This are general defs and base class interfaces. ( DACInterface, I2CInterface) to be used with I2C devices

Dependents:   MCP23009tst AT30TSE752TST MCP4728setaddrProg mbedSerialInterface_talkback2 ... more

The DevInterfaces class is used for a more general support of a number of I2C devices.

For the moment this is MCP4728 Quad DAC.

The idea is to write a libs for the I2C devices (and perhaps later SPI , ... devices) not restricted to a certain hardware platform.

So there is the I2CInterface. This is a ( not pure) virtual class. A pointer to this class is used for the I2C device lib (like the MCP4728 class ) to communicate with the I2C interface. The I2C interface is kept simple as possible. So it has to be applied for "tested environments". I2C Bus timeouts etc. are hard to debug with such a simple interface. This kind of interface is also not suitable for optimal performance. The user has to take care of issues of blocking devices, parallel processes etc. This can be dealt with in the implementation of the I2CInterface class

The aim of this project is to generate code for these devices on different platforms without doing the painstaking work of looking up all the register details.

There is an implementation of the I2CInterface for the MBED , tested with the FRDM-KL05Z platform.

A very simple application on a MBED can be found in



File content as of revision 7:b091a268b726:

#ifndef device_interface_def_H
#define device_interface_def_H
#include <stdint.h>


/* version history 
    v 0.1  
    v 0.2   20170111 added int16_t  and uint16_t   added DEV_INTERFACE_DEF_VER
    v 0.4   20170111 added int8_t
    v 0.5   20190909 added stdint.h , define the uxx  accordingly 
                        removed uintx_t and uint8_t as these are definined in stdint.hardresume

typedef uint32_t u32;
typedef uint16_t u16;
typedef uint8_t  u8;
