Initial version

Dependencies:   MODSERIAL mbed



File content as of revision 0:3843c26cd5fd:

#include "mbed.h"
#include "MODSERIAL.h"

//Define objects
AnalogIn    emg_biceps(PTB0); //Analog input
PwmOut      red(LED_RED); // EMG meting
// PwmOut      blue(LED_BLUE); // uitgangssignaal controle
// PwmOut      green(LED_GREEN); 

Ticker timer;

#define gain_biceps 1
#define maxcount 50

#define NUM0 0.8841 // constante
#define NUM1 -3.53647 // z^-1
#define NUM2 5.3046 // z^-2etc.
#define NUM3 -3.5364
#define NUM4 0.8841

#define DEN0 1 // constante
#define DEN1 -3.7538
#define DEN2 5.2912
#define DEN3 -3.3189
#define DEN4 0.7816

/* hou in de gaten welke waarden globaal gedefinieerd moeten worden*/ 
float count; float square_biceps; float sum_biceps; float mean_biceps;

void looper()
    /*value0 is huidig, 1 is t-1, 2 is t-2 etc. Gebruik later aanduidingen ABCD. */   
    char startup = 0; float mean;
    float sig_out_biceps;
    float in0; float in1; float in2; float in3; float in4;
    float out0; float out1; float out2; float out3; float out4;
    if (startup != 1) 
        {in0 = 0; in1 = 0; in2 = 0; in3 = 0; in4 = 0;
        out0 = 0; out1 = 0; out2 = 0; out3 = 0; out4 = 0;
        count = 0; square_biceps = 0; sum_biceps = 0; mean_biceps = 0.2; startup = 1;}
    in4 = in3; in3 = in4; in3 = in2; in2 = in1; in1 = in0;
    in0 =;
    red = in0;
    /* rode led aan voor meting emg*/ 
    out4 = out3; out3 = out2; out2 = out1; out1 = out0;
    out0 = (NUM0*in0 + NUM1*in1 + NUM2*in2 + NUM3*in3 + NUM4*in4 - DEN1*out1 - DEN2*out2 - DEN3*out3 - DEN4*out4 ) / DEN0;
    /*send value to PC. use 6 digits after decimal sign*/
    //if(pc.rxBufferGetSize(0)-pc.rxBufferGetCount() > 30) // ! Testen filter: gebruik de if om de serial optimaal te gebruiken.
    /**When not using the LED, the above could also have been done this way:
    * pc.printf("%.6\n",;
    float emg_abs; // square, mean en count eerder gedefinieerd
    emg_abs = fabs(out0);
    mean = mean_biceps;
    sum_biceps += out0;
    square_biceps += (emg_abs - mean)*(emg_abs - mean); //neem absolute waarde, kwadrateer, voeg toe aan vorige square
    // voeg rest EMG's toe, variabelen alleen _spier geven als het nodig is.
    count += 1; // hou bij hoeveel squares er zijn opgeteld
    if (count >= maxcount)
        {   sig_out_biceps = sqrt(square_biceps/count);
            mean_biceps = sum_biceps/count;
            count= 0; square_biceps = 0; sum_biceps = 0; // en neem de RMS als er genoeg zijn geteld, stuur die door, en reset sqaure en count
            if(pc.rxBufferGetSize(0)-pc.rxBufferGetCount() > 30)

int main()
    /*setup baudrate. Choose the same in your program on PC side*/
    /*set the period for the PWM to the red LED*/
    red.period_ms(2); // periode pwm = 2*Fs , blijkbaar.
    // blue.period_ms(2);
    /**Here you attach the 'void looper(void)' function to the Ticker object0
    * The looper() function will be called every 0.001 seconds.
    * Please mind that the parentheses after looper are omitted when using attach.
    timer.attach(looper, 0.001);
    while(1) // Loop
            // blue = sig_out_biceps;