code to access the AT30TSE75x temperature and E-prom device

Dependents:   AT30TSE752TST AT30TSE752TST2

--- a/AT30TSE75x.h	Thu Mar 30 18:19:22 2017 +0000
+++ b/AT30TSE75x.h	Thu Mar 30 21:54:21 2017 +0000
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 #include "I2CInterface.h" 
-#define VERSION_AT30TSE75x_HDR "0.90"
+#define VERSION_AT30TSE75x_HDR "0.95"
 /** AT30TSE75x class.
  *  Used for interfacing with a AT30TSE75x temperature sensor and ee-prom  
@@ -23,7 +23,9 @@
  *                  read /write ee-prom 
  *  version 0.86 : added ee-prom write protect mode tested  ( un-protect not tested)
  *  version 0.90 : added all set and get functions for reading the config register(s)
- *                  most of the functions are not tested .                
+ *                  most of the functions are not tested . 
+ *  version 0.95 : found error in set temperature limit registers , corrected set and get limit register 
+ *                  function calls               
  *  this code is only tested with the AT30TSE752  version ( 2 KBit version) 
  *  v 
  *  processor board  for the testing : FRDM-KL25Z 
@@ -131,7 +133,7 @@
     //                          if Nonvolatile=1 and the permanentlock bit is set error will be 43 
     //@param temperature   the temperature to be set in the register 
     //@param Nonvolatile   set the Nonvolataile register if set to none zero 
-    void set_TlowLimitRegister(int &error ,  float temperture, int Nonvolatile=0) ;
+    void set_TLowLimitRegister(int &error ,  float temperture, int Nonvolatile=0) ;
     void set_THighLimitRegister(int &error ,  float temperture, int Nonvolatile=0) ;
     float get_THighLimitRegister(int &error ,   int Nonvolatile=0) ;
     float get_TLowLimitRegister(int &error ,  int Nonvolatile=0) ;