
Dependencies:   mbed SX126xLib

--- a/Demo/DemoApplication.h	Mon Feb 15 19:20:41 2021 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,269 +0,0 @@
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-    (C)2016 Semtech
-Description: Display driver header
-Maintainer: Gregory Cristian & Gilbert Menth
- * \brief Used to display firmware version on TFT (Utilities menu)
- */
-#define FIRMWARE_VERSION    ( ( char* )"Firmware Version: 180706" )
- * \brief Define range of central frequency [Hz]
- */
-#define DEMO_CENTRAL_FREQ_MIN       150000000UL
-#define DEMO_CENTRAL_FREQ_MAX       950000000UL
- * \brief Define 3 preset central frequencies [Hz]
- */
-#define DEMO_CENTRAL_FREQ_PRESET1   169000000UL
-#define DEMO_CENTRAL_FREQ_PRESET2   280000000UL
-#define DEMO_CENTRAL_FREQ_PRESET3   434000000UL
-#define DEMO_CENTRAL_FREQ_PRESET4   490000000UL
-#define DEMO_CENTRAL_FREQ_PRESET5   783000000UL
-#define DEMO_CENTRAL_FREQ_PRESET6   868000000UL
-#define DEMO_CENTRAL_FREQ_PRESET7   915000000UL
-#define DEMO_CENTRAL_FREQ_PRESET8   930000000UL
-#define DEMO_CENTRAL_FREQ_PRESET9   510000000UL
- * \brief Define min and max Tx power [dBm]
- */
-#define SX1261_POWER_TX_MIN           -17
-#define SX1261_POWER_TX_MAX           15
-#define SX1262_POWER_TX_MIN           -10
-#define SX1262_POWER_TX_MAX           22
- * \brief Define current demo mode
- */
-enum DemoMode
-    MASTER = 0,
-    SLAVE
- * \brief Define GFSK bitrate
- */
-typedef enum
-    DEMO_BR_100         = 100,
-    DEMO_BR_600         = 600,
-    DEMO_BR_4800        = 4800,
-    DEMO_BR_9600        = 9600,
-    DEMO_BR_19200       = 19200,
-    DEMO_BR_57600       = 57600,
-    DEMO_BR_100000      = 100000,
-    DEMO_BR_250000      = 250000,
- * \brief Define GFSK frequency deviation
- */
-typedef enum
-    DEMO_FDEV_5000      = 5000,
-    DEMO_FDEV_10000     = 10000,
-    DEMO_FDEV_25000     = 25000,
-    DEMO_FDEV_50000     = 50000,
-    DEMO_FDEV_75000     = 75000,
-    DEMO_FDEV_100000    = 100000,
-    DEMO_FDEV_150000    = 150000,
- * \brief List of states for demo state machine
- */
-enum DemoInternalStates
-    APP_IDLE = 0,               // nothing to do (or wait a radio interrupt)
-    APP_RX,                     // Rx done
-    APP_RX_TIMEOUT,             // Rx timeout
-    APP_RX_ERROR,               // Rx error
-    APP_TX,                     // Tx done
-    APP_TX_TIMEOUT,             // Tx error
-    PER_TX_START,               // PER master
-    PER_RX_START,               // PER slave
-    CAD_DONE,                   // CAD Done
-    CAD_DONE_CHANNEL_DETECTED   // Channel Detected following a CAD
- * \brief Demo Settings structure of Eeprom structure
- */
-typedef struct
-    uint8_t Entity;             // Master or Slave
-    uint8_t HoldDemo;           // Put demo in hold status
-    uint8_t BoostedRx;          // Use Boosted Rx if true
-    uint32_t Frequency;         // Demo frequency
-    uint8_t LastDeviceConnected;// Last Device Connected
-    int8_t TxPower;             // Demo Tx power
-    uint8_t RadioPowerMode;     // Radio Power Mode [0: LDO, 1:DC_DC]
-    uint8_t PayloadLength;      // Demo payload length
-    uint8_t ModulationType;     // Demo modulation type (LORA, GFSK)
-    uint32_t ModulationParam1;  // Demo Mod. Param1 (depend on modulation type)
-    uint32_t ModulationParam2;  // Demo Mod. Param2 (depend on modulation type)
-    uint8_t ModulationParam3;   // Demo Mod. Param3 (depend on modulation type)
-    uint8_t ModulationParam4;   // Demo Mod. Param4 (depend on modulation type)
-    uint16_t PacketParam1;      // Demo Pack. Param1 (depend on packet type)
-    uint8_t PacketParam2;       // Demo Pack. Param2 (depend on packet type)
-    uint8_t PacketParam3;       // Demo Pack. Param3 (depend on packet type)
-    uint8_t PacketParam4;       // Demo Pack. Param4 (depend on packet type)
-    uint8_t PacketParam5;       // Demo Pack. Param5 (depend on packet type)
-    uint8_t PacketParam6;       // Demo Pack. Param6 (depend on packet type)
-    uint8_t PacketParam7;       // Demo Pack. Param7 (depend on packet type)
-    uint8_t PacketParam8;       // Demo Pack. Param8 (depend on packet type)
-    uint32_t MaxNumPacket;      // Demo Max Num Packet for PingPong and PER
-    uint16_t InterPacketDelay;  // Demo Inter-Packet Delay for PingPong and PER
-    uint32_t CntPacketTx;       // Tx packet transmitted
-    uint32_t CntPacketRxOK;     // Rx packet received OK
-    uint32_t CntPacketRxOKSlave;// Rx packet received OK (slave side)
-    uint32_t CntPacketRxKO;     // Rx packet received KO
-    uint32_t CntPacketRxKOSlave;// Rx packet received KO (slave side)
-    uint16_t RxTimeOutCount;    // Rx packet received KO (by timeout)
-    int8_t RssiValue;           // Demo Rssi Value
-    int8_t SnrValue;            // Demo Snr Value (only for LR24 mod. type)
-    uint32_t FreqErrorEst;      // Estimation of the frequency error on the Rx side
- * \brief Define freq offset for config central freq in "Radio Config Freq" menu
- */
-enum FreqBase
-    FB1     = 1,            //   1 Hz
-    FB10    = 10,           //  10 Hz
-    FB100   = 100,          // 100 Hz
-    FB1K    = 1000,         //   1 kHz
-    FB10K   = 10000,        //  10 kHz
-    FB100K  = 100000,       // 100 kHz
-    FB1M    = 1000000,      //   1 MHz
-    FB10M   = 10000000      //  10 MHz
- * \brief Simple Function which return the device connected.
- *
- * \retval      deviceConnected    device type connected
- */
-uint8_t GetConnectedDevice( void );
- * \brief Simple Function which return the board matching frequency
- *
- * \retval      freq    1: 868 MHz   0: 915 MHz
- */
-uint8_t GetMatchingFrequency( void );
- * \brief Init RAM copy of Eeprom structure and init radio with it.
- *
- */
-void InitDemoApplication( void );
- * \brief Init vars of demo and fix APP_IDLE state to demo state machine.
- */
-void StopDemoApplication( void );
- * \brief Run demo reading constantly the RSSI.
- *
- * \retval      demoStatusUpdate    page refresh status ( >0 : refresh)
- */
-uint8_t RunDemoTestRssi( void );
- * \brief Run Demo in sleep mode.
- *
- * \retval      demoStatusUpdate    page refresh status ( >0 : refresh)
- */
-uint8_t RunDemoSleepMode( void );
- * \brief Run Demo in standby RC mode.
- *
- * \retval      demoStatusUpdate    page refresh status ( >0 : refresh)
- */
-uint8_t RunDemoStandbyRcMode( void );
- * \brief Run Demo in standby XOSC mode.
- *
- * \retval      demoStatusUpdate    page refresh status ( >0 : refresh)
- */
-uint8_t RunDemoStandbyXoscMode( void );
- * \brief Run Demo Tx in continuous mode without modulation.
- *
- * \retval      demoStatusUpdate    page refresh status ( >0 : refresh)
- */
-uint8_t PrepDemoTxCw( void );
-uint8_t RunDemoTxCw( void );
-uint8_t DemoStandby( void );
- * \brief Run Demo Tx in continuous modulation.
- *
- * \retval      demoStatusUpdate    page refresh status ( >0 : refresh)
- */
-uint8_t RunDemoTxContinuousModulation( void );
- * \brief Run Demo Rx in continuous mode.
- *
- * \retval      demoStatusUpdate    page refresh status ( >0 : refresh)
- */
-uint8_t RunDemoRxContinuous( void );
- * \brief Run demo PingPong.
- *
- * \retval      demoStatusUpdate    page refresh status ( >0 : refresh)
- */
-uint8_t RunDemoApplicationPingPong( void );
- * \brief Compute payload of Rx frame and update current counts and indicators.
- *
- * \param [in]  buffer        buffer with frame to compute
- * \param [in]  buffersize    size of frame data in the buffer
- */
-void ComputePingPongPayload( uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t bufferSize );
- * \brief Run demo PER.
- *
- * \retval      demoStatusUpdate    page refresh status ( >0 : refresh)
- */
-uint8_t RunDemoApplicationPer( void );
- * \brief Compute payload of Rx frame and update current counts and indicators.
- *
- * \param [in]  buffer        buffer with frame to compute
- * \param [in]  buffersize    size of frame data in the buffer
- */
-void ComputePerPayload( uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t bufferSize );