Code for Technion Formula car sensors reader

Dependencies:   mbed Buffer FATFileSystem

Fork of SX1272PingPong by Semtech

This is code is part of a Technion course project in advanced IoT, implementing a device to read and transmit sensors data from a Formula racing car built by students at Technion - Israel Institute of Technology.

How to install

  • Create an account on Mbed:
  • Import project into Compiler
  • In the Program Workspace select "Formula_Nucleo_Reader"
  • Select a Platform like so:
  1. Click button at top-left
  2. Add Board
  3. Search "NUCLEO F103RB" and then "Add to your Mbed Compiler"
  • Finally click "Compile", if the build was successful, the binary would download automatically
  • To install it on device simply plug it in to a PC, open device drive and drag then drop binary file in it
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/DS3231/DS3231.cpp	Thu May 17 20:37:41 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+#include "DS3231.h"
+DS3231::DS3231(PinName sda, PinName scl) : i2c(sda, scl)
+    {
+    } 
+// BCD to decimal conversion    
+int DS3231::bcd2dec(int k)
+    {return(((k&0xF0)>>4)*10+(k&0x0F));}
+// decimal to BCD conversion    
+int DS3231::dec2bcd(int k)
+    {return((k/10)*16+(k%10));}      
+void DS3231::setI2Cfrequency(int frequency)
+    {i2c.frequency(frequency);
+    }
+// read temperature from DS3231    
+float DS3231::readTemp()
+    {char buf[2];
+     buf[0]=DS3231_MSB_Temp;
+     int w=i2c.write(DS3231_Address,buf,1);
+     int,buf,2);
+     error=((w!=0)||(r!=0));   
+     return(buf[0]+buf[1]/256.0);}  
+// force temperatue conversion     
+void DS3231::convertTemperature()
+    {int Control=readRegister(DS3231_Control)|DS3231_bit_CONV;
+     writeRegister(DS3231_Control,Control);
+    }
+// decode time registers     
+void DS3231::decodeTime(int regHours, int regMinutes, int regSeconds,int *Hours, int *Minutes, int *Seconds)
+    {*Hours=bcd2dec(regHours);
+     *Minutes=bcd2dec(regMinutes);
+     *Seconds=bcd2dec(regSeconds);
+    }      
+// read time registers dand decode them to decimal     
+void DS3231::readTime(int *hours, int *minutes, int *seconds)
+    {char buf[3];
+     buf[0]=DS3231_Seconds;
+     int w=i2c.write(DS3231_Address,buf,1);
+     int,buf,3);
+     decodeTime(buf[2],buf[1],buf[0],hours,minutes,seconds);    
+     error=((w!=0)||(r!=0));
+    }  
+// set time register    
+void DS3231::setTime(int hours, int minutes, int seconds)
+    {writeRegister(DS3231_Seconds,dec2bcd(seconds));
+     writeRegister(DS3231_Minutes,dec2bcd(minutes));
+     writeRegister(DS3231_Hours,dec2bcd(hours));
+    }    
+// decode date registers
+void DS3231::decodeDate(int regDate,int regMonth, int regYear, int *date, int *month, int *year)
+    {*date=bcd2dec(regDate);
+     int century=regMonth&128;
+     *month=bcd2dec(regMonth&127);
+     *year=bcd2dec(regYear);
+     if (century==0)         // only XXth and XXIst centuries allowed
+        {*year=*year+1900;}
+     else
+        {*year=*year+2000;}
+    }         
+// read date registers    
+void DS3231::readDate(int *date, int *month, int *year)
+    {char buf[3];
+     buf[0]=DS3231_Date;
+     int w=i2c.write(DS3231_Address,buf,1);
+     int,buf,3);
+     decodeDate(buf[0],buf[1],buf[2],date,month,year);            
+     error=((w!=0)||(r!=0));         
+    }     
+// set the date registers
+void DS3231::setDate(int dayOfWeek, int date, int month, int year)
+    {writeRegister(DS3231_Date,dec2bcd(date));
+     writeRegister(DS3231_Day,dayOfWeek);
+     int century=0; // only XXth and XXIst centuries allowed
+     if (year<1900){year=1900;}
+     if (year>2099){year=2099;}
+     if (year<2000)
+        {year=year-1900;}
+     else
+        {year=year-2000;century=1;}   
+     writeRegister(DS3231_Month_Century,dec2bcd(month)+128*century);   
+     writeRegister(DS3231_Year,dec2bcd(year));
+    }     
+// read date and time registers    
+void DS3231::readDateTime(int *dayOfWeek, int *date, int *month, int *year, int *hours, int *minutes, int *seconds)
+    {char buf[7];
+     buf[0]=DS3231_Seconds;
+     int w=i2c.write(DS3231_Address,buf,1);
+     int,buf,7);
+     decodeTime(buf[2],buf[1],buf[0],hours,minutes,seconds);
+     *dayOfWeek=buf[3];
+     decodeDate(buf[4],buf[5],buf[6],date,month,year);
+     error=((w!=0)||(r!=0));     
+    }    
+// read a register    
+int DS3231::readRegister(char reg)
+    {char buf[1];
+     buf[0]=reg;
+     int w=i2c.write(DS3231_Address,buf,1);
+     int,buf,1);
+     error=((w!=0)||(r!=0));  
+     return(buf[0]);
+    }   
+// write a register    
+void DS3231::writeRegister(int reg,char byte)
+    {char buf[2];
+     buf[0]=reg;
+     buf[1]=byte;
+     int w=i2c.write(DS3231_Address,buf,2); 
+     error=(w!=0);   
+    }      
+void DS3231::eraseOSF()
+    {int reg=readRegister(DS3231_Control_Status);
+     reg=reg&0x7F;
+     writeRegister(DS3231_Control_Status,reg);
+    }     
+bool DS3231::OSF()
+    {int reg=readRegister(DS3231_Control_Status);
+    return(reg&DS3231_bit_OSF);
+    }
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