Azure IoT common library
Fork of azure_c_shared_utility by
- Committer:
- AzureIoTClient
- Date:
- 2016-07-29
- Revision:
- 7:1af47e3a19b6
- Parent:
- 6:c55b013dfc2a
- Child:
- 11:77df6d7e65ae
File content as of revision 7:1af47e3a19b6:
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. #include <stdlib.h> #ifdef _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC #include <crtdbg.h> #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> #include "azure_c_shared_utility/httpapi.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/httpheaders.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/crt_abstractions.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/xlogging.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/xio.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/platform.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/tlsio.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/threadapi.h" #include <string.h> #include <limits.h> #define MAX_HOSTNAME 64 #define TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE 4096 #define CHAR_COUNT(A) (sizeof(A) - 1) DEFINE_ENUM_STRINGS(HTTPAPI_RESULT, HTTPAPI_RESULT_VALUES) typedef enum SEND_ALL_RESULT_TAG { SEND_ALL_RESULT_NOT_STARTED, SEND_ALL_RESULT_PENDING, SEND_ALL_RESULT_OK, SEND_ALL_RESULT_ERROR } SEND_ALL_RESULT; typedef struct HTTP_HANDLE_DATA_TAG { char host[MAX_HOSTNAME]; char* certificate; XIO_HANDLE xio_handle; size_t received_bytes_count; unsigned char* received_bytes; SEND_ALL_RESULT send_all_result; unsigned int is_io_error : 1; unsigned int is_connected : 1; } HTTP_HANDLE_DATA; /*the following function does the same as sscanf(pos2, "%d", &sec)*/ /*this function only exists because some of platforms do not have sscanf. */ static int ParseStringToDecimal(const char *src, int* dst) { char* next; (*dst) = strtol(src, &next, 0); if ((src == next) || ((((*dst) == LONG_MAX) || ((*dst) == LONG_MIN)) && (errno != 0))) { return EOF; } return 1; } /*the following function does the same as sscanf(pos2, "%x", &sec)*/ /*this function only exists because some of platforms do not have sscanf. This is not a full implementation; it only works with well-defined x numbers. */ #define HEXA_DIGIT_VAL(c) (((c>='0') && (c<='9')) ? (c-'0') : ((c>='a') && (c<='f')) ? (c-'a'+10) : ((c>='A') && (c<='F')) ? (c-'A'+10) : -1) static int ParseStringToHexadecimal(const char *src, int* dst) { if (src == NULL) return EOF; if (HEXA_DIGIT_VAL(*src) == -1) return EOF; int digitVal; (*dst) = 0; while ((digitVal = HEXA_DIGIT_VAL(*src)) != -1) { (*dst) *= 0x10; (*dst) += digitVal; src++; } return 1; } /*the following function does the same as sscanf(buf, "HTTP/%*d.%*d %d %*[^\r\n]", &ret) */ /*this function only exists because some of platforms do not have sscanf. This is not a full implementation; it only works with well-defined HTTP response. */ static int ParseHttpResponse(const char* src, int* dst) { const char* prefix = "HTTP/"; while ((*prefix) != '\0') { if ((*prefix) != (*src)) return EOF; prefix++; src++; } while ((*src) != '.') { if ((*src) == '\0') return EOF; } while ((*src) != ' ') { if ((*src) == '\0') return EOF; } return ParseStringToDecimal(src, dst); } HTTPAPI_RESULT HTTPAPI_Init(void) { return HTTPAPI_OK; } void HTTPAPI_Deinit(void) { } HTTP_HANDLE HTTPAPI_CreateConnection(const char* hostName) { HTTP_HANDLE_DATA* handle = NULL; if (hostName) { handle = (HTTP_HANDLE_DATA*)malloc(sizeof(HTTP_HANDLE_DATA)); if (handle != NULL) { if (strcpy_s(handle->host, MAX_HOSTNAME, hostName) != 0) { LogError("HTTPAPI_CreateConnection::Could not strcpy_s"); free(handle); handle = NULL; } else { TLSIO_CONFIG tlsio_config = { hostName, 443 }; handle->xio_handle = xio_create(platform_get_default_tlsio(), (void*)&tlsio_config); if (handle->xio_handle == NULL) { LogError("HTTPAPI_CreateConnection::xio_create failed"); free(handle->host); free(handle); handle = NULL; } else { handle->is_connected = 0; handle->is_io_error = 0; handle->received_bytes_count = 0; handle->received_bytes = NULL; handle->send_all_result = SEND_ALL_RESULT_NOT_STARTED; handle->certificate = NULL; } } } } else { LogInfo("HTTPAPI_CreateConnection:: null hostName parameter"); } return (HTTP_HANDLE)handle; } void HTTPAPI_CloseConnection(HTTP_HANDLE handle) { HTTP_HANDLE_DATA* h = (HTTP_HANDLE_DATA*)handle; if (h) { if (h->xio_handle != NULL) { LogInfo("HTTPAPI_CloseConnection xio_destroy(); to %s", h->host); xio_destroy(h->xio_handle); } if (h->certificate) { free(h->certificate); } free(h); } } static void on_io_open_complete(void* context, IO_OPEN_RESULT open_result) { HTTP_HANDLE_DATA* h = (HTTP_HANDLE_DATA*)context; if (open_result == IO_OPEN_OK) { h->is_connected = 1; h->is_io_error = 0; } else { h->is_io_error = 1; } } static int my_strnicmp(const char* s1, const char* s2, size_t n) { size_t i; int result = 0; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { /* compute the difference between the chars */ result = tolower(s1[i]) - tolower(s2[i]); /* break if we have a difference ... */ if ((result != 0) || /* ... or if we got to the end of one the strings */ (s1[i] == '\0') || (s2[i] == '\0')) { break; } } return result; } static int my_stricmp(const char* s1, const char* s2) { size_t i = 0; while ((s1[i] != '\0') && (s2[i] != '\0')) { /* break if we have a difference ... */ if (tolower(s1[i]) != tolower(s2[i])) { break; } i++; } /* if we broke because we are at end of string this will yield 0 */ /* if we broke because there was a difference this will yield non-zero */ return tolower(s1[i]) - tolower(s2[i]); } static void on_bytes_received(void* context, const unsigned char* buffer, size_t size) { HTTP_HANDLE_DATA* h = (HTTP_HANDLE_DATA*)context; /* Here we got some bytes so we'll buffer them so the receive functions can consumer it */ unsigned char* new_received_bytes = (unsigned char*)realloc(h->received_bytes, h->received_bytes_count + size); if (new_received_bytes == NULL) { h->is_io_error = 1; LogError("on_bytes_received: Error allocating memory for received data"); } else { h->received_bytes = new_received_bytes; (void)memcpy(h->received_bytes + h->received_bytes_count, buffer, size); h->received_bytes_count += size; } } static void on_io_error(void* context) { HTTP_HANDLE_DATA* h = (HTTP_HANDLE_DATA*)context; h->is_io_error = 1; LogError("on_io_error: Error signalled by underlying IO"); } static int conn_receive(HTTP_HANDLE_DATA* http_instance, char* buffer, int count) { int result = 0; if (count < 0) { result = -1; } else { while (result < count) { xio_dowork(http_instance->xio_handle); /* if any error was detected while receiving then simply break and report it */ if (http_instance->is_io_error != 0) { result = -1; break; } if (http_instance->received_bytes_count >= (size_t)count) { /* Consuming bytes from the receive buffer */ (void)memcpy(buffer, http_instance->received_bytes, count); (void)memmove(http_instance->received_bytes, http_instance->received_bytes + count, http_instance->received_bytes_count - count); http_instance->received_bytes_count -= count; /* we're not reallocating at each consumption so that we don't trash due to byte by byte consumption */ if (http_instance->received_bytes_count == 0) { free(http_instance->received_bytes); http_instance->received_bytes = NULL; } result = count; break; } ThreadAPI_Sleep(1); } } return result; } static void on_send_complete(void* context, IO_SEND_RESULT send_result) { /* If a send is complete we'll simply signal this by changing the send all state */ HTTP_HANDLE_DATA* http_instance = (HTTP_HANDLE_DATA*)context; if (send_result == IO_SEND_OK) { http_instance->send_all_result = SEND_ALL_RESULT_OK; } else { http_instance->send_all_result = SEND_ALL_RESULT_ERROR; } } static int conn_send_all(HTTP_HANDLE_DATA* http_instance, char* buffer, int count) { int result; if (count < 0) { result = -1; } else { http_instance->send_all_result = SEND_ALL_RESULT_PENDING; if (xio_send(http_instance->xio_handle, buffer, count, on_send_complete, http_instance) != 0) { result = -1; } else { /* We have to loop in here until all bytes are sent or we encounter an error. */ while (1) { xio_dowork(http_instance->xio_handle); /* If we got an error signalled from the underlying IO we simply report it up */ if (http_instance->is_io_error) { http_instance->send_all_result = SEND_ALL_RESULT_ERROR; break; } if (http_instance->send_all_result != SEND_ALL_RESULT_PENDING) { break; } /* We yield the CPU for a bit so others can do their work */ ThreadAPI_Sleep(1); } /* The send_all_result indicates what is the status for the send operation. Not started - means nothing should happen since no send was started Pending - a send was started, but it is still being carried out Ok - Send complete Error - error */ switch (http_instance->send_all_result) { default: case SEND_ALL_RESULT_NOT_STARTED: result = -1; break; case SEND_ALL_RESULT_OK: result = count; break; case SEND_ALL_RESULT_ERROR: result = -1; break; } } } return result; } static int readLine(HTTP_HANDLE_DATA* http_instance, char* buf, const size_t size) { // reads until \r\n is encountered. writes in buf all the characters char* p = buf; char c; if (conn_receive(http_instance, &c, 1) < 0) return -1; while (c != '\r') { if ((p - buf + 1) >= (int)size) return -1; *p++ = c; if (conn_receive(http_instance, &c, 1) < 0) return -1; } *p = 0; if (conn_receive(http_instance, &c, 1) < 0 || c != '\n') // skip \n return -1; return p - buf; } static int readChunk(HTTP_HANDLE_DATA* http_instance, char* buf, size_t size) { size_t cur, offset; // read content with specified length, even if it is received // only in chunks due to fragmentation in the networking layer. // returns -1 in case of error. offset = 0; while (size > 0) { cur = conn_receive(http_instance, buf + offset, size); // end of stream reached if (cur == 0) return offset; // read cur bytes (might be less than requested) size -= cur; offset += cur; } return offset; } static int skipN(HTTP_HANDLE_DATA* http_instance, size_t n, char* buf, size_t size) { size_t org = n; // read and abandon response content with specified length // returns -1 in case of error. while (n > size) { if (readChunk(http_instance, (char*)buf, size) < 0) return -1; n -= size; } if (readChunk(http_instance, (char*)buf, n) < 0) return -1; return org; } //Note: This function assumes that "Host:" and "Content-Length:" headers are setup // by the caller of HTTPAPI_ExecuteRequest() (which is true for httptransport.c). HTTPAPI_RESULT HTTPAPI_ExecuteRequest(HTTP_HANDLE handle, HTTPAPI_REQUEST_TYPE requestType, const char* relativePath, HTTP_HEADERS_HANDLE httpHeadersHandle, const unsigned char* content, size_t contentLength, unsigned int* statusCode, HTTP_HEADERS_HANDLE responseHeadersHandle, BUFFER_HANDLE responseContent) { HTTPAPI_RESULT result; size_t headersCount; char buf[TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE]; int ret; size_t bodyLength = 0; bool chunked = false; const unsigned char* receivedContent; const char* method = (requestType == HTTPAPI_REQUEST_GET) ? "GET" : (requestType == HTTPAPI_REQUEST_POST) ? "POST" : (requestType == HTTPAPI_REQUEST_PUT) ? "PUT" : (requestType == HTTPAPI_REQUEST_DELETE) ? "DELETE" : (requestType == HTTPAPI_REQUEST_PATCH) ? "PATCH" : NULL; if (handle == NULL || relativePath == NULL || httpHeadersHandle == NULL || method == NULL || HTTPHeaders_GetHeaderCount(httpHeadersHandle, &headersCount) != HTTP_HEADERS_OK) { result = HTTPAPI_INVALID_ARG; LogError("(result = %s)", ENUM_TO_STRING(HTTPAPI_RESULT, result)); goto exit; } HTTP_HANDLE_DATA* httpHandle = (HTTP_HANDLE_DATA*)handle; if (handle->is_connected == 0) { // Load the certificate if ((httpHandle->certificate != NULL) && (xio_setoption(httpHandle->xio_handle, "TrustedCerts", httpHandle->certificate) != 0)) { result = HTTPAPI_ERROR; LogError("Could not load certificate (result = %s)", ENUM_TO_STRING(HTTPAPI_RESULT, result)); goto exit; } // Make the connection if (xio_open(httpHandle->xio_handle, on_io_open_complete, httpHandle, on_bytes_received, httpHandle, on_io_error, httpHandle) != 0) { result = HTTPAPI_ERROR; LogError("Could not connect (result = %s)", ENUM_TO_STRING(HTTPAPI_RESULT, result)); goto exit; } while (1) { xio_dowork(httpHandle->xio_handle); if ((handle->is_connected == 1) || (handle->is_io_error == 1)) { break; } ThreadAPI_Sleep(1); } } //Send request if ((ret = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s %s HTTP/1.1\r\n", method, relativePath)) < 0 || ret >= sizeof(buf)) { result = HTTPAPI_STRING_PROCESSING_ERROR; LogError("(result = %s)", ENUM_TO_STRING(HTTPAPI_RESULT, result)); goto exit; } if (conn_send_all(httpHandle, buf, strlen(buf)) < 0) { result = HTTPAPI_SEND_REQUEST_FAILED; LogError("(result = %s)", ENUM_TO_STRING(HTTPAPI_RESULT, result)); goto exit; } //Send default headers for (size_t i = 0; i < headersCount; i++) { char* header; if (HTTPHeaders_GetHeader(httpHeadersHandle, i, &header) != HTTP_HEADERS_OK) { result = HTTPAPI_HTTP_HEADERS_FAILED; LogError("(result = %s)", ENUM_TO_STRING(HTTPAPI_RESULT, result)); goto exit; } if (conn_send_all(httpHandle, header, strlen(header)) < 0) { result = HTTPAPI_SEND_REQUEST_FAILED; LogError("(result = %s)", ENUM_TO_STRING(HTTPAPI_RESULT, result)); free(header); goto exit; } if (conn_send_all(httpHandle, "\r\n", 2) < 0) { result = HTTPAPI_SEND_REQUEST_FAILED; LogError("(result = %s)", ENUM_TO_STRING(HTTPAPI_RESULT, result)); free(header); goto exit; } free(header); } //Close headers if (conn_send_all(httpHandle, "\r\n", 2) < 0) { result = HTTPAPI_SEND_REQUEST_FAILED; LogError("(result = %s)", ENUM_TO_STRING(HTTPAPI_RESULT, result)); goto exit; } //Send data (if available) if (content && contentLength > 0) { if (conn_send_all(httpHandle, (char*)content, contentLength) < 0) { result = HTTPAPI_SEND_REQUEST_FAILED; LogError("(result = %s)", ENUM_TO_STRING(HTTPAPI_RESULT, result)); goto exit; } } //Receive response if (readLine(httpHandle, buf, sizeof(buf)) < 0) { result = HTTPAPI_READ_DATA_FAILED; LogError("(result = %s)", ENUM_TO_STRING(HTTPAPI_RESULT, result)); goto exit; } //Parse HTTP response if (ParseHttpResponse(buf, &ret) != 1) { //Cannot match string, error LogInfo("HTTPAPI_ExecuteRequest::Not a correct HTTP answer=%s", buf); result = HTTPAPI_READ_DATA_FAILED; LogError("(result = %s)", ENUM_TO_STRING(HTTPAPI_RESULT, result)); goto exit; } if (statusCode) *statusCode = ret; //Read HTTP response headers if (readLine(httpHandle, buf, sizeof(buf)) < 0) { result = HTTPAPI_READ_DATA_FAILED; LogError("(result = %s)", ENUM_TO_STRING(HTTPAPI_RESULT, result)); goto exit; } while (buf[0]) { const char ContentLength[] = "content-length:"; const char TransferEncoding[] = "transfer-encoding:"; if (my_strnicmp(buf, ContentLength, CHAR_COUNT(ContentLength)) == 0) { if (ParseStringToDecimal(buf + CHAR_COUNT(ContentLength), &bodyLength) != 1) { result = HTTPAPI_READ_DATA_FAILED; LogError("(result = %s)", ENUM_TO_STRING(HTTPAPI_RESULT, result)); goto exit; } } else if (my_strnicmp(buf, TransferEncoding, CHAR_COUNT(TransferEncoding)) == 0) { const char* p = buf + CHAR_COUNT(TransferEncoding); while (isspace(*p)) p++; if (my_stricmp(p, "chunked") == 0) chunked = true; } char* whereIsColon = strchr((char*)buf, ':'); if (whereIsColon && responseHeadersHandle != NULL) { *whereIsColon = '\0'; HTTPHeaders_AddHeaderNameValuePair(responseHeadersHandle, buf, whereIsColon + 1); } if (readLine(httpHandle, buf, sizeof(buf)) < 0) { result = HTTPAPI_READ_DATA_FAILED; LogError("(result = %s)", ENUM_TO_STRING(HTTPAPI_RESULT, result)); goto exit; } } //Read HTTP response body if (!chunked) { if (bodyLength) { if (responseContent != NULL) { if (BUFFER_pre_build(responseContent, bodyLength) != 0) { result = HTTPAPI_ALLOC_FAILED; LogError("(result = %s)", ENUM_TO_STRING(HTTPAPI_RESULT, result)); } else if (BUFFER_content(responseContent, &receivedContent) != 0) { (void)BUFFER_unbuild(responseContent); result = HTTPAPI_ALLOC_FAILED; LogError("(result = %s)", ENUM_TO_STRING(HTTPAPI_RESULT, result)); } if (readChunk(httpHandle, (char*)receivedContent, bodyLength) < 0) { result = HTTPAPI_READ_DATA_FAILED; LogError("(result = %s)", ENUM_TO_STRING(HTTPAPI_RESULT, result)); goto exit; } else { result = HTTPAPI_OK; } } else { (void)skipN(httpHandle, bodyLength, buf, sizeof(buf)); result = HTTPAPI_OK; } } else { result = HTTPAPI_OK; } } else { size_t size = 0; result = HTTPAPI_OK; for (;;) { int chunkSize; if (readLine(httpHandle, buf, sizeof(buf)) < 0) // read [length in hex]/r/n { result = HTTPAPI_READ_DATA_FAILED; LogError("(result = %s)", ENUM_TO_STRING(HTTPAPI_RESULT, result)); goto exit; } if (ParseStringToHexadecimal(buf, &chunkSize) != 1) // chunkSize is length of next line (/r/n is not counted) { //Cannot match string, error result = HTTPAPI_RECEIVE_RESPONSE_FAILED; LogError("(result = %s)", ENUM_TO_STRING(HTTPAPI_RESULT, result)); goto exit; } if (chunkSize == 0) { // 0 length means next line is just '\r\n' and end of chunks if (readChunk(httpHandle, (char*)buf, 2) < 0 || buf[0] != '\r' || buf[1] != '\n') // skip /r/n { (void)BUFFER_unbuild(responseContent); result = HTTPAPI_READ_DATA_FAILED; LogError("(result = %s)", ENUM_TO_STRING(HTTPAPI_RESULT, result)); goto exit; } break; } else { if (responseContent != NULL) { if (BUFFER_enlarge(responseContent, chunkSize) != 0) { (void)BUFFER_unbuild(responseContent); result = HTTPAPI_ALLOC_FAILED; LogError("(result = %s)", ENUM_TO_STRING(HTTPAPI_RESULT, result)); } else if (BUFFER_content(responseContent, &receivedContent) != 0) { (void)BUFFER_unbuild(responseContent); result = HTTPAPI_ALLOC_FAILED; LogError("(result = %s)", ENUM_TO_STRING(HTTPAPI_RESULT, result)); } if (readChunk(httpHandle, (char*)receivedContent + size, chunkSize) < 0) { result = HTTPAPI_READ_DATA_FAILED; LogError("(result = %s)", ENUM_TO_STRING(HTTPAPI_RESULT, result)); goto exit; } } else { if (skipN(httpHandle, chunkSize, buf, sizeof(buf)) < 0) { result = HTTPAPI_READ_DATA_FAILED; LogError("(result = %s)", ENUM_TO_STRING(HTTPAPI_RESULT, result)); goto exit; } } if (readChunk(httpHandle, (char*)buf, 2) < 0 || buf[0] != '\r' || buf[1] != '\n') // skip /r/n { result = HTTPAPI_READ_DATA_FAILED; LogError("(result = %s)", ENUM_TO_STRING(HTTPAPI_RESULT, result)); goto exit; } size += chunkSize; } } } exit: if ((handle != NULL) && (handle->is_io_error != 0)) { xio_close(handle->xio_handle, NULL, NULL); handle->is_connected = 0; } return result; } HTTPAPI_RESULT HTTPAPI_SetOption(HTTP_HANDLE handle, const char* optionName, const void* value) { HTTPAPI_RESULT result; if ( (handle == NULL) || (optionName == NULL) || (value == NULL) ) { result = HTTPAPI_INVALID_ARG; LogError("invalid parameter (NULL) passed to HTTPAPI_SetOption"); } else if (strcmp("TrustedCerts", optionName) == 0) { HTTP_HANDLE_DATA* h = (HTTP_HANDLE_DATA*)handle; if (h->certificate) { free(h->certificate); } int len = strlen((char*)value); h->certificate = (char*)malloc(len + 1); if (h->certificate == NULL) { result = HTTPAPI_ERROR; LogError("unable to allocate certificate memory in HTTPAPI_SetOption"); } else { (void)strcpy(h->certificate, (const char*)value); result = HTTPAPI_OK; } } else { result = HTTPAPI_INVALID_ARG; LogError("unknown option %s", optionName); } return result; } HTTPAPI_RESULT HTTPAPI_CloneOption(const char* optionName, const void* value, const void** savedValue) { HTTPAPI_RESULT result; if ( (optionName == NULL) || (value == NULL) || (savedValue == NULL) ) { result = HTTPAPI_INVALID_ARG; LogError("invalid argument(NULL) passed to HTTPAPI_CloneOption"); } else if (strcmp("TrustedCerts", optionName) == 0) { size_t certLen = strlen((const char*)value); char* tempCert = (char*)malloc(certLen+1); if (tempCert == NULL) { result = HTTPAPI_INVALID_ARG; LogError("unable to allocate certificate memory in HTTPAPI_CloneOption"); } else { (void)strcpy(tempCert, (const char*)value); *savedValue = tempCert; result = HTTPAPI_OK; } } else { result = HTTPAPI_INVALID_ARG; LogError("unknown option %s", optionName); } return result; }