minimalist hardware testing support

Dependents:   MAX5715BOB_Tester MAX11131BOB_Tester MAX5171BOB_Tester MAX11410BOB_Tester ... more


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
18:9874cd1e6cb0 2021-06-08 whismanoid MaximTinyTester AnalogIn5_Read_Report_voltageV() for MAX5719 default tip
17:65fb4afe4991 2021-06-01 whismanoid tinyTester.mask; FunctionCall_md_Expect supports int16_t(f*)(void)
16:bb4b003a5cd2 2021-05-29 whismanoid MaximTinyTester FunctionCall_d_Expect support MAX11131
15:ac3e4930df8b 2020-08-06 whismanoid MaximTinyTester FunctionCall_lu_f_Expect support MAX5719
14:10219b869ac3 2020-05-15 whismanoid Support FunctionCall_f_u_Expect
13:c294236d7465 2020-04-16 whismanoid MaximTinyTester clear printf format warnings uint32_t
12:55db0f4a417d 2020-04-13 whismanoid use return type and arg type signatures in names e.g. FunctionCall_su_d_lu_Expect
11:bfa56dab822c 2020-03-29 whismanoid support FunctionCall_i_pi_Expect() and Expect() for MAX11410 SelfTest
10:b11ab5d7ac58 2020-03-29 whismanoid support FunctionCall_i_pi_Expect() and Expect() for MAX11410 SelfTest
9:3ec00515891d 2020-03-17 whismanoid Support tinyTester.print("message")
8:9171f0ab3c17 2020-03-17 whismanoid support uint8_t() 0 args for MAX11410 SelfTest setups
7:5b40b6370f8a 2020-03-09 whismanoid support uint8_t(uint8_t...) 1,2,3,4,5 args; for MAX11410 SelfTest setups
6:3d50dda3d0eb 2020-03-09 whismanoid MaximTinyTester support double(uint32_t) and double(double) fix printf format specifiers
5:67a1cd5a67cc 2020-01-30 whismanoid support double(uint32_t) FunctionCall_Expect
4:63d97c7be309 2019-09-27 whismanoid Added tag 2019-09-27_r1.0 for changeset 080aa1bb1bc0
3:080aa1bb1bc0 2019-07-10 whismanoid Support Nucleo_F446RE (LED indicators are NC) 2019-09-27_r1.0
2:9b20cadbfa15 2019-07-10 whismanoid Read_Expect_voltageV skip if expect_result exceeds ADC full scale
1:f98ddb04f9e0 2019-06-21 whismanoid add LED indicators m_PassLED, m_FailLED, m_BusyLED; ; pulse blue LED during test to indicate activity
0:93d4119d3f14 2019-06-10 whismanoid initial commit