Library Hidscope

Dependencies:   USBDevice

Dependents:   Aansturing_knoppen Aansturing_Groep_4

Fork of HIDScope by Jan-Willem Bisschop

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Wed May 20 09:32:40 2015 +0000
Commit message:
Updated documentation

Changed in this revision

HIDScope.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/HIDScope.h	Mon Sep 08 09:38:36 2014 +0000
+++ b/HIDScope.h	Wed May 20 09:32:40 2015 +0000
@@ -6,25 +6,30 @@
 /** A simple HID (Human Interface Device) scope
  * - Up to 6 channels of float data is transmitted in a single HID message (64 byte)
- * - Theoretical maximum samplerate of 1kHz
- * - Data can be parsed using a client-side server like NodeJS
+ * - Theoretical maximum samplerate of 1kHz (due to HID specifications)
+ * - Data can be parsed using a client-side server
+ *
+ * See the following repository for PC software:
  * Example:
  * @code
  * #include "mbed.h"
- * #include "HIDScope.h"
+ * #include "HIDScope.h"        // Require the HIDScope library
- * HIDScope    scope(2);
- * Ticker      scopeTimer;
+ * HIDScope    scope(2);        // Instantize a 2-channel HIDScope object
+ * Ticker      scopeTimer;      // Instantize the timer for sending data to the PC 
- * AnalogIn    a0(A0);
+ * AnalogIn    a0(A0);          // Using an analog input to obtain data 
  * int main()
  * {
- *   scopeTimer.attach_us(&scope, &HIDScope::send, 1e4); // Send data at 100 Hz
+ *   // Attach the HIDScope::send function to the timer at a 10.000 us interval (100 Hz)
+ *   scopeTimer.attach_us(&scope, &HIDScope::send, 1e4);
- *   while(1){  // Generate some data
+ *   // Read from the analog input in an endless loop. Two channels are written each iteration. 
+ *   // Note that the control loop can run at a different frequency (1 kHz in this case)
+ *   while(1){
  *       scope.set(0,;
  *       scope.set(1,;
  *       wait_us(1000);