Modified to run on Renesas GR Peach board

Dependencies:   EthernetInterface HTTP-Server Webpage mbed-rpc mbed-src

Fork of HTTPServer_echoback by Takuya Urakawa

Wed Oct 07 20:42:51 2015 +0000
web based AHRS demo Renesas GR Peach board; Using HTTP Server/RPC Adafruit 10DOF

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
webOnBoard 16:5d102be2566c 1 /***************************************************************************
webOnBoard 16:5d102be2566c 2 This is a library for the Adafruit 10DOF Breakout
webOnBoard 16:5d102be2566c 3
webOnBoard 16:5d102be2566c 4 Designed specifically to work with the Adafruit 10DOF Breakout
webOnBoard 16:5d102be2566c 5
webOnBoard 16:5d102be2566c 6 These displays use I2C to communicate, 2 pins are required to interface.
webOnBoard 16:5d102be2566c 7
webOnBoard 16:5d102be2566c 8 Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code,
webOnBoard 16:5d102be2566c 9 please support Adafruit andopen-source hardware by purchasing products
webOnBoard 16:5d102be2566c 10 from Adafruit!
webOnBoard 16:5d102be2566c 11
webOnBoard 16:5d102be2566c 12 Written by Kevin Townsend for Adafruit Industries.
webOnBoard 16:5d102be2566c 13 BSD license, all text above must be included in any redistribution
webOnBoard 16:5d102be2566c 14 ***************************************************************************/
webOnBoard 16:5d102be2566c 15 #ifndef __ADAFRUIT_10DOF_H__
webOnBoard 16:5d102be2566c 16 #define __ADAFRUIT_10DOF_H__
webOnBoard 16:5d102be2566c 17
webOnBoard 16:5d102be2566c 18 #include "Adafruit_Sensor.h"
webOnBoard 16:5d102be2566c 19 //#include <Adafruit_Sensor.h>
webOnBoard 16:5d102be2566c 20 //#include <Adafruit_LSM303_U.h>
webOnBoard 16:5d102be2566c 21 //#include <Adafruit_BMP085_U.h>
webOnBoard 16:5d102be2566c 22 //#include <Adafruit_L3GD20_U.h>
webOnBoard 16:5d102be2566c 23
webOnBoard 16:5d102be2566c 24
webOnBoard 16:5d102be2566c 25 /** Sensor axis */
webOnBoard 16:5d102be2566c 26 typedef enum
webOnBoard 16:5d102be2566c 27 {
webOnBoard 16:5d102be2566c 28 SENSOR_AXIS_X = (1),
webOnBoard 16:5d102be2566c 29 SENSOR_AXIS_Y = (2),
webOnBoard 16:5d102be2566c 30 SENSOR_AXIS_Z = (3)
webOnBoard 16:5d102be2566c 31 } sensors_axis_t;
webOnBoard 16:5d102be2566c 32
webOnBoard 16:5d102be2566c 33 /* Driver for the the 10DOF breakout sensors */
webOnBoard 16:5d102be2566c 34 class Adafruit_10DOF
webOnBoard 16:5d102be2566c 35 {
webOnBoard 16:5d102be2566c 36 public:
webOnBoard 16:5d102be2566c 37 Adafruit_10DOF(void);
webOnBoard 16:5d102be2566c 38 bool begin(void);
webOnBoard 16:5d102be2566c 39
webOnBoard 16:5d102be2566c 40 bool accelGetOrientation ( sensors_event_t *event, sensors_vec_t *orientation );
webOnBoard 16:5d102be2566c 41 bool magTiltCompensation ( sensors_axis_t axis, sensors_event_t *mag_event, sensors_event_t *accel_event );
webOnBoard 16:5d102be2566c 42 bool magGetOrientation ( sensors_axis_t axis, sensors_event_t *event, sensors_vec_t *mag_orientation );
webOnBoard 16:5d102be2566c 43 bool fusionGetOrientation ( sensors_event_t *accel_event, sensors_event_t *mag_event, sensors_vec_t *orientation );
webOnBoard 16:5d102be2566c 44
webOnBoard 16:5d102be2566c 45 private:
webOnBoard 16:5d102be2566c 46 };
webOnBoard 16:5d102be2566c 47
webOnBoard 16:5d102be2566c 48 #endif