(MBED) implementation of the I2C interface

Dependents:   MCP23009tst AT30TSE752TST MCP4728setaddrProg mbedSerialInterface_talkback2 ... more



File content as of revision 3:06e9e208a2b0:


#include <mbed_version.h>

 *  This is a MBED implementation of the I2CInterface class 
 *  This file make part of the PeriperalDevice package see repository  
 *  https://github.com/wimbeaumont/PeripheralDevices
 *  For more info see   the README.md in the top of repository 
 *  version 1.10  :added wait_for_ms 
 *  version 1.21  : followed changes of I2CInterface for start stop frequency
 *  version 1.30  : upated to mbed os5  interface should still work for mbed os2 
 *  version 1.40  : implemented read_reg methode
 *  version 1.41  : correction on implemented read_reg methode
 *  version 1.50  : added comerr  for I2C access
 *  version 1.53  : correction on implemented read_reg methode
 *  (C) Wim Beaumont Universiteit Antwerpen 2019
 *  License see
 *  https://github.com/wimbeaumont/PeripheralDevices/blob/master/LICENSE

#include "I2CInterface.h" 

#define VERSION_MBEDI2CInterface_HDR "1.53" 

class MBEDI2CInterface :public I2CInterface {
    I2C i2cdev;
    public :
    MBEDI2CInterface(PinName sda, PinName scl): 
    getVersion( VERSION_MBEDI2CInterface_HDR,VERSION_MBEDI2CInterface_HDR, __TIME__, __DATE__),i2cdev(sda,scl){
        // no init code yet 
    } ;
    // next could perhaps more efficient  but not yet investigated 
virtual int     frequency (int hz){ i2cdev.frequency(hz) ; return 0;};
virtual int     read (int address, char *data, int length, bool repeated=false){
                    return comerr=i2cdev.read ( address, data, length, repeated);
 virtual int    read (int& data, int ack){ data= i2cdev.read ( ack); return 0;};// Read a single byte from the I2C bus.

// gererate a write (see write function_  with repeat is flase , writing the value reg to the device 
//  the register size is in byte and has the be  equal or smaller then the len (int) 
// it  is assumed that the most significant byte off the regeister address is sent first 
virtual int   read_reg( int address, char *data, int length, int reg, int regsize=1) {
        // first check the register size 
        char regbytes[sizeof(int)];
        if ( (unsigned int) regsize > sizeof(int) ) return -11;
        for ( int lc = regsize-1 ; lc >= 0 ; lc--) {
            regbytes[lc] = (char )( reg  & 0xFF);
            reg = reg >>8;
        comerr= i2cdev.write ( address, regbytes, regsize,true  ); // no stop !!
        if ( comerr == 0) {
            comerr = i2cdev.read ( address, data, length, false); // now stop I2C
        } else {
            comerr= 10*comerr;//so  -10 to get the difference with read error 
        return comerr;

 virtual int     write (int address, const char *data, int length, bool repeated=false){
            return comerr=i2cdev.write ( address, data, length, repeated);
virtual int    write (int data){return i2cdev.write (data);};//  Write single byte out on the I2C bus.
virtual int    start (void){i2cdev.start (); return 0; };// Creates a start condition on the I2C bus.
virtual int    stop (void){i2cdev.stop(); return 0; };// Creates a stop condition on the I2C bus.


virtual int    transfer (int address, const char *tx_buffer, int tx_length, char *rx_buffer, int rx_length, void* callbackfunction,  bool repeated=false){
               return comerr=i2cdev.transfer (address, tx_buffer,  tx_length, rx_buffer,  rx_length, callback,  event,  repeated);

virtual int    transfer (int address, const char *tx_buffer, int tx_length, char *rx_buffer, int rx_length, void* callbackfunction,  bool repeated=false){
                return setnotsupported();

// new since mbed os 5  
virtual int  abort_transfer(void) {i2cdev.abort_transfer();return 0;}  // assumes it always works so return 0 
virtual int  abort_transfer(void) {return setnotsupported();}

virtual int  lock(void) {i2cdev.lock(); return 0; } 
virtual int  unlock(void) { i2cdev.unlock(); return 0; } 
#endif  // mbed version   
// #else use the functions from the I2C interface 

virtual void wait_for_ms(int x)  {  wait_ms(x); }

} ;
