


File content as of revision 0:2b4ec92bff8b:

#ifndef __MATRIX_H
#define __MATRIX_H

/** Take cross product of two 3x1 vectors: v1 x v2 = vectorOut
 * @param v1 is the first vector
 * @param v2 is the second vector
 * @returns vectorOut = v1 x v2
void Vector_Cross_Product(float vectorOut[3], float v1[3], float v2[3]);

/** Multiple 3x1 vector by scalar: vectorOut = vectorIn times scale2
 * @param vectorIn the vector
 * @param scale2 is the scalar
 * @returns vectorOut the result
void Vector_Scale(float vectorOut[3], float vectorIn[3], float scale2);

/** TDot product of two 3x1 vectors vector1 . vector2
 * @param vector1 is the first vector
 * @param vector2 is the second vector
 * @returns float result of dot product
float Vector_Dot_Product(float vector1[3], float vector2[3]);

/** Adds two 3x1 vectors: vectorOut = vectorIn1 + vectorIn2
 * @param vectorIn1 is the first vector
 * @param vectorIn2 is the second vector
 * @returns vectorOut is the result of the addition
void Vector_Add(float vectorOut[3], float vectorIn1[3], float vectorIn2[3]);

/** Multiplies two 3x3 matrices to get a third 3x3 matrix: c = ab
 * @param a is the first vector
 * @param b is the second vector
 * @returns c as the result of the mutliplication
void Matrix_Multiply(float c[3][3], float a[3][3], float b[3][3]);
