Test program running on MAX32625MBED. Control through USB Serial commands using a terminal emulator such as teraterm or putty.

Dependencies:   MaximTinyTester CmdLine MAX541 USBDevice

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API Documentation at this revision

Tue Feb 11 01:16:34 2020 +0000
Commit message:
MAX11043 initial serial tester for investigation

Changed in this revision

MAX11043/MAX11043.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
MAX11043/MAX11043.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
MAX11410.lib Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
MaximTinyTester.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Test_Main_MAX11043.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Test_Menu_MAX11043.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Test_Menu_MAX11410.cpp Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/MAX11043/MAX11043.cpp	Tue Feb 11 01:16:34 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,934 @@
+// /*******************************************************************************
+// * Copyright (C) 2020 Maxim Integrated Products, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
+// *
+// * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+// * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+// * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+// * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+// * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+// * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+// *
+// * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+// * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+// *
+// *
+// * Except as contained in this notice, the name of Maxim Integrated
+// * Products, Inc. shall not be used except as stated in the Maxim Integrated
+// * Products, Inc. Branding Policy.
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+// * property whatsoever. Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. retains all
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+// *******************************************************************************
+// */
+// *********************************************************************
+// @file MAX11043.cpp
+// *********************************************************************
+// Device Driver file
+// DO NOT EDIT; except areas designated "CUSTOMIZE". Automatically generated file.
+// generated by XMLSystemOfDevicesToMBED.py
+// System Name = ExampleSystem
+// System Description = Device driver example
+#include "MAX11043.h"
+// Device Name = MAX11043
+// Device Description = 200ksps, Low-Power, Serial SPI 24-Bit, 4-Channel, Differential/Single-Ended Input, Simultaneous-Sampling SD ADC
+// Device DeviceBriefDescription = 24-bit 200ksps Delta-Sigma ADC
+// Device Manufacturer = Maxim Integrated
+// Device PartNumber = MAX11043ATL+
+// Device RegValue_Width = DataWidth16bit_HL
+// ADC MaxOutputDataRate = 200ksps
+// ADC NumChannels = 4
+// ADC ResolutionBits = 24
+// SPI CS = ActiveLow
+// SPI FrameStart = CS
+// SPI CPOL = 0
+// SPI CPHA = 0
+// SPI MOSI and MISO Data are both stable on Rising edge of SCLK
+// SPI SCLK Idle Low
+// SPI SCLKMaxMHz = 40
+// SPI SCLKMinMHz = 0
+// InputPin Name = CONVRUN
+// InputPin Description = CONVRUN (digital input). Convert Run. Drive high to start continuous conversions on all 4 channels. The device is idle when
+// CONVRUN is low.
+// InputPin Function = Configuration
+// InputPin Name = SHDN
+// InputPin Description = Shutdown (digital input). Active-High Shutdown Input. Drive high to shut down the MAX11043.
+// InputPin Function = Configuration
+// InputPin Name = DACSTEP
+// InputPin Description = DACSTEP (digital input). DAC Step Input. Drive high to move the DAC output in the direction of UP/DWN on the next rising
+// edge of the system clock.
+// InputPin Function = Configuration
+// InputPin Name = UP/DWN#
+// InputPin Description = UP/DWN# (digital input). DAC Step Direction Select. Drive high to step up, drive low to step down when DACSTEP is toggled.
+// InputPin Function = Configuration
+// OutputPin Name = EOC
+// OutputPin Description = End of Conversion Output. Active-Low End-of-Conversion Indicator. EOC asserts low to indicate that new data is ready.
+// OutputPin Function = Event
+// CODE GENERATOR: class constructor definition
+MAX11043::MAX11043(SPI &spi, DigitalOut &cs_pin, // SPI interface
+                 // CODE GENERATOR: class constructor definition gpio InputPin pins
+                 DigitalOut &CONVRUN_pin, // Digital Configuration Input to MAX11043 device
+                 DigitalOut &SHDN_pin, // Digital Configuration Input to MAX11043 device
+                 DigitalOut &DACSTEP_pin, // Digital Configuration Input to MAX11043 device
+                 DigitalOut &UP_slash_DWNb_pin, // Digital Configuration Input to MAX11043 device
+                 // CODE GENERATOR: class constructor definition gpio OutputPin pins
+                 DigitalIn &EOC_pin, // Digital Event Output from MAX11043 device
+                 // CODE GENERATOR: class constructor definition ic_variant
+                 MAX11043_ic_t ic_variant)
+    // CODE GENERATOR: class constructor initializer list
+    : m_spi(spi), m_cs_pin(cs_pin), // SPI interface
+    // CODE GENERATOR: class constructor initializer list gpio InputPin pins
+    m_CONVRUN_pin(CONVRUN_pin), // Digital Configuration Input to MAX11043 device
+    m_SHDN_pin(SHDN_pin), // Digital Configuration Input to MAX11043 device
+    m_DACSTEP_pin(DACSTEP_pin), // Digital Configuration Input to MAX11043 device
+    m_UP_slash_DWNb_pin(UP_slash_DWNb_pin), // Digital Configuration Input to MAX11043 device
+    // CODE GENERATOR: class constructor initializer list gpio OutputPin pins
+    m_EOC_pin(EOC_pin), // Digital Event Output from MAX11043 device
+    // CODE GENERATOR: class constructor initializer list ic_variant
+    m_ic_variant(ic_variant)
+    // CODE GENERATOR: class constructor definition SPI interface initialization
+    //
+    // SPI CS = ActiveLow
+    // SPI FrameStart = CS
+    m_SPI_cs_state = 1;
+    m_cs_pin = m_SPI_cs_state;
+    // SPI CPOL = 0
+    // SPI CPHA = 0
+    // SPI MOSI and MISO Data are both stable on Rising edge of SCLK
+    // SPI SCLK Idle Low
+    m_SPI_dataMode = 0; //SPI_MODE0; // CPOL=0,CPHA=0: Rising Edge stable; SCLK idle Low
+    m_spi.format(8,m_SPI_dataMode);         // int bits_must_be_8, int mode=0_3 CPOL=0,CPHA=0
+    // SPI SCLKMaxMHz = 40
+    // SPI SCLKMinMHz = 0
+    //#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 48000000 // 48MHz
+    //#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 24000000 // 24MHz
+    //#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 12000000 // 12MHz
+    //#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 6000000 // 6MHz
+    //#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 4000000 // 4MHz
+    //#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 2000000 // 2MHz
+    //#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 1000000 // 1MHz
+    m_SPI_SCLK_Hz = 12000000; // 12MHz; MAX11043 limit is 40MHz
+    m_spi.frequency(m_SPI_SCLK_Hz);
+    //
+    // CODE GENERATOR: class constructor definition gpio InputPin (Input to device) initialization
+    //
+    // CONVRUN Configuration Input to MAX11043 device
+    m_CONVRUN_pin = 1; // output logic high -- initial value in constructor
+    //
+    // SHDN Configuration Input to MAX11043 device
+    m_SHDN_pin = 1; // output logic high -- initial value in constructor
+    //
+    // DACSTEP Configuration Input to MAX11043 device
+    m_DACSTEP_pin = 1; // output logic high -- initial value in constructor
+    //
+    // UP_slash_DWNb Configuration Input to MAX11043 device
+    m_UP_slash_DWNb_pin = 1; // output logic high -- initial value in constructor
+    //
+    // CODE GENERATOR: class constructor definition gpio OutputPin (Output from MAX11043 device) initialization
+    //
+    // EOC Event Output from device
+// CODE GENERATOR: class destructor definition
+    // do nothing
+// CODE GENERATOR: spi_frequency setter definition
+/// set SPI SCLK frequency
+void MAX11043::spi_frequency(int spi_sclk_Hz)
+    m_SPI_SCLK_Hz = spi_sclk_Hz;
+    m_spi.frequency(m_SPI_SCLK_Hz);
+// CODE GENERATOR: omit global g_MAX11043_device
+// CODE GENERATOR: extern function declarations
+// CODE GENERATOR: extern function requirement MAX11043::SPIoutputCS
+// Assert SPI Chip Select
+// SPI chip-select for MAX11043
+void MAX11043::SPIoutputCS(int isLogicHigh)
+    // CODE GENERATOR: extern function definition for function SPIoutputCS
+    // CODE GENERATOR: extern function definition for standard SPI interface function SPIoutputCS(int isLogicHigh)
+    m_SPI_cs_state = isLogicHigh;
+    m_cs_pin = m_SPI_cs_state;
+// CODE GENERATOR: extern function requirement MAX11043::SPIwrite16bits
+// SPI write 16 bits
+// SPI interface to MAX11043 shift 16 bits mosiData into MAX11043 DIN
+void MAX11043::SPIwrite16bits(int16_t mosiData16)
+    // CODE GENERATOR: extern function definition for function SPIwrite16bits
+    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: extern function definition for standard SPI interface function SPIwrite16bits(int16_t mosiData16)
+    size_t byteCount = 2;
+    static char mosiData[2];
+    static char misoData[2];
+    mosiData[0] = (char)((mosiData16 >> 8) & 0xFF); // MSByte
+    mosiData[1] = (char)((mosiData16 >> 0) & 0xFF); // LSByte
+    //
+    // Arduino: begin critical section: noInterrupts() masks all interrupt sources; end critical section with interrupts()
+    //~ noInterrupts();
+    //
+    //~ digitalWrite(Scope_Trigger_Pin, LOW); // diagnostic Scope_Trigger_Pin
+    //
+    unsigned int numBytesTransferred = m_spi.write(mosiData, byteCount, misoData, byteCount);
+    //~ m_spi.transfer(mosiData8_FF0000);
+    //~ m_spi.transfer(mosiData16_00FF00);
+    //~ m_spi.transfer(mosiData16_0000FF);
+    //
+    //~ digitalWrite(Scope_Trigger_Pin, HIGH); // diagnostic Scope_Trigger_Pin
+    //
+    // Arduino: begin critical section: noInterrupts() masks all interrupt sources; end critical section with interrupts()
+    //~ interrupts();
+    // Optional Diagnostic function to print SPI transactions
+    if (onSPIprint)
+    {
+        onSPIprint(byteCount, (uint8_t*)mosiData, (uint8_t*)misoData);
+    }
+    //
+    // VERIFY: SPIwrite24bits print diagnostic information
+    //cmdLine.serial().printf(" MOSI->"));
+    //cmdLine.serial().printf(" 0x"));
+    //Serial.print( (mosiData8_FF0000 & 0xFF), HEX);
+    //cmdLine.serial().printf(" 0x"));
+    //Serial.print( (mosiData16_00FF00 & 0xFF), HEX);
+    //cmdLine.serial().printf(" 0x"));
+    //Serial.print( (mosiData16_0000FF & 0xFF), HEX);
+    // hex dump mosiData[0..byteCount-1]
+    cmdLine_microUSBserial.serial().printf("\r\nSPI");
+    if (byteCount > 7) {
+        cmdLine_microUSBserial.serial().printf(" byteCount:%d", byteCount);
+    }
+    cmdLine_microUSBserial.serial().printf(" MOSI->");
+    for (unsigned int byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < byteCount; byteIndex++)
+    {
+        cmdLine_microUSBserial.serial().printf(" 0x%2.2X", mosiData[byteIndex]);
+    }
+    // hex dump misoData[0..byteCount-1]
+    cmdLine_microUSBserial.serial().printf("  MISO<-");
+    for (unsigned int byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < numBytesTransferred; byteIndex++)
+    {
+        cmdLine_microUSBserial.serial().printf(" 0x%2.2X", misoData[byteIndex]);
+    }
+    cmdLine_microUSBserial.serial().printf(" ");
+    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf("\r\nSPI");
+    if (byteCount > 7) {
+        cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf(" byteCount:%d", byteCount);
+    }
+    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf(" MOSI->");
+    for (unsigned int byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < byteCount; byteIndex++)
+    {
+        cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf(" 0x%2.2X", mosiData[byteIndex]);
+    }
+    // hex dump misoData[0..byteCount-1]
+    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf("  MISO<-");
+    for (unsigned int byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < numBytesTransferred; byteIndex++)
+    {
+        cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf(" 0x%2.2X", misoData[byteIndex]);
+    }
+    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf(" ");
+    // VERIFY: DIAGNOSTIC: print MAX5715 device register write
+    // TODO: MAX5715_print_register_verbose(mosiData8_FF0000, mosiData16_00FFFF);
+    // TODO: print_verbose_SPI_diagnostic(mosiData16_FF00, mosiData16_00FF, misoData16_FF00, misoData16_00FF);
+    //
+    // int misoData16 = (misoData16_FF00 << 8) | misoData16_00FF;
+    // return misoData16;
+// CODE GENERATOR: extern function requirement MAX11043::SPIreadWrite16bits
+// SPI read and write 16 bits
+// SPI interface to MAX11043 shift 16 bits mosiData16 into MAX11043 DIN
+// while simultaneously capturing 16 bits miso data from MAX11043 DOUT
+int16_t MAX11043::SPIreadWrite16bits(int16_t mosiData16)
+    // CODE GENERATOR: extern function definition for function SPIreadWrite16bits
+    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: extern function definition for standard SPI interface function SPIreadWrite16bits(int16_t mosiData16)
+    size_t byteCount = 2;
+    static char mosiData[2];
+    static char misoData[2];
+    mosiData[0] = (char)((mosiData16 >> 8) & 0xFF); // MSByte
+    mosiData[1] = (char)((mosiData16 >> 0) & 0xFF); // LSByte
+    //
+    // Arduino: begin critical section: noInterrupts() masks all interrupt sources; end critical section with interrupts()
+    //~ noInterrupts();
+    //
+    //~ digitalWrite(Scope_Trigger_Pin, LOW); // diagnostic Scope_Trigger_Pin
+    //
+    unsigned int numBytesTransferred = m_spi.write(mosiData, byteCount, misoData, byteCount);
+    //~ m_spi.transfer(mosiData8_FF0000);
+    //~ m_spi.transfer(mosiData16_00FF00);
+    //~ m_spi.transfer(mosiData16_0000FF);
+    //
+    //~ digitalWrite(Scope_Trigger_Pin, HIGH); // diagnostic Scope_Trigger_Pin
+    //
+    // Arduino: begin critical section: noInterrupts() masks all interrupt sources; end critical section with interrupts()
+    //~ interrupts();
+    // Optional Diagnostic function to print SPI transactions
+    if (onSPIprint)
+    {
+        onSPIprint(byteCount, (uint8_t*)mosiData, (uint8_t*)misoData);
+    }
+    //
+    // VERIFY: SPIwrite24bits print diagnostic information
+    //cmdLine.serial().printf(" MOSI->"));
+    //cmdLine.serial().printf(" 0x"));
+    //Serial.print( (mosiData8_FF0000 & 0xFF), HEX);
+    //cmdLine.serial().printf(" 0x"));
+    //Serial.print( (mosiData16_00FF00 & 0xFF), HEX);
+    //cmdLine.serial().printf(" 0x"));
+    //Serial.print( (mosiData16_0000FF & 0xFF), HEX);
+    // hex dump mosiData[0..byteCount-1]
+    cmdLine_microUSBserial.serial().printf("\r\nSPI");
+    if (byteCount > 7) {
+        cmdLine_microUSBserial.serial().printf(" byteCount:%d", byteCount);
+    }
+    cmdLine_microUSBserial.serial().printf(" MOSI->");
+    for (unsigned int byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < byteCount; byteIndex++)
+    {
+        cmdLine_microUSBserial.serial().printf(" 0x%2.2X", mosiData[byteIndex]);
+    }
+    // hex dump misoData[0..byteCount-1]
+    cmdLine_microUSBserial.serial().printf("  MISO<-");
+    for (unsigned int byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < numBytesTransferred; byteIndex++)
+    {
+        cmdLine_microUSBserial.serial().printf(" 0x%2.2X", misoData[byteIndex]);
+    }
+    cmdLine_microUSBserial.serial().printf(" ");
+    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf("\r\nSPI");
+    if (byteCount > 7) {
+        cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf(" byteCount:%d", byteCount);
+    }
+    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf(" MOSI->");
+    for (unsigned int byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < byteCount; byteIndex++)
+    {
+        cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf(" 0x%2.2X", mosiData[byteIndex]);
+    }
+    // hex dump misoData[0..byteCount-1]
+    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf("  MISO<-");
+    for (unsigned int byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < numBytesTransferred; byteIndex++)
+    {
+        cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf(" 0x%2.2X", misoData[byteIndex]);
+    }
+    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf(" ");
+    // VERIFY: DIAGNOSTIC: print MAX5715 device register write
+    // TODO: MAX5715_print_register_verbose(mosiData8_FF0000, mosiData16_00FFFF);
+    // TODO: print_verbose_SPI_diagnostic(mosiData16_FF00, mosiData16_00FF, misoData16_FF00, misoData16_00FF);
+    //
+    //int misoData16 = (misoData16_FF00 << 8) | misoData16_00FF;
+    int misoData16 = (misoData[0] << 8) | misoData[1];
+    return misoData16;
+// CODE GENERATOR: extern function requirement MAX11043::SPIreadWrite32bits
+// SPI read and write 32 bits
+// SPI interface to MAX11043 shift 32 bits mosiData into MAX11043 DIN
+// while simultaneously capturing 32 bits miso data from MAX11043 DOUT
+int32_t MAX11043::SPIreadWrite32bits(int32_t mosiData32)
+    // CODE GENERATOR: extern function definition for function SPIreadWrite32bits
+    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: extern function definition for standard SPI interface function SPIreadWrite32bits(int32_t mosiData32)
+    size_t byteCount = 4;
+    static char mosiData[4];
+    static char misoData[4];
+    mosiData[0] = (char)((mosiData32 >> 24) & 0xFF); // MSByte
+    mosiData[1] = (char)((mosiData32 >> 16) & 0xFF);
+    mosiData[2] = (char)((mosiData32 >>  8) & 0xFF);
+    mosiData[3] = (char)((mosiData32 >>  0) & 0xFF); // LSByte
+    //
+    // Arduino: begin critical section: noInterrupts() masks all interrupt sources; end critical section with interrupts()
+    //~ noInterrupts();
+    //
+    //~ digitalWrite(Scope_Trigger_Pin, LOW); // diagnostic Scope_Trigger_Pin
+    //
+    unsigned int numBytesTransferred = m_spi.write(mosiData, byteCount, misoData, byteCount);
+    //~ m_spi.transfer(mosiData8_FF0000);
+    //~ m_spi.transfer(mosiData16_00FF00);
+    //~ m_spi.transfer(mosiData16_0000FF);
+    //
+    //~ digitalWrite(Scope_Trigger_Pin, HIGH); // diagnostic Scope_Trigger_Pin
+    //
+    // Arduino: begin critical section: noInterrupts() masks all interrupt sources; end critical section with interrupts()
+    //~ interrupts();
+    // Optional Diagnostic function to print SPI transactions
+    if (onSPIprint)
+    {
+        onSPIprint(byteCount, (uint8_t*)mosiData, (uint8_t*)misoData);
+    }
+    //
+    // VERIFY: SPIwrite24bits print diagnostic information
+    //cmdLine.serial().printf(" MOSI->"));
+    //cmdLine.serial().printf(" 0x"));
+    //Serial.print( (mosiData8_FF0000 & 0xFF), HEX);
+    //cmdLine.serial().printf(" 0x"));
+    //Serial.print( (mosiData16_00FF00 & 0xFF), HEX);
+    //cmdLine.serial().printf(" 0x"));
+    //Serial.print( (mosiData16_0000FF & 0xFF), HEX);
+    // hex dump mosiData[0..byteCount-1]
+    cmdLine_microUSBserial.serial().printf("\r\nSPI");
+    if (byteCount > 7) {
+        cmdLine_microUSBserial.serial().printf(" byteCount:%d", byteCount);
+    }
+    cmdLine_microUSBserial.serial().printf(" MOSI->");
+    for (unsigned int byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < byteCount; byteIndex++)
+    {
+        cmdLine_microUSBserial.serial().printf(" 0x%2.2X", mosiData[byteIndex]);
+    }
+    // hex dump misoData[0..byteCount-1]
+    cmdLine_microUSBserial.serial().printf("  MISO<-");
+    for (unsigned int byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < numBytesTransferred; byteIndex++)
+    {
+        cmdLine_microUSBserial.serial().printf(" 0x%2.2X", misoData[byteIndex]);
+    }
+    cmdLine_microUSBserial.serial().printf(" ");
+    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf("\r\nSPI");
+    if (byteCount > 7) {
+        cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf(" byteCount:%d", byteCount);
+    }
+    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf(" MOSI->");
+    for (unsigned int byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < byteCount; byteIndex++)
+    {
+        cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf(" 0x%2.2X", mosiData[byteIndex]);
+    }
+    // hex dump misoData[0..byteCount-1]
+    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf("  MISO<-");
+    for (unsigned int byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < numBytesTransferred; byteIndex++)
+    {
+        cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf(" 0x%2.2X", misoData[byteIndex]);
+    }
+    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf(" ");
+    // VERIFY: DIAGNOSTIC: print MAX5715 device register write
+    // TODO: MAX5715_print_register_verbose(mosiData8_FF0000, mosiData16_00FFFF);
+    // TODO: print_verbose_SPI_diagnostic(mosiData16_FF00, mosiData16_00FF, misoData16_FF00, misoData16_00FF);
+    //
+    //int misoData32 = (misoData32_FF000000 << 24) | (misoData32_FF0000 << 16) | (misoData32_0000FF00 << 8) | misoData32_000000FF;
+    int misoData32 = (misoData[0] << 24) | (misoData[1] << 16) | (misoData[2] << 8) | misoData[3];
+    return misoData32;
+// TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: extern function GPIOoutputSHDN alias SHDNoutputValue
+// CODE GENERATOR: extern function requirement MAX11043::SHDNoutputValue
+// Assert MAX11043 SHDN pin : High = _____, Low = _____.
+void MAX11043::SHDNoutputValue(int isLogicHigh)
+    // CODE GENERATOR: extern function definition for function SHDNoutputValue
+    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: extern function definition for gpio interface function SHDNoutputValue
+    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: gpio pin SHDN assuming member function m_SHDN_pin
+    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: gpio direction output
+    // m_SHDN_pin.output(); // only applicable to DigitalInOut
+    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: gpio function Value
+    m_SHDN_pin = isLogicHigh;
+// TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: extern function GPIOoutputCONVRUN alias CONVRUNoutputValue
+// CODE GENERATOR: extern function requirement MAX11043::CONVRUNoutputValue
+// Assert MAX11043 CONVRUN pin : High = _____, Low = _____.
+void MAX11043::CONVRUNoutputValue(int isLogicHigh)
+    // CODE GENERATOR: extern function definition for function CONVRUNoutputValue
+    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: extern function definition for gpio interface function CONVRUNoutputValue
+    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: gpio pin CONVRUN assuming member function m_CONVRUN_pin
+    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: gpio direction output
+    // m_CONVRUN_pin.output(); // only applicable to DigitalInOut
+    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: gpio function Value
+    m_CONVRUN_pin = isLogicHigh;
+// TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: extern function GPIOoutputDACSTEP alias DACSTEPoutputValue
+// CODE GENERATOR: extern function requirement MAX11043::DACSTEPoutputValue
+// Assert MAX11043 DACSTEP pin : High = _____, Low = _____.
+void MAX11043::DACSTEPoutputValue(int isLogicHigh)
+    // CODE GENERATOR: extern function definition for function DACSTEPoutputValue
+    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: extern function definition for gpio interface function DACSTEPoutputValue
+    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: gpio pin DACSTEP assuming member function m_DACSTEP_pin
+    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: gpio direction output
+    // m_DACSTEP_pin.output(); // only applicable to DigitalInOut
+    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: gpio function Value
+    m_DACSTEP_pin = isLogicHigh;
+// TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: extern function GPIOoutputUP_slash_DWNb alias UP_slash_DWNboutputValue
+// CODE GENERATOR: extern function requirement MAX11043::UP_slash_DWNboutputValue
+// Assert MAX11043 UP_slash_DWNb pin : High = _____, Low = _____.
+void MAX11043::UP_slash_DWNboutputValue(int isLogicHigh)
+    // CODE GENERATOR: extern function definition for function UP_slash_DWNboutputValue
+    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: extern function definition for gpio interface function UP_slash_DWNboutputValue
+    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: gpio pin UP_slash_DWNb assuming member function m_UP_slash_DWNb_pin
+    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: gpio direction output
+    // m_UP_slash_DWNb_pin.output(); // only applicable to DigitalInOut
+    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: gpio function Value
+    m_UP_slash_DWNb_pin = isLogicHigh;
+// CODE GENERATOR: extern function requirement MAX11043::EOCinputWaitUntilLow
+// Wait for MAX11043 EOC pin low, indicating end of conversion.
+// Required when using any of the InternalClock modes.
+void MAX11043::EOCinputWaitUntilLow()
+    // CODE GENERATOR: extern function definition for function EOCinputWaitUntilLow
+    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: extern function definition for gpio interface function EOCinputWaitUntilLow
+    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: gpio pin EOC assuming member function m_EOC_pin
+    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: gpio direction input
+    // m_EOC_pin.input(); // only applicable to DigitalInOut
+    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: gpio function WaitUntilLow
+    while (m_EOC_pin != 0)
+    {
+        // spinlock waiting for logic low pin state
+    }
+// CODE GENERATOR: extern function requirement MAX11043::EOCinputValue
+// Return the status of the MAX11043 EOC pin.
+int MAX11043::EOCinputValue()
+    // CODE GENERATOR: extern function definition for function EOCinputValue
+    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: extern function definition for gpio interface function EOCinputValue
+    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: gpio pin EOC assuming member function m_EOC_pin
+    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: gpio direction input
+    // m_EOC_pin.input(); // only applicable to DigitalInOut
+    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: gpio function Value
+    return m_EOC_pin.read();
+// CODE GENERATOR: class member function definitions
+// Menu item '!'
+// Initialize device
+// @return 1 on success; 0 on failure
+uint8_t MAX11043::Init(void)
+    //----------------------------------------
+    // TODO1: AC79 MAX11043 AIN0-AIN1 reference voltage, in Volts
+    VRef_xxxxxx = 2.500;
+    //----------------------------------------
+    // shadow of register ctrl CMD_r000_1001_dddd_dddd_CTRL
+    ctrl = 0x01;
+    //----------------------------------------
+    // set by Configure_PGA gain index register pga CMD_r000_1110_xxdd_xddd_PGA
+    pgaGain = 1;
+    //----------------------------------------
+    // init (based on old EV kit GUI)
+    #warning "Not Implemented Yet: MAX11043::Init init..."
+    // bool bOpResult = false;
+    // String FWVersionString = "00";
+    // bool bDemoMode = true;
+    // int scan_resolution = 0;
+    // int scan_channels = 0;
+    // int scan_bits = 0;
+    // int sampleRateFactore = 0;
+    // double sampleRate = 0;
+    // unsigned long banks_requested = 0;
+    // bool bScanMode = 0;
+    //----------------------------------------
+    // Device ID Validation
+    #warning "Not Implemented Yet: MAX11043::Init Device ID Validation..."
+    // const uint32_t part_id_expect = 0x000F02;
+    // uint32_t part_id_readback;
+    // RegRead(xxxxxxxxxxxxCMD_r001_0001_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xddd_PART_ID, &part_id_readback);
+    // if (part_id_readback != part_id_expect) return 0;
+    //----------------------------------------
+    // write8 0x00 PD = 0x03 (Reset Registers; enter Standby mode)
+    // RegWrite(xxxxxxxxxxxCMD_r000_0000_xxxx_xxdd_PD, PD_11_Reset);
+    //----------------------------------------
+    // write8 0x00 PD = 0x00 (NOP)
+    // RegWrite(xxxxxxxxxxxxCMD_r000_0000_xxxx_xxdd_PD, PD_00_Normal);
+    //----------------------------------------
+    // success
+    return 1;
+// Write a MAX11043 register.
+// CMD_1aaa_aaaa_REGISTER_READ bit is cleared 0 indicating a write operation.
+// MAX11043 register length can be determined by function RegSize.
+// For 8-bit register size:
+//     SPI 16-bit transfer
+//     SPI MOSI = 0aaa_aaaa_dddd_dddd
+//     SPI MISO = xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx
+// For 16-bit register size:
+//     SPI 24-bit or 32-bit transfer
+//     SPI MOSI = 0aaa_aaaa_dddd_dddd_dddd_dddd
+//     SPI MISO = xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx
+// For 24-bit register size:
+//     SPI 32-bit transfer
+//     SPI MOSI = 0aaa_aaaa_dddd_dddd_dddd_dddd_dddd_dddd
+//     SPI MISO = xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx
+// @return 1 on success; 0 on failure
+uint8_t MAX11043::RegWrite(MAX11043_CMD_enum_t commandByte, uint32_t regData)
+    //----------------------------------------
+    // switch based on register address szie RegSize(commandByte)
+    //commandByte = (MAX11043_CMD_enum_t)((commandByte &~ CMD_0aaa_aa10_RdAddr_ReadAnyRegister) & 0xFF);
+    switch(RegSize(commandByte))
+    {
+        case 8:  // 8-bit register size
+            {
+                // SPI 16-bit transfer
+                // SPI MOSI = 0aaa_aaaa_dddd_dddd
+                // SPI MISO = xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx
+                int16_t mosiData16 = ((int16_t)commandByte << 8) | ((int16_t)regData & 0xFF);
+                SPIoutputCS(0);
+                SPIwrite16bits(mosiData16);
+                SPIoutputCS(1);
+            }
+            break;
+        case 16:  // 16-bit register size
+            #warning "Not Verified Yet: MAX11043::RegWrite 16-bit SPIreadWrite32bits"
+            {
+                // SPI 24-bit or 32-bit transfer
+                // SPI MOSI = 0aaa_aaaa_dddd_dddd_dddd_dddd
+                // SPI MISO = xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx
+                // SPI MOSI = 0aaa_aaaa_dddd_dddd_dddd_dddd_0000_0000
+                // SPI MISO = xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx
+                int32_t mosiData32 = ((int32_t)commandByte << 24) | (((int32_t)regData & 0xFFFF) << 8);
+                SPIoutputCS(0);
+                SPIreadWrite32bits(mosiData32);
+                SPIoutputCS(1);
+            }
+            break;
+        case 24:  // 24-bit register size
+            {
+                // SPI 32-bit transfer
+                // SPI MOSI = 0aaa_aaaa_dddd_dddd_dddd_dddd_dddd_dddd
+                // SPI MISO = xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx
+                int32_t mosiData32 = ((int32_t)commandByte << 24) | ((int32_t)regData & 0x00FFFFFF);
+                SPIoutputCS(0);
+                SPIreadWrite32bits(mosiData32);
+                SPIoutputCS(1);
+            }
+            break;
+    }
+    //----------------------------------------
+    // success
+    return 1;
+// Read an 8-bit MAX11043 register
+// CMD_1aaa_aaaa_REGISTER_READ bit is set 1 indicating a read operation.
+// MAX11043 register length can be determined by function RegSize.
+// For 8-bit register size:
+//     SPI 16-bit transfer
+//     SPI MOSI = 1aaa_aaaa_0000_0000
+//     SPI MISO = xxxx_xxxx_dddd_dddd
+// For 16-bit register size:
+//     SPI 24-bit or 32-bit transfer
+//     SPI MOSI = 1aaa_aaaa_0000_0000_0000_0000
+//     SPI MISO = xxxx_xxxx_dddd_dddd_dddd_dddd
+// For 24-bit register size:
+//     SPI 32-bit transfer
+//     SPI MOSI = 1aaa_aaaa_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000
+//     SPI MISO = xxxx_xxxx_dddd_dddd_dddd_dddd_dddd_dddd
+// @return 1 on success; 0 on failure
+uint8_t MAX11043::RegRead(MAX11043_CMD_enum_t commandByte, uint32_t* ptrRegData)
+    //----------------------------------------
+    // switch based on register address szie RegSize(regAddress)
+    //commandByte = (MAX11043_CMD_enum_t)((commandByte &~ CMD_0aaa_aa10_RdAddr_ReadAnyRegister) & 0xFF);
+    switch(RegSize(commandByte))
+    {
+        case 8:  // 8-bit register size
+            {
+                // SPI 16-bit transfer
+                // SPI MOSI = 1aaa_aaaa_0000_0000
+                // SPI MISO = xxxx_xxxx_dddd_dddd
+                int16_t mosiData16 = ((CMD_0aaa_aa10_RdAddr_ReadAnyRegister | (int16_t)commandByte) << 8) | ((int16_t)0);
+                SPIoutputCS(0);
+                int16_t misoData16 = SPIreadWrite16bits(mosiData16);
+                SPIoutputCS(1);
+                (*ptrRegData) = (misoData16 & 0x00FF);
+            }
+            break;
+        case 16:  // 16-bit register size
+            #warning "Not Verified Yet: MAX11043::RegRead 16-bit SPIreadWrite32bits"
+            {
+                // SPI 24-bit or 32-bit transfer
+                // SPI MOSI = 1aaa_aaaa_0000_0000_0000_0000
+                // SPI MISO = xxxx_xxxx_dddd_dddd_dddd_dddd
+                // SPI MOSI = 1aaa_aaaa_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000
+                // SPI MISO = xxxx_xxxx_dddd_dddd_dddd_dddd_xxxx_xxxx
+                int32_t mosiData32 = ((CMD_0aaa_aa10_RdAddr_ReadAnyRegister | (int32_t)commandByte) << 24);
+                SPIoutputCS(0);
+                int32_t misoData32 = SPIreadWrite32bits(mosiData32);
+                SPIoutputCS(1);
+                (*ptrRegData) = ((misoData32 >> 8) & 0x00FFFF);
+            }
+            break;
+        case 24:  // 24-bit register size
+            {
+                // SPI 32-bit transfer
+                // SPI MOSI = 1aaa_aaaa_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000
+                // SPI MISO = xxxx_xxxx_dddd_dddd_dddd_dddd_dddd_dddd
+                int32_t mosiData32 = ((CMD_0aaa_aa10_RdAddr_ReadAnyRegister | (int32_t)commandByte) << 24);
+                SPIoutputCS(0);
+                int32_t misoData32 = SPIreadWrite32bits(mosiData32);
+                SPIoutputCS(1);
+                (*ptrRegData) = (misoData32 & 0x00FFFFFF);
+            }
+            break;
+    }
+    //----------------------------------------
+    // success
+    return 1;
+// Return the size of a MAX11043 register
+// @return 8 for 8-bit, 16 for 16-bit, 24 for 24-bit, else 0 for undefined register size
+uint8_t MAX11043::RegSize(MAX11043_CMD_enum_t commandByte)
+    //----------------------------------------
+    // switch based on register address value regAddress
+    // commandByte = (MAX11043_CMD_enum_t)((commandByte &~ CMD_0aaa_aa10_RdAddr_ReadAnyRegister) & 0xFF);
+    switch(commandByte)
+    {
+        default:
+        case CMD_0aaa_aa00_WrAddr_WriteAnyRegister:
+        case CMD_0aaa_aa10_RdAddr_ReadAnyRegister:
+        case CMD_1111_1111_NoOperationMOSIidleHigh:
+            return 0;  // undefined register size
+        case CMD_0001_1110_d8_Rd07_Status:
+        case CMD_0101_0100_d8_Wr15_FilterCAddress:
+        case CMD_0101_0110_d8_Rd15_FilterCAddress:
+        case CMD_0110_0000_d8_Wr18_FlashMode:
+        case CMD_0110_0010_d8_Rd18_FlashMode:
+            return 8;  // 8-bit register size
+        case CMD_0010_0000_d16_Wr08_Configuration:
+        case CMD_0010_0010_d16_Rd08_Configuration:
+        case CMD_0010_0100_d16_Wr09_DAC:
+        case CMD_0010_0110_d16_Rd09_DAC:
+        case CMD_0010_1000_d16_Wr0A_DACStep:
+        case CMD_0010_1010_d16_Rd0A_DACStep:
+        case CMD_0010_1100_d16_Wr0B_DACHDACL:
+        case CMD_0010_1110_d16_Rd0B_DACHDACL:
+        case CMD_0011_0000_d16_Wr0C_ConfigA:
+        case CMD_0011_0010_d16_Rd0C_ConfigA:
+        case CMD_0011_0100_d16_Wr0D_ConfigB:
+        case CMD_0011_0110_d16_Rd0D_ConfigB:
+        case CMD_0011_1000_d16_Wr0E_ConfigC:
+        case CMD_0011_1010_d16_Rd0E_ConfigC:
+        case CMD_0011_1100_d16_Wr0F_ConfigD:
+        case CMD_0011_1110_d16_Rd0F_ConfigD:
+        case CMD_0100_0000_d16_Wr10_Reference:
+        case CMD_0100_0010_d16_Rd10_Reference:
+        case CMD_0100_0100_d16_Wr11_AGain:
+        case CMD_0100_0110_d16_Rd11_AGain:
+        case CMD_0100_1000_d16_Wr12_BGain:
+        case CMD_0100_1010_d16_Rd12_BGain:
+        case CMD_0100_1100_d16_Wr13_CGain:
+        case CMD_0100_1110_d16_Rd13_CGain:
+        case CMD_0101_0000_d16_Wr14_DGain:
+        case CMD_0101_0010_d16_Rd14_DGain:
+        case CMD_0110_0100_d16_Wr19_FlashAddr:
+        case CMD_0110_0110_d16_Rd19_FlashAddr:
+        case CMD_0110_1000_d16_Wr1A_FlashDataIn:
+        case CMD_0110_1010_d16_Rd1A_FlashDataIn:
+        case CMD_0110_1110_d16_Rd1B_FlashDataOut:
+            return 16;  // 16-bit register size
+        case CMD_0000_0010_d24_Rd00_ADCa:
+        case CMD_0000_0110_d24_Rd01_ADCb:
+        case CMD_0000_1010_d24_Rd02_ADCc:
+        case CMD_0000_1110_d24_Rd03_ADCd:
+            return 24;  // 24-bit register size
+        case CMD_0001_0010_d24_d24_Rd04_ADCab:
+        case CMD_0001_0110_d24_d24_Rd05_ADCcd:
+            return 48;  // 24-bit register size
+        case CMD_0001_1010_d24_d24_d24_d24_Rd06_ADCabcd:
+            return 96;  // 24-bit register size
+        case CMD_0101_1000_d32_Wr16_FilterCDataOut:
+        case CMD_0101_1010_d32_Rd16_FilterCDataOut:
+        case CMD_0101_1100_d32_Wr17_FilterCDataIn:
+        case CMD_0101_1110_d32_Rd17_FilterCDataIn:
+            return 32;  // 32-bit register size
+    }
+// Return the address field of a MAX11043 register
+// @return register address field as given in datasheet
+uint8_t MAX11043::RegAddrOfCommand(MAX11043_CMD_enum_t commandByte)
+    //----------------------------------------
+    // extract register address value from command byte
+    return (uint8_t)((commandByte &~ 0x83) >> 2); // CMD_0aaa_aa10_RdAddr_ReadAnyRegister
+// Test whether a command byte is a register read command
+// @return true if command byte is a register read command
+uint8_t MAX11043::IsRegReadCommand(MAX11043_CMD_enum_t commandByte)
+    //----------------------------------------
+    // Test whether a command byte is a register read command
+    return (commandByte &~ 0x02) ? 1 : 0; // CMD_0aaa_aa10_RdAddr_ReadAnyRegister
+// Return the name of a MAX11043 register
+// @return null-terminated constant C string containing register name or empty string
+const char* MAX11043::RegName(MAX11043_CMD_enum_t commandByte)
+    //----------------------------------------
+    // switch based on register address value regAddress
+    // commandByte = (MAX11043_CMD_enum_t)((commandByte &~ CMD_0aaa_aa10_RdAddr_ReadAnyRegister) & 0xFF);
+    switch(commandByte)
+    {
+        default:
+            return "";  // undefined register
+        // case CMD_0aaa_aa00_WrAddr_WriteAnyRegister: return "_______";
+        // case CMD_0aaa_aa10_RdAddr_ReadAnyRegister: return "_______";
+        // case CMD_1111_1111_NoOperationMOSIidleHigh: return "_______";
+        case CMD_0000_0010_d24_Rd00_ADCa: return "ADCa";
+        case CMD_0000_0110_d24_Rd01_ADCb: return "ADCb";
+        case CMD_0000_1010_d24_Rd02_ADCc: return "ADCc";
+        case CMD_0000_1110_d24_Rd03_ADCd: return "ADCd";
+        case CMD_0001_0010_d24_d24_Rd04_ADCab: return "ADCab";
+        case CMD_0001_0110_d24_d24_Rd05_ADCcd: return "ADCcd";
+        case CMD_0001_1010_d24_d24_d24_d24_Rd06_ADCabcd: return "ADCabcd";
+        case CMD_0001_1110_d8_Rd07_Status: return "Status";
+        case CMD_0010_0000_d16_Wr08_Configuration: return "Configuration";
+        case CMD_0010_0010_d16_Rd08_Configuration: return "Configuration";
+        case CMD_0010_0100_d16_Wr09_DAC: return "DAC";
+        case CMD_0010_0110_d16_Rd09_DAC: return "DAC";
+        case CMD_0010_1000_d16_Wr0A_DACStep: return "DACStep";
+        case CMD_0010_1010_d16_Rd0A_DACStep: return "DACStep";
+        case CMD_0010_1100_d16_Wr0B_DACHDACL: return "DACHDACL";
+        case CMD_0010_1110_d16_Rd0B_DACHDACL: return "DACHDACL";
+        case CMD_0011_0000_d16_Wr0C_ConfigA: return "ConfigA";
+        case CMD_0011_0010_d16_Rd0C_ConfigA: return "ConfigA";
+        case CMD_0011_0100_d16_Wr0D_ConfigB: return "ConfigB";
+        case CMD_0011_0110_d16_Rd0D_ConfigB: return "ConfigB";
+        case CMD_0011_1000_d16_Wr0E_ConfigC: return "ConfigC";
+        case CMD_0011_1010_d16_Rd0E_ConfigC: return "ConfigC";
+        case CMD_0011_1100_d16_Wr0F_ConfigD: return "ConfigD";
+        case CMD_0011_1110_d16_Rd0F_ConfigD: return "ConfigD";
+        case CMD_0100_0000_d16_Wr10_Reference: return "Reference";
+        case CMD_0100_0010_d16_Rd10_Reference: return "Reference";
+        case CMD_0100_0100_d16_Wr11_AGain: return "AGain";
+        case CMD_0100_0110_d16_Rd11_AGain: return "AGain";
+        case CMD_0100_1000_d16_Wr12_BGain: return "BGain";
+        case CMD_0100_1010_d16_Rd12_BGain: return "BGain";
+        case CMD_0100_1100_d16_Wr13_CGain: return "CGain";
+        case CMD_0100_1110_d16_Rd13_CGain: return "CGain";
+        case CMD_0101_0000_d16_Wr14_DGain: return "DGain";
+        case CMD_0101_0010_d16_Rd14_DGain: return "DGain";
+        case CMD_0101_0100_d8_Wr15_FilterCAddress: return "FilterCAddress";
+        case CMD_0101_0110_d8_Rd15_FilterCAddress: return "FilterCAddress";
+        case CMD_0101_1000_d32_Wr16_FilterCDataOut: return "FilterCDataOut";
+        case CMD_0101_1010_d32_Rd16_FilterCDataOut: return "FilterCDataOut";
+        case CMD_0101_1100_d32_Wr17_FilterCDataIn: return "FilterCDataIn";
+        case CMD_0101_1110_d32_Rd17_FilterCDataIn: return "FilterCDataIn";
+        case CMD_0110_0000_d8_Wr18_FlashMode: return "FlashMode";
+        case CMD_0110_0010_d8_Rd18_FlashMode: return "FlashMode";
+        case CMD_0110_0100_d16_Wr19_FlashAddr: return "FlashAddr";
+        case CMD_0110_0110_d16_Rd19_FlashAddr: return "FlashAddr";
+        case CMD_0110_1000_d16_Wr1A_FlashDataIn: return "FlashDataIn";
+        case CMD_0110_1010_d16_Rd1A_FlashDataIn: return "FlashDataIn";
+        case CMD_0110_1110_d16_Rd1B_FlashDataOut: return "FlashDataOut";
+    }
+// End of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/MAX11043/MAX11043.h	Tue Feb 11 01:16:34 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,832 @@
+// /*******************************************************************************
+// * Copyright (C) 2020 Maxim Integrated Products, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
+// *
+// * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+// * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+// * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+// * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+// * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+// * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+// *
+// * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+// * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+// *
+// *
+// * Except as contained in this notice, the name of Maxim Integrated
+// * Products, Inc. shall not be used except as stated in the Maxim Integrated
+// * Products, Inc. Branding Policy.
+// *
+// * The mere transfer of this software does not imply any licenses
+// * of trade secrets, proprietary technology, copyrights, patents,
+// * trademarks, maskwork rights, or any other form of intellectual
+// * property whatsoever. Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. retains all
+// * ownership rights.
+// *******************************************************************************
+// */
+// *********************************************************************
+// @file MAX11043.h
+// *********************************************************************
+// Header file
+// DO NOT EDIT; except areas designated "CUSTOMIZE". Automatically generated file.
+// generated by XMLSystemOfDevicesToMBED.py
+// System Name = ExampleSystem
+// System Description = Device driver example
+// Device Name = MAX11043
+// Device Description = 200ksps, Low-Power, Serial SPI 24-Bit, 4-Channel, Differential/Single-Ended Input, Simultaneous-Sampling SD ADC
+// Device DeviceBriefDescription = 24-bit 200ksps Delta-Sigma ADC
+// Device Manufacturer = Maxim Integrated
+// Device PartNumber = MAX11043ATL+
+// Device RegValue_Width = DataWidth16bit_HL
+// ADC MaxOutputDataRate = 200ksps
+// ADC NumChannels = 4
+// ADC ResolutionBits = 24
+// SPI CS = ActiveLow
+// SPI FrameStart = CS
+// SPI CPOL = 0
+// SPI CPHA = 0
+// SPI MOSI and MISO Data are both stable on Rising edge of SCLK
+// SPI SCLK Idle Low
+// SPI SCLKMaxMHz = 40
+// SPI SCLKMinMHz = 0
+// Prevent multiple declaration
+#ifndef __MAX11043_H__
+#define __MAX11043_H__
+// standard include for target platform -- Platform_Include_Boilerplate
+#include "mbed.h"
+// Platforms:
+//   - MAX32625MBED
+//      - supports mbed-os-5.11, requires USBDevice library
+//      - add https://developer.mbed.org/teams/MaximIntegrated/code/USBDevice/
+//      - remove max32630fthr library (if present)
+//      - remove MAX32620FTHR library (if present)
+//   - MAX32600MBED
+//      - remove max32630fthr library (if present)
+//      - remove MAX32620FTHR library (if present)
+//      - Windows 10 note:  Don't connect HDK until you are ready to load new firmware into the board.
+//   - NUCLEO_F446RE
+//      - remove USBDevice library
+//      - remove max32630fthr library (if present)
+//      - remove MAX32620FTHR library (if present)
+//   - NUCLEO_F401RE
+//      - remove USBDevice library
+//      - remove max32630fthr library (if present)
+//      - remove MAX32620FTHR library (if present)
+//   - MAX32630FTHR
+//      - #include "max32630fthr.h"
+//      - add http://os.mbed.org/teams/MaximIntegrated/code/max32630fthr/
+//      - remove MAX32620FTHR library (if present)
+//   - MAX32620FTHR
+//      - #include "MAX32620FTHR.h"
+//      - remove max32630fthr library (if present)
+//      - add https://os.mbed.com/teams/MaximIntegrated/code/MAX32620FTHR/
+//      - not tested yet
+//   - MAX32625PICO
+//      - remove max32630fthr library (if present)
+//      - remove MAX32620FTHR library (if present)
+//      - not tested yet
+// end Platform_Include_Boilerplate
+// CODE GENERATOR: conditional defines
+// CODE GENERATOR: class declaration and docstrings
+ * @brief MAX11043 200ksps, Low-Power, Serial SPI 24-Bit, 4-Channel, Differential/Single-Ended Input, Simultaneous-Sampling SD ADC
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Datasheet: https://www.maximintegrated.com/MAX11043
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * //---------- CODE GENERATOR: helloCppCodeList
+ * @code
+ * // CODE GENERATOR: example code includes
+ *
+ * // example code includes
+ * // standard include for target platform -- Platform_Include_Boilerplate
+ * #include "mbed.h"
+ * // Platforms:
+ * //   - MAX32625MBED
+ * //      - supports mbed-os-5.11, requires USBDevice library
+ * //      - add https://developer.mbed.org/teams/MaximIntegrated/code/USBDevice/
+ * //      - remove max32630fthr library (if present)
+ * //      - remove MAX32620FTHR library (if present)
+ * //   - MAX32600MBED
+ * //      - remove max32630fthr library (if present)
+ * //      - remove MAX32620FTHR library (if present)
+ * //      - Windows 10 note:  Don't connect HDK until you are ready to load new firmware into the board.
+ * //   - NUCLEO_F446RE
+ * //      - remove USBDevice library
+ * //      - remove max32630fthr library (if present)
+ * //      - remove MAX32620FTHR library (if present)
+ * //   - NUCLEO_F401RE
+ * //      - remove USBDevice library
+ * //      - remove max32630fthr library (if present)
+ * //      - remove MAX32620FTHR library (if present)
+ * //   - MAX32630FTHR
+ * //      - #include "max32630fthr.h"
+ * //      - add http://os.mbed.org/teams/MaximIntegrated/code/max32630fthr/
+ * //      - remove MAX32620FTHR library (if present)
+ * //   - MAX32620FTHR
+ * //      - #include "MAX32620FTHR.h"
+ * //      - remove max32630fthr library (if present)
+ * //      - add https://os.mbed.com/teams/MaximIntegrated/code/MAX32620FTHR/
+ * //      - not tested yet
+ * //   - MAX32625PICO
+ * //      - remove max32630fthr library (if present)
+ * //      - remove MAX32620FTHR library (if present)
+ * //      - not tested yet
+ * //
+ * // end Platform_Include_Boilerplate
+ * #include "MAX11043.h"
+ *
+ * // example code board support
+ * //MAX32630FTHR pegasus(MAX32630FTHR::VIO_3V3);
+ * //DigitalOut rLED(LED1);
+ * //DigitalOut gLED(LED2);
+ * //DigitalOut bLED(LED3);
+ * //
+ * // Arduino "shield" connector port definitions (MAX32625MBED shown)
+ * #if defined(TARGET_MAX32625MBED)
+ * #define A0 AIN_0
+ * #define A1 AIN_1
+ * #define A2 AIN_2
+ * #define A3 AIN_3
+ * #define D0 P0_0
+ * #define D1 P0_1
+ * #define D2 P0_2
+ * #define D3 P0_3
+ * #define D4 P0_4
+ * #define D5 P0_5
+ * #define D6 P0_6
+ * #define D7 P0_7
+ * #define D8 P1_4
+ * #define D9 P1_5
+ * #define D10 P1_3
+ * #define D11 P1_1
+ * #define D12 P1_2
+ * #define D13 P1_0
+ * #endif
+ *
+ * // example code declare SPI interface
+ * #if defined(TARGET_MAX32625MBED)
+ * SPI spi(SPI1_MOSI, SPI1_MISO, SPI1_SCK); // mosi, miso, sclk spi1 TARGET_MAX32625MBED: P1_1 P1_2 P1_0 Arduino 10-pin header D11 D12 D13
+ * DigitalOut spi_cs(SPI1_SS); // TARGET_MAX32625MBED: P1_3 Arduino 10-pin header D10
+ * #elif defined(TARGET_MAX32600MBED)
+ * SPI spi(SPI2_MOSI, SPI2_MISO, SPI2_SCK); // mosi, miso, sclk spi1 TARGET_MAX32600MBED: Arduino 10-pin header D11 D12 D13
+ * DigitalOut spi_cs(SPI2_SS); // Generic: Arduino 10-pin header D10
+ * #else
+ * SPI spi(D11, D12, D13); // mosi, miso, sclk spi1 TARGET_MAX32600MBED: Arduino 10-pin header D11 D12 D13
+ * DigitalOut spi_cs(D10); // Generic: Arduino 10-pin header D10
+ * #endif
+ *
+ * // example code declare GPIO interface pins
+ * DigitalOut CONVRUN_pin(D9); // Digital Configuration Input to MAX11043 device
+ * DigitalOut SHDN_pin(D8); // Digital Configuration Input to MAX11043 device
+ * DigitalOut DACSTEP_pin(D7); // Digital Configuration Input to MAX11043 device
+ * DigitalOut UP_slash_DWNb_pin(D6); // Digital Configuration Input to MAX11043 device
+ * DigitalIn EOC_pin(D2); // Digital Event Output from MAX11043 device
+ * // example code declare device instance
+ * MAX11043 g_MAX11043_device(spi, spi_cs, CONVRUN_pin, SHDN_pin, DACSTEP_pin, UP_slash_DWNb_pin, EOC_pin, MAX11043::MAX11043_IC);
+ *
+ * // CODE GENERATOR: example code for ADC: serial port declaration
+ * //--------------------------------------------------
+ * // Declare the Serial driver
+ * // default baud rate settings are 9600 8N1
+ * // install device driver from http://developer.mbed.org/media/downloads/drivers/mbedWinSerial_16466.exe
+ * // see docs https://docs.mbed.com/docs/mbed-os-handbook/en/5.5/getting_started/what_need/
+ * #if defined(TARGET_MAX32630)
+ *     #include "USBSerial.h"
+ * // Hardware serial port over DAPLink
+ * // The default baud rate for the DapLink UART is 9600
+ * //Serial DAPLINKserial(P2_1, P2_0);     // tx, rx
+ * //    #define HAS_DAPLINK_SERIAL 1
+ * // Virtual serial port over USB
+ * // The baud rate does not affect the virtual USBSerial UART.
+ * USBSerial serial;
+ * //--------------------------------------------------
+ * #elif defined(TARGET_MAX32625MBED)
+ *     #include "USBSerial.h"
+ * // Hardware serial port over DAPLink
+ * // The default baud rate for the DapLink UART is 9600
+ * //Serial DAPLINKserial(P2_1, P2_0);     // tx, rx
+ * //    #define HAS_DAPLINK_SERIAL 1
+ * // Virtual serial port over USB
+ * // The baud rate does not affect the virtual USBSerial UART.
+ * USBSerial serial;
+ * //--------------------------------------------------
+ * #elif defined(TARGET_MAX32600)
+ *     #include "USBSerial.h"
+ * // Hardware serial port over DAPLink
+ * // The default baud rate for the DapLink UART is 9600
+ * Serial DAPLINKserial(P1_1, P1_0);     // tx, rx
+ *     #define HAS_DAPLINK_SERIAL 1
+ * // Virtual serial port over USB
+ * // The baud rate does not affect the virtual USBSerial UART.
+ * USBSerial serial;
+ * //--------------------------------------------------
+ * #elif defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F446RE) || defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F401RE)
+ * Serial serial(SERIAL_TX, SERIAL_RX);     // tx, rx
+ * //--------------------------------------------------
+ * #else
+ * #if defined(SERIAL_TX)
+ * #warning "target not previously tested; guess serial pins are SERIAL_TX, SERIAL_RX..."
+ * Serial serial(SERIAL_TX, SERIAL_RX);     // tx, rx
+ * #elif defined(USBTX)
+ * #warning "target not previously tested; guess serial pins are USBTX, USBRX..."
+ * Serial serial(USBTX, USBRX);     // tx, rx
+ * #elif defined(UART_TX)
+ * #warning "target not previously tested; guess serial pins are UART_TX, UART_RX..."
+ * Serial serial(UART_TX, UART_RX);     // tx, rx
+ * #else
+ * #warning "target not previously tested; need to define serial pins..."
+ * #endif
+ * #endif
+ * //
+ * #include "CmdLine.h"
+ * CmdLine cmdLine(serial, "serial");
+ *
+ * // example code main function
+ * int main()
+ * {
+ *     // CODE GENERATOR: example code: member function Init
+ *     g_MAX11043_device.Init();
+ *
+ *     while (1)
+ *     {
+ *         // CODE GENERATOR: example code: has no member function REF
+ *         // CODE GENERATOR: example code for ADC: repeat-forever convert and print conversion result, one record per line
+ *         // CODE GENERATOR: ResolutionBits = 24
+ *         // CODE GENERATOR: FScode = None
+ *         // CODE GENERATOR: NumChannels = 4
+ *         while(1) { // this code repeats forever
+ *             // this code repeats forever
+ *             // CODE GENERATOR: example code: has no member function ScanStandardExternalClock
+ *             // CODE GENERATOR: example code: has no member function ReadAINcode
+ *             // wait(3.0);
+ *             // CODE GENERATOR: print conversion result
+ *             // Use Arduino Serial Plotter to view output: Tools | Serial Plotter
+ *             cmdLine.serial().printf("%d", g_MAX11043_device.AINcode[0]);
+ *             for (int index = 1; index <= channelId_0_3; index++) {
+ *                 cmdLine.serial().printf(",%d", g_MAX11043_device.AINcode[index]);
+ *             }
+ *             cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n");
+ *
+ *         } // this code repeats forever
+ *     }
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ * //---------- CODE GENERATOR: end helloCppCodeList
+ */
+class MAX11043 {
+// CODE GENERATOR: TypedefEnum EnumItem declarations
+// CODE GENERATOR: TypedefEnum MAX11043_CMD_enum_t
+    //----------------------------------------
+    /// Register Addresses
+    ///
+    /// Naming convention is CMD_bitstream_WrAddr_FunctionName
+    /// - first byte format is 0aaa_aar0
+    /// - 0 = bitstream required 0 bit
+    /// - aaa_aa = bitstream 5-bit register address field
+    /// - r = bitstream read/write bit (1=read, 0=write)
+    /// - WrAddr = Write operation to address Addr
+    /// - RdAddr = Read operation from address Addr
+    /// - d8 = 8-bit register data field
+    /// - d16 = 16-bit register data field
+    /// - d24 = 24-bit register data field
+    /// - d32 = 32-bit register data field
+    /// - x = don't care
+    typedef enum MAX11043_CMD_enum_t {
+        CMD_0aaa_aa00_WrAddr_WriteAnyRegister = 0x00, //!< 8'b00000000
+        CMD_0000_0010_d24_Rd00_ADCa = 0x02, //!< 8'b00000010
+        CMD_0000_0110_d24_Rd01_ADCb = 0x06, //!< 8'b00000110
+        CMD_0000_1010_d24_Rd02_ADCc = 0x0a, //!< 8'b00001010
+        CMD_0000_1110_d24_Rd03_ADCd = 0x0e, //!< 8'b00001110
+        CMD_0001_0010_d24_d24_Rd04_ADCab = 0x12, //!< 8'b00010010
+        CMD_0001_0110_d24_d24_Rd05_ADCcd = 0x16, //!< 8'b00010110
+        CMD_0001_1010_d24_d24_d24_d24_Rd06_ADCabcd = 0x1a, //!< 8'b00011010
+        CMD_0001_1110_d8_Rd07_Status = 0x1e, //!< 8'b00011110
+        CMD_0010_0000_d16_Wr08_Configuration = 0x20, //!< 8'b00100000
+        CMD_0010_0010_d16_Rd08_Configuration = 0x22, //!< 8'b00100010
+        CMD_0010_0100_d16_Wr09_DAC = 0x24, //!< 8'b00100100
+        CMD_0010_0110_d16_Rd09_DAC = 0x26, //!< 8'b00100110
+        CMD_0010_1000_d16_Wr0A_DACStep = 0x28, //!< 8'b00101000
+        CMD_0010_1010_d16_Rd0A_DACStep = 0x2a, //!< 8'b00101010
+        CMD_0010_1100_d16_Wr0B_DACHDACL = 0x2c, //!< 8'b00101100
+        CMD_0010_1110_d16_Rd0B_DACHDACL = 0x2e, //!< 8'b00101110
+        CMD_0011_0000_d16_Wr0C_ConfigA = 0x30, //!< 8'b00110000
+        CMD_0011_0010_d16_Rd0C_ConfigA = 0x32, //!< 8'b00110010
+        CMD_0011_0100_d16_Wr0D_ConfigB = 0x34, //!< 8'b00110100
+        CMD_0011_0110_d16_Rd0D_ConfigB = 0x36, //!< 8'b00110110
+        CMD_0011_1000_d16_Wr0E_ConfigC = 0x38, //!< 8'b00111000
+        CMD_0011_1010_d16_Rd0E_ConfigC = 0x3a, //!< 8'b00111010
+        CMD_0011_1100_d16_Wr0F_ConfigD = 0x3c, //!< 8'b00111100
+        CMD_0011_1110_d16_Rd0F_ConfigD = 0x3e, //!< 8'b00111110
+        CMD_0100_0000_d16_Wr10_Reference = 0x40, //!< 8'b01000000
+        CMD_0100_0010_d16_Rd10_Reference = 0x42, //!< 8'b01000010
+        CMD_0100_0100_d16_Wr11_AGain = 0x44, //!< 8'b01000100
+        CMD_0100_0110_d16_Rd11_AGain = 0x46, //!< 8'b01000110
+        CMD_0100_1000_d16_Wr12_BGain = 0x48, //!< 8'b01001000
+        CMD_0100_1010_d16_Rd12_BGain = 0x4a, //!< 8'b01001010
+        CMD_0100_1100_d16_Wr13_CGain = 0x4c, //!< 8'b01001100
+        CMD_0100_1110_d16_Rd13_CGain = 0x4e, //!< 8'b01001110
+        CMD_0101_0000_d16_Wr14_DGain = 0x50, //!< 8'b01010000
+        CMD_0101_0010_d16_Rd14_DGain = 0x52, //!< 8'b01010010
+        CMD_0101_0100_d8_Wr15_FilterCAddress = 0x54, //!< 8'b01010100
+        CMD_0101_0110_d8_Rd15_FilterCAddress = 0x56, //!< 8'b01010110
+        CMD_0101_1000_d32_Wr16_FilterCDataOut = 0x58, //!< 8'b01011000
+        CMD_0101_1010_d32_Rd16_FilterCDataOut = 0x5a, //!< 8'b01011010
+        CMD_0101_1100_d32_Wr17_FilterCDataIn = 0x5c, //!< 8'b01011100
+        CMD_0101_1110_d32_Rd17_FilterCDataIn = 0x5e, //!< 8'b01011110
+        CMD_0110_0000_d8_Wr18_FlashMode = 0x60, //!< 8'b01100000
+        CMD_0110_0010_d8_Rd18_FlashMode = 0x62, //!< 8'b01100010
+        CMD_0110_0100_d16_Wr19_FlashAddr = 0x64, //!< 8'b01100100
+        CMD_0110_0110_d16_Rd19_FlashAddr = 0x66, //!< 8'b01100110
+        CMD_0110_1000_d16_Wr1A_FlashDataIn = 0x68, //!< 8'b01101000
+        CMD_0110_1010_d16_Rd1A_FlashDataIn = 0x6a, //!< 8'b01101010
+        CMD_0110_1110_d16_Rd1B_FlashDataOut = 0x6e, //!< 8'b01101110
+        CMD_0aaa_aa10_RdAddr_ReadAnyRegister = 0x80, //!< 8'b10000000
+        CMD_1111_1111_NoOperationMOSIidleHigh = 0xff, //!< 8'b11111111
+    } MAX11043_CMD_enum_t;
+// CODE GENERATOR: TypedefEnum MAX11043_STATUS_enum_t
+    //----------------------------------------
+    /// CMD_0001_1110_d8_Rd_Status
+    /// regAddr=07h
+    /// Status: x x FlashBusy BOOT OFLGA OFLGB OFLGC OFLGD
+    typedef enum MAX11043_STATUS_enum_t {
+        STATUS_xxxx_xxx1_OverflowFlagOFLGD = 0x01, //!< 8'b00000001
+        STATUS_xxxx_xx1x_OverflowFlagOFLGC = 0x02, //!< 8'b00000010
+        STATUS_xxxx_x1xx_OverflowFlagOFLGB = 0x04, //!< 8'b00000100
+        STATUS_xxxx_1xxx_OverflowFlagOFLGA = 0x08, //!< 8'b00001000
+        STATUS_xxx1_xxxx_PowerOnResetBOOT = 0x10, //!< 8'b00010000
+        STATUS_xx1x_xxxx_FlashBusy = 0x20, //!< 8'b00100000
+        STATUS_x1xx_xxxx_RESERVED = 0x40, //!< 8'b01000000
+        STATUS_1xxx_xxxx_RESERVED = 0x80, //!< 8'b10000000
+    } MAX11043_STATUS_enum_t;
+// CODE GENERATOR: TypedefEnum MAX11043_CONFIG_enum_t
+    //----------------------------------------
+    /// CMD_0010_0000_d16_Wr_Configuration
+    /// regAddr=08h
+    typedef enum MAX11043_CONFIG_enum_t {
+        CONFIG_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxx1_DECSEL12 = 0x0001, //!< 16'b0000000000000001
+        CONFIG_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xx1x_SCHAND = 0x0002, //!< 16'b0000000000000010
+        CONFIG_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_x1xx_SCHANC = 0x0004, //!< 16'b0000000000000100
+        CONFIG_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_1xxx_SCHANB = 0x0008, //!< 16'b0000000000001000
+        CONFIG_xxxx_xxxx_xxx1_xxxx_SCHANA = 0x0010, //!< 16'b0000000000010000
+        CONFIG_xxxx_xxxx_xx1x_xxxx_24BIT = 0x0020, //!< 16'b0000000000100000
+        CONFIG_xxxx_xxxx_x1xx_xxxx_PDOSC = 0x0040, //!< 16'b0000000001000000
+        CONFIG_xxxx_xxxx_1xxx_xxxx_PDDAC = 0x0080, //!< 16'b0000000010000000
+        CONFIG_xxxx_xxx1_xxxx_xxxx_PDD = 0x0100, //!< 16'b0000000100000000
+        CONFIG_xxxx_xx1x_xxxx_xxxx_PDC = 0x0200, //!< 16'b0000001000000000
+        CONFIG_xxxx_x1xx_xxxx_xxxx_PDB = 0x0400, //!< 16'b0000010000000000
+        CONFIG_xxxx_1xxx_xxxx_xxxx_PDA = 0x0800, //!< 16'b0000100000000000
+        CONFIG_xxx1_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_PD = 0x1000, //!< 16'b0001000000000000
+        CONFIG_xx1x_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_CLKDIV0 = 0x2000, //!< 16'b0010000000000000
+        CONFIG_x1xx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_CLKDIV1 = 0x4000, //!< 16'b0100000000000000
+        CONFIG_1xxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_EXTCLK = 0x8000, //!< 16'b1000000000000000
+    } MAX11043_CONFIG_enum_t;
+// CODE GENERATOR: TypedefEnum MAX11043_CONFIGABCD_enum_t
+    //----------------------------------------
+    /// CMD_0011_0000_d16_Wr_CONFIGa
+    /// CMD_0011_0100_d16_Wr_CONFIGb
+    /// CMD_0011_1000_d16_Wr_CONFIGc
+    /// CMD_0011_1100_d16_Wr_CONFIGd
+    /// regAddr=0Ch
+    /// regAddr=0Dh
+    /// regAddr=0Eh
+    /// regAddr=0Fh
+    typedef enum MAX11043_CONFIGABCD_enum_t {
+        CONFIGABCD_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxx1_ENBIASN = 0x0001, //!< 16'b0000000000000001
+        CONFIGABCD_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xx1x_ENBIASP = 0x0002, //!< 16'b0000000000000010
+        CONFIGABCD_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_x1xx_PGAG16 = 0x0004, //!< 16'b0000000000000100
+        CONFIGABCD_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_1xxx_FILTLP = 0x0008, //!< 16'b0000000000001000
+        CONFIGABCD_xxxx_xxxx_xxx1_xxxx_PDPGA = 0x0010, //!< 16'b0000000000010000
+        CONFIGABCD_xxxx_xxxx_xx1x_xxxx_MODG0 = 0x0020, //!< 16'b0000000000100000
+        CONFIGABCD_xxxx_xxxx_x1xx_xxxx_MODG1 = 0x0040, //!< 16'b0000000001000000
+        CONFIGABCD_xxxx_xxxx_1xxx_xxxx_EQ = 0x0080, //!< 16'b0000000010000000
+        CONFIGABCD_xxxx_xxx1_xxxx_xxxx_DIFF = 0x0100, //!< 16'b0000000100000000
+        CONFIGABCD_xxxx_xx1x_xxxx_xxxx_BDAC0 = 0x0200, //!< 16'b0000001000000000
+        CONFIGABCD_xxxx_x1xx_xxxx_xxxx_BDAC1 = 0x0400, //!< 16'b0000010000000000
+        CONFIGABCD_xxxx_1xxx_xxxx_xxxx_BDAC2 = 0x0800, //!< 16'b0000100000000000
+        CONFIGABCD_xxx1_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_BDAC3 = 0x1000, //!< 16'b0001000000000000
+        CONFIGABCD_xx1x_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_RESERVED = 0x2000, //!< 16'b0010000000000000
+        CONFIGABCD_x1xx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_RESERVED = 0x4000, //!< 16'b0100000000000000
+        CONFIGABCD_1xxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_RESERVED = 0x8000, //!< 16'b1000000000000000
+    } MAX11043_CONFIGABCD_enum_t;
+// CODE GENERATOR: TypedefEnum MAX11043_BDAC_enum_t
+    //----------------------------------------
+    /// CMD_0011_0000_d16_Wr_CONFIGa
+    /// CMD_0011_0100_d16_Wr_CONFIGb
+    /// CMD_0011_1000_d16_Wr_CONFIGc
+    /// CMD_0011_1100_d16_Wr_CONFIGd
+    /// CONFIGABCD_xxx1_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_BDAC3
+    /// CONFIGABCD_xxxx_1xxx_xxxx_xxxx_BDAC2
+    /// CONFIGABCD_xxxx_x1xx_xxxx_xxxx_BDAC1
+    /// CONFIGABCD_xxxx_xx1x_xxxx_xxxx_BDAC0
+    /// Sets the input bias voltage for AC-coupled signals when ENBIAS_ is set to 1.
+    /// regAddr=0Ch
+    /// regAddr=0Dh
+    /// regAddr=0Eh
+    /// regAddr=0Fh
+    typedef enum MAX11043_BDAC_enum_t {
+        BDAC_0000_033pctAVDD = 0x00, //!< 8'b00000000
+        BDAC_0001_035pctAVDD = 0x01, //!< 8'b00000001
+        BDAC_0010_038pctAVDD = 0x02, //!< 8'b00000010
+        BDAC_0011_040pctAVDD = 0x03, //!< 8'b00000011
+        BDAC_0100_042pctAVDD = 0x04, //!< 8'b00000100
+        BDAC_0101_044pctAVDD = 0x05, //!< 8'b00000101
+        BDAC_0110_046pctAVDD = 0x06, //!< 8'b00000110
+        BDAC_0111_048pctAVDD = 0x07, //!< 8'b00000111
+        BDAC_1000_050pctAVDD = 0x08, //!< 8'b00001000
+        BDAC_1001_052pctAVDD = 0x09, //!< 8'b00001001
+        BDAC_1010_054pctAVDD = 0x0a, //!< 8'b00001010
+        BDAC_1011_056pctAVDD = 0x0b, //!< 8'b00001011
+        BDAC_1100_058pctAVDD = 0x0c, //!< 8'b00001100
+        BDAC_1101_060pctAVDD = 0x0d, //!< 8'b00001101
+        BDAC_1110_062pctAVDD = 0x0e, //!< 8'b00001110
+        BDAC_1111_065pctAVDD = 0x0f, //!< 8'b00001111
+    } MAX11043_BDAC_enum_t;
+// CODE GENERATOR: TypedefEnum MAX11043_REFERENCE_enum_t
+    //----------------------------------------
+    /// CMD_0100_0000_d16_Wr_Reference
+    /// regAddr=10h
+    typedef enum MAX11043_REFERENCE_enum_t {
+        REFERENCE_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxx1_EXBUFDACL = 0x0001, //!< 16'b0000000000000001
+        REFERENCE_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xx1x_EXBUFDACH = 0x0002, //!< 16'b0000000000000010
+        REFERENCE_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_x1xx_EXBUFDAC = 0x0004, //!< 16'b0000000000000100
+        REFERENCE_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_1xxx_EXBUFD = 0x0008, //!< 16'b0000000000001000
+        REFERENCE_xxxx_xxxx_xxx1_xxxx_EXBUFC = 0x0010, //!< 16'b0000000000010000
+        REFERENCE_xxxx_xxxx_xx1x_xxxx_EXBUFB = 0x0020, //!< 16'b0000000000100000
+        REFERENCE_xxxx_xxxx_x1xx_xxxx_EXBUFA = 0x0040, //!< 16'b0000000001000000
+        REFERENCE_xxxx_xxxx_1xxx_xxxx_EXTREF = 0x0080, //!< 16'b0000000010000000
+        REFERENCE_xxxx_xxx1_xxxx_xxxx_PURGE0 = 0x0100, //!< 16'b0000000100000000
+        REFERENCE_xxxx_xx1x_xxxx_xxxx_PURGE1 = 0x0200, //!< 16'b0000001000000000
+        REFERENCE_xxxx_x1xx_xxxx_xxxx_PURGE2 = 0x0400, //!< 16'b0000010000000000
+        REFERENCE_xxxx_1xxx_xxxx_xxxx_PURGE3 = 0x0800, //!< 16'b0000100000000000
+        REFERENCE_xxx1_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_PURGE4 = 0x1000, //!< 16'b0001000000000000
+        REFERENCE_xx1x_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_RESERVED = 0x2000, //!< 16'b0010000000000000
+        REFERENCE_x1xx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_RESERVED = 0x4000, //!< 16'b0100000000000000
+        REFERENCE_1xxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_RESERVED = 0x8000, //!< 16'b1000000000000000
+    } MAX11043_REFERENCE_enum_t;
+// TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: ic_variant -- IC's supported with this driver
+    /**
+     * @brief IC's supported with this driver
+     * @details MAX11043
+     */
+    typedef enum
+    {
+        MAX11043_IC = 0,
+        //MAX11043_IC = 1
+    } MAX11043_ic_t;
+// TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: class constructor declaration
+    /**********************************************************//**
+    * @brief Constructor for MAX11043 Class.
+    *
+    * @details Requires an existing SPI object as well as a DigitalOut object.
+    * The DigitalOut object is used for a chip enable signal
+    *
+    * On Entry:
+    *     @param[in] spi - pointer to existing SPI object
+    *     @param[in] cs_pin - pointer to a DigitalOut pin object
+    *     CODE GENERATOR: class constructor docstrings gpio InputPin pins
+    *     @param[in] CONVRUN_pin - pointer to a DigitalOut pin object
+    *     @param[in] SHDN_pin - pointer to a DigitalOut pin object
+    *     @param[in] DACSTEP_pin - pointer to a DigitalOut pin object
+    *     @param[in] UP_slash_DWNb_pin - pointer to a DigitalOut pin object
+    *     CODE GENERATOR: class constructor docstrings gpio OutputPin pins
+    *     @param[in] EOC_pin - pointer to a DigitalIn pin object
+    *     @param[in] ic_variant - which type of MAX11043 is used
+    *
+    * On Exit:
+    *
+    * @return None
+    **************************************************************/
+    MAX11043(SPI &spi, DigitalOut &cs_pin, // SPI interface
+            // CODE GENERATOR: class constructor declaration gpio InputPin pins
+            DigitalOut &CONVRUN_pin, // Digital Configuration Input to MAX11043 device
+            DigitalOut &SHDN_pin, // Digital Configuration Input to MAX11043 device
+            DigitalOut &DACSTEP_pin, // Digital Configuration Input to MAX11043 device
+            DigitalOut &UP_slash_DWNb_pin, // Digital Configuration Input to MAX11043 device
+            // CODE GENERATOR: class constructor declaration gpio OutputPin pins
+            DigitalIn &EOC_pin, // Digital Event Output from MAX11043 device
+            MAX11043_ic_t ic_variant);
+// CODE GENERATOR: class destructor declaration
+    /************************************************************
+     * @brief Default destructor for MAX11043 Class.
+     *
+     * @details Destroys SPI object if owner
+     *
+     * On Entry:
+     *
+     * On Exit:
+     *
+     * @return None
+     **************************************************************/
+    ~MAX11043();
+    // CODE GENERATOR: Declare SPI diagnostic function pointer void onSPIprint()
+    /// Function pointer void f(size_t byteCount, uint8_t mosiData[], uint8_t misoData[])
+    Callback<void(size_t, uint8_t*, uint8_t*)> onSPIprint; //!< optional @ref onSPIprint SPI diagnostic function
+    // CODE GENERATOR: spi_frequency setter declaration
+    /// set SPI SCLK frequency
+    void spi_frequency(int spi_sclk_Hz);
+    // CODE GENERATOR: spi_frequency getter declaration and definition
+    /// get SPI SCLK frequency
+    int get_spi_frequency() const { return m_SPI_SCLK_Hz; }
+    // CODE GENERATOR: spi_dataMode getter declaration and definition
+    /// get SPI mode
+    int get_spi_dataMode() const { return m_SPI_dataMode; }
+// CODE GENERATOR: omit typedef enum MAX11043_device_t, class members instead of global device object
+    /// TODO1: AC79 MAX11043 AIN0-AIN1 reference voltage, in Volts
+    double VRef_xxxxxx;
+    /// TODO1: AC79 MAX11043 shadow of register ctrl CMD_r000_1001_dddd_dddd_CTRL
+    uint32_t ctrl;
+    /// TODO1: AC79 MAX11043 read-only pga gain 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, or 128 set by Configure_PGA gain index register pga CMD_r000_1110_xxdd_xddd_PGA
+    uint8_t pgaGain;
+    /// TODO1: AC79 MAX11043 shadow of register status CMD_r011_1000_dddd_dddd_dddd_dddd_dxxx_dddd_STATUS
+    uint32_t status;
+    /// TODO1: AC79 MAX11043 shadow of register data0 CMD_r011_0000_dddd_dddd_dddd_dddd_dddd_dddd_DATA0
+    uint32_t data0;
+    /// TODO1: AC79 MAX11043 Each channel's most recent value in LSBs.
+    /// Updated by Measure_Voltage function.
+    /// Use VoltageOfCode function to convert LSBs to physical voltage.
+    /// (Valid index range AINP_SEL_0000_AIN0 to AINP_SEL_1010_AVDD)
+    ///
+    uint32_t AINcode[11];
+// CODE GENERATOR: omit global g_MAX11043_device
+// CODE GENERATOR: extern function declarations
+// CODE GENERATOR: extern function declaration SPIoutputCS
+// Assert SPI Chip Select
+// SPI chip-select for MAX11043
+    void SPIoutputCS(int isLogicHigh);
+// CODE GENERATOR: extern function declaration SPIwrite16bits
+// SPI write 16 bits
+// SPI interface to MAX11043 shift 16 bits mosiData into MAX11043 DIN
+    void SPIwrite16bits(int16_t mosiData16);
+// CODE GENERATOR: extern function declaration SPIreadWrite16bits
+// SPI read and write 16 bits
+// SPI interface to MAX11043 shift 16 bits mosiData16 into MAX11043 DIN
+// while simultaneously capturing 16 bits miso data from MAX11043 DOUT
+    int16_t SPIreadWrite16bits(int16_t mosiData16);
+// CODE GENERATOR: extern function declaration SPIreadWrite32bits
+// SPI read and write 32 bits
+// SPI interface to MAX11043 shift 32 bits mosiData into MAX11043 DIN
+// while simultaneously capturing 32 bits miso data from MAX11043 DOUT
+    int32_t SPIreadWrite32bits(int32_t mosiData32);
+// CODE GENERATOR: extern function declaration SHDNoutputValue
+// Assert MAX11043 SHDN pin : High = _____, Low = _____.
+    void SHDNoutputValue(int isLogicHigh);
+// CODE GENERATOR: extern function declaration CONVRUNoutputValue
+// Assert MAX11043 CONVRUN pin : High = _____, Low = _____.
+    void CONVRUNoutputValue(int isLogicHigh);
+// CODE GENERATOR: extern function declaration DACSTEPoutputValue
+// Assert MAX11043 DACSTEP pin : High = _____, Low = _____.
+    void DACSTEPoutputValue(int isLogicHigh);
+// CODE GENERATOR: extern function declaration UP_slash_DWNboutputValue
+// Assert MAX11043 UP_slash_DWNb pin : High = _____, Low = _____.
+    void UP_slash_DWNboutputValue(int isLogicHigh);
+// CODE GENERATOR: extern function declaration EOCinputWaitUntilLow
+// Wait for MAX11043 EOC pin low, indicating end of conversion.
+// Required when using any of the InternalClock modes.
+    void EOCinputWaitUntilLow();
+// CODE GENERATOR: extern function declaration EOCinputValue
+// Return the status of the MAX11043 EOC pin.
+    int EOCinputValue();
+// CODE GENERATOR: class member data
+// CODE GENERATOR: class member data for SPI interface
+    // SPI object
+    SPI &m_spi;
+    int m_SPI_SCLK_Hz;
+    int m_SPI_dataMode;
+    int m_SPI_cs_state;
+    // Selector pin object
+    DigitalOut &m_cs_pin;
+// CODE GENERATOR: class member data for gpio InputPin pins
+// InputPin Name = CONVRUN
+// InputPin Description = CONVRUN (digital input). Convert Run. Drive high to start continuous conversions on all 4 channels. The device is idle when
+// CONVRUN is low.
+// InputPin Function = Configuration
+    DigitalOut &m_CONVRUN_pin;
+// InputPin Name = SHDN
+// InputPin Description = Shutdown (digital input). Active-High Shutdown Input. Drive high to shut down the MAX11043.
+// InputPin Function = Configuration
+    DigitalOut &m_SHDN_pin;
+// InputPin Name = DACSTEP
+// InputPin Description = DACSTEP (digital input). DAC Step Input. Drive high to move the DAC output in the direction of UP/DWN on the next rising
+// edge of the system clock.
+// InputPin Function = Configuration
+    DigitalOut &m_DACSTEP_pin;
+// InputPin Name = UP/DWN#
+// InputPin Description = UP/DWN# (digital input). DAC Step Direction Select. Drive high to step up, drive low to step down when DACSTEP is toggled.
+// InputPin Function = Configuration
+    DigitalOut &m_UP_slash_DWNb_pin;
+// CODE GENERATOR: class member data for gpio OutputPin pins
+// OutputPin Name = EOC
+// OutputPin Description = End of Conversion Output. Active-Low End-of-Conversion Indicator. EOC asserts low to indicate that new data is ready.
+// OutputPin Function = Event
+    DigitalIn &m_EOC_pin;
+    // Identifies which IC variant is being used
+    MAX11043_ic_t m_ic_variant;
+// CODE GENERATOR: class member function declarations
+    //----------------------------------------
+    /// Menu item '!'
+    /// Initialize device
+    /// @return 1 on success; 0 on failure
+    uint8_t Init(void);
+// CODE GENERATOR: looks like this is a register access function because 'regAdd'
+// CODE GENERATOR: looks like this is a 'write' register access function
+// CODE GENERATOR: looks like this is a register access function because 'regAdd'
+// CODE GENERATOR: looks like this is a 'write' register access function: omit this function from test menu
+    //----------------------------------------
+    /// Write a MAX11043 register.
+    ///
+    /// CMD_1aaa_aaaa_REGISTER_READ bit is cleared 0 indicating a write operation.
+    ///
+    /// MAX11043 register length can be determined by function RegSize.
+    ///
+    /// For 8-bit register size:
+    ///
+    ///     SPI 16-bit transfer
+    ///
+    ///     SPI MOSI = 0aaa_aaaa_dddd_dddd
+    ///
+    ///     SPI MISO = xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx
+    ///
+    /// For 16-bit register size:
+    ///
+    ///     SPI 24-bit or 32-bit transfer
+    ///
+    ///     SPI MOSI = 0aaa_aaaa_dddd_dddd_dddd_dddd
+    ///
+    ///     SPI MISO = xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx
+    ///
+    /// For 24-bit register size:
+    ///
+    ///     SPI 32-bit transfer
+    ///
+    ///     SPI MOSI = 0aaa_aaaa_dddd_dddd_dddd_dddd_dddd_dddd
+    ///
+    ///     SPI MISO = xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx
+    ///
+    /// @return 1 on success; 0 on failure
+    uint8_t RegWrite(MAX11043_CMD_enum_t commandByte, uint32_t regData);
+// CODE GENERATOR: looks like this is a register access function because 'regAdd'
+// CODE GENERATOR: looks like this is a 'read' register access function
+// CODE GENERATOR: looks like this is a register access function because 'regAdd'
+// CODE GENERATOR: looks like this is a 'read' register access function: omit this function from test menu
+    //----------------------------------------
+    /// Read an 8-bit MAX11043 register
+    ///
+    /// CMD_1aaa_aaaa_REGISTER_READ bit is set 1 indicating a read operation.
+    ///
+    /// MAX11043 register length can be determined by function RegSize.
+    ///
+    /// For 8-bit register size:
+    ///
+    ///     SPI 16-bit transfer
+    ///
+    ///     SPI MOSI = 1aaa_aaaa_0000_0000
+    ///
+    ///     SPI MISO = xxxx_xxxx_dddd_dddd
+    ///
+    /// For 16-bit register size:
+    ///
+    ///     SPI 24-bit or 32-bit transfer
+    ///
+    ///     SPI MOSI = 1aaa_aaaa_0000_0000_0000_0000
+    ///
+    ///     SPI MISO = xxxx_xxxx_dddd_dddd_dddd_dddd
+    ///
+    /// For 24-bit register size:
+    ///
+    ///     SPI 32-bit transfer
+    ///
+    ///     SPI MOSI = 1aaa_aaaa_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000
+    ///
+    ///     SPI MISO = xxxx_xxxx_dddd_dddd_dddd_dddd_dddd_dddd
+    ///
+    ///
+    /// @return 1 on success; 0 on failure
+    uint8_t RegRead(MAX11043_CMD_enum_t commandByte, uint32_t* ptrRegData);
+// CODE GENERATOR: looks like this is a register access function because 'regAdd'
+// CODE GENERATOR: looks like this is a 'size' register access function
+    //----------------------------------------
+    /// Return the size of a MAX11043 register
+    ///
+    /// @return 8 for 8-bit, 16 for 16-bit, 24 for 24-bit, else 0 for undefined register size
+    uint8_t RegSize(MAX11043_CMD_enum_t commandByte);
+// CODE GENERATOR: looks like this is a register access function because 'regAdd'
+    //----------------------------------------
+    /// Return the address field of a MAX11043 register
+    ///
+    /// @return register address field as given in datasheet
+    uint8_t RegAddrOfCommand(MAX11043_CMD_enum_t commandByte);
+// CODE GENERATOR: looks like this is a register access function because 'regAdd'
+// CODE GENERATOR: looks like this is a 'read' register access function
+    //----------------------------------------
+    /// Test whether a command byte is a register read command
+    ///
+    /// @return true if command byte is a register read command
+    uint8_t IsRegReadCommand(MAX11043_CMD_enum_t commandByte);
+// CODE GENERATOR: looks like this is a register access function because 'regAdd'
+// CODE GENERATOR: looks like this is a 'name' register access function
+    //----------------------------------------
+    /// Return the name of a MAX11043 register
+    ///
+    /// @return null-terminated constant C string containing register name or empty string
+    const char* RegName(MAX11043_CMD_enum_t commandByte);
+}; // end of class MAX11043
+#endif // __MAX11043_H__
+// End of file
--- a/MAX11410.lib	Wed Jan 22 07:57:46 2020 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1 +0,0 @@
--- a/MaximTinyTester.lib	Wed Jan 22 07:57:46 2020 +0000
+++ b/MaximTinyTester.lib	Tue Feb 11 01:16:34 2020 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Test_Main_MAX11043.cpp	Tue Feb 11 01:16:34 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,2165 @@
+// /*******************************************************************************
+// * Copyright (C) 2020 Maxim Integrated Products, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
+// *
+// * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+// * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+// * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+// * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+// * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+// * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+// *
+// * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+// * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+// *
+// *
+// * Except as contained in this notice, the name of Maxim Integrated
+// * Products, Inc. shall not be used except as stated in the Maxim Integrated
+// * Products, Inc. Branding Policy.
+// *
+// * The mere transfer of this software does not imply any licenses
+// * of trade secrets, proprietary technology, copyrights, patents,
+// * trademarks, maskwork rights, or any other form of intellectual
+// * property whatsoever. Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. retains all
+// * ownership rights.
+// *******************************************************************************
+// */
+//---------- CODE GENERATOR: testMainCppCodeList
+// CODE GENERATOR: example code includes
+// example code includes
+// standard include for target platform -- Platform_Include_Boilerplate
+#include "mbed.h"
+// Platforms:
+//   - MAX32625MBED
+//      - supports mbed-os-5.11, requires USBDevice library
+//      - add https://developer.mbed.org/teams/MaximIntegrated/code/USBDevice/
+//      - remove max32630fthr library (if present)
+//      - remove MAX32620FTHR library (if present)
+//   - MAX32600MBED
+//      - remove max32630fthr library (if present)
+//      - remove MAX32620FTHR library (if present)
+//      - Windows 10 note:  Don't connect HDK until you are ready to load new firmware into the board.
+//   - NUCLEO_F446RE
+//      - remove USBDevice library
+//      - remove max32630fthr library (if present)
+//      - remove MAX32620FTHR library (if present)
+//   - NUCLEO_F401RE
+//      - remove USBDevice library
+//      - remove max32630fthr library (if present)
+//      - remove MAX32620FTHR library (if present)
+//   - MAX32630FTHR
+//      - #include "max32630fthr.h"
+//      - add http://os.mbed.org/teams/MaximIntegrated/code/max32630fthr/
+//      - remove MAX32620FTHR library (if present)
+//   - MAX32620FTHR
+//      - #include "MAX32620FTHR.h"
+//      - remove max32630fthr library (if present)
+//      - add https://os.mbed.com/teams/MaximIntegrated/code/MAX32620FTHR/
+//      - not tested yet
+//   - MAX32625PICO
+//      - remove max32630fthr library (if present)
+//      - remove MAX32620FTHR library (if present)
+//      - not tested yet
+// end Platform_Include_Boilerplate
+#include "MAX11043.h"
+#include "CmdLine.h"
+#include "MaximTinyTester.h"
+// optional: serial port
+// note: some platforms such as Nucleo-F446RE do not support the USBSerial library.
+// In those cases, remove the USBDevice lib from the project and rebuild.
+#if defined(TARGET_MAX32625MBED)
+#include "USBSerial.h"
+USBSerial serial; // virtual serial port over USB (DEV connector)
+#elif defined(TARGET_MAX32630MBED)
+#include "USBSerial.h"
+USBSerial serial; // virtual serial port over USB (DEV connector)
+//#include "USBSerial.h"
+Serial serial(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx
+void on_immediate_0x21(); // Unicode (U+0021) ! EXCLAMATION MARK
+void on_immediate_0x7b(); // Unicode (U+007B) { LEFT CURLY BRACKET
+void on_immediate_0x7d(); // Unicode (U+007D) } RIGHT CURLY BRACKET
+#include "CmdLine.h"
+CmdLine cmdLine_DAPLINKserial(DAPLINKserial, "DAPLINK");
+CmdLine cmdLine_serial(serial, "serial");
+#if defined(TARGET)
+// TARGET_NAME macros from targets/TARGET_Maxim/TARGET_MAX32625/device/mxc_device.h
+// Create a string definition for the TARGET
+#define STRING_ARG(arg) #arg
+#define STRING_NAME(name) STRING_ARG(name)
+#elif defined(TARGET_MAX32600)
+#define TARGET_NAME "MAX32600"
+#elif defined(TARGET_LPC1768)
+#define TARGET_NAME "LPC1768"
+#elif defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F446RE)
+#elif defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F401RE)
+#if defined(TARGET_MAX32630)
+// TARGET=MAX32630FTHR ARM Cortex-M4F 96MHz 2048kB Flash 512kB SRAM
+//             +-------------[microUSB]-------------+
+//             | J1         MAX32630FTHR        J2  |
+//      ______ | [ ] RST                    GND [ ] |
+//      ______ | [ ] 3V3                    BAT+[ ] |
+//      ______ | [ ] 1V8                  reset SW1 |
+//      ______ | [ ] GND       J4               J3  |
+// analogIn0/4 | [a] AIN_0 1.2Vfs     (bat) SYS [ ] | switched BAT+
+// analogIn1/5 | [a] AIN_1 1.2Vfs           PWR [ ] | external pwr btn
+// analogIn2   | [a] AIN_2 1.2Vfs      +5V VBUS [ ] | USB +5V power
+// analogIn3   | [a] AIN_3 1.2Vfs   1-WIRE P4_0 [d] | D0 dig9
+//  (I2C2.SDA) | [d] P5_7  SDA2        SRN P5_6 [d] | D1 dig8
+//  (I2C2.SCL) | [d] P6_0  SCL2      SDIO3 P5_5 [d] | D2 dig7
+//    D13/SCLK | [s] P5_0  SCLK      SDIO2 P5_4 [d] | D3 dig6
+//    D11/MOSI | [s] P5_1  MOSI       SSEL P5_3 [d] | D4 dig5
+//    D12/MISO | [s] P5_2  MISO        RTS P3_3 [d] | D5 dig4
+//    D10/CS   | [s] P3_0  RX          CTS P3_2 [d] | D6 dig3
+//    D9  dig0 | [d] P3_1  TX          SCL P3_5 [d] | D7 dig2
+//      ______ | [ ] GND               SDA P3_4 [d] | D8 dig1
+//             |                                    |
+//             | XIP Flash      MAX14690N           |
+//             | XIP_SCLK P1_0  SDA2 P5_7           |
+//             | XIP_MOSI P1_1  SCL2 P6_0           |
+//             | XIP_MISO P1_2  PMIC_INIT P3_7      |
+//             | XIP_SSEL P1_3  MPC P2_7            |
+//             | XIP_DIO2 P1_4  MON AIN_0           |
+//             | XIP_DIO3 P1_5                      |
+//             |                                    |
+//             | PAN1326B     MicroSD        LED    |
+//             | BT_RX  P0_0  SD_SCLK P0_4   r P2_4 |
+//             | BT_TX  P0_1  SD_MOSI P0_5   g P2_5 |
+//             | BT_CTS P0_2  SD_MISO P0_6   b P2_6 |
+//             | BT_RTS P0_3  SD_SSEL P0_7          |
+//             | BT_RST P1_6  DETECT  P2_2          |
+//             | BT_CLK P1_7               SW2 P2_3 |
+//             +------------------------------------+
+// MAX32630FTHR board has MAX14690 PMIC on I2C bus (P5_7 SDA, P6_0 SCL) at slave address 0101_000r 0x50 (or 0x28 for 7 MSbit address).
+// MAX32630FTHR board has BMI160 accelerometer on I2C bus (P5_7 SDA, P6_0 SCL) at slave address 1101_000r 0xD0 (or 0x68 for 7 MSbit address).
+// AIN_0 = AIN0 pin       fullscale is 1.2V
+// AIN_1 = AIN1 pin       fullscale is 1.2V
+// AIN_2 = AIN2 pin       fullscale is 1.2V
+// AIN_3 = AIN3 pin       fullscale is 1.2V
+// AIN_4 = AIN0 / 5.0     fullscale is 6.0V
+// AIN_5 = AIN1 / 5.0     fullscale is 6.0V
+// AIN_6 = VDDB / 4.0     fullscale is 4.8V
+// AIN_7 = VDD18          fullscale is 1.2V
+// AIN_8 = VDD12          fullscale is 1.2V
+// AIN_9 = VRTC / 2.0     fullscale is 2.4V
+// AIN_10 = x undefined?
+// AIN_11 = VDDIO / 4.0   fullscale is 4.8V
+// AIN_12 = VDDIOH / 4.0  fullscale is 4.8V
+    #include "max32630fthr.h"
+MAX32630FTHR pegasus(MAX32630FTHR::VIO_3V3);
+#define analogIn4_IS_HIGH_RANGE_OF_analogIn0 1
+// MAX32630FTHR board supports only internal VREF = 1.200V at bypass capacitor C15
+const float ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE = 1.200;
+// Arduino connector
+#ifndef A0
+#define A0 AIN_0
+#ifndef A1
+#define A1 AIN_1
+#ifndef A2
+#define A2 AIN_2
+#ifndef A3
+#define A3 AIN_3
+#ifndef D0
+#define D0 P4_0
+#ifndef D1
+#define D1 P5_6
+#ifndef D2
+#define D2 P5_5
+#ifndef D3
+#define D3 P5_4
+#ifndef D4
+#define D4 P5_3
+#ifndef D5
+#define D5 P3_3
+#ifndef D6
+#define D6 P3_2
+#ifndef D7
+#define D7 P3_5
+#ifndef D8
+#define D8 P3_4
+#ifndef D9
+#define D9 P3_1
+#ifndef D10
+#define D10 P3_0
+#ifndef D11
+#define D11 P5_1
+#ifndef D12
+#define D12 P5_2
+#ifndef D13
+#define D13 P5_0
+#elif defined(TARGET_MAX32625MBED)
+// TARGET=MAX32625MBED ARM Cortex-M4F 96MHz 512kB Flash 160kB SRAM
+//             +-------------------------------------+
+//             |   MAX32625MBED Arduino UNO header   |
+//             |                                     |
+//             |                           A5/SCL[ ] |   P1_7 dig15
+//             |                           A4/SDA[ ] |   P1_6 dig14
+//             |                         AREF=N/C[ ] |
+//             |                              GND[ ] |
+//             | [ ]N/C                    SCK/13[ ] |   P1_0 dig13
+//             | [ ]IOREF=3V3             MISO/12[ ] |   P1_2 dig12
+//             | [ ]RST                   MOSI/11[ ]~|   P1_1 dig11
+//             | [ ]3V3                     CS/10[ ]~|   P1_3 dig10
+//             | [ ]5V0                         9[ ]~|   P1_5 dig9
+//             | [ ]GND                         8[ ] |   P1_4 dig8
+//             | [ ]GND                              |
+//             | [ ]Vin                         7[ ] |   P0_7 dig7
+//             |                                6[ ]~|   P0_6 dig6
+//       AIN_0 | [ ]A0                          5[ ]~|   P0_5 dig5
+//       AIN_1 | [ ]A1                          4[ ] |   P0_4 dig4
+//       AIN_2 | [ ]A2                     INT1/3[ ]~|   P0_3 dig3
+//       AIN_3 | [ ]A3                     INT0/2[ ] |   P0_2 dig2
+// dig16  P3_4 | [ ]A4/SDA  RST SCK MISO     TX>1[ ] |   P0_1 dig1
+// dig17  P3_5 | [ ]A5/SCL  [ ] [ ] [ ]      RX<0[ ] |   P0_0 dig0
+//             |            [ ] [ ] [ ]              |
+//             |  UNO_R3    GND MOSI 5V  ____________/
+//              \_______________________/
+//             +------------------------+
+//             |                        |
+//             |  MicroSD        LED    |
+//             |  SD_SCLK P2_4   r P3_0 |
+//             |  SD_MOSI P2_5   g P3_1 |
+//             |  SD_MISO P2_6   b P3_2 |
+//             |  SD_SSEL P2_7   y P3_3 |
+//             |                        |
+//             |  DAPLINK      BUTTONS  |
+//             |  TX P2_1      SW3 P2_3 |
+//             |  RX P2_0      SW2 P2_2 |
+//             +------------------------+
+// AIN_0 = AIN0 pin       fullscale is 1.2V
+// AIN_1 = AIN1 pin       fullscale is 1.2V
+// AIN_2 = AIN2 pin       fullscale is 1.2V
+// AIN_3 = AIN3 pin       fullscale is 1.2V
+// AIN_4 = AIN0 / 5.0     fullscale is 6.0V
+// AIN_5 = AIN1 / 5.0     fullscale is 6.0V
+// AIN_6 = VDDB / 4.0     fullscale is 4.8V
+// AIN_7 = VDD18          fullscale is 1.2V
+// AIN_8 = VDD12          fullscale is 1.2V
+// AIN_9 = VRTC / 2.0     fullscale is 2.4V
+// AIN_10 = x undefined?
+// AIN_11 = VDDIO / 4.0   fullscale is 4.8V
+// AIN_12 = VDDIOH / 4.0  fullscale is 4.8V
+//#include "max32625mbed.h" // ?
+//MAX32625MBED mbed(MAX32625MBED::VIO_3V3); // ?
+#define analogIn4_IS_HIGH_RANGE_OF_analogIn0 1
+// MAX32630FTHR board supports only internal VREF = 1.200V at bypass capacitor C15
+const float ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE = 1.200;     // TODO: ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE Pico?
+// Arduino connector
+#ifndef A0
+#define A0 AIN_0
+#ifndef A1
+#define A1 AIN_1
+#ifndef A2
+#define A2 AIN_2
+#ifndef A3
+#define A3 AIN_3
+#ifndef D0
+#define D0 P0_0
+#ifndef D1
+#define D1 P0_1
+#ifndef D2
+#define D2 P0_2
+#ifndef D3
+#define D3 P0_3
+#ifndef D4
+#define D4 P0_4
+#ifndef D5
+#define D5 P0_5
+#ifndef D6
+#define D6 P0_6
+#ifndef D7
+#define D7 P0_7
+#ifndef D8
+#define D8 P1_4
+#ifndef D9
+#define D9 P1_5
+#ifndef D10
+#define D10 P1_3
+#ifndef D11
+#define D11 P1_1
+#ifndef D12
+#define D12 P1_2
+#ifndef D13
+#define D13 P1_0
+#elif defined(TARGET_MAX32600)
+// target MAX32600
+#define analogIn4_IS_HIGH_RANGE_OF_analogIn0 0
+const float ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE = 1.500;
+#elif defined(TARGET_MAX32620FTHR)
+#warning "TARGET_MAX32620FTHR not previously tested; need to define pins..."
+#include "MAX32620FTHR.h"
+// Initialize I/O voltages on MAX32620FTHR board
+MAX32620FTHR fthr(MAX32620FTHR::VIO_3V3);
+//#define USE_LEDS 0 ?
+#define analogIn4_IS_HIGH_RANGE_OF_analogIn0 1
+#warning "TARGET_MAX32620FTHR not previously tested; need to verify ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE..."
+const float ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE = 1.200;
+#elif defined(TARGET_MAX32625PICO)
+#warning "TARGET_MAX32625PICO not previously tested; need to define pins..."
+//#define USE_LEDS 0 ?
+#define analogIn4_IS_HIGH_RANGE_OF_analogIn0 1
+#warning "TARGET_MAX32625PICO not previously tested; need to verify ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE..."
+const float ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE = 1.200;
+#elif defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F446RE) || defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F401RE)
+// TODO1: target NUCLEO_F446RE
+// LED1 is shared with SPI_SCK on NUCLEO_F446RE PA_5, so don't use LED1.
+#define USE_LEDS 0
+// Serial serial(SERIAL_TX, SERIAL_RX);
+#define analogIn4_IS_HIGH_RANGE_OF_analogIn0 0
+const float ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE = 3.300;     // TODO: ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE Pico?
+#elif defined(TARGET_LPC1768)
+// TARGET=LPC1768 ARM Cortex-M3 100 MHz 512kB flash 64kB SRAM
+//               +-------------[microUSB]-------------+
+//        ______ | [ ] GND             +3.3V VOUT [ ] | ______
+//        ______ | [ ] 4.5V<VIN<9.0V   +5.0V VU   [ ] | ______
+//        ______ | [ ] VB                 USB.IF- [ ] | ______
+//        ______ | [ ] nR                 USB.IF+ [ ] | ______
+// digitalInOut0 | [ ] p5 MOSI       ETHERNET.RD- [ ] | ______
+// digitalInOut1 | [ ] p6 MISO       ETHERNET.RD+ [ ] | ______
+// digitalInOut2 | [ ] p7 SCLK       ETHERNET.TD- [ ] | ______
+// digitalInOut3 | [ ] p8            ETHERNET.TD+ [ ] | ______
+// digitalInOut4 | [ ] p9  TX SDA          USB.D- [ ] | ______
+// digitalInOut5 | [ ] p10 RX SCL          USB.D+ [ ] | ______
+// digitalInOut6 | [ ] p11    MOSI     CAN-RD p30 [ ] | digitalInOut13
+// digitalInOut7 | [ ] p12    MISO     CAN-TD p29 [ ] | digitalInOut12
+// digitalInOut8 | [ ] p13 TX SCLK     SDA TX p28 [ ] | digitalInOut11
+// digitalInOut9 | [ ] p14 RX          SCL RX p27 [ ] | digitalInOut10
+//     analogIn0 | [ ] p15 AIN0 3.3Vfs   PWM1 p26 [ ] | pwmDriver1
+//     analogIn1 | [ ] p16 AIN1 3.3Vfs   PWM2 p25 [ ] | pwmDriver2
+//     analogIn2 | [ ] p17 AIN2 3.3Vfs   PWM3 p24 [ ] | pwmDriver3
+//     analogIn3 | [ ] p18 AIN3 AOUT     PWM4 p23 [ ] | pwmDriver4
+//     analogIn4 | [ ] p19 AIN4 3.3Vfs   PWM5 p22 [ ] | pwmDriver5
+//     analogIn5 | [ ] p20 AIN5 3.3Vfs   PWM6 p21 [ ] | pwmDriver6
+//               +------------------------------------+
+// AIN6 = P0.3 = TGT_SBL_RXD?
+// AIN7 = P0.2 = TGT_SBL_TXD?
+// LPC1768 board uses VREF = 3.300V +A3,3V thru L1 to bypass capacitor C14
+#define analogIn4_IS_HIGH_RANGE_OF_analogIn0 0
+const float ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE = 3.300;
+#else // not defined(TARGET_LPC1768 etc.)
+// unknown target
+#endif // target definition
+// uncrustify-0.66.1 *INDENT-OFF*
+// Declare the AnalogIn driver
+// Optional analogIn support. If there is only one it should be analogIn1.
+// A) analog input
+#if defined(TARGET_MAX32630)
+    #define HAS_analogIn0 1
+    #define HAS_analogIn1 1
+    #define HAS_analogIn2 1
+    #define HAS_analogIn3 1
+    #define HAS_analogIn4 1
+    #define HAS_analogIn5 1
+    #define HAS_analogIn6 1
+    #define HAS_analogIn7 1
+    #define HAS_analogIn8 1
+    #define HAS_analogIn9 1
+//    #define HAS_analogIn10 0
+//    #define HAS_analogIn11 0
+//    #define HAS_analogIn12 0
+//    #define HAS_analogIn13 0
+//    #define HAS_analogIn14 0
+//    #define HAS_analogIn15 0
+#if HAS_analogIn0
+    AnalogIn analogIn0(AIN_0); // TARGET_MAX32630 J1.5 AIN_0 = AIN0 pin       fullscale is 1.2V
+#if HAS_analogIn1
+    AnalogIn analogIn1(AIN_1); // TARGET_MAX32630 J1.6 AIN_1 = AIN1 pin       fullscale is 1.2V
+#if HAS_analogIn2
+    AnalogIn analogIn2(AIN_2); // TARGET_MAX32630 J1.7 AIN_2 = AIN2 pin       fullscale is 1.2V
+#if HAS_analogIn3
+    AnalogIn analogIn3(AIN_3); // TARGET_MAX32630 J1.8 AIN_3 = AIN3 pin       fullscale is 1.2V
+#if HAS_analogIn4
+    AnalogIn analogIn4(AIN_4); // TARGET_MAX32630 J1.5 AIN_4 = AIN0 / 5.0     fullscale is 6.0V
+#if HAS_analogIn5
+    AnalogIn analogIn5(AIN_5); // TARGET_MAX32630 J1.6 AIN_5 = AIN1 / 5.0     fullscale is 6.0V
+#if HAS_analogIn6
+    AnalogIn analogIn6(AIN_6); // TARGET_MAX32630 AIN_6 = VDDB / 4.0     fullscale is 4.8V
+#if HAS_analogIn7
+    AnalogIn analogIn7(AIN_7); // TARGET_MAX32630 AIN_7 = VDD18          fullscale is 1.2V
+#if HAS_analogIn8
+    AnalogIn analogIn8(AIN_8); // TARGET_MAX32630 AIN_8 = VDD12          fullscale is 1.2V
+#if HAS_analogIn9
+    AnalogIn analogIn9(AIN_9); // TARGET_MAX32630 AIN_9 = VRTC / 2.0     fullscale is 2.4V
+#if HAS_analogIn10
+    AnalogIn analogIn10(____); // TARGET_MAX32630 AIN_10 = x undefined?
+#if HAS_analogIn11
+    AnalogIn analogIn11(____); // TARGET_MAX32630 AIN_11 = VDDIO / 4.0   fullscale is 4.8V
+#if HAS_analogIn12
+    AnalogIn analogIn12(____); // TARGET_MAX32630 AIN_12 = VDDIOH / 4.0  fullscale is 4.8V
+#if HAS_analogIn13
+    AnalogIn analogIn13(____);
+#if HAS_analogIn14
+    AnalogIn analogIn14(____);
+#if HAS_analogIn15
+    AnalogIn analogIn15(____);
+#elif defined(TARGET_MAX32625MBED)
+    #define HAS_analogIn0 1
+    #define HAS_analogIn1 1
+    #define HAS_analogIn2 1
+    #define HAS_analogIn3 1
+    #define HAS_analogIn4 1
+    #define HAS_analogIn5 1
+#if HAS_analogIn0
+    AnalogIn analogIn0(AIN_0); // TARGET_MAX32630 J1.5 AIN_0 = AIN0 pin       fullscale is 1.2V
+#if HAS_analogIn1
+    AnalogIn analogIn1(AIN_1); // TARGET_MAX32630 J1.6 AIN_1 = AIN1 pin       fullscale is 1.2V
+#if HAS_analogIn2
+    AnalogIn analogIn2(AIN_2); // TARGET_MAX32630 J1.7 AIN_2 = AIN2 pin       fullscale is 1.2V
+#if HAS_analogIn3
+    AnalogIn analogIn3(AIN_3); // TARGET_MAX32630 J1.8 AIN_3 = AIN3 pin       fullscale is 1.2V
+#if HAS_analogIn4
+    AnalogIn analogIn4(AIN_4); // TARGET_MAX32630 J1.5 AIN_4 = AIN0 / 5.0     fullscale is 6.0V
+#if HAS_analogIn5
+    AnalogIn analogIn5(AIN_5); // TARGET_MAX32630 J1.6 AIN_5 = AIN1 / 5.0     fullscale is 6.0V
+#elif defined(TARGET_MAX32620FTHR)
+#warning "TARGET_MAX32620FTHR not previously tested; need to verify analogIn0..."
+    #define HAS_analogIn0 1
+    #define HAS_analogIn1 1
+    #define HAS_analogIn2 1
+    #define HAS_analogIn3 1
+    #define HAS_analogIn4 1
+    #define HAS_analogIn5 1
+    #define HAS_analogIn6 1
+    #define HAS_analogIn7 1
+    #define HAS_analogIn8 1
+    #define HAS_analogIn9 1
+//    #define HAS_analogIn10 0
+//    #define HAS_analogIn11 0
+//    #define HAS_analogIn12 0
+//    #define HAS_analogIn13 0
+//    #define HAS_analogIn14 0
+//    #define HAS_analogIn15 0
+#if HAS_analogIn0
+    AnalogIn analogIn0(AIN_0); // TARGET_MAX32620FTHR J1.5 AIN_0 = AIN0 pin       fullscale is 1.2V
+#if HAS_analogIn1
+    AnalogIn analogIn1(AIN_1); // TARGET_MAX32620FTHR J1.6 AIN_1 = AIN1 pin       fullscale is 1.2V
+#if HAS_analogIn2
+    AnalogIn analogIn2(AIN_2); // TARGET_MAX32620FTHR J1.7 AIN_2 = AIN2 pin       fullscale is 1.2V
+#if HAS_analogIn3
+    AnalogIn analogIn3(AIN_3); // TARGET_MAX32620FTHR J1.8 AIN_3 = AIN3 pin       fullscale is 1.2V
+#if HAS_analogIn4
+    AnalogIn analogIn4(AIN_4); // TARGET_MAX32620FTHR J1.5 AIN_4 = AIN0 / 5.0     fullscale is 6.0V
+#if HAS_analogIn5
+    AnalogIn analogIn5(AIN_5); // TARGET_MAX32620FTHR J1.6 AIN_5 = AIN1 / 5.0     fullscale is 6.0V
+#if HAS_analogIn6
+    AnalogIn analogIn6(AIN_6); // TARGET_MAX32620FTHR AIN_6 = VDDB / 4.0     fullscale is 4.8V
+#if HAS_analogIn7
+    AnalogIn analogIn7(AIN_7); // TARGET_MAX32620FTHR AIN_7 = VDD18          fullscale is 1.2V
+#if HAS_analogIn8
+    AnalogIn analogIn8(AIN_8); // TARGET_MAX32620FTHR AIN_8 = VDD12          fullscale is 1.2V
+#if HAS_analogIn9
+    AnalogIn analogIn9(AIN_9); // TARGET_MAX32620FTHR AIN_9 = VRTC / 2.0     fullscale is 2.4V
+#if HAS_analogIn10
+    AnalogIn analogIn10(____); // TARGET_MAX32620FTHR AIN_10 = x undefined?
+#if HAS_analogIn11
+    AnalogIn analogIn11(____); // TARGET_MAX32620FTHR AIN_11 = VDDIO / 4.0   fullscale is 4.8V
+#if HAS_analogIn12
+    AnalogIn analogIn12(____); // TARGET_MAX32620FTHR AIN_12 = VDDIOH / 4.0  fullscale is 4.8V
+#if HAS_analogIn13
+    AnalogIn analogIn13(____);
+#if HAS_analogIn14
+    AnalogIn analogIn14(____);
+#if HAS_analogIn15
+    AnalogIn analogIn15(____);
+#elif defined(TARGET_MAX32625PICO)
+#warning "TARGET_MAX32625PICO not previously tested; need to verify analogIn0..."
+    #define HAS_analogIn0 1
+    #define HAS_analogIn1 1
+    #define HAS_analogIn2 1
+    #define HAS_analogIn3 1
+    #define HAS_analogIn4 1
+    #define HAS_analogIn5 1
+#if HAS_analogIn0
+    AnalogIn analogIn0(AIN_0); // TARGET_MAX32630 J1.5 AIN_0 = AIN0 pin       fullscale is 1.2V
+#if HAS_analogIn1
+    AnalogIn analogIn1(AIN_1); // TARGET_MAX32630 J1.6 AIN_1 = AIN1 pin       fullscale is 1.2V
+#if HAS_analogIn2
+    AnalogIn analogIn2(AIN_2); // TARGET_MAX32630 J1.7 AIN_2 = AIN2 pin       fullscale is 1.2V
+#if HAS_analogIn3
+    AnalogIn analogIn3(AIN_3); // TARGET_MAX32630 J1.8 AIN_3 = AIN3 pin       fullscale is 1.2V
+#if HAS_analogIn4
+    AnalogIn analogIn4(AIN_4); // TARGET_MAX32630 J1.5 AIN_4 = AIN0 / 5.0     fullscale is 6.0V
+#if HAS_analogIn5
+    AnalogIn analogIn5(AIN_5); // TARGET_MAX32630 J1.6 AIN_5 = AIN1 / 5.0     fullscale is 6.0V
+#elif defined(TARGET_MAX32600)
+    #define HAS_analogIn0 1
+    #define HAS_analogIn1 1
+    #define HAS_analogIn2 1
+    #define HAS_analogIn3 1
+    #define HAS_analogIn4 1
+    #define HAS_analogIn5 1
+#if HAS_analogIn0
+    AnalogIn analogIn0(A0);
+#if HAS_analogIn1
+    AnalogIn analogIn1(A1);
+#if HAS_analogIn2
+    AnalogIn analogIn2(A2);
+#if HAS_analogIn3
+    AnalogIn analogIn3(A3);
+#if HAS_analogIn4
+    AnalogIn analogIn4(A4);
+#if HAS_analogIn5
+    AnalogIn analogIn5(A5);
+#elif defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F446RE)
+    #define HAS_analogIn0 1
+    #define HAS_analogIn1 1
+    #define HAS_analogIn2 1
+    #define HAS_analogIn3 1
+    #define HAS_analogIn4 1
+    #define HAS_analogIn5 1
+#if HAS_analogIn0
+    AnalogIn analogIn0(A0);
+#if HAS_analogIn1
+    AnalogIn analogIn1(A1);
+#if HAS_analogIn2
+    AnalogIn analogIn2(A2);
+#if HAS_analogIn3
+    AnalogIn analogIn3(A3);
+#if HAS_analogIn4
+    AnalogIn analogIn4(A4);
+#if HAS_analogIn5
+    AnalogIn analogIn5(A5);
+#elif defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F401RE)
+    #define HAS_analogIn0 1
+    #define HAS_analogIn1 1
+    #define HAS_analogIn2 1
+    #define HAS_analogIn3 1
+    #define HAS_analogIn4 1
+    #define HAS_analogIn5 1
+#if HAS_analogIn0
+    AnalogIn analogIn0(A0);
+#if HAS_analogIn1
+    AnalogIn analogIn1(A1);
+#if HAS_analogIn2
+    AnalogIn analogIn2(A2);
+#if HAS_analogIn3
+    AnalogIn analogIn3(A3);
+#if HAS_analogIn4
+    AnalogIn analogIn4(A4);
+#if HAS_analogIn5
+    AnalogIn analogIn5(A5);
+// TODO1: TARGET=MAX32625MBED ARM Cortex-M4F 96MHz 512kB Flash 160kB SRAM
+#elif defined(TARGET_LPC1768)
+    #define HAS_analogIn0 1
+    #define HAS_analogIn1 1
+    #define HAS_analogIn2 1
+    #define HAS_analogIn3 1
+    #define HAS_analogIn4 1
+    #define HAS_analogIn5 1
+//    #define HAS_analogIn6 1
+//    #define HAS_analogIn7 1
+//    #define HAS_analogIn8 1
+//    #define HAS_analogIn9 1
+//    #define HAS_analogIn10 1
+//    #define HAS_analogIn11 1
+//    #define HAS_analogIn12 1
+//    #define HAS_analogIn13 1
+//    #define HAS_analogIn14 1
+//    #define HAS_analogIn15 1
+#if HAS_analogIn0
+    AnalogIn analogIn0(p15); // TARGET_LPC1768 P0.23/AD0.0/I2SRX_CLK/CAP3.0
+#if HAS_analogIn1
+    AnalogIn analogIn1(p16); // TARGET_LPC1768 P0.24/AD0.1/I2SRX_WS/CAP3.1
+#if HAS_analogIn2
+    AnalogIn analogIn2(p17); // TARGET_LPC1768 P0.25/AD0.2/I2SRX_SDA/TXD3
+#if HAS_analogIn3
+    AnalogIn analogIn3(p18); // TARGET_LPC1768 P0.26/AD0.3/AOUT/RXD3
+#if HAS_analogIn4
+    AnalogIn analogIn4(p19); // TARGET_LPC1768 P1.30/VBUS/AD0.4
+#if HAS_analogIn5
+    AnalogIn analogIn5(p20); // TARGET_LPC1768 P1.31/SCK1/AD0.5
+#if HAS_analogIn6
+    AnalogIn analogIn6(____);
+#if HAS_analogIn7
+    AnalogIn analogIn7(____);
+#if HAS_analogIn8
+    AnalogIn analogIn8(____);
+#if HAS_analogIn9
+    AnalogIn analogIn9(____);
+#if HAS_analogIn10
+    AnalogIn analogIn10(____);
+#if HAS_analogIn11
+    AnalogIn analogIn11(____);
+#if HAS_analogIn12
+    AnalogIn analogIn12(____);
+#if HAS_analogIn13
+    AnalogIn analogIn13(____);
+#if HAS_analogIn14
+    AnalogIn analogIn14(____);
+#if HAS_analogIn15
+    AnalogIn analogIn15(____);
+    // unknown target
+// uncrustify-0.66.1 *INDENT-ON*
+#if HAS_analogIn0 || HAS_analogIn1 \
+    || HAS_analogIn2 || HAS_analogIn3 \
+    || HAS_analogIn4 || HAS_analogIn5 \
+    || HAS_analogIn6 || HAS_analogIn7 \
+    || HAS_analogIn8 || HAS_analogIn9 \
+    || HAS_analogIn10 || HAS_analogIn11 \
+    || HAS_analogIn12 || HAS_analogIn13 \
+    || HAS_analogIn14 || HAS_analogIn15
+#define HAS_analogIns 1
+// AnalogIn pin resource: search index
+#if HAS_analogIns
+AnalogIn& find_analogInPin(int cPinIndex)
+    switch (cPinIndex)
+    {
+        default: // default to the first defined analogIn pin
+#if HAS_analogIn0
+        case '0': case 0x00: return analogIn0;
+#if HAS_analogIn1
+        case '1': case 0x01: return analogIn1;
+#if HAS_analogIn2
+        case '2': case 0x02: return analogIn2;
+#if HAS_analogIn3
+        case '3': case 0x03: return analogIn3;
+#if HAS_analogIn4
+        case '4': case 0x04: return analogIn4;
+#if HAS_analogIn5
+        case '5': case 0x05: return analogIn5;
+#if HAS_analogIn6
+        case '6': case 0x06: return analogIn6;
+#if HAS_analogIn7
+        case '7': case 0x07: return analogIn7;
+#if HAS_analogIn8
+        case '8': case 0x08: return analogIn8;
+#if HAS_analogIn9
+        case '9': case 0x09: return analogIn9;
+#if HAS_analogIn10
+        case 'a': case 0x0a: return analogIn10;
+#if HAS_analogIn11
+        case 'b': case 0x0b: return analogIn11;
+#if HAS_analogIn12
+        case 'c': case 0x0c: return analogIn12;
+#if HAS_analogIn13
+        case 'd': case 0x0d: return analogIn13;
+#if HAS_analogIn14
+        case 'e': case 0x0e: return analogIn14;
+#if HAS_analogIn15
+        case 'f': case 0x0f: return analogIn15;
+    }
+#if HAS_analogIns
+const float analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[] = {
+# if defined(TARGET_MAX32630)
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn0
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn1
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn2
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn3
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE * 5.0f, // analogIn4 // AIN_4 = AIN0 / 5.0     fullscale is 6.0V
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE * 5.0f, // analogIn4 // AIN_5 = AIN1 / 5.0     fullscale is 6.0V
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE * 4.0f, // analogIn6 // AIN_6 = VDDB / 4.0     fullscale is 4.8V
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn7 // AIN_7 = VDD18          fullscale is 1.2V
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn8 // AIN_8 = VDD12          fullscale is 1.2V
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE * 2.0f, // analogIn9 // AIN_9 = VRTC / 2.0     fullscale is 2.4V
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn10  // AIN_10 = x undefined?
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE * 4.0f, // analogIn11 // AIN_11 = VDDIO / 4.0   fullscale is 4.8V
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE * 4.0f, // analogIn12 // AIN_12 = VDDIOH / 4.0  fullscale is 4.8V
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn13
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn14
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE // analogIn15
+# elif defined(TARGET_MAX32620FTHR)
+#warning "TARGET_MAX32620FTHR not previously tested; need to verify analogIn0..."
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn0
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn1
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn2
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn3
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE * 5.0f, // analogIn4 // AIN_4 = AIN0 / 5.0     fullscale is 6.0V
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE * 5.0f, // analogIn4 // AIN_5 = AIN1 / 5.0     fullscale is 6.0V
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE * 4.0f, // analogIn6 // AIN_6 = VDDB / 4.0     fullscale is 4.8V
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn7 // AIN_7 = VDD18          fullscale is 1.2V
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn8 // AIN_8 = VDD12          fullscale is 1.2V
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE * 2.0f, // analogIn9 // AIN_9 = VRTC / 2.0     fullscale is 2.4V
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn10  // AIN_10 = x undefined?
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE * 4.0f, // analogIn11 // AIN_11 = VDDIO / 4.0   fullscale is 4.8V
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE * 4.0f, // analogIn12 // AIN_12 = VDDIOH / 4.0  fullscale is 4.8V
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn13
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn14
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE // analogIn15
+#elif defined(TARGET_MAX32625MBED)
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE * 1.0f, // analogIn0 // fullscale is 1.2V
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE * 1.0f, // analogIn1 // fullscale is 1.2V
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE * 1.0f, // analogIn2 // fullscale is 1.2V
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE * 1.0f, // analogIn3 // fullscale is 1.2V
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE * 5.0f, // analogIn4 // AIN_4 = AIN0 / 5.0     fullscale is 6.0V
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE * 5.0f, // analogIn4 // AIN_5 = AIN1 / 5.0     fullscale is 6.0V
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE * 4.0f, // analogIn6 // AIN_6 = VDDB / 4.0     fullscale is 4.8V
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn7 // AIN_7 = VDD18          fullscale is 1.2V
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn8 // AIN_8 = VDD12          fullscale is 1.2V
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE * 2.0f, // analogIn9 // AIN_9 = VRTC / 2.0     fullscale is 2.4V
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn10  // AIN_10 = x undefined?
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE * 4.0f, // analogIn11 // AIN_11 = VDDIO / 4.0   fullscale is 4.8V
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE * 4.0f, // analogIn12 // AIN_12 = VDDIOH / 4.0  fullscale is 4.8V
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn13
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn14
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE // analogIn15
+#elif defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F446RE)
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn0
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn1
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn2
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn3
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn4
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn5
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn6
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn7
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn8
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn9
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn10
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn11
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn12
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn13
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn14
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE // analogIn15
+#elif defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F401RE)
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn0
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn1
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn2
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn3
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn4
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn5
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn6
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn7
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn8
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn9
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn10
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn11
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn12
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn13
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn14
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE // analogIn15
+//#elif defined(TARGET_LPC1768)
+    // unknown target
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn0
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn1
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn2
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn3
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn4
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn5
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn6
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn7
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn8
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn9
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn10
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn11
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn12
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn13
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn14
+    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE // analogIn15
+# endif
+// Option to use LEDs to show status
+#ifndef USE_LEDS
+#define USE_LEDS 1
+#if defined(TARGET_MAX32630)
+# define LED_ON  0
+# define LED_OFF 1
+#elif defined(TARGET_MAX32625MBED)
+# define LED_ON  0
+# define LED_OFF 1
+// TODO1: TARGET=MAX32625MBED ARM Cortex-M4F 96MHz 512kB Flash 160kB SRAM
+#elif defined(TARGET_LPC1768)
+# define LED_ON  1
+# define LED_OFF 0
+#else // not defined(TARGET_LPC1768 etc.)
+// USE_LEDS with some platform other than MAX32630, MAX32625MBED, LPC1768
+// bugfix for MAX32600MBED LED blink pattern: check if LED_ON/LED_OFF already defined
+# ifndef LED_ON
+#  define LED_ON  0
+# endif
+# ifndef LED_OFF
+#  define LED_OFF 1
+# endif
+//# define LED_ON  1
+//# define LED_OFF 0
+#endif // target definition
+DigitalOut led1(LED1, LED_OFF); // MAX32630FTHR: LED1 = LED_RED
+DigitalOut led2(LED2, LED_OFF); // MAX32630FTHR: LED2 = LED_GREEN
+DigitalOut led3(LED3, LED_OFF); // MAX32630FTHR: LED3 = LED_BLUE
+DigitalOut led4(LED4, LED_OFF);
+#else // USE_LEDS=0
+// issue #41 support Nucleo_F446RE
+// there are no LED indicators on the board, LED1 interferes with SPI;
+// but we still need placeholders led1 led2 led3 led4.
+// Declare DigitalOut led1 led2 led3 led4 targeting safe pins.
+// PinName NC means NOT_CONNECTED; DigitalOut::is_connected() returns false
+# define LED_ON  0
+# define LED_OFF 1
+DigitalOut led1(NC, LED_OFF);
+DigitalOut led2(NC, LED_OFF);
+DigitalOut led3(NC, LED_OFF);
+DigitalOut led4(NC, LED_OFF);
+#endif // USE_LEDS
+#define led1_RFailLED led1
+#define led2_GPassLED led2
+#define led3_BBusyLED led3
+// example code board support
+//MAX32630FTHR pegasus(MAX32630FTHR::VIO_3V3);
+//DigitalOut rLED(LED1);
+//DigitalOut gLED(LED2);
+//DigitalOut bLED(LED3);
+// Arduino "shield" connector port definitions (MAX32625MBED shown)
+#if defined(TARGET_MAX32625MBED)
+#define A0 AIN_0
+#define A1 AIN_1
+#define A2 AIN_2
+#define A3 AIN_3
+#define D0 P0_0
+#define D1 P0_1
+#define D2 P0_2
+#define D3 P0_3
+#define D4 P0_4
+#define D5 P0_5
+#define D6 P0_6
+#define D7 P0_7
+#define D8 P1_4
+#define D9 P1_5
+#define D10 P1_3
+#define D11 P1_1
+#define D12 P1_2
+#define D13 P1_0
+// example code declare SPI interface
+#if defined(TARGET_MAX32625MBED)
+SPI spi(SPI1_MOSI, SPI1_MISO, SPI1_SCK); // mosi, miso, sclk spi1 TARGET_MAX32625MBED: P1_1 P1_2 P1_0 Arduino 10-pin header D11 D12 D13
+DigitalOut spi_cs(SPI1_SS); // TARGET_MAX32625MBED: P1_3 Arduino 10-pin header D10
+#elif defined(TARGET_MAX32600MBED)
+SPI spi(SPI2_MOSI, SPI2_MISO, SPI2_SCK); // mosi, miso, sclk spi1 TARGET_MAX32600MBED: Arduino 10-pin header D11 D12 D13
+DigitalOut spi_cs(SPI2_SS); // Generic: Arduino 10-pin header D10
+SPI spi(D11, D12, D13); // mosi, miso, sclk spi1 TARGET_MAX32600MBED: Arduino 10-pin header D11 D12 D13
+DigitalOut spi_cs(D10); // Generic: Arduino 10-pin header D10
+// example code declare GPIO interface pins
+DigitalOut CONVRUN_pin(D9); // Digital Configuration Input to MAX11043 device
+DigitalOut SHDN_pin(D8); // Digital Configuration Input to MAX11043 device
+DigitalOut DACSTEP_pin(D7); // Digital Configuration Input to MAX11043 device
+DigitalOut UP_slash_DWNb_pin(D6); // Digital Configuration Input to MAX11043 device
+DigitalIn EOC_pin(D2); // Digital Event Output from MAX11043 device
+// example code declare device instance
+MAX11043 g_MAX11043_device(spi, spi_cs, CONVRUN_pin, SHDN_pin, DACSTEP_pin, UP_slash_DWNb_pin, EOC_pin, MAX11043::MAX11043_IC);
+// Global SPI options
+// Global I2C options
+#define APPLICATION_ArduinoPinsMonitor 1
+// use BUTTON1 trigger some action
+#if defined(TARGET_MAX32630)
+#define HAS_BUTTON2_DEMO 0
+#elif defined(TARGET_MAX32625PICO)
+#warning "TARGET_MAX32625PICO not previously tested; need to define buttons..."
+#define HAS_BUTTON2_DEMO 0
+#elif defined(TARGET_MAX32625)
+#elif defined(TARGET_MAX32620FTHR)
+#warning "TARGET_MAX32620FTHR not previously tested; need to define buttons..."
+#define BUTTON1 SW1
+#define HAS_BUTTON2_DEMO 0
+#elif defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F446RE)
+#elif defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F401RE)
+#warning "target not previously tested; need to define buttons..."
+#define HAS_BUTTON1_DEMO 0
+#define HAS_BUTTON2_DEMO 0
+// avoid runtime error on button1 press [mbed-os-5.11]
+// instead of using InterruptIn, use DigitalIn and poll in main while(1)
+// avoid runtime error on button1 press [mbed-os-5.11]
+// instead of using InterruptIn, use DigitalIn and poll in main while(1)
+DigitalIn button1(BUTTON1);
+# else
+InterruptIn button1(BUTTON1);
+# endif
+DigitalIn button1(BUTTON1);
+// avoid runtime error on button1 press [mbed-os-5.11]
+// instead of using InterruptIn, use DigitalIn and poll in main while(1)
+DigitalIn button2(BUTTON2);
+# else
+InterruptIn button2(BUTTON2);
+# endif
+DigitalIn button2(BUTTON2);
+// When user presses button BUTTON1, perform self test
+void onButton1FallingEdge(void)
+    void SelfTest(CmdLine & cmdLine);
+    SelfTest(cmdLine_serial);
+// When user presses button BUTTON2, perform demo configuration
+void onButton2FallingEdge(void)
+    // TBD demo configuration
+    // TODO diagnostic LED
+void SelfTest(CmdLine & cmdLine)
+    //--------------------------------------------------
+#if analogIn4_IS_HIGH_RANGE_OF_analogIn0
+    // Platform board uses AIN4,AIN5,.. as high range of AIN0,AIN1,..
+    MaximTinyTester tinyTester(cmdLine, analogIn4, analogIn5, analogIn2, analogIn3, analogIn0, analogIn4, led1_RFailLED, led2_GPassLED, led3_BBusyLED);
+    tinyTester.analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[0] = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[4]; // board support
+    tinyTester.analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[1] = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[5]; // board support
+    tinyTester.analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[2] = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[2]; // board support
+    tinyTester.analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[3] = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[3]; // board support
+    tinyTester.analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[4] = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[0]; // board support
+    tinyTester.analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[5] = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[1]; // board support
+    // low range channels AIN0, AIN1, AIN2, AIN3
+#else // analogIn4_IS_HIGH_RANGE_OF_analogIn0
+    // Platform board uses simple analog inputs
+    MaximTinyTester tinyTester(cmdLine, analogIn0, analogIn1, analogIn2, analogIn3, analogIn4, analogIn5, led1_RFailLED, led2_GPassLED, led3_BBusyLED);
+    tinyTester.analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[0] = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[0]; // board support
+    tinyTester.analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[1] = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[1]; // board support
+    tinyTester.analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[2] = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[2]; // board support
+    tinyTester.analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[3] = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[3]; // board support
+    tinyTester.analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[4] = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[4]; // board support
+    tinyTester.analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[5] = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[5]; // board support
+    tinyTester.clear();
+    // CODE GENERATOR: generate SelfTest based on function docstrings @test lines
+    //
+    // Test of the pass/fail report mechanism
+    tinyTester.FAIL();
+    cmdLine.serial().print(F("injecting one false failure for test reporting"));
+    //
+    // Report number of pass and number of fail test results
+    tinyTester.Report_Summary();
+inline void print_command_prompt()
+    cmdLine_serial.serial().printf("\r\n> ");
+void pinsMonitor_submenu_onEOLcommandParser(CmdLine& cmdLine)
+    // % diagnostic commands submenu
+    // %Hpin -- digital output high
+    // %Lpin -- digital output low
+    // %?pin -- digital input
+    // %A %Apin -- analog input
+    // %Ppin df=xx -- pwm output
+    // %Wpin -- measure high pulsewidth input in usec
+    // %wpin -- measure low pulsewidth input in usec
+    // %I... -- I2C diagnostics
+    // %IP -- I2C probe
+    // %IC scl=100khz ADDR=? -- I2C configure
+    // %IW byte byte ... byte RD=? ADDR=0x -- write
+    // %IR ADDR=? RD=? -- read
+    // %I^ cmd=? -- i2c_smbus_read_word_data
+    // %S... -- SPI diagnostics
+    // %SC sclk=1Mhz -- SPI configure
+    // %SW -- write (write and read)
+    // %SR -- read (alias for %SW because SPI always write and read)
+    // A-Z,a-z,0-9 reserved for application use
+    //
+    char strPinIndex[3];
+    strPinIndex[0] = cmdLine[2];
+    strPinIndex[1] = cmdLine[3];
+    strPinIndex[2] = '\0';
+    int pinIndex = strtoul(strPinIndex, NULL, 10);         // strtol(str, NULL, 10): get decimal value
+    //cmdLine.serial().printf(" pinIndex=%d ", pinIndex);
+    //
+    // get next character
+    switch (cmdLine[1])
+    {
+#if HAS_digitalInOuts
+        case 'H': case 'h':
+        {
+            // %Hpin -- digital output high
+            pinMode(pinIndex, OUTPUT);             // digital pins 0, 1, 2, .. 13, analog input pins A0, A1, .. A5
+            digitalWrite(pinIndex, HIGH);             // digital pins 0, 1, 2, .. 13, analog input pins A0, A1, .. A5
+            DigitalInOut& digitalInOutPin = find_digitalInOutPin(pinIndex);
+            digitalInOutPin.output();
+            digitalInOutPin.write(1);
+            cmdLine.serial().printf(" digitalInOutPin %d Output High ", pinIndex);
+        }
+        break;
+        case 'L': case 'l':
+        {
+            // %Lpin -- digital output low
+            pinMode(pinIndex, OUTPUT);             // digital pins 0, 1, 2, .. 13, analog input pins A0, A1, .. A5
+            digitalWrite(pinIndex, LOW);             // digital pins 0, 1, 2, .. 13, analog input pins A0, A1, .. A5
+            DigitalInOut& digitalInOutPin = find_digitalInOutPin(pinIndex);
+            digitalInOutPin.output();
+            digitalInOutPin.write(0);
+            cmdLine.serial().printf(" digitalInOutPin %d Output Low ", pinIndex);
+        }
+        break;
+        case '?':
+        {
+            // %?pin -- digital input
+            pinMode(pinIndex, INPUT);             // digital pins 0, 1, 2, .. 13, analog input pins A0, A1, .. A5
+            DigitalInOut& digitalInOutPin = find_digitalInOutPin(pinIndex);
+            digitalInOutPin.input();
+            serial.printf(" digitalInOutPin %d Input ", pinIndex);
+            int value = digitalRead(pinIndex);
+            int value = digitalInOutPin.read();
+            cmdLine.serial().printf("%d ", value);
+        }
+        break;
+        //
+#if HAS_analogIns
+        case 'A': case 'a':
+        {
+            // %A %Apin -- analog input
+#if analogIn4_IS_HIGH_RANGE_OF_analogIn0
+            // Platform board uses AIN4,AIN5,.. as high range of AIN0,AIN1,..
+            for (int pinIndex = 0; pinIndex < 2; pinIndex++)
+            {
+                int cPinIndex = '0' + pinIndex;
+                AnalogIn& analogInPin = find_analogInPin(cPinIndex);
+                float adc_full_scale_voltage = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[pinIndex];
+                float normValue_0_1 = analogInPin.read();
+                //
+                int pinIndexH = pinIndex + 4;
+                int cPinIndexH = '0' + pinIndexH;
+                AnalogIn& analogInPinH = find_analogInPin(cPinIndexH);
+                float adc_full_scale_voltageH = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[pinIndexH];
+                float normValueH_0_1 = analogInPinH.read();
+                //
+                cmdLine.serial().printf("AIN%c = %7.3f%% = %1.3fV  AIN%c = %7.3f%% = %1.3fV  \r\n",
+                                        cPinIndex,
+                                        normValue_0_1 * 100.0,
+                                        normValue_0_1 * adc_full_scale_voltage,
+                                        cPinIndexH,
+                                        normValueH_0_1 * 100.0,
+                                        normValueH_0_1 * adc_full_scale_voltageH
+                                        );
+            }
+            for (int pinIndex = 2; pinIndex < 4; pinIndex++)
+            {
+                int cPinIndex = '0' + pinIndex;
+                AnalogIn& analogInPin = find_analogInPin(cPinIndex);
+                float adc_full_scale_voltage = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[pinIndex];
+                float normValue_0_1 = analogInPin.read();
+                //
+                cmdLine.serial().printf("AIN%c = %7.3f%% = %1.3fV\r\n",
+                                        cPinIndex,
+                                        normValue_0_1 * 100.0,
+                                        normValue_0_1 * adc_full_scale_voltage
+                                        );
+            }
+#else // analogIn4_IS_HIGH_RANGE_OF_analogIn0
+            // Platform board uses simple analog inputs
+            // assume standard Arduino analog inputs A0-A5
+            for (int pinIndex = 0; pinIndex < 6; pinIndex++)
+            {
+                int cPinIndex = '0' + pinIndex;
+                AnalogIn& analogInPin = find_analogInPin(cPinIndex);
+                float adc_full_scale_voltage = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[pinIndex];
+                float normValue_0_1 = analogInPin.read();
+                //
+                cmdLine.serial().printf("AIN%c = %7.3f%% = %1.3fV\r\n",
+                                        cPinIndex,
+                                        normValue_0_1 * 100.0,
+                                        normValue_0_1 * adc_full_scale_voltage
+                                        );
+            }
+#endif // analogIn4_IS_HIGH_RANGE_OF_analogIn0
+        }
+        break;
+        //
+#if HAS_SPI2_MAX541
+        case 'D': case 'd':
+        {
+            // %D -- DAC output MAX541 (SPI2) -- need cmdLine.parse_float(voltageV)
+            // MAX541 max541(spi2_max541, spi2_max541_cs);
+            float voltageV = max541.Get_Voltage();
+            // if (cmdLine[2] == '+') {
+            //     // %D+
+            //     voltageV = voltageV * 1.25f;
+            //     if (voltageV >= max541.VRef) voltageV = max541.VRef;
+            //     SelfTest_MAX541_Voltage(cmdLine, max541, voltageV);
+            // }
+            // else if (cmdLine[2] == '-') {
+            //     // %D-
+            //     voltageV = voltageV * 0.75f;
+            //     if (voltageV < 0.1f) voltageV = 0.1f;
+            //     SelfTest_MAX541_Voltage(cmdLine, max541, voltageV);
+            // }
+            if (cmdLine.parse_float("V", voltageV))
+            {
+                // %D V=1.234 -- set voltage
+                max541.Set_Voltage(voltageV);
+            }
+            else if (cmdLine.parse_float("TEST", voltageV))
+            {
+                // %D TEST=1.234 -- set voltage and compare with AIN0
+                SelfTest_MAX541_Voltage(cmdLine, max541, voltageV);
+            }
+            else if (cmdLine.parse_float("CAL", voltageV))
+            {
+                // %D CAL=1.234 -- calibrate VRef and compare with AIN0
+                max541.Set_Code(0x8000); // we don't know the fullscale voltage yet, so set code to midscale
+                double max541_midscale_V = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[4] * analogIn4.read(); // TARGET_MAX32630 J1.5 AIN_4 = AIN0 / 5.0     fullscale is 6.0V
+                const int average_count = 100;
+                const double average_K = 0.25;
+                for (int count = 0; count < average_count; count++) {
+                    double measurement_V = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[4] * analogIn4.read(); // TARGET_MAX32630 J1.5 AIN_4 = AIN0 / 5.0     fullscale is 6.0V
+                    max541_midscale_V = ((1 - average_K) * max541_midscale_V) + (average_K * measurement_V);
+                }
+                max541.VRef = 2.0 * max541_midscale_V;
+                cmdLine.serial().printf(
+                    "\r\n      MAX541 midscale = %1.3fV, so fullscale = %1.3fV",
+                    max541_midscale_V, max541.VRef);
+                // Detect whether MAX541 is really connected to MAX32625MBED.AIN0/AIN4
+                voltageV = 1.0f;
+                SelfTest_MAX541_Voltage(cmdLine, max541, voltageV);
+            }
+            else {
+                // %D -- print MAX541 DAC status
+                cmdLine.serial().printf("MAX541 code=0x%4.4x = %1.3fV  VRef=%1.3fV\r\n",
+                                        max541.Get_Code(), max541.Get_Voltage(), max541.VRef);
+            }
+        }
+        break;
+        //
+        case 'I': case 'i':
+            // %I... -- I2C diagnostics
+            // %IP -- I2C probe
+            // %IC scl=100khz ADDR=? -- I2C configure
+            // %IW byte byte ... byte RD=? ADDR=0x -- write
+            // %IR ADDR=? RD=? -- read
+            // %I^ cmd=? -- i2c_smbus_read_word_data
+            // get next character
+            // TODO: parse cmdLine arg (ADDR=\d+)? --> g_I2C_deviceAddress7
+            cmdLine.parse_byte_hex("ADDR", g_I2C_deviceAddress7);
+            // TODO: parse cmdLine arg (RD=\d)? --> g_I2C_read_count
+            g_I2C_read_count = 0;         // read count must be reset every command
+            cmdLine.parse_byte_dec("RD", g_I2C_read_count);
+            // TODO: parse cmdLine arg (CMD=\d)? --> g_I2C_command_regAddress
+            cmdLine.parse_byte_hex("CMD", g_I2C_command_regAddress);
+            switch (cmdLine[2])
+            {
+                case 'P': case 'p':
+                {
+                    // %IP -- I2C probe
+                    HuntAttachedI2CDevices(cmdLine, 0x03, 0x77);
+                }
+                break;
+                case 'C': case 'c':
+                {
+                    bool isUpdatedI2CConfig = false;
+                    // %IC scl=100khz ADDR=? -- I2C configure
+                    // parse cmdLine arg (SCL=\d+(kHZ|MHZ)?)? --> g_I2C_SCL_Hz
+                    if (cmdLine.parse_frequency_Hz("SCL", g_I2C_SCL_Hz))
+                    {
+                        isUpdatedI2CConfig = true;
+                        // TODO1: validate g_I2C_SCL_Hz against system clock frequency F_CPU
+                        if (g_I2C_SCL_Hz > limit_max_I2C_SCL_Hz)
+                        {
+                            g_I2C_SCL_Hz = limit_max_I2C_SCL_Hz;
+                        }
+                        if (g_I2C_SCL_Hz < limit_min_I2C_SCL_Hz)
+                        {
+                            g_I2C_SCL_Hz = limit_min_I2C_SCL_Hz;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if (isUpdatedI2CConfig)
+                    {
+                        // declare in narrower scope: MAX32625MBED I2C i2cMaster(...)
+                        I2C i2cMaster(I2C0_SDA, I2C0_SCL);             // sda scl TARGET_MAX32635MBED: P1_6, P1_7 Arduino 10-pin header
+                        i2cMaster.frequency(g_I2C_SCL_Hz);
+                        i2cMaster.start();
+                        i2cMaster.stop();
+                        i2cMaster.frequency(g_I2C_SCL_Hz);
+                        cmdLine.serial().printf(
+                            "\r\n %%IC ADDR=0x%2.2x=(0x%2.2x>>1) SCL=%d=%1.3fkHz -- I2C config",
+                            g_I2C_deviceAddress7, (g_I2C_deviceAddress7 << 1), g_I2C_SCL_Hz,
+                            (g_I2C_SCL_Hz / 1000.));
+                        i2cMaster.start();
+                        i2cMaster.stop();
+                    }
+                }
+                break;
+                case 'W': case 'w':
+                {
+                    // declare in narrower scope: MAX32625MBED I2C i2cMaster(...)
+                    I2C i2cMaster(I2C0_SDA, I2C0_SCL);             // sda scl TARGET_MAX32635MBED: P1_6, P1_7 Arduino 10-pin header
+                    i2cMaster.frequency(g_I2C_SCL_Hz);
+                    // %IW byte byte ... byte RD=? ADDR=0x -- write
+                    // parse cmdLine byte list --> int byteCount; int mosiData[MAX_SPI_BYTE_COUNT];
+                    #define MAX_I2C_BYTE_COUNT 32
+                    size_t byteCount = byteCount;
+                    static char mosiData[MAX_I2C_BYTE_COUNT];
+                    static char misoData[MAX_I2C_BYTE_COUNT];
+                    if (cmdLine.parse_byteCount_byteList_hex(byteCount, mosiData,
+                                                             MAX_I2C_BYTE_COUNT))
+                    {
+                        // hex dump mosiData[0..byteCount-1]
+                        cmdLine.serial().printf(
+                            "\r\nADDR=0x%2.2x=(0x%2.2x>>1) byteCount:%d RD=%d\r\nI2C MOSI->",
+                            g_I2C_deviceAddress7,
+                            (g_I2C_deviceAddress7 << 1), byteCount, g_I2C_read_count);
+                        for (unsigned int byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < byteCount; byteIndex++)
+                        {
+                            cmdLine.serial().printf(" 0x%2.2X", mosiData[byteIndex]);
+                        }
+                        //
+                        // TODO: i2c transfer
+                        //const int addr7bit = 0x48;      // 7 bit I2C address
+                        //const int addr8bit = 0x48 << 1; // 8bit I2C address, 0x90
+                        // /* int  */   i2cMaster.read (int addr8bit, char *data, int length, bool repeated=false) // Read from an I2C slave.
+                        // /* int  */   i2cMaster.read (int ack) // Read a single byte from the I2C bus.
+                        // /* int  */   i2cMaster.write (int addr8bit, const char *data, int length, bool repeated=false) // Write to an I2C slave.
+                        // /* int  */   i2cMaster.write (int data) // Write single byte out on the I2C bus.
+                        // /* void */   i2cMaster.start (void) // Creates a start condition on the I2C bus.
+                        // /* void */   i2cMaster.stop (void) // Creates a stop condition on the I2C bus.
+                        // /* int */    i2cMaster.transfer (int addr8bit, const char *tx_buffer, int tx_length, char *rx_buffer, int rx_length, const event_callback_t &callback, int event=I2C_EVENT_TRANSFER_COMPLETE, bool repeated=false) // Start nonblocking I2C transfer. More...
+                        // /* void */   i2cMaster.abort_transfer () // Abort the ongoing I2C transfer. More...
+                        const int addr8bit = g_I2C_deviceAddress7 << 1;             // 8bit I2C address, 0x90
+                        unsigned int misoLength = 0;
+                        bool repeated = (g_I2C_read_count > 0);
+                        //
+                        int writeStatus = i2cMaster.write (addr8bit, mosiData, byteCount, repeated);
+                        switch (writeStatus)
+                        {
+                            case 0: cmdLine.serial().printf(" ack "); break;
+                            case 1: cmdLine.serial().printf(" nack "); break;
+                            default: cmdLine.serial().printf(" {writeStatus 0x%2.2X} ",
+                                                             writeStatus);
+                        }
+                        if (repeated)
+                        {
+                            int readStatus =
+                                i2cMaster.read (addr8bit, misoData, g_I2C_read_count, false);
+                            switch (readStatus)
+                            {
+                                case 1: cmdLine.serial().printf(" nack "); break;
+                                case 0: cmdLine.serial().printf(" ack "); break;
+                                default: cmdLine.serial().printf(" {readStatus 0x%2.2X} ",
+                                                                 readStatus);
+                            }
+                        }
+                        //
+                        if (misoLength > 0)
+                        {
+                            // hex dump misoData[0..byteCount-1]
+                            cmdLine.serial().printf("  MISO<-");
+                            for (unsigned int byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < g_I2C_read_count;
+                                 byteIndex++)
+                            {
+                                cmdLine.serial().printf(" 0x%2.2X", misoData[byteIndex]);
+                            }
+                        }
+                        cmdLine.serial().printf(" ");
+                    }
+                }
+                break;
+                case 'R': case 'r':
+                {
+                    // declare in narrower scope: MAX32625MBED I2C i2cMaster(...)
+                    I2C i2cMaster(I2C0_SDA, I2C0_SCL);             // sda scl TARGET_MAX32635MBED: P1_6, P1_7 Arduino 10-pin header
+                    i2cMaster.frequency(g_I2C_SCL_Hz);
+                    // %IR ADDR=? RD=? -- read
+                    // TODO: i2c transfer
+                    //const int addr7bit = 0x48;      // 7 bit I2C address
+                    //const int addr8bit = 0x48 << 1; // 8bit I2C address, 0x90
+                    // /* int  */   i2cMaster.read (int addr8bit, char *data, int length, bool repeated=false) // Read from an I2C slave.
+                    // /* int  */   i2cMaster.read (int ack) // Read a single byte from the I2C bus.
+                    // /* int  */   i2cMaster.write (int addr8bit, const char *data, int length, bool repeated=false) // Write to an I2C slave.
+                    // /* int  */   i2cMaster.write (int data) // Write single byte out on the I2C bus.
+                    // /* void */   i2cMaster.start (void) // Creates a start condition on the I2C bus.
+                    // /* void */   i2cMaster.stop (void) // Creates a stop condition on the I2C bus.
+                    // /* int */    i2cMaster.transfer (int addr8bit, const char *tx_buffer, int tx_length, char *rx_buffer, int rx_length, const event_callback_t &callback, int event=I2C_EVENT_TRANSFER_COMPLETE, bool repeated=false) // Start nonblocking I2C transfer. More...
+                    // /* void */   i2cMaster.abort_transfer () // Abort the ongoing I2C transfer. More...
+                }
+                break;
+                case '^':
+                {
+                    // declare in narrower scope: MAX32625MBED I2C i2cMaster(...)
+                    I2C i2cMaster(I2C0_SDA, I2C0_SCL);             // sda scl TARGET_MAX32635MBED: P1_6, P1_7 Arduino 10-pin header
+                    i2cMaster.frequency(g_I2C_SCL_Hz);
+                    // %I^ cmd=? -- i2c_smbus_read_word_data
+                    // TODO: i2c transfer
+                    //const int addr7bit = 0x48;      // 7 bit I2C address
+                    //const int addr8bit = 0x48 << 1; // 8bit I2C address, 0x90
+                    // /* int  */   i2cMaster.read (int addr8bit, char *data, int length, bool repeated=false) // Read from an I2C slave.
+                    // /* int  */   i2cMaster.read (int ack) // Read a single byte from the I2C bus.
+                    // /* int  */   i2cMaster.write (int addr8bit, const char *data, int length, bool repeated=false) // Write to an I2C slave.
+                    // /* int  */   i2cMaster.write (int data) // Write single byte out on the I2C bus.
+                    // /* void */   i2cMaster.start (void) // Creates a start condition on the I2C bus.
+                    // /* void */   i2cMaster.stop (void) // Creates a stop condition on the I2C bus.
+                    // /* int */    i2cMaster.transfer (int addr8bit, const char *tx_buffer, int tx_length, char *rx_buffer, int rx_length, const event_callback_t &callback, int event=I2C_EVENT_TRANSFER_COMPLETE, bool repeated=false) // Start nonblocking I2C transfer. More...
+                    // /* void */   i2cMaster.abort_transfer () // Abort the ongoing I2C transfer. More...
+                }
+                break;
+            }         // switch(cmdLine[2])
+            break;
+        //
+        case 'S': case 's':
+        {
+            // %S... -- SPI diagnostics
+            // %SC sclk=1Mhz -- SPI configure
+            // %SW -- write (write and read)
+            // %SR -- read (alias for %SW because SPI always write and read)
+            //
+            // Process arguments SCLK=\d+(kHZ|MHZ) CPOL=\d CPHA=\d
+            bool isUpdatedSPIConfig = false;
+            // parse cmdLine arg (CPOL=\d)? --> g_SPI_dataMode | SPI_MODE2
+            // parse cmdLine arg (CPHA=\d)? --> g_SPI_dataMode | SPI_MODE1
+            if (cmdLine.parse_flag("CPOL", g_SPI_dataMode, SPI_MODE2))
+            {
+                isUpdatedSPIConfig = true;
+            }
+            if (cmdLine.parse_flag("CPHA", g_SPI_dataMode, SPI_MODE1))
+            {
+                isUpdatedSPIConfig = true;
+            }
+            if (cmdLine.parse_flag("CS", g_SPI_cs_state, 1))
+            {
+                isUpdatedSPIConfig = true;
+            }
+            // parse cmdLine arg (SCLK=\d+(kHZ|MHZ)?)? --> g_SPI_SCLK_Hz
+            if (cmdLine.parse_frequency_Hz("SCLK", g_SPI_SCLK_Hz))
+            {
+                isUpdatedSPIConfig = true;
+                // TODO1: validate g_SPI_SCLK_Hz against system clock frequency F_CPU
+                if (g_SPI_SCLK_Hz > limit_max_SPI_SCLK_Hz)
+                {
+                    g_SPI_SCLK_Hz = limit_max_SPI_SCLK_Hz;
+                }
+                if (g_SPI_SCLK_Hz < limit_min_SPI_SCLK_Hz)
+                {
+                    g_SPI_SCLK_Hz = limit_min_SPI_SCLK_Hz;
+                }
+            }
+            // Update SPI configuration
+            if (isUpdatedSPIConfig)
+            {
+                // %SC sclk=1Mhz -- SPI configure
+                spi_cs = g_SPI_cs_state;
+                spi.format(8,g_SPI_dataMode);             // int bits_must_be_8, int mode=0_3 CPOL=0,CPHA=0
+                g_MAX5715_device.spi_frequency(g_SPI_SCLK_Hz);
+                g_MAX11131_device.spi_frequency(g_SPI_SCLK_Hz);
+                g_MAX5171_device.spi_frequency(g_SPI_SCLK_Hz);
+                g_MAX11410_device.spi_frequency(g_SPI_SCLK_Hz);
+                g_MAX12345_device.spi_frequency(g_SPI_SCLK_Hz);
+                spi.frequency(g_SPI_SCLK_Hz);             // int SCLK_Hz=1000000 = 1MHz (initial default)
+                //
+                double ideal_divisor = ((double)SystemCoreClock) / g_SPI_SCLK_Hz;
+                int actual_divisor = (int)(ideal_divisor + 0.0);             // frequency divisor truncate
+                double actual_SCLK_Hz = SystemCoreClock / actual_divisor;
+                //
+                // fixed: mbed-os-5.11: [Warning] format '%d' expects argument of type 'int', but argument 6 has type 'uint32_t {aka long unsigned int}' [-Wformat=]
+                cmdLine.serial().printf(
+                    "\r\n %%SC CPOL=%d CPHA=%d CS=%d SCLK=%ld=%1.3fMHz (%1.1fMHz/%1.2f = actual %1.3fMHz) -- SPI config",
+                    ((g_SPI_dataMode & SPI_MODE2) ? 1 : 0),
+                    ((g_SPI_dataMode & SPI_MODE1) ? 1 : 0),
+                    g_SPI_cs_state,
+                    g_SPI_SCLK_Hz,
+                    (g_SPI_SCLK_Hz / 1000000.),
+                    ((double)(SystemCoreClock / 1000000.)),
+                    ideal_divisor,
+                    (actual_SCLK_Hz / 1000000.)
+                    );
+            }
+            // get next character
+            switch (cmdLine[2])
+            {
+                case 'C': case 's':
+                    // %SC sclk=1Mhz -- SPI configure
+                    break;
+                case 'W': case 'R': case 'w': case 'r':
+                {
+                    // %SW -- write (write and read)
+                    // %SR -- read (alias for %SW because SPI always write and read)
+                    // parse cmdLine byte list --> int byteCount; int mosiData[MAX_SPI_BYTE_COUNT];
+                    #define MAX_SPI_BYTE_COUNT 32
+                    size_t byteCount = byteCount;
+                    static char mosiData[MAX_SPI_BYTE_COUNT];
+                    static char misoData[MAX_SPI_BYTE_COUNT];
+                    if (cmdLine.parse_byteCount_byteList_hex(byteCount, mosiData,
+                                                             MAX_SPI_BYTE_COUNT))
+                    {
+                        // hex dump mosiData[0..byteCount-1]
+                        cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\nSPI");
+                        if (byteCount > 7) {
+                            cmdLine.serial().printf(" byteCount:%d", byteCount);
+                        }
+                        cmdLine.serial().printf(" MOSI->");
+                        for (unsigned int byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < byteCount; byteIndex++)
+                        {
+                            cmdLine.serial().printf(" 0x%2.2X", mosiData[byteIndex]);
+                        }
+                        spi_cs = 0;
+                        unsigned int numBytesTransferred =
+                            spi.write(mosiData, byteCount, misoData, byteCount);
+                        spi_cs = 1;
+                        // hex dump misoData[0..byteCount-1]
+                        cmdLine.serial().printf("  MISO<-");
+                        for (unsigned int byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < numBytesTransferred;
+                             byteIndex++)
+                        {
+                            cmdLine.serial().printf(" 0x%2.2X", misoData[byteIndex]);
+                        }
+                        cmdLine.serial().printf(" ");
+                    }
+                }
+                break;
+            }             // switch(cmdLine[2])
+        }             // case 'S': // %S... -- SPI diagnostics
+        break;
+        //
+        // A-Z,a-z,0-9 reserved for application use
+    }         // switch(cmdLine[1])
+} // end void pinsMonitor_submenu_onEOLcommandParser(CmdLine & cmdLine)
+void main_menu_status(CmdLine & cmdLine)
+    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\nMain menu");
+    cmdLine.serial().printf(" MAX11043 24-bit 200ksps Delta-Sigma ADC");
+    //cmdLine.serial().print(" %s", TARGET_NAME);
+    if (cmdLine.nameStr())
+    {
+        cmdLine.serial().printf(" [%s]", cmdLine.nameStr());
+    }
+    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n ? -- help");
+void main_menu_help(CmdLine & cmdLine)
+    // ? -- help
+    //~ cmdLine.serial().print(F("\r\nMenu:"));
+    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n # -- lines beginning with # are comments");
+    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n . -- SelfTest");
+    //cmdLine.serial().print(F("\r\n ! -- Initial Configuration"));
+    //
+    // % standardize diagnostic commands
+    // %Hpin -- digital output high
+    // %Lpin -- digital output low
+    // %?pin -- digital input
+    // %A %Apin -- analog input
+    // %Ppin df=xx -- pwm output
+    // %Wpin -- measure high pulsewidth input in usec
+    // %wpin -- measure low pulsewidth input in usec
+    // %I... -- I2C diagnostics
+    // %IP -- I2C probe
+    // %IC scl=100khz ADDR=? -- I2C configure
+    // %IW ADDR=? cmd=? data,data,data -- write
+    // %IR ADDR=? RD=? -- read
+    // %I^ cmd=? -- i2c_smbus_read_word_data
+    // %S... -- SPI diagnostics
+    // %SC sclk=1Mhz -- SPI configure
+    // %SW -- write (write and read)
+    // %SR -- read (alias for %SW because SPI always write and read)
+    // A-Z,a-z,0-9 reserved for application use
+    //
+#if HAS_digitalInOuts
+    // %Hpin -- digital output high
+    // %Lpin -- digital output low
+    // %?pin -- digital input
+    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n %%Hn {pin:");
+    list_digitalInOutPins(cmdLine.serial());
+    cmdLine.serial().printf("} -- High Output");
+    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n %%Ln {pin:");
+    list_digitalInOutPins(cmdLine.serial());
+    cmdLine.serial().printf("} -- Low Output");
+    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n %%?n {pin:");
+    list_digitalInOutPins(cmdLine.serial());
+    cmdLine.serial().printf("} -- Input");
+#if HAS_analogIns
+    // Menu A) analogRead A0..7
+    // %A %Apin -- analog input
+    // analogRead(pinIndex) // analog input pins A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5; float voltage = analogRead(A0) * (5.0 / 1023.0)
+    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n %%A -- analogRead");
+#if HAS_SPI2_MAX541
+    // TODO1: MAX541 max541(spi2_max541, spi2_max541_cs);
+    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n %%D -- DAC output MAX541 (SPI2)");
+    // TODO: support I2C HAS_I2C // SUPPORT_I2C
+    // VERIFY: I2C utility commands SUPPORT_I2C
+    // VERIFY: report g_I2C_SCL_Hz = (F_CPU / ((TWBR * 2) + 16)) from last Wire_Sr.setClock(I2C_SCL_Hz);
+    // %I... -- I2C diagnostics
+    // %IP -- I2C probe
+    // %IC scl=100khz ADDR=? -- I2C configure
+    // %IW byte byte ... byte RD=? ADDR=0x -- write
+    // %IR ADDR=? RD=? -- read
+    // %I^ cmd=? -- i2c_smbus_read_word_data
+    //g_I2C_SCL_Hz = (F_CPU / ((TWBR * 2) + 16));   // 'F_CPU' 'TWBR' not declared in this scope
+    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n %%IC ADDR=0x%2.2x=(0x%2.2x>>1) SCL=%d=%1.3fkHz -- I2C config",
+                            g_I2C_deviceAddress7, (g_I2C_deviceAddress7 << 1), g_I2C_SCL_Hz,
+                            (g_I2C_SCL_Hz / 1000.));
+    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n %%IW byte byte ... byte RD=? ADDR=0x%2.2x -- I2C write/read",
+                            g_I2C_deviceAddress7);
+    //
+    // Menu ^ cmd=?) i2c_smbus_read_word_data
+    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n %%I^ cmd=? -- i2c_smbus_read_word_data");
+    // test low-level I2C i2c_smbus_read_word_data
+#endif // SUPPORT_I2C
+    //cmdLine.serial().printf(" H) Hunt for attached I2C devices");
+    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n %%IP -- I2C Probe for attached devices");
+    // cmdLine.serial().printf(" s) search i2c address");
+#endif // SUPPORT_I2C
+    // TODO: support SPI HAS_SPI // SUPPORT_SPI
+    // SPI test command  S (mosiData)+
+    // %S... -- SPI diagnostics
+    // %SC sclk=1Mhz -- SPI configure
+    // %SW -- write (write and read)
+    // %SR -- read (alias for %SW because SPI always write and read)
+    // spi.format(8,0); // int bits_must_be_8, int mode=0_3 CPOL=0,CPHA=0 rising edge (initial default)
+    // spi.format(8,1); // int bits_must_be_8, int mode=0_3 CPOL=0,CPHA=1 falling edge (initial default)
+    // spi.format(8,2); // int bits_must_be_8, int mode=0_3 CPOL=1,CPHA=0 falling edge (initial default)
+    // spi.format(8,3); // int bits_must_be_8, int mode=0_3 CPOL=1,CPHA=1 rising edge (initial default)
+    // spi.frequency(1000000); // int SCLK_Hz=1000000 = 1MHz (initial default)
+    // mode | POL PHA
+    // -----+--------
+    //   0  |  0   0
+    //   1  |  0   1
+    //   2  |  1   0
+    //   3  |  1   1
+    //cmdLine.serial().printf(" S) SPI mosi,mosi,...mosi hex bytes SCLK=1000000 CPOL=0 CPHA=0");
+    // fixed: mbed-os-5.11: [Warning] format '%d' expects argument of type 'int', but argument 3 has type 'uint32_t {aka long unsigned int}' [-Wformat=]
+    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n %%SC SCLK=%ld=%1.3fMHz CPOL=%d CPHA=%d -- SPI config",
+                            g_SPI_SCLK_Hz, (g_SPI_SCLK_Hz / 1000000.),
+                            ((g_SPI_dataMode & SPI_MODE2) ? 1 : 0),
+                            ((g_SPI_dataMode & SPI_MODE1) ? 1 : 0));
+    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n %%SW mosi,mosi,...mosi -- SPI write hex bytes");
+    // VERIFY: parse new SPI settings parse_strCommandArgs() SCLK=1000000 CPOL=0 CPHA=0
+#endif // SUPPORT_SPI
+       //
+       // Application-specific commands (help text) here
+       //
+#if APPLICATION_ArduinoPinsMonitor
+    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n A-Z,a-z,0-9 -- reserved for application use");     // ArduinoPinsMonitor
+#endif // APPLICATION_ArduinoPinsMonitor
+       //
+    extern bool MAX11043_menu_help(CmdLine & cmdLine); // defined in Test_Menu_MAX11043.cpp\n
+    MAX11043_menu_help(cmdLine);
+// main menu command-line parser
+// invoked by CmdLine::append(char ch) or CmdLine::idleAppendIfReadable()
+void main_menu_onEOLcommandParser(CmdLine & cmdLine)
+    // DIAGNOSTIC: print line buffer
+    //~ cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\nmain_menu_onEOLcommandParser: ~%s~\r\n", cmdLine.str());
+    //
+    switch (cmdLine[0])
+    {
+        case '?':
+            main_menu_status(cmdLine);
+            main_menu_help(cmdLine);
+            // print command prompt
+            //cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n>");
+            break;
+        case '\r': case '\n':     // ignore blank line
+        case '\0':     // ignore empty line
+        case '#':     // ignore comment line
+            // # -- lines beginning with # are comments
+            main_menu_status(cmdLine);
+            //~ main_menu_help(cmdLine);
+            // print command prompt
+            //cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n>");
+            break;
+        case '\x04':     // Unicode (U+0004) EOT END OF TRANSMISSION = CTRL+D as EOF end of file
+            cmdLine.serial().printf("\x04");     // immediately echo EOF for test scripting
+            diagnostic_led_EOF();
+            break;
+        case '\x1a':     // Unicode (U+001A) SUB SUBSTITUTE = CTRL+Z as EOF end of file
+            cmdLine.serial().printf("\x1a");     // immediately echo EOF for test scripting
+            diagnostic_led_EOF();
+            break;
+#if APPLICATION_ArduinoPinsMonitor
+        case '.':
+        {
+            // . -- SelfTest
+            cmdLine.serial().printf("SelfTest()");
+            SelfTest(cmdLine);
+        }
+        break;
+        case '%':
+        {
+            pinsMonitor_submenu_onEOLcommandParser(cmdLine);
+        }
+        break;         // case '%'
+#endif // APPLICATION_ArduinoPinsMonitor
+       //
+       // Application-specific commands here
+       // alphanumeric command codes A-Z,a-z,0-9 reserved for application use
+       //
+#if APPLICATION_ArduinoPinsMonitor
+#endif // APPLICATION_ArduinoPinsMonitor
+        //
+        // add new commands here
+        //
+        default:
+            extern bool MAX11043_menu_onEOLcommandParser(CmdLine & cmdLine); // defined in Test_Menu_MAX11043.cpp
+            if (!MAX11043_menu_onEOLcommandParser(cmdLine))
+            { // not_handled_by_device_submenu
+                cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n unknown command 0x%2.2x \"%s\"\r\n", cmdLine.str()[0], cmdLine.str());
+                cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf("\r\n unknown command 0x%2.2x \"%s\"\r\n", cmdLine.str()[0], cmdLine.str());
+            }
+    }     // switch (cmdLine[0])
+// print command prompt
+    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\nMAX11043 > ");
+} // end void main_menu_onEOLcommandParser(CmdLine & cmdLine)
+void InitializeConfiguration()
+    // CODE GENERATOR: example code: member function Init
+    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf("\r\nMAX11043_Init()");
+# endif
+    cmdLine_serial.serial().printf("\r\nMAX11043_Init()");
+    int initResult = g_MAX11043_device.Init();     // defined in #include MAX11043.h
+    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf("\r\nMAX11043_Init() returned %d\r\n", initResult);
+# endif
+    cmdLine_serial.serial().printf("\r\nMAX11043_Init() returned %d\r\n", initResult);
+  // Optional Diagnostic function to print SPI transactions
+  g_MAX11043_device.onSPIprint = onSPIprint_handler;
+# endif
+// diagnostic rbg led GREEN
+void diagnostic_led_EOF()
+    led1 = LED_ON; led2 = LED_ON; led3 = LED_OFF;     // diagnostic rbg led RED+GREEN=YELLOW
+    // TODO1: mbed-os-5.11: [Warning] 'static osStatus rtos::Thread::wait(uint32_t)' is deprecated: Static methods only affecting current thread cause confusion. Replaced by ThisThread::sleep_for. [since mbed-os-5.10] [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
+    ThisThread::sleep_for(250); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(250);
+    led1 = LED_OFF; led2 = LED_ON; led3 = LED_OFF;     // diagnostic rbg led GREEN
+    ThisThread::sleep_for(250); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(250);
+    led1 = LED_ON; led2 = LED_ON; led3 = LED_OFF;     // diagnostic rbg led RED+GREEN=YELLOW
+    ThisThread::sleep_for(250); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(250);
+    led1 = LED_OFF; led2 = LED_ON; led3 = LED_OFF;     // diagnostic rbg led GREEN
+    ThisThread::sleep_for(250); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(250);
+#endif // USE_LEDS
+// Support commands that get handled immediately w/o waiting for EOL
+// handled as immediate command, do not append to buffer
+void on_immediate_0x21() // Unicode (U+0021) ! EXCLAMATION MARK
+    led1 = LED_OFF; led2 = LED_OFF; led3 = LED_ON;     // diagnostic rbg led BLUE
+#endif // USE_LEDS
+    InitializeConfiguration();
+    ThisThread::sleep_for(125); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(125);
+// Support commands that get handled immediately w/o waiting for EOL
+// handled as immediate command, do not append to buffer
+void on_immediate_0x7b() // Unicode (U+007B) { LEFT CURLY BRACKET
+    onButton2FallingEdge();
+// Support commands that get handled immediately w/o waiting for EOL
+// handled as immediate command, do not append to buffer
+void on_immediate_0x7d() // Unicode (U+007D) } RIGHT CURLY BRACKET
+    onButton1FallingEdge();
+// example code main function
+int main()
+    // Configure serial ports
+    cmdLine_serial.clear();
+    //~ cmdLine_serial.serial().printf("\r\n cmdLine_serial.serial().printf test\r\n");
+    cmdLine_serial.onEOLcommandParser = main_menu_onEOLcommandParser;
+    cmdLine_serial.diagnostic_led_EOF = diagnostic_led_EOF;
+    /// CmdLine::set_immediate_handler(char, functionPointer_void_void_on_immediate_0x21);
+    cmdLine_serial.on_immediate_0x21 = on_immediate_0x21;
+    cmdLine_serial.on_immediate_0x7b = on_immediate_0x7b;
+    cmdLine_serial.on_immediate_0x7d = on_immediate_0x7d;
+    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.clear();
+    //~ cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf("\r\n cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf test\r\n");
+    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.onEOLcommandParser = main_menu_onEOLcommandParser;
+    /// @todo CmdLine::set_immediate_handler(char, functionPointer_void_void_on_immediate_0x21);
+    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.on_immediate_0x21 = on_immediate_0x21;
+    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.on_immediate_0x7b = on_immediate_0x7b;
+    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.on_immediate_0x7d = on_immediate_0x7d;
+# endif
+    //print_banner();
+#if defined(TARGET_MAX32630)
+    led1 = LED_ON; led2 = LED_OFF; led3 = LED_OFF;     // diagnostic rbg led RED
+    ThisThread::sleep_for(125); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(125);
+    led1 = LED_OFF; led2 = LED_ON; led3 = LED_OFF;     // diagnostic rbg led GREEN
+    ThisThread::sleep_for(125); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(125);
+    led1 = LED_OFF; led2 = LED_OFF; led3 = LED_ON;     // diagnostic rbg led BLUE
+    ThisThread::sleep_for(125); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(125);
+    led1 = LED_ON; led2 = LED_ON; led3 = LED_ON;     // diagnostic rbg led RED+GREEN+BLUE=WHITE
+    ThisThread::sleep_for(125); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(125);
+    led1 = LED_OFF; led2 = LED_ON; led3 = LED_ON;     // diagnostic rbg led GREEN+BLUE=CYAN
+    ThisThread::sleep_for(125); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(125);
+    led1 = LED_ON; led2 = LED_OFF; led3 = LED_ON;     // diagnostic rbg led RED+BLUE=MAGENTA
+    ThisThread::sleep_for(125); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(125);
+    led1 = LED_ON; led2 = LED_ON; led3 = LED_OFF;     // diagnostic rbg led RED+GREEN=YELLOW
+    ThisThread::sleep_for(125); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(125);
+    led1 = LED_OFF; led2 = LED_OFF; led3 = LED_OFF;     // diagnostic rbg led BLACK
+    ThisThread::sleep_for(125); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(125);
+#elif defined(TARGET_MAX32625MBED)
+    led1 = LED_ON; led2 = LED_OFF; led3 = LED_OFF;     // diagnostic rbg led RED
+    ThisThread::sleep_for(125); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(125);
+    led1 = LED_OFF; led2 = LED_ON; led3 = LED_OFF;     // diagnostic rbg led GREEN
+    ThisThread::sleep_for(125); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(125);
+    led1 = LED_OFF; led2 = LED_OFF; led3 = LED_ON;     // diagnostic rbg led BLUE
+    ThisThread::sleep_for(125); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(125);
+    led1 = LED_ON; led2 = LED_ON; led3 = LED_ON;     // diagnostic rbg led RED+GREEN+BLUE=WHITE
+    ThisThread::sleep_for(125); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(125);
+    led1 = LED_OFF; led2 = LED_ON; led3 = LED_ON;     // diagnostic rbg led GREEN+BLUE=CYAN
+    ThisThread::sleep_for(125); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(125);
+    led1 = LED_ON; led2 = LED_OFF; led3 = LED_ON;     // diagnostic rbg led RED+BLUE=MAGENTA
+    ThisThread::sleep_for(125); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(125);
+    led1 = LED_ON; led2 = LED_ON; led3 = LED_OFF;     // diagnostic rbg led RED+GREEN=YELLOW
+    ThisThread::sleep_for(125); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(125);
+    led1 = LED_OFF; led2 = LED_OFF; led3 = LED_OFF;     // diagnostic rbg led BLACK
+    ThisThread::sleep_for(125); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(125);
+#else // not defined(TARGET_LPC1768 etc.)
+    led1 = LED_ON;
+    led2 = LED_OFF;
+    led3 = LED_OFF;
+    led4 = LED_OFF;
+    ThisThread::sleep_for(75); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(75);
+    //led1 = LED_ON;
+    led2 = LED_ON;
+    ThisThread::sleep_for(75); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(75);
+    led1 = LED_OFF;
+    //led2 = LED_ON;
+    led3 = LED_ON;
+    ThisThread::sleep_for(75); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(75);
+    led2 = LED_OFF;
+    //led3 = LED_ON;
+    led4 = LED_ON;
+    ThisThread::sleep_for(75); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(75);
+    led3 = LED_OFF;
+    led4 = LED_ON;
+    //
+#endif // target definition
+    // cmd_TE();
+// #if USE_LEDS
+//     rgb_led.white();     // diagnostic rbg led RED+GREEN+BLUE=WHITE
+// #endif // USE_LEDS
+    led1 = LED_ON;
+    led2 = LED_ON;
+    led3 = LED_ON;
+    InitializeConfiguration();
+    // CODE GENERATOR: example code: member function Init
+    g_MAX11043_device.Init();
+        // example code: serial port banner message
+    #if defined(TARGET_MAX32625MBED)
+        serial.printf("MAX32625MBED ");
+    #elif defined(TARGET_MAX32600MBED)
+        serial.printf("MAX32600MBED ");
+    #elif defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F446RE)
+        serial.printf("NUCLEO_F446RE ");
+    #endif
+        serial.printf("MAX11043BOB\r\n");
+    while (1) {
+        // avoid runtime error on button1 press [mbed-os-5.11]
+        // instead of using InterruptIn, use DigitalIn and poll in main while(1)
+        static int button1_value_prev = 1;
+        static int button1_value_now = 1;
+        button1_value_prev = button1_value_now;
+        button1_value_now = button1.read();
+        if ((button1_value_prev - button1_value_now) == 1)
+        {
+            // on button1 falling edge (button1 press)
+            onButton1FallingEdge();
+        }
+        static int button2_value_prev = 1;
+        static int button2_value_now = 1;
+        button2_value_prev = button2_value_now;
+        button2_value_now = button2.read();
+        if ((button2_value_prev - button2_value_now) == 1)
+        {
+            // on button2 falling edge (button2 press)
+            onButton2FallingEdge();
+        }
+        if (DAPLINKserial.readable()) {
+            cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.append(DAPLINKserial.getc());
+        }
+    # endif // HAS_DAPLINK_SERIAL
+        if (serial.readable()) {
+            int c = serial.getc();
+            cmdLine_serial.append(c);
+            cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf("%c", c);
+            //
+        }
+    }     // while(1)
+//---------- CODE GENERATOR: end testMainCppCodeList
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Test_Menu_MAX11043.cpp	Tue Feb 11 01:16:34 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,630 @@
+// /*******************************************************************************
+// * Copyright (C) 2020 Maxim Integrated Products, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
+// *
+// * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+// * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+// * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+// * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+// * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+// * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+// *
+// * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+// * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+// *
+// *
+// * Except as contained in this notice, the name of Maxim Integrated
+// * Products, Inc. shall not be used except as stated in the Maxim Integrated
+// * Products, Inc. Branding Policy.
+// *
+// * The mere transfer of this software does not imply any licenses
+// * of trade secrets, proprietary technology, copyrights, patents,
+// * trademarks, maskwork rights, or any other form of intellectual
+// * property whatsoever. Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. retains all
+// * ownership rights.
+// *******************************************************************************
+// */
+#include "CmdLine.h"
+#include "MaximTinyTester.h"
+// CODE GENERATOR: class declaration and docstrings
+// CODE GENERATOR: example code includes
+// example code includes
+// standard include for target platform -- Platform_Include_Boilerplate
+#include "mbed.h"
+// Platforms:
+//   - MAX32625MBED
+//      - supports mbed-os-5.11, requires USBDevice library
+//      - add https://developer.mbed.org/teams/MaximIntegrated/code/USBDevice/
+//      - remove max32630fthr library (if present)
+//      - remove MAX32620FTHR library (if present)
+//   - MAX32600MBED
+//      - remove max32630fthr library (if present)
+//      - remove MAX32620FTHR library (if present)
+//      - Windows 10 note:  Don't connect HDK until you are ready to load new firmware into the board.
+//   - NUCLEO_F446RE
+//      - remove USBDevice library
+//      - remove max32630fthr library (if present)
+//      - remove MAX32620FTHR library (if present)
+//   - NUCLEO_F401RE
+//      - remove USBDevice library
+//      - remove max32630fthr library (if present)
+//      - remove MAX32620FTHR library (if present)
+//   - MAX32630FTHR
+//      - #include "max32630fthr.h"
+//      - add http://os.mbed.org/teams/MaximIntegrated/code/max32630fthr/
+//      - remove MAX32620FTHR library (if present)
+//   - MAX32620FTHR
+//      - #include "MAX32620FTHR.h"
+//      - remove max32630fthr library (if present)
+//      - add https://os.mbed.com/teams/MaximIntegrated/code/MAX32620FTHR/
+//      - not tested yet
+//   - MAX32625PICO
+//      - remove max32630fthr library (if present)
+//      - remove MAX32620FTHR library (if present)
+//      - not tested yet
+// end Platform_Include_Boilerplate
+#include "MAX11043.h"
+#include "CmdLine.h"
+#include "MaximTinyTester.h"
+// CODE GENERATOR: class declaration statement open
+// CODE GENERATOR: Test_Menu externs
+#include "MAX11043.h"
+extern MAX11043 g_MAX11043_device; // defined in main.cpp
+// CODE GENERATOR: build testMenuCommand list
+// CODE GENERATOR: build testMenuGlobalArgsDict common/global argument list
+// CODE GENERATOR: class member function declarations
+// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11043 Command Name = Init (void) --> uint8_t
+// CODE GENERATOR: Menu item hint description Menu item '!'
+// CODE GENERATOR: Menu item '!' -- Menu item !
+// CODE GENERATOR: test menu case '!':
+// CODE GENERATOR:           helpString '! -- Init'
+// CODE GENERATOR:           CMD_ 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandName 'Init'
+// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandParamIn 'void'
+// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturnType 'uint8_t'
+// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPre ''
+// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn ''
+// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamOut ''
+// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPost ''
+// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturn '@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
+// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11043 Command Name = RegWrite (MAX11043_CMD_enum_t commandByte, uint32_t regData) --> uint8_t
+// CODE GENERATOR: no Menu item hint in description
+// CODE GENERATOR: CommandDescriptionCMDWord = CMD_1aaa_aaaa_REGISTER_READ
+// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11043 Command Name = RegWrite CMD_1aaa_aaaa_REGISTER_READ (MAX11043_CMD_enum_t commandByte, uint32_t regData) --> uint8_t
+// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11043 Command Name = RegRead (MAX11043_CMD_enum_t commandByte, uint32_t* ptrRegData) --> uint8_t
+// CODE GENERATOR: no Menu item hint in description
+// CODE GENERATOR: CommandDescriptionCMDWord = CMD_1aaa_aaaa_REGISTER_READ
+// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11043 Command Name = RegRead CMD_1aaa_aaaa_REGISTER_READ (MAX11043_CMD_enum_t commandByte, uint32_t* ptrRegData) --> uint8_t
+// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11043 Command Name = RegSize (MAX11043_CMD_enum_t commandByte) --> uint8_t
+// CODE GENERATOR: no Menu item hint in description
+// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11043 Command Name = RegAddrOfCommand (MAX11043_CMD_enum_t commandByte) --> uint8_t
+// CODE GENERATOR: no Menu item hint in description
+// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11043 Command Name = IsRegReadCommand (MAX11043_CMD_enum_t commandByte) --> uint8_t
+// CODE GENERATOR: no Menu item hint in description
+// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11043 Command Name = RegName (MAX11043_CMD_enum_t commandByte) --> const char*
+// CODE GENERATOR: no Menu item hint in description
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict scan global property list g_MAX11043_device
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict add global property g_MAX11043_device.VRef_xxxxxx
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict add global property g_MAX11043_device.VRef_xxxxxx argname = VRef_xxxxxx
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['VRef_xxxxxx']['alias'] = 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['VRef_xxxxxx']['argtype'] = 'double'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['VRef_xxxxxx']['usedByCommandName'] = 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['VRef_xxxxxx']['usedBytestMenuItemName'] = 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict add global property g_MAX11043_device.ctrl
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict add global property g_MAX11043_device.ctrl shadow of argname = ctrl
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict add global property g_MAX11043_device.ctrl argname = ctrl
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['ctrl']['alias'] = 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['ctrl']['argtype'] = 'uint32_t'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['ctrl']['usedByCommandName'] = 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['ctrl']['usedBytestMenuItemName'] = 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict add global property g_MAX11043_device.pgaGain
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict add global property g_MAX11043_device.pgaGain argname = pgaGain
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['pgaGain']['alias'] = 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['pgaGain']['argtype'] = 'uint8_t'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['pgaGain']['usedByCommandName'] = 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['pgaGain']['usedBytestMenuItemName'] = 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict add global property g_MAX11043_device.status
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict add global property g_MAX11043_device.status shadow of argname = status
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict add global property g_MAX11043_device.status argname = status
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['status']['alias'] = 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['status']['argtype'] = 'uint32_t'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['status']['usedByCommandName'] = 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['status']['usedBytestMenuItemName'] = 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict add global property g_MAX11043_device.data0
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict add global property g_MAX11043_device.data0 shadow of argname = data0
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict add global property g_MAX11043_device.data0 argname = data0
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['data0']['alias'] = 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['data0']['argtype'] = 'uint32_t'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['data0']['usedByCommandName'] = 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['data0']['usedBytestMenuItemName'] = 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict skip array property g_MAX11043_device.AINcode[11]
+// CODE GENERATOR: scan testMenuCommand list for items that can be shortened to single character
+// CODE GENERATOR: shorten testMenuCommand to single character if unambiguous
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuCommand '!' already single character
+// CODE GENERATOR: help menu
+bool MAX11043_menu_help(CmdLine & cmdLine)
+    // CODE GENERATOR: command: !
+    // CODE GENERATOR: help: ! -- Init
+    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n ! -- Init");
+    //
+    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n @ -- print MAX11043 configuration");
+// CODE GENERATOR: help menu if has_register_write_command: *regname? -- read register; *regname=regvalue -- write register
+    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n *regname? -- read register\r\n *regname=regvalue -- write register");
+    //
+// CODE GENERATOR: TODO1: generate GPIO commands for LDAC, CLR, etc. based on device driver function names (menu_help)
+        // case 'G'..'Z','g'..'z' are reserved for GPIO commands
+        // case 'A'..'F','a'..'f' may be available if not claimed by bitstream commands
+// CODE GENERATOR: TODO1: prevent conflict ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand with reserved case 'A'..'F','a'..'f'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['CONVRUN']['PinName'] = 'CONVRUN'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['CONVRUN']['Direction'] = 'output'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['CONVRUN']['Operation'] = 'Value'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['CONVRUN']['FunctionName'] = 'CONVRUNoutputValue'
+// CODE GENERATOR: warning: conflict testMenuGPIOItemsDict['CONVRUN']['PinName'] = 'CONVRUN'
+#warning "No command case for 'CONVRUN' 'PinName' 'CONVRUN' due to conflict with reserved commands A-F, try changing pin name"
+#warning "Randomly assigned command 'G' for 'CONVRUN' due to name conflict"
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['DACSTEP']['PinName'] = 'DACSTEP'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['DACSTEP']['Direction'] = 'output'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['DACSTEP']['Operation'] = 'Value'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['DACSTEP']['FunctionName'] = 'DACSTEPoutputValue'
+// CODE GENERATOR: warning: conflict testMenuGPIOItemsDict['DACSTEP']['PinName'] = 'DACSTEP'
+#warning "No command case for 'DACSTEP' 'PinName' 'DACSTEP' due to conflict with reserved commands A-F, try changing pin name"
+#warning "Randomly assigned command 'H' for 'DACSTEP' due to name conflict"
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['EOC']['PinName'] = 'EOC'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['EOC']['Direction'] = 'input'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['EOC']['Operation'] = 'Value'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['EOC']['FunctionName'] = 'EOCinputValue'
+// CODE GENERATOR: warning: conflict testMenuGPIOItemsDict['EOC']['PinName'] = 'EOC'
+#warning "No command case for 'EOC' 'PinName' 'EOC' due to conflict with reserved commands A-F, try changing pin name"
+#warning "Randomly assigned command 'I' for 'EOC' due to name conflict"
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['SHDN']['PinName'] = 'SHDN'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['SHDN']['Direction'] = 'output'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['SHDN']['Operation'] = 'Value'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['SHDN']['FunctionName'] = 'SHDNoutputValue'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['UP_slash_DWNb']['PinName'] = 'UP_slash_DWNb'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['UP_slash_DWNb']['Direction'] = 'output'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['UP_slash_DWNb']['Operation'] = 'Value'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['UP_slash_DWNb']['FunctionName'] = 'UP_slash_DWNboutputValue'
+// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'A' 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'B' 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'C' 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'D' 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'E' 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'F' 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'G' 'CONVRUN'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['CONVRUN']['PinName'] = 'CONVRUN'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['CONVRUN']['Direction'] = 'output'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['CONVRUN']['Operation'] = 'Value'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['CONVRUN']['FunctionName'] = 'CONVRUNoutputValue'
+    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n G -- CONVRUN output GH high GL low"); // TODO: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand testMenuGPIOItemsDict
+// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'H' 'DACSTEP'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['DACSTEP']['PinName'] = 'DACSTEP'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['DACSTEP']['Direction'] = 'output'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['DACSTEP']['Operation'] = 'Value'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['DACSTEP']['FunctionName'] = 'DACSTEPoutputValue'
+    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n H -- DACSTEP output HH high HL low"); // TODO: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand testMenuGPIOItemsDict
+// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'I' 'EOC'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['EOC']['PinName'] = 'EOC'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['EOC']['Direction'] = 'input'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['EOC']['Operation'] = 'Value'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['EOC']['FunctionName'] = 'EOCinputValue'
+    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n I -- EOC input value"); // TODO: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand testMenuGPIOItemsDict
+// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'S' 'SHDN'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['SHDN']['PinName'] = 'SHDN'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['SHDN']['Direction'] = 'output'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['SHDN']['Operation'] = 'Value'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['SHDN']['FunctionName'] = 'SHDNoutputValue'
+    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n S -- SHDN output SH high SL low"); // TODO: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand testMenuGPIOItemsDict
+// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'U' 'UP_slash_DWNb'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['UP_slash_DWNb']['PinName'] = 'UP_slash_DWNb'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['UP_slash_DWNb']['Direction'] = 'output'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['UP_slash_DWNb']['Operation'] = 'Value'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['UP_slash_DWNb']['FunctionName'] = 'UP_slash_DWNboutputValue'
+    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n U -- UP_slash_DWNb output UH high UL low"); // TODO: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand testMenuGPIOItemsDict
+// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'a' 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'b' 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'c' 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'd' 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'e' 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'f' 'None'
+    //
+bool MAX11043_menu_onEOLcommandParser(CmdLine & cmdLine)
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict Consolidate common/global argument parsing
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['VRef_xxxxxx']['alias'] = 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['VRef_xxxxxx']['argtype'] = 'double'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['VRef_xxxxxx']['usedByCommandName'] = 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['VRef_xxxxxx']['usedBytestMenuItemName'] = 'None'
+                    // parse argument double VRef_xxxxxx
+        double VRef_xxxxxx = g_MAX11043_device.VRef_xxxxxx; // default to global property value
+        if (cmdLine.parse_double("VRef_xxxxxx", VRef_xxxxxx))
+        {
+            g_MAX11043_device.VRef_xxxxxx = VRef_xxxxxx; // update global property value
+        }
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['ctrl']['alias'] = 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['ctrl']['argtype'] = 'uint32_t'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['ctrl']['usedByCommandName'] = 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['ctrl']['usedBytestMenuItemName'] = 'None'
+                    // parse argument uint32_t ctrl
+        uint32_t ctrl = g_MAX11043_device.ctrl; // default to global property value
+        if (cmdLine.parse_uint32_dec("ctrl", ctrl))
+        {
+            g_MAX11043_device.ctrl = ctrl; // update global property value
+        }
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['data0']['alias'] = 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['data0']['argtype'] = 'uint32_t'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['data0']['usedByCommandName'] = 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['data0']['usedBytestMenuItemName'] = 'None'
+                    // parse argument uint32_t data0
+        uint32_t data0 = g_MAX11043_device.data0; // default to global property value
+        if (cmdLine.parse_uint32_dec("data0", data0))
+        {
+            g_MAX11043_device.data0 = data0; // update global property value
+        }
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['pgaGain']['alias'] = 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['pgaGain']['argtype'] = 'uint8_t'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['pgaGain']['usedByCommandName'] = 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['pgaGain']['usedBytestMenuItemName'] = 'None'
+                    // parse argument uint8_t pgaGain
+        uint8_t pgaGain = g_MAX11043_device.pgaGain; // default to global property value
+        if (cmdLine.parse_uint8_dec("pgaGain", pgaGain))
+        {
+            g_MAX11043_device.pgaGain = pgaGain; // update global property value
+        }
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['status']['alias'] = 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['status']['argtype'] = 'uint32_t'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['status']['usedByCommandName'] = 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['status']['usedBytestMenuItemName'] = 'None'
+                    // parse argument uint32_t status
+        uint32_t status = g_MAX11043_device.status; // default to global property value
+        if (cmdLine.parse_uint32_dec("status", status))
+        {
+            g_MAX11043_device.status = status; // update global property value
+        }
+    switch (cmdLine[0])
+    {
+// CODE GENERATOR: generate * command read/write reg *reg? *reg=value
+        case '*':
+        {
+            // if buffer starts with a regName:
+            // for each reg value (0..n) if(cmdLine.has_keyword(device.regName(r))):
+            cmdLine.serial().printf(" scan RegName...\r\n");
+            for (uint8_t regAddress = 0; regAddress < 0x80; regAddress++)
+            {
+                uint32_t regData = 0;
+                bool is_regname_query = false;
+                bool is_regname_assignment = false;
+                if (cmdLine.parse_uint32_dec(g_MAX11043_device.RegName((MAX11043::MAX11043_CMD_enum_t)regAddress), regData))
+                {
+                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" regAddress=0x%2.2X\r\n", (regAddress & 0xFF));
+                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" RegName=%s\r\n", g_MAX11043_device.RegName((MAX11043::MAX11043_CMD_enum_t)regAddress));
+                    // accept regName "?" as "RegRead" by name
+                    is_regname_query = (cmdLine.chSeparator == '?');
+                    is_regname_assignment = (cmdLine.chSeparator == '=');
+                    if (is_regname_query)
+                    {
+                        cmdLine.serial().printf(" RegRead");
+                        g_MAX11043_device.RegRead((MAX11043::MAX11043_CMD_enum_t)regAddress, &regData);
+                        cmdLine.serial().printf("regData=0x%6.6x\r\n", (regData & 0x00FFFFFF));
+                        return true; // command handled by MAX11043
+                    }
+                    // accept regName "=0x123456" as "RegWrite" by name
+                    if (is_regname_assignment)
+                    {
+                        cmdLine.serial().printf(" RegWrite");
+                        cmdLine.serial().printf("regData=0x%6.6x\r\n", (regData & 0x00FFFFFF));
+                        g_MAX11043_device.RegWrite((MAX11043::MAX11043_CMD_enum_t)regAddress, regData);
+                        return true; // command handled by MAX11043
+                    }
+                }
+            } // end for regAddr
+            // not a valid register name
+            // read "all" registers by name
+            const uint8_t readAllRegFirst = 0x00; // first MAX11043 register address for read-all block
+            const uint8_t readAllRegLast = 0x39; // last MAX11043 register address for read-all block
+            Callback<void(size_t, uint8_t*, uint8_t*)> saved_onSPIprint_handler = g_MAX11043_device.onSPIprint;
+            g_MAX11043_device.onSPIprint = NULL;
+            for (uint8_t regAddress = readAllRegFirst; regAddress <= readAllRegLast; regAddress++)
+            {
+                uint32_t regData = 0;
+                if (g_MAX11043_device.RegSize((MAX11043::MAX11043_CMD_enum_t)regAddress) == 0) continue; // skip undefined regs
+                if (g_MAX11043_device.RegRead((MAX11043::MAX11043_CMD_enum_t)regAddress, &regData) == 0) continue; // skip unreadable regs
+                cmdLine.serial().printf("%s=0x%6.6x\r\n", g_MAX11043_device.RegName((MAX11043::MAX11043_CMD_enum_t)regAddress), regData);
+            } // end for regAddr
+            g_MAX11043_device.onSPIprint = saved_onSPIprint_handler;
+            return true; // command handled by MAX11043
+        }
+        break;
+// CODE GENERATOR: generate @ command print global property values of  g_MAX11043_device
+        case '@':
+        {
+// CODE GENERATOR: @ command print double g_MAX11043_device.VRef_xxxxxx
+                    cmdLine.serial().printf("VRef_xxxxxx = ");
+                    cmdLine.serial().printf("%f\r\n", g_MAX11043_device.VRef_xxxxxx);
+// CODE GENERATOR: @ command print uint32_t g_MAX11043_device.ctrl
+                    cmdLine.serial().printf("ctrl = ");
+                    cmdLine.serial().printf("%d = 0x%8.8x\r\n", g_MAX11043_device.ctrl, g_MAX11043_device.ctrl);
+// CODE GENERATOR: @ command print uint8_t g_MAX11043_device.pgaGain
+                    cmdLine.serial().printf("pgaGain = ");
+                    cmdLine.serial().printf("%d = 0x%2.2x\r\n", g_MAX11043_device.pgaGain, g_MAX11043_device.pgaGain);
+// CODE GENERATOR: @ command print uint32_t g_MAX11043_device.status
+                    cmdLine.serial().printf("status = ");
+                    cmdLine.serial().printf("%d = 0x%8.8x\r\n", g_MAX11043_device.status, g_MAX11043_device.status);
+// CODE GENERATOR: @ command print uint32_t g_MAX11043_device.data0
+                    cmdLine.serial().printf("data0 = ");
+                    cmdLine.serial().printf("%d = 0x%8.8x\r\n", g_MAX11043_device.data0, g_MAX11043_device.data0);
+// CODE GENERATOR: @ command print uint32_t array g_MAX11043_device.AINcode[0..10]
+                for(int index = 0; (index < 11) && (index < 16); index++) {
+                    cmdLine.serial().printf("AINcode[%d] = ", index);
+                    cmdLine.serial().printf("%d = 0x%8.8x\r\n", g_MAX11043_device.AINcode[index], g_MAX11043_device.AINcode[index]);
+                }
+                    return true; // command handled by MAX11043
+            break;
+        }
+// CODE GENERATOR: TODO1: generate GPIO commands for LDAC, CLR, etc. based on device driver function names
+        // case 'G'..'Z','g'..'z' are reserved for GPIO commands
+        // case 'A'..'F','a'..'f' may be available if not claimed by bitstream commands
+// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'A' 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'B' 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'C' 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'D' 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'E' 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'F' 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'G' 'CONVRUN'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['CONVRUN']['PinName'] = 'CONVRUN'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['CONVRUN']['Direction'] = 'output'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['CONVRUN']['Operation'] = 'Value'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['CONVRUN']['FunctionName'] = 'CONVRUNoutputValue'
+        case 'G':
+        {
+            switch (cmdLine[1])
+            {
+                case 'H':
+                {
+                    g_MAX11043_device.CONVRUNoutputValue(1);
+                    break;
+                }
+                case 'L':
+                {
+                    g_MAX11043_device.CONVRUNoutputValue(0);
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+                    return true; // command handled by MAX11043
+            break;
+        }
+// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'H' 'DACSTEP'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['DACSTEP']['PinName'] = 'DACSTEP'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['DACSTEP']['Direction'] = 'output'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['DACSTEP']['Operation'] = 'Value'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['DACSTEP']['FunctionName'] = 'DACSTEPoutputValue'
+        case 'H':
+        {
+            switch (cmdLine[1])
+            {
+                case 'H':
+                {
+                    g_MAX11043_device.DACSTEPoutputValue(1);
+                    break;
+                }
+                case 'L':
+                {
+                    g_MAX11043_device.DACSTEPoutputValue(0);
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+                    return true; // command handled by MAX11043
+            break;
+        }
+// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'I' 'EOC'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['EOC']['PinName'] = 'EOC'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['EOC']['Direction'] = 'input'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['EOC']['Operation'] = 'Value'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['EOC']['FunctionName'] = 'EOCinputValue'
+        case 'I':
+        {
+                // TODO capture and print input Value
+                cmdLine.serial().printf("%d", g_MAX11043_device.EOCinputValue());
+                    return true; // command handled by MAX11043
+            break;
+        }
+// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'S' 'SHDN'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['SHDN']['PinName'] = 'SHDN'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['SHDN']['Direction'] = 'output'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['SHDN']['Operation'] = 'Value'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['SHDN']['FunctionName'] = 'SHDNoutputValue'
+        case 'S':
+        {
+            switch (cmdLine[1])
+            {
+                case 'H':
+                {
+                    g_MAX11043_device.SHDNoutputValue(1);
+                    break;
+                }
+                case 'L':
+                {
+                    g_MAX11043_device.SHDNoutputValue(0);
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+                    return true; // command handled by MAX11043
+            break;
+        }
+// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'U' 'UP_slash_DWNb'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['UP_slash_DWNb']['PinName'] = 'UP_slash_DWNb'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['UP_slash_DWNb']['Direction'] = 'output'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['UP_slash_DWNb']['Operation'] = 'Value'
+// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGPIOItemsDict['UP_slash_DWNb']['FunctionName'] = 'UP_slash_DWNboutputValue'
+        case 'U':
+        {
+            switch (cmdLine[1])
+            {
+                case 'H':
+                {
+                    g_MAX11043_device.UP_slash_DWNboutputValue(1);
+                    break;
+                }
+                case 'L':
+                {
+                    g_MAX11043_device.UP_slash_DWNboutputValue(0);
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+                    return true; // command handled by MAX11043
+            break;
+        }
+// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'a' 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'b' 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'c' 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'd' 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'e' 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR: ExternFunctionGPIOPinCommand 'f' 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR: test menu
+        // case '0'..'9','A'..'F','a'..'f' letters are reserved for bitstream commands
+        // has_register_write_command: case '0'..'9','A'..'F','a'..'f' letters are reserved for bitstream commands
+// CODE GENERATOR: top of loop: testMenuCommand="!", testMenuFirstCharHandler="None"
+// CODE GENERATOR: test menu case '!':
+// CODE GENERATOR:           helpString '! -- Init'
+// CODE GENERATOR:           CMD_ 'None'
+// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandName 'Init'
+// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandParamIn 'void'
+// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturnType 'uint8_t'
+// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPre ''
+// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn ''
+// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamOut ''
+// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPost ''
+// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturn '@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
+        // case '!': // (single character) (testMenuFirstCharHandler="None")
+        case '!':
+        {
+                    // test menu command '!' handler:
+                    // helpString='! -- Init'
+                    // CMD_='None'
+                    // CommandName='Init'
+                    // CommandParamIn='void'
+                    // CommandReturnType='uint8_t'
+                    // @Pre=''
+                    // @Param[in]=''
+                    // @Param[out]=''
+                    // @Post=''
+                    // displayPost=''
+                    // @Return='@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
+                    cmdLine.serial().printf("Init");
+                    // call function Init
+                    uint8_t result = g_MAX11043_device.Init();
+                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" =%d", result);
+                    return true; // command handled by MAX11043
+// CODE GENERATOR: bottom of loop: testMenuCommand="!", testMenuFirstCharHandler="None"
+        } // end case '!'
+        break;
+        // has_register_write_command: case '0'..'9','A'..'F','a'..'f' letters are reserved for bitstream commands
+        case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
+        case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
+        case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f':
+        case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'E': case 'F':
+        {
+            // hexadecimal codes get parsed as bytecodes
+            //
+            // parse_byteCount_byteList_dec() assumes all keyword args have already been removed from the buffer
+                    // parse cmdLine byte list --> int byteCount; int mosiData[MAX_SPI_BYTE_COUNT];
+                    #define MAX_SPI_BYTE_COUNT 32
+                    size_t byteCount = byteCount;
+                    static char mosiData[MAX_SPI_BYTE_COUNT];
+                    static char misoData[MAX_SPI_BYTE_COUNT];
+                    if (cmdLine.parse_byteCount_byteList_hex(byteCount, mosiData,
+                                                             MAX_SPI_BYTE_COUNT))
+                    {
+                        // if length is 1 byte then operation is RegRead, otherwise RegWrite
+                        // register_read_function 'IsRegReadCommand'
+                        // register_write_function 'RegWrite'
+                        // register_name_function 'RegName'
+                        // register_size_function 'RegSize'
+// CODE GENERATOR: does the chip have a defined CMD_1aaa_aaaa_REGISTER_READ bit?
+                        // MAX11043::MAX11043_CMD_enum_t regAddress = (MAX11043::MAX11043_CMD_enum_t)((mosiData[0] &~ MAX11043::CMD_1aaa_aaaa_REGISTER_READ) & 0xFF);
+                        MAX11043::MAX11043_CMD_enum_t commandByte = (MAX11043::MAX11043_CMD_enum_t)(mosiData[0]);
+                        int regAddress = g_MAX11043_device.RegAddrOfCommand(commandByte);
+                        cmdLine.serial().printf(" regAddress=0x%2.2x\r\n", (regAddress & 0xFF));
+                        cmdLine.serial().printf(" RegName=%s\r\n", g_MAX11043_device.RegName(commandByte));
+                        uint32_t regData = 0;
+                        int regSize = g_MAX11043_device.RegSize(commandByte);
+                        cmdLine.serial().printf(" RegSize=%d\r\n", regSize);
+                        switch(regSize)
+                        {
+                        case 8:
+                            regData = ((uint32_t)mosiData[1] & 0xFF);
+                            break;
+                        case 16:
+                            regData = (((uint32_t)mosiData[1] & 0xFF) << 8) + ((uint32_t)mosiData[2] & 0xFF);
+                            break;
+                        case 24:
+                            regData = (((uint32_t)mosiData[1] & 0xFF) << 16) + (((uint32_t)mosiData[2] & 0xFF) << 8) + ((uint32_t)mosiData[3] & 0xFF);
+                            break;
+                        }
+// CODE GENERATOR: does the chip have a defined CMD_1aaa_aaaa_REGISTER_READ bit?
+                        // if ((byteCount == 1) || (regAddress & MAX11043::CMD_1aaa_aaaa_REGISTER_READ))
+                        if ((byteCount == 1) || g_MAX11043_device.IsRegReadCommand(commandByte))
+                        {
+                            cmdLine.serial().printf(" RegRead");
+                            g_MAX11043_device.RegRead(commandByte, &regData);
+                            cmdLine.serial().printf("regData=0x%6.6x\r\n", (regData & 0x00FFFFFF));
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            cmdLine.serial().printf(" RegWrite regData=0x%6.6X\r\n", (regData & 0x00FFFFFF));
+                            g_MAX11043_device.RegWrite(commandByte, regData);
+                        }
+                        // is there support function shadow regValue of regAddr?
+                    }
+                    return true; // command handled by MAX11043
+            //
+        } // end case '0'..'9','A'..'F','a'..'f'
+        break;
+    } // end switch (cmdLine[0])
+    return false; // command not handled by MAX11043
+} // end bool MAX11043_menu_onEOLcommandParser(CmdLine & cmdLine)
+// CODE GENERATOR: class declaration statement close
--- a/Test_Menu_MAX11410.cpp	Wed Jan 22 07:57:46 2020 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,2036 +0,0 @@
-// /*******************************************************************************
-// * Copyright (C) 2020 Maxim Integrated Products, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
-// *
-// * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
-// * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
-// * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
-// * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
-// * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
-// * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-// *
-// * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
-// * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-// *
-// *
-// * Except as contained in this notice, the name of Maxim Integrated
-// * Products, Inc. shall not be used except as stated in the Maxim Integrated
-// * Products, Inc. Branding Policy.
-// *
-// * The mere transfer of this software does not imply any licenses
-// * of trade secrets, proprietary technology, copyrights, patents,
-// * trademarks, maskwork rights, or any other form of intellectual
-// * property whatsoever. Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. retains all
-// * ownership rights.
-// *******************************************************************************
-// */
-#include "CmdLine.h"
-// CODE GENERATOR: class declaration and docstrings
-// CODE GENERATOR: example code includes
-// example code includes
-// standard include for target platform -- Platform_Include_Boilerplate
-#include "mbed.h"
-// Platforms:
-//   - MAX32625MBED
-//      - supports mbed-os-5.11, requires USBDevice library
-//      - add https://developer.mbed.org/teams/MaximIntegrated/code/USBDevice/
-//      - remove max32630fthr library (if present)
-//      - remove MAX32620FTHR library (if present)
-//   - MAX32600MBED
-//      - remove max32630fthr library (if present)
-//      - remove MAX32620FTHR library (if present)
-//      - Windows 10 note:  Don't connect HDK until you are ready to load new firmware into the board.
-//   - NUCLEO_F446RE
-//      - remove USBDevice library
-//      - remove max32630fthr library (if present)
-//      - remove MAX32620FTHR library (if present)
-//   - NUCLEO_F401RE
-//      - remove USBDevice library
-//      - remove max32630fthr library (if present)
-//      - remove MAX32620FTHR library (if present)
-//   - MAX32630FTHR
-//      - #include "max32630fthr.h"
-//      - add http://os.mbed.org/teams/MaximIntegrated/code/max32630fthr/
-//      - remove MAX32620FTHR library (if present)
-//   - MAX32620FTHR
-//      - #include "MAX32620FTHR.h"
-//      - remove max32630fthr library (if present)
-//      - add https://os.mbed.com/teams/MaximIntegrated/code/MAX32620FTHR/
-//      - not tested yet
-//   - MAX32625PICO
-//      - remove max32630fthr library (if present)
-//      - remove MAX32620FTHR library (if present)
-//      - not tested yet
-// end Platform_Include_Boilerplate
-#include "MAX11410.h"
-#include "CmdLine.h"
-// CODE GENERATOR: class declaration statement open
-// CODE GENERATOR: Test_Menu externs
-#include "MAX11410.h"
-extern MAX11410 g_MAX11410_device; // defined in main.cpp
-// CODE GENERATOR: build testMenuCommand list
-// CODE GENERATOR: build testMenuGlobalArgsDict common/global argument list
-// CODE GENERATOR: class member function declarations
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 Command Name = Init (void) --> uint8_t
-// CODE GENERATOR: Menu item hint description Menu item '!'
-// CODE GENERATOR: Menu item '!' -- Menu item !
-// CODE GENERATOR: test menu case '!':
-// CODE GENERATOR:           helpString '! -- Init'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CMD_ 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandName 'Init'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandParamIn 'void'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturnType 'uint8_t'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPre ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamOut ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPost ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturn '@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 Command Name = VoltageOfCode_Unipolar (uint32_t value_u24) --> double
-// CODE GENERATOR: no Menu item hint in description
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 Command Name = VoltageOfCode_Bipolar_OffsetBinary (uint32_t value_u24) --> double
-// CODE GENERATOR: no Menu item hint in description
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 Command Name = VoltageOfCode_Bipolar_2sComplement (uint32_t value_u24) --> double
-// CODE GENERATOR: no Menu item hint in description
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 Command Name = VoltageOfCode (uint32_t value_u24) --> double
-// CODE GENERATOR: no Menu item hint in description
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 Command Name = RegWrite (MAX11410_CMD_enum_t regAddress, uint32_t regData) --> uint8_t
-// CODE GENERATOR: no Menu item hint in description
-// CODE GENERATOR: CommandDescriptionCMDWord = CMD_1aaa_aaaa_REGISTER_READ
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 Command Name = RegWrite CMD_1aaa_aaaa_REGISTER_READ (MAX11410_CMD_enum_t regAddress, uint32_t regData) --> uint8_t
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 Command Name = RegRead (MAX11410_CMD_enum_t regAddress, uint32_t* ptrRegData) --> uint8_t
-// CODE GENERATOR: no Menu item hint in description
-// CODE GENERATOR: CommandDescriptionCMDWord = CMD_1aaa_aaaa_REGISTER_READ
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 Command Name = RegRead CMD_1aaa_aaaa_REGISTER_READ (MAX11410_CMD_enum_t regAddress, uint32_t* ptrRegData) --> uint8_t
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 Command Name = RegSize (MAX11410_CMD_enum_t regAddress) --> uint8_t
-// CODE GENERATOR: no Menu item hint in description
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 Command Name = RegName (MAX11410_CMD_enum_t regAddress) --> const char*
-// CODE GENERATOR: no Menu item hint in description
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 Command Name = Configure_FILTER (uint8_t linef, uint8_t rate) --> uint8_t
-// CODE GENERATOR: Menu item hint description Menu item 'XF'
-// CODE GENERATOR: Menu item 'XF' -- Menu item XF
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 help: XF uint8_t linef, uint8_t rate -- Configure_FILTER
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 helpString: 'XF linef=? rate=? -- Configure_FILTER'
-// CODE GENERATOR: test menu case 'XF':
-// CODE GENERATOR:           helpString 'XF linef=? rate=? -- Configure_FILTER'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CMD_ 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandName 'Configure_FILTER'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandParamIn 'uint8_t linef, uint8_t rate'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturnType 'uint8_t'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPre ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] linef = filter type, default=MAX11410::MAX11410_LINEF_enum_t::LINEF_11_SINC4'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] rate = output data rate selection, default=MAX11410::MAX11410_RATE_enum_t::RATE_0100'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamOut ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPost ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturn '@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 Command Name = Configure_PGA (uint8_t sigpath, uint8_t gain) --> uint8_t
-// CODE GENERATOR: Menu item hint description Menu item 'XP'
-// CODE GENERATOR: Menu item 'XP' -- Menu item XP
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 help: XP uint8_t sigpath, uint8_t gain -- Configure_PGA
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 helpString: 'XP sigpath=? gain=? -- Configure_PGA'
-// CODE GENERATOR: test menu case 'XP':
-// CODE GENERATOR:           helpString 'XP sigpath=? gain=? -- Configure_PGA'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CMD_ 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandName 'Configure_PGA'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandParamIn 'uint8_t sigpath, uint8_t gain'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturnType 'uint8_t'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPre ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] sigpath = signal path, default=MAX11410::MAX11410_SIG_PATH_enum_t::SIG_PATH_00_BUFFERED'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] gain = gain selection, default=MAX11410::MAX11410_GAIN_enum_t::GAIN_000_1'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamOut ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPost ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturn '@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 Command Name = Configure_CTRL (uint8_t extclk, uint8_t u_bn, uint8_t format, uint8_t refbufp_en, uint8_t refbufn_en, uint8_t ref_sel) --> uint8_t
-// CODE GENERATOR: Menu item hint description Menu item 'XC'
-// CODE GENERATOR: Menu item 'XC' -- Menu item XC
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 help: XC uint8_t extclk, uint8_t u_bn, uint8_t format, uint8_t refbufp_en, uint8_t refbufn_en, uint8_t ref_sel -- Configure_CTRL
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 helpString: 'XC extclk=? u_bn=? format=? refbufp_en=? refbufn_en=? ref_sel=? -- Configure_CTRL'
-// CODE GENERATOR: test menu case 'XC':
-// CODE GENERATOR:           helpString 'XC extclk=? u_bn=? format=? refbufp_en=? refbufn_en=? ref_sel=? -- Configure_CTRL'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CMD_ 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandName 'Configure_CTRL'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandParamIn 'uint8_t extclk, uint8_t u_bn, uint8_t format, uint8_t refbufp_en, uint8_t refbufn_en, uint8_t ref_sel'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturnType 'uint8_t'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPre ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] extclk = external clock enable, default=0'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] u_bn = unipolar input range enable, default=0'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] format = offset binary format enable, default=0'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] refbufp_en = REFP reference buffer enable, default=0'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] refbufn_en = REFN reference buffer enable, default=0'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] ref_sel = reference selection, default=MAX11410::MAX11410_REF_SEL_enum_t::REF_SEL_001_REF1P_REF1N'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamOut ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPost ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturn '@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 Command Name = Configure_SOURCE (uint8_t vbias_mode, uint8_t brn_mode, uint8_t idac_mode) --> uint8_t
-// CODE GENERATOR: Menu item hint description Menu item 'XS'
-// CODE GENERATOR: Menu item 'XS' -- Menu item XS
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 help: XS uint8_t vbias_mode, uint8_t brn_mode, uint8_t idac_mode -- Configure_SOURCE
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 helpString: 'XS vbias_mode=? brn_mode=? idac_mode=? -- Configure_SOURCE'
-// CODE GENERATOR: test menu case 'XS':
-// CODE GENERATOR:           helpString 'XS vbias_mode=? brn_mode=? idac_mode=? -- Configure_SOURCE'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CMD_ 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandName 'Configure_SOURCE'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandParamIn 'uint8_t vbias_mode, uint8_t brn_mode, uint8_t idac_mode'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturnType 'uint8_t'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPre ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] vbias_mode = _______, default=MAX11410::MAX11410_VBIAS_MODE_enum_t::VBIAS_MODE_00_Active'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] brn_mode = _______, default=MAX11410::MAX11410_BRN_MODE_enum_t::BRN_MODE_00_disabled'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] idac_mode = _______, default=MAX11410::MAX11410_IDAC_MODE_enum_t::IDAC_MODE_0000_10uA'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamOut ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPost ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturn '@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 Command Name = Configure_MUX_CTRL0 (uint8_t ainp, uint8_t ainn) --> uint8_t
-// CODE GENERATOR: Menu item hint description Menu item 'XM'
-// CODE GENERATOR: Menu item 'XM' -- Menu item XM
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 help: XM uint8_t ainp, uint8_t ainn -- Configure_MUX_CTRL0
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 helpString: 'XM ainp=? ainn=? -- Configure_MUX_CTRL0'
-// CODE GENERATOR: test menu case 'XM':
-// CODE GENERATOR:           helpString 'XM ainp=? ainn=? -- Configure_MUX_CTRL0'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CMD_ 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandName 'Configure_MUX_CTRL0'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandParamIn 'uint8_t ainp, uint8_t ainn'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturnType 'uint8_t'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPre ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] ainp = channel high side, default=MAX11410::MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t::AINP_SEL_0000_AIN0'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] ainn = channel low side, default=MAX11410::MAX11410_AINN_SEL_enum_t::AINN_SEL_1010_GND'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamOut ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPost ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturn '@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 Command Name = Configure_MUX_CTRL1 (uint8_t idac1_sel, uint8_t idac0_sel) --> uint8_t
-// CODE GENERATOR: Menu item hint description Menu item 'XI'
-// CODE GENERATOR: Menu item 'XI' -- Menu item XI
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 help: XI uint8_t idac1_sel, uint8_t idac0_sel -- Configure_MUX_CTRL1
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 helpString: 'XI idac1_sel=? idac0_sel=? -- Configure_MUX_CTRL1'
-// CODE GENERATOR: test menu case 'XI':
-// CODE GENERATOR:           helpString 'XI idac1_sel=? idac0_sel=? -- Configure_MUX_CTRL1'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CMD_ 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandName 'Configure_MUX_CTRL1'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandParamIn 'uint8_t idac1_sel, uint8_t idac0_sel'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturnType 'uint8_t'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPre ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] idac1_sel = channel high side, default=MAX11410::MAX11410_IDAC1_SEL_enum_t::IDAC1_SEL_1111_unconnected'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] idac0_sel = channel low side, default=MAX11410::MAX11410_IDAC0_SEL_enum_t::IDAC0_SEL_1111_unconnected'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamOut ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPost ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturn '@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 Command Name = Configure_MUX_CTRL2 (uint8_t vbias_ain7_ain0_bitmap) --> uint8_t
-// CODE GENERATOR: Menu item hint description Menu item 'XV'
-// CODE GENERATOR: Menu item 'XV' -- Menu item XV
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 help: XV uint8_t vbias_ain7_ain0_bitmap -- Configure_MUX_CTRL2
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 helpString: 'XV vbias_ain7_ain0_bitmap=? -- Configure_MUX_CTRL2'
-// CODE GENERATOR: test menu case 'XV':
-// CODE GENERATOR:           helpString 'XV vbias_ain7_ain0_bitmap=? -- Configure_MUX_CTRL2'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CMD_ 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandName 'Configure_MUX_CTRL2'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandParamIn 'uint8_t vbias_ain7_ain0_bitmap'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturnType 'uint8_t'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPre ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] vbias_ain7_ain0_bitmap = bit map of AIN7..AIN0 enables for voltage bias, default=0'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamOut ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPost ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturn '@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 Command Name = Calibrate_Self_Offset_Gain (void) --> uint8_t
-// CODE GENERATOR: Menu item hint description Menu item 'X0'
-// CODE GENERATOR: Menu item 'X0' -- Menu item X0
-// CODE GENERATOR: test menu case 'X0':
-// CODE GENERATOR:           helpString 'X0 -- Calibrate_Self_Offset_Gain'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CMD_ 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandName 'Calibrate_Self_Offset_Gain'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandParamIn 'void'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturnType 'uint8_t'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPre ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamOut ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPost ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturn '@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 Command Name = Calibrate_PGA_Gain (void) --> uint8_t
-// CODE GENERATOR: Menu item hint description Menu item 'X1'
-// CODE GENERATOR: Menu item 'X1' -- Menu item X1
-// CODE GENERATOR: test menu case 'X1':
-// CODE GENERATOR:           helpString 'X1 -- Calibrate_PGA_Gain'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CMD_ 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandName 'Calibrate_PGA_Gain'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandParamIn 'void'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturnType 'uint8_t'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPre ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamOut ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPost ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturn '@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 Command Name = Calibrate_System_Offset_A (void) --> uint8_t
-// CODE GENERATOR: Menu item hint description Menu item 'X4'
-// CODE GENERATOR: Menu item 'X4' -- Menu item X4
-// CODE GENERATOR: test menu case 'X4':
-// CODE GENERATOR:           helpString 'X4 -- Calibrate_System_Offset_A'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CMD_ 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandName 'Calibrate_System_Offset_A'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandParamIn 'void'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturnType 'uint8_t'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPre ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamOut ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPost ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturn '@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 Command Name = Calibrate_System_Gain_A (void) --> uint8_t
-// CODE GENERATOR: Menu item hint description Menu item 'X5'
-// CODE GENERATOR: Menu item 'X5' -- Menu item X5
-// CODE GENERATOR: test menu case 'X5':
-// CODE GENERATOR:           helpString 'X5 -- Calibrate_System_Gain_A'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CMD_ 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandName 'Calibrate_System_Gain_A'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandParamIn 'void'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturnType 'uint8_t'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPre ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamOut ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPost ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturn '@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 Command Name = Calibrate_System_Offset_B (void) --> uint8_t
-// CODE GENERATOR: Menu item hint description Menu item 'X6'
-// CODE GENERATOR: Menu item 'X6' -- Menu item X6
-// CODE GENERATOR: test menu case 'X6':
-// CODE GENERATOR:           helpString 'X6 -- Calibrate_System_Offset_B'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CMD_ 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandName 'Calibrate_System_Offset_B'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandParamIn 'void'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturnType 'uint8_t'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPre ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamOut ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPost ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturn '@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 Command Name = Calibrate_System_Gain_B (void) --> uint8_t
-// CODE GENERATOR: Menu item hint description Menu item 'X7'
-// CODE GENERATOR: Menu item 'X7' -- Menu item X7
-// CODE GENERATOR: test menu case 'X7':
-// CODE GENERATOR:           helpString 'X7 -- Calibrate_System_Gain_B'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CMD_ 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandName 'Calibrate_System_Gain_B'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandParamIn 'void'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturnType 'uint8_t'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPre ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamOut ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPost ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturn '@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 Command Name = Configure_Voltage (MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t ainp, MAX11410_AINN_SEL_enum_t ainn) --> uint8_t
-// CODE GENERATOR: no Menu item hint in description
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 Command Name = Read_All_Voltages (void) --> uint8_t
-// CODE GENERATOR: Menu item hint description Menu item '$'
-// CODE GENERATOR: Menu item '$' -- Menu item $
-// CODE GENERATOR: test menu case '$':
-// CODE GENERATOR:           helpString '$ -- Read_All_Voltages'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CMD_ 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandName 'Read_All_Voltages'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandParamIn 'void'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturnType 'uint8_t'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPre ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamOut ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPost '@post AINcode[0..10]: measurement result LSB code'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturn '@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 Command Name = Measure_Voltage (MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t ainp, MAX11410_AINN_SEL_enum_t ainn) --> double
-// CODE GENERATOR: Menu item hint description Menu item 'V'
-// CODE GENERATOR: Menu item 'V' -- Menu item V
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 help: V MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t ainp, MAX11410_AINN_SEL_enum_t ainn -- Measure_Voltage
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 helpString: 'V  -- Measure_Voltage'
-// CODE GENERATOR: test menu case 'V':
-// CODE GENERATOR:           helpString 'V  -- Measure_Voltage'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CMD_ 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandName 'Measure_Voltage'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandParamIn 'MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t ainp, MAX11410_AINN_SEL_enum_t ainn'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturnType 'double'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPre '@pre external connection REF2P-REF2N is a reference voltage'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPre '@pre VRef = Voltage of REF input, in Volts'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] ainp = channel high side, default=AINP_SEL_0000_AIN0'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] ainn = channel low side, default=AINN_SEL_1010_GND'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamOut ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPost '@post AINcode[ainp]: measurement result LSB code'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturn '@return ideal voltage calculated from raw LSB code and reference voltage'
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 Command Name = Configure_RTD (MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t rtd_iout, MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t rtd_ainp, MAX11410_AINN_SEL_enum_t rtd_ainn) --> uint8_t
-// CODE GENERATOR: no Menu item hint in description
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 Command Name = Measure_RTD (MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t rtd_iout, MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t rtd_ainp, MAX11410_AINN_SEL_enum_t rtd_ainn) --> double
-// CODE GENERATOR: Menu item hint description Menu item 'R' -> rtd_resistance, RTD_Temperature
-// CODE GENERATOR: Menu item 'R' -> rtd_resistance, RTD_Temperature -- Menu item R
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 help: R MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t rtd_iout, MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t rtd_ainp, MAX11410_AINN_SEL_enum_t rtd_ainn -- Measure_RTD
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 helpString: 'R  -- Measure_RTD'
-// CODE GENERATOR: test menu case 'R':
-// CODE GENERATOR:           helpString 'R  -- Measure_RTD'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CMD_ 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandName 'Measure_RTD'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandParamIn 'MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t rtd_iout, MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t rtd_ainp, MAX11410_AINN_SEL_enum_t rtd_ainn'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturnType 'double'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPre '@pre external connection REF1P-REF1N is a reference resistor'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPre '@pre VRef_REF1 = reference resistance in ohms, default=4999'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] rtd_iout = channel RTD high side force, default=AINP_SEL_0111_AIN7'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] rtd_ainp = channel RTD high side sense, default=AINP_SEL_1000_AIN8'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] rtd_ainn = channel RTD low side, default=AINN_SEL_1001_AIN9'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamOut ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPost '@post AINcode[rtd_ainp]: measurement result LSB code'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPost '@post rtd_resistance: measurement result resistance in Ohms'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPost '@post RTD_Temperature: Temperature calculated from RTD Resistance; Thermocouple Cold Junction, in degrees C'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturn '@return resistance calculated from raw LSB code and reference resistance'
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 Command Name = TemperatureOfRTD_PT1000 (double rtd_resistance) --> double
-// CODE GENERATOR: no Menu item hint in description
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 Command Name = Configure_Thermocouple (MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t tc_ainp, MAX11410_AINN_SEL_enum_t tc_ainn, MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t rtd_iout, MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t rtd_ainp, MAX11410_AINN_SEL_enum_t rtd_ainn) --> uint8_t
-// CODE GENERATOR: no Menu item hint in description
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 Command Name = Measure_Thermocouple (MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t tc_ainp, MAX11410_AINN_SEL_enum_t tc_ainn, MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t rtd_iout, MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t rtd_ainp, MAX11410_AINN_SEL_enum_t rtd_ainn) --> double
-// CODE GENERATOR: Menu item hint description Menu item 'TM'
-// CODE GENERATOR: Menu item 'TM' -- Menu item TM
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 help: TM MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t tc_ainp, MAX11410_AINN_SEL_enum_t tc_ainn, MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t rtd_iout, MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t rtd_ainp, MAX11410_AINN_SEL_enum_t rtd_ainn -- Measure_Thermocouple
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 helpString: 'TM  -- Measure_Thermocouple'
-// CODE GENERATOR: test menu case 'TM':
-// CODE GENERATOR:           helpString 'TM  -- Measure_Thermocouple'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CMD_ 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandName 'Measure_Thermocouple'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandParamIn 'MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t tc_ainp, MAX11410_AINN_SEL_enum_t tc_ainn, MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t rtd_iout, MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t rtd_ainp, MAX11410_AINN_SEL_enum_t rtd_ainn'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturnType 'double'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPre ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] tc_ainp = channel of Thermocouple high side, default=AINP_SEL_0101_AIN5'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] tc_ainn = channel of Thermocouple low side, default=AINN_SEL_0110_AIN6'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] rtd_iout = channel RTD high side force, default=AINP_SEL_0111_AIN7'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] rtd_ainp = channel RTD high side sense, default=AINP_SEL_1000_AIN8'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] rtd_ainn = channel RTD low side, default=AINN_SEL_1001_AIN9'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamOut ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPost '@post AINcode[tc_ainp]: measurement result LSB code'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturn '@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 Command Name = TemperatureOfTC_TypeK (double tc_voltage) --> double
-// CODE GENERATOR: Menu item hint description Menu item 'TK'
-// CODE GENERATOR: Menu item 'TK' -- Menu item TK
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 help: TK double tc_voltage -- TemperatureOfTC_TypeK
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 helpString: 'TK tc_voltage=? -- TemperatureOfTC_TypeK'
-// CODE GENERATOR: test menu case 'TK':
-// CODE GENERATOR:           helpString 'TK tc_voltage=? -- TemperatureOfTC_TypeK'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CMD_ 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandName 'TemperatureOfTC_TypeK'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandParamIn 'double tc_voltage'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturnType 'double'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPre '@pre {0}.RTD_Temperature = cold junction temperature, in degrees C'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] tc_voltage = Thermocouple voltage in volts, default=0.0254'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamOut ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPost ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturn '@return ideal temperature in degrees C, calculated from RTD resistance in ohms'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocTest '@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(0.000e-3) expect  0.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at   0C = 0.000mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocTest '@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(0.039e-3) expect  1.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at   1C = 0.039mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocTest '@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(0.079e-3) expect  2.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at   2C = 0.079mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocTest '@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(0.119e-3) expect  3.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at   3C = 0.119mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocTest '@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(0.158e-3) expect  4.0     within 0.1   TC_TypeK at   4C = 0.158mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocTest '@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(0.198e-3) expect  5.0     within 0.1   TC_TypeK at   5C = 0.198mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocTest '@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(0.238e-3) expect  6.0     within 0.1   TC_TypeK at   6C = 0.238mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocTest '@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(0.2775e-3) expect  7.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at   7C = 0.2775mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocTest '@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(0.317e-3) expect  8.0     within 0.1   TC_TypeK at   8C = 0.317mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocTest '@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(0.357e-3) expect  9.0     within 0.1   TC_TypeK at   9C = 0.357mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocTest '@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(0.397e-3) expect 10.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  10C = 0.397mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocTest '@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(0.798e-3) expect 20.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  20C = 0.798mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocTest '@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(1.081e-3) expect 27.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  27C = 1.081mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocTest '@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(1.203e-3) expect 30.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  30C = 1.203mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocTest '@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(1.612e-3) expect 40.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  40C = 1.612mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocTest '@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(2.023e-3) expect 50.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  50C = 2.023mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocTest '@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(2.436e-3) expect 60.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  60C = 2.436mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocTest '@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(2.851e-3) expect 70.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  70C = 2.851mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocTest '@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(3.267e-3) expect 80.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  80C = 3.267mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocTest '@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(3.682e-3) expect 90.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  90C = 3.682mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocTest '@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(4.096e-3) expect 100.0   within 0.1     TC_TypeK at  100C = 4.096mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocTest '@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(4.509e-3) expect 110.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  110C = 4.509mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocTest '@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(4.920e-3) expect 120.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  120C = 4.920mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocTest '@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(5.328e-3) expect 130.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  130C = 5.328mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocTest '@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(5.735e-3) expect 140.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  140C = 5.735mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocTest '@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(6.138e-3) expect 150.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  150C = 6.138mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocTest '@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(6.540e-3) expect 160.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  160C = 6.540mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocTest '@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(6.941e-3) expect 170.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  170C = 6.941mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocTest '@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(7.340e-3) expect 180.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  180C = 7.340mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocTest '@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(7.739e-3) expect 190.0   within 0.1     TC_TypeK at  190C = 7.739mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocTest '@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(8.138e-3) expect 200.0   within 0.1     TC_TypeK at  200C = 8.138mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocTest '@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(8.539e-3) expect 210.0   within 0.1     TC_TypeK at  210C = 8.539mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocTest '@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(8.940e-3) expect 220.0   within 0.1     TC_TypeK at  220C = 8.940mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocTest '@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(9.343e-3) expect 230.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  230C = 9.343mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocTest '@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(9.747e-3) expect 240.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  240C = 9.747mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocTest '@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(10.153e-3) expect 250.0   within 0.1     TC_TypeK at  250C = 10.153mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocTest '@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(10.561e-3) expect 260.0   within 0.1     TC_TypeK at  260C = 10.561mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocTest '@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(10.971e-3) expect 270.0   within 0.1     TC_TypeK at  270C = 10.971mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocTest '@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(11.382e-3) expect 280.0   within 0.1     TC_TypeK at  280C = 11.382mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocTest '@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(11.795e-3) expect 290.0   within 0.1     TC_TypeK at  290C = 11.795mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocTest '@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(12.209e-3) expect 300.0  within 0.1      TC_TypeK at  300C = 12.209mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocTest '@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(14.293e-3) expect 350.0   within 0.1     TC_TypeK at  350C = 14.293mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocTest '@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(16.397e-3) expect 400.0  within 0.1      TC_TypeK at  400C = 16.397mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocTest '@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(18.516e-3) expect 450.0  within 0.1      TC_TypeK at  450C = 18.516mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocTest '@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(20.218e-3) expect 490.0        TC_TypeK at  490C = 20.218mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR: MAX11410 Command Name = temperatureDegC_polynomial (double thermocouple_voltage_uV, int num_coefficients, double coefficients[]) --> double
-// CODE GENERATOR: no Menu item hint in description
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict scan global property list g_MAX11410_device
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict add global property g_MAX11410_device.VRef_REF0
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict add global property g_MAX11410_device.VRef_REF0 argname = VRef_REF0
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['VRef_REF0']['alias'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['VRef_REF0']['argtype'] = 'double'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['VRef_REF0']['usedByCommandName'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['VRef_REF0']['usedBytestMenuItemName'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict add global property g_MAX11410_device.VRef_REF1
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict add global property g_MAX11410_device.VRef_REF1 argname = VRef_REF1
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['VRef_REF1']['alias'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['VRef_REF1']['argtype'] = 'double'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['VRef_REF1']['usedByCommandName'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['VRef_REF1']['usedBytestMenuItemName'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict add global property g_MAX11410_device.VRef_REF2
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict add global property g_MAX11410_device.VRef_REF2 argname = VRef_REF2
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['VRef_REF2']['alias'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['VRef_REF2']['argtype'] = 'double'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['VRef_REF2']['usedByCommandName'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['VRef_REF2']['usedBytestMenuItemName'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict add global property g_MAX11410_device.VRef_AVDD
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict add global property g_MAX11410_device.VRef_AVDD argname = VRef_AVDD
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['VRef_AVDD']['alias'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['VRef_AVDD']['argtype'] = 'double'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['VRef_AVDD']['usedByCommandName'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['VRef_AVDD']['usedBytestMenuItemName'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict add global property g_MAX11410_device.rtd_resistance
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict add global property g_MAX11410_device.rtd_resistance argname = rtd_resistance
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['rtd_resistance']['alias'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['rtd_resistance']['argtype'] = 'double'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['rtd_resistance']['usedByCommandName'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['rtd_resistance']['usedBytestMenuItemName'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict add global property g_MAX11410_device.RTD_Temperature
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict add global property g_MAX11410_device.RTD_Temperature argname = RTD_Temperature
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['RTD_Temperature']['alias'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['RTD_Temperature']['argtype'] = 'double'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['RTD_Temperature']['usedByCommandName'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['RTD_Temperature']['usedBytestMenuItemName'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict add global property g_MAX11410_device.ctrl
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict add global property g_MAX11410_device.ctrl shadow of argname = ctrl
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict add global property g_MAX11410_device.ctrl argname = ctrl
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['ctrl']['alias'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['ctrl']['argtype'] = 'uint32_t'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['ctrl']['usedByCommandName'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['ctrl']['usedBytestMenuItemName'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict add global property g_MAX11410_device.pgaGain
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict add global property g_MAX11410_device.pgaGain argname = pgaGain
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['pgaGain']['alias'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['pgaGain']['argtype'] = 'uint8_t'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['pgaGain']['usedByCommandName'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['pgaGain']['usedBytestMenuItemName'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict add global property g_MAX11410_device.status
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict add global property g_MAX11410_device.status shadow of argname = status
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict add global property g_MAX11410_device.status argname = status
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['status']['alias'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['status']['argtype'] = 'uint32_t'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['status']['usedByCommandName'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['status']['usedBytestMenuItemName'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict add global property g_MAX11410_device.data0
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict add global property g_MAX11410_device.data0 shadow of argname = data0
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict add global property g_MAX11410_device.data0 argname = data0
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['data0']['alias'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['data0']['argtype'] = 'uint32_t'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['data0']['usedByCommandName'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['data0']['usedBytestMenuItemName'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict skip array property g_MAX11410_device.AINcode[11]
-// CODE GENERATOR: scan testMenuCommand list for items that can be shortened to single character
-// CODE GENERATOR: multiple commands begin with character 'T'
-// CODE GENERATOR: multiple commands begin with character 'X'
-// CODE GENERATOR: multiple commands begin with character 'X'
-// CODE GENERATOR: multiple commands begin with character 'X'
-// CODE GENERATOR: multiple commands begin with character 'X'
-// CODE GENERATOR: multiple commands begin with character 'X'
-// CODE GENERATOR: multiple commands begin with character 'X'
-// CODE GENERATOR: multiple commands begin with character 'X'
-// CODE GENERATOR: multiple commands begin with character 'X'
-// CODE GENERATOR: multiple commands begin with character 'X'
-// CODE GENERATOR: multiple commands begin with character 'X'
-// CODE GENERATOR: multiple commands begin with character 'X'
-// CODE GENERATOR: multiple commands begin with character 'X'
-// CODE GENERATOR: shorten testMenuCommand to single character if unambiguous
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuCommand '!' already single character
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuCommand '$' already single character
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuCommand 'R' already single character
-// CODE GENERATOR: cannot shorten testMenuCommand 'TK' to single character due to duplicates
-// CODE GENERATOR: cannot shorten testMenuCommand 'TM' to single character due to duplicates
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuCommand 'V' already single character
-// CODE GENERATOR: cannot shorten testMenuCommand 'X0' to single character due to duplicates
-// CODE GENERATOR: cannot shorten testMenuCommand 'X1' to single character due to duplicates
-// CODE GENERATOR: cannot shorten testMenuCommand 'X4' to single character due to duplicates
-// CODE GENERATOR: cannot shorten testMenuCommand 'X5' to single character due to duplicates
-// CODE GENERATOR: cannot shorten testMenuCommand 'X6' to single character due to duplicates
-// CODE GENERATOR: cannot shorten testMenuCommand 'X7' to single character due to duplicates
-// CODE GENERATOR: cannot shorten testMenuCommand 'XC' to single character due to duplicates
-// CODE GENERATOR: cannot shorten testMenuCommand 'XF' to single character due to duplicates
-// CODE GENERATOR: cannot shorten testMenuCommand 'XI' to single character due to duplicates
-// CODE GENERATOR: cannot shorten testMenuCommand 'XM' to single character due to duplicates
-// CODE GENERATOR: cannot shorten testMenuCommand 'XP' to single character due to duplicates
-// CODE GENERATOR: cannot shorten testMenuCommand 'XS' to single character due to duplicates
-// CODE GENERATOR: cannot shorten testMenuCommand 'XV' to single character due to duplicates
-// CODE GENERATOR: help menu
-bool MAX11410_menu_help(CmdLine & cmdLine)
-    // CODE GENERATOR: command: !
-    // CODE GENERATOR: help: ! -- Init
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n ! -- Init");
-    // CODE GENERATOR: command: $
-    // CODE GENERATOR: help: $ -- Read_All_Voltages
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n $ -- Read_All_Voltages");
-    // CODE GENERATOR: command: R
-    // CODE GENERATOR: help: R  -- Measure_RTD
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n R  -- Measure_RTD");
-    // CODE GENERATOR: command: TK
-    // CODE GENERATOR: help: TK tc_voltage=? -- TemperatureOfTC_TypeK
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n TK tc_voltage=? -- TemperatureOfTC_TypeK");
-    // CODE GENERATOR: command: TM
-    // CODE GENERATOR: help: TM  -- Measure_Thermocouple
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n TM  -- Measure_Thermocouple");
-    // CODE GENERATOR: command: V
-    // CODE GENERATOR: help: V  -- Measure_Voltage
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n V  -- Measure_Voltage");
-    // CODE GENERATOR: command: X0
-    // CODE GENERATOR: help: X0 -- Calibrate_Self_Offset_Gain
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n X0 -- Calibrate_Self_Offset_Gain");
-    // CODE GENERATOR: command: X1
-    // CODE GENERATOR: help: X1 -- Calibrate_PGA_Gain
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n X1 -- Calibrate_PGA_Gain");
-    // CODE GENERATOR: command: X4
-    // CODE GENERATOR: help: X4 -- Calibrate_System_Offset_A
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n X4 -- Calibrate_System_Offset_A");
-    // CODE GENERATOR: command: X5
-    // CODE GENERATOR: help: X5 -- Calibrate_System_Gain_A
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n X5 -- Calibrate_System_Gain_A");
-    // CODE GENERATOR: command: X6
-    // CODE GENERATOR: help: X6 -- Calibrate_System_Offset_B
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n X6 -- Calibrate_System_Offset_B");
-    // CODE GENERATOR: command: X7
-    // CODE GENERATOR: help: X7 -- Calibrate_System_Gain_B
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n X7 -- Calibrate_System_Gain_B");
-    // CODE GENERATOR: command: XC
-    // CODE GENERATOR: help: XC extclk=? u_bn=? format=? refbufp_en=? refbufn_en=? ref_sel=? -- Configure_CTRL
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n XC extclk=? u_bn=? format=? refbufp_en=? refbufn_en=? ref_sel=? -- Configure_CTRL");
-    // CODE GENERATOR: command: XF
-    // CODE GENERATOR: help: XF linef=? rate=? -- Configure_FILTER
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n XF linef=? rate=? -- Configure_FILTER");
-    // CODE GENERATOR: command: XI
-    // CODE GENERATOR: help: XI idac1_sel=? idac0_sel=? -- Configure_MUX_CTRL1
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n XI idac1_sel=? idac0_sel=? -- Configure_MUX_CTRL1");
-    // CODE GENERATOR: command: XM
-    // CODE GENERATOR: help: XM ainp=? ainn=? -- Configure_MUX_CTRL0
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n XM ainp=? ainn=? -- Configure_MUX_CTRL0");
-    // CODE GENERATOR: command: XP
-    // CODE GENERATOR: help: XP sigpath=? gain=? -- Configure_PGA
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n XP sigpath=? gain=? -- Configure_PGA");
-    // CODE GENERATOR: command: XS
-    // CODE GENERATOR: help: XS vbias_mode=? brn_mode=? idac_mode=? -- Configure_SOURCE
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n XS vbias_mode=? brn_mode=? idac_mode=? -- Configure_SOURCE");
-    // CODE GENERATOR: command: XV
-    // CODE GENERATOR: help: XV vbias_ain7_ain0_bitmap=? -- Configure_MUX_CTRL2
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n XV vbias_ain7_ain0_bitmap=? -- Configure_MUX_CTRL2");
-    //
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n @ -- print MAX11410 configuration");
-// CODE GENERATOR: help menu if has_register_write_command: *regname? -- read register; *regname=regvalue -- write register
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n *regname? -- read register\r\n *regname=regvalue -- write register");
-    //
-// CODE GENERATOR: TODO1: generate GPIO commands for LDAC, CLR, etc. based on device driver function names (menu_help)
-        // case 'G'..'Z','g'..'z' are reserved for GPIO commands
-        // case 'A'..'F','a'..'f' may be available if not claimed by bitstream commands
-    //
-bool MAX11410_menu_onEOLcommandParser(CmdLine & cmdLine)
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict Consolidate common/global argument parsing
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['RTD_Temperature']['alias'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['RTD_Temperature']['argtype'] = 'double'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['RTD_Temperature']['usedByCommandName'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['RTD_Temperature']['usedBytestMenuItemName'] = 'None'
-                    // parse argument double RTD_Temperature
-        double RTD_Temperature = g_MAX11410_device.RTD_Temperature; // default to global property value
-        if (cmdLine.parse_double("RTD_Temperature", RTD_Temperature))
-        {
-            g_MAX11410_device.RTD_Temperature = RTD_Temperature; // update global property value
-        }
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['VRef_AVDD']['alias'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['VRef_AVDD']['argtype'] = 'double'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['VRef_AVDD']['usedByCommandName'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['VRef_AVDD']['usedBytestMenuItemName'] = 'None'
-                    // parse argument double VRef_AVDD
-        double VRef_AVDD = g_MAX11410_device.VRef_AVDD; // default to global property value
-        if (cmdLine.parse_double("VRef_AVDD", VRef_AVDD))
-        {
-            g_MAX11410_device.VRef_AVDD = VRef_AVDD; // update global property value
-        }
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['VRef_REF0']['alias'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['VRef_REF0']['argtype'] = 'double'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['VRef_REF0']['usedByCommandName'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['VRef_REF0']['usedBytestMenuItemName'] = 'None'
-                    // parse argument double VRef_REF0
-        double VRef_REF0 = g_MAX11410_device.VRef_REF0; // default to global property value
-        if (cmdLine.parse_double("VRef_REF0", VRef_REF0))
-        {
-            g_MAX11410_device.VRef_REF0 = VRef_REF0; // update global property value
-        }
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['VRef_REF1']['alias'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['VRef_REF1']['argtype'] = 'double'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['VRef_REF1']['usedByCommandName'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['VRef_REF1']['usedBytestMenuItemName'] = 'None'
-                    // parse argument double VRef_REF1
-        double VRef_REF1 = g_MAX11410_device.VRef_REF1; // default to global property value
-        if (cmdLine.parse_double("VRef_REF1", VRef_REF1))
-        {
-            g_MAX11410_device.VRef_REF1 = VRef_REF1; // update global property value
-        }
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['VRef_REF2']['alias'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['VRef_REF2']['argtype'] = 'double'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['VRef_REF2']['usedByCommandName'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['VRef_REF2']['usedBytestMenuItemName'] = 'None'
-                    // parse argument double VRef_REF2
-        double VRef_REF2 = g_MAX11410_device.VRef_REF2; // default to global property value
-        if (cmdLine.parse_double("VRef_REF2", VRef_REF2))
-        {
-            g_MAX11410_device.VRef_REF2 = VRef_REF2; // update global property value
-        }
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['ctrl']['alias'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['ctrl']['argtype'] = 'uint32_t'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['ctrl']['usedByCommandName'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['ctrl']['usedBytestMenuItemName'] = 'None'
-                    // parse argument uint32_t ctrl
-        uint32_t ctrl = g_MAX11410_device.ctrl; // default to global property value
-        if (cmdLine.parse_uint32_dec("ctrl", ctrl))
-        {
-            g_MAX11410_device.ctrl = ctrl; // update global property value
-        }
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['data0']['alias'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['data0']['argtype'] = 'uint32_t'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['data0']['usedByCommandName'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['data0']['usedBytestMenuItemName'] = 'None'
-                    // parse argument uint32_t data0
-        uint32_t data0 = g_MAX11410_device.data0; // default to global property value
-        if (cmdLine.parse_uint32_dec("data0", data0))
-        {
-            g_MAX11410_device.data0 = data0; // update global property value
-        }
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['pgaGain']['alias'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['pgaGain']['argtype'] = 'uint8_t'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['pgaGain']['usedByCommandName'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['pgaGain']['usedBytestMenuItemName'] = 'None'
-                    // parse argument uint8_t pgaGain
-        uint8_t pgaGain = g_MAX11410_device.pgaGain; // default to global property value
-        if (cmdLine.parse_uint8_dec("pgaGain", pgaGain))
-        {
-            g_MAX11410_device.pgaGain = pgaGain; // update global property value
-        }
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['rtd_resistance']['alias'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['rtd_resistance']['argtype'] = 'double'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['rtd_resistance']['usedByCommandName'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['rtd_resistance']['usedBytestMenuItemName'] = 'None'
-                    // parse argument double rtd_resistance
-        double rtd_resistance = g_MAX11410_device.rtd_resistance; // default to global property value
-        if (cmdLine.parse_double("rtd_resistance", rtd_resistance))
-        {
-            g_MAX11410_device.rtd_resistance = rtd_resistance; // update global property value
-        }
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['status']['alias'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['status']['argtype'] = 'uint32_t'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['status']['usedByCommandName'] = 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR: testMenuGlobalArgsDict['status']['usedBytestMenuItemName'] = 'None'
-                    // parse argument uint32_t status
-        uint32_t status = g_MAX11410_device.status; // default to global property value
-        if (cmdLine.parse_uint32_dec("status", status))
-        {
-            g_MAX11410_device.status = status; // update global property value
-        }
-    switch (cmdLine[0])
-    {
-// CODE GENERATOR: generate * command read/write reg *reg? *reg=value
-        case '*':
-        {
-            // if buffer starts with a regName:
-            // for each reg value (0..n) if(cmdLine.has_keyword(device.regName(r))):
-            cmdLine.serial().printf(" scan RegName... ");
-            for (uint8_t regAddress = 0; regAddress < 0x80; regAddress++)
-            {
-                uint32_t regData = 0;
-                bool is_regname_query = false;
-                bool is_regname_assignment = false;
-                if (cmdLine.parse_uint32_dec(g_MAX11410_device.RegName((MAX11410::MAX11410_CMD_enum_t)regAddress), regData))
-                {
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" regAddress=0x%2.2X\r\n", (regAddress & 0xFF));
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" RegName=%s\r\n", g_MAX11410_device.RegName((MAX11410::MAX11410_CMD_enum_t)regAddress));
-                    // accept regName "?" as "RegRead" by name
-                    is_regname_query = (cmdLine.chSeparator == '?');
-                    is_regname_assignment = (cmdLine.chSeparator == '=');
-                    if (is_regname_query)
-                    {
-                        cmdLine.serial().printf(" RegRead");
-                        g_MAX11410_device.RegRead((MAX11410::MAX11410_CMD_enum_t)regAddress, &regData);
-                        cmdLine.serial().printf("regData=0x%6.6x\r\n", (regData & 0x00FFFFFF));
-                        return true; // command handled by MAX11410
-                    }
-                    // accept regName "=0x123456" as "RegWrite" by name
-                    if (is_regname_assignment)
-                    {
-                        cmdLine.serial().printf(" RegWrite");
-                        cmdLine.serial().printf("regData=0x%6.6x\r\n", (regData & 0x00FFFFFF));
-                        g_MAX11410_device.RegWrite((MAX11410::MAX11410_CMD_enum_t)regAddress, regData);
-                        return true; // command handled by MAX11410
-                    }
-                }
-            } // end for regAddr
-            // not a valid register name
-            // read "all" registers by name
-            const uint8_t readAllRegFirst = 0x00; // first MAX11410 register address for read-all block
-            const uint8_t readAllRegLast = 0x39; // last MAX11410 register address for read-all block
-            Callback<void(size_t, uint8_t*, uint8_t*)> saved_onSPIprint_handler = g_MAX11410_device.onSPIprint;
-            g_MAX11410_device.onSPIprint = NULL;
-            for (uint8_t regAddress = readAllRegFirst; regAddress <= readAllRegLast; regAddress++)
-            {
-                uint32_t regData = 0;
-                if (g_MAX11410_device.RegSize((MAX11410::MAX11410_CMD_enum_t)regAddress) == 0) continue; // skip undefined regs
-                if (g_MAX11410_device.RegRead((MAX11410::MAX11410_CMD_enum_t)regAddress, &regData) == 0) continue; // skip unreadable regs
-                cmdLine.serial().printf("%s=0x%6.6x\r\n", g_MAX11410_device.RegName((MAX11410::MAX11410_CMD_enum_t)regAddress), regData);
-            } // end for regAddr
-            g_MAX11410_device.onSPIprint = saved_onSPIprint_handler;
-            return true; // command handled by MAX11410
-        }
-        break;
-// CODE GENERATOR: generate @ command print global property values of  g_MAX11410_device
-        case '@':
-        {
-// CODE GENERATOR: @ command print double g_MAX11410_device.VRef_REF0
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("VRef_REF0 = ");
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("%f\n", g_MAX11410_device.VRef_REF0);
-// CODE GENERATOR: @ command print double g_MAX11410_device.VRef_REF1
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("VRef_REF1 = ");
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("%f\n", g_MAX11410_device.VRef_REF1);
-// CODE GENERATOR: @ command print double g_MAX11410_device.VRef_REF2
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("VRef_REF2 = ");
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("%f\n", g_MAX11410_device.VRef_REF2);
-// CODE GENERATOR: @ command print double g_MAX11410_device.VRef_AVDD
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("VRef_AVDD = ");
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("%f\n", g_MAX11410_device.VRef_AVDD);
-// CODE GENERATOR: @ command print double g_MAX11410_device.rtd_resistance
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("rtd_resistance = ");
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("%f\n", g_MAX11410_device.rtd_resistance);
-// CODE GENERATOR: @ command print double g_MAX11410_device.RTD_Temperature
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("RTD_Temperature = ");
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("%f\n", g_MAX11410_device.RTD_Temperature);
-// CODE GENERATOR: @ command print uint32_t g_MAX11410_device.ctrl
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("ctrl = ");
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("%d = 0x%8.8x\n", g_MAX11410_device.ctrl, g_MAX11410_device.ctrl);
-// CODE GENERATOR: @ command print uint8_t g_MAX11410_device.pgaGain
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("pgaGain = ");
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("%d = 0x%2.2x\n", g_MAX11410_device.pgaGain, g_MAX11410_device.pgaGain);
-// CODE GENERATOR: @ command print uint32_t g_MAX11410_device.status
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("status = ");
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("%d = 0x%8.8x\n", g_MAX11410_device.status, g_MAX11410_device.status);
-// CODE GENERATOR: @ command print uint32_t g_MAX11410_device.data0
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("data0 = ");
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("%d = 0x%8.8x\n", g_MAX11410_device.data0, g_MAX11410_device.data0);
-// CODE GENERATOR: @ command print uint32_t array g_MAX11410_device.AINcode[0..10]
-                for(int index = 0; (index < 11) && (index < 16); index++) {
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("AINcode[%d] = ", index);
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("%d = 0x%8.8x\n", g_MAX11410_device.AINcode[index], g_MAX11410_device.AINcode[index]);
-                }
-                    return true; // command handled by MAX11410
-            break;
-        }
-// CODE GENERATOR: TODO1: generate GPIO commands for LDAC, CLR, etc. based on device driver function names
-        // case 'G'..'Z','g'..'z' are reserved for GPIO commands
-        // case 'A'..'F','a'..'f' may be available if not claimed by bitstream commands
-// CODE GENERATOR: test menu
-        // case '0'..'9','A'..'F','a'..'f' letters are reserved for bitstream commands
-        // has_register_write_command: case '0'..'9','A'..'F','a'..'f' letters are reserved for bitstream commands
-// CODE GENERATOR: top of loop: testMenuCommand="!", testMenuFirstCharHandler="None"
-// CODE GENERATOR: test menu case '!':
-// CODE GENERATOR:           helpString '! -- Init'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CMD_ 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandName 'Init'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandParamIn 'void'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturnType 'uint8_t'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPre ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamOut ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPost ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturn '@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-        // case '!': // (single character) (testMenuFirstCharHandler="None")
-        case '!':
-        {
-                    // test menu command '!' handler:
-                    // helpString='! -- Init'
-                    // CMD_='None'
-                    // CommandName='Init'
-                    // CommandParamIn='void'
-                    // CommandReturnType='uint8_t'
-                    // @Pre=''
-                    // @Param[in]=''
-                    // @Param[out]=''
-                    // @Post=''
-                    // displayPost=''
-                    // @Return='@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("Init");
-                    // call function Init
-                    uint8_t result = g_MAX11410_device.Init();
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" =%d", result);
-                    return true; // command handled by MAX11410
-// CODE GENERATOR: bottom of loop: testMenuCommand="!", testMenuFirstCharHandler="None"
-        } // end case '!'
-        break;
-// CODE GENERATOR: top of loop: testMenuCommand="$", testMenuFirstCharHandler="None"
-// CODE GENERATOR: test menu case '$':
-// CODE GENERATOR:           helpString '$ -- Read_All_Voltages'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CMD_ 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandName 'Read_All_Voltages'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandParamIn 'void'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturnType 'uint8_t'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPre ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamOut ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPost '@post AINcode[0..10]: measurement result LSB code'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturn '@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-        // case '$': // (single character) (testMenuFirstCharHandler="None")
-        case '$':
-        {
-                    // test menu command '$' handler:
-                    // helpString='$ -- Read_All_Voltages'
-                    // CMD_='None'
-                    // CommandName='Read_All_Voltages'
-                    // CommandParamIn='void'
-                    // CommandReturnType='uint8_t'
-                    // @Pre=''
-                    // @Param[in]=''
-                    // @Param[out]=''
-                    // @Post='@post AINcode[0..10]: measurement result LSB code'
-                    // displayPost=''
-                    // @Return='@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("Read_All_Voltages");
-                    // call function Read_All_Voltages
-                    uint8_t result = g_MAX11410_device.Read_All_Voltages();
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" =%d", result);
-                    return true; // command handled by MAX11410
-// CODE GENERATOR: bottom of loop: testMenuCommand="$", testMenuFirstCharHandler="None"
-        } // end case '$'
-        break;
-// CODE GENERATOR: top of loop: testMenuCommand="R", testMenuFirstCharHandler="None"
-// CODE GENERATOR: test menu case 'R':
-// CODE GENERATOR:           helpString 'R  -- Measure_RTD'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CMD_ 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandName 'Measure_RTD'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandParamIn 'MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t rtd_iout, MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t rtd_ainp, MAX11410_AINN_SEL_enum_t rtd_ainn'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturnType 'double'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPre '@pre external connection REF1P-REF1N is a reference resistor'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPre '@pre VRef_REF1 = reference resistance in ohms, default=4999'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] rtd_iout = channel RTD high side force, default=AINP_SEL_0111_AIN7'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] rtd_ainp = channel RTD high side sense, default=AINP_SEL_1000_AIN8'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] rtd_ainn = channel RTD low side, default=AINN_SEL_1001_AIN9'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamOut ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPost '@post AINcode[rtd_ainp]: measurement result LSB code'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPost '@post rtd_resistance: measurement result resistance in Ohms'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPost '@post RTD_Temperature: Temperature calculated from RTD Resistance; Thermocouple Cold Junction, in degrees C'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturn '@return resistance calculated from raw LSB code and reference resistance'
-        // case 'R': // (single character) (testMenuFirstCharHandler="None")
-        case 'R':
-        {
-                    // test menu command 'R' handler:
-                    // helpString='R  -- Measure_RTD'
-                    // CMD_='None'
-                    // CommandName='Measure_RTD'
-                    // CommandParamIn='MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t rtd_iout, MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t rtd_ainp, MAX11410_AINN_SEL_enum_t rtd_ainn'
-                    // CommandReturnType='double'
-                    // @Pre='@pre external connection REF1P-REF1N is a reference resistor'
-                    // @Pre='@pre VRef_REF1 = reference resistance in ohms, default=4999'
-                    // @Param[in]='@param[in] rtd_iout = channel RTD high side force, default=AINP_SEL_0111_AIN7'
-                    // @Param[in]='@param[in] rtd_ainp = channel RTD high side sense, default=AINP_SEL_1000_AIN8'
-                    // @Param[in]='@param[in] rtd_ainn = channel RTD low side, default=AINN_SEL_1001_AIN9'
-                    // @Param[out]=''
-                    // @Post='@post AINcode[rtd_ainp]: measurement result LSB code'
-                    // @Post='@post rtd_resistance: measurement result resistance in Ohms'
-                    // @Post='@post RTD_Temperature: Temperature calculated from RTD Resistance; Thermocouple Cold Junction, in degrees C'
-                    // displayPost='rtd_resistance, RTD_Temperature'
-                    // @Return='@return resistance calculated from raw LSB code and reference resistance'
-                    // parse argument list
-                    // argname default_argvalue symbolic enum name specified in CommandDocParamIn @Param[in]='@param[in] rtd_iout = channel RTD high side force, default=AINP_SEL_0111_AIN7'
-                    // parse argument MAX11410::MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t rtd_iout
-                    MAX11410::MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t rtd_iout = MAX11410::AINP_SEL_0111_AIN7; // --- g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_rtd_iout_in_MAX11410_device_t__; // default to global property value
-                    if (cmdLine.parse_uint8_dec("rtd_iout", (uint8_t&)rtd_iout))
-                    {
-                        // g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_rtd_iout_in_MAX11410_device_t__ = rtd_iout; // update global property value
-                    }
-                    // argname default_argvalue symbolic enum name specified in CommandDocParamIn @Param[in]='@param[in] rtd_ainp = channel RTD high side sense, default=AINP_SEL_1000_AIN8'
-                    // parse argument MAX11410::MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t rtd_ainp
-                    MAX11410::MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t rtd_ainp = MAX11410::AINP_SEL_1000_AIN8; // --- g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_rtd_ainp_in_MAX11410_device_t__; // default to global property value
-                    if (cmdLine.parse_uint8_dec("rtd_ainp", (uint8_t&)rtd_ainp))
-                    {
-                        // g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_rtd_ainp_in_MAX11410_device_t__ = rtd_ainp; // update global property value
-                    }
-                    // argname default_argvalue symbolic enum name specified in CommandDocParamIn @Param[in]='@param[in] rtd_ainn = channel RTD low side, default=AINN_SEL_1001_AIN9'
-                    // parse argument MAX11410::MAX11410_AINN_SEL_enum_t rtd_ainn
-                    MAX11410::MAX11410_AINN_SEL_enum_t rtd_ainn = MAX11410::AINN_SEL_1001_AIN9; // --- g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_rtd_ainn_in_MAX11410_device_t__; // default to global property value
-                    if (cmdLine.parse_uint8_dec("rtd_ainn", (uint8_t&)rtd_ainn))
-                    {
-                        // g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_rtd_ainn_in_MAX11410_device_t__ = rtd_ainn; // update global property value
-                    }
-                    // print arguments
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("Measure_RTD");
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" rtd_iout=%d", rtd_iout);
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" rtd_ainp=%d", rtd_ainp);
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" rtd_ainn=%d", rtd_ainn);
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" Measure_RTD"); // unique suffix
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n");
-                    // call function Measure_RTD(rtd_iout, rtd_ainp, rtd_ainn)
-                    double result = g_MAX11410_device.Measure_RTD(rtd_iout, rtd_ainp, rtd_ainn);
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" =%f\r\n", result);
-                    // Menu item 'R' -> rtd_resistance, RTD_Temperature
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("%s=%f\r\n", "rtd_resistance", g_MAX11410_device.rtd_resistance);
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("%s=%f\r\n", "RTD_Temperature", g_MAX11410_device.RTD_Temperature);
-                    return true; // command handled by MAX11410
-// CODE GENERATOR: bottom of loop: testMenuCommand="R", testMenuFirstCharHandler="None"
-        } // end case 'R'
-        break;
-// CODE GENERATOR: top of loop: testMenuCommand="TK", testMenuFirstCharHandler="None"
-// CODE GENERATOR: test menu case 'TK':
-// CODE GENERATOR:           helpString 'TK tc_voltage=? -- TemperatureOfTC_TypeK'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CMD_ 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandName 'TemperatureOfTC_TypeK'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandParamIn 'double tc_voltage'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturnType 'double'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPre '@pre {0}.RTD_Temperature = cold junction temperature, in degrees C'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] tc_voltage = Thermocouple voltage in volts, default=0.0254'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamOut ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPost ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturn '@return ideal temperature in degrees C, calculated from RTD resistance in ohms'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandTest '@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(0.000e-3) expect  0.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at   0C = 0.000mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandTest '@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(0.039e-3) expect  1.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at   1C = 0.039mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandTest '@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(0.079e-3) expect  2.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at   2C = 0.079mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandTest '@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(0.119e-3) expect  3.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at   3C = 0.119mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandTest '@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(0.158e-3) expect  4.0     within 0.1   TC_TypeK at   4C = 0.158mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandTest '@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(0.198e-3) expect  5.0     within 0.1   TC_TypeK at   5C = 0.198mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandTest '@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(0.238e-3) expect  6.0     within 0.1   TC_TypeK at   6C = 0.238mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandTest '@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(0.2775e-3) expect  7.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at   7C = 0.2775mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandTest '@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(0.317e-3) expect  8.0     within 0.1   TC_TypeK at   8C = 0.317mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandTest '@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(0.357e-3) expect  9.0     within 0.1   TC_TypeK at   9C = 0.357mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandTest '@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(0.397e-3) expect 10.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  10C = 0.397mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandTest '@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(0.798e-3) expect 20.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  20C = 0.798mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandTest '@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(1.081e-3) expect 27.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  27C = 1.081mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandTest '@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(1.203e-3) expect 30.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  30C = 1.203mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandTest '@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(1.612e-3) expect 40.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  40C = 1.612mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandTest '@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(2.023e-3) expect 50.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  50C = 2.023mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandTest '@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(2.436e-3) expect 60.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  60C = 2.436mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandTest '@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(2.851e-3) expect 70.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  70C = 2.851mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandTest '@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(3.267e-3) expect 80.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  80C = 3.267mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandTest '@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(3.682e-3) expect 90.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  90C = 3.682mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandTest '@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(4.096e-3) expect 100.0   within 0.1     TC_TypeK at  100C = 4.096mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandTest '@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(4.509e-3) expect 110.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  110C = 4.509mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandTest '@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(4.920e-3) expect 120.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  120C = 4.920mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandTest '@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(5.328e-3) expect 130.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  130C = 5.328mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandTest '@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(5.735e-3) expect 140.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  140C = 5.735mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandTest '@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(6.138e-3) expect 150.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  150C = 6.138mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandTest '@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(6.540e-3) expect 160.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  160C = 6.540mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandTest '@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(6.941e-3) expect 170.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  170C = 6.941mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandTest '@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(7.340e-3) expect 180.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  180C = 7.340mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandTest '@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(7.739e-3) expect 190.0   within 0.1     TC_TypeK at  190C = 7.739mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandTest '@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(8.138e-3) expect 200.0   within 0.1     TC_TypeK at  200C = 8.138mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandTest '@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(8.539e-3) expect 210.0   within 0.1     TC_TypeK at  210C = 8.539mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandTest '@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(8.940e-3) expect 220.0   within 0.1     TC_TypeK at  220C = 8.940mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandTest '@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(9.343e-3) expect 230.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  230C = 9.343mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandTest '@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(9.747e-3) expect 240.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  240C = 9.747mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandTest '@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(10.153e-3) expect 250.0   within 0.1     TC_TypeK at  250C = 10.153mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandTest '@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(10.561e-3) expect 260.0   within 0.1     TC_TypeK at  260C = 10.561mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandTest '@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(10.971e-3) expect 270.0   within 0.1     TC_TypeK at  270C = 10.971mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandTest '@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(11.382e-3) expect 280.0   within 0.1     TC_TypeK at  280C = 11.382mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandTest '@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(11.795e-3) expect 290.0   within 0.1     TC_TypeK at  290C = 11.795mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandTest '@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(12.209e-3) expect 300.0  within 0.1      TC_TypeK at  300C = 12.209mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandTest '@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(14.293e-3) expect 350.0   within 0.1     TC_TypeK at  350C = 14.293mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandTest '@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(16.397e-3) expect 400.0  within 0.1      TC_TypeK at  400C = 16.397mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandTest '@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(18.516e-3) expect 450.0  within 0.1      TC_TypeK at  450C = 18.516mV'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandTest '@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(20.218e-3) expect 490.0        TC_TypeK at  490C = 20.218mV'
-        case 'T': // (multiple characters) (testMenuFirstCharHandler="T"):
-        {
-            switch (cmdLine[1])
-            {
-                case 'K': // (nested inside case 'T')
-                {
-                    // test menu command 'TK' handler:
-                    // helpString='TK tc_voltage=? -- TemperatureOfTC_TypeK'
-                    // CMD_='None'
-                    // CommandName='TemperatureOfTC_TypeK'
-                    // CommandParamIn='double tc_voltage'
-                    // CommandReturnType='double'
-                    // @Pre='@pre {0}.RTD_Temperature = cold junction temperature, in degrees C'
-                    // @Param[in]='@param[in] tc_voltage = Thermocouple voltage in volts, default=0.0254'
-                    // @Param[out]=''
-                    // @Post=''
-                    // displayPost=''
-                    // @Return='@return ideal temperature in degrees C, calculated from RTD resistance in ohms'
-                    // @Test='@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(0.000e-3) expect  0.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at   0C = 0.000mV'
-                    // @Test='@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(0.039e-3) expect  1.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at   1C = 0.039mV'
-                    // @Test='@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(0.079e-3) expect  2.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at   2C = 0.079mV'
-                    // @Test='@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(0.119e-3) expect  3.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at   3C = 0.119mV'
-                    // @Test='@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(0.158e-3) expect  4.0     within 0.1   TC_TypeK at   4C = 0.158mV'
-                    // @Test='@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(0.198e-3) expect  5.0     within 0.1   TC_TypeK at   5C = 0.198mV'
-                    // @Test='@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(0.238e-3) expect  6.0     within 0.1   TC_TypeK at   6C = 0.238mV'
-                    // @Test='@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(0.2775e-3) expect  7.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at   7C = 0.2775mV'
-                    // @Test='@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(0.317e-3) expect  8.0     within 0.1   TC_TypeK at   8C = 0.317mV'
-                    // @Test='@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(0.357e-3) expect  9.0     within 0.1   TC_TypeK at   9C = 0.357mV'
-                    // @Test='@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(0.397e-3) expect 10.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  10C = 0.397mV'
-                    // @Test='@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(0.798e-3) expect 20.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  20C = 0.798mV'
-                    // @Test='@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(1.081e-3) expect 27.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  27C = 1.081mV'
-                    // @Test='@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(1.203e-3) expect 30.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  30C = 1.203mV'
-                    // @Test='@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(1.612e-3) expect 40.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  40C = 1.612mV'
-                    // @Test='@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(2.023e-3) expect 50.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  50C = 2.023mV'
-                    // @Test='@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(2.436e-3) expect 60.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  60C = 2.436mV'
-                    // @Test='@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(2.851e-3) expect 70.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  70C = 2.851mV'
-                    // @Test='@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(3.267e-3) expect 80.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  80C = 3.267mV'
-                    // @Test='@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(3.682e-3) expect 90.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  90C = 3.682mV'
-                    // @Test='@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(4.096e-3) expect 100.0   within 0.1     TC_TypeK at  100C = 4.096mV'
-                    // @Test='@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(4.509e-3) expect 110.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  110C = 4.509mV'
-                    // @Test='@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(4.920e-3) expect 120.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  120C = 4.920mV'
-                    // @Test='@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(5.328e-3) expect 130.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  130C = 5.328mV'
-                    // @Test='@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(5.735e-3) expect 140.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  140C = 5.735mV'
-                    // @Test='@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(6.138e-3) expect 150.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  150C = 6.138mV'
-                    // @Test='@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(6.540e-3) expect 160.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  160C = 6.540mV'
-                    // @Test='@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(6.941e-3) expect 170.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  170C = 6.941mV'
-                    // @Test='@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(7.340e-3) expect 180.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  180C = 7.340mV'
-                    // @Test='@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(7.739e-3) expect 190.0   within 0.1     TC_TypeK at  190C = 7.739mV'
-                    // @Test='@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(8.138e-3) expect 200.0   within 0.1     TC_TypeK at  200C = 8.138mV'
-                    // @Test='@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(8.539e-3) expect 210.0   within 0.1     TC_TypeK at  210C = 8.539mV'
-                    // @Test='@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(8.940e-3) expect 220.0   within 0.1     TC_TypeK at  220C = 8.940mV'
-                    // @Test='@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(9.343e-3) expect 230.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  230C = 9.343mV'
-                    // @Test='@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(9.747e-3) expect 240.0    within 0.1    TC_TypeK at  240C = 9.747mV'
-                    // @Test='@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(10.153e-3) expect 250.0   within 0.1     TC_TypeK at  250C = 10.153mV'
-                    // @Test='@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(10.561e-3) expect 260.0   within 0.1     TC_TypeK at  260C = 10.561mV'
-                    // @Test='@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(10.971e-3) expect 270.0   within 0.1     TC_TypeK at  270C = 10.971mV'
-                    // @Test='@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(11.382e-3) expect 280.0   within 0.1     TC_TypeK at  280C = 11.382mV'
-                    // @Test='@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(11.795e-3) expect 290.0   within 0.1     TC_TypeK at  290C = 11.795mV'
-                    // @Test='@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(12.209e-3) expect 300.0  within 0.1      TC_TypeK at  300C = 12.209mV'
-                    // @Test='@test group TC_2 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(14.293e-3) expect 350.0   within 0.1     TC_TypeK at  350C = 14.293mV'
-                    // @Test='@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(16.397e-3) expect 400.0  within 0.1      TC_TypeK at  400C = 16.397mV'
-                    // @Test='@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(18.516e-3) expect 450.0  within 0.1      TC_TypeK at  450C = 18.516mV'
-                    // @Test='@test group TC_1 TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(20.218e-3) expect 490.0        TC_TypeK at  490C = 20.218mV'
-                    // parse argument list
-                    // argname default_argvalue numeric literal specified in CommandDocParamIn @Param[in]='@param[in] tc_voltage = Thermocouple voltage in volts, default=0.0254'
-                    // parse argument double tc_voltage
-                    double tc_voltage = (double)0; // --- g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_tc_voltage_in_MAX11410_device_t__; // default to global property value
-                    if (cmdLine.parse_double("tc_voltage", tc_voltage))
-                    {
-                        // g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_tc_voltage_in_MAX11410_device_t__ = tc_voltage; // update global property value
-                    }
-                    // print arguments
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("TemperatureOfTC_TypeK");
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" tc_voltage=%d", tc_voltage);
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n");
-                    // call function TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(tc_voltage)
-                    double result = g_MAX11410_device.TemperatureOfTC_TypeK(tc_voltage);
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" =%f\r\n", result);
-                    return true; // command handled by MAX11410
-// CODE GENERATOR: bottom of loop: testMenuCommand="TK", testMenuFirstCharHandler="T"
-                } // end nested case 'TK'
-                break;
-// CODE GENERATOR: top of loop: testMenuCommand="TM", testMenuFirstCharHandler="T"
-// CODE GENERATOR: top of loop: nested switch "T" is currently open
-// CODE GENERATOR: test menu case 'TM':
-// CODE GENERATOR:           helpString 'TM  -- Measure_Thermocouple'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CMD_ 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandName 'Measure_Thermocouple'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandParamIn 'MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t tc_ainp, MAX11410_AINN_SEL_enum_t tc_ainn, MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t rtd_iout, MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t rtd_ainp, MAX11410_AINN_SEL_enum_t rtd_ainn'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturnType 'double'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPre ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] tc_ainp = channel of Thermocouple high side, default=AINP_SEL_0101_AIN5'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] tc_ainn = channel of Thermocouple low side, default=AINN_SEL_0110_AIN6'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] rtd_iout = channel RTD high side force, default=AINP_SEL_0111_AIN7'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] rtd_ainp = channel RTD high side sense, default=AINP_SEL_1000_AIN8'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] rtd_ainn = channel RTD low side, default=AINN_SEL_1001_AIN9'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamOut ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPost '@post AINcode[tc_ainp]: measurement result LSB code'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturn '@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-                case 'M': // (nested inside case 'T')
-                {
-                    // test menu command 'TM' handler:
-                    // helpString='TM  -- Measure_Thermocouple'
-                    // CMD_='None'
-                    // CommandName='Measure_Thermocouple'
-                    // CommandParamIn='MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t tc_ainp, MAX11410_AINN_SEL_enum_t tc_ainn, MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t rtd_iout, MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t rtd_ainp, MAX11410_AINN_SEL_enum_t rtd_ainn'
-                    // CommandReturnType='double'
-                    // @Pre=''
-                    // @Param[in]='@param[in] tc_ainp = channel of Thermocouple high side, default=AINP_SEL_0101_AIN5'
-                    // @Param[in]='@param[in] tc_ainn = channel of Thermocouple low side, default=AINN_SEL_0110_AIN6'
-                    // @Param[in]='@param[in] rtd_iout = channel RTD high side force, default=AINP_SEL_0111_AIN7'
-                    // @Param[in]='@param[in] rtd_ainp = channel RTD high side sense, default=AINP_SEL_1000_AIN8'
-                    // @Param[in]='@param[in] rtd_ainn = channel RTD low side, default=AINN_SEL_1001_AIN9'
-                    // @Param[out]=''
-                    // @Post='@post AINcode[tc_ainp]: measurement result LSB code'
-                    // displayPost=''
-                    // @Return='@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-                    // parse argument list
-                    // argname default_argvalue symbolic enum name specified in CommandDocParamIn @Param[in]='@param[in] tc_ainp = channel of Thermocouple high side, default=AINP_SEL_0101_AIN5'
-                    // parse argument MAX11410::MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t tc_ainp
-                    MAX11410::MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t tc_ainp = MAX11410::AINP_SEL_0101_AIN5; // --- g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_tc_ainp_in_MAX11410_device_t__; // default to global property value
-                    if (cmdLine.parse_uint8_dec("tc_ainp", (uint8_t&)tc_ainp))
-                    {
-                        // g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_tc_ainp_in_MAX11410_device_t__ = tc_ainp; // update global property value
-                    }
-                    // argname default_argvalue symbolic enum name specified in CommandDocParamIn @Param[in]='@param[in] tc_ainn = channel of Thermocouple low side, default=AINN_SEL_0110_AIN6'
-                    // parse argument MAX11410::MAX11410_AINN_SEL_enum_t tc_ainn
-                    MAX11410::MAX11410_AINN_SEL_enum_t tc_ainn = MAX11410::AINN_SEL_0110_AIN6; // --- g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_tc_ainn_in_MAX11410_device_t__; // default to global property value
-                    if (cmdLine.parse_uint8_dec("tc_ainn", (uint8_t&)tc_ainn))
-                    {
-                        // g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_tc_ainn_in_MAX11410_device_t__ = tc_ainn; // update global property value
-                    }
-                    // argname default_argvalue symbolic enum name specified in CommandDocParamIn @Param[in]='@param[in] rtd_iout = channel RTD high side force, default=AINP_SEL_0111_AIN7'
-                    // parse argument MAX11410::MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t rtd_iout
-                    MAX11410::MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t rtd_iout = MAX11410::AINP_SEL_0111_AIN7; // --- g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_rtd_iout_in_MAX11410_device_t__; // default to global property value
-                    if (cmdLine.parse_uint8_dec("rtd_iout", (uint8_t&)rtd_iout))
-                    {
-                        // g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_rtd_iout_in_MAX11410_device_t__ = rtd_iout; // update global property value
-                    }
-                    // argname default_argvalue symbolic enum name specified in CommandDocParamIn @Param[in]='@param[in] rtd_ainp = channel RTD high side sense, default=AINP_SEL_1000_AIN8'
-                    // parse argument MAX11410::MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t rtd_ainp
-                    MAX11410::MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t rtd_ainp = MAX11410::AINP_SEL_1000_AIN8; // --- g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_rtd_ainp_in_MAX11410_device_t__; // default to global property value
-                    if (cmdLine.parse_uint8_dec("rtd_ainp", (uint8_t&)rtd_ainp))
-                    {
-                        // g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_rtd_ainp_in_MAX11410_device_t__ = rtd_ainp; // update global property value
-                    }
-                    // argname default_argvalue symbolic enum name specified in CommandDocParamIn @Param[in]='@param[in] rtd_ainn = channel RTD low side, default=AINN_SEL_1001_AIN9'
-                    // parse argument MAX11410::MAX11410_AINN_SEL_enum_t rtd_ainn
-                    MAX11410::MAX11410_AINN_SEL_enum_t rtd_ainn = MAX11410::AINN_SEL_1001_AIN9; // --- g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_rtd_ainn_in_MAX11410_device_t__; // default to global property value
-                    if (cmdLine.parse_uint8_dec("rtd_ainn", (uint8_t&)rtd_ainn))
-                    {
-                        // g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_rtd_ainn_in_MAX11410_device_t__ = rtd_ainn; // update global property value
-                    }
-                    // print arguments
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("Measure_Thermocouple");
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" tc_ainp=%d", tc_ainp);
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" tc_ainn=%d", tc_ainn);
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" rtd_iout=%d", rtd_iout);
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" rtd_ainp=%d", rtd_ainp);
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" rtd_ainn=%d", rtd_ainn);
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" Measure_Thermocouple"); // unique suffix
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n");
-                    // call function Measure_Thermocouple(tc_ainp, tc_ainn, rtd_iout, rtd_ainp, rtd_ainn)
-                    double result = g_MAX11410_device.Measure_Thermocouple(tc_ainp, tc_ainn, rtd_iout, rtd_ainp, rtd_ainn);
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" =%f\r\n", result);
-                    return true; // command handled by MAX11410
-// CODE GENERATOR: bottom of loop: testMenuCommand="TM", testMenuFirstCharHandler="T"
-                } // end nested case 'TM'
-                break;
-// CODE GENERATOR: top of loop: testMenuCommand="V", testMenuFirstCharHandler="T"
-// CODE GENERATOR: top of loop: nested switch "T" is currently open
-// CODE GENERATOR: top of loop: need to close nested switch "T"
-            } // end nested switch (cmdLine[1]) inside case 'T'
-            break;
-        } // end case 'T'
-// CODE GENERATOR: test menu case 'V':
-// CODE GENERATOR:           helpString 'V  -- Measure_Voltage'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CMD_ 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandName 'Measure_Voltage'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandParamIn 'MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t ainp, MAX11410_AINN_SEL_enum_t ainn'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturnType 'double'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPre '@pre external connection REF2P-REF2N is a reference voltage'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPre '@pre VRef = Voltage of REF input, in Volts'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] ainp = channel high side, default=AINP_SEL_0000_AIN0'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] ainn = channel low side, default=AINN_SEL_1010_GND'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamOut ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPost '@post AINcode[ainp]: measurement result LSB code'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturn '@return ideal voltage calculated from raw LSB code and reference voltage'
-        // case 'V': // (single character) (testMenuFirstCharHandler="None")
-        case 'V':
-        {
-                    // test menu command 'V' handler:
-                    // helpString='V  -- Measure_Voltage'
-                    // CMD_='None'
-                    // CommandName='Measure_Voltage'
-                    // CommandParamIn='MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t ainp, MAX11410_AINN_SEL_enum_t ainn'
-                    // CommandReturnType='double'
-                    // @Pre='@pre external connection REF2P-REF2N is a reference voltage'
-                    // @Pre='@pre VRef = Voltage of REF input, in Volts'
-                    // @Param[in]='@param[in] ainp = channel high side, default=AINP_SEL_0000_AIN0'
-                    // @Param[in]='@param[in] ainn = channel low side, default=AINN_SEL_1010_GND'
-                    // @Param[out]=''
-                    // @Post='@post AINcode[ainp]: measurement result LSB code'
-                    // displayPost=''
-                    // @Return='@return ideal voltage calculated from raw LSB code and reference voltage'
-                    // parse argument list
-                    // argname default_argvalue symbolic enum name specified in CommandDocParamIn @Param[in]='@param[in] ainp = channel high side, default=AINP_SEL_0000_AIN0'
-                    // parse argument MAX11410::MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t ainp
-                    MAX11410::MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t ainp = MAX11410::AINP_SEL_0000_AIN0; // --- g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_ainp_in_MAX11410_device_t__; // default to global property value
-                    if (cmdLine.parse_uint8_dec("ainp", (uint8_t&)ainp))
-                    {
-                        // g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_ainp_in_MAX11410_device_t__ = ainp; // update global property value
-                    }
-                    // argname default_argvalue symbolic enum name specified in CommandDocParamIn @Param[in]='@param[in] ainn = channel low side, default=AINN_SEL_1010_GND'
-                    // parse argument MAX11410::MAX11410_AINN_SEL_enum_t ainn
-                    MAX11410::MAX11410_AINN_SEL_enum_t ainn = MAX11410::AINN_SEL_1010_GND; // --- g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_ainn_in_MAX11410_device_t__; // default to global property value
-                    if (cmdLine.parse_uint8_dec("ainn", (uint8_t&)ainn))
-                    {
-                        // g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_ainn_in_MAX11410_device_t__ = ainn; // update global property value
-                    }
-                    // print arguments
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("Measure_Voltage");
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" ainp=%d", ainp);
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" ainn=%d", ainn);
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" Measure_Voltage"); // unique suffix
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n");
-                    // call function Measure_Voltage(ainp, ainn)
-                    double result = g_MAX11410_device.Measure_Voltage(ainp, ainn);
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" =%f\r\n", result);
-                    return true; // command handled by MAX11410
-// CODE GENERATOR: bottom of loop: testMenuCommand="V", testMenuFirstCharHandler="None"
-        } // end case 'V'
-        break;
-// CODE GENERATOR: top of loop: testMenuCommand="X0", testMenuFirstCharHandler="None"
-// CODE GENERATOR: test menu case 'X0':
-// CODE GENERATOR:           helpString 'X0 -- Calibrate_Self_Offset_Gain'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CMD_ 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandName 'Calibrate_Self_Offset_Gain'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandParamIn 'void'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturnType 'uint8_t'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPre ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamOut ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPost ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturn '@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-        case 'X': // (multiple characters) (testMenuFirstCharHandler="X"):
-        {
-            switch (cmdLine[1])
-            {
-                case '0': // (nested inside case 'X')
-                {
-                    // test menu command 'X0' handler:
-                    // helpString='X0 -- Calibrate_Self_Offset_Gain'
-                    // CMD_='None'
-                    // CommandName='Calibrate_Self_Offset_Gain'
-                    // CommandParamIn='void'
-                    // CommandReturnType='uint8_t'
-                    // @Pre=''
-                    // @Param[in]=''
-                    // @Param[out]=''
-                    // @Post=''
-                    // displayPost=''
-                    // @Return='@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("Calibrate_Self_Offset_Gain");
-                    // call function Calibrate_Self_Offset_Gain
-                    uint8_t result = g_MAX11410_device.Calibrate_Self_Offset_Gain();
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" =%d", result);
-                    return true; // command handled by MAX11410
-// CODE GENERATOR: bottom of loop: testMenuCommand="X0", testMenuFirstCharHandler="X"
-                } // end nested case 'X0'
-                break;
-// CODE GENERATOR: top of loop: testMenuCommand="X1", testMenuFirstCharHandler="X"
-// CODE GENERATOR: top of loop: nested switch "X" is currently open
-// CODE GENERATOR: test menu case 'X1':
-// CODE GENERATOR:           helpString 'X1 -- Calibrate_PGA_Gain'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CMD_ 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandName 'Calibrate_PGA_Gain'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandParamIn 'void'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturnType 'uint8_t'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPre ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamOut ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPost ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturn '@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-                case '1': // (nested inside case 'X')
-                {
-                    // test menu command 'X1' handler:
-                    // helpString='X1 -- Calibrate_PGA_Gain'
-                    // CMD_='None'
-                    // CommandName='Calibrate_PGA_Gain'
-                    // CommandParamIn='void'
-                    // CommandReturnType='uint8_t'
-                    // @Pre=''
-                    // @Param[in]=''
-                    // @Param[out]=''
-                    // @Post=''
-                    // displayPost=''
-                    // @Return='@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("Calibrate_PGA_Gain");
-                    // call function Calibrate_PGA_Gain
-                    uint8_t result = g_MAX11410_device.Calibrate_PGA_Gain();
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" =%d", result);
-                    return true; // command handled by MAX11410
-// CODE GENERATOR: bottom of loop: testMenuCommand="X1", testMenuFirstCharHandler="X"
-                } // end nested case 'X1'
-                break;
-// CODE GENERATOR: top of loop: testMenuCommand="X4", testMenuFirstCharHandler="X"
-// CODE GENERATOR: top of loop: nested switch "X" is currently open
-// CODE GENERATOR: test menu case 'X4':
-// CODE GENERATOR:           helpString 'X4 -- Calibrate_System_Offset_A'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CMD_ 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandName 'Calibrate_System_Offset_A'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandParamIn 'void'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturnType 'uint8_t'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPre ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamOut ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPost ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturn '@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-                case '4': // (nested inside case 'X')
-                {
-                    // test menu command 'X4' handler:
-                    // helpString='X4 -- Calibrate_System_Offset_A'
-                    // CMD_='None'
-                    // CommandName='Calibrate_System_Offset_A'
-                    // CommandParamIn='void'
-                    // CommandReturnType='uint8_t'
-                    // @Pre=''
-                    // @Param[in]=''
-                    // @Param[out]=''
-                    // @Post=''
-                    // displayPost=''
-                    // @Return='@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("Calibrate_System_Offset_A");
-                    // call function Calibrate_System_Offset_A
-                    uint8_t result = g_MAX11410_device.Calibrate_System_Offset_A();
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" =%d", result);
-                    return true; // command handled by MAX11410
-// CODE GENERATOR: bottom of loop: testMenuCommand="X4", testMenuFirstCharHandler="X"
-                } // end nested case 'X4'
-                break;
-// CODE GENERATOR: top of loop: testMenuCommand="X5", testMenuFirstCharHandler="X"
-// CODE GENERATOR: top of loop: nested switch "X" is currently open
-// CODE GENERATOR: test menu case 'X5':
-// CODE GENERATOR:           helpString 'X5 -- Calibrate_System_Gain_A'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CMD_ 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandName 'Calibrate_System_Gain_A'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandParamIn 'void'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturnType 'uint8_t'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPre ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamOut ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPost ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturn '@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-                case '5': // (nested inside case 'X')
-                {
-                    // test menu command 'X5' handler:
-                    // helpString='X5 -- Calibrate_System_Gain_A'
-                    // CMD_='None'
-                    // CommandName='Calibrate_System_Gain_A'
-                    // CommandParamIn='void'
-                    // CommandReturnType='uint8_t'
-                    // @Pre=''
-                    // @Param[in]=''
-                    // @Param[out]=''
-                    // @Post=''
-                    // displayPost=''
-                    // @Return='@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("Calibrate_System_Gain_A");
-                    // call function Calibrate_System_Gain_A
-                    uint8_t result = g_MAX11410_device.Calibrate_System_Gain_A();
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" =%d", result);
-                    return true; // command handled by MAX11410
-// CODE GENERATOR: bottom of loop: testMenuCommand="X5", testMenuFirstCharHandler="X"
-                } // end nested case 'X5'
-                break;
-// CODE GENERATOR: top of loop: testMenuCommand="X6", testMenuFirstCharHandler="X"
-// CODE GENERATOR: top of loop: nested switch "X" is currently open
-// CODE GENERATOR: test menu case 'X6':
-// CODE GENERATOR:           helpString 'X6 -- Calibrate_System_Offset_B'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CMD_ 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandName 'Calibrate_System_Offset_B'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandParamIn 'void'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturnType 'uint8_t'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPre ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamOut ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPost ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturn '@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-                case '6': // (nested inside case 'X')
-                {
-                    // test menu command 'X6' handler:
-                    // helpString='X6 -- Calibrate_System_Offset_B'
-                    // CMD_='None'
-                    // CommandName='Calibrate_System_Offset_B'
-                    // CommandParamIn='void'
-                    // CommandReturnType='uint8_t'
-                    // @Pre=''
-                    // @Param[in]=''
-                    // @Param[out]=''
-                    // @Post=''
-                    // displayPost=''
-                    // @Return='@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("Calibrate_System_Offset_B");
-                    // call function Calibrate_System_Offset_B
-                    uint8_t result = g_MAX11410_device.Calibrate_System_Offset_B();
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" =%d", result);
-                    return true; // command handled by MAX11410
-// CODE GENERATOR: bottom of loop: testMenuCommand="X6", testMenuFirstCharHandler="X"
-                } // end nested case 'X6'
-                break;
-// CODE GENERATOR: top of loop: testMenuCommand="X7", testMenuFirstCharHandler="X"
-// CODE GENERATOR: top of loop: nested switch "X" is currently open
-// CODE GENERATOR: test menu case 'X7':
-// CODE GENERATOR:           helpString 'X7 -- Calibrate_System_Gain_B'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CMD_ 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandName 'Calibrate_System_Gain_B'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandParamIn 'void'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturnType 'uint8_t'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPre ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamOut ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPost ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturn '@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-                case '7': // (nested inside case 'X')
-                {
-                    // test menu command 'X7' handler:
-                    // helpString='X7 -- Calibrate_System_Gain_B'
-                    // CMD_='None'
-                    // CommandName='Calibrate_System_Gain_B'
-                    // CommandParamIn='void'
-                    // CommandReturnType='uint8_t'
-                    // @Pre=''
-                    // @Param[in]=''
-                    // @Param[out]=''
-                    // @Post=''
-                    // displayPost=''
-                    // @Return='@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("Calibrate_System_Gain_B");
-                    // call function Calibrate_System_Gain_B
-                    uint8_t result = g_MAX11410_device.Calibrate_System_Gain_B();
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" =%d", result);
-                    return true; // command handled by MAX11410
-// CODE GENERATOR: bottom of loop: testMenuCommand="X7", testMenuFirstCharHandler="X"
-                } // end nested case 'X7'
-                break;
-// CODE GENERATOR: top of loop: testMenuCommand="XC", testMenuFirstCharHandler="X"
-// CODE GENERATOR: top of loop: nested switch "X" is currently open
-// CODE GENERATOR: test menu case 'XC':
-// CODE GENERATOR:           helpString 'XC extclk=? u_bn=? format=? refbufp_en=? refbufn_en=? ref_sel=? -- Configure_CTRL'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CMD_ 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandName 'Configure_CTRL'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandParamIn 'uint8_t extclk, uint8_t u_bn, uint8_t format, uint8_t refbufp_en, uint8_t refbufn_en, uint8_t ref_sel'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturnType 'uint8_t'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPre ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] extclk = external clock enable, default=0'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] u_bn = unipolar input range enable, default=0'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] format = offset binary format enable, default=0'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] refbufp_en = REFP reference buffer enable, default=0'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] refbufn_en = REFN reference buffer enable, default=0'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] ref_sel = reference selection, default=MAX11410::MAX11410_REF_SEL_enum_t::REF_SEL_001_REF1P_REF1N'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamOut ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPost ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturn '@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-                case 'C': // (nested inside case 'X')
-                {
-                    // test menu command 'XC' handler:
-                    // helpString='XC extclk=? u_bn=? format=? refbufp_en=? refbufn_en=? ref_sel=? -- Configure_CTRL'
-                    // CMD_='None'
-                    // CommandName='Configure_CTRL'
-                    // CommandParamIn='uint8_t extclk, uint8_t u_bn, uint8_t format, uint8_t refbufp_en, uint8_t refbufn_en, uint8_t ref_sel'
-                    // CommandReturnType='uint8_t'
-                    // @Pre=''
-                    // @Param[in]='@param[in] extclk = external clock enable, default=0'
-                    // @Param[in]='@param[in] u_bn = unipolar input range enable, default=0'
-                    // @Param[in]='@param[in] format = offset binary format enable, default=0'
-                    // @Param[in]='@param[in] refbufp_en = REFP reference buffer enable, default=0'
-                    // @Param[in]='@param[in] refbufn_en = REFN reference buffer enable, default=0'
-                    // @Param[in]='@param[in] ref_sel = reference selection, default=MAX11410::MAX11410_REF_SEL_enum_t::REF_SEL_001_REF1P_REF1N'
-                    // @Param[out]=''
-                    // @Post=''
-                    // displayPost=''
-                    // @Return='@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-                    // parse argument list
-                    // argname default_argvalue numeric literal specified in CommandDocParamIn @Param[in]='@param[in] extclk = external clock enable, default=0'
-                    // parse argument uint8_t extclk
-                    uint8_t extclk = (uint8_t)0; // --- g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_extclk_in_MAX11410_device_t__; // default to global property value
-                    if (cmdLine.parse_uint8_dec("extclk", extclk))
-                    {
-                        // g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_extclk_in_MAX11410_device_t__ = extclk; // update global property value
-                    }
-                    // argname default_argvalue numeric literal specified in CommandDocParamIn @Param[in]='@param[in] u_bn = unipolar input range enable, default=0'
-                    // parse argument uint8_t u_bn
-                    uint8_t u_bn = (uint8_t)0; // --- g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_u_bn_in_MAX11410_device_t__; // default to global property value
-                    if (cmdLine.parse_uint8_dec("u_bn", u_bn))
-                    {
-                        // g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_u_bn_in_MAX11410_device_t__ = u_bn; // update global property value
-                    }
-                    // argname default_argvalue numeric literal specified in CommandDocParamIn @Param[in]='@param[in] format = offset binary format enable, default=0'
-                    // parse argument uint8_t format
-                    uint8_t format = (uint8_t)0; // --- g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_format_in_MAX11410_device_t__; // default to global property value
-                    if (cmdLine.parse_uint8_dec("format", format))
-                    {
-                        // g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_format_in_MAX11410_device_t__ = format; // update global property value
-                    }
-                    // argname default_argvalue numeric literal specified in CommandDocParamIn @Param[in]='@param[in] refbufp_en = REFP reference buffer enable, default=0'
-                    // parse argument uint8_t refbufp_en
-                    uint8_t refbufp_en = (uint8_t)0; // --- g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_refbufp_en_in_MAX11410_device_t__; // default to global property value
-                    if (cmdLine.parse_uint8_dec("refbufp_en", refbufp_en))
-                    {
-                        // g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_refbufp_en_in_MAX11410_device_t__ = refbufp_en; // update global property value
-                    }
-                    // argname default_argvalue numeric literal specified in CommandDocParamIn @Param[in]='@param[in] refbufn_en = REFN reference buffer enable, default=0'
-                    // parse argument uint8_t refbufn_en
-                    uint8_t refbufn_en = (uint8_t)0; // --- g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_refbufn_en_in_MAX11410_device_t__; // default to global property value
-                    if (cmdLine.parse_uint8_dec("refbufn_en", refbufn_en))
-                    {
-                        // g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_refbufn_en_in_MAX11410_device_t__ = refbufn_en; // update global property value
-                    }
-                    // argname default_argvalue symbolic name specified in CommandDocParamIn @Param[in]='@param[in] ref_sel = reference selection, default=MAX11410::MAX11410_REF_SEL_enum_t::REF_SEL_001_REF1P_REF1N'
-                    // parse argument uint8_t ref_sel
-                    uint8_t ref_sel = (uint8_t)MAX11410::REF_SEL_001_REF1P_REF1N; // --- g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_ref_sel_in_MAX11410_device_t__; // default to global property value
-                    if (cmdLine.parse_uint8_dec("ref_sel", ref_sel))
-                    {
-                        // g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_ref_sel_in_MAX11410_device_t__ = ref_sel; // update global property value
-                    }
-                    // print arguments
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("Configure_CTRL");
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" extclk=%d", extclk);
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" u_bn=%d", u_bn);
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" format=%d", format);
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" refbufp_en=%d", refbufp_en);
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" refbufn_en=%d", refbufn_en);
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" ref_sel=%d", ref_sel);
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n");
-                    // call function Configure_CTRL(extclk, u_bn, format, refbufp_en, refbufn_en, ref_sel)
-                    uint8_t result = g_MAX11410_device.Configure_CTRL(extclk, u_bn, format, refbufp_en, refbufn_en, ref_sel);
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" =%d\r\n", result);
-                    return true; // command handled by MAX11410
-// CODE GENERATOR: bottom of loop: testMenuCommand="XC", testMenuFirstCharHandler="X"
-                } // end nested case 'XC'
-                break;
-// CODE GENERATOR: top of loop: testMenuCommand="XF", testMenuFirstCharHandler="X"
-// CODE GENERATOR: top of loop: nested switch "X" is currently open
-// CODE GENERATOR: test menu case 'XF':
-// CODE GENERATOR:           helpString 'XF linef=? rate=? -- Configure_FILTER'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CMD_ 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandName 'Configure_FILTER'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandParamIn 'uint8_t linef, uint8_t rate'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturnType 'uint8_t'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPre ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] linef = filter type, default=MAX11410::MAX11410_LINEF_enum_t::LINEF_11_SINC4'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] rate = output data rate selection, default=MAX11410::MAX11410_RATE_enum_t::RATE_0100'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamOut ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPost ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturn '@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-                case 'F': // (nested inside case 'X')
-                {
-                    // test menu command 'XF' handler:
-                    // helpString='XF linef=? rate=? -- Configure_FILTER'
-                    // CMD_='None'
-                    // CommandName='Configure_FILTER'
-                    // CommandParamIn='uint8_t linef, uint8_t rate'
-                    // CommandReturnType='uint8_t'
-                    // @Pre=''
-                    // @Param[in]='@param[in] linef = filter type, default=MAX11410::MAX11410_LINEF_enum_t::LINEF_11_SINC4'
-                    // @Param[in]='@param[in] rate = output data rate selection, default=MAX11410::MAX11410_RATE_enum_t::RATE_0100'
-                    // @Param[out]=''
-                    // @Post=''
-                    // displayPost=''
-                    // @Return='@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-                    // parse argument list
-                    // argname default_argvalue symbolic name specified in CommandDocParamIn @Param[in]='@param[in] linef = filter type, default=MAX11410::MAX11410_LINEF_enum_t::LINEF_11_SINC4'
-                    // parse argument uint8_t linef
-                    uint8_t linef = (uint8_t)MAX11410::LINEF_11_SINC4; // --- g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_linef_in_MAX11410_device_t__; // default to global property value
-                    if (cmdLine.parse_uint8_dec("linef", linef))
-                    {
-                        // g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_linef_in_MAX11410_device_t__ = linef; // update global property value
-                    }
-                    // argname default_argvalue symbolic name specified in CommandDocParamIn @Param[in]='@param[in] rate = output data rate selection, default=MAX11410::MAX11410_RATE_enum_t::RATE_0100'
-                    // parse argument uint8_t rate
-                    uint8_t rate = (uint8_t)MAX11410::RATE_0100; // --- g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_rate_in_MAX11410_device_t__; // default to global property value
-                    if (cmdLine.parse_uint8_dec("rate", rate))
-                    {
-                        // g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_rate_in_MAX11410_device_t__ = rate; // update global property value
-                    }
-                    // print arguments
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("Configure_FILTER");
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" linef=%d", linef);
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" rate=%d", rate);
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n");
-                    // call function Configure_FILTER(linef, rate)
-                    uint8_t result = g_MAX11410_device.Configure_FILTER(linef, rate);
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" =%d\r\n", result);
-                    return true; // command handled by MAX11410
-// CODE GENERATOR: bottom of loop: testMenuCommand="XF", testMenuFirstCharHandler="X"
-                } // end nested case 'XF'
-                break;
-// CODE GENERATOR: top of loop: testMenuCommand="XI", testMenuFirstCharHandler="X"
-// CODE GENERATOR: top of loop: nested switch "X" is currently open
-// CODE GENERATOR: test menu case 'XI':
-// CODE GENERATOR:           helpString 'XI idac1_sel=? idac0_sel=? -- Configure_MUX_CTRL1'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CMD_ 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandName 'Configure_MUX_CTRL1'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandParamIn 'uint8_t idac1_sel, uint8_t idac0_sel'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturnType 'uint8_t'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPre ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] idac1_sel = channel high side, default=MAX11410::MAX11410_IDAC1_SEL_enum_t::IDAC1_SEL_1111_unconnected'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] idac0_sel = channel low side, default=MAX11410::MAX11410_IDAC0_SEL_enum_t::IDAC0_SEL_1111_unconnected'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamOut ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPost ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturn '@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-                case 'I': // (nested inside case 'X')
-                {
-                    // test menu command 'XI' handler:
-                    // helpString='XI idac1_sel=? idac0_sel=? -- Configure_MUX_CTRL1'
-                    // CMD_='None'
-                    // CommandName='Configure_MUX_CTRL1'
-                    // CommandParamIn='uint8_t idac1_sel, uint8_t idac0_sel'
-                    // CommandReturnType='uint8_t'
-                    // @Pre=''
-                    // @Param[in]='@param[in] idac1_sel = channel high side, default=MAX11410::MAX11410_IDAC1_SEL_enum_t::IDAC1_SEL_1111_unconnected'
-                    // @Param[in]='@param[in] idac0_sel = channel low side, default=MAX11410::MAX11410_IDAC0_SEL_enum_t::IDAC0_SEL_1111_unconnected'
-                    // @Param[out]=''
-                    // @Post=''
-                    // displayPost=''
-                    // @Return='@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-                    // parse argument list
-                    // argname default_argvalue symbolic name specified in CommandDocParamIn @Param[in]='@param[in] idac1_sel = channel high side, default=MAX11410::MAX11410_IDAC1_SEL_enum_t::IDAC1_SEL_1111_unconnected'
-                    // parse argument uint8_t idac1_sel
-                    uint8_t idac1_sel = (uint8_t)MAX11410::IDAC1_SEL_1111_unconnected; // --- g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_idac1_sel_in_MAX11410_device_t__; // default to global property value
-                    if (cmdLine.parse_uint8_dec("idac1_sel", idac1_sel))
-                    {
-                        // g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_idac1_sel_in_MAX11410_device_t__ = idac1_sel; // update global property value
-                    }
-                    // argname default_argvalue symbolic name specified in CommandDocParamIn @Param[in]='@param[in] idac0_sel = channel low side, default=MAX11410::MAX11410_IDAC0_SEL_enum_t::IDAC0_SEL_1111_unconnected'
-                    // parse argument uint8_t idac0_sel
-                    uint8_t idac0_sel = (uint8_t)MAX11410::IDAC0_SEL_1111_unconnected; // --- g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_idac0_sel_in_MAX11410_device_t__; // default to global property value
-                    if (cmdLine.parse_uint8_dec("idac0_sel", idac0_sel))
-                    {
-                        // g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_idac0_sel_in_MAX11410_device_t__ = idac0_sel; // update global property value
-                    }
-                    // print arguments
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("Configure_MUX_CTRL1");
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" idac1_sel=%d", idac1_sel);
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" idac0_sel=%d", idac0_sel);
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n");
-                    // call function Configure_MUX_CTRL1(idac1_sel, idac0_sel)
-                    uint8_t result = g_MAX11410_device.Configure_MUX_CTRL1(idac1_sel, idac0_sel);
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" =%d\r\n", result);
-                    return true; // command handled by MAX11410
-// CODE GENERATOR: bottom of loop: testMenuCommand="XI", testMenuFirstCharHandler="X"
-                } // end nested case 'XI'
-                break;
-// CODE GENERATOR: top of loop: testMenuCommand="XM", testMenuFirstCharHandler="X"
-// CODE GENERATOR: top of loop: nested switch "X" is currently open
-// CODE GENERATOR: test menu case 'XM':
-// CODE GENERATOR:           helpString 'XM ainp=? ainn=? -- Configure_MUX_CTRL0'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CMD_ 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandName 'Configure_MUX_CTRL0'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandParamIn 'uint8_t ainp, uint8_t ainn'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturnType 'uint8_t'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPre ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] ainp = channel high side, default=MAX11410::MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t::AINP_SEL_0000_AIN0'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] ainn = channel low side, default=MAX11410::MAX11410_AINN_SEL_enum_t::AINN_SEL_1010_GND'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamOut ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPost ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturn '@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-                case 'M': // (nested inside case 'X')
-                {
-                    // test menu command 'XM' handler:
-                    // helpString='XM ainp=? ainn=? -- Configure_MUX_CTRL0'
-                    // CMD_='None'
-                    // CommandName='Configure_MUX_CTRL0'
-                    // CommandParamIn='uint8_t ainp, uint8_t ainn'
-                    // CommandReturnType='uint8_t'
-                    // @Pre=''
-                    // @Param[in]='@param[in] ainp = channel high side, default=MAX11410::MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t::AINP_SEL_0000_AIN0'
-                    // @Param[in]='@param[in] ainn = channel low side, default=MAX11410::MAX11410_AINN_SEL_enum_t::AINN_SEL_1010_GND'
-                    // @Param[out]=''
-                    // @Post=''
-                    // displayPost=''
-                    // @Return='@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-                    // parse argument list
-                    // argname default_argvalue symbolic name specified in CommandDocParamIn @Param[in]='@param[in] ainp = channel high side, default=MAX11410::MAX11410_AINP_SEL_enum_t::AINP_SEL_0000_AIN0'
-                    // parse argument uint8_t ainp
-                    uint8_t ainp = (uint8_t)MAX11410::AINP_SEL_0000_AIN0; // --- g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_ainp_in_MAX11410_device_t__; // default to global property value
-                    if (cmdLine.parse_uint8_dec("ainp", ainp))
-                    {
-                        // g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_ainp_in_MAX11410_device_t__ = ainp; // update global property value
-                    }
-                    // argname default_argvalue symbolic name specified in CommandDocParamIn @Param[in]='@param[in] ainn = channel low side, default=MAX11410::MAX11410_AINN_SEL_enum_t::AINN_SEL_1010_GND'
-                    // parse argument uint8_t ainn
-                    uint8_t ainn = (uint8_t)MAX11410::AINN_SEL_1010_GND; // --- g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_ainn_in_MAX11410_device_t__; // default to global property value
-                    if (cmdLine.parse_uint8_dec("ainn", ainn))
-                    {
-                        // g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_ainn_in_MAX11410_device_t__ = ainn; // update global property value
-                    }
-                    // print arguments
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("Configure_MUX_CTRL0");
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" ainp=%d", ainp);
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" ainn=%d", ainn);
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n");
-                    // call function Configure_MUX_CTRL0(ainp, ainn)
-                    uint8_t result = g_MAX11410_device.Configure_MUX_CTRL0(ainp, ainn);
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" =%d\r\n", result);
-                    return true; // command handled by MAX11410
-// CODE GENERATOR: bottom of loop: testMenuCommand="XM", testMenuFirstCharHandler="X"
-                } // end nested case 'XM'
-                break;
-// CODE GENERATOR: top of loop: testMenuCommand="XP", testMenuFirstCharHandler="X"
-// CODE GENERATOR: top of loop: nested switch "X" is currently open
-// CODE GENERATOR: test menu case 'XP':
-// CODE GENERATOR:           helpString 'XP sigpath=? gain=? -- Configure_PGA'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CMD_ 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandName 'Configure_PGA'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandParamIn 'uint8_t sigpath, uint8_t gain'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturnType 'uint8_t'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPre ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] sigpath = signal path, default=MAX11410::MAX11410_SIG_PATH_enum_t::SIG_PATH_00_BUFFERED'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] gain = gain selection, default=MAX11410::MAX11410_GAIN_enum_t::GAIN_000_1'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamOut ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPost ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturn '@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-                case 'P': // (nested inside case 'X')
-                {
-                    // test menu command 'XP' handler:
-                    // helpString='XP sigpath=? gain=? -- Configure_PGA'
-                    // CMD_='None'
-                    // CommandName='Configure_PGA'
-                    // CommandParamIn='uint8_t sigpath, uint8_t gain'
-                    // CommandReturnType='uint8_t'
-                    // @Pre=''
-                    // @Param[in]='@param[in] sigpath = signal path, default=MAX11410::MAX11410_SIG_PATH_enum_t::SIG_PATH_00_BUFFERED'
-                    // @Param[in]='@param[in] gain = gain selection, default=MAX11410::MAX11410_GAIN_enum_t::GAIN_000_1'
-                    // @Param[out]=''
-                    // @Post=''
-                    // displayPost=''
-                    // @Return='@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-                    // parse argument list
-                    // argname default_argvalue symbolic name specified in CommandDocParamIn @Param[in]='@param[in] sigpath = signal path, default=MAX11410::MAX11410_SIG_PATH_enum_t::SIG_PATH_00_BUFFERED'
-                    // parse argument uint8_t sigpath
-                    uint8_t sigpath = (uint8_t)MAX11410::SIG_PATH_00_BUFFERED; // --- g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_sigpath_in_MAX11410_device_t__; // default to global property value
-                    if (cmdLine.parse_uint8_dec("sigpath", sigpath))
-                    {
-                        // g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_sigpath_in_MAX11410_device_t__ = sigpath; // update global property value
-                    }
-                    // argname default_argvalue symbolic name specified in CommandDocParamIn @Param[in]='@param[in] gain = gain selection, default=MAX11410::MAX11410_GAIN_enum_t::GAIN_000_1'
-                    // parse argument uint8_t gain
-                    uint8_t gain = (uint8_t)MAX11410::GAIN_000_1; // --- g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_gain_in_MAX11410_device_t__; // default to global property value
-                    if (cmdLine.parse_uint8_dec("gain", gain))
-                    {
-                        // g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_gain_in_MAX11410_device_t__ = gain; // update global property value
-                    }
-                    // print arguments
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("Configure_PGA");
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" sigpath=%d", sigpath);
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" gain=%d", gain);
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n");
-                    // call function Configure_PGA(sigpath, gain)
-                    uint8_t result = g_MAX11410_device.Configure_PGA(sigpath, gain);
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" =%d\r\n", result);
-                    return true; // command handled by MAX11410
-// CODE GENERATOR: bottom of loop: testMenuCommand="XP", testMenuFirstCharHandler="X"
-                } // end nested case 'XP'
-                break;
-// CODE GENERATOR: top of loop: testMenuCommand="XS", testMenuFirstCharHandler="X"
-// CODE GENERATOR: top of loop: nested switch "X" is currently open
-// CODE GENERATOR: test menu case 'XS':
-// CODE GENERATOR:           helpString 'XS vbias_mode=? brn_mode=? idac_mode=? -- Configure_SOURCE'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CMD_ 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandName 'Configure_SOURCE'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandParamIn 'uint8_t vbias_mode, uint8_t brn_mode, uint8_t idac_mode'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturnType 'uint8_t'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPre ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] vbias_mode = _______, default=MAX11410::MAX11410_VBIAS_MODE_enum_t::VBIAS_MODE_00_Active'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] brn_mode = _______, default=MAX11410::MAX11410_BRN_MODE_enum_t::BRN_MODE_00_disabled'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] idac_mode = _______, default=MAX11410::MAX11410_IDAC_MODE_enum_t::IDAC_MODE_0000_10uA'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamOut ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPost ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturn '@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-                case 'S': // (nested inside case 'X')
-                {
-                    // test menu command 'XS' handler:
-                    // helpString='XS vbias_mode=? brn_mode=? idac_mode=? -- Configure_SOURCE'
-                    // CMD_='None'
-                    // CommandName='Configure_SOURCE'
-                    // CommandParamIn='uint8_t vbias_mode, uint8_t brn_mode, uint8_t idac_mode'
-                    // CommandReturnType='uint8_t'
-                    // @Pre=''
-                    // @Param[in]='@param[in] vbias_mode = _______, default=MAX11410::MAX11410_VBIAS_MODE_enum_t::VBIAS_MODE_00_Active'
-                    // @Param[in]='@param[in] brn_mode = _______, default=MAX11410::MAX11410_BRN_MODE_enum_t::BRN_MODE_00_disabled'
-                    // @Param[in]='@param[in] idac_mode = _______, default=MAX11410::MAX11410_IDAC_MODE_enum_t::IDAC_MODE_0000_10uA'
-                    // @Param[out]=''
-                    // @Post=''
-                    // displayPost=''
-                    // @Return='@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-                    // parse argument list
-                    // argname default_argvalue symbolic name specified in CommandDocParamIn @Param[in]='@param[in] vbias_mode = _______, default=MAX11410::MAX11410_VBIAS_MODE_enum_t::VBIAS_MODE_00_Active'
-                    // parse argument uint8_t vbias_mode
-                    uint8_t vbias_mode = (uint8_t)MAX11410::VBIAS_MODE_00_Active; // --- g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_vbias_mode_in_MAX11410_device_t__; // default to global property value
-                    if (cmdLine.parse_uint8_dec("vbias_mode", vbias_mode))
-                    {
-                        // g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_vbias_mode_in_MAX11410_device_t__ = vbias_mode; // update global property value
-                    }
-                    // argname default_argvalue symbolic name specified in CommandDocParamIn @Param[in]='@param[in] brn_mode = _______, default=MAX11410::MAX11410_BRN_MODE_enum_t::BRN_MODE_00_disabled'
-                    // parse argument uint8_t brn_mode
-                    uint8_t brn_mode = (uint8_t)MAX11410::BRN_MODE_00_disabled; // --- g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_brn_mode_in_MAX11410_device_t__; // default to global property value
-                    if (cmdLine.parse_uint8_dec("brn_mode", brn_mode))
-                    {
-                        // g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_brn_mode_in_MAX11410_device_t__ = brn_mode; // update global property value
-                    }
-                    // argname default_argvalue symbolic name specified in CommandDocParamIn @Param[in]='@param[in] idac_mode = _______, default=MAX11410::MAX11410_IDAC_MODE_enum_t::IDAC_MODE_0000_10uA'
-                    // parse argument uint8_t idac_mode
-                    uint8_t idac_mode = (uint8_t)MAX11410::IDAC_MODE_0000_10uA; // --- g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_idac_mode_in_MAX11410_device_t__; // default to global property value
-                    if (cmdLine.parse_uint8_dec("idac_mode", idac_mode))
-                    {
-                        // g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_idac_mode_in_MAX11410_device_t__ = idac_mode; // update global property value
-                    }
-                    // print arguments
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("Configure_SOURCE");
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" vbias_mode=%d", vbias_mode);
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" brn_mode=%d", brn_mode);
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" idac_mode=%d", idac_mode);
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n");
-                    // call function Configure_SOURCE(vbias_mode, brn_mode, idac_mode)
-                    uint8_t result = g_MAX11410_device.Configure_SOURCE(vbias_mode, brn_mode, idac_mode);
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" =%d\r\n", result);
-                    return true; // command handled by MAX11410
-// CODE GENERATOR: bottom of loop: testMenuCommand="XS", testMenuFirstCharHandler="X"
-                } // end nested case 'XS'
-                break;
-// CODE GENERATOR: top of loop: testMenuCommand="XV", testMenuFirstCharHandler="X"
-// CODE GENERATOR: top of loop: nested switch "X" is currently open
-// CODE GENERATOR: test menu case 'XV':
-// CODE GENERATOR:           helpString 'XV vbias_ain7_ain0_bitmap=? -- Configure_MUX_CTRL2'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CMD_ 'None'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandName 'Configure_MUX_CTRL2'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandParamIn 'uint8_t vbias_ain7_ain0_bitmap'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturnType 'uint8_t'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPre ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamIn '@param[in] vbias_ain7_ain0_bitmap = bit map of AIN7..AIN0 enables for voltage bias, default=0'
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandDocParamOut ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandPost ''
-// CODE GENERATOR:           CommandReturn '@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-                case 'V': // (nested inside case 'X')
-                {
-                    // test menu command 'XV' handler:
-                    // helpString='XV vbias_ain7_ain0_bitmap=? -- Configure_MUX_CTRL2'
-                    // CMD_='None'
-                    // CommandName='Configure_MUX_CTRL2'
-                    // CommandParamIn='uint8_t vbias_ain7_ain0_bitmap'
-                    // CommandReturnType='uint8_t'
-                    // @Pre=''
-                    // @Param[in]='@param[in] vbias_ain7_ain0_bitmap = bit map of AIN7..AIN0 enables for voltage bias, default=0'
-                    // @Param[out]=''
-                    // @Post=''
-                    // displayPost=''
-                    // @Return='@return 1 on success; 0 on failure'
-                    // parse argument list
-                    // argname default_argvalue numeric literal specified in CommandDocParamIn @Param[in]='@param[in] vbias_ain7_ain0_bitmap = bit map of AIN7..AIN0 enables for voltage bias, default=0'
-                    // parse argument uint8_t vbias_ain7_ain0_bitmap
-                    uint8_t vbias_ain7_ain0_bitmap = (uint8_t)0; // --- g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_vbias_ain7_ain0_bitmap_in_MAX11410_device_t__; // default to global property value
-                    if (cmdLine.parse_uint8_dec("vbias_ain7_ain0_bitmap", vbias_ain7_ain0_bitmap))
-                    {
-                        // g_MAX11410_device.__WARNING_no_match_for_argname_vbias_ain7_ain0_bitmap_in_MAX11410_device_t__ = vbias_ain7_ain0_bitmap; // update global property value
-                    }
-                    // print arguments
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("Configure_MUX_CTRL2");
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" vbias_ain7_ain0_bitmap=%d", vbias_ain7_ain0_bitmap);
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n");
-                    // call function Configure_MUX_CTRL2(vbias_ain7_ain0_bitmap)
-                    uint8_t result = g_MAX11410_device.Configure_MUX_CTRL2(vbias_ain7_ain0_bitmap);
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" =%d\r\n", result);
-                    return true; // command handled by MAX11410
-// CODE GENERATOR: bottom of loop: testMenuCommand="XV", testMenuFirstCharHandler="X"
-                } // end nested case 'XV'
-                break;
-            } // end nested switch (cmdLine[1]) inside case 'X'
-            break;
-        } // end case 'X'
-        // has_register_write_command: case '0'..'9','A'..'F','a'..'f' letters are reserved for bitstream commands
-        case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
-        case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
-        case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f':
-        case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'E': case 'F':
-        {
-            // hexadecimal codes get parsed as bytecodes
-            //
-            // parse_byteCount_byteList_dec() assumes all keyword args have already been removed from the buffer
-                    // parse cmdLine byte list --> int byteCount; int mosiData[MAX_SPI_BYTE_COUNT];
-                    #define MAX_SPI_BYTE_COUNT 32
-                    size_t byteCount = byteCount;
-                    static char mosiData[MAX_SPI_BYTE_COUNT];
-                    static char misoData[MAX_SPI_BYTE_COUNT];
-                    if (cmdLine.parse_byteCount_byteList_hex(byteCount, mosiData,
-                                                             MAX_SPI_BYTE_COUNT))
-                    {
-                        // if length is 1 byte then operation is RegRead, otherwise RegWrite
-                        // register_read_function 'RegRead'
-                        // register_write_function 'RegWrite'
-                        // register_name_function 'RegName'
-                        // register_size_function 'RegSize'
-                        MAX11410::MAX11410_CMD_enum_t regAddress = (MAX11410::MAX11410_CMD_enum_t)((mosiData[0] &~ MAX11410::CMD_1aaa_aaaa_REGISTER_READ) & 0xFF);
-                        cmdLine.serial().printf(" regAddress=0x%2.2x\r\n", (regAddress & 0xFF));
-                        cmdLine.serial().printf(" RegName=%s\r\n", g_MAX11410_device.RegName(regAddress));
-                        uint32_t regData = 0;
-                        int regSize = g_MAX11410_device.RegSize(regAddress);
-                        cmdLine.serial().printf(" RegSize=%d\r\n", regSize);
-                        switch(regSize)
-                        {
-                        case 8:
-                            regData = ((uint32_t)mosiData[1] & 0xFF);
-                            break;
-                        case 16:
-                            regData = (((uint32_t)mosiData[1] & 0xFF) << 8) + ((uint32_t)mosiData[2] & 0xFF);
-                            break;
-                        case 24:
-                            regData = (((uint32_t)mosiData[1] & 0xFF) << 16) + (((uint32_t)mosiData[2] & 0xFF) << 8) + ((uint32_t)mosiData[3] & 0xFF);
-                            break;
-                        }
-                        if ((byteCount == 1) || (regAddress & MAX11410::CMD_1aaa_aaaa_REGISTER_READ))
-                        {
-                            cmdLine.serial().printf(" RegRead");
-                            g_MAX11410_device.RegRead(regAddress, &regData);
-                            cmdLine.serial().printf("regData=0x%6.6x\r\n", (regData & 0x00FFFFFF));
-                        }
-                        else
-                        {
-                            cmdLine.serial().printf(" RegWrite regData=0x%6.6X\r\n", (regData & 0x00FFFFFF));
-                            g_MAX11410_device.RegWrite(regAddress, regData);
-                        }
-                        // is there support function shadow regValue of regAddr?
-                    }
-                    return true; // command handled by MAX11410
-            //
-        } // end case '0'..'9','A'..'F','a'..'f'
-        break;
-    } // end switch (cmdLine[0])
-    return false; // command not handled by MAX11410
-} // end bool MAX11410_menu_onEOLcommandParser(CmdLine & cmdLine)
-// CODE GENERATOR: class declaration statement close
--- a/main.cpp	Wed Jan 22 07:57:46 2020 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,6829 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2019 Maxim Integrated Products, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
- * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
- * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
- * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
- * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
- * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- *
- * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
- * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- *
- *
- * Except as contained in this notice, the name of Maxim Integrated
- * Products, Inc. shall not be used except as stated in the Maxim Integrated
- * Products, Inc. Branding Policy.
- *
- * The mere transfer of this software does not imply any licenses
- * of trade secrets, proprietary technology, copyrights, patents,
- * trademarks, maskwork rights, or any other form of intellectual
- * property whatsoever. Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. retains all
- * ownership rights.
- *******************************************************************************
- */
-// Test fixture and application menu for breakout boards:
-//   - MAX5715BOB
-//   - MAX11131BOB
-//   - MAX5171BOB
-// Platforms:
-//   - MAX32625MBED
-//      - supports mbed-os-5.11, requires USBDevice library
-//      - remove max32630fthr library (if present)
-//      - remove MAX32620FTHR library (if present)
-//   - MAX32600MBED
-//      - remove max32630fthr library (if present)
-//      - remove MAX32620FTHR library (if present)
-//   - NUCLEO_F446RE
-//      - remove USBDevice library
-//      - remove max32630fthr library (if present)
-//      - remove MAX32620FTHR library (if present)
-//   - NUCLEO_F401RE
-//      - remove USBDevice library
-//      - remove max32630fthr library (if present)
-//      - remove MAX32620FTHR library (if present)
-//   - MAX32630FTHR
-//      - add http://os.mbed.org/teams/MaximIntegrated/code/max32630fthr/
-//      - remove MAX32620FTHR library (if present)
-//   - MAX32620FTHR
-//      - remove max32630fthr library (if present)
-//      - add https://os.mbed.com/teams/MaximIntegrated/code/MAX32620FTHR/
-//      - not tested yet
-//   - MAX32625PICO
-//      - remove max32630fthr library (if present)
-//      - remove MAX32620FTHR library (if present)
-//      - not tested yet
-#include "mbed.h"
-// mbed shared event queue run onTimerTick() in Thread context not Interrupt context
-#include "mbed_events.h"
-#if defined(TARGET)
-// TARGET_NAME macros from targets/TARGET_Maxim/TARGET_MAX32625/device/mxc_device.h
-// Create a string definition for the TARGET
-#define STRING_ARG(arg) #arg
-#define STRING_NAME(name) STRING_ARG(name)
-#elif defined(TARGET_MAX32600)
-#define TARGET_NAME "MAX32600"
-#elif defined(TARGET_LPC1768)
-#define TARGET_NAME "LPC1768"
-#elif defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F446RE)
-#elif defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F401RE)
-#if defined(TARGET_MAX32630)
-// TARGET=MAX32630FTHR ARM Cortex-M4F 96MHz 2048kB Flash 512kB SRAM
-//             +-------------[microUSB]-------------+
-//             | J1         MAX32630FTHR        J2  |
-//      ______ | [ ] RST                    GND [ ] |
-//      ______ | [ ] 3V3                    BAT+[ ] |
-//      ______ | [ ] 1V8                  reset SW1 |
-//      ______ | [ ] GND       J4               J3  |
-// analogIn0/4 | [a] AIN_0 1.2Vfs     (bat) SYS [ ] | switched BAT+
-// analogIn1/5 | [a] AIN_1 1.2Vfs           PWR [ ] | external pwr btn
-// analogIn2   | [a] AIN_2 1.2Vfs      +5V VBUS [ ] | USB +5V power
-// analogIn3   | [a] AIN_3 1.2Vfs   1-WIRE P4_0 [d] | D0 dig9
-//  (I2C2.SDA) | [d] P5_7  SDA2        SRN P5_6 [d] | D1 dig8
-//  (I2C2.SCL) | [d] P6_0  SCL2      SDIO3 P5_5 [d] | D2 dig7
-//    D13/SCLK | [s] P5_0  SCLK      SDIO2 P5_4 [d] | D3 dig6
-//    D11/MOSI | [s] P5_1  MOSI       SSEL P5_3 [d] | D4 dig5
-//    D12/MISO | [s] P5_2  MISO        RTS P3_3 [d] | D5 dig4
-//    D10/CS   | [s] P3_0  RX          CTS P3_2 [d] | D6 dig3
-//    D9  dig0 | [d] P3_1  TX          SCL P3_5 [d] | D7 dig2
-//      ______ | [ ] GND               SDA P3_4 [d] | D8 dig1
-//             |                                    |
-//             | XIP Flash      MAX14690N           |
-//             | XIP_SCLK P1_0  SDA2 P5_7           |
-//             | XIP_MOSI P1_1  SCL2 P6_0           |
-//             | XIP_MISO P1_2  PMIC_INIT P3_7      |
-//             | XIP_SSEL P1_3  MPC P2_7            |
-//             | XIP_DIO2 P1_4  MON AIN_0           |
-//             | XIP_DIO3 P1_5                      |
-//             |                                    |
-//             | PAN1326B     MicroSD        LED    |
-//             | BT_RX  P0_0  SD_SCLK P0_4   r P2_4 |
-//             | BT_TX  P0_1  SD_MOSI P0_5   g P2_5 |
-//             | BT_CTS P0_2  SD_MISO P0_6   b P2_6 |
-//             | BT_RTS P0_3  SD_SSEL P0_7          |
-//             | BT_RST P1_6  DETECT  P2_2          |
-//             | BT_CLK P1_7               SW2 P2_3 |
-//             +------------------------------------+
-// MAX32630FTHR board has MAX14690 PMIC on I2C bus (P5_7 SDA, P6_0 SCL) at slave address 0101_000r 0x50 (or 0x28 for 7 MSbit address).
-// MAX32630FTHR board has BMI160 accelerometer on I2C bus (P5_7 SDA, P6_0 SCL) at slave address 1101_000r 0xD0 (or 0x68 for 7 MSbit address).
-// AIN_0 = AIN0 pin       fullscale is 1.2V
-// AIN_1 = AIN1 pin       fullscale is 1.2V
-// AIN_2 = AIN2 pin       fullscale is 1.2V
-// AIN_3 = AIN3 pin       fullscale is 1.2V
-// AIN_4 = AIN0 / 5.0     fullscale is 6.0V
-// AIN_5 = AIN1 / 5.0     fullscale is 6.0V
-// AIN_6 = VDDB / 4.0     fullscale is 4.8V
-// AIN_7 = VDD18          fullscale is 1.2V
-// AIN_8 = VDD12          fullscale is 1.2V
-// AIN_9 = VRTC / 2.0     fullscale is 2.4V
-// AIN_10 = x undefined?
-// AIN_11 = VDDIO / 4.0   fullscale is 4.8V
-// AIN_12 = VDDIOH / 4.0  fullscale is 4.8V
-    #include "max32630fthr.h"
-MAX32630FTHR pegasus(MAX32630FTHR::VIO_3V3);
-#define analogIn4_IS_HIGH_RANGE_OF_analogIn0 1
-// MAX32630FTHR board supports only internal VREF = 1.200V at bypass capacitor C15
-const float ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE = 1.200;
-// Arduino connector
-#ifndef A0
-#define A0 AIN_0
-#ifndef A1
-#define A1 AIN_1
-#ifndef A2
-#define A2 AIN_2
-#ifndef A3
-#define A3 AIN_3
-#ifndef D0
-#define D0 P4_0
-#ifndef D1
-#define D1 P5_6
-#ifndef D2
-#define D2 P5_5
-#ifndef D3
-#define D3 P5_4
-#ifndef D4
-#define D4 P5_3
-#ifndef D5
-#define D5 P3_3
-#ifndef D6
-#define D6 P3_2
-#ifndef D7
-#define D7 P3_5
-#ifndef D8
-#define D8 P3_4
-#ifndef D9
-#define D9 P3_1
-#ifndef D10
-#define D10 P3_0
-#ifndef D11
-#define D11 P5_1
-#ifndef D12
-#define D12 P5_2
-#ifndef D13
-#define D13 P5_0
-#elif defined(TARGET_MAX32625MBED)
-// TARGET=MAX32625MBED ARM Cortex-M4F 96MHz 512kB Flash 160kB SRAM
-//             +-------------------------------------+
-//             |   MAX32625MBED Arduino UNO header   |
-//             |                                     |
-//             |                           A5/SCL[ ] |   P1_7 dig15
-//             |                           A4/SDA[ ] |   P1_6 dig14
-//             |                         AREF=N/C[ ] |
-//             |                              GND[ ] |
-//             | [ ]N/C                    SCK/13[ ] |   P1_0 dig13
-//             | [ ]IOREF=3V3             MISO/12[ ] |   P1_2 dig12
-//             | [ ]RST                   MOSI/11[ ]~|   P1_1 dig11
-//             | [ ]3V3                     CS/10[ ]~|   P1_3 dig10
-//             | [ ]5V0                         9[ ]~|   P1_5 dig9
-//             | [ ]GND                         8[ ] |   P1_4 dig8
-//             | [ ]GND                              |
-//             | [ ]Vin                         7[ ] |   P0_7 dig7
-//             |                                6[ ]~|   P0_6 dig6
-//       AIN_0 | [ ]A0                          5[ ]~|   P0_5 dig5
-//       AIN_1 | [ ]A1                          4[ ] |   P0_4 dig4
-//       AIN_2 | [ ]A2                     INT1/3[ ]~|   P0_3 dig3
-//       AIN_3 | [ ]A3                     INT0/2[ ] |   P0_2 dig2
-// dig16  P3_4 | [ ]A4/SDA  RST SCK MISO     TX>1[ ] |   P0_1 dig1
-// dig17  P3_5 | [ ]A5/SCL  [ ] [ ] [ ]      RX<0[ ] |   P0_0 dig0
-//             |            [ ] [ ] [ ]              |
-//             |  UNO_R3    GND MOSI 5V  ____________/
-//              \_______________________/
-//             +------------------------+
-//             |                        |
-//             |  MicroSD        LED    |
-//             |  SD_SCLK P2_4   r P3_0 |
-//             |  SD_MOSI P2_5   g P3_1 |
-//             |  SD_MISO P2_6   b P3_2 |
-//             |  SD_SSEL P2_7   y P3_3 |
-//             |                        |
-//             |  DAPLINK      BUTTONS  |
-//             |  TX P2_1      SW3 P2_3 |
-//             |  RX P2_0      SW2 P2_2 |
-//             +------------------------+
-// AIN_0 = AIN0 pin       fullscale is 1.2V
-// AIN_1 = AIN1 pin       fullscale is 1.2V
-// AIN_2 = AIN2 pin       fullscale is 1.2V
-// AIN_3 = AIN3 pin       fullscale is 1.2V
-// AIN_4 = AIN0 / 5.0     fullscale is 6.0V
-// AIN_5 = AIN1 / 5.0     fullscale is 6.0V
-// AIN_6 = VDDB / 4.0     fullscale is 4.8V
-// AIN_7 = VDD18          fullscale is 1.2V
-// AIN_8 = VDD12          fullscale is 1.2V
-// AIN_9 = VRTC / 2.0     fullscale is 2.4V
-// AIN_10 = x undefined?
-// AIN_11 = VDDIO / 4.0   fullscale is 4.8V
-// AIN_12 = VDDIOH / 4.0  fullscale is 4.8V
-//#include "max32625mbed.h" // ?
-//MAX32625MBED mbed(MAX32625MBED::VIO_3V3); // ?
-#define analogIn4_IS_HIGH_RANGE_OF_analogIn0 1
-// MAX32630FTHR board supports only internal VREF = 1.200V at bypass capacitor C15
-const float ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE = 1.200;     // TODO: ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE Pico?
-// Arduino connector
-#ifndef A0
-#define A0 AIN_0
-#ifndef A1
-#define A1 AIN_1
-#ifndef A2
-#define A2 AIN_2
-#ifndef A3
-#define A3 AIN_3
-#ifndef D0
-#define D0 P0_0
-#ifndef D1
-#define D1 P0_1
-#ifndef D2
-#define D2 P0_2
-#ifndef D3
-#define D3 P0_3
-#ifndef D4
-#define D4 P0_4
-#ifndef D5
-#define D5 P0_5
-#ifndef D6
-#define D6 P0_6
-#ifndef D7
-#define D7 P0_7
-#ifndef D8
-#define D8 P1_4
-#ifndef D9
-#define D9 P1_5
-#ifndef D10
-#define D10 P1_3
-#ifndef D11
-#define D11 P1_1
-#ifndef D12
-#define D12 P1_2
-#ifndef D13
-#define D13 P1_0
-#elif defined(TARGET_MAX32600)
-// target MAX32600
-#define analogIn4_IS_HIGH_RANGE_OF_analogIn0 0
-const float ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE = 1.500;
-#elif defined(TARGET_MAX32620FTHR)
-#warning "TARGET_MAX32620FTHR not previously tested; need to define pins..."
-#include "MAX32620FTHR.h"
-// Initialize I/O voltages on MAX32620FTHR board
-MAX32620FTHR fthr(MAX32620FTHR::VIO_3V3);
-//#define USE_LEDS 0 ?
-#define analogIn4_IS_HIGH_RANGE_OF_analogIn0 1
-#warning "TARGET_MAX32620FTHR not previously tested; need to verify ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE..."
-const float ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE = 1.200;
-#elif defined(TARGET_MAX32625PICO)
-#warning "TARGET_MAX32625PICO not previously tested; need to define pins..."
-//#define USE_LEDS 0 ?
-#define analogIn4_IS_HIGH_RANGE_OF_analogIn0 1
-#warning "TARGET_MAX32625PICO not previously tested; need to verify ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE..."
-const float ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE = 1.200;
-#elif defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F446RE) || defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F401RE)
-// TODO1: target NUCLEO_F446RE
-// LED1 is shared with SPI_SCK on NUCLEO_F446RE PA_5, so don't use LED1.
-#define USE_LEDS 0
-// Serial serial(SERIAL_TX, SERIAL_RX);
-#define analogIn4_IS_HIGH_RANGE_OF_analogIn0 0
-const float ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE = 3.300;     // TODO: ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE Pico?
-#elif defined(TARGET_LPC1768)
-// TARGET=LPC1768 ARM Cortex-M3 100 MHz 512kB flash 64kB SRAM
-//               +-------------[microUSB]-------------+
-//        ______ | [ ] GND             +3.3V VOUT [ ] | ______
-//        ______ | [ ] 4.5V<VIN<9.0V   +5.0V VU   [ ] | ______
-//        ______ | [ ] VB                 USB.IF- [ ] | ______
-//        ______ | [ ] nR                 USB.IF+ [ ] | ______
-// digitalInOut0 | [ ] p5 MOSI       ETHERNET.RD- [ ] | ______
-// digitalInOut1 | [ ] p6 MISO       ETHERNET.RD+ [ ] | ______
-// digitalInOut2 | [ ] p7 SCLK       ETHERNET.TD- [ ] | ______
-// digitalInOut3 | [ ] p8            ETHERNET.TD+ [ ] | ______
-// digitalInOut4 | [ ] p9  TX SDA          USB.D- [ ] | ______
-// digitalInOut5 | [ ] p10 RX SCL          USB.D+ [ ] | ______
-// digitalInOut6 | [ ] p11    MOSI     CAN-RD p30 [ ] | digitalInOut13
-// digitalInOut7 | [ ] p12    MISO     CAN-TD p29 [ ] | digitalInOut12
-// digitalInOut8 | [ ] p13 TX SCLK     SDA TX p28 [ ] | digitalInOut11
-// digitalInOut9 | [ ] p14 RX          SCL RX p27 [ ] | digitalInOut10
-//     analogIn0 | [ ] p15 AIN0 3.3Vfs   PWM1 p26 [ ] | pwmDriver1
-//     analogIn1 | [ ] p16 AIN1 3.3Vfs   PWM2 p25 [ ] | pwmDriver2
-//     analogIn2 | [ ] p17 AIN2 3.3Vfs   PWM3 p24 [ ] | pwmDriver3
-//     analogIn3 | [ ] p18 AIN3 AOUT     PWM4 p23 [ ] | pwmDriver4
-//     analogIn4 | [ ] p19 AIN4 3.3Vfs   PWM5 p22 [ ] | pwmDriver5
-//     analogIn5 | [ ] p20 AIN5 3.3Vfs   PWM6 p21 [ ] | pwmDriver6
-//               +------------------------------------+
-// AIN6 = P0.3 = TGT_SBL_RXD?
-// AIN7 = P0.2 = TGT_SBL_TXD?
-// LPC1768 board uses VREF = 3.300V +A3,3V thru L1 to bypass capacitor C14
-#define analogIn4_IS_HIGH_RANGE_OF_analogIn0 0
-const float ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE = 3.300;
-#else // not defined(TARGET_LPC1768 etc.)
-// unknown target
-#endif // target definition
-// alphanumeric command codes A-Z,a-z,0-9 reserved for application use
-#ifndef APPLICATION_ArduinoPinsMonitor
-#define APPLICATION_ArduinoPinsMonitor 1
-#endif // APPLICATION_ArduinoPinsMonitor
-// Support MAX5715BOB Breakout Board
-#ifndef APPLICATION_MAX5715
-#define APPLICATION_MAX5715 0
-#endif // APPLICATION_MAX5715
-#if APPLICATION_MAX5715 // header file
-#include "MAX5715.h"
-// suppress the I2C diagnostics, not relevant to this chip
-#define HAS_I2C 0
-#endif // APPLICATION_MAX5715
-// Support MAX11131BOB Breakout Board
-#ifndef APPLICATION_MAX11131
-#define APPLICATION_MAX11131 0
-#endif // APPLICATION_MAX11131
-#if APPLICATION_MAX11131 // header file
-#include "MAX11131.h"
-// suppress the I2C diagnostics, not relevant to this chip
-#define HAS_I2C 0
-#endif // APPLICATION_MAX11131
-// Support MAX5171BOB Breakout Board
-#ifndef APPLICATION_MAX5171
-#define APPLICATION_MAX5171 0
-#endif // APPLICATION_MAX5171
-#if APPLICATION_MAX5171 // header file
-#include "MAX5171.h"
-// suppress the I2C diagnostics, not relevant to this chip
-#define HAS_I2C 0
-#endif // APPLICATION_MAX5171
-// Support MAX11410BOB Breakout Board (placeholder)
-#ifndef APPLICATION_MAX11410
-#define APPLICATION_MAX11410 1
-#endif // APPLICATION_MAX11410
-#if APPLICATION_MAX11410 // header file
-#include "MAX11410.h"
-#define HAS_I2C 0
-// Optional Diagnostic function to print SPI transactions
-#ifndef MAX11410_ONSPIPRINT
-#define MAX11410_ONSPIPRINT 1
-#endif // APPLICATION_MAX11410
-// Support MAX12345BOB Breakout Board (placeholder)
-#ifndef APPLICATION_MAX12345
-#define APPLICATION_MAX12345 0
-#endif // APPLICATION_MAX12345
-#if APPLICATION_MAX12345 // header file
-#include "MAX12345.h"
-#define HAS_I2C 0
-#endif // APPLICATION_MAX12345
-#include "MAX541.h"
-#include "MaximTinyTester.h"
-// Option to dedicate SPI port pins
-//    SPI2_MOSI  = P5_1
-//    SPI2_MISO  = P5_2
-//    SPI2_SCK   = P5_0
-//    On this board I'm using P3_0 as spi_cs
-//    SPI2_SS    = P5_3
-//    SPI2_SDIO2 = P5_4
-//    SPI2_SDIO3 = P5_5
-//    SPI2_SRN   = P5_6
-#ifndef HAS_SPI
-#define HAS_SPI 1
-#if HAS_SPI
-#define SPI_MODE0 0
-#define SPI_MODE1 1
-#define SPI_MODE2 2
-#define SPI_MODE3 3
-// Define application-specific default SPI_SCLK_Hz and SPI_dataMode
-#if APPLICATION_MAX5715 // SPI interface default settings
-//#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 48000000 // 48MHz
-//#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 24000000 // 24MHz
-#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 12000000 // 12MHz
-//#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 4000000 // 4MHz
-//#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 2000000 // 2MHz
-//#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 1000000 // 1MHz
-#define SPI_dataMode SPI_MODE2 // CPOL=1,CPHA=0: Falling Edge stable; SCLK idle High
-#elif APPLICATION_MAX11131 // SPI interface default settings
-//#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 48000000 // 48MHz
-//#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 24000000 // 24MHz
-#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 12000000 // 12MHz
-//#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 4000000 // 4MHz
-//#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 2000000 // 2MHz
-//#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 1000000 // 1MHz
-#define SPI_dataMode SPI_MODE3 // CPOL=1,CPHA=1: Rising Edge stable; SCLK idle High
-#elif APPLICATION_MAX5171 // SPI interface default settings
-//#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 48000000 // 48MHz
-//#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 24000000 // 24MHz
-#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 12000000 // 12MHz
-//#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 4000000 // 4MHz
-//#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 2000000 // 2MHz
-//#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 1000000 // 1MHz
-#define SPI_dataMode SPI_MODE3 // CPOL=1,CPHA=1: Rising Edge stable; SCLK idle High
-#elif APPLICATION_MAX11410 // SPI interface default settings
-//#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 48000000 // 48MHz
-//#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 24000000 // 24MHz
-//#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 12000000 // 12MHz
-#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 8000000 // 8MHz
-//#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 4000000 // 4MHz
-//#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 2000000 // 2MHz
-//#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 1000000 // 1MHz
-#define SPI_dataMode SPI_MODE0 // CPOL=0,CPHA=0: Falling Edge stable; SCLK idle Low
-#elif APPLICATION_MAX12345 // SPI interface default settings
-//#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 48000000 // 48MHz
-//#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 24000000 // 24MHz
-#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 12000000 // 12MHz
-//#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 4000000 // 4MHz
-//#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 2000000 // 2MHz
-//#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 1000000 // 1MHz
-#define SPI_dataMode SPI_MODE3 // CPOL=1,CPHA=1: Rising Edge stable; SCLK idle High
-#else // APPLICATION_ArduinoPinsMonitor diagnostic
-//#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 48000000 // 48MHz
-//#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 4000000 // 4MHz
-//#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 2000000 // 2MHz
-#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 1000000 // 1MHz
-//#define SPI_dataMode SPI_MODE0 // CPOL=0,CPHA=0: Rising Edge stable; SCLK idle Low
-//#define SPI_dataMode SPI_MODE1 // CPOL=0,CPHA=1: Falling Edge stable; SCLK idle Low
-//#define SPI_dataMode SPI_MODE2 // CPOL=1,CPHA=0: Falling Edge stable; SCLK idle High
-#define SPI_dataMode SPI_MODE3 // CPOL=1,CPHA=1: Rising Edge stable; SCLK idle High
-#if defined(TARGET_MAX32630)
-  // Before setting global variables g_SPI_SCLK_Hz and g_SPI_dataMode,
-  // workaround for TARGET_MAX32630 SPI_MODE2 SPI_MODE3 problem (issue #30)
-#warning "MAX32630 SPI workaround..."
-  // replace SPI_MODE2 (CPOL=1,CPHA=0) with SPI_MODE1 (CPOL=0,CPHA=1) Falling Edge stable
-  // replace SPI_MODE3 (CPOL=1,CPHA=1) with SPI_MODE0 (CPOL=0,CPHA=0) Rising Edge stable
-# if ((SPI_dataMode) == (SPI_MODE2))
-#warning "MAX32630 SPI_MODE2 workaround, changing SPI_dataMode to SPI_MODE1..."
-  // SPI_dataMode SPI_MODE2 // CPOL=1,CPHA=0: Falling Edge stable; SCLK idle High
-#  undef SPI_dataMode
-#  define SPI_dataMode SPI_MODE1 // CPOL=0,CPHA=1: Falling Edge stable; SCLK idle Low
-# elif ((SPI_dataMode) == (SPI_MODE3))
-#warning "MAX32630 SPI_MODE3 workaround, changing SPI_dataMode to SPI_MODE0..."
-  // SPI_dataMode SPI_MODE3 // CPOL=1,CPHA=1: Rising Edge stable; SCLK idle High
-#  undef SPI_dataMode
-#  define SPI_dataMode SPI_MODE0 // CPOL=0,CPHA=0: Rising Edge stable; SCLK idle Low
-# endif // workaround for TARGET_MAX32630 SPI_MODE2 SPI_MODE3 problem
-  // workaround for TARGET_MAX32630 SPI_MODE2 SPI_MODE3 problem (issue #30)
-  // limit SPI SCLK speed to 6MHz or less
-# if ((SPI_SCLK_Hz) > (6000000))
-#warning "MAX32630 SPI speed workaround, changing SPI_SCLK_Hz to 6000000 or 6MHz..."
-#  undef SPI_SCLK_Hz
-#  define SPI_SCLK_Hz 6000000 // 6MHz
-# endif
-uint32_t g_SPI_SCLK_Hz = SPI_SCLK_Hz;
-// TODO1: validate g_SPI_SCLK_Hz against system clock frequency SystemCoreClock F_CPU
-#if defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F446RE) || defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F401RE)
-// Nucleo SPI frequency isn't working quite as expected...
-// Looks like STMF4 has an spi clock prescaler (2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256)
-// so 180MHz->[90.0, 45.0, 22.5, 11.25, 5.625, 2.8125, 1.40625, 0.703125]
-// %SC SCLK=1MHz sets spi frequency 703.125kHz
-// %SC SCLK=2MHz sets spi frequency 1.40625MHz
-// %SC SCLK=3MHz sets spi frequency 2.8125MHz
-// %SC SCLK=6MHz sets spi frequency 5.625MHz
-// %SC SCLK=12MHz sets spi frequency 11.25MHz
-// %SC SCLK=23MHz sets spi frequency 22.5MHz
-// %SC SCLK=45MHz sets spi frequency 45.0MHz
-// Don't know why I can't reach spi frequency 90.0MHz, but ok whatever.
-const uint32_t limit_min_SPI_SCLK_divisor = 2;
-const uint32_t limit_max_SPI_SCLK_divisor = 256;
-// not really a divisor, just a powers-of-two prescaler with no intermediate divisors.
-const uint32_t limit_min_SPI_SCLK_divisor = 2;
-const uint32_t limit_max_SPI_SCLK_divisor = 8191;
-const uint32_t limit_max_SPI_SCLK_Hz = (SystemCoreClock / limit_min_SPI_SCLK_divisor); // F_CPU / 2; // 8MHz / 2 = 4MHz
-const uint32_t limit_min_SPI_SCLK_Hz = (SystemCoreClock / limit_max_SPI_SCLK_divisor); // F_CPU / 128; // 8MHz / 128 = 62.5kHz
-uint8_t g_SPI_dataMode = SPI_dataMode;
-uint8_t g_SPI_cs_state = 1;
-#if defined(TARGET_MAX32630)
-// TODO1: avoid resource conflict between P5_0, P5_1, P5_2 SPI and DigitalInOut
-// void spi_init(spi_t *obj, PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, PinName ssel)
-//SPI spi0(SPI0_MOSI, SPI0_MISO, SPI0_SCK); // mosi, miso, sclk spi0 MAX32630FTHR: P0_5 P0_6 P0_4 ok but this is the microSD card, can't contact pins
-//SPI spi1(SPI1_MOSI, SPI1_MISO, SPI1_SCK); // mosi, miso, sclk spi1 MAX32630FTHR: P1_1 P1_2 P1_0 ok but this is the xip flash, can't contact pins
-//SPI spi2(SPI2_MOSI, SPI2_MISO, SPI2_SCK); // mosi, miso, sclk spi2 MAX32630FTHR: P5_1, P5_2, P5_0
-SPI spi(SPI2_MOSI, SPI2_MISO, SPI2_SCK); // mosi, miso, sclk spi2 MAX32630FTHR: P5_1, P5_2, P5_0
-DigitalOut spi_cs(P3_0);
-#elif defined(TARGET_MAX32625MBED)
-// TODO1: avoid resource conflict between P5_0, P5_1, P5_2 SPI and DigitalInOut
-// void spi_init(spi_t *obj, PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, PinName ssel)
-//SPI spi(SPI0_MOSI, SPI0_MISO, SPI0_SCK); // mosi, miso, sclk spi0 TARGET_MAX32635MBED: P0_5 P0_6 P0_4 Arduino 8-pin header D5 D6 D7
-//DigitalOut spi_cs(SPI0_SS); // TARGET_MAX32635MBED: P0_7 Arduino 8-pin header D4
-SPI spi(SPI1_MOSI, SPI1_MISO, SPI1_SCK); // mosi, miso, sclk spi1 TARGET_MAX32635MBED: P1_1 P1_2 P1_0 Arduino 10-pin header D11 D12 D13
-DigitalOut spi_cs(SPI1_SS); // TARGET_MAX32635MBED: P1_3 Arduino 10-pin header D10
-SPI spi2_max541(SPI2_MOSI, SPI2_MISO, SPI2_SCK); // mosi, miso, sclk spi2 TARGET_MAX32635MBED: P2_5 P2_6 P2_4 Arduino 2x3-pin header; microSD
-DigitalOut spi2_max541_cs(SPI2_SS); // TARGET_MAX32635MBED: P2_7 Arduino 2x3-pin header
-#define HAS_SPI2_MAX541 1
-#elif defined(TARGET_MAX32620FTHR)
-#warning "TARGET_MAX32620FTHR not previously tested; need to define SPI pins..."
-// SPI0 P0_ PMOD Port 0 Back access
-//SPI spi0(SPI0_MOSI, SPI0_MISO, SPI0_SCK); // mosi, miso, sclk spi1 TARGET_MAX32620FTHR: PMOD Port 0 Back access
-//DigitalOut spi_cs0(SPI0_SS); // TARGET_MAX32620FTHR: PMOD Port 0 Back access
-// SPI1 P1_ PMOD Port 1 Top Access
-SPI spi(SPI1_MOSI, SPI1_MISO, SPI1_SCK); // mosi, miso, sclk spi1 TARGET_MAX32620FTHR: PMOD Port 1 Top Access
-DigitalOut spi_cs(SPI1_SS); // TARGET_MAX32620FTHR: PMOD Port 1 Top Access
-// SPI2 P5_ Feather J1.11,12,13
-//SPI spi2(SPI2_MOSI, SPI2_MISO, SPI2_SCK); // mosi, miso, sclk spi1 TARGET_MAX32620FTHR: Feather J1.11,12,13
-//DigitalOut spi_cs2(SPI2_SS); // TARGET_MAX32620FTHR: Feather J1.11,12,13
-#elif defined(TARGET_MAX32625PICO)
-#warning "TARGET_MAX32625PICO not previously tested; need to define SPI pins..."
-// Note to software maintainer:
-// when adding new platform support,
-// add another #elif block above to support the new platform
-SPI spi(SPI_MOSI, SPI_MISO, SPI_SCK); // mosi, miso, sclk spi1 TARGET_MAX32625PICO: 15 P0_5 MOSI; 14 P0_6 MISO; 16 P0_4 SCLK
-DigitalOut spi_cs(SPI_SS); // TARGET_MAX32625PICO: 13 P0_7 SSEL
-#elif defined(TARGET_MAX32600)
-SPI spi(SPI2_MOSI, SPI2_MISO, SPI2_SCK); // mosi, miso, sclk spi1 TARGET_MAX32600MBED: Arduino 10-pin header D11 D12 D13
-DigitalOut spi_cs(SPI2_SS); // Generic: Arduino 10-pin header D10
-#elif defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F446RE) || defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F401RE)
-// TODO1: avoid resource conflict between P5_0, P5_1, P5_2 SPI and DigitalInOut
-// void spi_init(spi_t *obj, PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, PinName ssel)
-// TODO1: NUCLEO_F446RE SPI not working; CS and MOSI data looks OK but no SCLK clock pulses.
-SPI spi(SPI_MOSI, SPI_MISO, SPI_SCK); // mosi, miso, sclk spi1 TARGET_NUCLEO_F446RE: Arduino 10-pin header D11 D12 D13
-DigitalOut spi_cs(SPI_CS); // TARGET_NUCLEO_F446RE: PB_6 Arduino 10-pin header D10
-#elif defined(TARGET_LPC1768)
-// TODO1: avoid resource conflict between P5_0, P5_1, P5_2 SPI and DigitalInOut
-// void spi_init(spi_t *obj, PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, PinName ssel)
-//SPI spi0(SPI0_MOSI, SPI0_MISO, SPI0_SCK); // mosi, miso, sclk spi0 MAX32630FTHR: P0_5 P0_6 P0_4 ok but this is the microSD card, can't contact pins
-//SPI spi1(SPI1_MOSI, SPI1_MISO, SPI1_SCK); // mosi, miso, sclk spi1 MAX32630FTHR: P1_1 P1_2 P1_0 ok but this is the xip flash, can't contact pins
-//SPI spi2(SPI2_MOSI, SPI2_MISO, SPI2_SCK); // mosi, miso, sclk spi2 MAX32630FTHR: P5_1, P5_2, P5_0
-SPI spi(SPI2_MOSI, SPI2_MISO, SPI2_SCK); // mosi, miso, sclk spi2 MAX32630FTHR: P5_1, P5_2, P5_0
-DigitalOut spi_cs(P3_0);
-// unknown target
-#warning "target not previously tested; need to define SPI pins..."
-// Note to software maintainer:
-// when adding new platform support,
-// add another #elif block above to support the new platform
-//SPI spi(SPI_MOSI, SPI_MISO, SPI_SCK); // mosi, miso, sclk spi1 TARGET_xxx: Arduino 10-pin header D11 D12 D13
-//DigitalOut spi_cs(SPI_CS); // TARGET_xxx: PX_x Arduino 10-pin header D10
-// Device driver object
-#if APPLICATION_MAX5715 // SPI interface default settings
-DigitalOut LDACb_pin(D9);   // Arduino 10-pin header D9
-DigitalOut CLRb_pin(D8);    // Arduino 10-pin header D8
-//~ DigitalIn RDYb_pin(D12);     // Arduino 10-pin header D12 (MISO)
-MAX5715 g_MAX5715_device(spi, spi_cs,
-                         LDACb_pin,
-                         CLRb_pin,
-                         ///* RDYb_pin */ digitalInOut12,
-                         MAX5715::MAX5715_IC);
-#elif APPLICATION_MAX11131 // SPI interface default settings
-DigitalOut CNVSTb_pin(D9);   // Arduino 10-pin header D9
-//DigitalOut CLRb_pin(D8);    // Arduino 10-pin header D8
-DigitalIn EOCb_pin(D12);     // Arduino 10-pin header D12 (MISO)
-MAX11131 g_MAX11131_device(spi, spi_cs,
-                           CNVSTb_pin,
-                           EOCb_pin,
-                           ///* RDYb_pin */ digitalInOut12,
-                           MAX11131::MAX11131_IC);
-#elif APPLICATION_MAX5171 // SPI interface default settings
-// AnalogOut FB_pin(Px_x_PortName_To_Be_Determined); // Analog Input to MAX5171 device
-DigitalOut RS_pin(D9); // Digital Configuration Input to MAX5171 device
-DigitalOut PDLb_pin(D8); // Digital Configuration Input to MAX5171 device
-DigitalOut CLRb_pin(D7); // Digital Configuration Input to MAX5171 device
-DigitalOut SHDN_pin(D6); // Digital Configuration Input to MAX5171 device
-// AnalogIn OUT_pin(A0); // Analog Output from MAX5171 device
-DigitalIn UPO_pin(D2); // Digital General-Purpose Output from MAX5171 device
-MAX5171 g_MAX5171_device(spi, spi_cs, RS_pin, PDLb_pin, CLRb_pin, SHDN_pin, UPO_pin, MAX5171::MAX5171_IC);
-#elif APPLICATION_MAX11410 // SPI interface default settings
-MAX11410 g_MAX11410_device(spi, spi_cs, MAX11410::MAX11410_IC);
-#elif APPLICATION_MAX12345 // SPI interface default settings
-MAX12345 g_MAX12345_device(spi, spi_cs, ...);
-#else // APPLICATION_ArduinoPinsMonitor diagnostic
-// Option to dedicate I2C port pins
-#ifndef HAS_I2C
-#define HAS_I2C 1
-#if HAS_I2C
-//#include "I2C.h"
-//#include "I2CSlave.h"
-//#define I2C_SCL_Hz 400000 // 400kHz
-//#define I2C_SCL_Hz 200000 // 200kHz
-#define I2C_SCL_Hz 100000 // 100kHz
-#if defined(TARGET_MAX32630)
-// TODO1: validate g_I2C_SCL_Hz against system clock frequency SystemCoreClock F_CPU
-const uint32_t limit_max_I2C_SCL_Hz = (SystemCoreClock / 2); // F_CPU / 2; // 8MHz / 2 = 4MHz
-const uint32_t limit_min_I2C_SCL_Hz = (SystemCoreClock / 8191); // F_CPU / 128; // 8MHz / 128 = 62.5kHz
-// avoid resource conflict between P5_7, P6_0 I2C and DigitalInOut
-//I2C i2cMaster0(I2C0_SDA, I2C0_SCL); // sda scl MAX32630FTHR: NOT_CONNECTED
-//I2C i2cMaster1(I2C1_SDA, I2C1_SCL); // sda scl MAX32630FTHR: P3_4, P3_5
-//I2C i2cMaster2(I2C2_SDA, I2C2_SCL); // sda scl MAX32630FTHR: P5_7, P6_0
-//I2C i2cMaster(I2C2_SDA, I2C2_SCL); // sda scl MAX32630FTHR: P5_7, P6_0
-//I2CSlave i2cSlave0(I2C0_SDA, I2C0_SCL); // sda scl MAX32630FTHR: NOT_CONNECTED
-//I2CSlave i2cSlave1(I2C1_SDA, I2C1_SCL); // sda scl MAX32630FTHR: P3_4, P3_5
-//I2CSlave i2cSlave2(I2C2_SDA, I2C2_SCL); // sda scl MAX32630FTHR: P5_7, P6_0
-#elif defined(TARGET_MAX32625MBED)
-// TODO1: validate g_I2C_SCL_Hz against system clock frequency SystemCoreClock F_CPU
-const uint32_t limit_max_I2C_SCL_Hz = (SystemCoreClock / 2); // F_CPU / 2; // 8MHz / 2 = 4MHz
-const uint32_t limit_min_I2C_SCL_Hz = (SystemCoreClock / 8191); // F_CPU / 128; // 8MHz / 128 = 62.5kHz
-// avoid resource conflict between P5_7, P6_0 I2C and DigitalInOut
-//I2C i2cMaster0(I2C0_SDA, I2C0_SCL); // sda scl TARGET_MAX32635MBED: P1_6, P1_7 Arduino 10-pin header
-//I2C i2cMaster1(I2C1_SDA, I2C1_SCL); // sda scl TARGET_MAX32635MBED: P3_4, P3_5 Arduino 6-pin header
-// declare in narrower scope: MAX32625MBED I2C i2cMaster(I2C0_SDA, I2C0_SCL); // sda scl TARGET_MAX32635MBED: P1_6, P1_7 Arduino 10-pin header
-#elif defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F446RE)
-// TODO1: validate g_I2C_SCL_Hz against system clock frequency SystemCoreClock F_CPU
-const uint32_t limit_max_I2C_SCL_Hz = (SystemCoreClock / 2); // F_CPU / 2; // 8MHz / 2 = 4MHz
-const uint32_t limit_min_I2C_SCL_Hz = (SystemCoreClock / 8191); // F_CPU / 128; // 8MHz / 128 = 62.5kHz
-// avoid resource conflict between P5_7, P6_0 I2C and DigitalInOut
-//I2C i2cMaster0(I2C0_SDA, I2C0_SCL); // sda scl TARGET_MAX32635MBED: P1_6, P1_7 Arduino 10-pin header
-//I2C i2cMaster1(I2C1_SDA, I2C1_SCL); // sda scl TARGET_MAX32635MBED: P3_4, P3_5 Arduino 6-pin header
-// declare in narrower scope: MAX32625MBED I2C i2cMaster(I2C0_SDA, I2C0_SCL); // sda scl TARGET_MAX32635MBED: P1_6, P1_7 Arduino 10-pin header
-# ifndef I2C0_SDA
-#  define I2C0_SDA I2C_SDA
-#  define I2C0_SCL I2C_SCL
-# endif
-#elif defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F401RE)
-// TODO1: validate g_I2C_SCL_Hz against system clock frequency SystemCoreClock F_CPU
-const uint32_t limit_max_I2C_SCL_Hz = (SystemCoreClock / 2); // F_CPU / 2; // 8MHz / 2 = 4MHz
-const uint32_t limit_min_I2C_SCL_Hz = (SystemCoreClock / 8191); // F_CPU / 128; // 8MHz / 128 = 62.5kHz
-// avoid resource conflict between P5_7, P6_0 I2C and DigitalInOut
-//I2C i2cMaster0(I2C0_SDA, I2C0_SCL); // sda scl TARGET_MAX32635MBED: P1_6, P1_7 Arduino 10-pin header
-//I2C i2cMaster1(I2C1_SDA, I2C1_SCL); // sda scl TARGET_MAX32635MBED: P3_4, P3_5 Arduino 6-pin header
-// declare in narrower scope: MAX32625MBED I2C i2cMaster(I2C0_SDA, I2C0_SCL); // sda scl TARGET_MAX32635MBED: P1_6, P1_7 Arduino 10-pin header
-# ifndef I2C0_SDA
-#  define I2C0_SDA I2C_SDA
-#  define I2C0_SCL I2C_SCL
-# endif
-#elif defined(TARGET_LPC1768)
-// unknown target
-#warning "target not previously tested; need to define I2C pins..."
-#if HAS_I2C
-uint32_t g_I2C_SCL_Hz = I2C_SCL_Hz;
-uint8_t g_I2C_status = 0; // g_I2C_status = Wire_Sr.endTransmission();
-uint8_t g_I2C_deviceAddress7 = (0xA0 >> 1); // I2C device address (slave address on I2C bus), 7-bits, RIGHT-justified.
-uint8_t g_I2C_read_count = 0;
-uint8_t g_I2C_write_count = 0;
-uint8_t g_I2C_write_data[256];
-uint8_t g_I2C_command_regAddress;
-// TODO: i2c init
-// i2cMaster.frequency(g_I2C_SCL_Hz);
-#if HAS_I2C
-// TODO: i2c transfer
-//const int addr7bit = 0x48;      // 7 bit I2C address
-//const int addr8bit = 0x48 << 1; // 8bit I2C address, 0x90
-// /* int  */   i2cMaster.read (int addr8bit, char *data, int length, bool repeated=false) // Read from an I2C slave.
-// /* int  */   i2cMaster.read (int ack) // Read a single byte from the I2C bus.
-// /* int  */   i2cMaster.write (int addr8bit, const char *data, int length, bool repeated=false) // Write to an I2C slave.
-// /* int  */   i2cMaster.write (int data) // Write single byte out on the I2C bus.
-// /* void */   i2cMaster.start (void) // Creates a start condition on the I2C bus.
-// /* void */   i2cMaster.stop (void) // Creates a stop condition on the I2C bus.
-// /* int */    i2cMaster.transfer (int addr8bit, const char *tx_buffer, int tx_length, char *rx_buffer, int rx_length, const event_callback_t &callback, int event=I2C_EVENT_TRANSFER_COMPLETE, bool repeated=false) // Start nonblocking I2C transfer. More...
-// /* void */   i2cMaster.abort_transfer () // Abort the ongoing I2C transfer. More...
-// Declare the Serial driver
-// default baud rate settings are 9600 8N1
-// install device driver from http://developer.mbed.org/media/downloads/drivers/mbedWinSerial_16466.exe
-// see docs https://docs.mbed.com/docs/mbed-os-handbook/en/5.5/getting_started/what_need/
-#if defined(TARGET_MAX32630)
-    #include "USBSerial.h"
-// Hardware serial port over DAPLink
-// The default baud rate for the DapLink UART is 9600
-Serial DAPLINKserial(P2_1, P2_0);     // tx, rx
-    #define HAS_DAPLINK_SERIAL 1
-// Virtual serial port over USB
-// The baud rate does not affect the virtual USBSerial UART.
-USBSerial serial;
-#elif defined(TARGET_MAX32625MBED)
-    #include "USBSerial.h"
-// Hardware serial port over DAPLink
-// The default baud rate for the DapLink UART is 9600
-Serial DAPLINKserial(P2_1, P2_0);     // tx, rx
-    #define HAS_DAPLINK_SERIAL 1
-// Virtual serial port over USB
-// The baud rate does not affect the virtual USBSerial UART.
-USBSerial serial;
-#elif defined(TARGET_MAX32620FTHR)
-#warning "TARGET_MAX32620FTHR not previously tested; need to define serial pins..."
-// Hardware serial port over DAPLink
-// The default baud rate for the DapLink UART is 9600
-Serial DAPLINKserial(USBTX, USBRX);     // tx, rx MAX32620FTHR: P2_1,P2_0
-//Serial DAPLINKserial(STDIO_UART_TX, STDIO_UART_RX);     // tx, rx
-    #define HAS_DAPLINK_SERIAL 1
-// Virtual serial port over USB
-// The baud rate does not affect the virtual USBSerial UART.
-//    #include "USBSerial.h"
-//USBSerial serial;
-//Serial serial(UART0_TX, UART0_RX);     // tx, rx MAX32620FTHR: P0_1,P0_0 (PMOD Port 0)
-//Serial serial(UART1_TX, UART1_RX);     // tx, rx MAX32620FTHR: P2_1,P2_0 (DAPLINK)
-Serial serial(UART2_TX, UART2_RX);     // tx, rx MAX32620FTHR: P3_1,P3_0 (J1.15,J1.14)
-//Serial serial(UART3_TX, UART3_RX);     // tx, rx MAX32620FTHR: P5_4,P5_3 (J2.7,J2.8)
-//Serial serial(SERIAL_TX, SERIAL_RX);     // tx, rx
-//Serial serial(USBTX, USBRX);     // tx, rx
-//Serial serial(UART_TX, UART_RX);     // tx, rx
-#elif defined(TARGET_MAX32625PICO)
-#warning "TARGET_MAX32625PICO not previously tested; need to verify serial pins..."
-// Note to software maintainer:
-// when adding new platform support,
-// add another #elif block above to support the new platform
-Serial serial(UART_TX, UART_RX);     // tx, rx
-#elif defined(TARGET_MAX32600)
-    #include "USBSerial.h"
-// Hardware serial port over DAPLink
-// The default baud rate for the DapLink UART is 9600
-Serial DAPLINKserial(P1_1, P1_0);     // tx, rx
-    #define HAS_DAPLINK_SERIAL 1
-// Virtual serial port over USB
-// The baud rate does not affect the virtual USBSerial UART.
-USBSerial serial;
-#elif defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F446RE) || defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F401RE)
-Serial serial(SERIAL_TX, SERIAL_RX);     // tx, rx
-// TODO1: TARGET=MAX32625MBED ARM Cortex-M4F 96MHz 512kB Flash 160kB SRAM
-#elif defined(TARGET_LPC1768)
-Serial serial(USBTX, USBRX);     // tx, rx
-// unknown target
-#if defined(SERIAL_TX)
-#warning "target not previously tested; guess serial pins are SERIAL_TX, SERIAL_RX..."
-Serial serial(SERIAL_TX, SERIAL_RX);     // tx, rx
-#elif defined(USBTX)
-#warning "target not previously tested; guess serial pins are USBTX, USBRX..."
-Serial serial(USBTX, USBRX);     // tx, rx
-#elif defined(UART_TX)
-#warning "target not previously tested; guess serial pins are UART_TX, UART_RX..."
-Serial serial(UART_TX, UART_RX);     // tx, rx
-#warning "target not previously tested; need to define serial pins..."
-void on_immediate_0x21(); // Unicode (U+0021) ! EXCLAMATION MARK
-void on_immediate_0x7b(); // Unicode (U+007B) { LEFT CURLY BRACKET
-void on_immediate_0x7d(); // Unicode (U+007D) } RIGHT CURLY BRACKET
-#include "CmdLine.h"
-CmdLine cmdLine_DAPLINKserial(DAPLINKserial, "DAPLINK");
-CmdLine cmdLine_serial(serial, "serial");
-// tolerate AT commands, which may be sent during probe, such as:
-//  AT
-//  AT+CGMI      -- request manufacturer identification AT+CMGI=?
-//  AT+CGMM      -- request manufacturer model
-//  AT%IPSYS?
-//  ATE0         -- echo disable
-//  ATV1         -- verbose result codes OK | ERROR | NO CARRIER
-//  AT+CMEE=1
-//  ATX4
-//  AT&C1
-//  ATE0
-//  AT+CMEE=1
-//  AT+GCAP
-//  ATI
-//  AT+CPIN?
-//  AT+CGMM
-// uncrustify-0.66.1 *INDENT-OFF*
-// Declare the DigitalInOut GPIO pins
-// Optional digitalInOut support. If there is only one it should be digitalInOut1.
-// D) Digital High/Low/Input Pin
-#if defined(TARGET_MAX32630)
-//       +-------------[microUSB]-------------+
-//       | J1         MAX32630FTHR        J2  |
-//       | [ ] RST                    GND [ ] |
-//       | [ ] 3V3                    BAT+[ ] |
-//       | [ ] 1V8                  reset SW1 |
-//       | [ ] GND       J4               J3  |
-//       | [ ] AIN_0 1.2Vfs     (bat) SYS [ ] |
-//       | [ ] AIN_1 1.2Vfs           PWR [ ] |
-//       | [ ] AIN_2 1.2Vfs      +5V VBUS [ ] |
-//       | [ ] AIN_3 1.2Vfs   1-WIRE P4_0 [ ] | dig9
-// dig10 | [x] P5_7  SDA2        SRN P5_6 [ ] | dig8
-// dig11 | [x] P6_0  SCL2      SDIO3 P5_5 [ ] | dig7
-// dig12 | [x] P5_0  SCLK      SDIO2 P5_4 [ ] | dig6
-// dig13 | [x] P5_1  MOSI       SSEL P5_3 [x] | dig5
-// dig14 | [ ] P5_2  MISO        RTS P3_3 [ ] | dig4
-// dig15 | [ ] P3_0  RX          CTS P3_2 [ ] | dig3
-// dig0  | [ ] P3_1  TX          SCL P3_5 [x] | dig2
-//       | [ ] GND               SDA P3_4 [x] | dig1
-//       +------------------------------------+
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut0 1 // P3_1 TARGET_MAX32630 J1.15
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut1 1 // P3_4 TARGET_MAX32630 J3.12
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut2 1 // P3_5 TARGET_MAX32630 J3.11
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut3 1 // P3_2 TARGET_MAX32630 J3.10
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut4 1 // P3_3 TARGET_MAX32630 J3.9
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut5 1 // P5_3 TARGET_MAX32630 J3.8
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut6 1 // P5_4 TARGET_MAX32630 J3.7
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut7 1 // P5_5 TARGET_MAX32630 J3.6
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut8 1 // P5_6 TARGET_MAX32630 J3.5
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut9 1 // P4_0 TARGET_MAX32630 J3.4
-#if HAS_I2C
-// avoid resource conflict between P5_7, P6_0 I2C and DigitalInOut
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut10 0 // P5_7 TARGET_MAX32630 J1.9
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut11 0 // P6_0 TARGET_MAX32630 J1.10
-#else // HAS_I2C
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut10 1 // P5_7 TARGET_MAX32630 J1.9
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut11 1 // P6_0 TARGET_MAX32630 J1.10
-#endif // HAS_I2C
-#if HAS_SPI
-// avoid resource conflict between P5_0, P5_1, P5_2 SPI and DigitalInOut
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut12 0 // P5_0 TARGET_MAX32630 J1.11
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut13 0 // P5_1 TARGET_MAX32630 J1.12
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut14 0 // P5_2 TARGET_MAX32630 J1.13
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut15 0 // P3_0 TARGET_MAX32630 J1.14
-#else // HAS_SPI
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut12 1 // P5_0 TARGET_MAX32630 J1.11
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut13 1 // P5_1 TARGET_MAX32630 J1.12
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut14 1 // P5_2 TARGET_MAX32630 J1.13
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut15 1 // P3_0 TARGET_MAX32630 J1.14
-#endif // HAS_SPI
-#if HAS_digitalInOut0
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut0(P3_1, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P3_1 TARGET_MAX32630 J1.15
-#if HAS_digitalInOut1
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut1(P3_4, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P3_4 TARGET_MAX32630 J3.12
-#if HAS_digitalInOut2
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut2(P3_5, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P3_5 TARGET_MAX32630 J3.11
-#if HAS_digitalInOut3
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut3(P3_2, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P3_2 TARGET_MAX32630 J3.10
-#if HAS_digitalInOut4
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut4(P3_3, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P3_3 TARGET_MAX32630 J3.9
-#if HAS_digitalInOut5
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut5(P5_3, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P5_3 TARGET_MAX32630 J3.8
-#if HAS_digitalInOut6
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut6(P5_4, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P5_4 TARGET_MAX32630 J3.7
-#if HAS_digitalInOut7
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut7(P5_5, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P5_5 TARGET_MAX32630 J3.6
-#if HAS_digitalInOut8
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut8(P5_6, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P5_6 TARGET_MAX32630 J3.5
-#if HAS_digitalInOut9
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut9(P4_0, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P4_0 TARGET_MAX32630 J3.4
-#if HAS_digitalInOut10
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut10(P5_7, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P5_7 TARGET_MAX32630 J1.9
-#if HAS_digitalInOut11
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut11(P6_0, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P6_0 TARGET_MAX32630 J1.10
-#if HAS_digitalInOut12
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut12(P5_0, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P5_0 TARGET_MAX32630 J1.11
-#if HAS_digitalInOut13
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut13(P5_1, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P5_1 TARGET_MAX32630 J1.12
-#if HAS_digitalInOut14
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut14(P5_2, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P5_2 TARGET_MAX32630 J1.13
-#if HAS_digitalInOut15
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut15(P3_0, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P3_0 TARGET_MAX32630 J1.14
-#elif defined(TARGET_MAX32625MBED)
-// TARGET=MAX32625MBED ARM Cortex-M4F 96MHz 512kB Flash 160kB SRAM
-//             +-------------------------------------+
-//             |   MAX32625MBED Arduino UNO header   |
-//             |                                     |
-//             |                           A5/SCL[ ] |   P1_7 dig15
-//             |                           A4/SDA[ ] |   P1_6 dig14
-//             |                         AREF=N/C[ ] |
-//             |                              GND[ ] |
-//             | [ ]N/C                    SCK/13[ ] |   P1_0 dig13
-//             | [ ]IOREF=3V3             MISO/12[ ] |   P1_2 dig12
-//             | [ ]RST                   MOSI/11[ ]~|   P1_1 dig11
-//             | [ ]3V3                     CS/10[ ]~|   P1_3 dig10
-//             | [ ]5V0                         9[ ]~|   P1_5 dig9
-//             | [ ]GND                         8[ ] |   P1_4 dig8
-//             | [ ]GND                              |
-//             | [ ]Vin                         7[ ] |   P0_7 dig7
-//             |                                6[ ]~|   P0_6 dig6
-//       AIN_0 | [ ]A0                          5[ ]~|   P0_5 dig5
-//       AIN_1 | [ ]A1                          4[ ] |   P0_4 dig4
-//       AIN_2 | [ ]A2                     INT1/3[ ]~|   P0_3 dig3
-//       AIN_3 | [ ]A3                     INT0/2[ ] |   P0_2 dig2
-// dig16  P3_4 | [ ]A4/SDA  RST SCK MISO     TX>1[ ] |   P0_1 dig1
-// dig17  P3_5 | [ ]A5/SCL  [ ] [ ] [ ]      RX<0[ ] |   P0_0 dig0
-//             |            [ ] [ ] [ ]              |
-//             |  UNO_R3    GND MOSI 5V  ____________/
-//              \_______________________/
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut0 1 // P0_0 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D0
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut1 1 // P0_1 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D1
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut2 0 // P0_2 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D2 -- MAX11131 EOC DigitalIn
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut2 1 // P0_2 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D2
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut3 1 // P0_3 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D3
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut4 1 // P0_4 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D4
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut5 1 // P0_5 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D5
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut6 1 // P0_6 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D6
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut7 1 // P0_7 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D7
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut8 1 // P1_4 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D8
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut9 0 // P1_5 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D9 -- MAX11131 CNVST DigitalOut
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut9 1 // P1_5 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D9
-#if HAS_SPI
-// avoid resource conflict between P5_0, P5_1, P5_2 SPI and DigitalInOut
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut10 0 // P1_3 TARGET_MAX32635MBED CS/10
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut11 0 // P1_1 TARGET_MAX32635MBED MOSI/11
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut12 0 // P1_2 TARGET_MAX32635MBED MISO/12
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut13 0 // P1_0 TARGET_MAX32635MBED SCK/13
-#else // HAS_SPI
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut10 1 // P1_3 TARGET_MAX32635MBED CS/10
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut11 1 // P1_1 TARGET_MAX32635MBED MOSI/11
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut12 1 // P1_2 TARGET_MAX32635MBED MISO/12
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut13 1 // P1_0 TARGET_MAX32635MBED SCK/13
-#endif // HAS_SPI
-#if HAS_I2C
-// avoid resource conflict between P5_7, P6_0 I2C and DigitalInOut
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut14 0 // P1_6 TARGET_MAX32635MBED A4/SDA (10pin digital connector)
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut15 0 // P1_7 TARGET_MAX32635MBED A5/SCL (10pin digital connector)
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut16 0 // P3_4 TARGET_MAX32635MBED A4/SDA (6pin analog connector)
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut17 0 // P3_5 TARGET_MAX32635MBED A5/SCL (6pin analog connector)
-#else // HAS_I2C
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut14 1 // P1_6 TARGET_MAX32635MBED A4/SDA (10pin digital connector)
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut15 1 // P1_7 TARGET_MAX32635MBED A5/SCL (10pin digital connector)
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut16 1 // P3_4 TARGET_MAX32635MBED A4/SDA (6pin analog connector)
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut17 1 // P3_5 TARGET_MAX32635MBED A5/SCL (6pin analog connector)
-#endif // HAS_I2C
-#if HAS_digitalInOut0
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut0(P0_0, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P0_0 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D0
-#if HAS_digitalInOut1
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut1(P0_1, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P0_1 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D1
-#if HAS_digitalInOut2
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut2(P0_2, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P0_2 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D2
-#if HAS_digitalInOut3
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut3(P0_3, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P0_3 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D3
-#if HAS_digitalInOut4
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut4(P0_4, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P0_4 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D4
-#if HAS_digitalInOut5
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut5(P0_5, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P0_5 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D5
-#if HAS_digitalInOut6
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut6(P0_6, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P0_6 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D6
-#if HAS_digitalInOut7
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut7(P0_7, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P0_7 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D7
-#if HAS_digitalInOut8
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut8(P1_4, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P1_4 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D8
-#if HAS_digitalInOut9
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut9(P1_5, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P1_5 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D9
-#if HAS_digitalInOut10
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut10(P1_3, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P1_3 TARGET_MAX32635MBED CS/10
-#if HAS_digitalInOut11
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut11(P1_1, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P1_1 TARGET_MAX32635MBED MOSI/11
-#if HAS_digitalInOut12
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut12(P1_2, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P1_2 TARGET_MAX32635MBED MISO/12
-#if HAS_digitalInOut13
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut13(P1_0, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P1_0 TARGET_MAX32635MBED SCK/13
-#if HAS_digitalInOut14
-    // Ensure that the unused I2C pins do not interfere with analog inputs A4 and A5
-    // DigitalInOut mode can be one of PullUp, PullDown, PullNone, OpenDrain
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut14(P1_6, PIN_INPUT, OpenDrain, 1); // P1_6 TARGET_MAX32635MBED A4/SDA (10pin digital connector)
-#if HAS_digitalInOut15
-    // Ensure that the unused I2C pins do not interfere with analog inputs A4 and A5
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut15(P1_7, PIN_INPUT, OpenDrain, 1); // P1_7 TARGET_MAX32635MBED A5/SCL (10pin digital connector)
-#if HAS_digitalInOut16
-    // Ensure that the unused I2C pins do not interfere with analog inputs A4 and A5
-    // DigitalInOut mode can be one of PullUp, PullDown, PullNone, OpenDrain
-    // PullUp-->3.4V, PullDown-->1.7V, PullNone-->3.5V, OpenDrain-->0.00V
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut16(P3_4, PIN_INPUT, OpenDrain, 0); // P3_4 TARGET_MAX32635MBED A4/SDA (6pin analog connector)
-#if HAS_digitalInOut17
-    // Ensure that the unused I2C pins do not interfere with analog inputs A4 and A5
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut17(P3_5, PIN_INPUT, OpenDrain, 0); // P3_5 TARGET_MAX32635MBED A5/SCL (6pin analog connector)
-#elif defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F446RE) || defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F401RE)
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut0 0 // P0_0 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D0
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut1 0 // P0_1 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D1
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut2 0 // P0_2 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D2 -- MAX11131 EOC DigitalIn
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut2 1 // P0_2 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D2
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut3 1 // P0_3 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D3
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut4 1 // P0_4 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D4
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut5 1 // P0_5 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D5
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut6 1 // P0_6 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D6
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut7 1 // P0_7 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D7
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut8 0 // P1_4 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D8 -- MAX5715 CLRb DigitalOut
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut8 1 // P1_4 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D8
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut9 0 // P1_5 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D9 -- MAX5715 LDACb DigitalOut
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut9 0 // P1_5 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D9 -- MAX11131 CNVST DigitalOut
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut9 1 // P1_5 TARGET_MAX32625MBED D9
-#if HAS_SPI
-// avoid resource conflict between P5_0, P5_1, P5_2 SPI and DigitalInOut
-    // Arduino digital pin D10 SPI function is CS/10
-    // Arduino digital pin D11 SPI function is MOSI/11
-    // Arduino digital pin D12 SPI function is MISO/12
-    // Arduino digital pin D13 SPI function is SCK/13
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut10 0
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut11 0
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut12 0
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut13 0
-#else // HAS_SPI
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut10 1
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut11 1
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut12 1
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut13 1
-#endif // HAS_SPI
-#if HAS_I2C
-// avoid resource conflict between P5_7, P6_0 I2C and DigitalInOut
-    // Arduino digital pin D14 I2C function is A4/SDA (10pin digital connector)
-    // Arduino digital pin D15 I2C function is A5/SCL (10pin digital connector)
-    // Arduino digital pin D16 I2C function is A4/SDA (6pin analog connector)
-    // Arduino digital pin D17 I2C function is A5/SCL (6pin analog connector)
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut14 0
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut15 0
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut16 0
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut17 0
-#else // HAS_I2C
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut14 1
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut15 1
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut16 0
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut17 0
-#endif // HAS_I2C
-#if HAS_digitalInOut0
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut0(D0, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1);
-#if HAS_digitalInOut1
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut1(D1, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1);
-#if HAS_digitalInOut2
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut2(D2, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1);
-#if HAS_digitalInOut3
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut3(D3, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1);
-#if HAS_digitalInOut4
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut4(D4, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1);
-#if HAS_digitalInOut5
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut5(D5, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1);
-#if HAS_digitalInOut6
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut6(D6, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1);
-#if HAS_digitalInOut7
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut7(D7, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1);
-#if HAS_digitalInOut8
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut8(D8, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1);
-#if HAS_digitalInOut9
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut9(D9, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1);
-#if HAS_digitalInOut10
-    // Arduino digital pin D10 SPI function is CS/10
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut10(D10, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1);
-#if HAS_digitalInOut11
-    // Arduino digital pin D11 SPI function is MOSI/11
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut11(D11, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1);
-#if HAS_digitalInOut12
-    // Arduino digital pin D12 SPI function is MISO/12
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut12(D12, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1);
-#if HAS_digitalInOut13
-    // Arduino digital pin D13 SPI function is SCK/13
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut13(D13, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1);
-#if HAS_digitalInOut14
-    // Arduino digital pin D14 I2C function is A4/SDA (10pin digital connector)
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut14(D14, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1);
-#if HAS_digitalInOut15
-    // Arduino digital pin D15 I2C function is A5/SCL (10pin digital connector)
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut15(D15, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1);
-#if HAS_digitalInOut16
-    // Arduino digital pin D16 I2C function is A4/SDA (6pin analog connector)
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut16(D16, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1);
-#if HAS_digitalInOut17
-    // Arduino digital pin D17 I2C function is A5/SCL (6pin analog connector)
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut17(D17, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1);
-#elif defined(TARGET_LPC1768)
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut0 1
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut1 1
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut2 1
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut3 1
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut4 1
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut5 1
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut6 1
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut7 1
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut8 1
-    #define HAS_digitalInOut9 1
-//    #define HAS_digitalInOut10 1
-//    #define HAS_digitalInOut11 1
-//    #define HAS_digitalInOut12 1
-//    #define HAS_digitalInOut13 1
-//    #define HAS_digitalInOut14 1
-//    #define HAS_digitalInOut15 1
-#if HAS_digitalInOut0
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut0(p5, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P0.9/I2STX_SDA/MOSI1/MAT2.3
-#if HAS_digitalInOut1
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut1(p6, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P0.8/I2STX_WS/MISO1/MAT2.2
-#if HAS_digitalInOut2
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut2(p7, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P0.7/I2STX_CLK/SCK1/MAT2.1
-#if HAS_digitalInOut3
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut3(p8, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P0.6/I2SRX_SDA/SSEL1/MAT2.0
-#if HAS_digitalInOut4
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut4(p9, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P0.0/CAN_RX1/TXD3/SDA1
-#if HAS_digitalInOut5
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut5(p10, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P0.1/CAN_TX1/RXD3/SCL1
-#if HAS_digitalInOut6
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut6(p11, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P0.18/DCD1/MOSI0/MOSI1
-#if HAS_digitalInOut7
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut7(p12, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P0.17/CTS1/MISO0/MISO
-#if HAS_digitalInOut8
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut8(p13, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P0.15/TXD1/SCK0/SCK
-#if HAS_digitalInOut9
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut9(p14, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P0.16/RXD1/SSEL0/SSEL
-    //
-    // these pins support analog input analogIn0 .. analogIn5
-    //DigitalInOut digitalInOut_(p15, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P0.23/AD0.0/I2SRX_CLK/CAP3.0
-    //DigitalInOut digitalInOut_(p16, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P0.24/AD0.1/I2SRX_WS/CAP3.1
-    //DigitalInOut digitalInOut_(p17, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P0.25/AD0.2/I2SRX_SDA/TXD3
-    //DigitalInOut digitalInOut_(p18, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P0.26/AD0.3/AOUT/RXD3
-    //DigitalInOut digitalInOut_(p19, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P1.30/VBUS/AD0.4
-    //DigitalInOut digitalInOut_(p20, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P1.31/SCK1/AD0.5
-    //
-    // these pins support PWM pwmDriver1 .. pwmDriver6
-    //DigitalInOut digitalInOut_(p21, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P2.5/PWM1.6/DTR1/TRACEDATA0
-    //DigitalInOut digitalInOut_(p22, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P2.4/PWM1.5/DSR1/TRACEDATA1
-    //DigitalInOut digitalInOut_(p23, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P2.3/PWM1.4/DCD1/TRACEDATA2
-    //DigitalInOut digitalInOut_(p24, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P2.2/PWM1.3/CTS1/TRACEDATA3
-    //DigitalInOut digitalInOut_(p25, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P2.1/PWM1.2/RXD1
-    //DigitalInOut digitalInOut_(p26, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P2.0/PWM1.1/TXD1/TRACECLK
-    //
-    // these could be additional digitalInOut pins
-#if HAS_digitalInOut10
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut10(p27, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P0.11/RXD2/SCL2/MAT3.1
-#if HAS_digitalInOut11
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut11(p28, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P0.10/TXD2/SDA2/MAT3.0
-#if HAS_digitalInOut12
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut12(p29, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P0.5/I2SRX_WS/CAN_TX2/CAP2.1
-#if HAS_digitalInOut13
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut13(p30, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // TARGET_LPC1768 P0.4/I2SRX_CLK/CAN_RX2/CAP2.0
-#if HAS_digitalInOut14
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut14(___, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1);
-#if HAS_digitalInOut15
-    DigitalInOut digitalInOut15(___, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1);
-    // unknown target
-// uncrustify-0.66.1 *INDENT-ON*
-#if HAS_digitalInOut0 || HAS_digitalInOut1 \
-    || HAS_digitalInOut2 || HAS_digitalInOut3 \
-    || HAS_digitalInOut4 || HAS_digitalInOut5 \
-    || HAS_digitalInOut6 || HAS_digitalInOut7 \
-    || HAS_digitalInOut8 || HAS_digitalInOut9 \
-    || HAS_digitalInOut10 || HAS_digitalInOut11 \
-    || HAS_digitalInOut12 || HAS_digitalInOut13 \
-    || HAS_digitalInOut14 || HAS_digitalInOut15 \
-    || HAS_digitalInOut16 || HAS_digitalInOut17
-#define HAS_digitalInOuts 1
-// uncrustify-0.66.1 *INDENT-OFF*
-// Declare the AnalogIn driver
-// Optional analogIn support. If there is only one it should be analogIn1.
-// A) analog input
-#if defined(TARGET_MAX32630)
-    #define HAS_analogIn0 1
-    #define HAS_analogIn1 1
-    #define HAS_analogIn2 1
-    #define HAS_analogIn3 1
-    #define HAS_analogIn4 1
-    #define HAS_analogIn5 1
-    #define HAS_analogIn6 1
-    #define HAS_analogIn7 1
-    #define HAS_analogIn8 1
-    #define HAS_analogIn9 1
-//    #define HAS_analogIn10 0
-//    #define HAS_analogIn11 0
-//    #define HAS_analogIn12 0
-//    #define HAS_analogIn13 0
-//    #define HAS_analogIn14 0
-//    #define HAS_analogIn15 0
-#if HAS_analogIn0
-    AnalogIn analogIn0(AIN_0); // TARGET_MAX32630 J1.5 AIN_0 = AIN0 pin       fullscale is 1.2V
-#if HAS_analogIn1
-    AnalogIn analogIn1(AIN_1); // TARGET_MAX32630 J1.6 AIN_1 = AIN1 pin       fullscale is 1.2V
-#if HAS_analogIn2
-    AnalogIn analogIn2(AIN_2); // TARGET_MAX32630 J1.7 AIN_2 = AIN2 pin       fullscale is 1.2V
-#if HAS_analogIn3
-    AnalogIn analogIn3(AIN_3); // TARGET_MAX32630 J1.8 AIN_3 = AIN3 pin       fullscale is 1.2V
-#if HAS_analogIn4
-    AnalogIn analogIn4(AIN_4); // TARGET_MAX32630 J1.5 AIN_4 = AIN0 / 5.0     fullscale is 6.0V
-#if HAS_analogIn5
-    AnalogIn analogIn5(AIN_5); // TARGET_MAX32630 J1.6 AIN_5 = AIN1 / 5.0     fullscale is 6.0V
-#if HAS_analogIn6
-    AnalogIn analogIn6(AIN_6); // TARGET_MAX32630 AIN_6 = VDDB / 4.0     fullscale is 4.8V
-#if HAS_analogIn7
-    AnalogIn analogIn7(AIN_7); // TARGET_MAX32630 AIN_7 = VDD18          fullscale is 1.2V
-#if HAS_analogIn8
-    AnalogIn analogIn8(AIN_8); // TARGET_MAX32630 AIN_8 = VDD12          fullscale is 1.2V
-#if HAS_analogIn9
-    AnalogIn analogIn9(AIN_9); // TARGET_MAX32630 AIN_9 = VRTC / 2.0     fullscale is 2.4V
-#if HAS_analogIn10
-    AnalogIn analogIn10(____); // TARGET_MAX32630 AIN_10 = x undefined?
-#if HAS_analogIn11
-    AnalogIn analogIn11(____); // TARGET_MAX32630 AIN_11 = VDDIO / 4.0   fullscale is 4.8V
-#if HAS_analogIn12
-    AnalogIn analogIn12(____); // TARGET_MAX32630 AIN_12 = VDDIOH / 4.0  fullscale is 4.8V
-#if HAS_analogIn13
-    AnalogIn analogIn13(____);
-#if HAS_analogIn14
-    AnalogIn analogIn14(____);
-#if HAS_analogIn15
-    AnalogIn analogIn15(____);
-#elif defined(TARGET_MAX32625MBED)
-    #define HAS_analogIn0 1
-    #define HAS_analogIn1 1
-    #define HAS_analogIn2 1
-    #define HAS_analogIn3 1
-    #define HAS_analogIn4 1
-    #define HAS_analogIn5 1
-#if HAS_analogIn0
-    AnalogIn analogIn0(AIN_0); // TARGET_MAX32630 J1.5 AIN_0 = AIN0 pin       fullscale is 1.2V
-#if HAS_analogIn1
-    AnalogIn analogIn1(AIN_1); // TARGET_MAX32630 J1.6 AIN_1 = AIN1 pin       fullscale is 1.2V
-#if HAS_analogIn2
-    AnalogIn analogIn2(AIN_2); // TARGET_MAX32630 J1.7 AIN_2 = AIN2 pin       fullscale is 1.2V
-#if HAS_analogIn3
-    AnalogIn analogIn3(AIN_3); // TARGET_MAX32630 J1.8 AIN_3 = AIN3 pin       fullscale is 1.2V
-#if HAS_analogIn4
-    AnalogIn analogIn4(AIN_4); // TARGET_MAX32630 J1.5 AIN_4 = AIN0 / 5.0     fullscale is 6.0V
-#if HAS_analogIn5
-    AnalogIn analogIn5(AIN_5); // TARGET_MAX32630 J1.6 AIN_5 = AIN1 / 5.0     fullscale is 6.0V
-#elif defined(TARGET_MAX32620FTHR)
-#warning "TARGET_MAX32620FTHR not previously tested; need to verify analogIn0..."
-    #define HAS_analogIn0 1
-    #define HAS_analogIn1 1
-    #define HAS_analogIn2 1
-    #define HAS_analogIn3 1
-    #define HAS_analogIn4 1
-    #define HAS_analogIn5 1
-    #define HAS_analogIn6 1
-    #define HAS_analogIn7 1
-    #define HAS_analogIn8 1
-    #define HAS_analogIn9 1
-//    #define HAS_analogIn10 0
-//    #define HAS_analogIn11 0
-//    #define HAS_analogIn12 0
-//    #define HAS_analogIn13 0
-//    #define HAS_analogIn14 0
-//    #define HAS_analogIn15 0
-#if HAS_analogIn0
-    AnalogIn analogIn0(AIN_0); // TARGET_MAX32620FTHR J1.5 AIN_0 = AIN0 pin       fullscale is 1.2V
-#if HAS_analogIn1
-    AnalogIn analogIn1(AIN_1); // TARGET_MAX32620FTHR J1.6 AIN_1 = AIN1 pin       fullscale is 1.2V
-#if HAS_analogIn2
-    AnalogIn analogIn2(AIN_2); // TARGET_MAX32620FTHR J1.7 AIN_2 = AIN2 pin       fullscale is 1.2V
-#if HAS_analogIn3
-    AnalogIn analogIn3(AIN_3); // TARGET_MAX32620FTHR J1.8 AIN_3 = AIN3 pin       fullscale is 1.2V
-#if HAS_analogIn4
-    AnalogIn analogIn4(AIN_4); // TARGET_MAX32620FTHR J1.5 AIN_4 = AIN0 / 5.0     fullscale is 6.0V
-#if HAS_analogIn5
-    AnalogIn analogIn5(AIN_5); // TARGET_MAX32620FTHR J1.6 AIN_5 = AIN1 / 5.0     fullscale is 6.0V
-#if HAS_analogIn6
-    AnalogIn analogIn6(AIN_6); // TARGET_MAX32620FTHR AIN_6 = VDDB / 4.0     fullscale is 4.8V
-#if HAS_analogIn7
-    AnalogIn analogIn7(AIN_7); // TARGET_MAX32620FTHR AIN_7 = VDD18          fullscale is 1.2V
-#if HAS_analogIn8
-    AnalogIn analogIn8(AIN_8); // TARGET_MAX32620FTHR AIN_8 = VDD12          fullscale is 1.2V
-#if HAS_analogIn9
-    AnalogIn analogIn9(AIN_9); // TARGET_MAX32620FTHR AIN_9 = VRTC / 2.0     fullscale is 2.4V
-#if HAS_analogIn10
-    AnalogIn analogIn10(____); // TARGET_MAX32620FTHR AIN_10 = x undefined?
-#if HAS_analogIn11
-    AnalogIn analogIn11(____); // TARGET_MAX32620FTHR AIN_11 = VDDIO / 4.0   fullscale is 4.8V
-#if HAS_analogIn12
-    AnalogIn analogIn12(____); // TARGET_MAX32620FTHR AIN_12 = VDDIOH / 4.0  fullscale is 4.8V
-#if HAS_analogIn13
-    AnalogIn analogIn13(____);
-#if HAS_analogIn14
-    AnalogIn analogIn14(____);
-#if HAS_analogIn15
-    AnalogIn analogIn15(____);
-#elif defined(TARGET_MAX32625PICO)
-#warning "TARGET_MAX32625PICO not previously tested; need to verify analogIn0..."
-    #define HAS_analogIn0 1
-    #define HAS_analogIn1 1
-    #define HAS_analogIn2 1
-    #define HAS_analogIn3 1
-    #define HAS_analogIn4 1
-    #define HAS_analogIn5 1
-#if HAS_analogIn0
-    AnalogIn analogIn0(AIN_0); // TARGET_MAX32630 J1.5 AIN_0 = AIN0 pin       fullscale is 1.2V
-#if HAS_analogIn1
-    AnalogIn analogIn1(AIN_1); // TARGET_MAX32630 J1.6 AIN_1 = AIN1 pin       fullscale is 1.2V
-#if HAS_analogIn2
-    AnalogIn analogIn2(AIN_2); // TARGET_MAX32630 J1.7 AIN_2 = AIN2 pin       fullscale is 1.2V
-#if HAS_analogIn3
-    AnalogIn analogIn3(AIN_3); // TARGET_MAX32630 J1.8 AIN_3 = AIN3 pin       fullscale is 1.2V
-#if HAS_analogIn4
-    AnalogIn analogIn4(AIN_4); // TARGET_MAX32630 J1.5 AIN_4 = AIN0 / 5.0     fullscale is 6.0V
-#if HAS_analogIn5
-    AnalogIn analogIn5(AIN_5); // TARGET_MAX32630 J1.6 AIN_5 = AIN1 / 5.0     fullscale is 6.0V
-#elif defined(TARGET_MAX32600)
-    #define HAS_analogIn0 1
-    #define HAS_analogIn1 1
-    #define HAS_analogIn2 1
-    #define HAS_analogIn3 1
-    #define HAS_analogIn4 1
-    #define HAS_analogIn5 1
-#if HAS_analogIn0
-    AnalogIn analogIn0(A0);
-#if HAS_analogIn1
-    AnalogIn analogIn1(A1);
-#if HAS_analogIn2
-    AnalogIn analogIn2(A2);
-#if HAS_analogIn3
-    AnalogIn analogIn3(A3);
-#if HAS_analogIn4
-    AnalogIn analogIn4(A4);
-#if HAS_analogIn5
-    AnalogIn analogIn5(A5);
-#elif defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F446RE)
-    #define HAS_analogIn0 1
-    #define HAS_analogIn1 1
-    #define HAS_analogIn2 1
-    #define HAS_analogIn3 1
-    #define HAS_analogIn4 1
-    #define HAS_analogIn5 1
-#if HAS_analogIn0
-    AnalogIn analogIn0(A0);
-#if HAS_analogIn1
-    AnalogIn analogIn1(A1);
-#if HAS_analogIn2
-    AnalogIn analogIn2(A2);
-#if HAS_analogIn3
-    AnalogIn analogIn3(A3);
-#if HAS_analogIn4
-    AnalogIn analogIn4(A4);
-#if HAS_analogIn5
-    AnalogIn analogIn5(A5);
-#elif defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F401RE)
-    #define HAS_analogIn0 1
-    #define HAS_analogIn1 1
-    #define HAS_analogIn2 1
-    #define HAS_analogIn3 1
-    #define HAS_analogIn4 1
-    #define HAS_analogIn5 1
-#if HAS_analogIn0
-    AnalogIn analogIn0(A0);
-#if HAS_analogIn1
-    AnalogIn analogIn1(A1);
-#if HAS_analogIn2
-    AnalogIn analogIn2(A2);
-#if HAS_analogIn3
-    AnalogIn analogIn3(A3);
-#if HAS_analogIn4
-    AnalogIn analogIn4(A4);
-#if HAS_analogIn5
-    AnalogIn analogIn5(A5);
-// TODO1: TARGET=MAX32625MBED ARM Cortex-M4F 96MHz 512kB Flash 160kB SRAM
-#elif defined(TARGET_LPC1768)
-    #define HAS_analogIn0 1
-    #define HAS_analogIn1 1
-    #define HAS_analogIn2 1
-    #define HAS_analogIn3 1
-    #define HAS_analogIn4 1
-    #define HAS_analogIn5 1
-//    #define HAS_analogIn6 1
-//    #define HAS_analogIn7 1
-//    #define HAS_analogIn8 1
-//    #define HAS_analogIn9 1
-//    #define HAS_analogIn10 1
-//    #define HAS_analogIn11 1
-//    #define HAS_analogIn12 1
-//    #define HAS_analogIn13 1
-//    #define HAS_analogIn14 1
-//    #define HAS_analogIn15 1
-#if HAS_analogIn0
-    AnalogIn analogIn0(p15); // TARGET_LPC1768 P0.23/AD0.0/I2SRX_CLK/CAP3.0
-#if HAS_analogIn1
-    AnalogIn analogIn1(p16); // TARGET_LPC1768 P0.24/AD0.1/I2SRX_WS/CAP3.1
-#if HAS_analogIn2
-    AnalogIn analogIn2(p17); // TARGET_LPC1768 P0.25/AD0.2/I2SRX_SDA/TXD3
-#if HAS_analogIn3
-    AnalogIn analogIn3(p18); // TARGET_LPC1768 P0.26/AD0.3/AOUT/RXD3
-#if HAS_analogIn4
-    AnalogIn analogIn4(p19); // TARGET_LPC1768 P1.30/VBUS/AD0.4
-#if HAS_analogIn5
-    AnalogIn analogIn5(p20); // TARGET_LPC1768 P1.31/SCK1/AD0.5
-#if HAS_analogIn6
-    AnalogIn analogIn6(____);
-#if HAS_analogIn7
-    AnalogIn analogIn7(____);
-#if HAS_analogIn8
-    AnalogIn analogIn8(____);
-#if HAS_analogIn9
-    AnalogIn analogIn9(____);
-#if HAS_analogIn10
-    AnalogIn analogIn10(____);
-#if HAS_analogIn11
-    AnalogIn analogIn11(____);
-#if HAS_analogIn12
-    AnalogIn analogIn12(____);
-#if HAS_analogIn13
-    AnalogIn analogIn13(____);
-#if HAS_analogIn14
-    AnalogIn analogIn14(____);
-#if HAS_analogIn15
-    AnalogIn analogIn15(____);
-    // unknown target
-// uncrustify-0.66.1 *INDENT-ON*
-#if HAS_analogIn0 || HAS_analogIn1 \
-    || HAS_analogIn2 || HAS_analogIn3 \
-    || HAS_analogIn4 || HAS_analogIn5 \
-    || HAS_analogIn6 || HAS_analogIn7 \
-    || HAS_analogIn8 || HAS_analogIn9 \
-    || HAS_analogIn10 || HAS_analogIn11 \
-    || HAS_analogIn12 || HAS_analogIn13 \
-    || HAS_analogIn14 || HAS_analogIn15
-#define HAS_analogIns 1
-// Option to use LEDs to show status
-#ifndef USE_LEDS
-#define USE_LEDS 1
-#if defined(TARGET_MAX32630)
-# define LED_ON  0
-# define LED_OFF 1
-#elif defined(TARGET_MAX32625MBED)
-# define LED_ON  0
-# define LED_OFF 1
-// TODO1: TARGET=MAX32625MBED ARM Cortex-M4F 96MHz 512kB Flash 160kB SRAM
-#elif defined(TARGET_LPC1768)
-# define LED_ON  1
-# define LED_OFF 0
-#else // not defined(TARGET_LPC1768 etc.)
-// USE_LEDS with some platform other than MAX32630, MAX32625MBED, LPC1768
-// bugfix for MAX32600MBED LED blink pattern: check if LED_ON/LED_OFF already defined
-# ifndef LED_ON
-#  define LED_ON  0
-# endif
-# ifndef LED_OFF
-#  define LED_OFF 1
-# endif
-//# define LED_ON  1
-//# define LED_OFF 0
-#endif // target definition
-DigitalOut led1(LED1, LED_OFF); // MAX32630FTHR: LED1 = LED_RED
-DigitalOut led2(LED2, LED_OFF); // MAX32630FTHR: LED2 = LED_GREEN
-DigitalOut led3(LED3, LED_OFF); // MAX32630FTHR: LED3 = LED_BLUE
-DigitalOut led4(LED4, LED_OFF);
-#else // USE_LEDS=0
-// issue #41 support Nucleo_F446RE
-// there are no LED indicators on the board, LED1 interferes with SPI;
-// but we still need placeholders led1 led2 led3 led4.
-// Declare DigitalOut led1 led2 led3 led4 targeting safe pins.
-// PinName NC means NOT_CONNECTED; DigitalOut::is_connected() returns false
-# define LED_ON  0
-# define LED_OFF 1
-DigitalOut led1(NC, LED_OFF);
-DigitalOut led2(NC, LED_OFF);
-DigitalOut led3(NC, LED_OFF);
-DigitalOut led4(NC, LED_OFF);
-#endif // USE_LEDS
-class RGB_LED {
-    RGB_LED(DigitalOut &led_red, DigitalOut &led_green, DigitalOut &led_blue)
-        : m_red(led_red), m_green(led_green), m_blue(led_blue)
-    {
-    };
-    DigitalOut &m_red;
-    DigitalOut &m_green;
-    DigitalOut &m_blue;
-    ~RGB_LED()
-    {
-    };
-    /* diagnostic rbg led RED
-     */
-    void red() {
-        m_red = LED_ON; m_green = LED_OFF; m_blue = LED_OFF; // diagnostic rbg led RED
-    };
-    /* diagnostic rbg led GREEN
-     */
-    void green() {
-        m_red = LED_OFF; m_green = LED_ON; m_blue = LED_OFF; // diagnostic rbg led GREEN
-    };
-    /* diagnostic rbg led BLUE
-     */
-    void blue() {
-        m_red = LED_OFF; m_green = LED_OFF; m_blue = LED_ON; // diagnostic rbg led BLUE
-    };
-    /* diagnostic rbg led RED+GREEN+BLUE=WHITE
-     */
-    void white() {
-        m_red = LED_ON; m_green = LED_ON; m_blue = LED_ON; // diagnostic rbg led RED+GREEN+BLUE=WHITE
-    };
-    /* diagnostic rbg led GREEN+BLUE=CYAN
-     */
-    void cyan() {
-        m_red = LED_OFF; m_green = LED_ON; m_blue = LED_ON; // diagnostic rbg led GREEN+BLUE=CYAN
-    };
-    /* diagnostic rbg led RED+BLUE=MAGENTA
-     */
-    void magenta() {
-        m_red = LED_ON; m_green = LED_OFF; m_blue = LED_ON; // diagnostic rbg led RED+BLUE=MAGENTA
-    };
-    /* diagnostic rbg led RED+GREEN=YELLOW
-     */
-    void yellow() {
-        m_red = LED_ON; m_green = LED_ON; m_blue = LED_OFF; // diagnostic rbg led RED+GREEN=YELLOW
-    };
-    /* diagnostic rbg led BLACK
-     */
-    void black() {
-        m_red = LED_OFF; m_green = LED_OFF; m_blue = LED_OFF; // diagnostic rbg led BLACK
-    };
-RGB_LED rgb_led(led1, led2, led3); // red, green, blue LEDs
-#endif // USE_LEDS
-// use BUTTON1 trigger some action
-#if defined(TARGET_MAX32630)
-#define HAS_BUTTON2_DEMO 0
-#elif defined(TARGET_MAX32625PICO)
-#warning "TARGET_MAX32625PICO not previously tested; need to define buttons..."
-#define HAS_BUTTON2_DEMO 0
-#elif defined(TARGET_MAX32625)
-#elif defined(TARGET_MAX32620FTHR)
-#warning "TARGET_MAX32620FTHR not previously tested; need to define buttons..."
-#define BUTTON1 SW1
-#define HAS_BUTTON2_DEMO 0
-#elif defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F446RE)
-#elif defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F401RE)
-#warning "target not previously tested; need to define buttons..."
-#define HAS_BUTTON1_DEMO 0
-#define HAS_BUTTON2_DEMO 0
-// avoid runtime error on button1 press [mbed-os-5.11]
-// instead of using InterruptIn, use DigitalIn and poll in main while(1)
-// avoid runtime error on button1 press [mbed-os-5.11]
-// instead of using InterruptIn, use DigitalIn and poll in main while(1)
-DigitalIn button1(BUTTON1);
-# else
-InterruptIn button1(BUTTON1);
-# endif
-DigitalIn button1(BUTTON1);
-// avoid runtime error on button1 press [mbed-os-5.11]
-// instead of using InterruptIn, use DigitalIn and poll in main while(1)
-DigitalIn button2(BUTTON2);
-# else
-InterruptIn button2(BUTTON2);
-# endif
-DigitalIn button2(BUTTON2);
-// Ticker is the periodic interrupt timer itself
-Ticker periodicInterruptTimer;
-us_timestamp_t periodicInterruptTimer_interval_usec = 50;
-us_timestamp_t periodicInterruptTimer_interval_usec_MAX = 1000;
-us_timestamp_t periodicInterruptTimer_interval_usec_MIN = 20;
-#if APPLICATION_MAX11131 // hardware interface functions
-void print_value(CmdLine& cmdLine, int16_t value_u12, int channelId)
-    int channelPairIndex = channelId / 2;
-    // format: 1 0 0 0 1 UCH0/1 UCH2/3 UCH4/5 UCH6/7 UCH8/9 UCH10/11 UCH12/13 UCH14/15 PDIFF_COM x x
-    // unused variable: int UCHn = (g_MAX11131_device.UNIPOLAR >> (10 - channelPairIndex)) & 0x01;
-    int BCHn = (g_MAX11131_device.BIPOLAR >> (10 - channelPairIndex)) & 0x01;
-    // unused variable: int RANGEn = (g_MAX11131_device.RANGE >> (10 - channelPairIndex)) & 0x01;
-    //
-    cmdLine.serial().printf(" ch=");
-    // TODO1: if CHANID=0 don't print ch=channelId
-    if ((g_MAX11131_device.isExternalClock == 0) || (g_MAX11131_device.chan_id_0_1 == 1))
-    {
-        // Internal clock modes always use channel ID.
-        // External clock modes use channel ID if ADC_MODE_CONTROL.CHAN_ID is 1.
-        cmdLine.serial().printf("%d", channelId);
-    } else {
-        cmdLine.serial().printf("?");
-    }
-    if (BCHn)
-    {
-        cmdLine.serial().printf(" xb=%ld", g_MAX11131_device.TwosComplementValue(value_u12));
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        cmdLine.serial().printf(" xu=%d", value_u12);
-    }
-    cmdLine.serial().printf(" = 0x%4.4x = %6.4fV",
-                            (value_u12 & 0xFFFF),
-                            g_MAX11131_device.VoltageOfCode(value_u12, channelId)
-                            );
-    // dtostrf width and precision: 2.5v / 4096 LSB = 0.0006103515625 volts per LSB
-// read data words
-// @pre RAW_misoData16[index] contains the raw SPI Master-In,Slave-Out data
-// @pre AINcode[NUM_CHANNELS] contains the latest readings in LSBs
-// For internal clock modes, the data format always includes the channel address.
-//     misoData16 = CH[3:0] DATA[11:0]
-void AINcode_print_value_chanID(CmdLine& cmdLine, int nWords)
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("ScanRead_nWords_chanID nWords=%d\r\n", nWords);
-    for (int index = 0; index < nWords; index++) {
-        //~ int16_t misoData16 = MAX11131_ScanRead();
-        // For internal clock modes, the data format always includes the channel address.
-        //     misoData16 = CH[3:0] DATA[11:0]
-        int16_t value_u12 = (g_MAX11131_device.RAW_misoData16[index] & 0x0FFF);
-        int channelId = ((g_MAX11131_device.RAW_misoData16[index] >> 12) & 0x000F);
-        // diagnostic: print raw MISO data
-        cmdLine.serial().printf("      MAX11131.MISO[%u]=0x%4.4x:", index,
-                                (g_MAX11131_device.RAW_misoData16[index] & 0xFFFF));
-        print_value(cmdLine, value_u12, channelId);
-        cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n");
-    }
-// read data words
-// @pre RAW_misoData16[index] contains the raw SPI Master-In,Slave-Out data
-// @pre AINcode[NUM_CHANNELS] contains the latest readings in LSBs
-// For external clock modes, the data format returned depends on the CHAN_ID bit.
-//     when CHAN_ID = 0: misoData16 = 0 DATA[11:0] x x x
-//     when CHAN_ID = 1: misoData16 = CH[3:0] DATA[11:0]
-void AINcode_print_value_externalClock(CmdLine& cmdLine, int nWords)
-    // For external clock modes, the data format returned depends on the CHAN_ID bit.
-    //     when CHAN_ID = 0: misoData16 = 0 DATA[11:0] x x x
-    //     when CHAN_ID = 1: misoData16 = CH[3:0] DATA[11:0]
-    // For internal clock modes, the data format always includes the channel address.
-    //     misoData16 = CH[3:0] DATA[11:0]
-    if (g_MAX11131_device.chan_id_0_1 != 0) {
-        AINcode_print_value_chanID(cmdLine, nWords);
-        return;
-    }
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("ScanRead_nWords_externalClock nWords=%d\r\n", nWords);
-    for (int index = 0; index < nWords; index++) {
-        // int16_t misoData16 = MAX11131_ScanRead();
-        int16_t value_u12 = ((g_MAX11131_device.RAW_misoData16[index] >> 3) & 0x0FFF);
-        int channelId = g_MAX11131_device.channelNumber_0_15;
-        // diagnostic: print raw MISO data
-        cmdLine.serial().printf("      MAX11131.MISO[%u]=0x%4.4x:", index,
-                                (g_MAX11131_device.RAW_misoData16[index] & 0xFFFF));
-        print_value(cmdLine, value_u12, channelId);
-        cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n");
-    }
-// read data words and calculate mean, stddev
-// @pre RAW_misoData16[index] contains the raw SPI Master-In,Slave-Out data
-// @pre AINcode[NUM_CHANNELS] contains the latest readings in LSBs
-void AINcode_print_value_chanID_mean(CmdLine& cmdLine, int nWords)
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("ScanRead_nWords_chanID_mean nWords=%d\r\n", nWords);
-    double Sx = 0;
-    double Sxx = 0;
-    for (int index = 0; index < nWords; index++) {
-        //~ int16_t misoData16 = MAX11131_ScanRead();
-        // For internal clock modes, the data format always includes the channel address.
-        //     misoData16 = CH[3:0] DATA[11:0]
-        int16_t value_u12 = (g_MAX11131_device.RAW_misoData16[index] & 0x0FFF);
-        int channelId = ((g_MAX11131_device.RAW_misoData16[index] >> 12) & 0x000F);
-        // TODO: sign-extend value_s12 from value_u12
-        //
-        cmdLine.serial().printf("n=%d", index);
-        print_value(cmdLine, value_u12, channelId);
-        //
-        Sx = Sx + value_u12;
-        Sxx = Sxx + ((double)value_u12 * value_u12);
-        cmdLine.serial().printf(" Sx=%f Sxx=%f\r\n", Sx, Sxx);
-    }
-    double mean = Sx / nWords;
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("  mean=%f=0x%4.4x", mean, (int)mean);
-    // calculate standard deviation from N, Sx, Sxx
-    if (nWords >= 2)
-    {
-        double variance = (Sxx - ( Sx * Sx / nWords)) / (nWords - 1);
-        // stddev = square root of variance
-        double stddev = sqrt(variance);
-        cmdLine.serial().printf("  variance=%f  stddev=%f", variance, stddev);
-    }
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n");
-/* MAX11131_print_register_verbose
- *
- * TODO: document this function
- * This header was inserted by uncrustify; see uncrustify_func_header.txt.
- *
- */
-void MAX11131_print_register_verbose(CmdLine& cmdLine, int16_t registerData)
-    if (registerData & 0x8000)
-    {
-        switch (registerData & 0xF800)
-        {
-            case 0x8000: // ADC_CONFIGURATION 0x8000..0x87FF format: 1 0 0 0 0 REFSEL AVGON NAVG[1:0] NSCAN[1:0] SPM[1:0] ECHO 0 0
-                cmdLine.serial().printf(" ADC_CONFIGURATION");
-                {
-                    // define write-only register ADC_CONFIGURATION
-                    //int16_t ADC_CONFIGURATION = 0x8000; //!< registerData 0x8000..0x87FF format: 1 0 0 0 0 REFSEL AVGON NAVG[1:0] NSCAN[1:0] SPM[1:0] ECHO 0 0
-                    const int REFSEL_LSB = 10; const int REFSEL_BITS = 0x01; // ADC_CONFIGURATION.REFSEL
-                    const int AVGON_LSB = 9; const int AVGON_BITS = 0x01; // ADC_CONFIGURATION.AVGON
-                    const int NAVG_LSB = 7; const int NAVG_BITS = 0x03; // ADC_CONFIGURATION.NAVG[1:0]
-                    const int NSCAN_LSB = 5; const int NSCAN_BITS = 0x03; // ADC_CONFIGURATION.NSCAN[1:0]
-                    const int SPM_LSB = 3; const int SPM_BITS = 0x03; // ADC_CONFIGURATION.SPM[1:0]
-                    const int ECHO_LSB = 2; const int ECHO_BITS = 0x01; // ADC_CONFIGURATION.ECHO
-                    const int REFSEL = ((registerData >> REFSEL_LSB) & REFSEL_BITS);
-                    const int AVGON = ((registerData >> AVGON_LSB) & AVGON_BITS);
-                    const int NAVG = ((registerData >> NAVG_LSB) & NAVG_BITS);
-                    const int NSCAN = ((registerData >> NSCAN_LSB) & NSCAN_BITS);
-                    const int SPM = ((registerData >> SPM_LSB) & SPM_BITS);
-                    const int ECHO = ((registerData >> ECHO_LSB) & ECHO_BITS);
-                    if (REFSEL) {
-                        cmdLine.serial().printf(" REFSEL=%d", REFSEL);
-                    }
-                    if (AVGON) {
-                        cmdLine.serial().printf(" AVGON=%d", AVGON);
-                    }
-                    if (NAVG) {
-                        cmdLine.serial().printf(" NAVG=%d", NAVG);
-                    }
-                    if (NSCAN) {
-                        cmdLine.serial().printf(" NSCAN=%d", NSCAN);
-                    }
-                    if (SPM) {
-                        cmdLine.serial().printf(" SPM=%d", SPM);
-                    }
-                    if (ECHO) {
-                        cmdLine.serial().printf(" ECHO=%d", ECHO);
-                    }
-                }
-                break;
-            case 0x8800: // UNIPOLAR 0x8800..0x8FFF format: 1 0 0 0 1 UCH0/1 UCH2/3 UCH4/5 UCH6/7 UCH8/9 UCH10/11 UCH12/13 UCH14/15 PDIFF_COM x x
-                cmdLine.serial().printf(" UNIPOLAR 0x%4.4x", ((registerData >> 3) & 0xFF));
-                if ((registerData >> 2) & 0x01) {
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(" PDIFF_COM");
-                }
-                break;
-            case 0x9000: // BIPOLAR 0x9000..0x97FF format: 1 0 0 1 0 BCH0/1 BCH2/3 BCH4/5 BCH6/7 BCH8/9 BCH10/11 BCH12/13 BCH14/15 x x x
-                cmdLine.serial().printf(" BIPOLAR  0x%4.4x", ((registerData >> 3) & 0xFF));
-                break;
-            case 0x9800: // RANGE 0x9800..0x9FFF format: 1 0 0 1 1 RANGE0/1 RANGE2/3 RANGE4/5 RANGE6/7 RANGE8/9 RANGE10/11 RANGE12/13 RANGE14/15 x x x
-                cmdLine.serial().printf(" RANGE    0x%4.4x", ((registerData >> 3) & 0xFF));
-                break;
-            case 0xA000: // CSCAN0 0xA000..0xA7FF format: 1 0 1 0 0 CHSCAN15 CHSCAN14 CHSCAN13 CHSCAN12 CHSCAN11 CHSCAN10 CHSCAN9 CHSCAN8 x x x
-                cmdLine.serial().printf(" CSCAN0 0x%4.4x", ((registerData >> 3) & 0xFF));
-                break;
-            case 0xA800: // CSCAN1 0xA800..0xAFFF format: 1 0 1 0 1 CHSCAN7 CHSCAN6 CHSCAN5 CHSCAN4 CHSCAN3 CHSCAN2 CHSCAN1 CHSCAN0 x x x
-                cmdLine.serial().printf(" CSCAN1 0x%4.4x", ((registerData >> 3) & 0xFF));
-                break;
-            case 0xB000: // SAMPLESET 0xB000..0xB7FF format: 1 0 1 1 0 SEQ_LENGTH[7:0] x x x
-                cmdLine.serial().printf(" SAMPLESET SEQ_LENGTH[7:0]=0x%4.4x", ((registerData >> 3) & 0xFF));
-                cmdLine.serial().printf(" so length=%d channels", (((registerData >> 3) & 0xFF) + 1));
-                break;
-            default:
-                cmdLine.serial().printf(" ???");
-                break;
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        // ADC_MODE_CONTROL 0x0000..0x7FFF format: 0 SCAN[3:0] CHSEL[3:0] RESET[1:0] PM[1:0] CHAN_ID SWCNV 0
-        cmdLine.serial().printf(" ADC_MODE_CONTROL");
-        // define write-only register ADC_MODE_CONTROL
-        //int16_t ADC_MODE_CONTROL = 0;       //!< registerData 0x0000..0x7FFF format: 0 SCAN[3:0] CHSEL[3:0] RESET[1:0] PM[1:0] CHAN_ID SWCNV 0
-        const int SCAN_LSB = 11; const int SCAN_BITS = 0x0F;   //!< ADC_MODE_CONTROL.SCAN[3:0] ADC Scan Control (command)
-        const int CHSEL_LSB = 7; const int CHSEL_BITS = 0x0F;  //!< ADC_MODE_CONTROL.CHSEL[3:0] Analog Input Channel Select AIN0..AIN15
-        const int RESET_LSB = 5; const int RESET_BITS = 0x03;  //!< ADC_MODE_CONTROL.RESET[1:0] Reset 0=Normal 1=ResetFIFO 2=ResetAllRegisters 3=reserved
-        const int PM_LSB = 3; const int PM_BITS = 0x03;        //!< ADC_MODE_CONTROL.PM[1:0] Power Management 0=Normal, 1=AutoShutdown, 2=AutoStandby 3=reserved
-        const int CHAN_ID_LSB = 2; const int CHAN_ID_BITS = 0x01; //!< ADC_MODE_CONTROL.CHAN_ID
-        const int SWCNV_LSB = 1; const int SWCNV_BITS = 0x01;  //!< ADC_MODE_CONTROL.SWCNV
-        const int SCAN = ((registerData >> SCAN_LSB) & SCAN_BITS);
-        const int CHSEL = ((registerData >> CHSEL_LSB) & CHSEL_BITS);
-        const int RESET = ((registerData >> RESET_LSB) & RESET_BITS);
-        const int PM = ((registerData >> PM_LSB) & PM_BITS);
-        const int CHANID = ((registerData >> CHAN_ID_LSB) & CHAN_ID_BITS);
-        const int SWCNV = ((registerData >> SWCNV_LSB) & SWCNV_BITS);
-        switch (SCAN)
-        {
-            case MAX11131::SCAN_0000_NOP:
-                cmdLine.serial().printf(" SCAN_0000_NOP");
-                break;
-            case MAX11131::SCAN_0001_Manual:
-                cmdLine.serial().printf(" SCAN_0001_Manual CHSEL=%d", CHSEL);
-                break;
-            case MAX11131::SCAN_0010_Repeat:
-                cmdLine.serial().printf(" SCAN_0010_Repeat CHSEL=%d", CHSEL);
-                break;
-            case MAX11131::SCAN_0011_StandardInternalClock:
-                cmdLine.serial().printf(" SCAN_0011_StandardInt CHSEL=%d", CHSEL);
-                break;
-            case MAX11131::SCAN_0100_StandardExternalClock:
-                cmdLine.serial().printf(" SCAN_0100_StandardExt CHSEL=%d", CHSEL);
-                break;
-            case MAX11131::SCAN_0101_UpperInternalClock:
-                cmdLine.serial().printf(" SCAN_0101_UpperInt CHSEL=%d", CHSEL);
-                break;
-            case MAX11131::SCAN_0110_UpperExternalClock:
-                cmdLine.serial().printf(" SCAN_0110_UpperExt CHSEL=%d", CHSEL);
-                break;
-            case MAX11131::SCAN_0111_CustomInternalClock:
-                cmdLine.serial().printf(" SCAN_0111_CustomInt");
-                break;
-            case MAX11131::SCAN_1000_CustomExternalClock:
-                cmdLine.serial().printf(" SCAN_1000_CustomExt");
-                break;
-            case MAX11131::SCAN_1001_SampleSetExternalClock:
-                cmdLine.serial().printf(" SCAN_1001_SampleSetExt");
-                break;
-            default:
-                cmdLine.serial().printf(" SCAN=%d", SCAN);
-                cmdLine.serial().printf(" CHSEL=%d", CHSEL);
-        }
-        if (RESET) {
-            cmdLine.serial().printf(" RESET=%d", RESET);
-        }
-        if (PM) {
-            cmdLine.serial().printf(" PM=%d", PM);
-        }
-        if (SCAN != MAX11131::SCAN_0000_NOP)
-        {
-            if (g_MAX11131_device.isExternalClock)
-            {
-                // if external clock mode, print CHANID
-                cmdLine.serial().printf(" CHANID=%d", CHANID);
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                // if internal clock mode, print SWCNV
-                cmdLine.serial().printf(" SWCNV=%d", SWCNV);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n");
-#if APPLICATION_MAX5171 // hardware interface functions
-#if APPLICATION_MAX11410 // hardware interface functions
-#if APPLICATION_MAX12345 // hardware interface functions
-// print banner message to serial port
-void print_banner()
-    DAPLINKserial.printf("\r\n");
-# if defined(TARGET_MAX32630)
-    DAPLINKserial.printf("MAX32630");
-# elif defined(TARGET_MAX32625MBED)
-    DAPLINKserial.printf("MAX32625MBED");
-# elif defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F446RE)
-    DAPLINKserial.printf("NUCLEO_F446RE");
-# elif defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F401RE)
-    DAPLINKserial.printf("NUCLEO_F401RE");
-# elif defined(TARGET_LPC1768)
-    DAPLINKserial.printf("LPC1768");
-# else
-    // unknown target
-    DAPLINKserial.printf("unknownTarget");
-# endif
-    DAPLINKserial.printf(" DAPLINKserial\r\n");
-    serial.printf("\r\n");
-# if defined(TARGET_MAX32630)
-    serial.printf("MAX32630");
-# elif defined(TARGET_MAX32625MBED)
-    serial.printf("MAX32625MBED");
-# elif defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F446RE)
-    serial.printf("NUCLEO_F446RE");
-# elif defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F401RE)
-    serial.printf("NUCLEO_F401RE");
-# elif defined(TARGET_LPC1768)
-    serial.printf("LPC1768");
-# else
-    // unknown target
-    serial.printf("unknownTarget");
-# endif
-    serial.printf(" Tester\r\n");
-// DigitalInOut pin resource: print the pin index names to serial
-#if HAS_digitalInOuts
-void list_digitalInOutPins(Stream& serialStream)
-#if HAS_digitalInOut0
-    serialStream.printf(" 0");
-#if HAS_digitalInOut1
-    serialStream.printf(" 1");
-#if HAS_digitalInOut2
-    serialStream.printf(" 2");
-#if HAS_digitalInOut3
-    serialStream.printf(" 3");
-#if HAS_digitalInOut4
-    serialStream.printf(" 4");
-#if HAS_digitalInOut5
-    serialStream.printf(" 5");
-#if HAS_digitalInOut6
-    serialStream.printf(" 6");
-#if HAS_digitalInOut7
-    serialStream.printf(" 7");
-#if HAS_digitalInOut8
-    serialStream.printf(" 8");
-#if HAS_digitalInOut9
-    serialStream.printf(" 9");
-#if HAS_digitalInOut10
-    serialStream.printf(" 10");
-#if HAS_digitalInOut11
-    serialStream.printf(" 11");
-#if HAS_digitalInOut12
-    serialStream.printf(" 12");
-#if HAS_digitalInOut13
-    serialStream.printf(" 13");
-#if HAS_digitalInOut14
-    serialStream.printf(" 14");
-#if HAS_digitalInOut15
-    serialStream.printf(" 15");
-#if HAS_digitalInOut16
-    serialStream.printf(" 16");
-#if HAS_digitalInOut17
-    serialStream.printf(" 17");
-// DigitalInOut pin resource: present?
-#if HAS_digitalInOuts
-bool has_digitalInOutPin(int cPinIndex)
-    switch (cPinIndex)
-    {
-#if HAS_digitalInOut0
-        case '0': case 0x00: return true;
-#if HAS_digitalInOut1
-        case '1': case 0x01: return true;
-#if HAS_digitalInOut2
-        case '2': case 0x02: return true;
-#if HAS_digitalInOut3
-        case '3': case 0x03: return true;
-#if HAS_digitalInOut4
-        case '4': case 0x04: return true;
-#if HAS_digitalInOut5
-        case '5': case 0x05: return true;
-#if HAS_digitalInOut6
-        case '6': case 0x06: return true;
-#if HAS_digitalInOut7
-        case '7': case 0x07: return true;
-#if HAS_digitalInOut8
-        case '8': case 0x08: return true;
-#if HAS_digitalInOut9
-        case '9': case 0x09: return true;
-#if HAS_digitalInOut10
-        case 'a': case 0x0a: return true;
-#if HAS_digitalInOut11
-        case 'b': case 0x0b: return true;
-#if HAS_digitalInOut12
-        case 'c': case 0x0c: return true;
-#if HAS_digitalInOut13
-        case 'd': case 0x0d: return true;
-#if HAS_digitalInOut14
-        case 'e': case 0x0e: return true;
-#if HAS_digitalInOut15
-        case 'f': case 0x0f: return true;
-        default:
-            return false;
-    }
-// DigitalInOut pin resource: search index
-#if HAS_digitalInOuts
-DigitalInOut& find_digitalInOutPin(int cPinIndex)
-    switch (cPinIndex)
-    {
-        default: // default to the first defined digitalInOut pin
-#if HAS_digitalInOut0
-        case '0': case 0x00: return digitalInOut0;
-#if HAS_digitalInOut1
-        case '1': case 0x01: return digitalInOut1;
-#if HAS_digitalInOut2
-        case '2': case 0x02: return digitalInOut2;
-#if HAS_digitalInOut3
-        case '3': case 0x03: return digitalInOut3;
-#if HAS_digitalInOut4
-        case '4': case 0x04: return digitalInOut4;
-#if HAS_digitalInOut5
-        case '5': case 0x05: return digitalInOut5;
-#if HAS_digitalInOut6
-        case '6': case 0x06: return digitalInOut6;
-#if HAS_digitalInOut7
-        case '7': case 0x07: return digitalInOut7;
-#if HAS_digitalInOut8
-        case '8': case 0x08: return digitalInOut8;
-#if HAS_digitalInOut9
-        case '9': case 0x09: return digitalInOut9;
-#if HAS_digitalInOut10
-        case 'a': case 0x0a: return digitalInOut10;
-#if HAS_digitalInOut11
-        case 'b': case 0x0b: return digitalInOut11;
-#if HAS_digitalInOut12
-        case 'c': case 0x0c: return digitalInOut12;
-#if HAS_digitalInOut13
-        case 'd': case 0x0d: return digitalInOut13;
-#if HAS_digitalInOut14
-        case 'e': case 0x0e: return digitalInOut14;
-#if HAS_digitalInOut15
-        case 'f': case 0x0f: return digitalInOut15;
-#if HAS_digitalInOut16
-        case 'g': case 0x10: return digitalInOut16;
-#if HAS_digitalInOut17
-        case 'h': case 0x11: return digitalInOut17;
-    }
-// AnalogIn pin resource: print the pin index names to serial
-#if HAS_analogIns
-void list_analogInPins(Stream& serialStream)
-#if HAS_analogIn0
-    serialStream.printf(" 0");
-#if HAS_analogIn1
-    serialStream.printf(" 1");
-#if HAS_analogIn2
-    serialStream.printf(" 2");
-#if HAS_analogIn3
-    serialStream.printf(" 3");
-#if HAS_analogIn4
-    serialStream.printf(" 4");
-#if HAS_analogIn5
-    serialStream.printf(" 5");
-#if HAS_analogIn6
-    serialStream.printf(" 6");
-#if HAS_analogIn7
-    serialStream.printf(" 7");
-#if HAS_analogIn8
-    serialStream.printf(" 8");
-#if HAS_analogIn9
-    serialStream.printf(" 9");
-#if HAS_analogIn10
-    serialStream.printf(" a");
-#if HAS_analogIn11
-    serialStream.printf(" b");
-#if HAS_analogIn12
-    serialStream.printf(" c");
-#if HAS_analogIn13
-    serialStream.printf(" d");
-#if HAS_analogIn14
-    serialStream.printf(" e");
-#if HAS_analogIn15
-    serialStream.printf(" f");
-// AnalogIn pin resource: present?
-#if HAS_analogIns
-bool has_analogInPin(int cPinIndex)
-    switch (cPinIndex)
-    {
-#if HAS_analogIn0
-        case '0': case 0x00: return true;
-#if HAS_analogIn1
-        case '1': case 0x01: return true;
-#if HAS_analogIn2
-        case '2': case 0x02: return true;
-#if HAS_analogIn3
-        case '3': case 0x03: return true;
-#if HAS_analogIn4
-        case '4': case 0x04: return true;
-#if HAS_analogIn5
-        case '5': case 0x05: return true;
-#if HAS_analogIn6
-        case '6': case 0x06: return true;
-#if HAS_analogIn7
-        case '7': case 0x07: return true;
-#if HAS_analogIn8
-        case '8': case 0x08: return true;
-#if HAS_analogIn9
-        case '9': case 0x09: return true;
-#if HAS_analogIn10
-        case 'a': case 0x0a: return true;
-#if HAS_analogIn11
-        case 'b': case 0x0b: return true;
-#if HAS_analogIn12
-        case 'c': case 0x0c: return true;
-#if HAS_analogIn13
-        case 'd': case 0x0d: return true;
-#if HAS_analogIn14
-        case 'e': case 0x0e: return true;
-#if HAS_analogIn15
-        case 'f': case 0x0f: return true;
-        default:
-            return false;
-    }
-// AnalogIn pin resource: search index
-#if HAS_analogIns
-AnalogIn& find_analogInPin(int cPinIndex)
-    switch (cPinIndex)
-    {
-        default: // default to the first defined analogIn pin
-#if HAS_analogIn0
-        case '0': case 0x00: return analogIn0;
-#if HAS_analogIn1
-        case '1': case 0x01: return analogIn1;
-#if HAS_analogIn2
-        case '2': case 0x02: return analogIn2;
-#if HAS_analogIn3
-        case '3': case 0x03: return analogIn3;
-#if HAS_analogIn4
-        case '4': case 0x04: return analogIn4;
-#if HAS_analogIn5
-        case '5': case 0x05: return analogIn5;
-#if HAS_analogIn6
-        case '6': case 0x06: return analogIn6;
-#if HAS_analogIn7
-        case '7': case 0x07: return analogIn7;
-#if HAS_analogIn8
-        case '8': case 0x08: return analogIn8;
-#if HAS_analogIn9
-        case '9': case 0x09: return analogIn9;
-#if HAS_analogIn10
-        case 'a': case 0x0a: return analogIn10;
-#if HAS_analogIn11
-        case 'b': case 0x0b: return analogIn11;
-#if HAS_analogIn12
-        case 'c': case 0x0c: return analogIn12;
-#if HAS_analogIn13
-        case 'd': case 0x0d: return analogIn13;
-#if HAS_analogIn14
-        case 'e': case 0x0e: return analogIn14;
-#if HAS_analogIn15
-        case 'f': case 0x0f: return analogIn15;
-    }
-#if HAS_analogIns
-const float analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[] = {
-# if defined(TARGET_MAX32630)
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn0
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn1
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn2
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn3
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE * 5.0f, // analogIn4 // AIN_4 = AIN0 / 5.0     fullscale is 6.0V
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE * 5.0f, // analogIn4 // AIN_5 = AIN1 / 5.0     fullscale is 6.0V
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE * 4.0f, // analogIn6 // AIN_6 = VDDB / 4.0     fullscale is 4.8V
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn7 // AIN_7 = VDD18          fullscale is 1.2V
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn8 // AIN_8 = VDD12          fullscale is 1.2V
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE * 2.0f, // analogIn9 // AIN_9 = VRTC / 2.0     fullscale is 2.4V
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn10  // AIN_10 = x undefined?
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE * 4.0f, // analogIn11 // AIN_11 = VDDIO / 4.0   fullscale is 4.8V
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE * 4.0f, // analogIn12 // AIN_12 = VDDIOH / 4.0  fullscale is 4.8V
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn13
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn14
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE // analogIn15
-# elif defined(TARGET_MAX32620FTHR)
-#warning "TARGET_MAX32620FTHR not previously tested; need to verify analogIn0..."
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn0
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn1
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn2
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn3
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE * 5.0f, // analogIn4 // AIN_4 = AIN0 / 5.0     fullscale is 6.0V
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE * 5.0f, // analogIn4 // AIN_5 = AIN1 / 5.0     fullscale is 6.0V
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE * 4.0f, // analogIn6 // AIN_6 = VDDB / 4.0     fullscale is 4.8V
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn7 // AIN_7 = VDD18          fullscale is 1.2V
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn8 // AIN_8 = VDD12          fullscale is 1.2V
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE * 2.0f, // analogIn9 // AIN_9 = VRTC / 2.0     fullscale is 2.4V
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn10  // AIN_10 = x undefined?
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE * 4.0f, // analogIn11 // AIN_11 = VDDIO / 4.0   fullscale is 4.8V
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE * 4.0f, // analogIn12 // AIN_12 = VDDIOH / 4.0  fullscale is 4.8V
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn13
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn14
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE // analogIn15
-#elif defined(TARGET_MAX32625MBED)
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE * 1.0f, // analogIn0 // fullscale is 1.2V
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE * 1.0f, // analogIn1 // fullscale is 1.2V
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE * 1.0f, // analogIn2 // fullscale is 1.2V
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE * 1.0f, // analogIn3 // fullscale is 1.2V
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE * 5.0f, // analogIn4 // AIN_4 = AIN0 / 5.0     fullscale is 6.0V
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE * 5.0f, // analogIn4 // AIN_5 = AIN1 / 5.0     fullscale is 6.0V
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE * 4.0f, // analogIn6 // AIN_6 = VDDB / 4.0     fullscale is 4.8V
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn7 // AIN_7 = VDD18          fullscale is 1.2V
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn8 // AIN_8 = VDD12          fullscale is 1.2V
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE * 2.0f, // analogIn9 // AIN_9 = VRTC / 2.0     fullscale is 2.4V
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn10  // AIN_10 = x undefined?
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE * 4.0f, // analogIn11 // AIN_11 = VDDIO / 4.0   fullscale is 4.8V
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE * 4.0f, // analogIn12 // AIN_12 = VDDIOH / 4.0  fullscale is 4.8V
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn13
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn14
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE // analogIn15
-#elif defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F446RE)
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn0
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn1
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn2
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn3
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn4
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn5
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn6
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn7
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn8
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn9
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn10
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn11
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn12
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn13
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn14
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE // analogIn15
-#elif defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F401RE)
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn0
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn1
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn2
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn3
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn4
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn5
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn6
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn7
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn8
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn9
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn10
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn11
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn12
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn13
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn14
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE // analogIn15
-//#elif defined(TARGET_LPC1768)
-    // unknown target
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn0
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn1
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn2
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn3
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn4
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn5
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn6
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn7
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn8
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn9
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn10
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn11
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn12
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn13
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE, // analogIn14
-    ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE // analogIn15
-# endif
-// Search I2C device address list
-// @param[in] deviceAddress7First = I2C device address (slave address on I2C bus), 7-bits, RIGHT-justified.
-// @param[in] deviceAddress7Last = I2C device address (slave address on I2C bus), 7-bits, RIGHT-justified.
-// @param[in] numDevicesFoundLimit = maximum number of devices to detect before halting search; in case SCL stuck low or pullups missing.
-// @returns deviceAddress on success; 0 on failure
-// @post g_I2C_deviceAddress7 is updated with any device that did ACK
-void HuntAttachedI2CDevices(CmdLine& cmdLine, uint8_t deviceAddress7First, uint8_t deviceAddress7Last,
-                            const uint8_t numDevicesFoundLimit = 20)
-    // declare in narrower scope: MAX32625MBED I2C i2cMaster(...)
-    I2C i2cMaster(I2C0_SDA, I2C0_SCL); // sda scl TARGET_MAX32635MBED: P1_6, P1_7 Arduino 10-pin header
-    i2cMaster.frequency(g_I2C_SCL_Hz);
-    // %IP -- I2C probe
-    // TODO: i2c transfer
-    //const int addr7bit = 0x48;      // 7 bit I2C address
-    //const int addr8bit = 0x48 << 1; // 8bit I2C address, 0x90
-    // /* int  */   i2cMaster.read (int addr8bit, char *data, int length, bool repeated=false) // Read from an I2C slave.
-    // /* int  */   i2cMaster.read (int ack) // Read a single byte from the I2C bus.
-    // /* int  */   i2cMaster.write (int addr8bit, const char *data, int length, bool repeated=false) // Write to an I2C slave.
-    // /* int  */   i2cMaster.write (int data) // Write single byte out on the I2C bus.
-    // /* void */   i2cMaster.start (void) // Creates a start condition on the I2C bus.
-    // /* void */   i2cMaster.stop (void) // Creates a stop condition on the I2C bus.
-    // /* int */    i2cMaster.transfer (int addr8bit, const char *tx_buffer, int tx_length, char *rx_buffer, int rx_length, const event_callback_t &callback, int event=I2C_EVENT_TRANSFER_COMPLETE, bool repeated=false) // Start nonblocking I2C transfer. More...
-    // /* void */   i2cMaster.abort_transfer () // Abort the ongoing I2C transfer. More...
-    //const char probeWriteData[] = { 0x00 };
-    //int probeWriteDataLength = 1;
-    //bool isRepeatedStart = false;
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("I2C Probe {0x%2.2X (0x%2.2X >> 1) to 0x%2.2X (0x%2.2X >> 1)}, limit %d\r\n",
-                            deviceAddress7First,
-                            deviceAddress7First << 1,
-                            deviceAddress7Last,
-                            deviceAddress7Last << 1,
-                            numDevicesFoundLimit); // HuntAttachedI2CDevices
-    //~ const int i2cFileDescriptor = i2c_open_adapter(1);
-    uint8_t numDevicesFound = 0;
-    uint8_t last_valid_deviceAddress7 = 0;
-    for (uint8_t deviceAddress7 = deviceAddress7First; deviceAddress7 <= deviceAddress7Last; deviceAddress7++)
-    {
-        //cmdLine.serial().printf(" (0x%2.2X >> 1) ", (deviceAddress7 << 1));
-        //if (i2c_ioctl_I2C_SLAVE_i2cDeviceAddress7bits(i2cFileDescriptor, deviceAddress7) == 0)
-        int addr8bit = deviceAddress7 * 2;
-        //
-        // /* int  */   i2cMaster.write (int addr8bit, const char *data, int length, bool repeated=false) // Write to an I2C slave.
-        // Returns 0 on success (ack), nonzero on failure (nack)
-        //bool gotACK = (i2cMaster.write (addr8bit, probeWriteData, probeWriteDataLength, isRepeatedStart) == 0);
-        //
-        // SMBusQuick test
-        i2cMaster.start();
-        // /** Write single byte out on the I2C bus
-        //  *
-        //  *  @param data data to write out on bus
-        //  *
-        //  *  @returns
-        //  *    '0' - NAK was received
-        //  *    '1' - ACK was received,
-        //  *    '2' - timeout
-        //  */
-        // int write(int data);
-        int writeStatus = i2cMaster.write(addr8bit);
-        i2cMaster.stop();
-        bool gotACK = (writeStatus == 1); // ACK was received
-        if (writeStatus == 2) // timeout
-        {
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("- timeout\r\n");
-        }
-        //
-        if (gotACK)
-        {
-            // @return status; error if (fileDescriptor < 0)
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("+ ADDR=0x%2.2X (0x%2.2X >> 1) ACK\r\n", deviceAddress7, (deviceAddress7 << 1));
-            numDevicesFound++;
-            last_valid_deviceAddress7 = deviceAddress7;
-            if (numDevicesFound > numDevicesFoundLimit)
-            {
-                break;
-            }
-            continue;
-        }
-    }
-    if (numDevicesFound == 0)
-    {
-        cmdLine.serial().printf("- No I2C devices found. Maybe SCL/SDA are swapped?\r\n");
-    }
-    else if (numDevicesFound > numDevicesFoundLimit)
-    {
-        cmdLine.serial().printf("- Many I2C devices found. SCL/SDA missing pullup resistors? SCL stuck low?\r\n");
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        //~ i2c_ioctl_I2C_SLAVE_i2cDeviceAddress7bits(i2cFileDescriptor, last_valid_deviceAddress7);
-        g_I2C_deviceAddress7 = last_valid_deviceAddress7;
-    }
-    //~ i2c_close(i2cFileDescriptor);
-#endif // SUPPORT_I2C
-// periodic interrupt timer onTimerTick handler triggered by Ticker
-// analogIn0 (MAX32630:AIN_4 = AIN0 / 5.0) controls angular speed
-// analogIn1 (MAX32630:AIN_5 = AIN1 / 5.0) controls PWM duty cycle
-// note: measured 500ns overhead for MAX32630FTHR digitalInOut1.write(0); digitalInOut1.write(1);
-void onTimerTick() {
-} // onTimerTick
-// periodic interrupt timer command handlers -- enable timer
-void cmd_TE()
-    //us_timestamp_t interval_usec = 100000; // 100ms
-    periodicInterruptTimer_interval_usec = 100000; // 100ms
-    DAPLINKserial.printf(" TE rate=%lluus -- Timer Enable\r\n", periodicInterruptTimer_interval_usec);
-#  endif
-    serial.printf(" TE rate=%lluus -- Timer Enable", periodicInterruptTimer_interval_usec);
-#if 1
-    // mbed shared event queue run onTimerTick() in Thread context not Interrupt context
-    periodicInterruptTimer.attach_us(mbed_event_queue()->event(onTimerTick),
-                                     periodicInterruptTimer_interval_usec);
-    // Works if rate=620Hz or less, Fails if rate=750Hz
-    // MbedOS Error Info Error Status 0x80FF0144 code 324 module 255
-    // Assertion failed; id  location 0xBE6F  mbed-os.lib/events/Event.h+158
-    // Current thread main id 0x200036f8 entry 0xc22f stacksize 0x1000 stackmem 0x200026f8 sp 0x2007ff60 
-    // Seems not robust about overrun / sample rate too fast
-    periodicInterruptTimer.attach_us(&onTimerTick, periodicInterruptTimer_interval_usec);
-    // -- periodicInterruptTimer.attach(&onTimerTick, interval_sec); // the address of the function to be attached (onTimerTick) and the interval (2 seconds)
-    // -- periodicInterruptTimer.attach_us(&onTimerTick, interval_usec); // the address of the function to be attached (onTimerTick) and the interval (2 seconds)
-    // -- periodicInterruptTimer.attach(Callback<void()> func, float t);
-    // -- periodicInterruptTimer.attach_us(Callback<void()> func, us_timestamp_t t);
-    // TODO1: cmd_T add cSubCommand to change interval of Ticker periodic interrupt timer
-// periodic interrupt timer command handlers -- disable timer
-void cmd_TD()
-    DAPLINKserial.printf("  Timer Disable\r\n");
-#  endif
-    serial.printf(" Timer Disable ");
-    periodicInterruptTimer.detach(); // Detach the function
-// When user presses button BUTTON1, perform a demo configuration
-void onButton1FallingEdge(void)
-    void SelfTest(CmdLine & cmdLine);
-    SelfTest(cmdLine_serial);
-#if 0 // APPLICATION_MAX5715 // onButton1FallingEdge BUTTON1 demo configuration MAX5715BOB
-    //~ cmdLine.serial().printf("MAX5715_REF(REF_AlwaysOn_2V500)");
-    g_MAX5715_device.REF(MAX5715::REF_AlwaysOn_2V500);
-    uint16_t code = 4095;
-    //~ cmdLine.serial().printf("CODEallLOADall code=%d", code);
-    g_MAX5715_device.CODEallLOADall(code);
-#endif // APPLICATION_MAX5715
-// When user presses button BUTTON2, perform a demo configuration
-void onButton2FallingEdge(void)
-    // TODO1: BUTTON2 demo configuration LED blink
-#if APPLICATION_MAX5715 // onButton2FallingEdge BUTTON2 demo configuration MAX5715BOB
-    //~ cmdLine.serial().printf("MAX5715_REF(REF_AlwaysOn_2V048)");
-    g_MAX5715_device.REF(MAX5715::REF_AlwaysOn_2V048);
-    //
-    uint16_t ch = 0;
-    uint16_t code = 0xccc;
-    //~ cmdLine.serial().printf("CODEnLOADn ch=%d code=%d", ch, code);
-    g_MAX5715_device.CODEnLOADn(ch, code);
-    //
-    ch = 1;
-    code = 0x800;
-    //~ cmdLine.serial().printf("CODEnLOADn ch=%d code=%d", ch, code);
-    g_MAX5715_device.CODEnLOADn(ch, code);
-    //
-    ch = 2;
-    code = 0x666;
-    //~ cmdLine.serial().printf("CODEnLOADn ch=%d code=%d", ch, code);
-    g_MAX5715_device.CODEnLOADn(ch, code);
-    //
-    ch = 3;
-    code = 0xFFF;
-    //~ cmdLine.serial().printf("CODEnLOADn ch=%d code=%d", ch, code);
-    g_MAX5715_device.CODEnLOADn(ch, code);
-#elif APPLICATION_MAX11131 // onButton2FallingEdge BUTTON2 demo configuration MAX11131BOB
-    // TODO1: demo
-    // MAX11131 > 4
-    // ScanStandardExternalClock ch=9 pm=0 id=1
-    // ScanRead_nWords_chanID nWords=10
-    //  ch=0 xu=2964 = 0x0b94 = 1.8091V
-    //  ch=1 xu=2227 = 0x08b3 = 1.3593V
-    //  ch=2 xu=1570 = 0x0622 = 0.9583V
-    //  ch=3 xu=865 = 0x0361 = 0.5280V
-    //  ch=4 xu=630 = 0x0276 = 0.3845V
-    //  ch=5 xu=594 = 0x0252 = 0.3625V
-    //  ch=6 xu=461 = 0x01cd = 0.2814V
-    //  ch=7 xu=364 = 0x016c = 0.2222V
-    //  ch=8 xu=480 = 0x01e0 = 0.2930V
-    //  ch=9 xu=616 = 0x0268 = 0.3760V
-    g_MAX11131_device.channelNumber_0_15 = 9;
-    g_MAX11131_device.PowerManagement_0_2 = 0;
-    g_MAX11131_device.chan_id_0_1 = 1;
-    g_MAX11131_device.NumWords = g_MAX11131_device.ScanStandardExternalClock();
-    //
-    // Read raw ADC codes from device into AINcode[] and RAW_misoData16[]
-    // @pre one of the MAX11311_Scan functions was called, setting g_MAX11131_device.NumWords
-    g_MAX11131_device.ReadAINcode();
-    // @post RAW_misoData16[index] contains the raw SPI Master-In,Slave-Out data
-    // @post AINcode[NUM_CHANNELS] contains the latest readings in LSBs
-    //
-    // TODO: compare with mbed/Arduino AIN0-AIN3
-    //
-#elif APPLICATION_MAX5171 // onButton2FallingEdge BUTTON2 demo configuration MAX5171BOB
-    // TODO: demo
-    uint16_t code = 0xccc;
-    g_MAX5171_device.CODE(code);
-#elif APPLICATION_MAX11410 // onButton2FallingEdge BUTTON2 demo configuration MAX11410BOB
-    // TODO: demo
-    #warning "MAX11410 onButton2FallingEdge demo not defined"
-    //g_MAX11410_device.CODEnLOADn(ch, code);
-#elif APPLICATION_MAX12345 // onButton2FallingEdge BUTTON2 demo configuration MAX12345BOB
-    // TODO: demo
-    g_MAX12345_device.CODEnLOADn(ch, code);
-#endif // APPLICATION_MAX5715
-    rgb_led.blue(); // diagnostic rbg led BLUE
-// TODO1: use MaximTinyTester encapsulate SelfTest support functions
-#if APPLICATION_MAX5715 // SelfTest
-// Note: ide.mbed.com does not support C++11 Lambda Expressions
-// -- see https://os.mbed.com/questions/82580/Is-there-solution-for-defining-of-interr/
-// define function under test using C++11 lambda expression [](){}
-// uint8_t MAX5715::Init(void)
-// uint8_t (*fn_MAX5715_Init)() = [](){ return g_MAX5715_device.Init(); };
-uint8_t fn_MAX5715_Init() { return g_MAX5715_device.Init(); };
-// define function under test using C++11 lambda expression [](){}
-// uint16_t MAX5715::DACCodeOfVoltage(double voltageV)
-// uint16_t (*fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage)(double) = [](double voltageV){ return g_MAX5715_device.DACCodeOfVoltage(voltageV); };
-uint16_t fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage(double voltageV) { return g_MAX5715_device.DACCodeOfVoltage(voltageV); };
-// define function under test using C++11 lambda expression [](){}
-// double MAX5715::VoltageOfCode(uint16_t value_u14)
-//double (*fn_MAX5715_VoltageOfCode)(uint16_t) = [](uint16_t value_u14){ return g_MAX5715_device.VoltageOfCode(value_u14); };
-double fn_MAX5715_VoltageOfCode(uint16_t value_u14) { return g_MAX5715_device.VoltageOfCode(value_u14); };
-// define function under test using C++11 lambda expression [](){}
-// void MAX5715::CODEnLOADn(uint8_t channel_0_3, uint16_t dacCodeLsbs)
-// void (*fn_MAX5715_CODEnLOADn)(uint8_t channel_0_3, uint16_t dacCodeLsbs) = [](uint8_t channel_0_3, uint16_t dacCodeLsbs){ return g_MAX5715_device.CODEnLOADn(channel_0_3, dacCodeLsbs); };
-void fn_MAX5715_CODEnLOADn (uint8_t channel_0_3, uint16_t dacCodeLsbs) { return g_MAX5715_device.CODEnLOADn(channel_0_3, dacCodeLsbs); };
-#endif // APPLICATION_MAX5715 // SelfTest
-#if APPLICATION_MAX11131 // SelfTest
-// Note: ide.mbed.com does not support C++11 Lambda Expressions
-// -- see https://os.mbed.com/questions/82580/Is-there-solution-for-defining-of-interr/
-// define function under test using C++11 lambda expression [](){}
-#endif // APPLICATION_MAX11131 // SelfTest
-#if APPLICATION_MAX5171 // SelfTest
-// Note: ide.mbed.com does not support C++11 Lambda Expressions
-// -- see https://os.mbed.com/questions/82580/Is-there-solution-for-defining-of-interr/
-// define function under test using C++11 lambda expression [](){}
-// uint8_t MAX5171::Init(void)
-// uint8_t (*fn_MAX5171_Init)() = [](){ return g_MAX5171_device.Init(); };
-uint8_t fn_MAX5171_Init() { return g_MAX5171_device.Init(); };
-// define function under test using C++11 lambda expression [](){}
-// uint16_t MAX5171::DACCodeOfVoltage(double voltageV)
-// uint16_t (*fn_MAX5171_DACCodeOfVoltage)(double) = [](double voltageV){ return g_MAX5171_device.DACCodeOfVoltage(voltageV); };
-uint16_t fn_MAX5171_DACCodeOfVoltage(double voltageV) { return g_MAX5171_device.DACCodeOfVoltage(voltageV); };
-// define function under test using C++11 lambda expression [](){}
-// double MAX5171::VoltageOfCode(uint16_t value_u14)
-// double (*fn_MAX5171_VoltageOfCode)(uint16_t) = [](uint16_t value_u14){ return g_MAX5171_device.VoltageOfCode(value_u14); };
-double fn_MAX5171_VoltageOfCode(uint16_t value_u14) { return g_MAX5171_device.VoltageOfCode(value_u14); };
-// define function under test using C++11 lambda expression [](){}
-// uint8_t MAX5171::CODE_LOAD(uint16_t dacCodeLsbs)
-// uint8_t (*fn_MAX5171_CODE_LOAD)(uint16_t dacCodeLsbs) = [](uint16_t dacCodeLsbs){ return g_MAX5171_device.CODE_LOAD(dacCodeLsbs); };
-uint8_t fn_MAX5171_CODE_LOAD(uint16_t dacCodeLsbs) { return g_MAX5171_device.CODE_LOAD(dacCodeLsbs); };
-#endif // APPLICATION_MAX5171 // SelfTest
-#if APPLICATION_MAX11410 // SelfTest
-// Note: ide.mbed.com does not support C++11 Lambda Expressions
-// -- see https://os.mbed.com/questions/82580/Is-there-solution-for-defining-of-interr/
-// define function under test using C++11 lambda expression [](){}
-#endif // APPLICATION_MAX11410 // SelfTest
-#if APPLICATION_MAX12345 // SelfTest
-// Note: ide.mbed.com does not support C++11 Lambda Expressions
-// -- see https://os.mbed.com/questions/82580/Is-there-solution-for-defining-of-interr/
-// define function under test using C++11 lambda expression [](){}
-#endif // APPLICATION_MAX12345 // SelfTest
-void SelfTest_print_DACCodeOfVoltage(CmdLine& cmdLine, double voltageV)
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("DACCodeOfVoltage(%6.4fV)", voltageV);
-    // For 12-bit DAC, dtostrf width, precision = 6, 4 i.e. 0.0001
-    // For 14-bit DAC, dtostrf width, precision = 7, 5 i.e. 0.00001
-    //~ dtostrf(voltageV, 6, 4, strOutLineBuffer); // value, width, precision, char* buffer
-    //~ cmdLine.serial().printf(strOutLineBuffer);
-    //~ cmdLine.serial().printf("V)");
-#if APPLICATION_MAX5171 // SelfTest
-void SelfTest_print_VoltageOfCode(CmdLine& cmdLine, uint16_t value_u14)
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("VoltageOfCode(%d)", value_u14);
-#endif // APPLICATION_MAX5171
-#if APPLICATION_MAX5715 // SelfTest
-void SelfTest_print_Vref(CmdLine & cmdLine)
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("VRef = %6.4fV  LSB=%6.4fV", g_MAX5715_device.VRef, (g_MAX5715_device.VRef / 4095));
-    //~ dtostrf(g_MAX5715_device.VRef, 6, 4, strOutLineBuffer); // value, width, precision, char* buffer
-    //~ cmdLine.serial().printf(strOutLineBuffer);
-    //~ cmdLine.serial().printf("V  LSB=");
-    // For 12-bit DAC, dtostrf width, precision = 6, 4 i.e. 0.0001
-    // For 14-bit DAC, dtostrf width, precision = 7, 5 i.e. 0.00001
-    //~ dtostrf( (g_MAX5715_device.VRef / 4095), 6, 4, strOutLineBuffer); // value, width, precision, char* buffer
-    //~ cmdLine.serial().printf(strOutLineBuffer);
-    //~ cmdLine.serial().printf("V");
-#endif // APPLICATION_MAX5715
-#if APPLICATION_MAX5171 // SelfTest
-void SelfTest_print_Vref(CmdLine & cmdLine)
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("VRef = %7.5fV  LSB=%7.5fV", g_MAX5171_device.VRef, (g_MAX5171_device.VRef / 16383));
-    // For 12-bit DAC, dtostrf width, precision = 6, 4 i.e. 0.0001
-    // For 14-bit DAC, dtostrf width, precision = 7, 5 i.e. 0.00001
-#endif // APPLICATION_MAX5171
-#if HAS_SPI2_MAX541
-MAX541 max541(spi2_max541, spi2_max541_cs);
-bool SelfTest_MAX541_Voltage(CmdLine & cmdLine, MAX541 &max541, double voltageV)
-    max541.Set_Voltage(voltageV);
-    // cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      Test Fixture: MAX541 set output to %1.3fV = code 0x%4.4x", max541.Get_Voltage(), max541.Get_Code());
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      Test Fixture: MAX541 set output to 0x%4.4x = %1.3fV",
-                            max541.Get_Code(), max541.Get_Voltage());
-#if analogIn4_IS_HIGH_RANGE_OF_analogIn0
-    // Platform board uses AIN4,AIN5,.. as high range of AIN0,AIN1,..
-    MaximTinyTester tinyTester(cmdLine, analogIn4, analogIn5, analogIn2, analogIn3, analogIn0, analogIn4, led1, led2, led3);
-    tinyTester.analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[0] = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[4]; // board support
-    tinyTester.analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[1] = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[5]; // board support
-    tinyTester.analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[2] = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[2]; // board support
-    tinyTester.analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[3] = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[3]; // board support
-    tinyTester.analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[4] = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[0]; // board support
-    tinyTester.analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[5] = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[1]; // board support
-    // low range channels AIN0, AIN1, AIN2, AIN3
-#else // analogIn4_IS_HIGH_RANGE_OF_analogIn0
-    // Platform board uses simple analog inputs
-    MaximTinyTester tinyTester(cmdLine, analogIn0, analogIn1, analogIn2, analogIn3, analogIn4, analogIn5, led1, led2, led3);
-    tinyTester.analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[0] = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[0]; // board support
-    tinyTester.analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[1] = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[1]; // board support
-    tinyTester.analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[2] = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[2]; // board support
-    tinyTester.analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[3] = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[3]; // board support
-    tinyTester.analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[4] = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[4]; // board support
-    tinyTester.analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[5] = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[5]; // board support
-    tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling(); // wait for MAX541 to settle
-    // TODO: tinyTester.AnalogIn0_Read_Expect_voltageV replaces SelfTest_AnalogInput_Expect_ch_V
-    tinyTester.err_threshold = 0.100;
-    return tinyTester.AnalogIn0_Read_Expect_voltageV(voltageV);
-void SelfTest(CmdLine & cmdLine)
-    //--------------------------------------------------
-#if analogIn4_IS_HIGH_RANGE_OF_analogIn0
-    // Platform board uses AIN4,AIN5,.. as high range of AIN0,AIN1,..
-    MaximTinyTester tinyTester(cmdLine, analogIn4, analogIn5, analogIn2, analogIn3, analogIn0, analogIn4, led1, led2, led3);
-    tinyTester.analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[0] = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[4]; // board support
-    tinyTester.analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[1] = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[5]; // board support
-    tinyTester.analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[2] = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[2]; // board support
-    tinyTester.analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[3] = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[3]; // board support
-    tinyTester.analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[4] = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[0]; // board support
-    tinyTester.analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[5] = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[1]; // board support
-    // low range channels AIN0, AIN1, AIN2, AIN3
-#else // analogIn4_IS_HIGH_RANGE_OF_analogIn0
-    // Platform board uses simple analog inputs
-    MaximTinyTester tinyTester(cmdLine, analogIn0, analogIn1, analogIn2, analogIn3, analogIn4, analogIn5, led1, led2, led3);
-    tinyTester.analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[0] = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[0]; // board support
-    tinyTester.analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[1] = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[1]; // board support
-    tinyTester.analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[2] = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[2]; // board support
-    tinyTester.analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[3] = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[3]; // board support
-    tinyTester.analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[4] = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[4]; // board support
-    tinyTester.analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[5] = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[5]; // board support
-    tinyTester.clear();
-#if APPLICATION_MAX5715 // SelfTest
-    //
-    // tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect replaces SelfTest_DACCodeOfVoltage_Expect
-    //
-    // Note: ide.mbed.com does not support C++11 Lambda Expressions
-    // -- see https://os.mbed.com/questions/82580/Is-there-solution-for-defining-of-interr/
-    // define function under test using C++11 lambda expression [](){}
-    // uint8_t MAX5715::Init(void)
-    //uint8_t (*fn_MAX5715_Init)() = [](){ return g_MAX5715_device.Init(); };
-    //
-    // define function under test using C++11 lambda expression [](){}
-    // uint16_t MAX5715::DACCodeOfVoltage(double voltageV)
-    //uint16_t (*fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage)(double) = [](double voltageV){ return g_MAX5715_device.DACCodeOfVoltage(voltageV); };
-    //
-    // define function under test using C++11 lambda expression [](){}
-    // double MAX5715::VoltageOfCode(uint16_t value_u14)
-    //double (*fn_MAX5715_VoltageOfCode)(uint16_t) = [](uint16_t value_u14){ return g_MAX5715_device.VoltageOfCode(value_u14); };
-    //
-    // define function under test using C++11 lambda expression [](){}
-    // void MAX5715::CODEnLOADn(uint8_t channel_0_3, uint16_t dacCodeLsbs)
-    //void (*fn_MAX5715_CODEnLOADn)(uint8_t channel_0_3, uint16_t dacCodeLsbs) = [](uint8_t channel_0_3, uint16_t dacCodeLsbs){ return g_MAX5715_device.CODEnLOADn(channel_0_3, dacCodeLsbs); };
-    //
-    //
-    //
-    //
-    //
-    //------------------------------------------------------------
-    g_MAX5715_device.VRef = 4.096;     // MAX5715 12-bit LSB = 0.0010V
-    SelfTest_print_Vref(cmdLine);
-    //~ cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n");
-    //
-    tinyTester.blink_time_msec = 20; // quickly speed through the software verification
-    // tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect replaces SelfTest_DACCodeOfVoltage_Expect
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 10.0, 0x0FFF);     // overrange FS
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 4.0950, 0x0FFF);
-    //
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 4.0945, 0x0FFF);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 4.0944, 0x0FFE);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 4.0943, 0x0FFE);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 4.0942, 0x0FFE);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 4.0941, 0x0FFE);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 4.0940, 0x0FFE);     // search for code transition
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 4.0939, 0x0FFE);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 4.0938, 0x0FFE);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 4.0937, 0x0FFE);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 4.0936, 0x0FFE);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 4.0935, 0x0FFD);
-    //
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 4.0930, 0x0FFD);
-    //
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.0480, 0x0800);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.0470, 0x07FF);
-    //
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 1.0000, 0x03E8);     // 1.0 volt
-    //
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 0.0030, 0x0003);
-    //
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 0.0020, 0x0002);
-    //
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 0.0010, 0x0001);
-    //
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 0.0000, 0x0000);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, -0.0001, 0x0000);     // overrange ZS
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, -0.0002, 0x0000);     // overrange ZS
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, -1.0, 0x0000);     // overrange ZS
-    //
-    // tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect replaces SelfTest_VoltageOfCode_Expect
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.VoltageOfCode", fn_MAX5715_VoltageOfCode, 0x0FFF, 4.0950);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.VoltageOfCode", fn_MAX5715_VoltageOfCode, 0x0FFE, 4.0940);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.VoltageOfCode", fn_MAX5715_VoltageOfCode, 0x0800, 2.0480);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.VoltageOfCode", fn_MAX5715_VoltageOfCode, 0x07FF, 2.0470);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.VoltageOfCode", fn_MAX5715_VoltageOfCode, 0x03E8, 1.0000);     // 1.0 volt
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.VoltageOfCode", fn_MAX5715_VoltageOfCode, 0x0001, 0.0010);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.VoltageOfCode", fn_MAX5715_VoltageOfCode, 0x0000, 0.0000);
-    //
-    //------------------------------------------------------------
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n");
-    g_MAX5715_device.VRef = 2.048;     // 12-bit LSB = 0.0005V
-    SelfTest_print_Vref(cmdLine);
-    //~ cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n");
-    // tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect replaces SelfTest_DACCodeOfVoltage_Expect
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 10.0, 0x0FFF);     // overrange FS
-    //
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.0480, 0x0FFF);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.0479, 0x0FFF);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.0478, 0x0FFF);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.0477, 0x0FFF);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.0476, 0x0FFF);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.0475, 0x0FFF);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.0474, 0x0FFF);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.0473, 0x0FFF);
-    //
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.0472, 0x0FFE);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.0471, 0x0FFE);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.0470, 0x0FFE);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.0469, 0x0FFE);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.0468, 0x0FFE);
-    //
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.0467, 0x0FFD);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.0466, 0x0FFD);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.0465, 0x0FFD);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.0464, 0x0FFD);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.0463, 0x0FFD);
-    //
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 1.0240, 0x0800);
-    //
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 1.0235, 0x07FF);
-    //
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 1.0000, 0x07D0);     // 1.0 volt
-    //
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 0.0017, 0x0003);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 0.0016, 0x0003);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 0.0015, 0x0003);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 0.0014, 0x0003);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 0.0013, 0x0003);
-    //
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 0.0012, 0x0002);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 0.0011, 0x0002);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 0.0010, 0x0002);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 0.0009, 0x0002);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 0.0008, 0x0002);
-    //
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 0.0007, 0x0001);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 0.0006, 0x0001);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 0.0005, 0x0001);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 0.0004, 0x0001);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 0.0003, 0x0001);
-    //
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 0.0002, 0x0000);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 0.0001, 0x0000);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 0.0000, 0x0000);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, -0.0001, 0x0000);     // overrange ZS
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, -0.0002, 0x0000);     // overrange ZS
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, -1.0, 0x0000);     // overrange ZS
-    // tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect replaces SelfTest_VoltageOfCode_Expect
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.VoltageOfCode", fn_MAX5715_VoltageOfCode, 0x0FFF, 2.0475);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.VoltageOfCode", fn_MAX5715_VoltageOfCode, 0x0FFE, 2.0470);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.VoltageOfCode", fn_MAX5715_VoltageOfCode, 0x0FFD, 2.0465);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.VoltageOfCode", fn_MAX5715_VoltageOfCode, 0x0800, 1.0240);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.VoltageOfCode", fn_MAX5715_VoltageOfCode, 0x07FF, 1.0235);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.VoltageOfCode", fn_MAX5715_VoltageOfCode, 0x07D0, 1.0000);     // 1.0 volt
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.VoltageOfCode", fn_MAX5715_VoltageOfCode, 0x0002, 0.0010);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.VoltageOfCode", fn_MAX5715_VoltageOfCode, 0x0001, 0.0005);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.VoltageOfCode", fn_MAX5715_VoltageOfCode, 0x0000, 0.0000);
-    //
-    //
-    //------------------------------------------------------------
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n");
-    g_MAX5715_device.VRef = 2.500;     // 12-bit LSB = 0.0006105006105006105V
-    SelfTest_print_Vref(cmdLine);
-    //~ cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n");
-    // tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect replaces SelfTest_DACCodeOfVoltage_Expect
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 10.0, 0x0FFF);     // overrange FS
-    //
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.5000, 0x0FFF);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.4999, 0x0FFF);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.4998, 0x0FFF);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.4997, 0x0FFF);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.4996, 0x0FFF);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.4995, 0x0FFF);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.4994, 0x0FFF);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.4993, 0x0FFF);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.4992, 0x0FFF);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.4991, 0x0FFF);
-    //
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.4990, 0x0FFE);     // search for code transitions
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.4989, 0x0FFE);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.4988, 0x0FFE);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.4987, 0x0FFE);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.4986, 0x0FFE);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.4985, 0x0FFE);
-    //
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.4984, 0x0FFD);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.4983, 0x0FFD);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.4982, 0x0FFD);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.4981, 0x0FFD);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.4980, 0x0FFD);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.4979, 0x0FFD);
-    //
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.4978, 0x0FFC);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.4977, 0x0FFC);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.4976, 0x0FFC);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.4975, 0x0FFC);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.4974, 0x0FFC);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.4973, 0x0FFC);
-    //
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.4972, 0x0FFB);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.4971, 0x0FFB);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.4970, 0x0FFB);
-    //
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 1.2500, 0x0800);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 1.2494, 0x07FF);
-    //
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 1.0000, 0x0666);     // 1.0 volt
-    //
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 0.0019, 0x0003);     // search for code transitions
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 0.0018, 0x0003);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 0.0017, 0x0003);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 0.0016, 0x0003);
-    //
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 0.0015, 0x0002);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 0.0014, 0x0002);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 0.0013, 0x0002);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 0.0012, 0x0002);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 0.0011, 0x0002);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 0.0010, 0x0002);
-    //
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 0.0009, 0x0001);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 0.0008, 0x0001);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 0.0007, 0x0001);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 0.0006, 0x0001);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 0.0005, 0x0001);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 0.0004, 0x0001);
-    //
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 0.0003, 0x0000);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 0.0002, 0x0000);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 0.0001, 0x0000);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, 0.0000, 0x0000);
-    //
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, -0.0001, 0x0000);     // overrange ZS
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, -0.0002, 0x0000);     // overrange ZS
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5715_DACCodeOfVoltage, -1.0, 0x0000);     // overrange ZS
-    // tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect replaces SelfTest_VoltageOfCode_Expect
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.VoltageOfCode", fn_MAX5715_VoltageOfCode, 0x0FFF, 2.5000);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.VoltageOfCode", fn_MAX5715_VoltageOfCode, 0x0FFE, 2.4988);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.VoltageOfCode", fn_MAX5715_VoltageOfCode, 0x0FFD, 2.4976);
-    //
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.VoltageOfCode", fn_MAX5715_VoltageOfCode, 0x0800, 1.2500);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.VoltageOfCode", fn_MAX5715_VoltageOfCode, 0x07FF, 1.2494);
-    //
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.VoltageOfCode", fn_MAX5715_VoltageOfCode, 0x0667, 1.0000);     // 1.0 volt
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.VoltageOfCode", fn_MAX5715_VoltageOfCode, 0x0666, 1.0000);     // 1.0 volt
-    //
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.VoltageOfCode", fn_MAX5715_VoltageOfCode, 0x0002, 0.0012);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.VoltageOfCode", fn_MAX5715_VoltageOfCode, 0x0001, 0.0006);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5715.VoltageOfCode", fn_MAX5715_VoltageOfCode, 0x0000, 0.0000);
-    //
-    //
-    // Device Testing: DAC commands, verify using on-board ADC inputs
-    //
-    tinyTester.blink_time_msec = 75;
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      MAX5715.Init()");
-    g_MAX5715_device.Init();
-    //
-    uint16_t ch = 0;
-    uint16_t code = 0xfff;
-    double voltageV = 0.5;
-    //
-    // full-scale output on ch0, test MAX5715 internal REF options
-    ch = 0;
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      MAX5715.CODEnLOADn ch=%d code=%d", ch, code);
-    g_MAX5715_device.CODEnLOADn(ch, code);
-    //
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      MAX5715.REF(MAX5715::REF_AlwaysOn_2V048)");
-    g_MAX5715_device.REF(MAX5715::REF_AlwaysOn_2V048);
-    // tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling replaces wait_ms
-    tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling();
-    //  tinyTester.AnalogIn0_Read_Expect_voltageV replaces SelfTest_AnalogInput_Expect_ch_V
-    tinyTester.err_threshold = 0.030; // 30mV
-    tinyTester.AnalogIn0_Read_Expect_voltageV(2.048);
-    //
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      MAX5715.REF(MAX5715::REF_AlwaysOn_4V096)");
-    g_MAX5715_device.REF(MAX5715::REF_AlwaysOn_4V096);
-    // MAX32625MBED 4.096V may be as low as 3.3V supply
-    // tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling replaces wait_ms
-    tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling();
-    // tinyTester.AnalogIn0_Read_Expect_voltageV replaces SelfTest_AnalogInput_Expect_ch_V
-    tinyTester.err_threshold = 0.50; // 30mV
-    tinyTester.AnalogIn0_Read_Expect_voltageV(3.750); // accept 3.25V to 4.25V
-    //
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      MAX5715.REF(MAX5715::REF_AlwaysOn_2V500)");
-    g_MAX5715_device.REF(MAX5715::REF_AlwaysOn_2V500);
-    // tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling replaces wait_ms
-    tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling();
-    // tinyTester.AnalogIn0_Read_Expect_voltageV replaces SelfTest_AnalogInput_Expect_ch_V
-    tinyTester.err_threshold = 0.030; // 30mV
-    tinyTester.AnalogIn0_Read_Expect_voltageV(2.500);
-    //
-    // test the individual channel outputs
-    ch = 0;
-    voltageV = 0.5;
-    code = g_MAX5715_device.DACCodeOfVoltage(voltageV);
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      MAX5715.CODEnLOADn ch=%d code=%d", ch, code);
-    g_MAX5715_device.CODEnLOADn(ch, code);
-    // tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling replaces wait_ms
-    tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling();
-    // tinyTester.AnalogIn0_Read_Expect_voltageV replaces SelfTest_AnalogInput_Expect_ch_V
-    tinyTester.err_threshold = 0.030; // 30mV
-    tinyTester.AnalogIn0_Read_Expect_voltageV(voltageV);
-    //
-    ch = 1;
-    voltageV = 0.2;
-    code = g_MAX5715_device.DACCodeOfVoltage(voltageV);
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      MAX5715.CODEnLOADn ch=%d code=%d", ch, code);
-    g_MAX5715_device.CODEnLOADn(ch, code);
-    // tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling replaces wait_ms
-    tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling();
-    // tinyTester.AnalogIn0_Read_Expect_voltageV replaces SelfTest_AnalogInput_Expect_ch_V
-    tinyTester.err_threshold = 0.030; // 30mV
-    tinyTester.AnalogIn1_Read_Expect_voltageV(voltageV);
-    //
-    ch = 2;
-    voltageV = 0.4;
-    code = g_MAX5715_device.DACCodeOfVoltage(voltageV);
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      MAX5715.CODEnLOADn ch=%d code=%d", ch, code);
-    g_MAX5715_device.CODEnLOADn(ch, code);
-    // tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling replaces wait_ms
-    tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling();
-    // tinyTester.AnalogIn0_Read_Expect_voltageV replaces SelfTest_AnalogInput_Expect_ch_V
-    tinyTester.err_threshold = 0.030; // 30mV
-    tinyTester.AnalogIn2_Read_Expect_voltageV(voltageV);
-    //
-    ch = 3;
-    voltageV = 0.25;
-    code = g_MAX5715_device.DACCodeOfVoltage(voltageV);
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      MAX5715.CODEnLOADn ch=%d code=%d", ch, code);
-    g_MAX5715_device.CODEnLOADn(ch, code);
-    // tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling replaces wait_ms
-    tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling();
-    // tinyTester.AnalogIn0_Read_Expect_voltageV replaces SelfTest_AnalogInput_Expect_ch_V
-    tinyTester.err_threshold = 0.030; // 30mV
-    tinyTester.AnalogIn3_Read_Expect_voltageV(voltageV);
-    //
-    // test that the channels are independent
-    tinyTester.AnalogIn0_Read_Expect_voltageV(g_MAX5715_device.VoltageOfCode(g_MAX5715_device.CODE[0]));
-    tinyTester.AnalogIn1_Read_Expect_voltageV(g_MAX5715_device.VoltageOfCode(g_MAX5715_device.CODE[1]));
-    tinyTester.AnalogIn2_Read_Expect_voltageV(g_MAX5715_device.VoltageOfCode(g_MAX5715_device.CODE[2]));
-    tinyTester.AnalogIn3_Read_Expect_voltageV(g_MAX5715_device.VoltageOfCode(g_MAX5715_device.CODE[3]));
-    //
-    //
-    // MAX11131BOB self-test functions
-    //~ SelfTest_FAIL(cmdLine);
-    //~ cmdLine.serial().printf("test program not implemented yet");
-    int16_t value_u12;
-    int channelId;
-    double voltageV = 0.5;
-    //
-    //cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      0.0: MAX11131.Init()");
-    //g_MAX11131_device.Init();
-    //
-    // Device Testing: ADC commands, verify with on-board ADC and SPI framing
-    //
-    tinyTester.blink_time_msec = 75;
-    // MAX11131 SelfTest: MAX11131 SPI connections (Power Supply and GND, SCLK, MOSI, MISO, CS)
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf(
-        "\r\n      1.0: Test SCAN_0100_StandardExt -- verify SPI (VDD, GND, SCLK, MOSI, MISO, CS)");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      MAX11131.Init()");
-    g_MAX11131_device.Init();
-    // Send MOSI data       Expect MISO data    Description
-    // 1000_0000_0000_0000  xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx ADC_CONFIGURATION REFSEL=0 SPM[1:0]=0 ECHO=0
-    // 0010_0111_1010_0100  xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx ADC_MODE_CONTROL SCAN_0100_StandardExt CHSEL=15 RESET=1 CHANID=1
-    // 0000_0000_0000_0000  0000_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx Channel ID tag = AIN0 expect high nybble 0
-    // 0000_0000_0000_0000  0001_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx Channel ID tag = AIN1 expect high nybble 1
-    // 0000_0000_0000_0000  0010_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx Channel ID tag = AIN2 expect high nybble 2
-    // 0000_0000_0000_0000  0011_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx Channel ID tag = AIN3 expect high nybble 3
-    //
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      MOSI <-- 1000_0000_0000_0000  ADC_CONFIGURATION REFSEL=0 SPM[1:0]=0 ECHO=0");
-    g_MAX11131_device.SPIoutputCS(0); // drive CS low
-    g_MAX11131_device.SPIwrite16bits(0x8000);
-    g_MAX11131_device.SPIoutputCS(1); // drive CS high
-    //
-    cmdLine.serial().printf(
-        "\r\n      MOSI <-- 0010_0111_1010_0100  ADC_MODE_CONTROL SCAN_0100_StandardExt CHSEL=15 RESET=1 CHANID=1");
-    g_MAX11131_device.SPIoutputCS(0); // drive CS low
-    g_MAX11131_device.SPIwrite16bits(0x27a4);
-    g_MAX11131_device.SPIoutputCS(1); // drive CS high
-    //
-    for (int channelIndex = 0; channelIndex < 16; channelIndex++) {
-        //~ cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      MISO --> expect 0000_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx");
-        g_MAX11131_device.SPIoutputCS(0); // drive CS low
-        g_MAX11131_device.RAW_misoData16[channelIndex] = g_MAX11131_device.SPIread16bits();
-        g_MAX11131_device.SPIoutputCS(1); // drive CS high
-        int expect_channelId = channelIndex;
-        int actual_channelId = (g_MAX11131_device.RAW_misoData16[channelIndex] >> 12) & 0x000F;
-        if (actual_channelId != expect_channelId)
-        {
-            tinyTester.FAIL();
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("MISO --> 0x%4.4x", (g_MAX11131_device.RAW_misoData16[channelIndex] & 0xFFFF));
-            cmdLine.serial().printf(" expect 0x%1.1xxxx (channel ID %d)", expect_channelId, expect_channelId);
-            cmdLine.serial().printf(" but got 0x%1.1xxxx", actual_channelId);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            tinyTester.PASS();
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("MISO --> 0x%4.4x", (g_MAX11131_device.RAW_misoData16[channelIndex] & 0xFFFF));
-            cmdLine.serial().printf(" expect 0x%1.1xxxx (channel ID %d)", expect_channelId, expect_channelId);
-        }
-    }
-    //
-    // MAX11131 SelfTest: MAX11131 Supports Internal Clock Modes (CNVST, EOC)
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf(
-        "\r\n      1.1: Test SCAN_0011_StandardInt -- verify Internal Clock signals (CNVST, EOC)");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      MAX11131.Init()");
-    g_MAX11131_device.Init();
-    g_MAX11131_device.SPIoutputCS(0); // drive CS low
-    g_MAX11131_device.RAW_misoData16[0] = g_MAX11131_device.SPIread16bits();
-    g_MAX11131_device.SPIoutputCS(1); // drive CS high
-    // tinyTester.DigitalIn_Read_Expect_WarnOnly replaces SelfTest_MAX11131_EOC_expect
-    tinyTester.DigitalIn_Read_Expect_WarnOnly(EOCb_pin, "EOC", 1, "initial value before sending commands");
-    // Send MOSI data       Expect MISO data    Description
-    // 1000_0000_0000_0000  xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx ADC_CONFIGURATION REFSEL=0 SPM[1:0]=0 ECHO=0 No Averaging
-    // 0001_1001_1010_0000  xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx ADC_MODE_CONTROL SCAN_0011_StandardInt CHSEL=3 RESET=1 SWCNV=0
-    // 0000_0000_0000_0000  0000_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx Channel ID tag = AIN0 expect high nybble 0
-    // 0000_0000_0000_0000  0001_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx Channel ID tag = AIN1 expect high nybble 1
-    // 0000_0000_0000_0000  0010_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx Channel ID tag = AIN2 expect high nybble 2
-    // 0000_0000_0000_0000  0011_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx Channel ID tag = AIN3 expect high nybble 3
-    //
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      MOSI <-- 1000_0000_0000_0000  ADC_CONFIGURATION REFSEL=0 SPM[1:0]=0 ECHO=0");
-    g_MAX11131_device.SPIoutputCS(0); // drive CS low
-    g_MAX11131_device.SPIwrite16bits(0x8000);
-    g_MAX11131_device.SPIoutputCS(1); // drive CS high
-    //
-    cmdLine.serial().printf(
-        "\r\n      MOSI <-- 0001_1001_1010_0000  ADC_MODE_CONTROL SCAN_0011_StandardInt CHSEL=3 RESET=1 SWCNV=0");
-    g_MAX11131_device.SPIoutputCS(0); // drive CS low
-    g_MAX11131_device.SPIwrite16bits(0x19a0);
-    g_MAX11131_device.SPIoutputCS(1); // drive CS high
-    //
-    for (int channelIndex = 0; channelIndex < 4; channelIndex++) {
-        //~ cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      MISO --> expect 0000_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx");
-        //~ wait_ms(200); // delay
-        g_MAX11131_device.CNVSToutputPulseLow();
-        //~ g_MAX11131_device.CNVSToutputValue(0);
-        //~ wait_ms(100); // delay
-        //~ g_MAX11131_device.CNVSToutputValue(1);
-        // g_MAX11131_device.EOCinputWaitUntilLow(); // infinite wait hazard, need to fail if timeout exceeded
-        // tinyTester.DigitalIn_Read_Expect_WarnOnly replaces SelfTest_MAX11131_EOC_expect
-        tinyTester.DigitalIn_Read_Expect_WarnOnly(EOCb_pin, "EOC", 0, "after CNVST pulse");
-        g_MAX11131_device.SPIoutputCS(0); // drive CS low
-        g_MAX11131_device.RAW_misoData16[channelIndex] = g_MAX11131_device.SPIread16bits();
-        g_MAX11131_device.SPIoutputCS(1); // drive CS high
-        // tinyTester.DigitalIn_Read_Expect_WarnOnly replaces SelfTest_MAX11131_EOC_expect
-        tinyTester.DigitalIn_Read_Expect_WarnOnly(EOCb_pin, "EOC", 1, "after SPI read");
-        int expect_channelId = channelIndex;
-        int actual_channelId = (g_MAX11131_device.RAW_misoData16[channelIndex] >> 12) & 0x000F;
-        if (actual_channelId != expect_channelId)
-        {
-            tinyTester.FAIL();
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("MISO --> 0x%4.4x", (g_MAX11131_device.RAW_misoData16[channelIndex] & 0xFFFF));
-            cmdLine.serial().printf(" expect 0x%1.1xxxx (channel ID %d)", expect_channelId, expect_channelId);
-            cmdLine.serial().printf(" but got 0x%1.1xxxx", actual_channelId);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            tinyTester.PASS();
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("MISO --> 0x%4.4x", (g_MAX11131_device.RAW_misoData16[channelIndex] & 0xFFFF));
-            cmdLine.serial().printf(" expect 0x%1.1xxxx (channel ID %d)", expect_channelId, expect_channelId);
-        }
-    }
-    //
-    // MAX11131 SelfTest: Test Fixture: MAX541ACPA+ to MAX32625MBED.AIN0/AIN4
-    // Test Fixture: MAX541 connected to spi2
-    // SPI spi2_max541(SPI2_MOSI, SPI2_MISO, SPI2_SCK); // mosi, miso, sclk spi2 TARGET_MAX32635MBED: P2_5 P2_6 P2_4 Arduino 2x3-pin header; microSD
-    // DigitalOut spi2_max541_cs(SPI2_SS); // TARGET_MAX32635MBED: P2_7 Arduino 2x3-pin header
-    // Test Fixture: MAX541 spi2 init
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      2.0: Test Fixture: MAX541 connected to spi2 (P2.4 P2.5 P2.7)?");
-    bool SelfTest_has_max541 = false;
-    // Check actual MAX541 reference voltage
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      Test Fixture: MAX541 midscale voltage measure with MAX32625MBED AIN0/4");
-    max541.Set_Code(0x8000); // we don't know the fullscale voltage yet, so set code to midscale
-    tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling(); // wait for MAX541 to settle
-    //
-    double max541_midscale_V = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[4] * analogIn4.read(); // TARGET_MAX32630 J1.5 AIN_4 = AIN0 / 5.0     fullscale is 6.0V
-    const int average_count = 100;
-    const double average_K = 0.25;
-    for (int count = 0; count < average_count; count++) {
-        double measurement_V = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[4] * analogIn4.read(); // TARGET_MAX32630 J1.5 AIN_4 = AIN0 / 5.0     fullscale is 6.0V
-        max541_midscale_V = ((1 - average_K) * max541_midscale_V) + (average_K * measurement_V);
-    }
-    if (max541_midscale_V > 1.0f) {
-        max541.VRef = 2.0 * max541_midscale_V;
-        cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      Test Fixture: MAX541 midscale = %1.3fV, so fullscale = %1.3fV",
-                                max541_midscale_V, max541.VRef);
-        // Detect whether MAX541 is really connected to MAX32625MBED.AIN0/AIN4
-        voltageV = 1.0f;
-        SelfTest_has_max541 = SelfTest_MAX541_Voltage(cmdLine, max541, voltageV);
-    }
-    if (SelfTest_has_max541) {
-        voltageV = 0.0f;
-        SelfTest_has_max541 = SelfTest_MAX541_Voltage(cmdLine, max541, voltageV);
-    }
-    if (SelfTest_has_max541) {
-        voltageV = 2.7f;
-        SelfTest_has_max541 = SelfTest_MAX541_Voltage(cmdLine, max541, voltageV);
-    }
-    if (SelfTest_has_max541) {
-        voltageV = 1.65f;
-        SelfTest_has_max541 = SelfTest_MAX541_Voltage(cmdLine, max541, voltageV);
-    }
-    if (SelfTest_has_max541) {
-        voltageV = 2.0f;
-        SelfTest_has_max541 = SelfTest_MAX541_Voltage(cmdLine, max541, voltageV);
-    }
-    if (SelfTest_has_max541) {
-        voltageV = 0.25f;
-        SelfTest_has_max541 = SelfTest_MAX541_Voltage(cmdLine, max541, voltageV);
-    }
-    if (SelfTest_has_max541) {
-        voltageV = 0.5f;
-        SelfTest_has_max541 = SelfTest_MAX541_Voltage(cmdLine, max541, voltageV);
-    }
-    if (SelfTest_has_max541) {
-        voltageV = 1.0f;
-        SelfTest_has_max541 = SelfTest_MAX541_Voltage(cmdLine, max541, voltageV);
-    }
-    if (SelfTest_has_max541 == false) {
-        // don't fail just because we're missing the test fixture...
-        cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      Test Fixture: MAX541 not present");
-        //~ g_SelfTest_nFail--;
-    }
-    //
-    // TODO1: MAX11131 SelfTest: if Test Fixture: drive MAX541, compare MAX32625MBED.AIN0/AIN4 and MAX11131 AIN0
-    // indirectly verify the reference voltage by reading a known input voltage
-    if (SelfTest_has_max541) {
-        cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n");
-        cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      2.1: TODO1: Check MAX11131 reference voltage using SCAN_0001_Manual");
-        voltageV = 1.0f;
-        SelfTest_MAX541_Voltage(cmdLine, max541, voltageV);
-        cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      MAX11131.Init()");
-        g_MAX11131_device.Init();
-        // 1 ScanManual ch=0 pm=0 id=1
-        g_MAX11131_device.channelNumber_0_15 = 0;
-        g_MAX11131_device.PowerManagement_0_2 = 0;
-        g_MAX11131_device.chan_id_0_1 = 1;
-        cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      MAX11131.channelNumber_0_15=%d", g_MAX11131_device.channelNumber_0_15);
-        cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      MAX11131.PowerManagement_0_2=%d", g_MAX11131_device.PowerManagement_0_2);
-        cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      MAX11131.chan_id_0_1=%d", g_MAX11131_device.chan_id_0_1);
-        g_MAX11131_device.NumWords = g_MAX11131_device.ScanManual();
-        cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      MAX11131.ScanManual -- NumWords = %d",
-                                g_MAX11131_device.NumWords);
-        g_MAX11131_device.NumWords = g_MAX11131_device.ScanManual();
-        g_MAX11131_device.ReadAINcode();
-        cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      MAX11131.ReadAINcode");
-        AINcode_print_value_externalClock(cmdLine, g_MAX11131_device.NumWords);
-        //
-        //  2.1: TODO1: Check MAX11131 reference voltage -- why we read 0xffff 2.4999V here?
-        //
-        cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      MAX11131.ScanManual -- NumWords = %d",
-                                g_MAX11131_device.NumWords);
-        // Read raw ADC codes from device into AINcode[] and RAW_misoData16[]
-        // @pre one of the MAX11311_Scan functions was called, setting g_MAX11131_device.NumWords
-        g_MAX11131_device.ReadAINcode();
-        cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      MAX11131.ReadAINcode");
-        AINcode_print_value_externalClock(cmdLine, g_MAX11131_device.NumWords);
-        //
-        //  2.1: TODO1: Check MAX11131 reference voltage -- why we read 0xffff 2.4999V here?
-        //
-        // compare with mbed/Arduino AIN0-AIN3
-        // MAX32625MBED.AIN4 = MAX11131.AIN0
-        channelId = 0;
-        value_u12 = g_MAX11131_device.AINcode[channelId];
-        voltageV = g_MAX11131_device.VoltageOfCode(value_u12, channelId);
-        // tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling replaces wait_ms
-        tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling();
-        // tinyTester.AnalogIn0_Read_Expect_voltageV replaces SelfTest_AnalogInput_Expect_ch_V
-        tinyTester.err_threshold = 0.100;
-        tinyTester.AnalogIn0_Read_Expect_voltageV(voltageV);
-    }
-    //
-    if (SelfTest_has_max541) {
-        voltageV = 1.0f;
-        SelfTest_MAX541_Voltage(cmdLine, max541, voltageV);
-    }
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      3.1: Test SCAN_0001_Manual");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      MAX11131.Init()");
-    g_MAX11131_device.Init();
-    // 1 ScanManual ch=0 pm=0 id=1
-    g_MAX11131_device.channelNumber_0_15 = 0;
-    g_MAX11131_device.PowerManagement_0_2 = 0;
-    g_MAX11131_device.chan_id_0_1 = 1;
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      MAX11131.channelNumber_0_15=%d", g_MAX11131_device.channelNumber_0_15);
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      MAX11131.PowerManagement_0_2=%d", g_MAX11131_device.PowerManagement_0_2);
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      MAX11131.chan_id_0_1=%d", g_MAX11131_device.chan_id_0_1);
-    g_MAX11131_device.NumWords = g_MAX11131_device.ScanManual();
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      MAX11131.ScanManual -- NumWords = %d",
-                            g_MAX11131_device.NumWords);
-    // Read raw ADC codes from device into AINcode[] and RAW_misoData16[]
-    // @pre one of the MAX11311_Scan functions was called, setting g_MAX11131_device.NumWords
-    g_MAX11131_device.ReadAINcode();
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      MAX11131.ReadAINcode");
-    AINcode_print_value_externalClock(cmdLine, g_MAX11131_device.NumWords);
-    // compare with mbed/Arduino AIN0-AIN3
-    // MAX32625MBED.AIN4 = MAX11131.AIN0
-    channelId = 0;
-    value_u12 = g_MAX11131_device.AINcode[channelId];
-    voltageV = g_MAX11131_device.VoltageOfCode(value_u12, channelId);
-    // tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling replaces wait_ms
-    tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling();
-    // tinyTester.AnalogIn0_Read_Expect_voltageV replaces SelfTest_AnalogInput_Expect_ch_V
-    tinyTester.err_threshold = 0.100;
-    tinyTester.AnalogIn0_Read_Expect_voltageV(voltageV);
-    //
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      3.4: Test SCAN_0100_StandardExternalClock");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      MAX11131.Init()");
-    g_MAX11131_device.Init();
-    // MAX11131 > 4
-    // ScanStandardExternalClock ch=9 pm=0 id=1
-    // ScanRead_nWords_chanID nWords=10
-    //  ch=0 xu=2964 = 0x0b94 = 1.8091V
-    //  ch=1 xu=2227 = 0x08b3 = 1.3593V
-    //  ch=2 xu=1570 = 0x0622 = 0.9583V
-    //  ch=3 xu=865 = 0x0361 = 0.5280V
-    //  ch=4 xu=630 = 0x0276 = 0.3845V
-    //  ch=5 xu=594 = 0x0252 = 0.3625V
-    //  ch=6 xu=461 = 0x01cd = 0.2814V
-    //  ch=7 xu=364 = 0x016c = 0.2222V
-    //  ch=8 xu=480 = 0x01e0 = 0.2930V
-    //  ch=9 xu=616 = 0x0268 = 0.3760V
-    g_MAX11131_device.channelNumber_0_15 = 9;
-    g_MAX11131_device.PowerManagement_0_2 = 0;
-    g_MAX11131_device.chan_id_0_1 = 1;
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      MAX11131.channelNumber_0_15=%d", g_MAX11131_device.channelNumber_0_15);
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      MAX11131.PowerManagement_0_2=%d", g_MAX11131_device.PowerManagement_0_2);
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      MAX11131.chan_id_0_1=%d", g_MAX11131_device.chan_id_0_1);
-    g_MAX11131_device.NumWords = g_MAX11131_device.ScanStandardExternalClock();
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      MAX11131.ScanStandardExternalClock -- NumWords = %d",
-                            g_MAX11131_device.NumWords);
-    // Read raw ADC codes from device into AINcode[] and RAW_misoData16[]
-    // @pre one of the MAX11311_Scan functions was called, setting g_MAX11131_device.NumWords
-    g_MAX11131_device.ReadAINcode();
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      MAX11131.ReadAINcode");
-    // @post RAW_misoData16[index] contains the raw SPI Master-In,Slave-Out data
-    // @post AINcode[NUM_CHANNELS] contains the latest readings in LSBs
-    // expect g_MAX11131_device.NumWords == g_MAX11131_device.channelNumber_0_15 + 1;
-    // expect RAW_misoData16[index] msnybble 0,1,2,3,...
-    AINcode_print_value_externalClock(cmdLine, g_MAX11131_device.NumWords);
-    // compare with mbed/Arduino AIN0-AIN3
-    // MAX32625MBED.AIN4 = MAX11131.AIN0
-    channelId = 0;
-    value_u12 = g_MAX11131_device.AINcode[channelId];
-    voltageV = g_MAX11131_device.VoltageOfCode(value_u12, channelId);
-    // tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling replaces wait_ms
-    tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling();
-    // tinyTester.AnalogIn0_Read_Expect_voltageV replaces SelfTest_AnalogInput_Expect_ch_V
-    tinyTester.err_threshold = 0.100;
-    tinyTester.AnalogIn0_Read_Expect_voltageV(voltageV);
-    // compare MAX32625MBED.AIN5 = MAX11131.AIN1
-    //channelId = 1;
-    //value_u12 = g_MAX11131_device.AINcode[channelId];
-    //voltageV = g_MAX11131_device.VoltageOfCode(value_u12, channelId);
-    //SelfTest_AnalogInput_Expect_ch_V(cmdLine, 5, voltageV, 0.100);
-    //
-    // tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect replaces SelfTest_DACCodeOfVoltage_Expect
-    //
-    // Note: ide.mbed.com does not support C++11 Lambda Expressions
-    // -- see https://os.mbed.com/questions/82580/Is-there-solution-for-defining-of-interr/
-    // define function under test using C++11 lambda expression [](){}
-    // uint8_t MAX5171::Init(void)
-    //uint8_t (*fn_MAX5171_Init)() = [](){ return g_MAX5171_device.Init(); };
-    //
-    // define function under test using C++11 lambda expression [](){}
-    // uint16_t MAX5171::DACCodeOfVoltage(double voltageV)
-    //uint16_t (*fn_MAX5171_DACCodeOfVoltage)(double) = [](double voltageV){ return g_MAX5171_device.DACCodeOfVoltage(voltageV); };
-    //
-    // define function under test using C++11 lambda expression [](){}
-    // double MAX5171::VoltageOfCode(uint16_t value_u14)
-    //double (*fn_MAX5171_VoltageOfCode)(uint16_t) = [](uint16_t value_u14){ return g_MAX5171_device.VoltageOfCode(value_u14); };
-    //
-    // define function under test using C++11 lambda expression [](){}
-    // uint8_t MAX5171::CODE_LOAD(uint16_t dacCodeLsbs)
-    //uint8_t (*fn_MAX5171_CODE_LOAD)(uint16_t dacCodeLsbs) = [](uint16_t dacCodeLsbs){ return g_MAX5171_device.CODE_LOAD(dacCodeLsbs); };
-    //
-    //double one_LSB = (g_MAX5171_device.VRef / 16383); // 14-bit DAC FS
-    // tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling replaces wait_ms
-    tinyTester.settle_time_msec = 250;
-    g_MAX5171_device.VRef = 2.500;     // MAX5171 14-bit LSB = 0.00015V
-    SelfTest_print_Vref(cmdLine);
-    tinyTester.err_threshold = (g_MAX5171_device.VRef / 16383); // 14-bit DAC FS
-    //
-    // tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect replaces SelfTest_DACCodeOfVoltage_Expect
-    tinyTester.blink_time_msec = 20; // quickly speed through the software verification
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5171.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5171_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.499847412109375, 0x3FFF);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5171.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5171_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.49969482421875, 0x3FFE);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5171.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5171_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.499542236328125, 0x3FFD);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5171.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5171_DACCodeOfVoltage, 2.4993896484375, 0x3FFC);
-    //
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5171.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5171_DACCodeOfVoltage, 1.250152587890625, 0x2001);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5171.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5171_DACCodeOfVoltage, 1.25, 0x2000);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5171.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5171_DACCodeOfVoltage, 1.249847412109375, 0x1FFF);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5171.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5171_DACCodeOfVoltage, 1.24969482421875, 0x1FFE);
-    //
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5171.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5171_DACCodeOfVoltage, 0.000457763671875, 0x0003);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5171.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5171_DACCodeOfVoltage, 0.00030517578125, 0x0002);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5171.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5171_DACCodeOfVoltage, 0.000152587890625, 0x0001);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5171.DACCodeOfVoltage", fn_MAX5171_DACCodeOfVoltage, 0.00000, 0x0000);
-    //
-    // tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect replaces SelfTest_VoltageOfCode_Expect
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5171.VoltageOfCode", fn_MAX5171_VoltageOfCode, 0x3FFF, 2.499847412109375);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5171.VoltageOfCode", fn_MAX5171_VoltageOfCode, 0x3FFE, 2.49969482421875);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5171.VoltageOfCode", fn_MAX5171_VoltageOfCode, 0x3FFD, 2.499542236328125);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5171.VoltageOfCode", fn_MAX5171_VoltageOfCode, 0x3FFC, 2.4993896484375);
-    //
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5171.VoltageOfCode", fn_MAX5171_VoltageOfCode, 0x2001, 1.250152587890625);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5171.VoltageOfCode", fn_MAX5171_VoltageOfCode, 0x2000, 1.25);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5171.VoltageOfCode", fn_MAX5171_VoltageOfCode, 0x1FFF, 1.249847412109375);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5171.VoltageOfCode", fn_MAX5171_VoltageOfCode, 0x1FFE, 1.24969482421875);
-    //
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5171.VoltageOfCode", fn_MAX5171_VoltageOfCode, 0x0003, 0.000457763671875);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5171.VoltageOfCode", fn_MAX5171_VoltageOfCode, 0x0002, 0.00030517578125);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5171.VoltageOfCode", fn_MAX5171_VoltageOfCode, 0x0001, 0.000152587890625);
-    tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX5171.VoltageOfCode", fn_MAX5171_VoltageOfCode, 0x0000, 0.00000);
-    //
-    // Device Testing: DAC commands, verify using on-board ADC inputs
-    //
-    tinyTester.blink_time_msec = 75;
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      MAX5171.Init()");
-    g_MAX5171_device.Init();
-    //
-    tinyTester.err_threshold = 0.030; // 30mV
-    uint16_t code = 0x3FFF;
-    //~ double voltageV = 0.5;
-    //
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      MAX5171.CODE_LOAD code=%d", code);
-    g_MAX5171_device.CODE_LOAD(code);
-    // tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling replaces wait_ms
-    tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling();
-    // tinyTester.AnalogIn0_Read_Expect_voltageV replaces SelfTest_AnalogInput_Expect_ch_V
-    tinyTester.AnalogIn0_Read_Expect_voltageV(2.500);
-    //
-    code = 0x0000;
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      MAX5171.CODE_LOAD code=%d", code);
-    g_MAX5171_device.CODE_LOAD(code);
-    // tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling replaces wait_ms
-    tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling();
-    // tinyTester.AnalogIn0_Read_Expect_voltageV replaces SelfTest_AnalogInput_Expect_ch_V
-    tinyTester.AnalogIn0_Read_Expect_voltageV(0.0000);
-    //
-    code = 0x1FFF;
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      MAX5171.CODE_LOAD code=%d", code);
-    g_MAX5171_device.CODE_LOAD(code);
-    // tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling replaces wait_ms
-    tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling();
-    // tinyTester.AnalogIn0_Read_Expect_voltageV replaces SelfTest_AnalogInput_Expect_ch_V
-    tinyTester.AnalogIn0_Read_Expect_voltageV(1.2500);
-    //
-    // test UPO User Programmable Output, verify using digital input D2
-    //
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      MAX5171.UPO_HIGH");
-    g_MAX5171_device.UPO_HIGH();
-    tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling();
-    // tinyTester.DigitalIn_Read_Expect_WarnOnly replaces SelfTest_Expect_Input_UPO_pin
-    tinyTester.DigitalIn_Read_Expect_WarnOnly(UPO_pin, "UPO", 1, "UPO_pin is high after MAX5171 UPO_HIGH command");
-    //
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      MAX5171.UPO_LOW");
-    g_MAX5171_device.UPO_LOW();
-    tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling();
-    // tinyTester.DigitalIn_Read_Expect_WarnOnly replaces SelfTest_Expect_Input_UPO_pin
-    tinyTester.DigitalIn_Read_Expect_WarnOnly(UPO_pin, "UPO", 0, "UPO_pin is low after MAX5171 UPO_LOW command");
-    //
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n      MAX5171.UPO_HIGH");
-    g_MAX5171_device.UPO_HIGH();
-    tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling(); // wait_ms(100); // delay
-    // tinyTester.DigitalIn_Read_Expect_WarnOnly replaces SelfTest_Expect_Input_UPO_pin
-    tinyTester.DigitalIn_Read_Expect_WarnOnly(UPO_pin, "UPO", 1, "UPO_pin is high after MAX5171 UPO_HIGH command");
-    //
-    //
-    // TODO: placeholder for self-test functions
-    tinyTester.FAIL();
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("test program not implemented yet");
-    //
-    //
-    // TODO: placeholder for self-test functions
-    tinyTester.FAIL();
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("test program not implemented yet");
-    //
-#else // APPLICATION_MAX5715
-      // TODO: placeholder for self-test functions
-#endif // APPLICATION_MAX5715
-       //
-    // Test of the pass/fail report mechanism
-    tinyTester.FAIL();
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("injecting one false failure for test reporting");
-    //
-    // Report number of pass and number of fail test results
-    tinyTester.Report_Summary();
-void main_menu_status(CmdLine & cmdLine)
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\nMain menu");
-#if APPLICATION_MAX5715 // main_menu_status banner
-    cmdLine.serial().printf(" MAX5715 12-bit 4-ch SPI VOUT DAC");
-#elif APPLICATION_MAX11131 // main_menu_status banner
-    cmdLine.serial().printf(" MAX11131 12-bit 3MSps 16-ch ADC");
-#elif APPLICATION_MAX5171 // main_menu_status banner
-    cmdLine.serial().printf(" MAX5171 14-bit Force/Sense VOUT DAC");
-#elif APPLICATION_MAX11410 // main_menu_status banner
-    cmdLine.serial().printf(" MAX11410 24-bit 1.9ksps Delta-Sigma ADC");
-#elif APPLICATION_MAX12345 // main_menu_status banner
-    cmdLine.serial().printf(" MAX12345");
-    //cmdLine.serial().printf(" ");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf(" %s", TARGET_NAME);
-    if (cmdLine.nameStr())
-    {
-        cmdLine.serial().printf(" [%s]", cmdLine.nameStr());
-    }
-    cmdLine.serial().printf(" [Button1=DemoConfig1]");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf(" [Button2=DemoConfig2]");
-    // print BUTTON1 status
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n BUTTON1 = %d", button1.read());
-    // print BUTTON1 status
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n BUTTON2 = %d", button2.read());
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n ? -- help");
-void main_menu_help(CmdLine & cmdLine)
-    // ? -- help
-    //~ cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\nMenu:");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n # -- lines beginning with # are comments");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n . -- SelfTest");
-    //cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n ! -- Initial Configuration");
-    //
-    // % standardize diagnostic commands
-    // %Hpin -- digital output high
-    // %Lpin -- digital output low
-    // %?pin -- digital input
-    // %A %Apin -- analog input
-    // %Ppin df=xx -- pwm output
-    // %Wpin -- measure high pulsewidth input in usec
-    // %wpin -- measure low pulsewidth input in usec
-    // %I... -- I2C diagnostics
-    // %IP -- I2C probe
-    // %IC scl=100khz ADDR=? -- I2C configure
-    // %IW ADDR=? cmd=? data,data,data -- write
-    // %IR ADDR=? RD=? -- read
-    // %I^ cmd=? -- i2c_smbus_read_word_data
-    // %S... -- SPI diagnostics
-    // %SC sclk=1Mhz -- SPI configure
-    // %SW -- write (write and read)
-    // %SR -- read (alias for %SW because SPI always write and read)
-    // A-Z,a-z,0-9 reserved for application use
-    //
-#if HAS_digitalInOuts
-    // %Hpin -- digital output high
-    // %Lpin -- digital output low
-    // %?pin -- digital input
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n %%Hn {pin:");
-    list_digitalInOutPins(cmdLine.serial());
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("} -- High Output");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n %%Ln {pin:");
-    list_digitalInOutPins(cmdLine.serial());
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("} -- Low Output");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n %%?n {pin:");
-    list_digitalInOutPins(cmdLine.serial());
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("} -- Input");
-#if HAS_analogIns
-    // Menu A) analogRead A0..7
-    // %A %Apin -- analog input
-    // analogRead(pinIndex) // analog input pins A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5; float voltage = analogRead(A0) * (5.0 / 1023.0)
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n %%A -- analogRead");
-#if HAS_SPI2_MAX541
-    // TODO1: MAX541 max541(spi2_max541, spi2_max541_cs);
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n %%D -- DAC output MAX541 (SPI2)");
-    // TODO: support I2C HAS_I2C // SUPPORT_I2C
-    // VERIFY: I2C utility commands SUPPORT_I2C
-    // VERIFY: report g_I2C_SCL_Hz = (F_CPU / ((TWBR * 2) + 16)) from last Wire_Sr.setClock(I2C_SCL_Hz);
-    // %I... -- I2C diagnostics
-    // %IP -- I2C probe
-    // %IC scl=100khz ADDR=? -- I2C configure
-    // %IW byte byte ... byte RD=? ADDR=0x -- write
-    // %IR ADDR=? RD=? -- read
-    // %I^ cmd=? -- i2c_smbus_read_word_data
-    //g_I2C_SCL_Hz = (F_CPU / ((TWBR * 2) + 16));   // 'F_CPU' 'TWBR' not declared in this scope
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n %%IC ADDR=0x%2.2x=(0x%2.2x>>1) SCL=%d=%1.3fkHz -- I2C config",
-                            g_I2C_deviceAddress7, (g_I2C_deviceAddress7 << 1), g_I2C_SCL_Hz,
-                            (g_I2C_SCL_Hz / 1000.));
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n %%IW byte byte ... byte RD=? ADDR=0x%2.2x -- I2C write/read",
-                            g_I2C_deviceAddress7);
-    //
-    // Menu ^ cmd=?) i2c_smbus_read_word_data
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n %%I^ cmd=? -- i2c_smbus_read_word_data");
-    // test low-level I2C i2c_smbus_read_word_data
-#endif // SUPPORT_I2C
-    //cmdLine.serial().printf(" H) Hunt for attached I2C devices");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n %%IP -- I2C Probe for attached devices");
-    // cmdLine.serial().printf(" s) search i2c address");
-#endif // SUPPORT_I2C
-    // TODO: support SPI HAS_SPI // SUPPORT_SPI
-    // SPI test command  S (mosiData)+
-    // %S... -- SPI diagnostics
-    // %SC sclk=1Mhz -- SPI configure
-    // %SW -- write (write and read)
-    // %SR -- read (alias for %SW because SPI always write and read)
-    // spi.format(8,0); // int bits_must_be_8, int mode=0_3 CPOL=0,CPHA=0 rising edge (initial default)
-    // spi.format(8,1); // int bits_must_be_8, int mode=0_3 CPOL=0,CPHA=1 falling edge (initial default)
-    // spi.format(8,2); // int bits_must_be_8, int mode=0_3 CPOL=1,CPHA=0 falling edge (initial default)
-    // spi.format(8,3); // int bits_must_be_8, int mode=0_3 CPOL=1,CPHA=1 rising edge (initial default)
-    // spi.frequency(1000000); // int SCLK_Hz=1000000 = 1MHz (initial default)
-    // mode | POL PHA
-    // -----+--------
-    //   0  |  0   0
-    //   1  |  0   1
-    //   2  |  1   0
-    //   3  |  1   1
-    //cmdLine.serial().printf(" S) SPI mosi,mosi,...mosi hex bytes SCLK=1000000 CPOL=0 CPHA=0");
-    // fixed: mbed-os-5.11: [Warning] format '%d' expects argument of type 'int', but argument 3 has type 'uint32_t {aka long unsigned int}' [-Wformat=]
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n %%SC SCLK=%ld=%1.3fMHz CPOL=%d CPHA=%d -- SPI config",
-                            g_SPI_SCLK_Hz, (g_SPI_SCLK_Hz / 1000000.),
-                            ((g_SPI_dataMode & SPI_MODE2) ? 1 : 0),
-                            ((g_SPI_dataMode & SPI_MODE1) ? 1 : 0));
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n %%SW mosi,mosi,...mosi -- SPI write hex bytes");
-    // VERIFY: parse new SPI settings parse_strCommandArgs() SCLK=1000000 CPOL=0 CPHA=0
-#endif // SUPPORT_SPI
-       //
-       // Application-specific commands (help text) here
-       //
-#if APPLICATION_ArduinoPinsMonitor
-# if APPLICATION_MAX5715 // main_menu_help
-# elif APPLICATION_MAX11131 // main_menu_help
-# elif APPLICATION_MAX5171 // main_menu_help
-# elif APPLICATION_MAX11410 // main_menu_help
-# elif APPLICATION_MAX12345 // main_menu_help
-# else
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n A-Z,a-z,0-9 -- reserved for application use");     // ArduinoPinsMonitor
-# endif
-#endif // APPLICATION_ArduinoPinsMonitor
-       //
-#if APPLICATION_MAX5715 // main_menu_help
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 0 ch=? code=? -- CODEn");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 1 ch=? -- LOADn");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 2 ch=? code=? -- CODEnLOADall");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 3 ch=? code=? -- CODEnLOADn");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 40 ch=? -- POWERn_Normal");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 41 ch=? -- POWERn_PD1k");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 42 ch=? -- POWERn_PD100k");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 43 ch=? -- POWERn_PDHiZ");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 50 -- SW_CLEAR");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 51 -- SW_RESET");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 60 ch=? -- CONFIGn_LATCHED");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 61 ch=? -- CONFIGn_TRANSPARENT");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 68 -- CONFIGall_LATCHED");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 69 -- CONFIGall_TRANSPARENT");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 70 -- REF_EXT");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 71 -- REF_2V500");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 72 -- REF_2V048");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 73 -- REF_4V096");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 74 -- REF_AlwaysOn_EXT");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 75 -- REF_AlwaysOn_2V500");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 76 -- REF_AlwaysOn_2V048");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 77 -- REF_AlwaysOn_4V096");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 80 code=? -- CODEall");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 81 -- LOADall");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 82 code=? -- CODEallLOADall");
-    //cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 83 code=? -- CODEallLOADall");
-    //
-    // Menu @ -- print device configuration
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n @ -- print MAX5715 configuration");
-    //
-    // MAX5717 menu function to drive MAX5717_LDACb_Pin LDAC#
-    // Note: '~' is not recommended for menu commands, interferes with ssh
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n L -- LDAC# pulse LH high LL low");
-    // MAX5717 menu function to drive MAX5717_CLRb_Pin CLR#
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n C -- CLR# pulse CH high CL low");
-#endif // APPLICATION_MAX5715
-       //
-#if APPLICATION_MAX11131 // main_menu_help
-    // VERIFY: console menu command 0 int16_t MAX11131_ScanRead(void);
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 0 n=?                                  -- MAX11131_ScanRead");
-    // VERIFY: console menu command 1 MAX11131_ScanManual(int channelNumber_0_15, int PowerManagement_0_2, int chan_id_0_1);
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 1 ch=? pm=? id=?                       -- MAX11131_ScanManual");
-    // VERIFY: console menu command 2 int MAX11131_ScanRepeat(uint8_t channelNumber_0_15, uint8_t average_0_4_8_16_32, uint8_t nscan_4_8_12_16, uint8_t PowerManagement_0_2, uint8_t swcnv_0_1);
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 2 ch=? av=? n=? pm=? swcnv=?           -- MAX11131_ScanRepeat");
-    // VERIFY: console menu command 3 MAX11131_ScanStandardInternalClock(int channelNumber_0_15, int average_0_4_8_16_32, int PowerManagement_0_2, int swcnv_0_1);
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 3 ch=? av=? pm=? swcnv=?               -- MAX11131_ScanStandardIntClock");
-    // VERIFY: console menu command 4 MAX11131_ScanStandardExternalClock(int channelNumber_0_15, int PowerManagement_0_2, int chan_id_0_1);
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 4 ch=? pm=? id=?                       -- MAX11131_ScanStandardExtClock");
-    // VERIFY: console menu command 5 MAX11131_ScanUpperInternalClock(int channelNumber_0_15, int average_0_4_8_16_32, int PowerManagement_0_2, int swcnv_0_1);
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 5 ch=? av=? pm=? swcnv=?               -- MAX11131_ScanUpperIntClock");
-    // VERIFY: console menu command 6 MAX11131_ScanUpperExternalClock(int channelNumber_0_15, int PowerManagement_0_2, int chan_id_0_1);
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 6 ch=? pm=? id=?                       -- MAX11131_ScanUpperExtClock");
-    // VERIFY: console menu command 7 MAX11131_ScanCustomInternalClock(int16_t enabledChannelsMask, int average_0_4_8_16_32, int PowerManagement_0_2, int swcnv_0_1);
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 7 enableMask=0xffff av=? pm=? swcnv=?  -- MAX11131_ScanCustomIntClock");
-    // VERIFY: console menu command 8 MAX11131_ScanCustomExternalClock(int16_t enabledChannelsMask, int PowerManagement_0_2, int chan_id_0_1);
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 8 enableMask=0xffff pm=0 id=1          -- MAX11131_ScanCustomExtClock");
-    // VERIFY: console menu command 9 MAX11131_ScanSampleSetExternalClock(uint8_t enabledChannelsPatternLength_1_256, int16_t enabledChannelsPattern[], int PowerManagement_0_2, int chan_id_0_1);
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 9 channelsPattern... pm=? id=? | len=? -- MAX11131_ScanSampleSetExtClock");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n @                                      -- print MAX11131 configuration");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n ISc) IUc) IBc) IRc) reconfigure channel single-ended/unipolar/bipolar/range");
-    // cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n & -- MAX11131_Example_ScanManual");
-    // Note: '~' is not recommended for menu commands, interferes with ssh
-#endif // APPLICATION_MAX11131
-       //
-#if APPLICATION_MAX5171 // main_menu_help
-    // TODO1: MAX5171 main_menu_help
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 0 code=? -- CODE");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 4 code=? -- CODE_LOAD");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 8 -- LOAD");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n c -- NOP");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n d -- SHUTDOWN");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n e0 -- UPO_LOW");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n e8 -- UPO_HIGH");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n f0 -- MODE1_DOUT_SCLK_RISING_EDGE");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n f8 -- MODE0_DOUT_SCLK_FALLING_EDGE");
-    // Note: '~' is not recommended for menu commands, interferes with ssh
-#endif // APPLICATION_MAX5171
-       //
-#if 0 // APPLICATION_MAX11410 // main_menu_help
-    // TODO1: MAX11410 main_menu_help
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n W reg=? data=? -- write register");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n R reg=? -- read register");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n S -- read status register");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n CV ch=? ainp=? ainn=? pga=? -- (future) Voltage configuration");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n MV -- (future) Voltage measurement");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n CT -- (future) Thermocouple configuration");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n MT -- (future) Thermocouple measurement");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n CR -- (future) Resistive Temperature Device (RTD) configuration");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n MR -- (future) RTD measurement");
-    // Menu @ -- print device configuration
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n @ -- print MAX11410 configuration");
-    // Note: '~' is not recommended for menu commands, interferes with ssh
-#endif // APPLICATION_MAX11410
-       //
-#if APPLICATION_MAX12345 // main_menu_help
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 0 -- something");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 1 -- something");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 2 -- something");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n A -- something");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n B -- something");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n C -- something");
-    // Note: '~' is not recommended for menu commands, interferes with ssh
-#endif // APPLICATION_MAX12345
-       //
-       //
-    extern bool MAX11410_menu_help(CmdLine & cmdLine); // defined in Test_Menu_MAX11410.cpp\n
-    MAX11410_menu_help(cmdLine);
-// diagnostic commands submenu
-// invoked by main_menu_onEOLcommandParser case '%'
-void pinsMonitor_submenu_onEOLcommandParser(CmdLine & cmdLine)
-    // % diagnostic commands submenu
-    // %Hpin -- digital output high
-    // %Lpin -- digital output low
-    // %?pin -- digital input
-    // %A %Apin -- analog input
-    // %Ppin df=xx -- pwm output
-    // %Wpin -- measure high pulsewidth input in usec
-    // %wpin -- measure low pulsewidth input in usec
-    // %I... -- I2C diagnostics
-    // %IP -- I2C probe
-    // %IC scl=100khz ADDR=? -- I2C configure
-    // %IW byte byte ... byte RD=? ADDR=0x -- write
-    // %IR ADDR=? RD=? -- read
-    // %I^ cmd=? -- i2c_smbus_read_word_data
-    // %S... -- SPI diagnostics
-    // %SC sclk=1Mhz -- SPI configure
-    // %SW -- write (write and read)
-    // %SR -- read (alias for %SW because SPI always write and read)
-    // A-Z,a-z,0-9 reserved for application use
-    //
-    // get pinIndex from cmdLine[2]
-    //int pinIndex = cmdLine[2];
-    // *** warning: pointer of type 'void *' used in arithmetic [-Wpointer-arith]
-    //int pinIndex = strtoul((char *)((void *)(cmdLine.str()) + 2), NULL, 10); // strtol(str, NULL, 10): get decimal value
-    //                                                        ^
-    char strPinIndex[3];
-    strPinIndex[0] = cmdLine[2];
-    strPinIndex[1] = cmdLine[3];
-    strPinIndex[2] = '\0';
-    int pinIndex = strtoul(strPinIndex, NULL, 10);         // strtol(str, NULL, 10): get decimal value
-    //cmdLine.serial().printf(" pinIndex=%d ", pinIndex);
-    //
-    // get next character
-    switch (cmdLine[1])
-    {
-#if HAS_digitalInOuts
-        case 'H': case 'h':
-        {
-            // %Hpin -- digital output high
-            pinMode(pinIndex, OUTPUT);             // digital pins 0, 1, 2, .. 13, analog input pins A0, A1, .. A5
-            digitalWrite(pinIndex, HIGH);             // digital pins 0, 1, 2, .. 13, analog input pins A0, A1, .. A5
-            DigitalInOut& digitalInOutPin = find_digitalInOutPin(pinIndex);
-            digitalInOutPin.output();
-            digitalInOutPin.write(1);
-            cmdLine.serial().printf(" digitalInOutPin %d Output High ", pinIndex);
-        }
-        break;
-        case 'L': case 'l':
-        {
-            // %Lpin -- digital output low
-            pinMode(pinIndex, OUTPUT);             // digital pins 0, 1, 2, .. 13, analog input pins A0, A1, .. A5
-            digitalWrite(pinIndex, LOW);             // digital pins 0, 1, 2, .. 13, analog input pins A0, A1, .. A5
-            DigitalInOut& digitalInOutPin = find_digitalInOutPin(pinIndex);
-            digitalInOutPin.output();
-            digitalInOutPin.write(0);
-            cmdLine.serial().printf(" digitalInOutPin %d Output Low ", pinIndex);
-        }
-        break;
-        case '?':
-        {
-            // %?pin -- digital input
-            pinMode(pinIndex, INPUT);             // digital pins 0, 1, 2, .. 13, analog input pins A0, A1, .. A5
-            DigitalInOut& digitalInOutPin = find_digitalInOutPin(pinIndex);
-            digitalInOutPin.input();
-            serial.printf(" digitalInOutPin %d Input ", pinIndex);
-            int value = digitalRead(pinIndex);
-            int value = digitalInOutPin.read();
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("%d ", value);
-        }
-        break;
-        //
-#if HAS_analogIns
-        case 'A': case 'a':
-        {
-            // %A %Apin -- analog input
-#if analogIn4_IS_HIGH_RANGE_OF_analogIn0
-            // Platform board uses AIN4,AIN5,.. as high range of AIN0,AIN1,..
-            for (int pinIndex = 0; pinIndex < 2; pinIndex++)
-            {
-                int cPinIndex = '0' + pinIndex;
-                AnalogIn& analogInPin = find_analogInPin(cPinIndex);
-                float adc_full_scale_voltage = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[pinIndex];
-                float normValue_0_1 = analogInPin.read();
-                //
-                int pinIndexH = pinIndex + 4;
-                int cPinIndexH = '0' + pinIndexH;
-                AnalogIn& analogInPinH = find_analogInPin(cPinIndexH);
-                float adc_full_scale_voltageH = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[pinIndexH];
-                float normValueH_0_1 = analogInPinH.read();
-                //
-                cmdLine.serial().printf("AIN%c = %7.3f%% = %1.3fV  AIN%c = %7.3f%% = %1.3fV  \r\n",
-                                        cPinIndex,
-                                        normValue_0_1 * 100.0,
-                                        normValue_0_1 * adc_full_scale_voltage,
-                                        cPinIndexH,
-                                        normValueH_0_1 * 100.0,
-                                        normValueH_0_1 * adc_full_scale_voltageH
-                                        );
-            }
-            for (int pinIndex = 2; pinIndex < 4; pinIndex++)
-            {
-                int cPinIndex = '0' + pinIndex;
-                AnalogIn& analogInPin = find_analogInPin(cPinIndex);
-                float adc_full_scale_voltage = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[pinIndex];
-                float normValue_0_1 = analogInPin.read();
-                //
-                cmdLine.serial().printf("AIN%c = %7.3f%% = %1.3fV\r\n",
-                                        cPinIndex,
-                                        normValue_0_1 * 100.0,
-                                        normValue_0_1 * adc_full_scale_voltage
-                                        );
-            }
-#else // analogIn4_IS_HIGH_RANGE_OF_analogIn0
-            // Platform board uses simple analog inputs
-            // assume standard Arduino analog inputs A0-A5
-            for (int pinIndex = 0; pinIndex < 6; pinIndex++)
-            {
-                int cPinIndex = '0' + pinIndex;
-                AnalogIn& analogInPin = find_analogInPin(cPinIndex);
-                float adc_full_scale_voltage = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[pinIndex];
-                float normValue_0_1 = analogInPin.read();
-                //
-                cmdLine.serial().printf("AIN%c = %7.3f%% = %1.3fV\r\n",
-                                        cPinIndex,
-                                        normValue_0_1 * 100.0,
-                                        normValue_0_1 * adc_full_scale_voltage
-                                        );
-            }
-#endif // analogIn4_IS_HIGH_RANGE_OF_analogIn0
-        }
-        break;
-        //
-#if HAS_SPI2_MAX541
-        case 'D': case 'd':
-        {
-            // %D -- DAC output MAX541 (SPI2) -- need cmdLine.parse_float(voltageV)
-            // MAX541 max541(spi2_max541, spi2_max541_cs);
-            float voltageV = max541.Get_Voltage();
-            // if (cmdLine[2] == '+') {
-            //     // %D+
-            //     voltageV = voltageV * 1.25f;
-            //     if (voltageV >= max541.VRef) voltageV = max541.VRef;
-            //     SelfTest_MAX541_Voltage(cmdLine, max541, voltageV);
-            // }
-            // else if (cmdLine[2] == '-') {
-            //     // %D-
-            //     voltageV = voltageV * 0.75f;
-            //     if (voltageV < 0.1f) voltageV = 0.1f;
-            //     SelfTest_MAX541_Voltage(cmdLine, max541, voltageV);
-            // }
-            if (cmdLine.parse_float("V", voltageV))
-            {
-                // %D V=1.234 -- set voltage
-                max541.Set_Voltage(voltageV);
-            }
-            else if (cmdLine.parse_float("TEST", voltageV))
-            {
-                // %D TEST=1.234 -- set voltage and compare with AIN0
-                SelfTest_MAX541_Voltage(cmdLine, max541, voltageV);
-            }
-            else if (cmdLine.parse_float("CAL", voltageV))
-            {
-                // %D CAL=1.234 -- calibrate VRef and compare with AIN0
-                max541.Set_Code(0x8000); // we don't know the fullscale voltage yet, so set code to midscale
-                double max541_midscale_V = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[4] * analogIn4.read(); // TARGET_MAX32630 J1.5 AIN_4 = AIN0 / 5.0     fullscale is 6.0V
-                const int average_count = 100;
-                const double average_K = 0.25;
-                for (int count = 0; count < average_count; count++) {
-                    double measurement_V = analogInPin_fullScaleVoltage[4] * analogIn4.read(); // TARGET_MAX32630 J1.5 AIN_4 = AIN0 / 5.0     fullscale is 6.0V
-                    max541_midscale_V = ((1 - average_K) * max541_midscale_V) + (average_K * measurement_V);
-                }
-                max541.VRef = 2.0 * max541_midscale_V;
-                cmdLine.serial().printf(
-                    "\r\n      MAX541 midscale = %1.3fV, so fullscale = %1.3fV",
-                    max541_midscale_V, max541.VRef);
-                // Detect whether MAX541 is really connected to MAX32625MBED.AIN0/AIN4
-                voltageV = 1.0f;
-                SelfTest_MAX541_Voltage(cmdLine, max541, voltageV);
-            }
-            else {
-                // %D -- print MAX541 DAC status
-                cmdLine.serial().printf("MAX541 code=0x%4.4x = %1.3fV  VRef=%1.3fV\r\n",
-                                        max541.Get_Code(), max541.Get_Voltage(), max541.VRef);
-            }
-        }
-        break;
-        //
-        case 'I': case 'i':
-            // %I... -- I2C diagnostics
-            // %IP -- I2C probe
-            // %IC scl=100khz ADDR=? -- I2C configure
-            // %IW byte byte ... byte RD=? ADDR=0x -- write
-            // %IR ADDR=? RD=? -- read
-            // %I^ cmd=? -- i2c_smbus_read_word_data
-            // get next character
-            // TODO: parse cmdLine arg (ADDR=\d+)? --> g_I2C_deviceAddress7
-            cmdLine.parse_byte_hex("ADDR", g_I2C_deviceAddress7);
-            // TODO: parse cmdLine arg (RD=\d)? --> g_I2C_read_count
-            g_I2C_read_count = 0;         // read count must be reset every command
-            cmdLine.parse_byte_dec("RD", g_I2C_read_count);
-            // TODO: parse cmdLine arg (CMD=\d)? --> g_I2C_command_regAddress
-            cmdLine.parse_byte_hex("CMD", g_I2C_command_regAddress);
-            switch (cmdLine[2])
-            {
-                case 'P': case 'p':
-                {
-                    // %IP -- I2C probe
-                    HuntAttachedI2CDevices(cmdLine, 0x03, 0x77);
-                }
-                break;
-                case 'C': case 'c':
-                {
-                    bool isUpdatedI2CConfig = false;
-                    // %IC scl=100khz ADDR=? -- I2C configure
-                    // parse cmdLine arg (SCL=\d+(kHZ|MHZ)?)? --> g_I2C_SCL_Hz
-                    if (cmdLine.parse_frequency_Hz("SCL", g_I2C_SCL_Hz))
-                    {
-                        isUpdatedI2CConfig = true;
-                        // TODO1: validate g_I2C_SCL_Hz against system clock frequency F_CPU
-                        if (g_I2C_SCL_Hz > limit_max_I2C_SCL_Hz)
-                        {
-                            g_I2C_SCL_Hz = limit_max_I2C_SCL_Hz;
-                        }
-                        if (g_I2C_SCL_Hz < limit_min_I2C_SCL_Hz)
-                        {
-                            g_I2C_SCL_Hz = limit_min_I2C_SCL_Hz;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if (isUpdatedI2CConfig)
-                    {
-                        // declare in narrower scope: MAX32625MBED I2C i2cMaster(...)
-                        I2C i2cMaster(I2C0_SDA, I2C0_SCL);             // sda scl TARGET_MAX32635MBED: P1_6, P1_7 Arduino 10-pin header
-                        i2cMaster.frequency(g_I2C_SCL_Hz);
-                        i2cMaster.start();
-                        i2cMaster.stop();
-                        i2cMaster.frequency(g_I2C_SCL_Hz);
-                        cmdLine.serial().printf(
-                            "\r\n %%IC ADDR=0x%2.2x=(0x%2.2x>>1) SCL=%d=%1.3fkHz -- I2C config",
-                            g_I2C_deviceAddress7, (g_I2C_deviceAddress7 << 1), g_I2C_SCL_Hz,
-                            (g_I2C_SCL_Hz / 1000.));
-                        i2cMaster.start();
-                        i2cMaster.stop();
-                    }
-                }
-                break;
-                case 'W': case 'w':
-                {
-                    // declare in narrower scope: MAX32625MBED I2C i2cMaster(...)
-                    I2C i2cMaster(I2C0_SDA, I2C0_SCL);             // sda scl TARGET_MAX32635MBED: P1_6, P1_7 Arduino 10-pin header
-                    i2cMaster.frequency(g_I2C_SCL_Hz);
-                    // %IW byte byte ... byte RD=? ADDR=0x -- write
-                    // parse cmdLine byte list --> int byteCount; int mosiData[MAX_SPI_BYTE_COUNT];
-                    #define MAX_I2C_BYTE_COUNT 32
-                    size_t byteCount = byteCount;
-                    static char mosiData[MAX_I2C_BYTE_COUNT];
-                    static char misoData[MAX_I2C_BYTE_COUNT];
-                    if (cmdLine.parse_byteCount_byteList_hex(byteCount, mosiData,
-                                                             MAX_I2C_BYTE_COUNT))
-                    {
-                        // hex dump mosiData[0..byteCount-1]
-                        cmdLine.serial().printf(
-                            "\r\nADDR=0x%2.2x=(0x%2.2x>>1) byteCount:%d RD=%d\r\nI2C MOSI->",
-                            g_I2C_deviceAddress7,
-                            (g_I2C_deviceAddress7 << 1), byteCount, g_I2C_read_count);
-                        for (unsigned int byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < byteCount; byteIndex++)
-                        {
-                            cmdLine.serial().printf(" 0x%2.2X", mosiData[byteIndex]);
-                        }
-                        //
-                        // TODO: i2c transfer
-                        //const int addr7bit = 0x48;      // 7 bit I2C address
-                        //const int addr8bit = 0x48 << 1; // 8bit I2C address, 0x90
-                        // /* int  */   i2cMaster.read (int addr8bit, char *data, int length, bool repeated=false) // Read from an I2C slave.
-                        // /* int  */   i2cMaster.read (int ack) // Read a single byte from the I2C bus.
-                        // /* int  */   i2cMaster.write (int addr8bit, const char *data, int length, bool repeated=false) // Write to an I2C slave.
-                        // /* int  */   i2cMaster.write (int data) // Write single byte out on the I2C bus.
-                        // /* void */   i2cMaster.start (void) // Creates a start condition on the I2C bus.
-                        // /* void */   i2cMaster.stop (void) // Creates a stop condition on the I2C bus.
-                        // /* int */    i2cMaster.transfer (int addr8bit, const char *tx_buffer, int tx_length, char *rx_buffer, int rx_length, const event_callback_t &callback, int event=I2C_EVENT_TRANSFER_COMPLETE, bool repeated=false) // Start nonblocking I2C transfer. More...
-                        // /* void */   i2cMaster.abort_transfer () // Abort the ongoing I2C transfer. More...
-                        const int addr8bit = g_I2C_deviceAddress7 << 1;             // 8bit I2C address, 0x90
-                        unsigned int misoLength = 0;
-                        bool repeated = (g_I2C_read_count > 0);
-                        //
-                        int writeStatus = i2cMaster.write (addr8bit, mosiData, byteCount, repeated);
-                        switch (writeStatus)
-                        {
-                            case 0: cmdLine.serial().printf(" ack "); break;
-                            case 1: cmdLine.serial().printf(" nack "); break;
-                            default: cmdLine.serial().printf(" {writeStatus 0x%2.2X} ",
-                                                             writeStatus);
-                        }
-                        if (repeated)
-                        {
-                            int readStatus =
-                                i2cMaster.read (addr8bit, misoData, g_I2C_read_count, false);
-                            switch (readStatus)
-                            {
-                                case 1: cmdLine.serial().printf(" nack "); break;
-                                case 0: cmdLine.serial().printf(" ack "); break;
-                                default: cmdLine.serial().printf(" {readStatus 0x%2.2X} ",
-                                                                 readStatus);
-                            }
-                        }
-                        //
-                        if (misoLength > 0)
-                        {
-                            // hex dump misoData[0..byteCount-1]
-                            cmdLine.serial().printf("  MISO<-");
-                            for (unsigned int byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < g_I2C_read_count;
-                                 byteIndex++)
-                            {
-                                cmdLine.serial().printf(" 0x%2.2X", misoData[byteIndex]);
-                            }
-                        }
-                        cmdLine.serial().printf(" ");
-                    }
-                }
-                break;
-                case 'R': case 'r':
-                {
-                    // declare in narrower scope: MAX32625MBED I2C i2cMaster(...)
-                    I2C i2cMaster(I2C0_SDA, I2C0_SCL);             // sda scl TARGET_MAX32635MBED: P1_6, P1_7 Arduino 10-pin header
-                    i2cMaster.frequency(g_I2C_SCL_Hz);
-                    // %IR ADDR=? RD=? -- read
-                    // TODO: i2c transfer
-                    //const int addr7bit = 0x48;      // 7 bit I2C address
-                    //const int addr8bit = 0x48 << 1; // 8bit I2C address, 0x90
-                    // /* int  */   i2cMaster.read (int addr8bit, char *data, int length, bool repeated=false) // Read from an I2C slave.
-                    // /* int  */   i2cMaster.read (int ack) // Read a single byte from the I2C bus.
-                    // /* int  */   i2cMaster.write (int addr8bit, const char *data, int length, bool repeated=false) // Write to an I2C slave.
-                    // /* int  */   i2cMaster.write (int data) // Write single byte out on the I2C bus.
-                    // /* void */   i2cMaster.start (void) // Creates a start condition on the I2C bus.
-                    // /* void */   i2cMaster.stop (void) // Creates a stop condition on the I2C bus.
-                    // /* int */    i2cMaster.transfer (int addr8bit, const char *tx_buffer, int tx_length, char *rx_buffer, int rx_length, const event_callback_t &callback, int event=I2C_EVENT_TRANSFER_COMPLETE, bool repeated=false) // Start nonblocking I2C transfer. More...
-                    // /* void */   i2cMaster.abort_transfer () // Abort the ongoing I2C transfer. More...
-                }
-                break;
-                case '^':
-                {
-                    // declare in narrower scope: MAX32625MBED I2C i2cMaster(...)
-                    I2C i2cMaster(I2C0_SDA, I2C0_SCL);             // sda scl TARGET_MAX32635MBED: P1_6, P1_7 Arduino 10-pin header
-                    i2cMaster.frequency(g_I2C_SCL_Hz);
-                    // %I^ cmd=? -- i2c_smbus_read_word_data
-                    // TODO: i2c transfer
-                    //const int addr7bit = 0x48;      // 7 bit I2C address
-                    //const int addr8bit = 0x48 << 1; // 8bit I2C address, 0x90
-                    // /* int  */   i2cMaster.read (int addr8bit, char *data, int length, bool repeated=false) // Read from an I2C slave.
-                    // /* int  */   i2cMaster.read (int ack) // Read a single byte from the I2C bus.
-                    // /* int  */   i2cMaster.write (int addr8bit, const char *data, int length, bool repeated=false) // Write to an I2C slave.
-                    // /* int  */   i2cMaster.write (int data) // Write single byte out on the I2C bus.
-                    // /* void */   i2cMaster.start (void) // Creates a start condition on the I2C bus.
-                    // /* void */   i2cMaster.stop (void) // Creates a stop condition on the I2C bus.
-                    // /* int */    i2cMaster.transfer (int addr8bit, const char *tx_buffer, int tx_length, char *rx_buffer, int rx_length, const event_callback_t &callback, int event=I2C_EVENT_TRANSFER_COMPLETE, bool repeated=false) // Start nonblocking I2C transfer. More...
-                    // /* void */   i2cMaster.abort_transfer () // Abort the ongoing I2C transfer. More...
-                }
-                break;
-            }         // switch(cmdLine[2])
-            break;
-        //
-        case 'S': case 's':
-        {
-            // %S... -- SPI diagnostics
-            // %SC sclk=1Mhz -- SPI configure
-            // %SW -- write (write and read)
-            // %SR -- read (alias for %SW because SPI always write and read)
-            //
-            // Process arguments SCLK=\d+(kHZ|MHZ) CPOL=\d CPHA=\d
-            bool isUpdatedSPIConfig = false;
-            // parse cmdLine arg (CPOL=\d)? --> g_SPI_dataMode | SPI_MODE2
-            // parse cmdLine arg (CPHA=\d)? --> g_SPI_dataMode | SPI_MODE1
-            if (cmdLine.parse_flag("CPOL", g_SPI_dataMode, SPI_MODE2))
-            {
-                isUpdatedSPIConfig = true;
-            }
-            if (cmdLine.parse_flag("CPHA", g_SPI_dataMode, SPI_MODE1))
-            {
-                isUpdatedSPIConfig = true;
-            }
-            if (cmdLine.parse_flag("CS", g_SPI_cs_state, 1))
-            {
-                isUpdatedSPIConfig = true;
-            }
-            // parse cmdLine arg (SCLK=\d+(kHZ|MHZ)?)? --> g_SPI_SCLK_Hz
-            if (cmdLine.parse_frequency_Hz("SCLK", g_SPI_SCLK_Hz))
-            {
-                isUpdatedSPIConfig = true;
-                // TODO1: validate g_SPI_SCLK_Hz against system clock frequency F_CPU
-                if (g_SPI_SCLK_Hz > limit_max_SPI_SCLK_Hz)
-                {
-                    g_SPI_SCLK_Hz = limit_max_SPI_SCLK_Hz;
-                }
-                if (g_SPI_SCLK_Hz < limit_min_SPI_SCLK_Hz)
-                {
-                    g_SPI_SCLK_Hz = limit_min_SPI_SCLK_Hz;
-                }
-            }
-            // Update SPI configuration
-            if (isUpdatedSPIConfig)
-            {
-                // %SC sclk=1Mhz -- SPI configure
-                spi_cs = g_SPI_cs_state;
-                spi.format(8,g_SPI_dataMode);             // int bits_must_be_8, int mode=0_3 CPOL=0,CPHA=0
-                g_MAX5715_device.spi_frequency(g_SPI_SCLK_Hz);
-                g_MAX11131_device.spi_frequency(g_SPI_SCLK_Hz);
-                g_MAX5171_device.spi_frequency(g_SPI_SCLK_Hz);
-                g_MAX11410_device.spi_frequency(g_SPI_SCLK_Hz);
-                g_MAX12345_device.spi_frequency(g_SPI_SCLK_Hz);
-                spi.frequency(g_SPI_SCLK_Hz);             // int SCLK_Hz=1000000 = 1MHz (initial default)
-                //
-                double ideal_divisor = ((double)SystemCoreClock) / g_SPI_SCLK_Hz;
-                int actual_divisor = (int)(ideal_divisor + 0.0);             // frequency divisor truncate
-                double actual_SCLK_Hz = SystemCoreClock / actual_divisor;
-                //
-                // fixed: mbed-os-5.11: [Warning] format '%d' expects argument of type 'int', but argument 6 has type 'uint32_t {aka long unsigned int}' [-Wformat=]
-                cmdLine.serial().printf(
-                    "\r\n %%SC CPOL=%d CPHA=%d CS=%d SCLK=%ld=%1.3fMHz (%1.1fMHz/%1.2f = actual %1.3fMHz) -- SPI config",
-                    ((g_SPI_dataMode & SPI_MODE2) ? 1 : 0),
-                    ((g_SPI_dataMode & SPI_MODE1) ? 1 : 0),
-                    g_SPI_cs_state,
-                    g_SPI_SCLK_Hz,
-                    (g_SPI_SCLK_Hz / 1000000.),
-                    ((double)(SystemCoreClock / 1000000.)),
-                    ideal_divisor,
-                    (actual_SCLK_Hz / 1000000.)
-                    );
-            }
-            // get next character
-            switch (cmdLine[2])
-            {
-                case 'C': case 's':
-                    // %SC sclk=1Mhz -- SPI configure
-                    break;
-                case 'W': case 'R': case 'w': case 'r':
-                {
-                    // %SW -- write (write and read)
-                    // %SR -- read (alias for %SW because SPI always write and read)
-                    // parse cmdLine byte list --> int byteCount; int mosiData[MAX_SPI_BYTE_COUNT];
-                    #define MAX_SPI_BYTE_COUNT 32
-                    size_t byteCount = byteCount;
-                    static char mosiData[MAX_SPI_BYTE_COUNT];
-                    static char misoData[MAX_SPI_BYTE_COUNT];
-                    if (cmdLine.parse_byteCount_byteList_hex(byteCount, mosiData,
-                                                             MAX_SPI_BYTE_COUNT))
-                    {
-                        // hex dump mosiData[0..byteCount-1]
-                        cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\nSPI");
-                        if (byteCount > 7) {
-                            cmdLine.serial().printf(" byteCount:%d", byteCount);
-                        }
-                        cmdLine.serial().printf(" MOSI->");
-                        for (unsigned int byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < byteCount; byteIndex++)
-                        {
-                            cmdLine.serial().printf(" 0x%2.2X", mosiData[byteIndex]);
-                        }
-                        spi_cs = 0;
-                        unsigned int numBytesTransferred =
-                            spi.write(mosiData, byteCount, misoData, byteCount);
-                        spi_cs = 1;
-                        // hex dump misoData[0..byteCount-1]
-                        cmdLine.serial().printf("  MISO<-");
-                        for (unsigned int byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < numBytesTransferred;
-                             byteIndex++)
-                        {
-                            cmdLine.serial().printf(" 0x%2.2X", misoData[byteIndex]);
-                        }
-                        cmdLine.serial().printf(" ");
-                    }
-                }
-                break;
-            }             // switch(cmdLine[2])
-        }             // case 'S': // %S... -- SPI diagnostics
-        break;
-        //
-        // A-Z,a-z,0-9 reserved for application use
-    }         // switch(cmdLine[1])
-} // end void pinsMonitor_submenu_onEOLcommandParser(CmdLine & cmdLine)
-#if 0 // APPLICATION_MAX5715 // MAX5715_menu_onEOLcommandParser moved to Test_Menu_MAX5715.cpp
-bool MAX5715_menu_onEOLcommandParser(CmdLine & cmdLine)
-    switch (cmdLine[0])
-    {
-        case '0':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes 00..0F
-            // TODO: cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 0 ch=? code=? -- CODEn");
-            // Menu 0 ch=? code=?) CODEn
-            // MAX5715_CODEn(uint8_t channel, uint16_t dacCodeLsbs);
-            // VERIFY: parse strCommandArgs for additional arguments including key=value pairs
-            // TODO: parse command arguments ~ parse_strCommandArgs(strCommandArgs);
-            uint16_t ch = g_MAX5715_device.channelNumber_0_3;
-            if (cmdLine.parse_uint16_dec("ch", ch))
-            {
-            }
-            uint16_t code = g_MAX5715_device.CODE[ch];
-            if (cmdLine.parse_uint16_dec("code", code))
-            {
-            }
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("CODEn ch=%d code=%d", ch, code);
-            g_MAX5715_device.CODEn(ch, code);
-            return true; // command was handled by MAX5715
-        }
-        break;
-        case '1':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes 10..1F
-            // TODO: cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 1 ch=? -- LOADn");
-            // TODO: parse command arguments ~ parse_strCommandArgs(strCommandArgs);
-            uint16_t ch = g_MAX5715_device.channelNumber_0_3;
-            if (cmdLine.parse_uint16_dec("ch", ch))
-            {
-            }
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("LOADn ch=%d", ch);
-            g_MAX5715_device.LOADn(ch);
-            return true; // command was handled by MAX5715
-        }
-        break;
-        case '2':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes 20..2F
-            // TODO: cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 2 ch=? code=? -- CODEnLOADall");
-            // TODO: parse command arguments ~ parse_strCommandArgs(strCommandArgs);
-            uint16_t ch = g_MAX5715_device.channelNumber_0_3;
-            if (cmdLine.parse_uint16_dec("ch", ch))
-            {
-            }
-            uint16_t code = g_MAX5715_device.CODE[ch];
-            if (cmdLine.parse_uint16_dec("code", code))
-            {
-            }
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("CODEnLOADall ch=%d code=%d", ch, code);
-            g_MAX5715_device.CODEnLOADall(ch, code);
-            return true; // command was handled by MAX5715
-        }
-        break;
-        case '3':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes 30..3F
-            // TODO: cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 3 ch=? code=? -- CODEnLOADn");
-            // TODO: parse command arguments ~ parse_strCommandArgs(strCommandArgs);
-            uint16_t ch = g_MAX5715_device.channelNumber_0_3;
-            uint16_t code;
-            if (cmdLine.parse_uint16_dec("ch", ch))
-            {
-            }
-            if (cmdLine.parse_uint16_dec("code", code))
-            {
-            }
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("CODEnLOADn ch=%d code=%d", ch, code);
-            g_MAX5715_device.CODEnLOADn(ch, code);
-            return true; // command was handled by MAX5715
-        }
-        break;
-        case '4':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes 40..4F
-            switch (cmdLine[1])
-            {
-                case '0':
-                {
-                    // cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 40 ch=? -- POWERn_Normal");
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(
-                        "channel_dcba=%d, POWERn_Normal)",
-                        g_MAX5715_device.channels_bitmask_DCBA);
-                    g_MAX5715_device.POWER(g_MAX5715_device.
-                                           channels_bitmask_DCBA,
-                                           MAX5715::POWERn_Normal);
-                    return true; // command was handled by MAX5715
-                }
-                break;
-                case '1':
-                {
-                    // cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 41 ch=? -- POWERn_PD1k");
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(
-                        "channel_dcba=%d, POWERn_PD1k)",
-                        g_MAX5715_device.channels_bitmask_DCBA);
-                    g_MAX5715_device.POWER(g_MAX5715_device.
-                                           channels_bitmask_DCBA,
-                                           MAX5715::POWERn_PD1k);
-                    return true; // command was handled by MAX5715
-                }
-                break;
-                case '2':
-                {
-                    // cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 42 ch=? -- POWERn_PD100k");
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(
-                        "channel_dcba=%d, POWERn_PD100k)",
-                        g_MAX5715_device.channels_bitmask_DCBA);
-                    g_MAX5715_device.POWER(g_MAX5715_device.
-                                           channels_bitmask_DCBA,
-                                           MAX5715::POWERn_PD100k);
-                    return true; // command was handled by MAX5715
-                }
-                break;
-                case '3':
-                {
-                    // cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 43 ch=? -- POWERn_PDHiZ");
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(
-                        "channel_dcba=%d, POWERn_PDHiZ)",
-                        g_MAX5715_device.channels_bitmask_DCBA);
-                    g_MAX5715_device.POWER(g_MAX5715_device.
-                                           channels_bitmask_DCBA,
-                                           MAX5715::POWERn_PDHiZ);
-                    return true; // command was handled by MAX5715
-                }
-                break;
-            }
-            break;
-        }
-        break;
-        case '5':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes 50..5F
-            switch (cmdLine[1])
-            {
-                case '0':
-                {
-                    // cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 50 -- SW_CLEAR");
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("SW_CLEAR");
-                    g_MAX5715_device.SW_CLEAR();
-                    return true; // command was handled by MAX5715
-                }
-                break;
-                case '1':
-                {
-                    // cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 51 -- SW_RESET");
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("SW_RESET");
-                    g_MAX5715_device.SW_RESET();
-                    return true; // command was handled by MAX5715
-                }
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        break;
-        case '6':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes 60..6F
-            switch (cmdLine[1])
-            {
-                case '0':
-                {
-                    // cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 60 ch=? -- CONFIGn_LATCHED");
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(
-                        "MAX5715_CONFIGn_LATCHED(channel_dcba=%d)",
-                        g_MAX5715_device.
-                        channels_bitmask_DCBA);
-                    g_MAX5715_device.CONFIGn_LATCHED(g_MAX5715_device.
-                                                     channels_bitmask_DCBA);
-                    return true; // command was handled by MAX5715
-                }
-                break;
-                case '1':
-                {
-                    // cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 61 ch=? -- CONFIGn_TRANSPARENT");
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(
-                        "MAX5715_CONFIGn_TRANSPARENT(channel_dcba=%d)",
-                        g_MAX5715_device.
-                        channels_bitmask_DCBA);
-                    g_MAX5715_device.CONFIGn_TRANSPARENT(
-                        g_MAX5715_device.channels_bitmask_DCBA);
-                    return true; // command was handled by MAX5715
-                }
-                break;
-                case '8':
-                {
-                    // cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 68 -- CONFIGall_LATCHED");
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(
-                        "MAX5715_CONFIGall_LATCHED()");
-                    g_MAX5715_device.CONFIGall_LATCHED();
-                    return true; // command was handled by MAX5715
-                }
-                break;
-                case '9':
-                {
-                    // cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 69 -- CONFIGall_TRANSPARENT");
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(
-                        "MAX5715_CONFIGall_TRANSPARENT()");
-                    g_MAX5715_device.CONFIGall_TRANSPARENT();
-                    return true; // command was handled by MAX5715
-                }
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        break;
-        case '7':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes 70..7F
-            switch (cmdLine[1])
-            {
-                case '0':
-                {
-                    // cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 70 -- REF_EXT");
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(
-                        "MAX5715_REF(REF_EXT)");
-                    g_MAX5715_device.REF(MAX5715::REF_EXT);
-                    return true; // command was handled by MAX5715
-                }
-                break;
-                case '1':
-                {
-                    // cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 71 -- REF_2V500");
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(
-                        "MAX5715_REF(REF_2V500)");
-                    g_MAX5715_device.REF(MAX5715::REF_2V500);
-                    return true; // command was handled by MAX5715
-                }
-                break;
-                case '2':
-                {
-                    // cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 72 -- REF_2V048");
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(
-                        "MAX5715_REF(REF_2V048)");
-                    g_MAX5715_device.REF(MAX5715::REF_2V048);
-                    return true; // command was handled by MAX5715
-                }
-                break;
-                case '3':
-                {
-                    // cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 73 -- REF_4V096");
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(
-                        "MAX5715_REF(REF_4V096)");
-                    g_MAX5715_device.REF(MAX5715::REF_4V096);
-                    return true; // command was handled by MAX5715
-                }
-                break;
-                case '4':
-                {
-                    // cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 74 -- REF_AlwaysOn_EXT");
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(
-                        "MAX5715_REF(REF_AlwaysOn_EXT)");
-                    g_MAX5715_device.REF(MAX5715::REF_AlwaysOn_EXT);
-                    return true; // command was handled by MAX5715
-                }
-                break;
-                case '5':
-                {
-                    // cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 75 -- REF_AlwaysOn_2V500");
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(
-                        "MAX5715_REF(REF_AlwaysOn_2V500)");
-                    g_MAX5715_device.REF(MAX5715::REF_AlwaysOn_2V500);
-                    return true; // command was handled by MAX5715
-                }
-                break;
-                case '6':
-                {
-                    // cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 76 -- REF_AlwaysOn_2V048");
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(
-                        "MAX5715_REF(REF_AlwaysOn_2V048)");
-                    g_MAX5715_device.REF(MAX5715::REF_AlwaysOn_2V048);
-                    return true; // command was handled by MAX5715
-                }
-                break;
-                case '7':
-                {
-                    // cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 77 -- REF_AlwaysOn_4V096");
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf(
-                        "MAX5715_REF(REF_AlwaysOn_4V096)");
-                    g_MAX5715_device.REF(MAX5715::REF_AlwaysOn_4V096);
-                    return true; // command was handled by MAX5715
-                }
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        break;
-        case '8':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes 80..8F
-            switch (cmdLine[1])
-            {
-                case '0':
-                {
-                    // TODO: cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 80 code=? -- CODEall");
-                    // TODO: parse command arguments ~ parse_strCommandArgs(strCommandArgs);
-                    g_MAX5715_device.channels_bitmask_DCBA = 0xFF;             // store g_MAX5715_device.CODE[allChannels]
-                    uint16_t code = g_MAX5715_device.CODE[0];
-                    if (cmdLine.parse_uint16_dec("code", code))
-                    {
-                    }
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("CODEall code=%d", code);
-                    g_MAX5715_device.CODEall(code);
-                    return true; // command was handled by MAX5715
-                }
-                break;
-                case '1':
-                {
-                    // TODO: cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 81 -- LOADall");
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("LOADall");
-                    g_MAX5715_device.LOADall();
-                    return true; // command was handled by MAX5715
-                }
-                break;
-                case '2':
-                {
-                    // TODO: cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 82 code=? -- CODEallLOADall");
-                    uint16_t code = g_MAX5715_device.CODE[0];
-                    if (cmdLine.parse_uint16_dec("code", code))
-                    {
-                    }
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("CODEallLOADall code=%d", code);
-                    g_MAX5715_device.CODEallLOADall(code);
-                    return true; // command was handled by MAX5715
-                }
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        break;
-        case '9':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes 90..9F
-        }
-        break;
-        case 'a': case 'A':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes A0..AF
-            switch (cmdLine[1])
-            {
-                case 't': case 'T':
-                    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf("\r\n ignore AT command \"%s\"\r\n", cmdLine.str());
-                    // AT command: skip the prompt to avoid confusing modem detector
-                    return false; // command not handled
-            }
-        }
-        break;
-        case 'b': case 'B':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes B0..BF
-        }
-        break;
-        case 'c': case 'C':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes C0..CF
-            // // MAX5717 menu function to drive MAX5717_CLRb_Pin CLR#
-            // cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n C -- CLR# pulse CH high CL low");
-            switch (cmdLine[1])
-            {
-                default:
-                    // g_MAX5715_device.CLRboutputPulseLow();
-                    g_MAX5715_device.CLRboutputValue(1);
-                    g_MAX5715_device.CLRboutputValue(0);
-                    g_MAX5715_device.CLRboutputValue(1);
-                    break;
-                case 'H': case 'h': case '1':
-                    g_MAX5715_device.CLRboutputValue(1);         // GPIOoutputCLRb(int isLogicHigh);
-                    break;
-                case 'L': case 'l': case '0':
-                    g_MAX5715_device.CLRboutputValue(0);         // GPIOoutputCLRb(int isLogicHigh);
-                    break;
-            }
-            return true; // command was handled by MAX5715
-        }
-        break;
-        case 'd': case 'D':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes D0..DF
-        }
-        break;
-        case 'e': case 'E':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes E0..EF
-        }
-        break;
-        case 'f': case 'F':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes F0..FF
-        }
-        break;
-        case 'l': case 'L':
-        {
-            // // MAX5717 menu function to drive MAX5717_LDACb_Pin LDAC#
-            // cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n L -- LDAC# pulse LH high LL low");
-            switch (cmdLine[1])
-            {
-                default:
-                    // g_MAX5715_device.LDACboutputPulseLow();
-                    g_MAX5715_device.LDACboutputValue(1);
-                    g_MAX5715_device.LDACboutputValue(0);
-                    g_MAX5715_device.LDACboutputValue(1);
-                    break;
-                case 'H': case 'h': case '1':
-                    g_MAX5715_device.LDACboutputValue(1);         // GPIOoutputLDACb(int isLogicHigh);
-                    break;
-                case 'L': case 'l': case '0':
-                    g_MAX5715_device.LDACboutputValue(0);         // GPIOoutputLDACb(int isLogicHigh);
-                    break;
-            }
-            return true; // command was handled by MAX5715
-        }
-        break;
-        case 'x': case 'X':
-        {
-        }
-        break;
-        case 'y': case 'Y':
-        {
-        }
-        break;
-        case 'z': case 'Z':
-        {
-        }
-        break;
-        case '~':     // TODO: IGNORE_AT_COMMANDS -- ignore ~~~ modem command
-        {
-            // TODO: '~' is not recommended for menu commands, interferes with ssh
-            switch (cmdLine[1])
-            {
-                default:
-                {
-                    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf("\r\n ignore AT command \"%s\"\r\n",
-                                                          cmdLine.str());
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        break;
-        case '+':     // TODO: IGNORE_AT_COMMANDS -- ignore +++ modem command
-        {
-            cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf("\r\n ignore AT command \"%s\"\r\n", cmdLine.str());
-        }
-        break;
-        case '@':
-        {
-            // //
-            // // Menu @ -- print device configuration
-            // TODO: cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n @ -- print MAX5715 configuration");
-            // //
-            // print shadow register configuration
-            //
-            // shadow of write-only register CODE dddd_dddd_dddd_0000
-            //~ int16_t CMD_1000_CODE;
-            int index = 0;
-            for (index = 0; index < 4; index++)
-            {
-                cmdLine.serial().printf("CODE %c=0x%4.4x MAX5715_VoltageOfCode(%d)=%5.3fV\r\n",
-                                        (char)('A' + index),
-                                        (g_MAX5715_device.Shadow_0010_nnnn_CODE[index] & 0xFFFF),
-                                        g_MAX5715_device.CODE[index],
-                                        g_MAX5715_device.VoltageOfCode(g_MAX5715_device.CODE[index])
-                                        );
-            }
-            //
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n");
-            //
-            //
-            // Menu @) print MAX5715 configuration AND g_MAX5715_device globals
-            //
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("channelNumber_0_3=%d channels_bitmask_DCBA=%d\r\n",
-                                    (g_MAX5715_device.channelNumber_0_3 & 0xFFFF),
-                                    (g_MAX5715_device.channels_bitmask_DCBA & 0xFFFF));
-            //
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("VRef=%5.3fV\r\n", g_MAX5715_device.VRef);
-            // dtostrf width and precision: 3.3V / 1024 LSB = 0.00322265625 volts per LSB
-            return true; // command was handled by MAX5715
-        }
-        break;
-    } // end switch (cmdLine[0])
-    return false; // command not handled by MAX5715
-} // end bool MAX5715_menu_onEOLcommandParser(CmdLine & cmdLine)
-#if 0 // APPLICATION_MAX11131 // MAX11131_menu_onEOLcommandParser moved to Test_Menu_MAX11131.cpp
-bool MAX11131_menu_onEOLcommandParser(CmdLine & cmdLine)
-    switch (cmdLine[0])
-    {
-        case '0':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes 00..0F
-            // VERIFY: console menu command 0 int16_t MAX11131_ScanRead(void);
-            // TODO: cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 0 n=?                                  -- MAX11131_ScanRead");
-            if (cmdLine.parse_uint16_dec("n", g_MAX11131_device.NumWords))
-            {
-            }
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("ScanRead NumWords=%d", g_MAX11131_device.NumWords);
-            if (g_MAX11131_device.isExternalClock)
-            {
-                cmdLine.serial().printf(" External Clock");
-                //
-                // Read raw ADC codes from device into AINcode[] and RAW_misoData16[]
-                // @pre one of the MAX11311_Scan functions was called, setting g_MAX11131_device.NumWords
-                g_MAX11131_device.ReadAINcode();
-                // @post RAW_misoData16[index] contains the raw SPI Master-In,Slave-Out data
-                // @post AINcode[NUM_CHANNELS] contains the latest readings in LSBs
-                //
-                AINcode_print_value_externalClock(cmdLine, g_MAX11131_device.NumWords);
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                cmdLine.serial().printf(" Internal Clock");
-                //
-                // Read raw ADC codes from device into AINcode[] and RAW_misoData16[]
-                // @pre one of the MAX11311_Scan functions was called, setting g_MAX11131_device.NumWords
-                g_MAX11131_device.ReadAINcode();
-                // @post RAW_misoData16[index] contains the raw SPI Master-In,Slave-Out data
-                // @post AINcode[NUM_CHANNELS] contains the latest readings in LSBs
-                //
-                AINcode_print_value_chanID(cmdLine, g_MAX11131_device.NumWords);
-            }
-            return true; // command was handled by MAX11131
-        }
-        break;
-        case '1':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes 10..1F
-            // VERIFY: console menu command 1 MAX11131_ScanManual(int channelNumber_0_15, int PowerManagement_0_2, int chan_id_0_1);
-            // TODO: cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 1 ch=? pm=? id=?                       -- MAX11131_ScanManual");
-            if (cmdLine.parse_byte_dec("ch", g_MAX11131_device.channelNumber_0_15))
-            {
-            }
-            if (cmdLine.parse_byte_dec("pm", g_MAX11131_device.PowerManagement_0_2))
-            {
-            }
-            if (cmdLine.parse_byte_dec("id", g_MAX11131_device.chan_id_0_1))
-            {
-            }
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("ScanManual ch=%d pm=%d id=%d\r\n",
-                                    g_MAX11131_device.channelNumber_0_15,
-                                    g_MAX11131_device.PowerManagement_0_2,
-                                    g_MAX11131_device.chan_id_0_1);
-            // VERIFY: replace argument with driver global; g_MAX11131_device.PowerManagement_0_2 replaces PowerManagement_0_2
-            // VERIFY: replace argument with driver global; g_MAX11131_device.chan_id_0_1 replaces chan_id_0_1
-            // VERIFY: replace argument with driver global; g_MAX11131_device.channelNumber_0_15 replaces channelNumber_0_15
-            g_MAX11131_device.NumWords = g_MAX11131_device.ScanManual();
-            //
-            // Read raw ADC codes from device into AINcode[] and RAW_misoData16[]
-            // @pre one of the MAX11311_Scan functions was called, setting g_MAX11131_device.NumWords
-            g_MAX11131_device.ReadAINcode();
-            // @post RAW_misoData16[index] contains the raw SPI Master-In,Slave-Out data
-            // @post AINcode[NUM_CHANNELS] contains the latest readings in LSBs
-            //
-            AINcode_print_value_externalClock(cmdLine, g_MAX11131_device.NumWords);
-            return true; // command was handled by MAX11131
-        }
-        break;
-        case '2':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes 20..2F
-            // VERIFY: console menu command 2 int MAX11131_ScanRepeat(uint8_t channelNumber_0_15, uint8_t average_0_4_8_16_32, uint8_t nscan_4_8_12_16, uint8_t PowerManagement_0_2, uint8_t swcnv_0_1);
-            // TODO: cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 2 ch=? av=? n=? pm=? swcnv=?           -- MAX11131_ScanRepeat");
-            // VERIFY: update value of g_MAX11131_device.channelNumber_0_15 from strCommandArgs
-            // VERIFY: update value of g_MAX11131_device.average_0_4_8_16_32 option from strCommandArgs
-            // VERIFY: update value of g_MAX11131_device.nscan_4_8_12_16 option from strCommandArgs
-            // VERIFY: update value of g_MAX11131_device.swcnv_0_1 option from strCommandArgs
-            // VERIFY: update value of g_MAX11131_device.PowerManagement_0_2 option from strCommandArgs
-            // VERIFY: parse strCommandArgs for additional arguments including key=value pairs
-            if (cmdLine.parse_byte_dec("ch", g_MAX11131_device.channelNumber_0_15))
-            {
-            }
-            if (cmdLine.parse_byte_dec("av", g_MAX11131_device.average_0_4_8_16_32))
-            {
-            }
-            if (cmdLine.parse_byte_dec("n", g_MAX11131_device.nscan_4_8_12_16))
-            {
-            }
-            if (cmdLine.parse_byte_dec("swcnv", g_MAX11131_device.swcnv_0_1))
-            {
-            }
-            if (cmdLine.parse_byte_dec("pm", g_MAX11131_device.PowerManagement_0_2))
-            {
-            }
-            cmdLine.serial().printf(
-                "ScanRepeat ch=%d average_0_4_8_16_32:%d nscan_4_8_12_16:%d swcnv=%d pm=%d\r\n",
-                g_MAX11131_device.channelNumber_0_15,
-                g_MAX11131_device.average_0_4_8_16_32,
-                g_MAX11131_device.nscan_4_8_12_16,
-                g_MAX11131_device.swcnv_0_1,
-                g_MAX11131_device.PowerManagement_0_2);
-            // VERIFY: replace argument with driver global; g_MAX11131_device.PowerManagement_0_2 replaces PowerManagement_0_2
-            // VERIFY: replace argument with driver global; g_MAX11131_device.swcnv_0_1 replaces swcnv_0_1
-            // VERIFY: replace argument with driver global; g_MAX11131_device.nscan_4_8_12_16 replaces nscan_4_8_12_16
-            // VERIFY: replace argument with driver global; g_MAX11131_device.average_0_4_8_16_32 replaces average_0_4_8_16_32
-            // VERIFY: replace argument with driver global; g_MAX11131_device.channelNumber_0_15 replaces channelNumber_0_15
-            g_MAX11131_device.NumWords = g_MAX11131_device.ScanRepeat();
-            //
-            // Read raw ADC codes from device into AINcode[] and RAW_misoData16[]
-            // @pre one of the MAX11311_Scan functions was called, setting g_MAX11131_device.NumWords
-            g_MAX11131_device.ReadAINcode();
-            // @post RAW_misoData16[index] contains the raw SPI Master-In,Slave-Out data
-            // @post AINcode[NUM_CHANNELS] contains the latest readings in LSBs
-            //
-            AINcode_print_value_chanID_mean(cmdLine, g_MAX11131_device.NumWords);
-            return true; // command was handled by MAX11131
-        }
-        break;
-        case '3':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes 30..3F
-            // VERIFY: console menu command 3 MAX11131_ScanStandardInternalClock(int channelNumber_0_15, int average_0_4_8_16_32, int PowerManagement_0_2, int swcnv_0_1);
-            // TODO: cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 3 ch=? av=? pm=? swcnv=?               -- MAX11131_ScanStandardIntClock");
-            // VERIFY: update value of g_MAX11131_device.channelNumber_0_15 from strCommandArgs
-            // VERIFY: update value of g_MAX11131_device.average_0_4_8_16_32 option from strCommandArgs
-            // VERIFY: update value of g_MAX11131_device.swcnv_0_1 option from strCommandArgs
-            // VERIFY: update value of g_MAX11131_device.PowerManagement_0_2 option from strCommandArgs
-            if (cmdLine.parse_byte_dec("ch", g_MAX11131_device.channelNumber_0_15))
-            {
-            }
-            if (cmdLine.parse_byte_dec("av", g_MAX11131_device.average_0_4_8_16_32))
-            {
-            }
-            if (cmdLine.parse_byte_dec("pm", g_MAX11131_device.PowerManagement_0_2))
-            {
-            }
-            if (cmdLine.parse_byte_dec("swcnv", g_MAX11131_device.swcnv_0_1))
-            {
-            }
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("ScanStandardInternalClock ch=%d average_0_4_8_16_32:%d swcnv=%d pm=%d\r\n",
-                                    g_MAX11131_device.channelNumber_0_15,
-                                    g_MAX11131_device.average_0_4_8_16_32,
-                                    g_MAX11131_device.swcnv_0_1,
-                                    g_MAX11131_device.PowerManagement_0_2
-                                    );
-            // VERIFY: replace argument with driver global; g_MAX11131_device.PowerManagement_0_2 replaces PowerManagement_0_2
-            // VERIFY: replace argument with driver global; g_MAX11131_device.swcnv_0_1 replaces swcnv_0_1
-            // VERIFY: replace argument with driver global; g_MAX11131_device.average_0_4_8_16_32 replaces average_0_4_8_16_32
-            // VERIFY: replace argument with driver global; g_MAX11131_device.channelNumber_0_15 replaces channelNumber_0_15
-            g_MAX11131_device.NumWords = g_MAX11131_device.ScanStandardInternalClock();
-            //
-            // Read raw ADC codes from device into AINcode[] and RAW_misoData16[]
-            // @pre one of the MAX11311_Scan functions was called, setting g_MAX11131_device.NumWords
-            g_MAX11131_device.ReadAINcode();
-            // @post RAW_misoData16[index] contains the raw SPI Master-In,Slave-Out data
-            // @post AINcode[NUM_CHANNELS] contains the latest readings in LSBs
-            //
-            AINcode_print_value_chanID(cmdLine, g_MAX11131_device.NumWords);
-            return true; // command was handled by MAX11131
-        }
-        break;
-        case '4':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes 40..4F
-            // VERIFY: console menu command 4 MAX11131_ScanStandardExternalClock(int channelNumber_0_15, int PowerManagement_0_2, int chan_id_0_1);
-            // TODO: cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 4 ch=? pm=? id=?                       -- MAX11131_ScanStandardExtClock");
-            // VERIFY: update value of g_MAX11131_device.channelNumber_0_15 from strCommandArgs
-            // VERIFY: update value of g_MAX11131_device.PowerManagement_0_2 option from strCommandArgs
-            // VERIFY: update value of g_MAX11131_device.chan_id_0_1 option from strCommandArgs
-            if (cmdLine.parse_byte_dec("ch", g_MAX11131_device.channelNumber_0_15))
-            {
-            }
-            if (cmdLine.parse_byte_dec("pm", g_MAX11131_device.PowerManagement_0_2))
-            {
-            }
-            if (cmdLine.parse_byte_dec("id", g_MAX11131_device.chan_id_0_1))
-            {
-            }
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("ScanStandardExternalClock ch=%d pm=%d id=%d\r\n",
-                                    g_MAX11131_device.channelNumber_0_15,
-                                    g_MAX11131_device.PowerManagement_0_2,
-                                    g_MAX11131_device.chan_id_0_1
-                                    );
-            // VERIFY: replace argument with driver global; g_MAX11131_device.PowerManagement_0_2 replaces PowerManagement_0_2
-            // VERIFY: replace argument with driver global; g_MAX11131_device.chan_id_0_1 replaces chan_id_0_1
-            // VERIFY: replace argument with driver global; g_MAX11131_device.channelNumber_0_15 replaces channelNumber_0_15
-            g_MAX11131_device.NumWords = g_MAX11131_device.ScanStandardExternalClock();
-            //
-            // Read raw ADC codes from device into AINcode[] and RAW_misoData16[]
-            // @pre one of the MAX11311_Scan functions was called, setting g_MAX11131_device.NumWords
-            g_MAX11131_device.ReadAINcode();
-            // @post RAW_misoData16[index] contains the raw SPI Master-In,Slave-Out data
-            // @post AINcode[NUM_CHANNELS] contains the latest readings in LSBs
-            //
-            AINcode_print_value_externalClock(cmdLine, g_MAX11131_device.NumWords);
-            return true; // command was handled by MAX11131
-        }
-        break;
-        case '5':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes 50..5F
-            // VERIFY: console menu command 5 MAX11131_ScanUpperInternalClock(int channelNumber_0_15, int average_0_4_8_16_32, int PowerManagement_0_2, int swcnv_0_1);
-            // TODO: cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 5 ch=? av=? pm=? swcnv=?               -- MAX11131_ScanUpperIntClock");
-            // VERIFY: update value of g_MAX11131_device.channelNumber_0_15 from strCommandArgs
-            // VERIFY: update value of g_MAX11131_device.average_0_4_8_16_32 option from strCommandArgs
-            // VERIFY: update value of g_MAX11131_device.swcnv_0_1 option from strCommandArgs
-            // VERIFY: update value of g_MAX11131_device.PowerManagement_0_2 option from strCommandArgs
-            if (cmdLine.parse_byte_dec("ch", g_MAX11131_device.channelNumber_0_15))
-            {
-            }
-            if (cmdLine.parse_byte_dec("av", g_MAX11131_device.average_0_4_8_16_32))
-            {
-            }
-            if (cmdLine.parse_byte_dec("pm", g_MAX11131_device.PowerManagement_0_2))
-            {
-            }
-            if (cmdLine.parse_byte_dec("swcnv", g_MAX11131_device.swcnv_0_1))
-            {
-            }
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("ScanUpperInternalClock ch=%d average_0_4_8_16_32:%d swcnv=%d pm=%d\r\n",
-                                    g_MAX11131_device.channelNumber_0_15,
-                                    g_MAX11131_device.average_0_4_8_16_32,
-                                    g_MAX11131_device.swcnv_0_1,
-                                    g_MAX11131_device.PowerManagement_0_2
-                                    );
-            // VERIFY: replace argument with driver global; g_MAX11131_device.PowerManagement_0_2 replaces PowerManagement_0_2
-            // VERIFY: replace argument with driver global; g_MAX11131_device.swcnv_0_1 replaces swcnv_0_1
-            // VERIFY: replace argument with driver global; g_MAX11131_device.average_0_4_8_16_32 replaces average_0_4_8_16_32
-            // VERIFY: replace argument with driver global; g_MAX11131_device.channelNumber_0_15 replaces channelNumber_0_15
-            g_MAX11131_device.NumWords = g_MAX11131_device.ScanUpperInternalClock();
-            //
-            // Read raw ADC codes from device into AINcode[] and RAW_misoData16[]
-            // @pre one of the MAX11311_Scan functions was called, setting g_MAX11131_device.NumWords
-            g_MAX11131_device.ReadAINcode();
-            // @post RAW_misoData16[index] contains the raw SPI Master-In,Slave-Out data
-            // @post AINcode[NUM_CHANNELS] contains the latest readings in LSBs
-            //
-            AINcode_print_value_chanID(cmdLine, g_MAX11131_device.NumWords);
-            return true; // command was handled by MAX11131
-        }
-        break;
-        case '6':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes 60..6F
-            // VERIFY: console menu command 6 MAX11131_ScanUpperExternalClock(int channelNumber_0_15, int PowerManagement_0_2, int chan_id_0_1);
-            // TODO: cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 6 ch=? pm=? id=?                       -- MAX11131_ScanUpperExtClock");
-            // VERIFY: update value of g_MAX11131_device.channelNumber_0_15 from strCommandArgs
-            // VERIFY: update value of g_MAX11131_device.PowerManagement_0_2 option from strCommandArgs
-            // VERIFY: update value of g_MAX11131_device.chan_id_0_1 option from strCommandArgs
-            if (cmdLine.parse_byte_dec("ch", g_MAX11131_device.channelNumber_0_15))
-            {
-            }
-            if (cmdLine.parse_byte_dec("pm", g_MAX11131_device.PowerManagement_0_2))
-            {
-            }
-            if (cmdLine.parse_byte_dec("id", g_MAX11131_device.chan_id_0_1))
-            {
-            }
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("ScanUpperExternalClock ch=%d pm=%d id=%d\r\n",
-                                    g_MAX11131_device.channelNumber_0_15,
-                                    g_MAX11131_device.PowerManagement_0_2,
-                                    g_MAX11131_device.chan_id_0_1
-                                    );
-            // VERIFY: replace argument with driver global; g_MAX11131_device.PowerManagement_0_2 replaces PowerManagement_0_2
-            // VERIFY: replace argument with driver global; g_MAX11131_device.chan_id_0_1 replaces chan_id_0_1
-            // VERIFY: replace argument with driver global; g_MAX11131_device.channelNumber_0_15 replaces channelNumber_0_15
-            g_MAX11131_device.NumWords = g_MAX11131_device.ScanUpperExternalClock();
-            //
-            // Read raw ADC codes from device into AINcode[] and RAW_misoData16[]
-            // @pre one of the MAX11311_Scan functions was called, setting g_MAX11131_device.NumWords
-            g_MAX11131_device.ReadAINcode();
-            // @post RAW_misoData16[index] contains the raw SPI Master-In,Slave-Out data
-            // @post AINcode[NUM_CHANNELS] contains the latest readings in LSBs
-            //
-            AINcode_print_value_externalClock(cmdLine, g_MAX11131_device.NumWords);
-            return true; // command was handled by MAX11131
-        }
-        break;
-        case '7':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes 70..7F
-            // VERIFY: console menu command 7 MAX11131_ScanCustomInternalClock(int16_t enabledChannelsMask, int average_0_4_8_16_32, int PowerManagement_0_2, int swcnv_0_1);
-            // TODO: cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 7 enableMask=0xffff av=? pm=? swcnv=?  -- MAX11131_ScanCustomIntClock");
-            // VERIFY: update value of g_MAX11131_device.average_0_4_8_16_32 option from strCommandArgs
-            // VERIFY: update value of g_MAX11131_device.swcnv_0_1 option from strCommandArgs
-            // VERIFY: update value of g_MAX11131_device.PowerManagement_0_2 option from strCommandArgs
-            if (cmdLine.parse_int16_hex("enableMask", g_MAX11131_device.enabledChannelsMask))
-            {
-                // TODO1: get g_MAX11131_device.enabledChannelsMask from strCommandArgs
-            }
-            if (cmdLine.parse_byte_dec("av", g_MAX11131_device.average_0_4_8_16_32))
-            {
-            }
-            if (cmdLine.parse_byte_dec("pm", g_MAX11131_device.PowerManagement_0_2))
-            {
-            }
-            if (cmdLine.parse_byte_dec("swcnv", g_MAX11131_device.swcnv_0_1))
-            {
-            }
-            cmdLine.serial().printf(
-                "ScanCustomInternalClock enabledChannelsMask:0x%4.4x average_0_4_8_16_32:%d pm=%d swcnv=%d\r\n",
-                (g_MAX11131_device.enabledChannelsMask & 0xFFFF),
-                g_MAX11131_device.average_0_4_8_16_32,
-                g_MAX11131_device.PowerManagement_0_2,
-                g_MAX11131_device.swcnv_0_1
-                );
-            // VERIFY: replace argument with driver global; g_MAX11131_device.PowerManagement_0_2 replaces PowerManagement_0_2
-            // VERIFY: replace argument with driver global; g_MAX11131_device.swcnv_0_1 replaces swcnv_0_1
-            // VERIFY: replace argument with driver global; g_MAX11131_device.average_0_4_8_16_32 replaces average_0_4_8_16_32
-            // VERIFY: replace argument with driver global; g_MAX11131_device.enabledChannelsMask replaces enabledChannelsMask
-            g_MAX11131_device.NumWords = g_MAX11131_device.ScanCustomInternalClock();
-            //
-            // Read raw ADC codes from device into AINcode[] and RAW_misoData16[]
-            // @pre one of the MAX11311_Scan functions was called, setting g_MAX11131_device.NumWords
-            g_MAX11131_device.ReadAINcode();
-            // @post RAW_misoData16[index] contains the raw SPI Master-In,Slave-Out data
-            // @post AINcode[NUM_CHANNELS] contains the latest readings in LSBs
-            //
-            AINcode_print_value_chanID(cmdLine, g_MAX11131_device.NumWords);
-            return true; // command was handled by MAX11131
-        }
-        break;
-        case '8':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes 80..8F
-            // VERIFY: console menu command 8 MAX11131_ScanCustomExternalClock(int16_t enabledChannelsMask, int PowerManagement_0_2, int chan_id_0_1);
-            // TODO: cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 8 enableMask=0xffff pm=0 id=1               -- MAX11131_ScanCustomExtClock");
-            if (cmdLine.parse_int16_hex("enableMask", g_MAX11131_device.enabledChannelsMask))
-            {
-                // TODO1: get g_MAX11131_device.enabledChannelsMask from strCommandArgs
-            }
-            if (cmdLine.parse_byte_dec("pm", g_MAX11131_device.PowerManagement_0_2))
-            {
-            }
-            if (cmdLine.parse_byte_dec("id", g_MAX11131_device.chan_id_0_1))
-            {
-            }
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("ScanCustomExternalClock enabledChannelsMask:0x%4.4x pm=%d id=%d\r\n",
-                                    (g_MAX11131_device.enabledChannelsMask & 0xFFFF),
-                                    g_MAX11131_device.PowerManagement_0_2,
-                                    g_MAX11131_device.chan_id_0_1
-                                    );
-            // VERIFY: replace argument with driver global; g_MAX11131_device.PowerManagement_0_2 replaces PowerManagement_0_2
-            // VERIFY: replace argument with driver global; g_MAX11131_device.chan_id_0_1 replaces chan_id_0_1
-            // VERIFY: replace argument with driver global; g_MAX11131_device.enabledChannelsMask replaces enabledChannelsMask
-            g_MAX11131_device.NumWords = g_MAX11131_device.ScanCustomExternalClock();
-            //
-            // Read raw ADC codes from device into AINcode[] and RAW_misoData16[]
-            // @pre one of the MAX11311_Scan functions was called, setting g_MAX11131_device.NumWords
-            g_MAX11131_device.ReadAINcode();
-            // @post RAW_misoData16[index] contains the raw SPI Master-In,Slave-Out data
-            // @post AINcode[NUM_CHANNELS] contains the latest readings in LSBs
-            //
-            AINcode_print_value_externalClock(cmdLine, g_MAX11131_device.NumWords);
-            return true; // command was handled by MAX11131
-        }
-        break;
-        case '9':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes 90..9F
-            // VERIFY: console menu command 9 MAX11131_ScanSampleSetExternalClock(uint8_t enabledChannelsPatternLength_1_256, int16_t enabledChannelsPattern[], int PowerManagement_0_2, int chan_id_0_1);
-            // TODO: cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 9 channelsPattern... pm=? id=? | len=? -- MAX11131_ScanSampleSetExtClock");
-            //
-            // get MAX11131 Sampleset channel selection pattern parse_strCommandArgs(strCommandArgs);
-            // cmdLine.parse_byteCount_byteList_dec(byteCount, mosiData, MAX_SPI_BYTE_COUNT)
-            // into g_MAX11131_device.enabledChannelsPatternLength_1_256
-            // into g_MAX11131_device.enabledChannelsPattern[0..255]
-            size_t numValues;
-            char valueList[256];
-            if (cmdLine.parse_byteCount_byteList_dec( numValues, valueList, 256))
-            {
-                // first value is the "9" command itself
-                g_MAX11131_device.enabledChannelsPatternLength_1_256 = numValues - 1;
-                // copy valueList[1, ...] into g_MAX11131_device.enabledChannelsPattern[0, ...]
-                for (size_t index = 0; index < (numValues - 1); index++)
-                {
-                    g_MAX11131_device.enabledChannelsPattern[index] = valueList[1 + index];
-                }
-            }
-            //
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("ScanSampleSetExternalClock enabledChannelsPattern:{ ");
-            int index;
-            for (index = 0; index < g_MAX11131_device.enabledChannelsPatternLength_1_256; index++)
-            {
-                //~ Serial.print( ((g_enabledChannelsPattern[index] >> 4) & 0x000F), DEC);
-                //~ Serial.print(" ");
-                cmdLine.serial().printf("AIN%d ", ((g_MAX11131_device.enabledChannelsPattern[index]) & 0x000F));
-            }
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("}");
-            cmdLine.serial().printf(" pm=%d id=%d\r\n", g_MAX11131_device.PowerManagement_0_2,
-                                    g_MAX11131_device.chan_id_0_1);
-            // VERIFY: replace argument with driver global; g_MAX11131_device.PowerManagement_0_2 replaces PowerManagement_0_2
-            // VERIFY: replace argument with driver global; g_MAX11131_device.chan_id_0_1 replaces chan_id_0_1
-            g_MAX11131_device.NumWords = g_MAX11131_device.ScanSampleSetExternalClock();
-            //
-            // Read raw ADC codes from device into AINcode[] and RAW_misoData16[]
-            // @pre one of the MAX11311_Scan functions was called, setting g_MAX11131_device.NumWords
-            g_MAX11131_device.ReadAINcode();
-            // @post RAW_misoData16[index] contains the raw SPI Master-In,Slave-Out data
-            // @post AINcode[NUM_CHANNELS] contains the latest readings in LSBs
-            //
-            AINcode_print_value_externalClock(cmdLine, g_MAX11131_device.NumWords);
-            return true; // command was handled by MAX11131
-        }
-        break;
-        case 'a': case 'A':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes A0..AF
-            switch (cmdLine[1])
-            {
-                case 't': case 'T':
-                    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf("\r\n ignore AT command \"%s\"\r\n", cmdLine.str());
-                    // AT command: skip the prompt to avoid confusing modem detector
-                    return false; // command not handled
-            }
-        }
-        break;
-        case 'b': case 'B':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes B0..BF
-        }
-        break;
-        case 'c': case 'C':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes C0..CF
-        }
-        break;
-        case 'd': case 'D':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes D0..DF
-        }
-        break;
-        case 'e': case 'E':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes E0..EF
-        }
-        break;
-        case 'f': case 'F':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes F0..FF
-        }
-        break;
-        case 'x': case 'X':
-        {
-        }
-        break;
-        case 'y': case 'Y':
-        {
-        }
-        break;
-        case 'i': case 'I':
-        {
-            // TODO: cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n ISc) IUc) IBc) IRc) reconfigure channel single-ended/unipolar/bipolar/range");
-            char strChannelId[3];
-            strChannelId[0] = cmdLine[2];
-            strChannelId[1] = cmdLine[3];
-            strChannelId[2] = '\0';
-            int channelId_0_15 = strtoul(strChannelId, NULL, 10);         // strtol(str, NULL, 10): get decimal value
-            switch (cmdLine[1])
-            {
-                case 's': case 'S':
-                    g_MAX11131_device.Reconfigure_SingleEnded(channelId_0_15);
-                    break;
-                case 'u': case 'U':
-                    g_MAX11131_device.Reconfigure_DifferentialUnipolar(channelId_0_15);
-                    break;
-                case 'b': case 'B':
-                    g_MAX11131_device.Reconfigure_DifferentialBipolarFSVref(channelId_0_15);
-                    break;
-                case 'r': case 'R':
-                    g_MAX11131_device.Reconfigure_DifferentialBipolarFS2Vref(channelId_0_15);
-                    break;
-            }
-            // char cmd1 = strCommandArgs[0];
-            // strCommandArgs.remove(0, 1); // unsigned int index, unsigned int count
-            // // get argument int channelId_0_15
-            // // parse_strCommandArgs(strCommandArgs);
-            // int channelId_0_15 = strtoul(strCommandArgs.c_str(), NULL, 10); // strtol(str, NULL, 10): get decimal value
-            // if (cmd1 == 'S') {
-            //     MAX11131_Reconfigure_SingleEnded(channelId_0_15);
-            // }
-            // else if (cmd1 == 'U') {
-            //     MAX11131_Reconfigure_DifferentialUnipolar(channelId_0_15);
-            // }
-            // else if (cmd1 == 'B') {
-            //     MAX11131_Reconfigure_DifferentialBipolarFSVref(channelId_0_15);
-            // }
-            // else if (cmd1 == 'R') {
-            //     MAX11131_Reconfigure_DifferentialBipolarFS2Vref(channelId_0_15);
-            // }
-            return true; // command was handled by MAX11131
-        }
-        break;
-        case '@':
-        {
-            // TODO: cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n @                                      -- print MAX11131 configuration");
-            // print shadow register configuration
-            //
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("0x%4.4x", (g_MAX11131_device.ADC_MODE_CONTROL & 0xFFFF));
-            MAX11131_print_register_verbose(cmdLine, g_MAX11131_device.ADC_MODE_CONTROL);
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("0x%4.4x", (g_MAX11131_device.ADC_CONFIGURATION & 0xFFFF));
-            MAX11131_print_register_verbose(cmdLine, g_MAX11131_device.ADC_CONFIGURATION);
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("0x%4.4x", (g_MAX11131_device.UNIPOLAR & 0xFFFF));
-            MAX11131_print_register_verbose(cmdLine, g_MAX11131_device.UNIPOLAR);
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("0x%4.4x", (g_MAX11131_device.BIPOLAR & 0xFFFF));
-            MAX11131_print_register_verbose(cmdLine, g_MAX11131_device.BIPOLAR);
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("0x%4.4x", (g_MAX11131_device.RANGE & 0xFFFF));
-            MAX11131_print_register_verbose(cmdLine, g_MAX11131_device.RANGE);
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("0x%4.4x", (g_MAX11131_device.CSCAN0 & 0xFFFF));
-            MAX11131_print_register_verbose(cmdLine, g_MAX11131_device.CSCAN0);
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("0x%4.4x", (g_MAX11131_device.CSCAN1 & 0xFFFF));
-            MAX11131_print_register_verbose(cmdLine, g_MAX11131_device.CSCAN1);
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("0x%4.4x", (g_MAX11131_device.SAMPLESET & 0xFFFF));
-            MAX11131_print_register_verbose(cmdLine, g_MAX11131_device.SAMPLESET);
-            //
-            // VERIFY: print shadow SAMPLESET pattern entry
-            int entryIndex;
-            for (entryIndex = 0; entryIndex < g_MAX11131_device.enabledChannelsPatternLength_1_256;
-                 entryIndex += 4)
-            {
-                uint16_t pack4channels = 0;
-                pack4channels |= (((g_MAX11131_device.enabledChannelsPattern[entryIndex + 0]) & 0x0F) << 12);
-                if ((entryIndex + 1) < g_MAX11131_device.enabledChannelsPatternLength_1_256) {
-                    pack4channels |= (((g_MAX11131_device.enabledChannelsPattern[entryIndex + 1]) & 0x0F) << 8);
-                }
-                if ((entryIndex + 2) < g_MAX11131_device.enabledChannelsPatternLength_1_256) {
-                    pack4channels |= (((g_MAX11131_device.enabledChannelsPattern[entryIndex + 2]) & 0x0F) << 4);
-                }
-                if ((entryIndex + 3) < g_MAX11131_device.enabledChannelsPatternLength_1_256) {
-                    pack4channels |= ((g_MAX11131_device.enabledChannelsPattern[entryIndex + 3]) & 0x0F);
-                }
-                //~ SPIwrite16bits(pack4channels);
-                cmdLine.serial().printf("       0x%4.4x", (pack4channels & 0xFFFF));
-                // decode SAMPLESET channel select pattern
-                cmdLine.serial().printf(" SampleSet Entry: AIN%d AIN%d AIN%d AIN%d\r\n",
-                                        ((pack4channels >> 12) & 0x000F),
-                                        ((pack4channels >> 8) & 0x000F),
-                                        ((pack4channels >> 4) & 0x000F),
-                                        ((pack4channels      ) & 0x000F)
-                                        );
-            }
-            //cmdLine.serial().printf("  SAMPLESET enabledChannelsPattern:{ ");
-            //int index;
-            //for (index = 0; index < g_MAX11131_device.enabledChannelsPatternLength_1_256; index++)
-            //{
-            //  //~ cmdLine.serial().printf( ((g_enabledChannelsPattern[index] >> 4) & 0x000F), DEC);
-            //  //~ cmdLine.serial().printf(" ");
-            //  cmdLine.serial().printf("AIN");
-            //  cmdLine.serial().printf( ((g_MAX11131_device.enabledChannelsPattern[index]) & 0x000F), DEC);
-            //  cmdLine.serial().printf(" ");
-            //}
-            //cmdLine.serial().printf("}");
-            //
-            // Menu @) print MAX11131 configuration AND g_MAX11131_device globals
-            //
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("SPI_MOSI_Semantic=%d\r\n", (g_MAX11131_device.SPI_MOSI_Semantic & 0xFFFF));
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("NumWords=%d\r\n", (g_MAX11131_device.NumWords & 0xFFFF));
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("isExternalClock=%d\r\n", (g_MAX11131_device.isExternalClock & 0xFFFF));
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("ScanMode=%d\r\n", (g_MAX11131_device.ScanMode & 0xFFFF));
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("channelNumber_0_15=%d\r\n",
-                                    (g_MAX11131_device.channelNumber_0_15 & 0xFFFF));
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("PowerManagement_0_2=%d\r\n",
-                                    (g_MAX11131_device.PowerManagement_0_2 & 0xFFFF));
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("chan_id_0_1=%d\r\n", (g_MAX11131_device.chan_id_0_1 & 0xFFFF));
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("average_0_4_8_16_32=%d\r\n",
-                                    (g_MAX11131_device.average_0_4_8_16_32 & 0xFFFF));
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("nscan_4_8_12_16=%d\r\n", (g_MAX11131_device.nscan_4_8_12_16 & 0xFFFF));
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("swcnv_0_1=%d\r\n", (g_MAX11131_device.swcnv_0_1 & 0xFFFF));
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("enabledChannelsMask=0x%4.4x\r\n",
-                                    (g_MAX11131_device.enabledChannelsMask & 0xFFFF));
-            //
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("VRef=%5.3fV\r\n", g_MAX11131_device.VRef);
-            // dtostrf width and precision: 3.3V / 1024 LSB = 0.00322265625 volts per LSB
-            //
-            return true; // command was handled by MAX11131
-        }
-            //case '&':
-            //{
-            //    // TODO: cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n & -- MAX11131_Example_ScanManual");
-            //}
-            break;
-        case '~':     // TODO: IGNORE_AT_COMMANDS -- ignore ~~~ modem command
-        {
-            // TODO: '~' is not recommended for menu commands, interferes with ssh
-            cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf("\r\n ignore AT command \"%s\"\r\n", cmdLine.str());
-        }
-        break;
-        case '+':     // TODO: IGNORE_AT_COMMANDS -- ignore +++ modem command
-        {
-            cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf("\r\n ignore AT command \"%s\"\r\n", cmdLine.str());
-        }
-        break;
-    } // end switch (cmdLine[0])
-    return false; // command not handled
-} // end bool MAX11131_menu_onEOLcommandParser(CmdLine & cmdLine)
-#if 0 // APPLICATION_MAX5171 // MAX5171_menu_onEOLcommandParser moved to Test_Menu_MAX5171.cpp
-bool MAX5171_menu_onEOLcommandParser(CmdLine & cmdLine)
-    switch (cmdLine[0])
-    {
-        case '0':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes 10..1F
-            //~ cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 0 code=? -- CODE");
-            uint16_t code;
-            if (cmdLine.parse_uint16_dec("code", code))
-            {
-            }
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("CODE code=%d", code);
-            g_MAX5171_device.CODE(code);
-            return true; // command was handled by MAX5171
-        }
-        break;
-        case '4':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes 10..1F
-            //~ cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 4 code=? -- CODE_LOAD");
-            uint16_t code;
-            if (cmdLine.parse_uint16_dec("code", code))
-            {
-            }
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("CODE_LOAD code=%d", code);
-            g_MAX5171_device.CODE_LOAD(code);
-            return true; // command was handled by MAX5171
-        }
-        break;
-        case '8':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes 10..1F
-            //~ cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 8 -- LOAD");
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("LOAD");
-            g_MAX5171_device.LOAD();
-            return true; // command was handled by MAX5171
-        }
-        break;
-        case 'c': case 'C':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes 10..1F
-            //~ cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n c -- NOP");
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("NOP");
-            g_MAX5171_device.NOP();
-            return true; // command was handled by MAX5171
-        }
-        break;
-        case 'd': case 'D':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes 10..1F
-            //~ cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n d -- SHUTDOWN");
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("SHUTDOWN");
-            g_MAX5171_device.SHUTDOWN();
-            return true; // command was handled by MAX5171
-        }
-        break;
-        case 'e': case 'E':
-        {
-            switch (cmdLine[1])
-            {
-                case '0':
-                {
-                    // recommended for hex command codes 10..1F
-                    //~ cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n e0 -- UPO_LOW");
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("UPO_LOW");
-                    g_MAX5171_device.UPO_LOW();
-                    return true; // command was handled by MAX5171
-                }
-                break;
-                case '8':
-                {
-                    // recommended for hex command codes 10..1F
-                    //~ cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n e8 -- UPO_HIGH");
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("UPO_HIGH");
-                    g_MAX5171_device.UPO_HIGH();
-                    return true; // command was handled by MAX5171
-                }
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        break;
-        case 'f': case 'F':
-        {
-            switch (cmdLine[1])
-            {
-                case '0':
-                {
-                    // recommended for hex command codes 10..1F
-                    //~ cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n f0 -- MODE1_DOUT_SCLK_RISING_EDGE");
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("MODE1_DOUT_SCLK_RISING_EDGE");
-                    g_MAX5171_device.MODE1_DOUT_SCLK_RISING_EDGE();
-                    return true; // command was handled by MAX5171
-                }
-                break;
-                case '8':
-                {
-                    // recommended for hex command codes 10..1F
-                    //~ cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n f8 -- MODE0_DOUT_SCLK_FALLING_EDGE");
-                    cmdLine.serial().printf("MODE0_DOUT_SCLK_FALLING_EDGE");
-                    g_MAX5171_device.MODE0_DOUT_SCLK_FALLING_EDGE();
-                    return true; // command was handled by MAX5171
-                }
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        break;
-        case 'a': case 'A':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes A0..AF
-            switch (cmdLine[1])
-            {
-                case 't': case 'T':
-                    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf("\r\n ignore AT command \"%s\"\r\n", cmdLine.str());
-                    // AT command: skip the prompt to avoid confusing modem detector
-                    return;
-            }
-        }
-        break;
-        case 'x': case 'X':
-        {
-        }
-        break;
-        case 'y': case 'Y':
-        {
-        }
-        break;
-        case 'z': case 'Z':
-        {
-        }
-        break;
-        case '~':     // TODO: IGNORE_AT_COMMANDS -- ignore ~~~ modem command
-        {
-            // TODO: '~' is not recommended for menu commands, interferes with ssh
-            cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf("\r\n ignore AT command \"%s\"\r\n", cmdLine.str());
-        }
-        break;
-        case '+':     // TODO: IGNORE_AT_COMMANDS -- ignore +++ modem command
-        {
-            cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf("\r\n ignore AT command \"%s\"\r\n", cmdLine.str());
-        }
-        break;
-    } // end switch (cmdLine[0])
-    return false; // command not handled
-} // end bool MAX5171_menu_onEOLcommandParser(CmdLine & cmdLine)
-#if 0 // APPLICATION_MAX11410 // MAX11410_menu_onEOLcommandParser moved to Test_Menu_MAX11410.cpp
-bool MAX11410_menu_onEOLcommandParser(CmdLine & cmdLine)
-    switch (cmdLine[0])
-    {
-        // TODO1: MAX11410 main_menu_onEOLcommandParser
-        case '0':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes 00..0F
-            // placeholder: cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 3 ch=? code=? -- CODEnLOADn");
-            uint16_t ch = g_MAX5715_device.channelNumber_0_3;
-            uint16_t code;
-            if (cmdLine.parse_uint16_dec("ch", ch))
-            {
-            }
-            if (cmdLine.parse_uint16_dec("code", code))
-            {
-            }
-            if (cmdLine.parse_flag("xyzzy", g_xyzzy_flag, XYZZY_FLAG))
-            {
-                isUpdatedSPIConfig = true;
-            }
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("CODEnLOADn ch=%d code=%d", ch, code);
-            MAX5715_CODEnLOADn(ch, code);
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n placeholder");
-            return true; // command was handled by MAX11410
-        }
-        break;
-        case '1':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes 10..1F
-        }
-        break;
-        case '2':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes 20..2F
-        }
-        break;
-        case '3':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes 30..3F
-        }
-        break;
-        case '4':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes 40..4F
-        }
-        break;
-        case '5':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes 50..5F
-        }
-        break;
-        case '6':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes 60..6F
-        }
-        break;
-        case '7':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes 70..7F
-        }
-        break;
-        case '8':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes 80..8F
-        }
-        break;
-        case '9':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes 90..9F
-        }
-        break;
-        case 'a': case 'A':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes A0..AF
-            switch (cmdLine[1])
-            {
-                case 't': case 'T':
-                    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf("\r\n ignore AT command \"%s\"\r\n", cmdLine.str());
-                    // AT command: skip the prompt to avoid confusing modem detector
-                    return;
-            }
-        }
-        break;
-        case 'b': case 'B':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes B0..BF
-        }
-        break;
-        case 'c': case 'C':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes C0..CF
-        }
-        break;
-        case 'd': case 'D':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes D0..DF
-        }
-        break;
-        case 'e': case 'E':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes E0..EF
-        }
-        break;
-        case 'f': case 'F':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes F0..FF
-        }
-        break;
-        case 'x': case 'X':
-        {
-        }
-        break;
-        case 'y': case 'Y':
-        {
-        }
-        break;
-        case 'z': case 'Z':
-        {
-        }
-        break;
-        case '~':     // TODO: IGNORE_AT_COMMANDS -- ignore ~~~ modem command
-        {
-            // TODO: '~' is not recommended for menu commands, interferes with ssh
-            cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf("\r\n ignore AT command \"%s\"\r\n", cmdLine.str());
-        }
-        break;
-        case '+':     // TODO: IGNORE_AT_COMMANDS -- ignore +++ modem command
-        {
-            cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf("\r\n ignore AT command \"%s\"\r\n", cmdLine.str());
-        }
-        break;
-    } // end switch (cmdLine[0])
-    return false; // command not handled
-} // end bool MAX11410_menu_onEOLcommandParser(CmdLine & cmdLine)
-#if APPLICATION_MAX12345 // MAX12345_menu_onEOLcommandParser see Test_Menu_MAX12345.cpp
-bool MAX12345_menu_onEOLcommandParser(CmdLine & cmdLine)
-    switch (cmdLine[0])
-    {
-        // TODO1: MAX12345 main_menu_onEOLcommandParser
-        case '0':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes 00..0F
-            // placeholder: cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n 3 ch=? code=? -- CODEnLOADn");
-            uint16_t ch = g_MAX5715_device.channelNumber_0_3;
-            uint16_t code;
-            if (cmdLine.parse_uint16_dec("ch", ch))
-            {
-            }
-            if (cmdLine.parse_uint16_dec("code", code))
-            {
-            }
-            if (cmdLine.parse_flag("xyzzy", g_xyzzy_flag, XYZZY_FLAG))
-            {
-                isUpdatedSPIConfig = true;
-            }
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("CODEnLOADn ch=%d code=%d", ch, code);
-            MAX5715_CODEnLOADn(ch, code);
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n placeholder");
-            return true; // command was handled by MAX12345
-        }
-        break;
-        case '1':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes 10..1F
-        }
-        break;
-        case '2':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes 20..2F
-        }
-        break;
-        case '3':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes 30..3F
-        }
-        break;
-        case '4':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes 40..4F
-        }
-        break;
-        case '5':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes 50..5F
-        }
-        break;
-        case '6':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes 60..6F
-        }
-        break;
-        case '7':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes 70..7F
-        }
-        break;
-        case '8':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes 80..8F
-        }
-        break;
-        case '9':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes 90..9F
-        }
-        break;
-        case 'a': case 'A':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes A0..AF
-            switch (cmdLine[1])
-            {
-                case 't': case 'T':
-                    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf("\r\n ignore AT command \"%s\"\r\n", cmdLine.str());
-                    // AT command: skip the prompt to avoid confusing modem detector
-                    return;
-            }
-        }
-        break;
-        case 'b': case 'B':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes B0..BF
-        }
-        break;
-        case 'c': case 'C':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes C0..CF
-        }
-        break;
-        case 'd': case 'D':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes D0..DF
-        }
-        break;
-        case 'e': case 'E':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes E0..EF
-        }
-        break;
-        case 'f': case 'F':
-        {
-            // recommended for hex command codes F0..FF
-        }
-        break;
-        case 'x': case 'X':
-        {
-        }
-        break;
-        case 'y': case 'Y':
-        {
-        }
-        break;
-        case 'z': case 'Z':
-        {
-        }
-        break;
-        case '~':     // TODO: IGNORE_AT_COMMANDS -- ignore ~~~ modem command
-        {
-            // TODO: '~' is not recommended for menu commands, interferes with ssh
-            cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf("\r\n ignore AT command \"%s\"\r\n", cmdLine.str());
-        }
-        break;
-        case '+':     // TODO: IGNORE_AT_COMMANDS -- ignore +++ modem command
-        {
-            cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf("\r\n ignore AT command \"%s\"\r\n", cmdLine.str());
-        }
-        break;
-    } // end switch (cmdLine[0])
-    return false; // command not handled
-} // end bool MAX12345_menu_onEOLcommandParser(CmdLine & cmdLine)
-// Optional Diagnostic function to print SPI transactions
-void onSPIprint_handler(size_t byteCount, uint8_t mosiData[], uint8_t misoData[])
-    cmdLine_serial.serial().printf("\r\nSPI MOSI->");
-    for (uint8_t index = 0; index < byteCount; index++) {
-        cmdLine_serial.serial().printf(" 0x%2.2X", mosiData[index]);
-    }
-    cmdLine_serial.serial().printf("  MISO<-");
-    for (uint8_t index = 0; index < byteCount; index++) {
-        cmdLine_serial.serial().printf(" 0x%2.2X", misoData[index]);
-    }
-    cmdLine_serial.serial().printf(" ");
-#endif // MAX11410_ONSPIPRINT
-// main menu command-line parser
-// invoked by CmdLine::append(char ch) or CmdLine::idleAppendIfReadable()
-void main_menu_onEOLcommandParser(CmdLine & cmdLine)
-    // DIAGNOSTIC: print line buffer
-    //~ cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\nmain_menu_onEOLcommandParser: ~%s~\r\n", cmdLine.str());
-    //
-    switch (cmdLine[0])
-    {
-        case '?':
-            main_menu_status(cmdLine);
-            main_menu_help(cmdLine);
-            // print command prompt
-            //cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n>");
-            break;
-        case '\r': case '\n':     // ignore blank line
-        case '\0':     // ignore empty line
-        case '#':     // ignore comment line
-            // # -- lines beginning with # are comments
-            main_menu_status(cmdLine);
-            //~ main_menu_help(cmdLine);
-            // print command prompt
-            //cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n>");
-            break;
-        case '\x04':     // Unicode (U+0004) EOT END OF TRANSMISSION = CTRL+D as EOF end of file
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("\x04");     // immediately echo EOF for test scripting
-            diagnostic_led_EOF();
-            break;
-        case '\x1a':     // Unicode (U+001A) SUB SUBSTITUTE = CTRL+Z as EOF end of file
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("\x1a");     // immediately echo EOF for test scripting
-            diagnostic_led_EOF();
-            break;
-#if APPLICATION_ArduinoPinsMonitor
-        case '.':
-        {
-            // . -- SelfTest
-            cmdLine.serial().printf("SelfTest()");
-            SelfTest(cmdLine);
-        }
-        break;
-        case '%':
-        {
-            pinsMonitor_submenu_onEOLcommandParser(cmdLine);
-        }
-        break;         // case '%'
-#endif // APPLICATION_ArduinoPinsMonitor
-       //
-       // Application-specific commands here
-       // alphanumeric command codes A-Z,a-z,0-9 reserved for application use
-       //
-#if APPLICATION_ArduinoPinsMonitor
-#endif // APPLICATION_ArduinoPinsMonitor
-        //
-        // TODO1: add new commands here
-        //
-        default:
-#if APPLICATION_MAX5715 // main_menu_onEOLcommandParser print command prompt
-            extern bool MAX5715_menu_onEOLcommandParser(CmdLine & cmdLine); // defined in Test_Menu_MAX5715.cpp
-            if (!MAX5715_menu_onEOLcommandParser(cmdLine))
-#elif APPLICATION_MAX11131 // main_menu_onEOLcommandParser print command prompt
-            extern bool MAX11131_menu_onEOLcommandParser(CmdLine & cmdLine); // defined in Test_Menu_MAX11131.cpp
-            if (!MAX11131_menu_onEOLcommandParser(cmdLine))
-#elif APPLICATION_MAX5171 // main_menu_onEOLcommandParser print command prompt
-            extern bool MAX5171_menu_onEOLcommandParser(CmdLine & cmdLine); // defined in Test_Menu_MAX5171.cpp
-            if (!MAX5171_menu_onEOLcommandParser(cmdLine))
-#elif APPLICATION_MAX11410 // main_menu_onEOLcommandParser print command prompt
-            extern bool MAX11410_menu_onEOLcommandParser(CmdLine & cmdLine); // defined in Test_Menu_MAX11410.cpp
-            if (!MAX11410_menu_onEOLcommandParser(cmdLine))
-#elif APPLICATION_MAX12345 // main_menu_onEOLcommandParser print command prompt
-            extern bool MAX12345_menu_onEOLcommandParser(CmdLine & cmdLine); // defined in Test_Menu_MAX12345.cpp
-            if (!MAX12345_menu_onEOLcommandParser(cmdLine))
-            if (0) // not_handled_by_device_submenu
-            {
-                cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n unknown command 0x%2.2x \"%s\"\r\n", cmdLine.str()[0], cmdLine.str());
-                cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf("\r\n unknown command 0x%2.2x \"%s\"\r\n",
-                                                      cmdLine.str()[0], cmdLine.str());
-            }
-    }     // switch (cmdLine[0])
-// print command prompt
-#if APPLICATION_MAX5715 // main_menu_onEOLcommandParser print command prompt
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\nMAX5715 > ");
-#elif APPLICATION_MAX11131 // main_menu_onEOLcommandParser print command prompt
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\nMAX11131 > ");
-#elif APPLICATION_MAX5171 // main_menu_onEOLcommandParser print command prompt
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\nMAX5171 > ");
-#elif APPLICATION_MAX11410 // main_menu_onEOLcommandParser print command prompt
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\nMAX11410 > ");
-#elif APPLICATION_MAX12345 // main_menu_onEOLcommandParser print command prompt
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\nMAX12345 > ");
-    cmdLine.serial().printf("\r\n> ");
-} // end void main_menu_onEOLcommandParser(CmdLine & cmdLine)
-void InitializeConfiguration()
-#if APPLICATION_MAX5715 // InitializeConfiguration
-    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf("\r\nMAX5715_Init()");
-# endif
-    cmdLine_serial.serial().printf("\r\nMAX5715_Init()");
-    int initResult = g_MAX5715_device.Init();     // defined in #include MAX5715.h
-    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf("\r\nMAX5715_Init() returned %d\r\n", initResult);
-# endif
-    cmdLine_serial.serial().printf("\r\nMAX5715_Init() returned %d\r\n", initResult);
-#endif // APPLICATION_MAX5715
-#if APPLICATION_MAX11131 // InitializeConfiguration
-    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf("\r\nMAX11131_Init()");
-# endif
-    cmdLine_serial.serial().printf("\r\nMAX11131_Init()");
-    g_MAX11131_device.Init();     // defined in #include MAX11131.h
-#endif // APPLICATION_MAX11131
-#if APPLICATION_MAX5171 // InitializeConfiguration
-    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf("\r\nMAX5171_Init()");
-# endif
-    cmdLine_serial.serial().printf("\r\nMAX5171_Init()");
-    int initResult = g_MAX5171_device.Init();     // defined in #include MAX5171.h
-    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf("\r\nMAX5171_Init() returned %d\r\n", initResult);
-# endif
-    cmdLine_serial.serial().printf("\r\nMAX5171_Init() returned %d\r\n", initResult);
-#endif // APPLICATION_MAX5171
-#if APPLICATION_MAX11410 // InitializeConfiguration
-    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf("\r\nMAX11410_Init()");
-# endif
-    cmdLine_serial.serial().printf("\r\nMAX11410_Init()");
-    int initResult = g_MAX11410_device.Init();     // defined in #include MAX11410.h
-    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf("\r\nMAX11410_Init() returned %d\r\n", initResult);
-# endif
-    cmdLine_serial.serial().printf("\r\nMAX11410_Init() returned %d\r\n", initResult);
-  // Optional Diagnostic function to print SPI transactions
-  g_MAX11410_device.onSPIprint = onSPIprint_handler;
-# endif
-#endif // APPLICATION_MAX11410
-#if APPLICATION_MAX12345 // InitializeConfiguration
-    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf("\r\nMAX12345_Init()");
-# endif
-    cmdLine_serial.serial().printf("\r\nMAX12345_Init()");
-    int initResult = g_MAX12345_device.Init();     // defined in #include MAX12345.h
-    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf("\r\nMAX12345_Init() returned %d\r\n", initResult);
-# endif
-    cmdLine_serial.serial().printf("\r\nMAX12345_Init() returned %d\r\n", initResult);
-#endif // APPLICATION_MAX12345
-// diagnostic rbg led GREEN
-void diagnostic_led_EOF()
-    led1 = LED_ON; led2 = LED_ON; led3 = LED_OFF;     // diagnostic rbg led RED+GREEN=YELLOW
-    // TODO1: mbed-os-5.11: [Warning] 'static osStatus rtos::Thread::wait(uint32_t)' is deprecated: Static methods only affecting current thread cause confusion. Replaced by ThisThread::sleep_for. [since mbed-os-5.10] [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
-    ThisThread::sleep_for(250); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(250);
-    led1 = LED_OFF; led2 = LED_ON; led3 = LED_OFF;     // diagnostic rbg led GREEN
-    ThisThread::sleep_for(250); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(250);
-    led1 = LED_ON; led2 = LED_ON; led3 = LED_OFF;     // diagnostic rbg led RED+GREEN=YELLOW
-    ThisThread::sleep_for(250); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(250);
-    led1 = LED_OFF; led2 = LED_ON; led3 = LED_OFF;     // diagnostic rbg led GREEN
-    ThisThread::sleep_for(250); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(250);
-#endif // USE_LEDS
-// Support commands that get handled immediately w/o waiting for EOL
-// handled as immediate command, do not append to buffer
-void on_immediate_0x21() // Unicode (U+0021) ! EXCLAMATION MARK
-    led1 = LED_OFF; led2 = LED_OFF; led3 = LED_ON;     // diagnostic rbg led BLUE
-#endif // USE_LEDS
-    InitializeConfiguration();
-    ThisThread::sleep_for(125); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(125);
-// Support commands that get handled immediately w/o waiting for EOL
-// handled as immediate command, do not append to buffer
-void on_immediate_0x7b() // Unicode (U+007B) { LEFT CURLY BRACKET
-    onButton2FallingEdge();
-// Support commands that get handled immediately w/o waiting for EOL
-// handled as immediate command, do not append to buffer
-void on_immediate_0x7d() // Unicode (U+007D) } RIGHT CURLY BRACKET
-    onButton1FallingEdge();
-// based on example code: https://os.mbed.com/docs/v5.7/reference/pwmout.html
-int main()
-    // Configure serial ports
-#if defined(TARGET_MAX32630)
-    // Note: DAPLINKserial interferes with the timer tick interrupt. Try faster baud rate?
-    DAPLINKserial.baud(115200);     // default 9600 baud
-    //serial.baud(9600); // class USBSerial has no baud function
-    DAPLINKserial.printf("\r\n\r\nDAPLINK_SERIAL: main() startup\r\n");
-#  endif
-#elif defined(TARGET_MAX32625MBED)
-    // MAX32625MBED crash if DAPLINKserial.baud(anything other than 9600 baud)
-    // xxx DAPLINKserial.baud(115200); // default 9600 baud
-    //serial.baud(9600); // class USBSerial has no baud function
-    DAPLINKserial.printf("\r\n\r\nDAPLINK_SERIAL: main() startup\r\n");
-#  endif
-#elif defined(TARGET_LPC1768)
-    serial.baud(115200);     // default 9600 baud
-    // unknown target
-    cmdLine_serial.clear();
-    //~ cmdLine_serial.serial().printf("\r\n cmdLine_serial.serial().printf test\r\n");
-    cmdLine_serial.onEOLcommandParser = main_menu_onEOLcommandParser;
-    cmdLine_serial.diagnostic_led_EOF = diagnostic_led_EOF;
-    /// CmdLine::set_immediate_handler(char, functionPointer_void_void_on_immediate_0x21);
-    cmdLine_serial.on_immediate_0x21 = on_immediate_0x21;
-    cmdLine_serial.on_immediate_0x7b = on_immediate_0x7b;
-    cmdLine_serial.on_immediate_0x7d = on_immediate_0x7d;
-    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.clear();
-    //~ cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf("\r\n cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf test\r\n");
-    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.onEOLcommandParser = main_menu_onEOLcommandParser;
-    /// @todo CmdLine::set_immediate_handler(char, functionPointer_void_void_on_immediate_0x21);
-    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.on_immediate_0x21 = on_immediate_0x21;
-    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.on_immediate_0x7b = on_immediate_0x7b;
-    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.on_immediate_0x7d = on_immediate_0x7d;
-# endif
-    print_banner();
-//#ifdef SCOPE_TRIG_PIN
-//    scopePinP12 = 0;
-//    scopePinP12 = 1;
-//#endif // SCOPE_TRIG_PIN
-# else
-    button1.fall(&onButton1FallingEdge);
-# endif
-# else
-    button2.fall(&onButton2FallingEdge);
-# endif
-#if defined(TARGET_MAX32630)
-    // Timer tick needs to be the highest priority (priority 0, the default).
-    // DAPLINKserial interferes with the timer tick interrupt.
-    // Lower the priority of the serial port interrupts to avoid disrupting onTimerTick() handler.
-    NVIC_SetPriority(UART0_IRQn, 2); // reservedBlueToothSerial(P0_1, P0_0) // 0=highest priority; 1=lower
-    NVIC_SetPriority(UART1_IRQn, 2); // DAPLINKserial(P2_1, P2_0) // 0=highest priority; 1=lower
-    NVIC_SetPriority(UART2_IRQn, 2); // reservedSerial(P3_1, P3_0) // 0=highest priority; 1=lower
-    NVIC_SetPriority(UART3_IRQn, 2); // reservedSerial(P5_4, P5_3) // 0=highest priority; 1=lower
-    NVIC_SetPriority(GPIO_P0_IRQn, 2); // 0=highest priority; 1=lower
-    NVIC_SetPriority(GPIO_P1_IRQn, 2); // 0=highest priority; 1=lower
-    NVIC_SetPriority(GPIO_P2_IRQn, 2); // 0=highest priority; 1=lower
-    NVIC_SetPriority(GPIO_P3_IRQn, 2); // 0=highest priority; 1=lower
-    NVIC_SetPriority(GPIO_P4_IRQn, 2); // 0=highest priority; 1=lower
-    NVIC_SetPriority(GPIO_P5_IRQn, 2); // 0=highest priority; 1=lower
-    NVIC_SetPriority(GPIO_P6_IRQn, 2); // 0=highest priority; 1=lower
-    NVIC_SetPriority(GPIO_P7_IRQn, 2); // 0=highest priority; 1=lower
-    NVIC_SetPriority(GPIO_P8_IRQn, 2); // 0=highest priority; 1=lower
-    //~ NVIC_SetPriority(RTC0_IRQn, 0); // 0=highest priority; 1=lower
-    //~ NVIC_SetPriority(RTC3_IRQn, 0); // 0=highest priority; 1=lower
-    //~ NVIC_SetPriority(US_TIMER_IRQn, 0); // 0=highest priority; 1=lower
-#if HAS_SPI
-    // spi init
-    // mode | POL PHA
-    // -----+--------
-    //   0  |  0   0
-    //   1  |  0   1
-    //   2  |  1   0
-    //   3  |  1   1
-    //~ spi.format(8,0); // int bits_must_be_8, int mode=0_3 CPOL=0,CPHA=0 rising edge (initial default)
-    //~ spi.format(8,1); // int bits_must_be_8, int mode=0_3 CPOL=0,CPHA=1 falling edge (initial default)
-    //~ spi.format(8,2); // int bits_must_be_8, int mode=0_3 CPOL=1,CPHA=0 falling edge (initial default)
-    //~ spi.format(8,3); // int bits_must_be_8, int mode=0_3 CPOL=1,CPHA=1 rising edge (initial default)
-    //
-    //~ spi.frequency(1000000); // int SCLK_Hz=1000000 = 1MHz (initial default)
-    //~ spi.frequency(9600000); // int SCLK_Hz=9600000 = 9.6MHz = 96MHz/10
-    //~ spi.frequency(10666666); // int SCLK_Hz=10666666 = 10.6MHz = 96MHz/9
-    //~ spi.frequency(12000000); // int SCLK_Hz=12000000 = 12MHz = 96MHz/8
-    //~ spi.frequency(13714286); // int SCLK_Hz=13714286 = 13.7MHz = 96MHz/7
-    //~ spi.frequency(16000000); // int SCLK_Hz=16000000 = 16MHz = 96MHz/6
-    //~ spi.frequency(19200000); // int SCLK_Hz=19200000 = 19.2MHz = 96MHz/5
-    //~ spi.frequency(24000000); // int SCLK_Hz=24000000 = 24MHz = 96MHz/4
-    //~ spi.frequency(32000000); // int SCLK_Hz=32000000 = 32MHz = 96MHz/3
-    //~ spi.frequency(48000000); // int SCLK_Hz=48000000 = 48MHz = 96MHz/2
-    // unspecified SPI device
-    spi.format(8,g_SPI_dataMode);     // int bits_must_be_8, int mode=0_3 CPOL=0,CPHA=0 rising edge (initial default)
-    spi.frequency(g_SPI_SCLK_Hz);     // int SCLK_Hz=1000000 = 1MHz (initial default)
-    spi_cs = 1;
-#if HAS_I2C
-// i2c init
-// declare in narrower scope: MAX32625MBED I2C i2cMaster(...)
-//    i2cMaster.frequency(g_I2C_SCL_Hz);
-    // Ensure that the unused I2C pins do not interfere with analog inputs A4 and A5
-#if HAS_digitalInOut14
-    // DigitalInOut digitalInOut14(P1_6, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P1_6 TARGET_MAX32635MBED A4/SDA (10pin digital connector)
-    digitalInOut14.input();
-#if HAS_digitalInOut15
-    // DigitalInOut digitalInOut15(P1_7, PIN_INPUT, PullUp, 1); // P1_7 TARGET_MAX32635MBED A5/SCL (10pin digital connector)
-    digitalInOut15.input();
-#if HAS_digitalInOut16
-    // DigitalInOut mode can be one of PullUp, PullDown, PullNone, OpenDrain
-    // PullUp-->3.4V, PullDown-->1.7V, PullNone-->3.5V, OpenDrain-->0.00V
-    //DigitalInOut digitalInOut16(P3_4, PIN_INPUT, OpenDrain, 0); // P3_4 TARGET_MAX32635MBED A4/SDA (6pin analog connector)
-    digitalInOut16.input();
-#if HAS_digitalInOut17
-    //DigitalInOut digitalInOut17(P3_5, PIN_INPUT, OpenDrain, 0); // P3_5 TARGET_MAX32635MBED A5/SCL (6pin analog connector)
-    digitalInOut17.input();
-#if defined(TARGET_MAX32630)
-    led1 = LED_ON; led2 = LED_OFF; led3 = LED_OFF;     // diagnostic rbg led RED
-    ThisThread::sleep_for(125); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(125);
-    led1 = LED_OFF; led2 = LED_ON; led3 = LED_OFF;     // diagnostic rbg led GREEN
-    ThisThread::sleep_for(125); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(125);
-    led1 = LED_OFF; led2 = LED_OFF; led3 = LED_ON;     // diagnostic rbg led BLUE
-    ThisThread::sleep_for(125); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(125);
-    led1 = LED_ON; led2 = LED_ON; led3 = LED_ON;     // diagnostic rbg led RED+GREEN+BLUE=WHITE
-    ThisThread::sleep_for(125); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(125);
-    led1 = LED_OFF; led2 = LED_ON; led3 = LED_ON;     // diagnostic rbg led GREEN+BLUE=CYAN
-    ThisThread::sleep_for(125); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(125);
-    led1 = LED_ON; led2 = LED_OFF; led3 = LED_ON;     // diagnostic rbg led RED+BLUE=MAGENTA
-    ThisThread::sleep_for(125); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(125);
-    led1 = LED_ON; led2 = LED_ON; led3 = LED_OFF;     // diagnostic rbg led RED+GREEN=YELLOW
-    ThisThread::sleep_for(125); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(125);
-    led1 = LED_OFF; led2 = LED_OFF; led3 = LED_OFF;     // diagnostic rbg led BLACK
-    ThisThread::sleep_for(125); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(125);
-#elif defined(TARGET_MAX32625MBED)
-    led1 = LED_ON; led2 = LED_OFF; led3 = LED_OFF;     // diagnostic rbg led RED
-    ThisThread::sleep_for(125); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(125);
-    led1 = LED_OFF; led2 = LED_ON; led3 = LED_OFF;     // diagnostic rbg led GREEN
-    ThisThread::sleep_for(125); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(125);
-    led1 = LED_OFF; led2 = LED_OFF; led3 = LED_ON;     // diagnostic rbg led BLUE
-    ThisThread::sleep_for(125); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(125);
-    led1 = LED_ON; led2 = LED_ON; led3 = LED_ON;     // diagnostic rbg led RED+GREEN+BLUE=WHITE
-    ThisThread::sleep_for(125); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(125);
-    led1 = LED_OFF; led2 = LED_ON; led3 = LED_ON;     // diagnostic rbg led GREEN+BLUE=CYAN
-    ThisThread::sleep_for(125); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(125);
-    led1 = LED_ON; led2 = LED_OFF; led3 = LED_ON;     // diagnostic rbg led RED+BLUE=MAGENTA
-    ThisThread::sleep_for(125); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(125);
-    led1 = LED_ON; led2 = LED_ON; led3 = LED_OFF;     // diagnostic rbg led RED+GREEN=YELLOW
-    ThisThread::sleep_for(125); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(125);
-    led1 = LED_OFF; led2 = LED_OFF; led3 = LED_OFF;     // diagnostic rbg led BLACK
-    ThisThread::sleep_for(125); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(125);
-#else // not defined(TARGET_LPC1768 etc.)
-    led1 = LED_ON;
-    led2 = LED_OFF;
-    led3 = LED_OFF;
-    led4 = LED_OFF;
-    ThisThread::sleep_for(75); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(75);
-    //led1 = LED_ON;
-    led2 = LED_ON;
-    ThisThread::sleep_for(75); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(75);
-    led1 = LED_OFF;
-    //led2 = LED_ON;
-    led3 = LED_ON;
-    ThisThread::sleep_for(75); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(75);
-    led2 = LED_OFF;
-    //led3 = LED_ON;
-    led4 = LED_ON;
-    ThisThread::sleep_for(75); // [since mbed-os-5.10] vs Thread::wait(75);
-    led3 = LED_OFF;
-    led4 = LED_ON;
-    //
-#endif // target definition
-    // cmd_TE();
-    rgb_led.white();     // diagnostic rbg led RED+GREEN+BLUE=WHITE
-#endif // USE_LEDS
-    InitializeConfiguration();
-    while (1) {
-        // avoid runtime error on button1 press [mbed-os-5.11]
-        // instead of using InterruptIn, use DigitalIn and poll in main while(1)
-        static int button1_value_prev = 1;
-        static int button1_value_now = 1;
-        button1_value_prev = button1_value_now;
-        button1_value_now = button1.read();
-        if ((button1_value_prev - button1_value_now) == 1)
-        {
-            // on button1 falling edge (button1 press)
-            onButton1FallingEdge();
-        }
-        static int button2_value_prev = 1;
-        static int button2_value_now = 1;
-        button2_value_prev = button2_value_now;
-        button2_value_now = button2.read();
-        if ((button2_value_prev - button2_value_now) == 1)
-        {
-            // on button2 falling edge (button2 press)
-            onButton2FallingEdge();
-        }
-        if (DAPLINKserial.readable()) {
-            cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.append(DAPLINKserial.getc());
-        }
-    # endif // HAS_DAPLINK_SERIAL
-        if (serial.readable()) {
-            int c = serial.getc();
-            cmdLine_serial.append(c);
-            cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf("%c", c);
-            //
-        }
-    }     // while(1)