hw functions for the SOLID slow control

Dependents:   S_SCTRL_e_test SPItest sscm

diff -r 0416cf017b7a -r 467def75b457 S_SCTRL_SM1_hwfunct.h
--- a/S_SCTRL_SM1_hwfunct.h	Tue Oct 14 17:05:20 2014 +0000
+++ b/S_SCTRL_SM1_hwfunct.h	Thu Oct 23 17:25:45 2014 +0000
@@ -2,12 +2,13 @@
 #define S_SCTRL_SM1_hwfunct_H
-#define HW_LIB_HDR_VERSION "1.23"
+#define HW_LIB_HDR_VERSION "1.31"
 /* hardware functions 
  * ver 1.0  
  * ver 1.1x   connectors signal working   
  * ver 1.20   added serialnr read
+ * ver 1.31   added CAL line lvl  function   
@@ -59,6 +60,12 @@
 // @PARAM HWlines  structure of the hardware line 
 // @PARAM calline  , 0 fire both ( processor minimum delay , 1 for CAL signal 1& 3, 2 for CAL signal 2&4
 void toggle_cal(HWlines  hwl, int calline);
+// set the cal line ( to the FED ) active or not active
+// no connector selection parameter as these signals a common for both connectors  
+// @PARAM HWlines  structure of the hardware line 
+// @PARAM calline  , 0 fire both ( processor minimum delay , 1 for CAL signal 1& 3, 2 for CAL signal 2&4
+// @PARAM level   if level = 1 CAL signal is set to active else set to deactive 
+void set_cal_line(HWlines  hwl, int calline ,int level );
\ No newline at end of file