
Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Thu Feb 20 04:07:36 2014 +0000
Commit message:

Changed in this revision

DCM.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
DCM.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Matrix.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Matrix.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/DCM.cpp	Thu Feb 20 04:07:36 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+#include "DCM.h"
+DCM::DCM(float dt)
+    for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+    {
+        Accel_Vector[i] = 0; // Store the acceleration in a vector
+        Gyro_Vector[i] = 0; // Store the gyros turn rate in a vector
+        Omega_Vector[i] = 0; // Corrected Gyro_Vector data
+        Omega_P[i] = 0; // Omega Proportional correction
+        Omega_I[i] = 0; // Omega Integrator
+        Omega[i]= 0;
+        errorRollPitch[i] = 0;
+        errorYaw[i] = 0;
+    }
+    int k = 1;
+    for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+    {
+        for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+        {
+            DCM_Matrix[i][j] = 0;
+            Update_Matrix[i][j] = k;
+            Temporary_Matrix[i][j] = 0;
+            k++;
+        }
+        k++;
+    }
+    G_Dt = dt;    
+    reset_sensor_fusion();    
+void DCM::FilterInit(int rawAccX, int rawAccY, int rawAccZ, int rawGyroX, int rawGyroY, int rawGyroZ, int rawMagX, int rawMagY, int rawMagZ)
+    setAccelRawX(rawAccX);
+    setAccelRawY(rawAccY);
+    setAccelRawZ(rawAccZ);
+    setGyroRawX(rawGyroX);
+    setGyroRawY(rawGyroY);
+    setGyroRawZ(rawGyroZ);
+    setMagnetRawX(rawMagX);
+    setMagnetRawY(rawMagY);
+    setMagnetRawZ(rawMagZ);
+    reset_sensor_fusion();
+void DCM::init_rotation_matrix(float m[3][3], float yaw, float pitch, float roll)
+  float c1 = cos(roll);
+  float s1 = sin(roll);
+  float c2 = cos(pitch);
+  float s2 = sin(pitch);
+  float c3 = cos(yaw);
+  float s3 = sin(yaw);
+  // Euler angles, right-handed, intrinsic, XYZ convention
+  // (which means: rotate around body axes Z, Y', X'') 
+  m[0][0] = c2 * c3;
+  m[0][1] = c3 * s1 * s2 - c1 * s3;
+  m[0][2] = s1 * s3 + c1 * c3 * s2;
+  m[1][0] = c2 * s3;
+  m[1][1] = c1 * c3 + s1 * s2 * s3;
+  m[1][2] = c1 * s2 * s3 - c3 * s1;
+  m[2][0] = -s2;
+  m[2][1] = c2 * s1;
+  m[2][2] = c1 * c2;
+void DCM::ReadMagnetometer()
+    rawMagnet[0] = ((int16_t)magnetRaw[0]);
+    rawMagnet[1] = ((int16_t)magnetRaw[1]);
+    rawMagnet[2] = ((int16_t)magnetRaw[2]);
+    magnet[0] = ((float)(rawMagnet[0] - MAGN_X_OFFSET) * MAGN_X_SCALE);
+    magnet[1] = ((float)(rawMagnet[1] - MAGN_Y_OFFSET) * MAGN_Y_SCALE);
+    magnet[2] = ((float)(rawMagnet[2] - MAGN_Z_OFFSET) * MAGN_Z_SCALE);
+void DCM::ReadAccelerometer()
+    accel[0] = (((int16_t)accelRaw[0]) - ACCEL_X_OFFSET) * ACCEL_X_SCALE;
+    accel[1] = (((int16_t)accelRaw[1]) - ACCEL_Y_OFFSET) * ACCEL_Y_SCALE;
+    accel[2] = (((int16_t)accelRaw[2]) - ACCEL_Z_OFFSET) * ACCEL_Z_SCALE;
+void DCM::ReadGyroscope()
+    gyro[0] = (gyroRaw[0] - GYRO_BIAS_X);
+    gyro[1] = (gyroRaw[1] - GYRO_BIAS_Y);   
+    gyro[2] = (gyroRaw[2] - GYRO_BIAS_Z);       
+float DCM::constrain(float in, float min, float max)
+    in = in > max ? max : in;
+    in = in < min ? min : in;
+    return in;
+void DCM::Compass_Heading()
+  float mag_x;
+  float mag_y;
+  float cos_roll;
+  float sin_roll;
+  float cos_pitch;
+  float sin_pitch;
+  cos_roll = cos(roll);
+  sin_roll = sin(roll);
+  cos_pitch = cos(pitch);
+  sin_pitch = sin(pitch);
+  // Tilt compensated magnetic field X
+  mag_x = magnet[0]*cos_pitch + magnet[1]*sin_roll*sin_pitch + magnet[2]*cos_roll*sin_pitch;
+  // Tilt compensated magnetic field Y
+  mag_y = magnet[1]*cos_roll - magnet[2]*sin_roll;
+  // Magnetic Heading
+  MAG_Heading = atan2(-mag_y, mag_x);
+void DCM::Normalize(void)
+  float error=0;
+  float temporary[3][3];
+  float renorm=0;
+  error= -Vector_Dot_Product(&DCM_Matrix[0][0],&DCM_Matrix[1][0])*.5; //eq.19
+  Vector_Scale(&temporary[0][0], &DCM_Matrix[1][0], error); //eq.19
+  Vector_Scale(&temporary[1][0], &DCM_Matrix[0][0], error); //eq.19
+  Vector_Add(&temporary[0][0], &temporary[0][0], &DCM_Matrix[0][0]);//eq.19
+  Vector_Add(&temporary[1][0], &temporary[1][0], &DCM_Matrix[1][0]);//eq.19
+  Vector_Cross_Product(&temporary[2][0],&temporary[0][0],&temporary[1][0]); // c= a x b //eq.20
+  renorm= .5 *(3 - Vector_Dot_Product(&temporary[0][0],&temporary[0][0])); //eq.21
+  Vector_Scale(&DCM_Matrix[0][0], &temporary[0][0], renorm);
+  renorm= .5 *(3 - Vector_Dot_Product(&temporary[1][0],&temporary[1][0])); //eq.21
+  Vector_Scale(&DCM_Matrix[1][0], &temporary[1][0], renorm);
+  renorm= .5 *(3 - Vector_Dot_Product(&temporary[2][0],&temporary[2][0])); //eq.21
+  Vector_Scale(&DCM_Matrix[2][0], &temporary[2][0], renorm);
+void DCM::Drift_correction(void)
+  float mag_heading_x;
+  float mag_heading_y;
+  float errorCourse;
+  //Compensation the Roll, Pitch and Yaw drift. 
+  static float Scaled_Omega_P[3];
+  static float Scaled_Omega_I[3];
+  float Accel_magnitude;
+  float Accel_weight;
+  //*****Roll and Pitch***************
+  // Calculate the magnitude of the accelerometer vector
+  Accel_magnitude = sqrt(Accel_Vector[0]*Accel_Vector[0] + Accel_Vector[1]*Accel_Vector[1] + Accel_Vector[2]*Accel_Vector[2]);
+  Accel_magnitude = Accel_magnitude / GRAVITY; // Scale to gravity.
+  // Dynamic weighting of accelerometer info (reliability filter)
+  // Weight for accelerometer info (<0.5G = 0.0, 1G = 1.0 , >1.5G = 0.0)
+  Accel_weight = constrain(1 - 2*abs(1 - Accel_magnitude),0,1);  //  
+  Vector_Cross_Product(&errorRollPitch[0],&Accel_Vector[0],&DCM_Matrix[2][0]); //adjust the ground of reference
+  Vector_Scale(&Omega_P[0],&errorRollPitch[0],Kp_ROLLPITCH*Accel_weight);
+  Vector_Scale(&Scaled_Omega_I[0],&errorRollPitch[0],Ki_ROLLPITCH*Accel_weight);
+  Vector_Add(Omega_I,Omega_I,Scaled_Omega_I);     
+  //*****YAW***************
+  // We make the gyro YAW drift correction based on compass magnetic heading
+  mag_heading_x = cos(MAG_Heading);
+  mag_heading_y = sin(MAG_Heading);
+  errorCourse=(DCM_Matrix[0][0]*mag_heading_y) - (DCM_Matrix[1][0]*mag_heading_x);  //Calculating YAW error
+  Vector_Scale(errorYaw,&DCM_Matrix[2][0],errorCourse); //Applys the yaw correction to the XYZ rotation of the aircraft, depeding the position.
+  Vector_Scale(&Scaled_Omega_P[0],&errorYaw[0],Kp_YAW);//.01proportional of YAW.
+  Vector_Add(Omega_P,Omega_P,Scaled_Omega_P);//Adding  Proportional.
+  Vector_Scale(&Scaled_Omega_I[0],&errorYaw[0],Ki_YAW);//.00001Integrator
+  Vector_Add(Omega_I,Omega_I,Scaled_Omega_I);//adding integrator to the Omega_I
+void DCM::Matrix_update(void)
+  Gyro_Vector[0]=GYRO_SCALED_RAD(gyro[0]); //gyro x roll
+  Gyro_Vector[1]=GYRO_SCALED_RAD(gyro[1]); //gyro y pitch
+  Gyro_Vector[2]=GYRO_SCALED_RAD(gyro[2]); //gyro z yaw
+  Accel_Vector[0]=accel[0];
+  Accel_Vector[1]=accel[1];
+  Accel_Vector[2]=accel[2];
+  Vector_Add(&Omega[0], &Gyro_Vector[0], &Omega_I[0]);  //adding proportional term
+  Vector_Add(&Omega_Vector[0], &Omega[0], &Omega_P[0]); //adding Integrator term
+  Update_Matrix[0][0]=0;
+  Update_Matrix[0][1]=-G_Dt*Omega_Vector[2];//-z
+  Update_Matrix[0][2]=G_Dt*Omega_Vector[1];//y
+  Update_Matrix[1][0]=G_Dt*Omega_Vector[2];//z
+  Update_Matrix[1][1]=0;
+  Update_Matrix[1][2]=-G_Dt*Omega_Vector[0];
+  Update_Matrix[2][0]=-G_Dt*Omega_Vector[1];
+  Update_Matrix[2][1]=G_Dt*Omega_Vector[0];
+  Update_Matrix[2][2]=0;
+  Matrix_Multiply(Temporary_Matrix,DCM_Matrix,Update_Matrix); //a*b=c
+  for(int x=0; x<3; x++) //Matrix Addition (update)
+  {
+    for(int y=0; y<3; y++)
+    {
+      DCM_Matrix[x][y]+=Temporary_Matrix[x][y];
+    } 
+  }
+void DCM::Euler_angles(void)
+  pitch = -asin(DCM_Matrix[2][0]);
+  roll = atan2(DCM_Matrix[2][1],DCM_Matrix[2][2]);
+  yaw = atan2(DCM_Matrix[1][0],DCM_Matrix[0][0]);
+void DCM::Sensors()
+    ReadAccelerometer();
+    ReadGyroscope();
+    ReadMagnetometer();
+    Compass_Heading();    
+void DCM::UpdateFilter()
+    Sensors();
+    Matrix_update();
+    Normalize();
+    Drift_correction(); 
+    Euler_angles();    
+void DCM::reset_sensor_fusion() {
+  float temp1[3];
+  float temp2[3];
+  float xAxis[] = {1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
+  Sensors();
+  // Using y-z-plane-component/x-component of gravity vector
+  pitch = -atan2(accel[0], sqrt(accel[1] * accel[1] + accel[2] * accel[2]));
+  Vector_Cross_Product(temp1, accel, xAxis);
+  Vector_Cross_Product(temp2, xAxis, temp1);
+  roll = atan2(temp2[1], temp2[2]);
+  // GET YAW
+  Compass_Heading();
+  yaw = MAG_Heading;
+  // Init rotation matrix
+  init_rotation_matrix(DCM_Matrix, yaw, pitch, roll);
+float DCM::getYaw()
+    return TO_DEG(yaw);
+float DCM::getPitch()
+    return TO_DEG(pitch);
+float DCM::getRoll()
+    return TO_DEG(roll);
+void DCM::setAccelRawX(int accelRawX)
+    accelRaw[0] = (uint16_t)accelRawX;    
+void DCM::setAccelRawY(int accelRawY)
+    accelRaw[1] = (uint16_t)accelRawY;    
+void DCM::setAccelRawZ(int accelRawZ)
+    accelRaw[2] = (uint16_t)accelRawZ;    
+void DCM::setGyroRawX(int gyroRawX)
+    gyroRaw[0] = gyroRawX;    
+void DCM::setGyroRawY(int gyroRawY)
+    gyroRaw[1] = gyroRawY;    
+void DCM::setGyroRawZ(int gyroRawZ)
+    gyroRaw[2] = gyroRawZ;    
+void DCM::setMagnetRawX(int magnetRawX)
+    magnetRaw[0] = (uint16_t)magnetRawX;    
+void DCM::setMagnetRawY(int magnetRawY)
+    magnetRaw[1] = (uint16_t)magnetRawY;    
+void DCM::setMagnetRawZ(int magnetRawZ)
+    magnetRaw[2] = (uint16_t)magnetRawZ;    
+float DCM::getTestVariable()
+    return MAG_Heading;    
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/DCM.h	Thu Feb 20 04:07:36 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "Matrix.h"
+//Change this parameter if you wanna use another gyroscope. 
+//by default it is ITG3200 gain.
+#define GYRO_SCALED_RAD(x) (x * TO_RAD(GYRO_GAIN)) // Calculate the scaled gyro readings in radians per second
+#define GYRO_GAIN (0.06956521739130434782608695652174)
+// DCM parameters
+#define Kp_ROLLPITCH 0.02f
+#define Ki_ROLLPITCH 0.00002f
+#define Kp_YAW 1.2f
+#define Ki_YAW 0.00002f
+#define GRAVITY 256.0f // "1G reference" used for DCM filter and accelerometer calibration
+#define TO_RAD(x) (x * 0.01745329252)  // *pi/180
+#define TO_DEG(x) (x * 57.2957795131)  // *180/pi
+#define MAGN_X_MAX 465
+#define MAGN_Y_MAX 475
+#define MAGN_Z_MAX 600
+#define MAGN_X_MIN -561
+#define MAGN_Y_MIN -547
+#define MAGN_Z_MIN -379
+#define MAGN_X_OFFSET ((MAGN_X_MIN + MAGN_X_MAX) / 2.0f)
+#define MAGN_Y_OFFSET ((MAGN_Y_MIN + MAGN_Y_MAX) / 2.0f)
+#define MAGN_Z_OFFSET ((MAGN_Z_MIN + MAGN_Z_MAX) / 2.0f)
+#define MAGN_X_SCALE (100.0f / (MAGN_X_MAX - MAGN_X_OFFSET))
+#define MAGN_Y_SCALE (100.0f / (MAGN_Y_MAX - MAGN_Y_OFFSET))
+#define MAGN_Z_SCALE (100.0f / (MAGN_Z_MAX - MAGN_Z_OFFSET))
+#define ACCEL_X_MIN ((float) -4096)
+#define ACCEL_X_MAX ((float) 4096)
+#define ACCEL_Y_MIN ((float) -4096)//267
+#define ACCEL_Y_MAX ((float) 4096)
+#define ACCEL_Z_MIN ((float) -4096)
+#define ACCEL_Z_MAX ((float) 4096)
+#define GYRO_BIAS_X 9.65       
+#define GYRO_BIAS_Y -5.05
+#define GYRO_BIAS_Z -8.37
+#define ACCEL_X_OFFSET ((ACCEL_X_MIN + ACCEL_X_MAX) / 2.0f)
+#define ACCEL_Y_OFFSET ((ACCEL_Y_MIN + ACCEL_Y_MAX) / 2.0f)
+#define ACCEL_Z_OFFSET ((ACCEL_Z_MIN + ACCEL_Z_MAX) / 2.0f)
+class DCM
+    DCM(float dt);    
+    void UpdateFilter();    
+    void FilterInit(int rawAccX, int rawAccY, int rawAccZ, int rawGyroX, int rawGyroY, int rawGyroZ, int rawMagX, int rawMagY, int rawMagZ); 
+    float getYaw();
+    float getPitch();
+    float getRoll();
+    void setAccelRawX(int accelRawX);
+    void setAccelRawY(int accelRawY);
+    void setAccelRawZ(int accelRawZ);
+    void setGyroRawX(int gyroRawX);
+    void setGyroRawY(int gyroRawY);
+    void setGyroRawZ(int gyroRawZ);
+    void setMagnetRawX(int magnetRawX);
+    void setMagnetRawY(int magnetRawY);
+    void setMagnetRawZ(int magnetRawZ);
+    float getTestVariable();
+    void reset_sensor_fusion();
+    void init_rotation_matrix(float m[3][3], float yaw, float pitch, float roll);
+    void ReadMagnetometer();
+    void ReadAccelerometer();
+    void ReadGyroscope();    
+    float constrain(float in, float min, float max);
+    void Compass_Heading();
+    void Normalize(void);
+    void Drift_correction(void);
+    void Matrix_update(void);
+    void Euler_angles(void);
+    void Sensors();   
+    // Sensor variables
+    float accel[3];  // Actually stores the NEGATED acceleration (equals gravity, if board not moving).
+    int accelRaw[3];
+    float magnet[3];
+    int magnetRaw[3];
+    int gyro[3];
+    int gyroRaw[3];
+    int gyro_num_samples;
+    // DCM variables
+    float MAG_Heading;
+    float Accel_Vector[3];//= {0, 0, 0}; // Store the acceleration in a vector
+    float Gyro_Vector[3];//= {0, 0, 0}; // Store the gyros turn rate in a vector
+    float Omega_Vector[3];//= {0, 0, 0}; // Corrected Gyro_Vector data
+    float Omega_P[3];//= {0, 0, 0}; // Omega Proportional correction
+    float Omega_I[3];//= {0, 0, 0}; // Omega Integrator
+    float Omega[3];//= {0, 0, 0};
+    float errorRollPitch[3];// = {0, 0, 0};
+    float errorYaw[3];// = {0, 0, 0};
+    float DCM_Matrix[3][3];// = {{1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1}};
+    float Update_Matrix[3][3];// = {{0, 1, 2}, {3, 4, 5}, {6, 7, 8}};
+    float Temporary_Matrix[3][3];// = {{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}};
+    // Euler angles
+    float yaw;
+    float pitch;
+    float roll;
+    float G_Dt; // Integration time for DCM algorithm
+    int rawMagnet[3];
+    int gyroBias[3];
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Matrix.cpp	Thu Feb 20 04:07:36 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+void Vector_Cross_Product(float C[3], float A[3], float B[3])
+    C[0] = (A[1] * B[2]) - (A[2] * B[1]);
+    C[1] = (A[2] * B[0]) - (A[0] * B[2]);
+    C[2] = (A[0] * B[1]) - (A[1] * B[0]);
+    return;
+void Vector_Scale(float C[3], float A[3], float b)
+    for (int m = 0; m < 3; m++)
+        C[m] = A[m] * b;
+    return;
+float Vector_Dot_Product(float A[3], float B[3])
+    float result = 0.0;
+    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+        result += A[i] * B[i];
+    }
+    return result;
+void Vector_Add(float C[3], float A[3], float B[3])
+    for (int m = 0; m < 3; m++)
+        C[m] = A[m] + B[m];
+    return;
+void Vector_Add(float C[3][3], float A[3][3], float B[3][3])
+    for (int m = 0; m < 3; m++)
+        for (int n = 0; n < 3; n++)
+            C[m][n] = A[m][n] + B[m][n];
+void Matrix_Multiply(float C[3][3], float A[3][3], float B[3][3])
+    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+        for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+            C[i][j] = 0;
+            for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
+               C[i][j] += A[i][k] * B[k][j];
+            }
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Matrix.h	Thu Feb 20 04:07:36 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+#ifndef __MATRIX_H
+#define __MATRIX_H
+/** Take cross product of two 3x1 vectors: v1 x v2 = vectorOut
+ * @param v1 is the first vector
+ * @param v2 is the second vector
+ * @returns vectorOut = v1 x v2
+ */
+void Vector_Cross_Product(float vectorOut[3], float v1[3], float v2[3]);
+/** Multiple 3x1 vector by scalar: vectorOut = vectorIn times scale2
+ * @param vectorIn the vector
+ * @param scale2 is the scalar
+ * @returns vectorOut the result
+ */
+void Vector_Scale(float vectorOut[3], float vectorIn[3], float scale2);
+/** TDot product of two 3x1 vectors vector1 . vector2
+ * @param vector1 is the first vector
+ * @param vector2 is the second vector
+ * @returns float result of dot product
+ */
+float Vector_Dot_Product(float vector1[3], float vector2[3]);
+/** Adds two 3x1 vectors: vectorOut = vectorIn1 + vectorIn2
+ * @param vectorIn1 is the first vector
+ * @param vectorIn2 is the second vector
+ * @returns vectorOut is the result of the addition
+ */
+void Vector_Add(float vectorOut[3], float vectorIn1[3], float vectorIn2[3]);
+/** Multiplies two 3x3 matrices to get a third 3x3 matrix: c = ab
+ * @param a is the first vector
+ * @param b is the second vector
+ * @returns c as the result of the mutliplication
+ */
+void Matrix_Multiply(float c[3][3], float a[3][3], float b[3][3]);
\ No newline at end of file