A HTTP/HTTPS Client for the mbed networking/CyaSSL ssl library
Dependents: Anpi dropbox_access php_access_auth TwitterReader ... more
Fork of HTTPClient by
HTTP and HTTPS Client Class with wolfSSL, embedded SSL library.
The class was forked from http://mbed.org/users/donatien/code/HTTPClient/
It, now, accepts url both with "http://" and "https://".
Allocate caller thread with 16kbytes or larger stack for "https" requests.
Rest of the API stays compatible with HTTPClient.
For more about the library, see http://www.wolfssl.com. http://wolfssl.com/yaSSL/Docs.html.
Extended methods:
- HTTPResult basicAuth(const char* user, const char* password); /* set id/passwd for basic Authentication */
- void setHeader(char *header) ; /* set http headers */
- HTTPResult setSSLversion(int minorV) ; /* set SSL/TLS version. 0: SSL3, 1: TLS1.0, 2: TLS1.1, 3: TLS1.2 */