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mbedtls_ecp_group Struct Reference

mbedtls_ecp_group Struct Reference

ECP group structure. More...

#include <ecp.h>

Data Fields

mbedtls_ecp_group_id id
mbedtls_mpi P
mbedtls_mpi A
mbedtls_mpi B
mbedtls_ecp_point G
mbedtls_mpi N
size_t pbits
size_t nbits
unsigned int h
int(* modp )(mbedtls_mpi *)
int(* t_pre )(mbedtls_ecp_point *, void *)
int(* t_post )(mbedtls_ecp_point *, void *)
void * t_data
size_t T_size

Detailed Description

ECP group structure.

We consider two types of curves equations: 1. Short Weierstrass y^2 = x^3 + A x + B mod P (SEC1 + RFC 4492) 2. Montgomery, y^2 = x^3 + A x^2 + x mod P (Curve25519 + draft) In both cases, a generator G for a prime-order subgroup is fixed. In the short weierstrass, this subgroup is actually the whole curve, and its cardinal is denoted by N.

In the case of Short Weierstrass curves, our code requires that N is an odd prime. (Use odd in mbedtls_ecp_mul() and prime in mbedtls_ecdsa_sign() for blinding.)

In the case of Montgomery curves, we don't store A but (A + 2) / 4 which is the quantity actually used in the formulas. Also, nbits is not the size of N but the required size for private keys.

If modp is NULL, reduction modulo P is done using a generic algorithm. Otherwise, it must point to a function that takes an mbedtls_mpi in the range 0..2^(2*pbits)-1 and transforms it in-place in an integer of little more than pbits, so that the integer may be efficiently brought in the 0..P-1 range by a few additions or substractions. It must return 0 on success and non-zero on failure.

Definition at line 129 of file ecp.h.

Field Documentation

1. A in the equation, or 2. (A + 2) / 4

Definition at line 133 of file ecp.h.

1. B in the equation, or 2. unused

Definition at line 134 of file ecp.h.

generator of the (sub)group used

Definition at line 135 of file ecp.h.

unsigned int h

internal: 1 if the constants are static

Definition at line 139 of file ecp.h.

internal group identifier

Definition at line 131 of file ecp.h.

int(* modp)(mbedtls_mpi *)

function for fast reduction mod P

Definition at line 140 of file ecp.h.

1. the order of G, or 2. unused

Definition at line 136 of file ecp.h.

size_t nbits

number of bits in 1. P, or 2. private keys

Definition at line 138 of file ecp.h.

prime modulus of the base field

Definition at line 132 of file ecp.h.

size_t pbits

number of bits in P

Definition at line 137 of file ecp.h.

pre-computed points for ecp_mul_comb()

Definition at line 144 of file ecp.h.

void* t_data


Definition at line 143 of file ecp.h.

int(* t_post)(mbedtls_ecp_point *, void *)


Definition at line 142 of file ecp.h.

int(* t_pre)(mbedtls_ecp_point *, void *)


Definition at line 141 of file ecp.h.

size_t T_size

number for pre-computed points

Definition at line 145 of file ecp.h.