out == NULL || IdxInOut == NULL || ext == NULL)
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    if (outSz < (word32)(*IdxInOut+extSz))
+        return BUFFER_E;
+    XMEMCPY(&out[*IdxInOut], ext, extSz);  /* extensions */
+    *IdxInOut += extSz;
+    return *IdxInOut;
+/* encode extensions header, return total bytes written */
+static int SetExtensionsHeader(byte* out, word32 outSz, int extSz)
+    byte sequence[MAX_SEQ_SZ];
+    byte len[MAX_LENGTH_SZ];
+    int seqSz, lenSz, idx = 0;
+    if (out == NULL)
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    if (outSz < 3)
+        return BUFFER_E;
+    seqSz = SetSequence(extSz, sequence);
+    /* encode extensions length provided */
+    lenSz = SetLength(extSz+seqSz, len);
+    if (outSz < (word32)(lenSz+seqSz+1))
+        return BUFFER_E;
+    out[idx++] = ASN_EXTENSIONS; /* extensions id */
+    XMEMCPY(&out[idx], len, lenSz);  /* length */
+    idx += lenSz;
+    XMEMCPY(&out[idx], sequence, seqSz);  /* sequence */
+    idx += seqSz;
+    return idx;
+/* encode CA basic constraint true, return total bytes written */
+static int SetCa(byte* out, word32 outSz)
+    static const byte ca[] = { 0x30, 0x0c, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x1d, 0x13, 0x04,
+                               0x05, 0x30, 0x03, 0x01, 0x01, 0xff };
+    if (out == NULL)
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    if (outSz < sizeof(ca))
+        return BUFFER_E;
+    XMEMCPY(out, ca, sizeof(ca));
+    return (int)sizeof(ca);
+/* encode OID and associated value, return total bytes written */
+static int SetOidValue(byte* out, word32 outSz, const byte *oid, word32 oidSz,
+                       byte *in, word32 inSz)
+    int idx = 0;
+    if (out == NULL || oid == NULL || in == NULL)
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    if (outSz < 3)
+        return BUFFER_E;
+    /* sequence,  + 1 => byte to put value size */
+    idx = SetSequence(inSz + oidSz + 1, out);
+    if ((idx + inSz + oidSz + 1) > outSz)
+        return BUFFER_E;
+    XMEMCPY(out+idx, oid, oidSz);
+    idx += oidSz;
+    out[idx++] = (byte)inSz;
+    XMEMCPY(out+idx, in, inSz);
+    return (idx+inSz);
+/* encode Subject Key Identifier, return total bytes written
+ * RFC5280 : non-critical */
+static int SetSKID(byte* output, word32 outSz, const byte *input, word32 length)
+    byte skid_len[1 + MAX_LENGTH_SZ];
+    byte skid_enc_len[MAX_LENGTH_SZ];
+    int idx = 0, skid_lenSz, skid_enc_lenSz;
+    static const byte skid_oid[] = { 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x1d, 0x0e, 0x04 };
+    if (output == NULL || input == NULL)
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    /* Octet String header */
+    skid_lenSz = SetOctetString(length, skid_len);
+    /* length of encoded value */
+    skid_enc_lenSz = SetLength(length + skid_lenSz, skid_enc_len);
+    if (outSz < 3)
+        return BUFFER_E;
+    idx = SetSequence(length + sizeof(skid_oid) + skid_lenSz + skid_enc_lenSz,
+                      output);
+    if ((length + sizeof(skid_oid) + skid_lenSz + skid_enc_lenSz) > outSz)
+        return BUFFER_E;
+    /* put oid */
+    XMEMCPY(output+idx, skid_oid, sizeof(skid_oid));
+    idx += sizeof(skid_oid);
+    /* put encoded len */
+    XMEMCPY(output+idx, skid_enc_len, skid_enc_lenSz);
+    idx += skid_enc_lenSz;
+    /* put octet header */
+    XMEMCPY(output+idx, skid_len, skid_lenSz);
+    idx += skid_lenSz;
+    /* put value */
+    XMEMCPY(output+idx, input, length);
+    idx += length;
+    return idx;
+/* encode Authority Key Identifier, return total bytes written
+ * RFC5280 : non-critical */
+static int SetAKID(byte* output, word32 outSz,
+                                         byte *input, word32 length, void* heap)
+    byte    *enc_val;
+    int     ret, enc_valSz;
+    static const byte akid_oid[] = { 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x1d, 0x23, 0x04 };
+    static const byte akid_cs[] = { 0x80 };
+    if (output == NULL || input == NULL)
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    enc_valSz = length + 3 + sizeof(akid_cs);
+    enc_val = (byte *)XMALLOC(enc_valSz, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+    if (enc_val == NULL)
+        return MEMORY_E;
+    /* sequence for ContentSpec & value */
+    ret = SetOidValue(enc_val, enc_valSz, akid_cs, sizeof(akid_cs),
+                      input, length);
+    if (ret > 0) {
+        enc_valSz = ret;
+        ret = SetOidValue(output, outSz, akid_oid, sizeof(akid_oid),
+                          enc_val, enc_valSz);
+    }
+    XFREE(enc_val, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+    return ret;
+/* encode Key Usage, return total bytes written
+ * RFC5280 : critical */
+static int SetKeyUsage(byte* output, word32 outSz, word16 input)
+    byte ku[5];
+    int  idx;
+    static const byte keyusage_oid[] = { 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x1d, 0x0f,
+                                         0x01, 0x01, 0xff, 0x04};
+    if (output == NULL)
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    idx = SetBitString16Bit(input, ku);
+    return SetOidValue(output, outSz, keyusage_oid, sizeof(keyusage_oid),
+                       ku, idx);
+/* Encode OID string representation to ITU-T X.690 format */
+static int EncodePolicyOID(byte *out, word32 *outSz, const char *in, void* heap)
+    word32 val, idx = 0, nb_val;
+    char *token, *str, *ptr;
+    word32 len;
+    if (out == NULL || outSz == NULL || *outSz < 2 || in == NULL)
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    len = (word32)XSTRLEN(in);
+    str = (char *)XMALLOC(len+1, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+    if (str == NULL)
+        return MEMORY_E;
+    XSTRNCPY(str, in, len);
+    str[len] = 0x00;
+    nb_val = 0;
+    /* parse value, and set corresponding Policy OID value */
+    token = XSTRTOK(str, ".", &ptr);
+    while (token != NULL)
+    {
+        val = (word32)atoi(token);
+        if (nb_val == 0) {
+            if (val > 2) {
+                XFREE(str, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+                return ASN_OBJECT_ID_E;
+            }
+            out[idx] = (byte)(40 * val);
+        }
+        else if (nb_val == 1) {
+            if (val > 127) {
+                XFREE(str, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+                return ASN_OBJECT_ID_E;
+            }
+            if (idx > *outSz) {
+                XFREE(str, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+                return BUFFER_E;
+            }
+            out[idx++] += (byte)val;
+        }
+        else {
+            word32  tb = 0, x;
+            int     i = 0;
+            byte    oid[MAX_OID_SZ];
+            while (val >= 128) {
+                x = val % 128;
+                val /= 128;
+                oid[i++] = (byte) (((tb++) ? 0x80 : 0) | x);
+            }
+            if ((idx+(word32)i) > *outSz) {
+                XFREE(str, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+                return BUFFER_E;
+            }
+            oid[i] = (byte) (((tb++) ? 0x80 : 0) | val);
+            /* push value in the right order */
+            while (i >= 0)
+                out[idx++] = oid[i--];
+        }
+        token = XSTRTOK(NULL, ".", &ptr);
+        nb_val++;
+    }
+    *outSz = idx;
+    return 0;
+/* encode Certificate Policies, return total bytes written
+ * each input value must be ITU-T X.690 formatted : a.b.c...
+ * input must be an array of values with a NULL terminated for the latest
+ * RFC5280 : non-critical */
+static int SetCertificatePolicies(byte *output,
+                                  word32 outputSz,
+                                  char input[MAX_CERTPOL_NB][MAX_CERTPOL_SZ],
+                                  word16 nb_certpol,
+                                  void* heap)
+    byte    oid[MAX_OID_SZ],
+            der_oid[MAX_CERTPOL_NB][MAX_OID_SZ],
+            out[MAX_CERTPOL_SZ];
+    word32  oidSz;
+    word32  outSz, i = 0, der_oidSz[MAX_CERTPOL_NB];
+    int     ret;
+    static const byte certpol_oid[] = { 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x1d, 0x20, 0x04 };
+    static const byte oid_oid[] = { 0x06 };
+    if (output == NULL || input == NULL || nb_certpol > MAX_CERTPOL_NB)
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    for (i = 0; i < nb_certpol; i++) {
+        oidSz = sizeof(oid);
+        XMEMSET(oid, 0, oidSz);
+        ret = EncodePolicyOID(oid, &oidSz, input[i], heap);
+        if (ret != 0)
+            return ret;
+        /* compute sequence value for the oid */
+        ret = SetOidValue(der_oid[i], MAX_OID_SZ, oid_oid,
+                          sizeof(oid_oid), oid, oidSz);
+        if (ret <= 0)
+            return ret;
+        else
+            der_oidSz[i] = (word32)ret;
+    }
+    /* concatenate oid, keep two byte for sequence/size of the created value */
+    for (i = 0, outSz = 2; i < nb_certpol; i++) {
+        XMEMCPY(out+outSz, der_oid[i], der_oidSz[i]);
+        outSz += der_oidSz[i];
+    }
+    /* add sequence */
+    ret = SetSequence(outSz-2, out);
+    if (ret <= 0)
+        return ret;
+    /* add Policy OID to compute final value */
+    return SetOidValue(output, outputSz, certpol_oid, sizeof(certpol_oid),
+                      out, outSz);
+#endif /* WOLFSSL_CERT_EXT */
+/* encode Alternative Names, return total bytes written */
+static int SetAltNames(byte *out, word32 outSz, byte *input, word32 length)
+    if (out == NULL || input == NULL)
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    if (outSz < length)
+        return BUFFER_E;
+    /* Alternative Names come from certificate or computed by
+     * external function, so already encoded. Just copy value */
+    XMEMCPY(out, input, length);
+    return length;
+#endif /* WOLFSL_ALT_NAMES */
+/* encode CertName into output, return total bytes written */
+int SetName(byte* output, word32 outputSz, CertName* name)
+    int          totalBytes = 0, i, idx;
+    EncodedName* names = NULL;
+    EncodedName  names[NAME_ENTRIES];
+    if (output == NULL || name == NULL)
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    if (outputSz < 3)
+        return BUFFER_E;
+    names = (EncodedName*)XMALLOC(sizeof(EncodedName) * NAME_ENTRIES, NULL,
+                                                       DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+    if (names == NULL)
+        return MEMORY_E;
+    for (i = 0; i < NAME_ENTRIES; i++) {
+        const char* nameStr = GetOneName(name, i);
+        if (nameStr) {
+            /* bottom up */
+            byte firstLen[1 + MAX_LENGTH_SZ];
+            byte secondLen[MAX_LENGTH_SZ];
+            byte sequence[MAX_SEQ_SZ];
+            byte set[MAX_SET_SZ];
+            int email = i == (NAME_ENTRIES - 1) ? 1 : 0;
+            int strLen  = (int)XSTRLEN(nameStr);
+            int thisLen = strLen;
+            int firstSz, secondSz, seqSz, setSz;
+            if (strLen == 0) { /* no user data for this item */
+                names[i].used = 0;
+                continue;
+            }
+            /* Restrict country code size */
+            if (i == 0 && strLen != CTC_COUNTRY_SIZE) {
+                XFREE(names, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+                return ASN_COUNTRY_SIZE_E;
+            }
+            secondSz = SetLength(strLen, secondLen);
+            thisLen += secondSz;
+            if (email) {
+                thisLen += EMAIL_JOINT_LEN;
+                thisLen ++;                               /* id type */
+                firstSz  = SetObjectId(EMAIL_JOINT_LEN, firstLen);
+            }
+            else {
+                thisLen++;                                 /* str type */
+                thisLen++;                                 /* id  type */
+                thisLen += JOINT_LEN;
+                firstSz  = SetObjectId(JOINT_LEN + 1, firstLen);
+            }
+            thisLen += firstSz;
+            seqSz = SetSequence(thisLen, sequence);
+            thisLen += seqSz;
+            setSz = SetSet(thisLen, set);
+            thisLen += setSz;
+            if (thisLen > (int)sizeof(names[i].encoded)) {
+                XFREE(names, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+                return BUFFER_E;
+            }
+            /* store it */
+            idx = 0;
+            /* set */
+            XMEMCPY(names[i].encoded, set, setSz);
+            idx += setSz;
+            /* seq */
+            XMEMCPY(names[i].encoded + idx, sequence, seqSz);
+            idx += seqSz;
+            /* asn object id */
+            XMEMCPY(names[i].encoded + idx, firstLen, firstSz);
+            idx += firstSz;
+            if (email) {
+                const byte EMAIL_OID[] = { 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0x0d,
+                                           0x01, 0x09, 0x01, 0x16 };
+                /* email joint id */
+                XMEMCPY(names[i].encoded + idx, EMAIL_OID, sizeof(EMAIL_OID));
+                idx += (int)sizeof(EMAIL_OID);
+            }
+            else {
+                /* joint id */
+                byte bType = GetNameId(i);
+                names[i].encoded[idx++] = 0x55;
+                names[i].encoded[idx++] = 0x04;
+                /* id type */
+                names[i].encoded[idx++] = bType;
+                /* str type */
+                names[i].encoded[idx++] = GetNameType(name, i);
+            }
+            /* second length */
+            XMEMCPY(names[i].encoded + idx, secondLen, secondSz);
+            idx += secondSz;
+            /* str value */
+            XMEMCPY(names[i].encoded + idx, nameStr, strLen);
+            idx += strLen;
+            totalBytes += idx;
+            names[i].totalLen = idx;
+            names[i].used = 1;
+        }
+        else
+            names[i].used = 0;
+    }
+    /* header */
+    idx = SetSequence(totalBytes, output);
+    totalBytes += idx;
+    if (totalBytes > ASN_NAME_MAX) {
+        return BUFFER_E;
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < NAME_ENTRIES; i++) {
+        if (names[i].used) {
+            if (outputSz < (word32)(idx+names[i].totalLen)) {
+                XFREE(names, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+                return BUFFER_E;
+            }
+            XMEMCPY(output + idx, names[i].encoded, names[i].totalLen);
+            idx += names[i].totalLen;
+        }
+    }
+    return totalBytes;
+/* encode info from cert into DER encoded format */
+static int EncodeCert(Cert* cert, DerCert* der, RsaKey* rsaKey, ecc_key* eccKey,
+                      WC_RNG* rng, const byte* ntruKey, word16 ntruSz)
+    int ret;
+    (void)eccKey;
+    (void)ntruKey;
+    (void)ntruSz;
+    if (cert == NULL || der == NULL || rng == NULL)
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    /* init */
+    XMEMSET(der, 0, sizeof(DerCert));
+    /* version */
+    der->versionSz = SetMyVersion(cert->version, der->version, TRUE);
+    /* serial number */
+    ret = wc_RNG_GenerateBlock(rng, cert->serial, CTC_SERIAL_SIZE);
+    if (ret != 0)
+        return ret;
+    cert->serial[0] = 0x01;   /* ensure positive */
+    der->serialSz  = SetSerial(cert->serial, der->serial);
+    /* signature algo */
+    der->sigAlgoSz = SetAlgoID(cert->sigType, der->sigAlgo, oidSigType, 0);
+    if (der->sigAlgoSz <= 0)
+        return ALGO_ID_E;
+    /* public key */
+    if (cert->keyType == RSA_KEY) {
+        if (rsaKey == NULL)
+            return PUBLIC_KEY_E;
+        der->publicKeySz = SetRsaPublicKey(der->publicKey, rsaKey,
+                                           sizeof(der->publicKey), 1);
+        if (der->publicKeySz <= 0)
+            return PUBLIC_KEY_E;
+    }
+#ifdef HAVE_ECC
+    if (cert->keyType == ECC_KEY) {
+        if (eccKey == NULL)
+            return PUBLIC_KEY_E;
+        der->publicKeySz = SetEccPublicKey(der->publicKey, eccKey, 1);
+        if (der->publicKeySz <= 0)
+            return PUBLIC_KEY_E;
+    }
+#endif /* HAVE_ECC */
+#ifdef HAVE_NTRU
+    if (cert->keyType == NTRU_KEY) {
+        word32 rc;
+        word16 encodedSz;
+        rc  = ntru_crypto_ntru_encrypt_publicKey2SubjectPublicKeyInfo( ntruSz,
+                                                   ntruKey, &encodedSz, NULL);
+        if (rc != NTRU_OK)
+            return PUBLIC_KEY_E;
+        if (encodedSz > MAX_PUBLIC_KEY_SZ)
+            return PUBLIC_KEY_E;
+        rc  = ntru_crypto_ntru_encrypt_publicKey2SubjectPublicKeyInfo( ntruSz,
+                                         ntruKey, &encodedSz, der->publicKey);
+        if (rc != NTRU_OK)
+            return PUBLIC_KEY_E;
+        der->publicKeySz = encodedSz;
+    }
+#endif /* HAVE_NTRU */
+    der->validitySz = 0;
+    /* date validity copy ? */
+    if (cert->beforeDateSz && cert->afterDateSz) {
+        der->validitySz = CopyValidity(der->validity, cert);
+        if (der->validitySz <= 0)
+            return DATE_E;
+    }
+    /* date validity */
+    if (der->validitySz == 0) {
+        der->validitySz = SetValidity(der->validity, cert->daysValid);
+        if (der->validitySz <= 0)
+            return DATE_E;
+    }
+    /* subject name */
+    der->subjectSz = SetName(der->subject, sizeof(der->subject), &cert->subject);
+    if (der->subjectSz <= 0)
+        return SUBJECT_E;
+    /* issuer name */
+    der->issuerSz = SetName(der->issuer, sizeof(der->issuer), cert->selfSigned ?
+             &cert->subject : &cert->issuer);
+    if (der->issuerSz <= 0)
+        return ISSUER_E;
+    /* set the extensions */
+    der->extensionsSz = 0;
+    /* CA */
+    if (cert->isCA) {
+        der->caSz = SetCa(der->ca, sizeof(der->ca));
+        if (der->caSz <= 0)
+            return CA_TRUE_E;
+        der->extensionsSz += der->caSz;
+    }
+    else
+        der->caSz = 0;
+    /* Alternative Name */
+    if (cert->altNamesSz) {
+        der->altNamesSz = SetAltNames(der->altNames, sizeof(der->altNames),
+                                      cert->altNames, cert->altNamesSz);
+        if (der->altNamesSz <= 0)
+            return ALT_NAME_E;
+        der->extensionsSz += der->altNamesSz;
+    }
+    else
+        der->altNamesSz = 0;
+    /* SKID */
+    if (cert->skidSz) {
+        /* check the provided SKID size */
+        if (cert->skidSz > (int)sizeof(der->skid))
+            return SKID_E;
+        /* Note: different skid buffers sizes for der (MAX_KID_SZ) and
+            cert (CTC_MAX_SKID_SIZE). */
+        der->skidSz = SetSKID(der->skid, sizeof(der->skid),
+                              cert->skid, cert->skidSz);
+        if (der->skidSz <= 0)
+            return SKID_E;
+        der->extensionsSz += der->skidSz;
+    }
+    else
+        der->skidSz = 0;
+    /* AKID */
+    if (cert->akidSz) {
+        /* check the provided AKID size */
+        if (cert->akidSz > (int)sizeof(der->akid))
+            return AKID_E;
+        der->akidSz = SetAKID(der->akid, sizeof(der->akid),
+                              cert->akid, cert->akidSz, cert->heap);
+        if (der->akidSz <= 0)
+            return AKID_E;
+        der->extensionsSz += der->akidSz;
+    }
+    else
+        der->akidSz = 0;
+    /* Key Usage */
+    if (cert->keyUsage != 0){
+        der->keyUsageSz = SetKeyUsage(der->keyUsage, sizeof(der->keyUsage),
+                                      cert->keyUsage);
+        if (der->keyUsageSz <= 0)
+            return KEYUSAGE_E;
+        der->extensionsSz += der->keyUsageSz;
+    }
+    else
+        der->keyUsageSz = 0;
+    /* Certificate Policies */
+    if (cert->certPoliciesNb != 0) {
+        der->certPoliciesSz = SetCertificatePolicies(der->certPolicies,
+                                                     sizeof(der->certPolicies),
+                                                     cert->certPolicies,
+                                                     cert->certPoliciesNb,
+                                                     cert->heap);
+        if (der->certPoliciesSz <= 0)
+            return CERTPOLICIES_E;
+        der->extensionsSz += der->certPoliciesSz;
+    }
+    else
+        der->certPoliciesSz = 0;
+#endif /* WOLFSSL_CERT_EXT */
+    /* put extensions */
+    if (der->extensionsSz > 0) {
+        /* put the start of extensions sequence (ID, Size) */
+        der->extensionsSz = SetExtensionsHeader(der->extensions,
+                                                sizeof(der->extensions),
+                                                der->extensionsSz);
+        if (der->extensionsSz <= 0)
+            return EXTENSIONS_E;
+        /* put CA */
+        if (der->caSz) {
+            ret = SetExtensions(der->extensions, sizeof(der->extensions),
+                                &der->extensionsSz,
+                                der->ca, der->caSz);
+            if (ret == 0)
+                return EXTENSIONS_E;
+        }
+        /* put Alternative Names */
+        if (der->altNamesSz) {
+            ret = SetExtensions(der->extensions, sizeof(der->extensions),
+                                &der->extensionsSz,
+                                der->altNames, der->altNamesSz);
+            if (ret <= 0)
+                return EXTENSIONS_E;
+        }
+        /* put SKID */
+        if (der->skidSz) {
+            ret = SetExtensions(der->extensions, sizeof(der->extensions),
+                                &der->extensionsSz,
+                                der->skid, der->skidSz);
+            if (ret <= 0)
+                return EXTENSIONS_E;
+        }
+        /* put AKID */
+        if (der->akidSz) {
+            ret = SetExtensions(der->extensions, sizeof(der->extensions),
+                                &der->extensionsSz,
+                                der->akid, der->akidSz);
+            if (ret <= 0)
+                return EXTENSIONS_E;
+        }
+        /* put KeyUsage */
+        if (der->keyUsageSz) {
+            ret = SetExtensions(der->extensions, sizeof(der->extensions),
+                                &der->extensionsSz,
+                                der->keyUsage, der->keyUsageSz);
+            if (ret <= 0)
+                return EXTENSIONS_E;
+        }
+        /* put Certificate Policies */
+        if (der->certPoliciesSz) {
+            ret = SetExtensions(der->extensions, sizeof(der->extensions),
+                                &der->extensionsSz,
+                                der->certPolicies, der->certPoliciesSz);
+            if (ret <= 0)
+                return EXTENSIONS_E;
+        }
+#endif /* WOLFSSL_CERT_EXT */
+    }
+    der->total = der->versionSz + der->serialSz + der->sigAlgoSz +
+        der->publicKeySz + der->validitySz + der->subjectSz + der->issuerSz +
+        der->extensionsSz;
+    return 0;
+/* write DER encoded cert to buffer, size already checked */
+static int WriteCertBody(DerCert* der, byte* buffer)
+    int idx;
+    /* signed part header */
+    idx = SetSequence(der->total, buffer);
+    /* version */
+    XMEMCPY(buffer + idx, der->version, der->versionSz);
+    idx += der->versionSz;
+    /* serial */
+    XMEMCPY(buffer + idx, der->serial, der->serialSz);
+    idx += der->serialSz;
+    /* sig algo */
+    XMEMCPY(buffer + idx, der->sigAlgo, der->sigAlgoSz);
+    idx += der->sigAlgoSz;
+    /* issuer */
+    XMEMCPY(buffer + idx, der->issuer, der->issuerSz);
+    idx += der->issuerSz;
+    /* validity */
+    XMEMCPY(buffer + idx, der->validity, der->validitySz);
+    idx += der->validitySz;
+    /* subject */
+    XMEMCPY(buffer + idx, der->subject, der->subjectSz);
+    idx += der->subjectSz;
+    /* public key */
+    XMEMCPY(buffer + idx, der->publicKey, der->publicKeySz);
+    idx += der->publicKeySz;
+    if (der->extensionsSz) {
+        /* extensions */
+        XMEMCPY(buffer + idx, der->extensions, min(der->extensionsSz,
+                                                   (int)sizeof(der->extensions)));
+        idx += der->extensionsSz;
+    }
+    return idx;
+/* Make RSA signature from buffer (sz), write to sig (sigSz) */
+static int MakeSignature(CertSignCtx* certSignCtx, const byte* buffer, int sz,
+    byte* sig, int sigSz, RsaKey* rsaKey, ecc_key* eccKey, WC_RNG* rng,
+    int sigAlgoType, void* heap)
+    int digestSz = 0, typeH = 0, ret = 0;
+    (void)digestSz;
+    (void)typeH;
+    (void)buffer;
+    (void)sz;
+    (void)sig;
+    (void)sigSz;
+    (void)rsaKey;
+    (void)eccKey;
+    (void)rng;
+    switch (certSignCtx->state) {
+        certSignCtx->state = CERTSIGN_STATE_DIGEST;
+        certSignCtx->digest = (byte*)XMALLOC(WC_MAX_DIGEST_SIZE, heap,
+        if (certSignCtx->digest == NULL) {
+            ret = MEMORY_E; goto exit_ms;
+        }
+        switch (sigAlgoType) {
+        #ifndef NO_MD5
+            case CTC_MD5wRSA:
+            if ((ret = wc_Md5Hash(buffer, sz, certSignCtx->digest)) == 0) {
+                typeH    = MD5h;
+                digestSz = MD5_DIGEST_SIZE;
+            }
+            break;
+        #endif
+        #ifndef NO_SHA
+            case CTC_SHAwRSA:
+            case CTC_SHAwECDSA:
+            if ((ret = wc_ShaHash(buffer, sz, certSignCtx->digest)) == 0) {
+                typeH    = SHAh;
+                digestSz = SHA_DIGEST_SIZE;
+            }
+            break;
+        #endif
+        #ifdef WOLFSSL_SHA224
+            case CTC_SHA224wRSA:
+            case CTC_SHA224wECDSA:
+            if ((ret = wc_Sha224Hash(buffer, sz, certSignCtx->digest)) == 0) {
+                typeH    = SHA224h;
+                digestSz = SHA224_DIGEST_SIZE;
+            }
+            break;
+        #endif
+        #ifndef NO_SHA256
+            case CTC_SHA256wRSA:
+            case CTC_SHA256wECDSA:
+            if ((ret = wc_Sha256Hash(buffer, sz, certSignCtx->digest)) == 0) {
+                typeH    = SHA256h;
+                digestSz = SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE;
+            }
+            break;
+        #endif
+        #ifdef WOLFSSL_SHA384
+            case CTC_SHA384wRSA:
+            case CTC_SHA384wECDSA:
+            if ((ret = wc_Sha384Hash(buffer, sz, certSignCtx->digest)) == 0) {
+                typeH    = SHA384h;
+                digestSz = SHA384_DIGEST_SIZE;
+            }
+            break;
+        #endif
+        #ifdef WOLFSSL_SHA512
+            case CTC_SHA512wRSA:
+            case CTC_SHA512wECDSA:
+            if ((ret = wc_Sha512Hash(buffer, sz, certSignCtx->digest)) == 0) {
+                typeH    = SHA512h;
+                digestSz = SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE;
+            }
+            break;
+        #endif
+            default:
+                WOLFSSL_MSG("MakeSignautre called with unsupported type");
+                ret = ALGO_ID_E;
+        }
+        /* set next state, since WC_PENDING rentry for these are not "call again" */
+        certSignCtx->state = CERTSIGN_STATE_ENCODE;
+        if (ret != 0) {
+            goto exit_ms;
+        }
+        /* fall-through */
+    #ifndef NO_RSA
+        if (rsaKey) {
+            certSignCtx->encSig = (byte*)XMALLOC(MAX_DER_DIGEST_SZ, heap,
+                DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+            if (certSignCtx->encSig == NULL) {
+                ret = MEMORY_E; goto exit_ms;
+            }
+            /* signature */
+            certSignCtx->encSigSz = wc_EncodeSignature(certSignCtx->encSig,
+                                          certSignCtx->digest, digestSz, typeH);
+        }
+    #endif /* !NO_RSA */
+        /* fall-through */
+        certSignCtx->state = CERTSIGN_STATE_DO;
+        ret = ALGO_ID_E; /* default to error */
+    #ifndef NO_RSA
+        if (rsaKey) {
+            /* signature */
+            ret = wc_RsaSSL_Sign(certSignCtx->encSig, certSignCtx->encSigSz,
+                                 sig, sigSz, rsaKey, rng);
+        }
+    #endif /* !NO_RSA */
+    #ifdef HAVE_ECC
+        if (!rsaKey && eccKey) {
+            word32 outSz = sigSz;
+            ret = wc_ecc_sign_hash(certSignCtx->digest, digestSz,
+                                   sig, &outSz, rng, eccKey);
+            if (ret == 0)
+                ret = outSz;
+        }
+    #endif /* HAVE_ECC */
+        break;
+    }
+    if (ret == WC_PENDING_E) {
+        return ret;
+    }
+#ifndef NO_RSA
+    if (rsaKey) {
+        XFREE(certSignCtx->encSig, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+    }
+#endif /* !NO_RSA */
+    XFREE(certSignCtx->digest, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+    certSignCtx->digest = NULL;
+    /* reset state */
+    certSignCtx->state = CERTSIGN_STATE_BEGIN;
+    return ret;
+/* add signature to end of buffer, size of buffer assumed checked, return
+   new length */
+static int AddSignature(byte* buffer, int bodySz, const byte* sig, int sigSz,
+                        int sigAlgoType)
+    byte seq[MAX_SEQ_SZ];
+    int  idx = bodySz, seqSz;
+    /* algo */
+    idx += SetAlgoID(sigAlgoType, buffer + idx, oidSigType, 0);
+    /* bit string */
+    idx += SetBitString(sigSz, 0, buffer + idx);
+    /* signature */
+    XMEMCPY(buffer + idx, sig, sigSz);
+    idx += sigSz;
+    /* make room for overall header */
+    seqSz = SetSequence(idx, seq);
+    XMEMMOVE(buffer + seqSz, buffer, idx);
+    XMEMCPY(buffer, seq, seqSz);
+    return idx + seqSz;
+/* Make an x509 Certificate v3 any key type from cert input, write to buffer */
+static int MakeAnyCert(Cert* cert, byte* derBuffer, word32 derSz,
+                       RsaKey* rsaKey, ecc_key* eccKey, WC_RNG* rng,
+                       const byte* ntruKey, word16 ntruSz)
+    int ret;
+    DerCert* der;
+    DerCert der[1];
+    cert->keyType = eccKey ? ECC_KEY : (rsaKey ? RSA_KEY : NTRU_KEY);
+    der = (DerCert*)XMALLOC(sizeof(DerCert), NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+    if (der == NULL)
+        return MEMORY_E;
+    ret = EncodeCert(cert, der, rsaKey, eccKey, rng, ntruKey, ntruSz);
+    if (ret == 0) {
+        if (der->total + MAX_SEQ_SZ * 2 > (int)derSz)
+            ret = BUFFER_E;
+        else
+            ret = cert->bodySz = WriteCertBody(der, derBuffer);
+    }
+    return ret;
+/* Make an x509 Certificate v3 RSA or ECC from cert input, write to buffer */
+int wc_MakeCert(Cert* cert, byte* derBuffer, word32 derSz, RsaKey* rsaKey,
+             ecc_key* eccKey, WC_RNG* rng)
+    return MakeAnyCert(cert, derBuffer, derSz, rsaKey, eccKey, rng, NULL, 0);
+#ifdef HAVE_NTRU
+int wc_MakeNtruCert(Cert* cert, byte* derBuffer, word32 derSz,
+                  const byte* ntruKey, word16 keySz, WC_RNG* rng)
+    return MakeAnyCert(cert, derBuffer, derSz, NULL, NULL, rng, ntruKey, keySz);
+#endif /* HAVE_NTRU */
+static int SetReqAttrib(byte* output, char* pw, int extSz)
+    static const byte cpOid[] =
+        { ASN_OBJECT_ID, 0x09, 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0x0d, 0x01,
+                         0x09, 0x07 };
+    static const byte erOid[] =
+        { ASN_OBJECT_ID, 0x09, 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0x0d, 0x01,
+                         0x09, 0x0e };
+    int sz      = 0; /* overall size */
+    int cpSz    = 0; /* Challenge Password section size */
+    int cpSeqSz = 0;
+    int cpSetSz = 0;
+    int cpStrSz = 0;
+    int pwSz    = 0;
+    int erSz    = 0; /* Extension Request section size */
+    int erSeqSz = 0;
+    int erSetSz = 0;
+    byte cpSeq[MAX_SEQ_SZ];
+    byte cpSet[MAX_SET_SZ];
+    byte cpStr[MAX_PRSTR_SZ];
+    byte erSeq[MAX_SEQ_SZ];
+    byte erSet[MAX_SET_SZ];
+    output[0] = 0xa0;
+    sz++;
+    if (pw && pw[0]) {
+        pwSz = (int)XSTRLEN(pw);
+        cpStrSz = SetUTF8String(pwSz, cpStr);
+        cpSetSz = SetSet(cpStrSz + pwSz, cpSet);
+        cpSeqSz = SetSequence(sizeof(cpOid) + cpSetSz + cpStrSz + pwSz, cpSeq);
+        cpSz = cpSeqSz + sizeof(cpOid) + cpSetSz + cpStrSz + pwSz;
+    }
+    if (extSz) {
+        erSetSz = SetSet(extSz, erSet);
+        erSeqSz = SetSequence(erSetSz + sizeof(erOid) + extSz, erSeq);
+        erSz = extSz + erSetSz + erSeqSz + sizeof(erOid);
+    }
+    /* Put the pieces together. */
+    sz += SetLength(cpSz + erSz, &output[sz]);
+    if (cpSz) {
+        XMEMCPY(&output[sz], cpSeq, cpSeqSz);
+        sz += cpSeqSz;
+        XMEMCPY(&output[sz], cpOid, sizeof(cpOid));
+        sz += sizeof(cpOid);
+        XMEMCPY(&output[sz], cpSet, cpSetSz);
+        sz += cpSetSz;
+        XMEMCPY(&output[sz], cpStr, cpStrSz);
+        sz += cpStrSz;
+        XMEMCPY(&output[sz], pw, pwSz);
+        sz += pwSz;
+    }
+    if (erSz) {
+        XMEMCPY(&output[sz], erSeq, erSeqSz);
+        sz += erSeqSz;
+        XMEMCPY(&output[sz], erOid, sizeof(erOid));
+        sz += sizeof(erOid);
+        XMEMCPY(&output[sz], erSet, erSetSz);
+        sz += erSetSz;
+        /* The actual extension data will be tacked onto the output later. */
+    }
+    return sz;
+/* encode info from cert into DER encoded format */
+static int EncodeCertReq(Cert* cert, DerCert* der,
+                         RsaKey* rsaKey, ecc_key* eccKey)
+    (void)eccKey;
+    if (cert == NULL || der == NULL)
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    /* init */
+    XMEMSET(der, 0, sizeof(DerCert));
+    /* version */
+    der->versionSz = SetMyVersion(cert->version, der->version, FALSE);
+    /* subject name */
+    der->subjectSz = SetName(der->subject, sizeof(der->subject), &cert->subject);
+    if (der->subjectSz <= 0)
+        return SUBJECT_E;
+    /* public key */
+    if (cert->keyType == RSA_KEY) {
+        if (rsaKey == NULL)
+            return PUBLIC_KEY_E;
+        der->publicKeySz = SetRsaPublicKey(der->publicKey, rsaKey,
+                                           sizeof(der->publicKey), 1);
+        if (der->publicKeySz <= 0)
+            return PUBLIC_KEY_E;
+    }
+#ifdef HAVE_ECC
+    if (cert->keyType == ECC_KEY) {
+        if (eccKey == NULL)
+            return PUBLIC_KEY_E;
+        der->publicKeySz = SetEccPublicKey(der->publicKey, eccKey, 1);
+        if (der->publicKeySz <= 0)
+            return PUBLIC_KEY_E;
+    }
+#endif /* HAVE_ECC */
+    /* set the extensions */
+    der->extensionsSz = 0;
+    /* CA */
+    if (cert->isCA) {
+        der->caSz = SetCa(der->ca, sizeof(der->ca));
+        if (der->caSz <= 0)
+            return CA_TRUE_E;
+        der->extensionsSz += der->caSz;
+    }
+    else
+        der->caSz = 0;
+    /* SKID */
+    if (cert->skidSz) {
+        /* check the provided SKID size */
+        if (cert->skidSz > (int)sizeof(der->skid))
+            return SKID_E;
+        der->skidSz = SetSKID(der->skid, sizeof(der->skid),
+                              cert->skid, cert->skidSz);
+        if (der->skidSz <= 0)
+            return SKID_E;
+        der->extensionsSz += der->skidSz;
+    }
+    else
+        der->skidSz = 0;
+    /* Key Usage */
+    if (cert->keyUsage != 0){
+        der->keyUsageSz = SetKeyUsage(der->keyUsage, sizeof(der->keyUsage),
+                                      cert->keyUsage);
+        if (der->keyUsageSz <= 0)
+            return KEYUSAGE_E;
+        der->extensionsSz += der->keyUsageSz;
+    }
+    else
+        der->keyUsageSz = 0;
+#endif /* WOLFSSL_CERT_EXT */
+    /* put extensions */
+    if (der->extensionsSz > 0) {
+        int ret;
+        /* put the start of sequence (ID, Size) */
+        der->extensionsSz = SetSequence(der->extensionsSz, der->extensions);
+        if (der->extensionsSz <= 0)
+            return EXTENSIONS_E;
+        /* put CA */
+        if (der->caSz) {
+            ret = SetExtensions(der->extensions, sizeof(der->extensions),
+                                &der->extensionsSz,
+                                der->ca, der->caSz);
+            if (ret <= 0)
+                return EXTENSIONS_E;
+        }
+        /* put SKID */
+        if (der->skidSz) {
+            ret = SetExtensions(der->extensions, sizeof(der->extensions),
+                                &der->extensionsSz,
+                                der->skid, der->skidSz);
+            if (ret <= 0)
+                return EXTENSIONS_E;
+        }
+        /* put AKID */
+        if (der->akidSz) {
+            ret = SetExtensions(der->extensions, sizeof(der->extensions),
+                                &der->extensionsSz,
+                                der->akid, der->akidSz);
+            if (ret <= 0)
+                return EXTENSIONS_E;
+        }
+        /* put KeyUsage */
+        if (der->keyUsageSz) {
+            ret = SetExtensions(der->extensions, sizeof(der->extensions),
+                                &der->extensionsSz,
+                                der->keyUsage, der->keyUsageSz);
+            if (ret <= 0)
+                return EXTENSIONS_E;
+        }
+#endif /* WOLFSSL_CERT_EXT */
+    }
+    der->attribSz = SetReqAttrib(der->attrib,
+                                 cert->challengePw, der->extensionsSz);
+    if (der->attribSz <= 0)
+        return REQ_ATTRIBUTE_E;
+    der->total = der->versionSz + der->subjectSz + der->publicKeySz +
+        der->extensionsSz + der->attribSz;
+    return 0;
+/* write DER encoded cert req to buffer, size already checked */
+static int WriteCertReqBody(DerCert* der, byte* buffer)
+    int idx;
+    /* signed part header */
+    idx = SetSequence(der->total, buffer);
+    /* version */
+    XMEMCPY(buffer + idx, der->version, der->versionSz);
+    idx += der->versionSz;
+    /* subject */
+    XMEMCPY(buffer + idx, der->subject, der->subjectSz);
+    idx += der->subjectSz;
+    /* public key */
+    XMEMCPY(buffer + idx, der->publicKey, der->publicKeySz);
+    idx += der->publicKeySz;
+    /* attributes */
+    XMEMCPY(buffer + idx, der->attrib, der->attribSz);
+    idx += der->attribSz;
+    /* extensions */
+    if (der->extensionsSz) {
+        XMEMCPY(buffer + idx, der->extensions, min(der->extensionsSz,
+                                               (int)sizeof(der->extensions)));
+        idx += der->extensionsSz;
+    }
+    return idx;
+int wc_MakeCertReq(Cert* cert, byte* derBuffer, word32 derSz,
+                RsaKey* rsaKey, ecc_key* eccKey)
+    int ret;
+    DerCert* der;
+    DerCert der[1];
+    cert->keyType = eccKey ? ECC_KEY : RSA_KEY;
+    der = (DerCert*)XMALLOC(sizeof(DerCert), NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+    if (der == NULL)
+        return MEMORY_E;
+    ret = EncodeCertReq(cert, der, rsaKey, eccKey);
+    if (ret == 0) {
+        if (der->total + MAX_SEQ_SZ * 2 > (int)derSz)
+            ret = BUFFER_E;
+        else
+            ret = cert->bodySz = WriteCertReqBody(der, derBuffer);
+    }
+    return ret;
+#endif /* WOLFSSL_CERT_REQ */
+int wc_SignCert(int requestSz, int sType, byte* buffer, word32 buffSz,
+             RsaKey* rsaKey, ecc_key* eccKey, WC_RNG* rng)
+    int sigSz = 0;
+    void* heap = NULL;
+    CertSignCtx* certSignCtx = NULL;
+    CertSignCtx  certSignCtx_lcl;
+    certSignCtx = &certSignCtx_lcl;
+    XMEMSET(certSignCtx, 0, sizeof(CertSignCtx));
+    if (requestSz < 0)
+        return requestSz;
+    /* locate ctx */
+    if (rsaKey) {
+        certSignCtx = &rsaKey->certSignCtx;
+    #endif
+        heap = rsaKey->heap;
+    }
+    else if (eccKey) {
+        certSignCtx = &eccKey->certSignCtx;
+    #endif
+        heap = eccKey->heap;
+    }
+    if (certSignCtx == NULL) {
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    }
+    if (certSignCtx->sig == NULL) {
+        certSignCtx->sig = (byte*)XMALLOC(MAX_ENCODED_SIG_SZ, heap,
+        if (certSignCtx->sig == NULL)
+            return MEMORY_E;
+    }
+    sigSz = MakeSignature(certSignCtx, buffer, requestSz, certSignCtx->sig,
+        MAX_ENCODED_SIG_SZ, rsaKey, eccKey, rng, sType, heap);
+    if (sigSz == WC_PENDING_E)
+        return sigSz;
+    if (sigSz >= 0) {
+        if (requestSz + MAX_SEQ_SZ * 2 + sigSz > (int)buffSz)
+            sigSz = BUFFER_E;
+        else
+            sigSz = AddSignature(buffer, requestSz, certSignCtx->sig, sigSz, sType);
+    }
+    XFREE(certSignCtx->sig, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+    certSignCtx->sig = NULL;
+    return sigSz;
+int wc_MakeSelfCert(Cert* cert, byte* buffer, word32 buffSz,
+                    RsaKey* key, WC_RNG* rng)
+    int ret;
+    ret = wc_MakeCert(cert, buffer, buffSz, key, NULL, rng);
+    if (ret < 0)
+        return ret;
+    return wc_SignCert(cert->bodySz, cert->sigType,
+                       buffer, buffSz, key, NULL, rng);
+/* Set KID from RSA or ECC public key */
+static int SetKeyIdFromPublicKey(Cert *cert, RsaKey *rsakey, ecc_key *eckey,
+                                 byte *ntruKey, word16 ntruKeySz, int kid_type)
+    byte    *buffer;
+    int     bufferSz, ret;
+#ifndef HAVE_NTRU
+    (void)ntruKeySz;
+    if (cert == NULL || (rsakey == NULL && eckey == NULL && ntruKey == NULL) ||
+        (rsakey != NULL && eckey != NULL) ||
+        (rsakey != NULL && ntruKey != NULL) ||
+        (ntruKey != NULL && eckey != NULL) ||
+        (kid_type != SKID_TYPE && kid_type != AKID_TYPE))
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    buffer = (byte *)XMALLOC(MAX_PUBLIC_KEY_SZ, cert->heap,
+                                                       DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+    if (buffer == NULL)
+        return MEMORY_E;
+    /* RSA public key */
+    if (rsakey != NULL)
+        bufferSz = SetRsaPublicKey(buffer, rsakey, MAX_PUBLIC_KEY_SZ, 0);
+#ifdef HAVE_ECC
+    /* ECC public key */
+    else if (eckey != NULL)
+        bufferSz = SetEccPublicKey(buffer, eckey, 0);
+#endif /* HAVE_ECC */
+#ifdef HAVE_NTRU
+    /* NTRU public key */
+    else if (ntruKey != NULL) {
+        bufferSz = MAX_PUBLIC_KEY_SZ;
+        ret = ntru_crypto_ntru_encrypt_publicKey2SubjectPublicKeyInfo(
+                        ntruKeySz, ntruKey, (word16 *)(&bufferSz), buffer);
+        if (ret != NTRU_OK)
+            bufferSz = -1;
+    }
+    else
+        bufferSz = -1;
+    if (bufferSz <= 0) {
+        XFREE(buffer, cert->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+        return PUBLIC_KEY_E;
+    }
+    /* Compute SKID by hashing public key */
+#ifdef NO_SHA
+    if (kid_type == SKID_TYPE) {
+        ret = wc_Sha256Hash(buffer, bufferSz, cert->skid);
+        cert->skidSz = SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE;
+    }
+    else if (kid_type == AKID_TYPE) {
+        ret = wc_Sha256Hash(buffer, bufferSz, cert->akid);
+        cert->akidSz = SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE;
+    }
+    else
+        ret = BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+#else /* NO_SHA */
+    if (kid_type == SKID_TYPE) {
+        ret = wc_ShaHash(buffer, bufferSz, cert->skid);
+        cert->skidSz = SHA_DIGEST_SIZE;
+    }
+    else if (kid_type == AKID_TYPE) {
+        ret = wc_ShaHash(buffer, bufferSz, cert->akid);
+        cert->akidSz = SHA_DIGEST_SIZE;
+    }
+    else
+        ret = BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+#endif /* NO_SHA */
+    XFREE(buffer, cert->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+    return ret;
+/* Set SKID from RSA or ECC public key */
+int wc_SetSubjectKeyIdFromPublicKey(Cert *cert, RsaKey *rsakey, ecc_key *eckey)
+    return SetKeyIdFromPublicKey(cert, rsakey, eckey, NULL, 0, SKID_TYPE);
+#ifdef HAVE_NTRU
+/* Set SKID from NTRU public key */
+int wc_SetSubjectKeyIdFromNtruPublicKey(Cert *cert,
+                                        byte *ntruKey, word16 ntruKeySz)
+    return SetKeyIdFromPublicKey(cert, NULL,NULL,ntruKey, ntruKeySz, SKID_TYPE);
+/* Set SKID from RSA or ECC public key */
+int wc_SetAuthKeyIdFromPublicKey(Cert *cert, RsaKey *rsakey, ecc_key *eckey)
+    return SetKeyIdFromPublicKey(cert, rsakey, eckey, NULL, 0, AKID_TYPE);
+/* Set SKID from public key file in PEM */
+int wc_SetSubjectKeyId(Cert *cert, const char* file)
+    int     ret, derSz;
+    byte*   der;
+    word32  idx;
+    RsaKey  *rsakey = NULL;
+    ecc_key *eckey = NULL;
+    if (cert == NULL || file == NULL)
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    der = (byte*)XMALLOC(MAX_PUBLIC_KEY_SZ, cert->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CERT);
+    if (der == NULL) {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("wc_SetSubjectKeyId memory Problem");
+        return MEMORY_E;
+    }
+    derSz = wolfSSL_PemPubKeyToDer(file, der, MAX_PUBLIC_KEY_SZ);
+    if (derSz <= 0)
+    {
+        XFREE(der, cert->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CERT);
+        return derSz;
+    }
+    /* Load PubKey in internal structure */
+    rsakey = (RsaKey*) XMALLOC(sizeof(RsaKey), cert->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_RSA);
+    if (rsakey == NULL) {
+        XFREE(der, cert->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CERT);
+        return MEMORY_E;
+    }
+    if (wc_InitRsaKey(rsakey, cert->heap) != 0) {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("wc_InitRsaKey failure");
+        XFREE(rsakey, cert->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_RSA);
+        XFREE(der, cert->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CERT);
+        return MEMORY_E;
+    }
+    idx = 0;
+    ret = wc_RsaPublicKeyDecode(der, &idx, rsakey, derSz);
+    if (ret != 0) {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("wc_RsaPublicKeyDecode failed");
+        wc_FreeRsaKey(rsakey);
+        XFREE(rsakey, cert->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_RSA);
+        rsakey = NULL;
+#ifdef HAVE_ECC
+        /* Check to load ecc public key */
+        eckey = (ecc_key*) XMALLOC(sizeof(ecc_key), cert->heap,
+                                                              DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC);
+        if (eckey == NULL) {
+            XFREE(der, cert->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CERT);
+            return MEMORY_E;
+        }
+        if (wc_ecc_init(eckey) != 0) {
+            WOLFSSL_MSG("wc_ecc_init failure");
+            wc_ecc_free(eckey);
+            XFREE(eckey, cert->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC);
+            XFREE(der, cert->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CERT);
+            return MEMORY_E;
+        }
+        idx = 0;
+        ret = wc_EccPublicKeyDecode(der, &idx, eckey, derSz);
+        if (ret != 0) {
+            WOLFSSL_MSG("wc_EccPublicKeyDecode failed");
+            XFREE(der, cert->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CERT);
+            wc_ecc_free(eckey);
+            return PUBLIC_KEY_E;
+        }
+        XFREE(der, cert->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CERT);
+        return PUBLIC_KEY_E;
+#endif /* HAVE_ECC */
+    }
+    XFREE(der, cert->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CERT);
+    ret = wc_SetSubjectKeyIdFromPublicKey(cert, rsakey, eckey);
+    wc_FreeRsaKey(rsakey);
+    XFREE(rsakey, cert->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_RSA);
+#ifdef HAVE_ECC
+    wc_ecc_free(eckey);
+    XFREE(eckey, cert->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC);
+    return ret;
+#endif /* NO_FILESYSTEM */
+/* Set AKID from certificate contains in buffer (DER encoded) */
+int wc_SetAuthKeyIdFromCert(Cert *cert, const byte *der, int derSz)
+    int ret;
+    DecodedCert* decoded;
+    DecodedCert decoded[1];
+    if (cert == NULL || der == NULL || derSz <= 0)
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    decoded = (DecodedCert*)XMALLOC(sizeof(DecodedCert),
+                                    NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+    if (decoded == NULL)
+        return MEMORY_E;
+    /* decode certificate and get SKID that will be AKID of current cert */
+    InitDecodedCert(decoded, (byte*)der, derSz, NULL);
+    ret = ParseCert(decoded, CERT_TYPE, NO_VERIFY, 0);
+    if (ret != 0) {
+        FreeDecodedCert(decoded);
+        #ifdef WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK
+            XFREE(decoded, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+        #endif
+        return ret;
+    }
+    /* Subject Key Id not found !! */
+    if (decoded->extSubjKeyIdSet == 0) {
+        FreeDecodedCert(decoded);
+        #ifdef WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK
+            XFREE(decoded, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+        #endif
+        return ASN_NO_SKID;
+    }
+    /* SKID invalid size */
+    if (sizeof(cert->akid) < sizeof(decoded->extSubjKeyId)) {
+        FreeDecodedCert(decoded);
+        #ifdef WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK
+            XFREE(decoded, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+        #endif
+        return MEMORY_E;
+    }
+    /* Put the SKID of CA to AKID of certificate */
+    XMEMCPY(cert->akid, decoded->extSubjKeyId, KEYID_SIZE);
+    cert->akidSz = KEYID_SIZE;
+    FreeDecodedCert(decoded);
+    #endif
+    return 0;
+/* Set AKID from certificate file in PEM */
+int wc_SetAuthKeyId(Cert *cert, const char* file)
+    int         ret;
+    int         derSz;
+    byte*       der;
+    if (cert == NULL || file == NULL)
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    der = (byte*)XMALLOC(EIGHTK_BUF, cert->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CERT);
+    if (der == NULL) {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("wc_SetAuthKeyId OOF Problem");
+        return MEMORY_E;
+    }
+    derSz = wolfSSL_PemCertToDer(file, der, EIGHTK_BUF);
+    if (derSz <= 0)
+    {
+        XFREE(der, cert->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CERT);
+        return derSz;
+    }
+    ret = wc_SetAuthKeyIdFromCert(cert, der, derSz);
+    XFREE(der, cert->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CERT);
+    return ret;
+#endif /* NO_FILESYSTEM */
+/* Set KeyUsage from human readable string */
+int wc_SetKeyUsage(Cert *cert, const char *value)
+    int ret = 0;
+    char *token, *str, *ptr;
+    word32 len;
+    if (cert == NULL || value == NULL)
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    cert->keyUsage = 0;
+    str = (char *)XMALLOC(XSTRLEN(value)+1, cert->heap,
+                                                       DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+    if (str == NULL)
+        return MEMORY_E;
+    XMEMSET(str, 0, XSTRLEN(value)+1);
+    XSTRNCPY(str, value, XSTRLEN(value));
+    /* parse value, and set corresponding Key Usage value */
+    token = XSTRTOK(str, ",", &ptr);
+    while (token != NULL)
+    {
+        len = (word32)XSTRLEN(token);
+        if (!XSTRNCASECMP(token, "digitalSignature", len))
+            cert->keyUsage |= KEYUSE_DIGITAL_SIG;
+        else if (!XSTRNCASECMP(token, "nonRepudiation", len) ||
+                 !XSTRNCASECMP(token, "contentCommitment", len))
+            cert->keyUsage |= KEYUSE_CONTENT_COMMIT;
+        else if (!XSTRNCASECMP(token, "keyEncipherment", len))
+            cert->keyUsage |= KEYUSE_KEY_ENCIPHER;
+        else if (!XSTRNCASECMP(token, "dataEncipherment", len))
+            cert->keyUsage |= KEYUSE_DATA_ENCIPHER;
+        else if (!XSTRNCASECMP(token, "keyAgreement", len))
+            cert->keyUsage |= KEYUSE_KEY_AGREE;
+        else if (!XSTRNCASECMP(token, "keyCertSign", len))
+            cert->keyUsage |= KEYUSE_KEY_CERT_SIGN;
+        else if (!XSTRNCASECMP(token, "cRLSign", len))
+            cert->keyUsage |= KEYUSE_CRL_SIGN;
+        else if (!XSTRNCASECMP(token, "encipherOnly", len))
+            cert->keyUsage |= KEYUSE_ENCIPHER_ONLY;
+        else if (!XSTRNCASECMP(token, "decipherOnly", len))
+            cert->keyUsage |= KEYUSE_DECIPHER_ONLY;
+        else {
+            ret = KEYUSAGE_E;
+            break;
+        }
+        token = XSTRTOK(NULL, ",", &ptr);
+    }
+    XFREE(str, cert->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+    return ret;
+#endif /* WOLFSSL_CERT_EXT */
+/* Set Alt Names from der cert, return 0 on success */
+static int SetAltNamesFromCert(Cert* cert, const byte* der, int derSz)
+    int ret;
+    DecodedCert* decoded;
+    DecodedCert decoded[1];
+    if (derSz < 0)
+        return derSz;
+    decoded = (DecodedCert*)XMALLOC(sizeof(DecodedCert), NULL,
+                                                       DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+    if (decoded == NULL)
+        return MEMORY_E;
+    InitDecodedCert(decoded, (byte*)der, derSz, NULL);
+    ret = ParseCertRelative(decoded, CA_TYPE, NO_VERIFY, 0);
+    if (ret < 0) {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("ParseCertRelative error");
+    }
+    else if (decoded->extensions) {
+        byte   b;
+        int    length;
+        word32 maxExtensionsIdx;
+        decoded->srcIdx = decoded->extensionsIdx;
+        b = decoded->source[decoded->srcIdx++];
+        if (b != ASN_EXTENSIONS) {
+            ret = ASN_PARSE_E;
+        }
+        else if (GetLength(decoded->source, &decoded->srcIdx, &length,
+                                                         decoded->maxIdx) < 0) {
+            ret = ASN_PARSE_E;
+        }
+        else if (GetSequence(decoded->source, &decoded->srcIdx, &length,
+                                                         decoded->maxIdx) < 0) {
+            ret = ASN_PARSE_E;
+        }
+        else {
+            maxExtensionsIdx = decoded->srcIdx + length;
+            while (decoded->srcIdx < maxExtensionsIdx) {
+                word32 oid;
+                word32 startIdx = decoded->srcIdx;
+                word32 tmpIdx;
+                if (GetSequence(decoded->source, &decoded->srcIdx, &length,
+                            decoded->maxIdx) < 0) {
+                    ret = ASN_PARSE_E;
+                    break;
+                }
+                tmpIdx = decoded->srcIdx;
+                decoded->srcIdx = startIdx;
+                if (GetAlgoId(decoded->source, &decoded->srcIdx, &oid,
+                              oidCertExtType, decoded->maxIdx) < 0) {
+                    ret = ASN_PARSE_E;
+                    break;
+                }
+                if (oid == ALT_NAMES_OID) {
+                    cert->altNamesSz = length + (tmpIdx - startIdx);
+                    if (cert->altNamesSz < (int)sizeof(cert->altNames))
+                        XMEMCPY(cert->altNames, &decoded->source[startIdx],
+                                cert->altNamesSz);
+                    else {
+                        cert->altNamesSz = 0;
+                        WOLFSSL_MSG("AltNames extensions too big");
+                        ret = ALT_NAME_E;
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+                decoded->srcIdx = tmpIdx + length;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    FreeDecodedCert(decoded);
+    return ret < 0 ? ret : 0;
+/* Set Dates from der cert, return 0 on success */
+static int SetDatesFromCert(Cert* cert, const byte* der, int derSz)
+    int ret;
+    DecodedCert* decoded;
+    DecodedCert decoded[1];
+    WOLFSSL_ENTER("SetDatesFromCert");
+    if (derSz < 0)
+        return derSz;
+    decoded = (DecodedCert*)XMALLOC(sizeof(DecodedCert), NULL,
+                                                       DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+    if (decoded == NULL)
+        return MEMORY_E;
+    InitDecodedCert(decoded, (byte*)der, derSz, NULL);
+    ret = ParseCertRelative(decoded, CA_TYPE, NO_VERIFY, 0);
+    if (ret < 0) {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("ParseCertRelative error");
+    }
+    else if (decoded->beforeDate == NULL || decoded->afterDate == NULL) {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("Couldn't extract dates");
+        ret = -1;
+    }
+    else if (decoded->beforeDateLen > MAX_DATE_SIZE ||
+                                        decoded->afterDateLen > MAX_DATE_SIZE) {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("Bad date size");
+        ret = -1;
+    }
+    else {
+        XMEMCPY(cert->beforeDate, decoded->beforeDate, decoded->beforeDateLen);
+        XMEMCPY(cert->afterDate,  decoded->afterDate,  decoded->afterDateLen);
+        cert->beforeDateSz = decoded->beforeDateLen;
+        cert->afterDateSz  = decoded->afterDateLen;
+    }
+    FreeDecodedCert(decoded);
+    return ret < 0 ? ret : 0;
+#endif /* WOLFSSL_ALT_NAMES && !NO_RSA */
+/* Set cn name from der buffer, return 0 on success */
+static int SetNameFromCert(CertName* cn, const byte* der, int derSz)
+    int ret, sz;
+    DecodedCert* decoded;
+    DecodedCert decoded[1];
+    if (derSz < 0)
+        return derSz;
+    decoded = (DecodedCert*)XMALLOC(sizeof(DecodedCert), NULL,
+                                                       DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+    if (decoded == NULL)
+        return MEMORY_E;
+    InitDecodedCert(decoded, (byte*)der, derSz, NULL);
+    ret = ParseCertRelative(decoded, CA_TYPE, NO_VERIFY, 0);
+    if (ret < 0) {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("ParseCertRelative error");
+    }
+    else {
+        if (decoded->subjectCN) {
+            sz = (decoded->subjectCNLen < CTC_NAME_SIZE) ? decoded->subjectCNLen
+                                                         : CTC_NAME_SIZE - 1;
+            strncpy(cn->commonName, decoded->subjectCN, CTC_NAME_SIZE);
+            cn->commonName[sz] = 0;
+            cn->commonNameEnc = decoded->subjectCNEnc;
+        }
+        if (decoded->subjectC) {
+            sz = (decoded->subjectCLen < CTC_NAME_SIZE) ? decoded->subjectCLen
+                                                        : CTC_NAME_SIZE - 1;
+            strncpy(cn->country, decoded->subjectC, CTC_NAME_SIZE);
+            cn->country[sz] = 0;
+            cn->countryEnc = decoded->subjectCEnc;
+        }
+        if (decoded->subjectST) {
+            sz = (decoded->subjectSTLen < CTC_NAME_SIZE) ? decoded->subjectSTLen
+                                                         : CTC_NAME_SIZE - 1;
+            strncpy(cn->state, decoded->subjectST, CTC_NAME_SIZE);
+            cn->state[sz] = 0;
+            cn->stateEnc = decoded->subjectSTEnc;
+        }
+        if (decoded->subjectL) {
+            sz = (decoded->subjectLLen < CTC_NAME_SIZE) ? decoded->subjectLLen
+                                                        : CTC_NAME_SIZE - 1;
+            strncpy(cn->locality, decoded->subjectL, CTC_NAME_SIZE);
+            cn->locality[sz] = 0;
+            cn->localityEnc = decoded->subjectLEnc;
+        }
+        if (decoded->subjectO) {
+            sz = (decoded->subjectOLen < CTC_NAME_SIZE) ? decoded->subjectOLen
+                                                        : CTC_NAME_SIZE - 1;
+            strncpy(cn->org, decoded->subjectO, CTC_NAME_SIZE);
+            cn->org[sz] = 0;
+            cn->orgEnc = decoded->subjectOEnc;
+        }
+        if (decoded->subjectOU) {
+            sz = (decoded->subjectOULen < CTC_NAME_SIZE) ? decoded->subjectOULen
+                                                         : CTC_NAME_SIZE - 1;
+            strncpy(cn->unit, decoded->subjectOU, CTC_NAME_SIZE);
+            cn->unit[sz] = 0;
+            cn->unitEnc = decoded->subjectOUEnc;
+        }
+        if (decoded->subjectSN) {
+            sz = (decoded->subjectSNLen < CTC_NAME_SIZE) ? decoded->subjectSNLen
+                                                         : CTC_NAME_SIZE - 1;
+            strncpy(cn->sur, decoded->subjectSN, CTC_NAME_SIZE);
+            cn->sur[sz] = 0;
+            cn->surEnc = decoded->subjectSNEnc;
+        }
+        if (decoded->subjectEmail) {
+            sz = (decoded->subjectEmailLen < CTC_NAME_SIZE)
+               ?  decoded->subjectEmailLen : CTC_NAME_SIZE - 1;
+            strncpy(cn->email, decoded->subjectEmail, CTC_NAME_SIZE);
+            cn->email[sz] = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    FreeDecodedCert(decoded);
+    return ret < 0 ? ret : 0;
+/* Set cert issuer from issuerFile in PEM */
+int wc_SetIssuer(Cert* cert, const char* issuerFile)
+    int         ret;
+    int         derSz;
+    byte*       der = (byte*)XMALLOC(EIGHTK_BUF, cert->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CERT);
+    if (der == NULL) {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("wc_SetIssuer OOF Problem");
+        return MEMORY_E;
+    }
+    derSz = wolfSSL_PemCertToDer(issuerFile, der, EIGHTK_BUF);
+    cert->selfSigned = 0;
+    ret = SetNameFromCert(&cert->issuer, der, derSz);
+    XFREE(der, cert->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CERT);
+    return ret;
+/* Set cert subject from subjectFile in PEM */
+int wc_SetSubject(Cert* cert, const char* subjectFile)
+    int         ret;
+    int         derSz;
+    byte*       der = (byte*)XMALLOC(EIGHTK_BUF, cert->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CERT);
+    if (der == NULL) {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("wc_SetSubject OOF Problem");
+        return MEMORY_E;
+    }
+    derSz = wolfSSL_PemCertToDer(subjectFile, der, EIGHTK_BUF);
+    ret = SetNameFromCert(&cert->subject, der, derSz);
+    XFREE(der, cert->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CERT);
+    return ret;
+/* Set atl names from file in PEM */
+int wc_SetAltNames(Cert* cert, const char* file)
+    int         ret;
+    int         derSz;
+    byte*       der = (byte*)XMALLOC(EIGHTK_BUF, cert->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CERT);
+    if (der == NULL) {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("wc_SetAltNames OOF Problem");
+        return MEMORY_E;
+    }
+    derSz = wolfSSL_PemCertToDer(file, der, EIGHTK_BUF);
+    ret = SetAltNamesFromCert(cert, der, derSz);
+    XFREE(der, cert->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CERT);
+    return ret;
+#endif /* WOLFSSL_ALT_NAMES */
+#endif /* NO_FILESYSTEM */
+/* Set cert issuer from DER buffer */
+int wc_SetIssuerBuffer(Cert* cert, const byte* der, int derSz)
+    cert->selfSigned = 0;
+    return SetNameFromCert(&cert->issuer, der, derSz);
+/* Set cert subject from DER buffer */
+int wc_SetSubjectBuffer(Cert* cert, const byte* der, int derSz)
+    return SetNameFromCert(&cert->subject, der, derSz);
+/* Set cert alt names from DER buffer */
+int wc_SetAltNamesBuffer(Cert* cert, const byte* der, int derSz)
+    return SetAltNamesFromCert(cert, der, derSz);
+/* Set cert dates from DER buffer */
+int wc_SetDatesBuffer(Cert* cert, const byte* der, int derSz)
+    return SetDatesFromCert(cert, der, derSz);
+#endif /* WOLFSSL_ALT_NAMES */
+#endif /* WOLFSSL_CERT_GEN */
+#ifdef HAVE_ECC
+/* Der Encode r & s ints into out, outLen is (in/out) size */
+int StoreECC_DSA_Sig(byte* out, word32* outLen, mp_int* r, mp_int* s)
+    word32 idx = 0;
+    int    rSz;                           /* encoding size */
+    int    sSz;
+    word32 headerSz = 4;   /* 2*ASN_TAG + 2*LEN(ENUM) */
+    /* If the leading bit on the INTEGER is a 1, add a leading zero */
+    int rLeadingZero = mp_leading_bit(r);
+    int sLeadingZero = mp_leading_bit(s);
+    int rLen = mp_unsigned_bin_size(r);   /* big int size */
+    int sLen = mp_unsigned_bin_size(s);
+    if (*outLen < (rLen + rLeadingZero + sLen + sLeadingZero +
+                   headerSz + 2))  /* SEQ_TAG + LEN(ENUM) */
+        return BUFFER_E;
+    idx = SetSequence(rLen + rLeadingZero + sLen+sLeadingZero + headerSz, out);
+    /* store r */
+    rSz = SetASNIntMP(r, -1, &out[idx]);
+    if (rSz < 0)
+        return rSz;
+    idx += rSz;
+    /* store s */
+    sSz = SetASNIntMP(s, -1, &out[idx]);
+    if (sSz < 0)
+        return sSz;
+    idx += sSz;
+    *outLen = idx;
+    return 0;
+/* Der Decode ECC-DSA Signature, r & s stored as big ints */
+int DecodeECC_DSA_Sig(const byte* sig, word32 sigLen, mp_int* r, mp_int* s)
+    word32 idx = 0;
+    int    len = 0;
+    if (GetSequence(sig, &idx, &len, sigLen) < 0) {
+        return ASN_ECC_KEY_E;
+    }
+    if ((word32)len > (sigLen - idx)) {
+        return ASN_ECC_KEY_E;
+    }
+    if (GetInt(r, sig, &idx, sigLen) < 0) {
+        return ASN_ECC_KEY_E;
+    }
+    if (GetInt(s, sig, &idx, sigLen) < 0) {
+        return ASN_ECC_KEY_E;
+    }
+    return 0;
+int wc_EccPrivateKeyDecode(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx, ecc_key* key,
+                        word32 inSz)
+    word32 oidSum;
+    int    version, length;
+    int    privSz, pubSz;
+    byte   b;
+    int    ret = 0;
+    int    curve_id = ECC_CURVE_DEF;
+    byte* priv;
+    byte* pub;
+    byte priv[ECC_MAXSIZE+1];
+    byte pub[2*(ECC_MAXSIZE+1)]; /* public key has two parts plus header */
+    if (input == NULL || inOutIdx == NULL || key == NULL || inSz == 0)
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    if (GetSequence(input, inOutIdx, &length, inSz) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if (GetMyVersion(input, inOutIdx, &version, inSz) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    b = input[*inOutIdx];
+    *inOutIdx += 1;
+    /* priv type */
+    if (b != 4 && b != 6 && b != 7)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if (GetLength(input, inOutIdx, &length, inSz) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if (length > ECC_MAXSIZE)
+        return BUFFER_E;
+    if (priv == NULL)
+        return MEMORY_E;
+    if (pub == NULL) {
+        return MEMORY_E;
+    }
+    /* priv key */
+    privSz = length;
+    XMEMCPY(priv, &input[*inOutIdx], privSz);
+    *inOutIdx += length;
+    if ((*inOutIdx + 1) > inSz)
+        return BUFFER_E;
+    /* prefix 0, may have */
+    b = input[*inOutIdx];
+    if (b == ECC_PREFIX_0) {
+        *inOutIdx += 1;
+        if (GetLength(input, inOutIdx, &length, inSz) <= 0)
+            ret = ASN_PARSE_E;
+        else {
+            ret = GetObjectId(input, inOutIdx, &oidSum, oidIgnoreType, inSz);
+            if (ret == 0) {
+                if ((ret = CheckCurve(oidSum)) < 0)
+                    ret = ECC_CURVE_OID_E;
+                else {
+                    curve_id = ret;
+                    ret = 0;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (ret == 0) {
+        /* prefix 1 */
+        b = input[*inOutIdx];
+        *inOutIdx += 1;
+        if (b != ECC_PREFIX_1) {
+            ret = ASN_ECC_KEY_E;
+        }
+        else if (GetLength(input, inOutIdx, &length, inSz) <= 0) {
+            ret = ASN_PARSE_E;
+        }
+        else {
+            /* key header */
+            ret = CheckBitString(input, inOutIdx, &length, inSz, 0, NULL);
+            if (ret == 0) {
+                /* pub key */
+                pubSz = length;
+                if (pubSz < 2*(ECC_MAXSIZE+1)) {
+                    XMEMCPY(pub, &input[*inOutIdx], pubSz);
+                    *inOutIdx += length;
+                    ret = wc_ecc_import_private_key_ex(priv, privSz, pub,
+                                                    pubSz, key, curve_id);
+                }
+                else
+                    ret = BUFFER_E;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return ret;
+int wc_EccPublicKeyDecode(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx,
+                          ecc_key* key, word32 inSz)
+    int    length;
+    int    ret;
+    word32 oidSum;
+    if (input == NULL || inOutIdx == NULL || key == NULL || inSz == 0)
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    if (GetSequence(input, inOutIdx, &length, inSz) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if (GetSequence(input, inOutIdx, &length, inSz) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    ret = SkipObjectId(input, inOutIdx, inSz);
+    if (ret != 0)
+        return ret;
+    /* ecc params information */
+    ret = GetObjectId(input, inOutIdx, &oidSum, oidIgnoreType, inSz);
+    if (ret != 0)
+        return ret;
+    if (CheckCurve(oidSum) < 0)
+        return ECC_CURVE_OID_E;
+    ret = SkipObjectId(input, inOutIdx, inSz);
+    if (ret != 0)
+        return ret;
+    /* key header */
+    ret = CheckBitString(input, inOutIdx, NULL, inSz, 1, NULL);
+    if (ret != 0)
+        return ret;
+    /* This is the raw point data compressed or uncompressed. */
+    if (wc_ecc_import_x963(input + *inOutIdx, inSz - *inOutIdx, key) != 0)
+        return ASN_ECC_KEY_E;
+    return 0;
+/* build DER formatted ECC key, include optional public key if requested,
+ * return length on success, negative on error */
+static int wc_BuildEccKeyDer(ecc_key* key, byte* output, word32 inLen,
+                             int pubIn)
+    byte   curve[MAX_ALGO_SZ+2];
+    byte   ver[MAX_VERSION_SZ];
+    byte   seq[MAX_SEQ_SZ];
+    byte   *prv = NULL, *pub = NULL;
+    int    ret, totalSz, curveSz, verSz;
+    int    privHdrSz  = ASN_ECC_HEADER_SZ;
+    int    pubHdrSz   = ASN_ECC_CONTEXT_SZ + ASN_ECC_HEADER_SZ;
+    word32 idx = 0, prvidx = 0, pubidx = 0, curveidx = 0;
+    word32 seqSz, privSz, pubSz = ECC_BUFSIZE;
+    if (key == NULL || output == NULL || inLen == 0)
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    /* curve */
+    curve[curveidx++] = ECC_PREFIX_0;
+    curveidx++ /* to put the size after computation */;
+    curveSz = SetCurve(key, curve+curveidx);
+    if (curveSz < 0)
+        return curveSz;
+    /* set computed size */
+    curve[1] = (byte)curveSz;
+    curveidx += curveSz;
+    /* private */
+    privSz = key->dp->size;
+    prv = (byte*)XMALLOC(privSz + privHdrSz + MAX_SEQ_SZ,
+                         key->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+    if (prv == NULL) {
+        return MEMORY_E;
+    }
+    prvidx += SetOctetString8Bit(key->dp->size, &prv[prvidx]);
+    ret = wc_ecc_export_private_only(key, prv + prvidx, &privSz);
+    if (ret < 0) {
+        XFREE(prv, key->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+        return ret;
+    }
+    prvidx += privSz;
+    /* pubIn */
+    if (pubIn) {
+        ret = wc_ecc_export_x963(key, NULL, &pubSz);
+        if (ret != LENGTH_ONLY_E) {
+            XFREE(prv, key->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+            return ret;
+        }
+        pub = (byte*)XMALLOC(pubSz + pubHdrSz + MAX_SEQ_SZ,
+                             key->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+        if (pub == NULL) {
+            XFREE(prv, key->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+            return MEMORY_E;
+        }
+        pub[pubidx++] = ECC_PREFIX_1;
+        if (pubSz > 128) /* leading zero + extra size byte */
+            pubidx += SetLength(pubSz + ASN_ECC_CONTEXT_SZ + 2, pub+pubidx);
+        else /* leading zero */
+            pubidx += SetLength(pubSz + ASN_ECC_CONTEXT_SZ + 1, pub+pubidx);
+        /* SetBitString adds leading zero */
+        pubidx += SetBitString(pubSz, 0, pub + pubidx);
+        ret = wc_ecc_export_x963(key, pub + pubidx, &pubSz);
+        if (ret != 0) {
+            XFREE(prv, key->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+            XFREE(pub, key->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+            return ret;
+        }
+        pubidx += pubSz;
+    }
+    /* make headers */
+    verSz = SetMyVersion(1, ver, FALSE);
+    seqSz = SetSequence(verSz + prvidx + pubidx + curveidx, seq);
+    totalSz = prvidx + pubidx + curveidx + verSz + seqSz;
+    if (totalSz > (int)inLen) {
+        XFREE(prv, key->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+        if (pubIn) {
+            XFREE(pub, key->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+        }
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    }
+    /* write out */
+    /* seq */
+    XMEMCPY(output + idx, seq, seqSz);
+    idx = seqSz;
+    /* ver */
+    XMEMCPY(output + idx, ver, verSz);
+    idx += verSz;
+    /* private */
+    XMEMCPY(output + idx, prv, prvidx);
+    idx += prvidx;
+    XFREE(prv, key->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+    /* curve */
+    XMEMCPY(output + idx, curve, curveidx);
+    idx += curveidx;
+    /* pubIn */
+    if (pubIn) {
+        XMEMCPY(output + idx, pub, pubidx);
+        /* idx += pubidx;  not used after write, if more data remove comment */
+        XFREE(pub, key->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER);
+    }
+    return totalSz;
+/* Write a Private ecc key, including public to DER format,
+ * length on success else < 0 */
+int wc_EccKeyToDer(ecc_key* key, byte* output, word32 inLen)
+    return wc_BuildEccKeyDer(key, output, inLen, 1);
+/* Write only private ecc key to DER format,
+ * length on success else < 0 */
+int wc_EccPrivateKeyToDer(ecc_key* key, byte* output, word32 inLen)
+    return wc_BuildEccKeyDer(key, output, inLen, 0);
+#endif /* WOLFSSL_KEY_GEN */
+#endif  /* HAVE_ECC */
+#if defined(HAVE_OCSP) || defined(HAVE_CRL)
+/* Get raw Date only, no processing, 0 on success */
+static int GetBasicDate(const byte* source, word32* idx, byte* date,
+                        byte* format, int maxIdx)
+    int    length;
+    WOLFSSL_ENTER("GetBasicDate");
+    *format = source[*idx];
+    *idx += 1;
+    if (*format != ASN_UTC_TIME && *format != ASN_GENERALIZED_TIME)
+        return ASN_TIME_E;
+    if (GetLength(source, idx, &length, maxIdx) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if (length > MAX_DATE_SIZE || length < MIN_DATE_SIZE)
+        return ASN_DATE_SZ_E;
+    XMEMCPY(date, &source[*idx], length);
+    *idx += length;
+    return 0;
+#ifdef HAVE_OCSP
+static int GetEnumerated(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx, int *value)
+    word32 idx = *inOutIdx;
+    word32 len;
+    WOLFSSL_ENTER("GetEnumerated");
+    *value = 0;
+    if (input[idx++] != ASN_ENUMERATED)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    len = input[idx++];
+    if (len > 4)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    while (len--) {
+        *value  = *value << 8 | input[idx++];
+    }
+    *inOutIdx = idx;
+    return *value;
+static int DecodeSingleResponse(byte* source,
+                            word32* ioIndex, OcspResponse* resp, word32 size)
+    word32 idx = *ioIndex, prevIndex, oid;
+    int length, wrapperSz;
+    CertStatus* cs = resp->status;
+    int ret;
+    WOLFSSL_ENTER("DecodeSingleResponse");
+    /* Outer wrapper of the SEQUENCE OF Single Responses. */
+    if (GetSequence(source, &idx, &wrapperSz, size) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    prevIndex = idx;
+    /* When making a request, we only request one status on one certificate
+     * at a time. There should only be one SingleResponse */
+    /* Wrapper around the Single Response */
+    if (GetSequence(source, &idx, &length, size) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    /* Wrapper around the CertID */
+    if (GetSequence(source, &idx, &length, size) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    /* Skip the hash algorithm */
+    if (GetAlgoId(source, &idx, &oid, oidIgnoreType, size) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    /* Save reference to the hash of CN */
+    ret = GetOctetString(source, &idx, &length, size);
+    if (ret < 0)
+        return ret;
+    resp->issuerHash = source + idx;
+    idx += length;
+    /* Save reference to the hash of the issuer public key */
+    ret = GetOctetString(source, &idx, &length, size);
+    if (ret < 0)
+        return ret;
+    resp->issuerKeyHash = source + idx;
+    idx += length;
+    /* Get serial number */
+    if (GetSerialNumber(source, &idx, cs->serial, &cs->serialSz, size) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    /* CertStatus */
+    switch (source[idx++])
+    {
+            cs->status = CERT_GOOD;
+            idx++;
+            break;
+            cs->status = CERT_REVOKED;
+            if (GetLength(source, &idx, &length, size) < 0)
+                return ASN_PARSE_E;
+            idx += length;
+            break;
+            cs->status = CERT_UNKNOWN;
+            idx++;
+            break;
+        default:
+            return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    }
+#if defined(WOLFSSL_NGINX) || defined(WOLFSSL_HAPROXY)
+    cs->thisDateAsn = source + idx;
+    if (GetBasicDate(source, &idx, cs->thisDate,
+                                                &cs->thisDateFormat, size) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+#ifndef NO_ASN_TIME
+    if (!XVALIDATE_DATE(cs->thisDate, cs->thisDateFormat, BEFORE))
+        return ASN_BEFORE_DATE_E;
+    /* The following items are optional. Only check for them if there is more
+     * unprocessed data in the singleResponse wrapper. */
+    if (((int)(idx - prevIndex) < wrapperSz) &&
+        (source[idx] == (ASN_CONSTRUCTED | ASN_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | 0)))
+    {
+        idx++;
+        if (GetLength(source, &idx, &length, size) < 0)
+            return ASN_PARSE_E;
+#if defined(WOLFSSL_NGINX) || defined(WOLFSSL_HAPROXY)
+        cs->nextDateAsn = source + idx;
+        if (GetBasicDate(source, &idx, cs->nextDate,
+                                                &cs->nextDateFormat, size) < 0)
+            return ASN_PARSE_E;
+#ifndef NO_ASN_TIME
+        if (!XVALIDATE_DATE(cs->nextDate, cs->nextDateFormat, AFTER))
+            return ASN_AFTER_DATE_E;
+    }
+    if (((int)(idx - prevIndex) < wrapperSz) &&
+        (source[idx] == (ASN_CONSTRUCTED | ASN_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | 1)))
+    {
+        idx++;
+        if (GetLength(source, &idx, &length, size) < 0)
+            return ASN_PARSE_E;
+        idx += length;
+    }
+    *ioIndex = idx;
+    return 0;
+static int DecodeOcspRespExtensions(byte* source,
+                            word32* ioIndex, OcspResponse* resp, word32 sz)
+    word32 idx = *ioIndex;
+    int length;
+    int ext_bound; /* boundary index for the sequence of extensions */
+    word32 oid;
+    int ret;
+    WOLFSSL_ENTER("DecodeOcspRespExtensions");
+    if ((idx + 1) > sz)
+        return BUFFER_E;
+    if (source[idx++] != (ASN_CONSTRUCTED | ASN_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | 1))
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if (GetLength(source, &idx, &length, sz) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if (GetSequence(source, &idx, &length, sz) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    ext_bound = idx + length;
+    while (idx < (word32)ext_bound) {
+        if (GetSequence(source, &idx, &length, sz) < 0) {
+            WOLFSSL_MSG("\tfail: should be a SEQUENCE");
+            return ASN_PARSE_E;
+        }
+        oid = 0;
+        if (GetObjectId(source, &idx, &oid, oidOcspType, sz) < 0) {
+            WOLFSSL_MSG("\tfail: OBJECT ID");
+            return ASN_PARSE_E;
+        }
+        /* check for critical flag */
+        if (source[idx] == ASN_BOOLEAN) {
+            WOLFSSL_MSG("\tfound optional critical flag, moving past");
+            ret = GetBoolean(source, &idx, sz);
+            if (ret < 0)
+                return ret;
+        }
+        ret = GetOctetString(source, &idx, &length, sz);
+        if (ret < 0)
+            return ret;
+        if (oid == OCSP_NONCE_OID) {
+            /* get data inside extra OCTET_STRING */
+            ret = GetOctetString(source, &idx, &length, sz);
+            if (ret < 0)
+                return ret;
+            resp->nonce = source + idx;
+            resp->nonceSz = length;
+        }
+        idx += length;
+    }
+    *ioIndex = idx;
+    return 0;
+static int DecodeResponseData(byte* source,
+                            word32* ioIndex, OcspResponse* resp, word32 size)
+    word32 idx = *ioIndex, prev_idx;
+    int length;
+    int version;
+    word32 responderId = 0;
+    WOLFSSL_ENTER("DecodeResponseData");
+    resp->response = source + idx;
+    prev_idx = idx;
+    if (GetSequence(source, &idx, &length, size) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    resp->responseSz = length + idx - prev_idx;
+    /* Get version. It is an EXPLICIT[0] DEFAULT(0) value. If this
+     * item isn't an EXPLICIT[0], then set version to zero and move
+     * onto the next item.
+     */
+    if (source[idx] == (ASN_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | ASN_CONSTRUCTED))
+    {
+        idx += 2; /* Eat the value and length */
+        if (GetMyVersion(source, &idx, &version, size) < 0)
+            return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    } else
+        version = 0;
+    responderId = source[idx++];
+    if ((responderId == (ASN_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | ASN_CONSTRUCTED | 1)) ||
+        (responderId == (ASN_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | ASN_CONSTRUCTED | 2)))
+    {
+        if (GetLength(source, &idx, &length, size) < 0)
+            return ASN_PARSE_E;
+        idx += length;
+    }
+    else
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    /* save pointer to the producedAt time */
+    if (GetBasicDate(source, &idx, resp->producedDate,
+                                        &resp->producedDateFormat, size) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if (DecodeSingleResponse(source, &idx, resp, size) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    /*
+     * Check the length of the ResponseData against the current index to
+     * see if there are extensions, they are optional.
+     */
+    if (idx - prev_idx < resp->responseSz)
+        if (DecodeOcspRespExtensions(source, &idx, resp, size) < 0)
+            return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    *ioIndex = idx;
+    return 0;
+static int DecodeCerts(byte* source,
+                            word32* ioIndex, OcspResponse* resp, word32 size)
+    word32 idx = *ioIndex;
+    WOLFSSL_ENTER("DecodeCerts");
+    if (source[idx++] == (ASN_CONSTRUCTED | ASN_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC))
+    {
+        int length;
+        if (GetLength(source, &idx, &length, size) < 0)
+            return ASN_PARSE_E;
+        if (GetSequence(source, &idx, &length, size) < 0)
+            return ASN_PARSE_E;
+        resp->cert = source + idx;
+        resp->certSz = length;
+        idx += length;
+    }
+    *ioIndex = idx;
+    return 0;
+static int DecodeBasicOcspResponse(byte* source, word32* ioIndex,
+            OcspResponse* resp, word32 size, void* cm, void* heap, int noVerify)
+    int    length;
+    word32 idx = *ioIndex;
+    word32 end_index;
+    int    ret;
+    int    sigLength;
+    WOLFSSL_ENTER("DecodeBasicOcspResponse");
+    (void)heap;
+    if (GetSequence(source, &idx, &length, size) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if (idx + length > size)
+        return ASN_INPUT_E;
+    end_index = idx + length;
+    if (DecodeResponseData(source, &idx, resp, size) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    /* Get the signature algorithm */
+    if (GetAlgoId(source, &idx, &resp->sigOID, oidSigType, size) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    ret = CheckBitString(source, &idx, &sigLength, size, 1, NULL);
+    if (ret != 0)
+        return ret;
+    resp->sigSz = sigLength;
+    resp->sig = source + idx;
+    idx += sigLength;
+    /*
+     * Check the length of the BasicOcspResponse against the current index to
+     * see if there are certificates, they are optional.
+     */
+    if (idx < end_index)
+    {
+        DecodedCert cert;
+        if (DecodeCerts(source, &idx, resp, size) < 0)
+            return ASN_PARSE_E;
+        InitDecodedCert(&cert, resp->cert, resp->certSz, heap);
+        /* Don't verify if we don't have access to Cert Manager. */
+        ret = ParseCertRelative(&cert, CERT_TYPE, noVerify ? NO_VERIFY : VERIFY,
+                                cm);
+        if (ret < 0) {
+            WOLFSSL_MSG("\tOCSP Responder certificate parsing failed");
+            FreeDecodedCert(&cert);
+            return ret;
+        }
+        /* ConfirmSignature is blocking here */
+        ret = ConfirmSignature(&cert.sigCtx,
+            resp->response, resp->responseSz,
+            cert.publicKey, cert.pubKeySize, cert.keyOID,
+            resp->sig, resp->sigSz, resp->sigOID);
+        FreeDecodedCert(&cert);
+        if (ret != 0) {
+            WOLFSSL_MSG("\tOCSP Confirm signature failed");
+            return ASN_OCSP_CONFIRM_E;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        Signer* ca = NULL;
+        int sigValid = -1;
+        #ifndef NO_SKID
+            ca = GetCA(cm, resp->issuerKeyHash);
+        #else
+            ca = GetCA(cm, resp->issuerHash);
+        #endif
+        if (ca) {
+            SignatureCtx sigCtx;
+            InitSignatureCtx(&sigCtx, heap, INVALID_DEVID);
+            /* ConfirmSignature is blocking here */
+            sigValid = ConfirmSignature(&sigCtx, resp->response,
+                resp->responseSz, ca->publicKey, ca->pubKeySize, ca->keyOID,
+                                resp->sig, resp->sigSz, resp->sigOID);
+        }
+        if (ca == NULL || sigValid != 0) {
+            WOLFSSL_MSG("\tOCSP Confirm signature failed");
+            return ASN_OCSP_CONFIRM_E;
+        }
+    }
+    *ioIndex = idx;
+    return 0;
+void InitOcspResponse(OcspResponse* resp, CertStatus* status,
+                                                    byte* source, word32 inSz)
+    WOLFSSL_ENTER("InitOcspResponse");
+    XMEMSET(status, 0, sizeof(CertStatus));
+    XMEMSET(resp,   0, sizeof(OcspResponse));
+    resp->responseStatus = -1;
+    resp->status         = status;
+    resp->source         = source;
+    resp->maxIdx         = inSz;
+int OcspResponseDecode(OcspResponse* resp, void* cm, void* heap, int noVerify)
+    int ret;
+    int length = 0;
+    word32 idx = 0;
+    byte* source = resp->source;
+    word32 size = resp->maxIdx;
+    word32 oid;
+    WOLFSSL_ENTER("OcspResponseDecode");
+    /* peel the outer SEQUENCE wrapper */
+    if (GetSequence(source, &idx, &length, size) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    /* First get the responseStatus, an ENUMERATED */
+    if (GetEnumerated(source, &idx, &resp->responseStatus) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if (resp->responseStatus != OCSP_SUCCESSFUL)
+        return 0;
+    /* Next is an EXPLICIT record called ResponseBytes, OPTIONAL */
+    if (idx >= size)
+        return ASN_INPUT_E;
+    if (source[idx++] != (ASN_CONSTRUCTED | ASN_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC))
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if (GetLength(source, &idx, &length, size) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    /* Get the responseBytes SEQUENCE */
+    if (GetSequence(source, &idx, &length, size) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    /* Check ObjectID for the resposeBytes */
+    if (GetObjectId(source, &idx, &oid, oidOcspType, size) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if (oid != OCSP_BASIC_OID)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    ret = GetOctetString(source, &idx, &length, size);
+    if (ret < 0)
+        return ret;
+    ret = DecodeBasicOcspResponse(source, &idx, resp, size, cm, heap, noVerify);
+    if (ret < 0)
+        return ret;
+    return 0;
+word32 EncodeOcspRequestExtensions(OcspRequest* req, byte* output, word32 size)
+    static const byte NonceObjId[] = { 0x2b, 0x06, 0x01, 0x05, 0x05, 0x07,
+                                       0x30, 0x01, 0x02 };
+    byte seqArray[5][MAX_SEQ_SZ];
+    word32 seqSz[5], totalSz = (word32)sizeof(NonceObjId);
+    WOLFSSL_ENTER("SetOcspReqExtensions");
+    if (!req || !output || !req->nonceSz)
+        return 0;
+    totalSz += req->nonceSz;
+    totalSz += seqSz[0] = SetOctetString(req->nonceSz, seqArray[0]);
+    totalSz += seqSz[1] = SetOctetString(req->nonceSz + seqSz[0], seqArray[1]);
+    totalSz += seqSz[2] = SetObjectId(sizeof(NonceObjId), seqArray[2]);
+    totalSz += seqSz[3] = SetSequence(totalSz, seqArray[3]);
+    totalSz += seqSz[4] = SetSequence(totalSz, seqArray[4]);
+    if (totalSz > size)
+        return 0;
+    totalSz = 0;
+    XMEMCPY(output + totalSz, seqArray[4], seqSz[4]);
+    totalSz += seqSz[4];
+    XMEMCPY(output + totalSz, seqArray[3], seqSz[3]);
+    totalSz += seqSz[3];
+    XMEMCPY(output + totalSz, seqArray[2], seqSz[2]);
+    totalSz += seqSz[2];
+    XMEMCPY(output + totalSz, NonceObjId, sizeof(NonceObjId));
+    totalSz += (word32)sizeof(NonceObjId);
+    XMEMCPY(output + totalSz, seqArray[1], seqSz[1]);
+    totalSz += seqSz[1];
+    XMEMCPY(output + totalSz, seqArray[0], seqSz[0]);
+    totalSz += seqSz[0];
+    XMEMCPY(output + totalSz, req->nonce, req->nonceSz);
+    totalSz += req->nonceSz;
+    return totalSz;
+int EncodeOcspRequest(OcspRequest* req, byte* output, word32 size)
+    byte seqArray[5][MAX_SEQ_SZ];
+    /* The ASN.1 of the OCSP Request is an onion of sequences */
+    byte algoArray[MAX_ALGO_SZ];
+    byte issuerArray[MAX_ENCODED_DIG_SZ];
+    byte issuerKeyArray[MAX_ENCODED_DIG_SZ];
+    byte snArray[MAX_SN_SZ];
+    byte extArray[MAX_OCSP_EXT_SZ];
+    word32 seqSz[5], algoSz, issuerSz, issuerKeySz, snSz, extSz, totalSz;
+    int i;
+    WOLFSSL_ENTER("EncodeOcspRequest");
+#ifdef NO_SHA
+    algoSz = SetAlgoID(SHA256h, algoArray, oidHashType, 0);
+    algoSz = SetAlgoID(SHAh, algoArray, oidHashType, 0);
+    issuerSz    = SetDigest(req->issuerHash,    KEYID_SIZE,    issuerArray);
+    issuerKeySz = SetDigest(req->issuerKeyHash, KEYID_SIZE,    issuerKeyArray);
+    snSz        = SetSerialNumber(req->serial,  req->serialSz, snArray);
+    extSz       = 0;
+    if (req->nonceSz) {
+        /* TLS Extensions use this function too - put extensions after
+         * ASN.1: Context Specific [2].
+         */
+        extSz = EncodeOcspRequestExtensions(req, extArray + 2,
+                                            OCSP_NONCE_EXT_SZ);
+        extSz += SetExplicit(2, extSz, extArray);
+    }
+    totalSz = algoSz + issuerSz + issuerKeySz + snSz;
+    for (i = 4; i >= 0; i--) {
+        seqSz[i] = SetSequence(totalSz, seqArray[i]);
+        totalSz += seqSz[i];
+        if (i == 2) totalSz += extSz;
+    }
+    if (output == NULL)
+        return totalSz;
+    if (totalSz > size)
+        return BUFFER_E;
+    totalSz = 0;
+    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+        XMEMCPY(output + totalSz, seqArray[i], seqSz[i]);
+        totalSz += seqSz[i];
+    }
+    XMEMCPY(output + totalSz, algoArray, algoSz);
+    totalSz += algoSz;
+    XMEMCPY(output + totalSz, issuerArray, issuerSz);
+    totalSz += issuerSz;
+    XMEMCPY(output + totalSz, issuerKeyArray, issuerKeySz);
+    totalSz += issuerKeySz;
+    XMEMCPY(output + totalSz, snArray, snSz);
+    totalSz += snSz;
+    if (extSz != 0) {
+        XMEMCPY(output + totalSz, extArray, extSz);
+        totalSz += extSz;
+    }
+    return totalSz;
+int InitOcspRequest(OcspRequest* req, DecodedCert* cert, byte useNonce,
+                                                                     void* heap)
+    int ret;
+    WOLFSSL_ENTER("InitOcspRequest");
+    if (req == NULL)
+        return BAD_FUNC_ARG;
+    ForceZero(req, sizeof(OcspRequest));
+    req->heap = heap;
+    if (cert) {
+        XMEMCPY(req->issuerHash,    cert->issuerHash,    KEYID_SIZE);
+        XMEMCPY(req->issuerKeyHash, cert->issuerKeyHash, KEYID_SIZE);
+        req->serial = (byte*)XMALLOC(cert->serialSz, req->heap,
+                                                     DYNAMIC_TYPE_OCSP_REQUEST);
+        if (req->serial == NULL)
+            return MEMORY_E;
+        XMEMCPY(req->serial, cert->serial, cert->serialSz);
+        req->serialSz = cert->serialSz;
+        if (cert->extAuthInfoSz != 0 && cert->extAuthInfo != NULL) {
+            req->url = (byte*)XMALLOC(cert->extAuthInfoSz, req->heap,
+                                                     DYNAMIC_TYPE_OCSP_REQUEST);
+            if (req->url == NULL) {
+                XFREE(req->serial, req->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_OCSP);
+                return MEMORY_E;
+            }
+            XMEMCPY(req->url, cert->extAuthInfo, cert->extAuthInfoSz);
+            req->urlSz = cert->extAuthInfoSz;
+        }
+    }
+    if (useNonce) {
+        WC_RNG rng;
+    #ifndef HAVE_FIPS
+        ret = wc_InitRng_ex(&rng, req->heap, INVALID_DEVID);
+    #else
+        ret = wc_InitRng(&rng);
+    #endif
+        if (ret != 0) {
+            WOLFSSL_MSG("\tCannot initialize RNG. Skipping the OSCP Nonce.");
+        } else {
+            if (wc_RNG_GenerateBlock(&rng, req->nonce, MAX_OCSP_NONCE_SZ) != 0)
+                WOLFSSL_MSG("\tCannot run RNG. Skipping the OSCP Nonce.");
+            else
+                req->nonceSz = MAX_OCSP_NONCE_SZ;
+            wc_FreeRng(&rng);
+        }
+    }
+    return 0;
+void FreeOcspRequest(OcspRequest* req)
+    WOLFSSL_ENTER("FreeOcspRequest");
+    if (req) {
+        if (req->serial)
+            XFREE(req->serial, req->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_OCSP_REQUEST);
+        if (req->url)
+            XFREE(req->url, req->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_OCSP_REQUEST);
+    }
+int CompareOcspReqResp(OcspRequest* req, OcspResponse* resp)
+    int cmp;
+    WOLFSSL_ENTER("CompareOcspReqResp");
+    if (req == NULL)
+    {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("\tReq missing");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    if (resp == NULL)
+    {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("\tResp missing");
+        return 1;
+    }
+    /* Nonces are not critical. The responder may not necessarily add
+     * the nonce to the response. */
+    if (resp->nonceSz != 0) {
+        cmp = req->nonceSz - resp->nonceSz;
+        if (cmp != 0)
+        {
+            WOLFSSL_MSG("\tnonceSz mismatch");
+            return cmp;
+        }
+        cmp = XMEMCMP(req->nonce, resp->nonce, req->nonceSz);
+        if (cmp != 0)
+        {
+            WOLFSSL_MSG("\tnonce mismatch");
+            return cmp;
+        }
+    }
+    cmp = XMEMCMP(req->issuerHash, resp->issuerHash, KEYID_SIZE);
+    if (cmp != 0)
+    {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("\tissuerHash mismatch");
+        return cmp;
+    }
+    cmp = XMEMCMP(req->issuerKeyHash, resp->issuerKeyHash, KEYID_SIZE);
+    if (cmp != 0)
+    {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("\tissuerKeyHash mismatch");
+        return cmp;
+    }
+    cmp = req->serialSz - resp->status->serialSz;
+    if (cmp != 0)
+    {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("\tserialSz mismatch");
+        return cmp;
+    }
+    cmp = XMEMCMP(req->serial, resp->status->serial, req->serialSz);
+    if (cmp != 0)
+    {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("\tserial mismatch");
+        return cmp;
+    }
+    return 0;
+/* store SHA hash of NAME */
+WOLFSSL_LOCAL int GetNameHash(const byte* source, word32* idx, byte* hash,
+                             int maxIdx)
+    int    length;  /* length of all distinguished names */
+    int    ret;
+    word32 dummy;
+    WOLFSSL_ENTER("GetNameHash");
+    if (source[*idx] == ASN_OBJECT_ID) {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("Trying optional prefix...");
+        if (GetLength(source, idx, &length, maxIdx) < 0)
+            return ASN_PARSE_E;
+        *idx += length;
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("Got optional prefix");
+    }
+    /* For OCSP, RFC2560 section 4.1.1 states the issuer hash should be
+     * calculated over the entire DER encoding of the Name field, including
+     * the tag and length. */
+    dummy = *idx;
+    if (GetSequence(source, idx, &length, maxIdx) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+#ifdef NO_SHA
+    ret = wc_Sha256Hash(source + dummy, length + *idx - dummy, hash);
+    ret = wc_ShaHash(source + dummy, length + *idx - dummy, hash);
+    *idx += length;
+    return ret;
+#ifdef HAVE_CRL
+/* initialize decoded CRL */
+void InitDecodedCRL(DecodedCRL* dcrl, void* heap)
+    WOLFSSL_MSG("InitDecodedCRL");
+    dcrl->certBegin    = 0;
+    dcrl->sigIndex     = 0;
+    dcrl->sigLength    = 0;
+    dcrl->signatureOID = 0;
+    dcrl->certs        = NULL;
+    dcrl->totalCerts   = 0;
+    dcrl->heap         = heap;
+        dcrl->heap = (void*)WOLFSSL_HEAP_TEST;
+    #endif
+/* free decoded CRL resources */
+void FreeDecodedCRL(DecodedCRL* dcrl)
+    RevokedCert* tmp = dcrl->certs;
+    WOLFSSL_MSG("FreeDecodedCRL");
+    while(tmp) {
+        RevokedCert* next = tmp->next;
+        XFREE(tmp, dcrl->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_REVOKED);
+        tmp = next;
+    }
+/* Get Revoked Cert list, 0 on success */
+static int GetRevoked(const byte* buff, word32* idx, DecodedCRL* dcrl,
+                      int maxIdx)
+    int    len;
+    word32 end;
+    byte   b;
+    RevokedCert* rc;
+    WOLFSSL_ENTER("GetRevoked");
+    if (GetSequence(buff, idx, &len, maxIdx) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    end = *idx + len;
+    rc = (RevokedCert*)XMALLOC(sizeof(RevokedCert), dcrl->heap,
+                                                          DYNAMIC_TYPE_CRL);
+    if (rc == NULL) {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("Alloc Revoked Cert failed");
+        return MEMORY_E;
+    }
+    if (GetSerialNumber(buff, idx, rc->serialNumber, &rc->serialSz,
+                                                                maxIdx) < 0) {
+        XFREE(rc, dcrl->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CRL);
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    }
+    /* add to list */
+    rc->next = dcrl->certs;
+    dcrl->certs = rc;
+    dcrl->totalCerts++;
+    /* get date */
+    b = buff[*idx];
+    *idx += 1;
+    if (b != ASN_UTC_TIME && b != ASN_GENERALIZED_TIME) {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("Expecting Date");
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    }
+    if (GetLength(buff, idx, &len, maxIdx) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    /* skip for now */
+    *idx += len;
+    if (*idx != end)  /* skip extensions */
+        *idx = end;
+    return 0;
+/* Get CRL Signature, 0 on success */
+static int GetCRL_Signature(const byte* source, word32* idx, DecodedCRL* dcrl,
+                            int maxIdx)
+    int    length;
+    int    ret;
+    WOLFSSL_ENTER("GetCRL_Signature");
+    ret = CheckBitString(source, idx, &length, maxIdx, 1, NULL);
+    if (ret != 0)
+        return ret;
+    dcrl->sigLength = length;
+    dcrl->signature = (byte*)&source[*idx];
+    *idx += dcrl->sigLength;
+    return 0;
+/* prase crl buffer into decoded state, 0 on success */
+int ParseCRL(DecodedCRL* dcrl, const byte* buff, word32 sz, void* cm)
+    int     ret = 0, version, len, doNextDate = 1;
+    word32  oid, idx = 0, dateIdx;
+    Signer* ca = NULL;
+    WOLFSSL_MSG("ParseCRL");
+    /* raw crl hash */
+    /* hash here if needed for optimized comparisons
+     * Sha     sha;
+     * wc_InitSha(&sha);
+     * wc_ShaUpdate(&sha, buff, sz);
+     * wc_ShaFinal(&sha, dcrl->crlHash); */
+    if (GetSequence(buff, &idx, &len, sz) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    dcrl->certBegin = idx;
+    if (GetSequence(buff, &idx, &len, sz) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    dcrl->sigIndex = len + idx;
+    /* may have version */
+    if (buff[idx] == ASN_INTEGER) {
+        if (GetMyVersion(buff, &idx, &version, sz) < 0)
+            return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    }
+    if (GetAlgoId(buff, &idx, &oid, oidIgnoreType, sz) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if (GetNameHash(buff, &idx, dcrl->issuerHash, sz) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if (GetBasicDate(buff, &idx, dcrl->lastDate, &dcrl->lastDateFormat, sz) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    dateIdx = idx;
+    if (GetBasicDate(buff, &idx, dcrl->nextDate, &dcrl->nextDateFormat, sz) < 0)
+    {
+        (void)dateIdx;
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+        dcrl->nextDateFormat = ASN_OTHER_TYPE;  /* skip flag */
+        doNextDate = 0;
+        idx = dateIdx;
+    }
+    if (doNextDate) {
+#ifndef NO_ASN_TIME
+        if (!XVALIDATE_DATE(dcrl->nextDate, dcrl->nextDateFormat, AFTER)) {
+            WOLFSSL_MSG("CRL after date is no longer valid");
+            return ASN_AFTER_DATE_E;
+        }
+    }
+    if (idx != dcrl->sigIndex && buff[idx] != CRL_EXTENSIONS) {
+        if (GetSequence(buff, &idx, &len, sz) < 0)
+            return ASN_PARSE_E;
+        len += idx;
+        while (idx < (word32)len) {
+            if (GetRevoked(buff, &idx, dcrl, sz) < 0)
+                return ASN_PARSE_E;
+        }
+    }
+    if (idx != dcrl->sigIndex)
+        idx = dcrl->sigIndex;   /* skip extensions */
+    if (GetAlgoId(buff, &idx, &dcrl->signatureOID, oidSigType, sz) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    if (GetCRL_Signature(buff, &idx, dcrl, sz) < 0)
+        return ASN_PARSE_E;
+    /* openssl doesn't add skid by default for CRLs cause firefox chokes
+       we're not assuming it's available yet */
+#if !defined(NO_SKID) && defined(CRL_SKID_READY)
+    if (dcrl->extAuthKeyIdSet)
+        ca = GetCA(cm, dcrl->extAuthKeyId);
+    if (ca == NULL)
+        ca = GetCAByName(cm, dcrl->issuerHash);
+    ca = GetCA(cm, dcrl->issuerHash);
+#endif /* !NO_SKID && CRL_SKID_READY */
+    WOLFSSL_MSG("About to verify CRL signature");
+    if (ca) {
+        SignatureCtx sigCtx;
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("Found CRL issuer CA");
+        /* try to confirm/verify signature */
+        if ((ca->keyUsage & KEYUSE_CRL_SIGN) == 0) {
+            WOLFSSL_MSG("CA cannot sign CRLs");
+            return ASN_CRL_NO_SIGNER_E;
+        }
+    #endif /* IGNORE_KEY_EXTENSIONS */
+        InitSignatureCtx(&sigCtx, dcrl->heap, INVALID_DEVID);
+        if (ConfirmSignature(&sigCtx, buff + dcrl->certBegin,
+                dcrl->sigIndex - dcrl->certBegin,
+                ca->publicKey, ca->pubKeySize, ca->keyOID,
+                dcrl->signature, dcrl->sigLength, dcrl->signatureOID) != 0) {
+            WOLFSSL_MSG("CRL Confirm signature failed");
+            return ASN_CRL_CONFIRM_E;
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        WOLFSSL_MSG("Did NOT find CRL issuer CA");
+        return ASN_CRL_NO_SIGNER_E;
+    }
+    return ret;
+#endif /* HAVE_CRL */
+#undef ERROR_OUT
+#endif /* !NO_ASN */
+#endif /* WOLFSSL_SEP */