Fork of my MQTTGateway

Dependencies:   mbed-http

diff -r 000000000000 -r f1d3878b8dd9 sd-driver/
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sd-driver/	Sat Apr 08 14:45:51 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,838 @@
+# mbed OS SDCard Driver (sd-driver) for FAT32 Filesystem Support
+Simon Hughes
+Version 1.00
+# Executive Summary
+The purpose of this document is to describe how to use the mbed OS SDCard 
+driver (sd-driver) so applications can read/write 
+data to flash storage cards using the standard POSIX File API 
+programming interface. The sd-driver uses the SDCard SPI-mode of operation 
+which is a subset of possible SDCard functionality.  
+This repository contains the mbed-os SDCard driver for generic SPI 
+SDCard support and other resources, as outlined below:
+- `SDBlockDevice.h` and `SDBlockDevice.cpp`. This is the SDCard driver module presenting 
+  a Block Device API (derived from BlockDevice) to the underlying SDCard.
+- POSIX File API test cases for testing the FAT32 filesystem on SDCard.
+    - basic.cpp, a basic set of functional test cases.
+    - fopen.cpp, more functional tests reading/writing greater volumes of data to SDCard, for example.
+- `mbed_app.json` mbed-os application configuration file with SPI pin configurations for the CI shield and overrides for specific targets. 
+   This file allows the SPI pins to be specified for the target without having to edit the implementation files.
+- This README which includes [Summary of POSIX File API Documentation](#summary-posix-api-documentation) 
+  including detailed instruction on how to use the FAT filesystem and SDBlockDevice driver. 
+The SDCard driver is maintained in this repository as a component separate from the main mbed OS repository. 
+Hence the 2 repositories (mbed-os and sd-driver) have to be used together 
+to deliver the FAT32 Filesystem/SDCard support. This document explains how to do this.
+# Introduction
+### Overview
+The scope of this document is to describe how applications use the FAT filesystem and sd-driver
+components to persistently store data on SDCards. The document is intended to help developers adopt the 
+mbed OS POSIX File API support, and in particular to help explain:
+- How the software components work together to deliver the storage functionality. 
+- How to work with the sd-driver and mbed OS to build the examples. The example code can easily
+  be copied into your new application code.
+- How to work with the CI Test Shield, which adds an SDCard slot to those targets that do not have already have one.
+- How to run the POSIX File API mbed Greentea test cases, which provide further example code of how to use
+  the POSIX File API.
+Section 1 provides an Executive Summary, describing the purpose of the sd-driver, the supporting
+software, examples, test cases and documentation.
+Section 2 provides an an overview of the material covered including descriptions of the major sections. 
+Section 3 provides an overview of the mbed OS filesystem software components, 
+including the inter-relationships between the application, POSIX file API, the standard c-library, 
+the mbed OS filesystem and the SDCard driver (sd-driver). 
+Section 4 describes how to build and run an example application for reading 
+and writing data to an SDCard using the POSIX File API. The example begins by describing
+the procedure for building and testing on the K64F target. The final sub-sections
+describe how to use the test shield to add an SDCard slot to any mbed target, 
+and hence enable the persistent storage of data on any supported target.
+Section 5 describes an example application which uses the raw 
+BlockDevice API to read and write data to the SDCard.
+Section 6 describes how to build and run the SDCard POSIX File API mbed Greentea test cases.
+There are a number of functional test cases demonstrating how to use the 
+mbed OS POSIX File API. 
+Section 7 describes the POSIX File API and provides links to useful API documentation web pages. 
+### Known mbed-os and sd-driver Compatible Versions
+The following versions of the mbed-os and sd-driver repositories are known to work together: 
+- {mbed-os, sd-driver} = {mbed-os-5.4.0-rc2, sd-driver-0.0.1-mbed-os-5.4.0-rc2}. 
+  `K64F`, `NUCLEO_F429ZI` and `UBLOX_EVK_ODIN_W2` fopen and basic filesystem tests working.
+- {mbed-os, sd-driver} = {mbed-os-5.4.0, sd-driver-0.0.2-mbed-os-5.4.0}. 
+  `K64F`, `NUCLEO_F429ZI` and `UBLOX_EVK_ODIN_W2` fopen and basic filesystem tests working.
+- {mbed-os, sd-driver} = {mbed-os-5.4.1, sd-driver-0.0.3-mbed-os-5.4.1}. 
+To find the latest compatible versions, use the following command to see the messages attached to the tags
+in the sd-driver repository:
+	ex_app7/$ cd sd-driver
+	ex_app7/sd-driver$ git tag -n
+	sd-driver-0.0.1-mbed-os-5.3.4 Version compatible with mbed-os-5.3.4, and private_mbedos_filesystems-0.0.1-mbed-os-5.3.4.
+	sd-driver-0.0.2-mbed-os-5.4.0 Updated to include worked exmaples and restructuring of information.
+	sd-driver-0.0.3-mbed-os-5.4.1 Version compatible with mbed-os-5.4.1.
+### Known Issues With This Document
+There are no known issues with this document.
+# Overview of mbed OS Filesystem Software Component Stack
+    ------------------------
+    |                      |
+    |    Application       |        // This application uses the POSIX File API  
+    |                      |        // to read/write data to persistent storage backends.
+    ------------------------
+    ------------------------        // POSIX File API (ISO).
+    ------------------------
+    |                      |
+    |     libc             |        // The standard c library implementation 
+    |                      |        // e.g. newlib.
+    ------------------------
+    ------------------------        // sys_xxx equivalent API.
+    ------------------------
+    |                      |
+    |  mbed_retarget.cpp   |        // Target specific mapping layer.
+    |                      |
+    ------------------------
+    ------------------------        // Filesystem Upper Edge API. 
+    ------------------------
+    |                      |
+    |     File System      |        // File system wrappers and implementation.
+    |                      |
+    ------------------------
+    ------------------------        // FS Lower Edge API (Block Store Interface).
+    ------------------------
+    |    Block API         |
+    |    Device Driver     |        // The SDCard driver, for example.
+    |  e.g. sd-driver      |        
+    ------------------------
+    ------------------------        // SPI.h interface.
+    ------------------------
+    |                      |
+    |       SPI            |        // SPI subsystem (C++ classes and C-HAL implementation).
+    |                      |
+    ------------------------
+    Figure 1. mbedOS generic architecture of filesystem software stack.
+The figure above shows the mbed OS software component stack used for data
+storage on SDCard:
+- At the top level is the application component which uses the standard POSIX File API 
+  to read and write application data to persistent storage.
+- The newlib standard library (libc) stdio.h interface (POSIX File API)  
+  implementation is used as it's optimised for resource limited embedded systems.
+- mbed_retarget.cpp implements the libc back-end file OS handlers and maps them 
+  to the FileSystem. 
+- The File System code (hosted in mbed-os) is composed of 2 parts: 
+	- The mbed OS file system wrapper classes (e.g. FileSystem, File, FileBase classes)
+	  which are used to present a consistent API to the retarget module for different 
+	  (third-party) file system implementations. 
+	- The FAT filesystem implementation code. 
+	  The [FATFS: Generic FAT File System Module](
+	  (ChanFS) has been integrated within mbed-os. 
+- The Block API Device Driver. The SDCard driver is an example of a persistent storage driver.
+  It's maintained as a separate component from the mbed OS repository (in this repository). 
+- The SPI module provides the mbed OS generic SPI API. This functionality is maintained in 
+  mbed OS. 
+# SDCard POSIX File API Example App for Reading/Writing Data
+### Overview
+This section describes how to build and run an example application that 
+uses the POSIX File API to read and write data to SDCard. The discussion begins by 
+descibing how to run the example on the FRDM K64F target, but this is later
+generalised to all target platforms that have the standard 
+Arduino form factor headers. Tthe Continuous Integration (CI) Test Shield
+can be inserted into the headers to add a SDCard slot to the target.   
+The example code is a modified version of the 
+[mbed-os-example-fat-filesystem]( example
+modified for use with the sd-driver.
+The following sub-sections describe the steps for building and running the example:
+- The [Pre-Requisites](#pre-requisites) section describes the development environment used for this example.
+  Other similar development environments can be used.
+- The [Create the Example Project](#create-the-example-project) section describes how the application project is created
+  by including the mbed-os and sd-driver code.
+- The [Build the Example Project](#build-the-example-project) section describes how to build the example application.
+- The [Insert SDCard into K64F](#insert-sdcard-into-k64f) section describes how to select a card and insert it into the
+  SDCard slot on the K64F.
+- The [Run the Example Binary on the K64F](#run-the-example-binary-on-the-k64f) section describes how to run the 
+  example binary on the target and verify the example has run correctly.
+- The [Testing with an SDCard on Target XYZ](#testing-with-an-sdcard-on-target-xyx) section describes the use 
+  of Continuous Integration Test Shield, which hosts an SDCard slot. By inserting the CI test shield into the
+  Arduino headers of an mbed target platform, the SDCard/FAT Filesystem components can be used to store data
+  persistently on any standard mbed target development board.
+### <a name="pre-requisites"></a> Pre-Requisites
+To work through this example, you should have a working development environment on your machine. For example, 
+the following tools should be installed:
+- A compiler e.g. arm-none-eabi-gcc. 
+- Python 2.7.9 or later. 
+- [mbed Greentea](,  the mbed OS test tool.
+- Git Bash or a similar git command line tool to interact with the ARM mbed GitHub repositories. 
+- [mbed-cli](, the tool used to make mbed OS application and test builds.
+For more information on how to setup a development environment, please review the documentation on the  
+[mbed documentation site](
+### <a name="create-the-example-project"></a> Create the Example Project 
+First create the top level application directory sd_ex1 and move into it:
+    simhug01@E107851:/d/demo_area$ mkdir sd_ex1
+    simhug01@E107851:/d/demo_area$ cd sd_ex1
+    simhug01@E107851:/d/demo_area/sd_ex1$ 
+Next, perform the "mbed new" operation to download the mbed-os repository into this directory:
+	simhug01@E107851:/d/demo_area/sd_ex1$ mbed new .
+	[mbed] Creating new program "ex_sdcard" (git)
+	[mbed] Adding library "mbed-os" from "" at branch latest
+	[mbed] Updating reference "mbed-os" -> ""
+	warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in mbed-os.lib.
+	The file will have its original line endings in your working directory.
+	(mx1_venv1) simhug01@E107851:/d/demo_area/sd_ex1$ ls -1
+	mbed-os
+	mbed-os.lib
+	(mx1_venv1) simhug01@E107851:/d/demo_area/sd_ex1$
+Next, get add the sd-driver component to the application project: 
+    simhug01@E107851:/d/demo_area/sd_ex1$ mbed add sd-driver
+    <trace removed>
+    simhug01@E107851:/d/demo_area/sd_ex1$ 
+Next, copy the example1.cpp file and `mbed_app.json` files from inside the sd-driver directory to the top level sd_ex1 directory:
+    simhug01@E107851:/d/demo_area/sd_ex1$ cp sd-driver/features/TESTS/examples/example1.cpp .
+    simhug01@E107851:/d/demo_area/sd_ex1$ cp sd-driver/config/mbed_app.json .
+    simhug01@E107851:/d/demo_area/sd_ex1$
+The `mbed_app.json` file specifies the SPI bus pin configuration for different targets. 
+The file includes a specific configuration of the K64F which is used
+because the mbed compile command specifies the K64F build target. The `mbed_app.json` file 
+is described in more detail in the [Testing with an SDCard on Target XYZ](#testing-with-an-sdcard-on-target-xyx) section. 
+### <a name="build-the-example-project"></a> Build the Example Project 
+Next, build the example application: 
+	simhug01@E107851:/d/demo_area/sd_ex1$ mbed compile -m K64F -t GCC_ARM 
+#### WARNING: "mbed new ." command and possible mbed-os sd-driver versioning incompatibilities
+If you experience problems building the example then it may mean the version
+of the mbed-os repository created with the "mbed new ." command is not compatible with 
+the sd-driver repository version created with "mbed add sd-driver" command. This is because:
+- The "mbed new ." creates the mbed-os repository at the latest "Release" e.g. `mbed-os-5.4.0`.
+- The "mbed add sd-driver" command creates the sd-driver repository at the latest version of 
+  master i.e. the tip of master. Changes may be present that are not compatible with 
+  the latest mbed-os release e.g. in preparation for the next release.
+This situation can be resolved by checking out compatible versions of the repositories as 
+described in the section [Setting mbed-os/sd-driver Repositories To Compatible Versions](#settting-repos-to-compatible-versions)
+### <a name="insert-sdcard-into-k64f"></a> Insert SDCard into K64F
+The examples and test cases have been run on a K64F with the following pre-formatted microSDHC cards:
+- Kingston 2GB mircoSDHC card.  
+- Kingston 8GB mircoSDHC card.  
+- SanDisk 16GB mircoSDHC ultra card.  
+If the card requires formatting then the following procedure is known to work:
+- Insert microSD card into SD adapter in USB stick (or similar) so the microSD card can be insert into windows PC.
+- Within file explorer, right click/Format on the USB drive.
+- Select FAT32, 4096 cluster size, Quick Format.
+- Format the drive.
+The microSD card should then be ready for use in the K64F. Insert the formatted card
+into the SDCard slot on the K64F PCB. 
+### <a name="run-the-example-binary-on-the-k64f"></a> Run the Example Binary on the K64F 
+Once the binary is built, copy the binary from `/d/demo_area/sd_ex1/BUILD/K64F/GCC_ARM/example1.bin` to the K64F. 
+After connecting a serial console and resetting the target, the following trace should be seen:
+	Welcome to the filesystem example.
+	Opening a new file, numbers.txt. done.
+	Writing decimal numbers to a file (20/20) done.
+	Closing file. done.
+	Re-opening file read-only. done.
+	Dumping file to screen.
+	0
+	1
+	2
+	3
+	4
+	5
+	6
+	7
+	8
+	9
+	10
+	11
+	12
+	13
+	14
+	15
+	16
+	17
+	18
+	19
+	EOF.
+	Closing file. done.
+	Opening root directory. done.
+	Printing all filenames:
+	  numbers.txt
+	Closeing root directory. done.
+	Filesystem Demo complete.
+### <a name="testing-with-an-sdcard-on-target-xyx"></a> Testing with an SDCard on Target XYZ
+The standard way to test is with the mbed CI Test Shield plugged into the 
+target board. This pin mapping for this configuration is parameterised in 
+the `mbed_app.json` file.
+The following is an example of the `mbed_app.json` file available in the repository:
+    {
+        "config": {
+            "UART_RX": "D0",
+            "UART_TX": "D1",
+            "DIO_0": "D0",
+            "DIO_1": "D1",
+            "DIO_2": "D2",
+            "DIO_3": "D3",
+            "DIO_4": "D4",
+            "DIO_5": "D5",
+            "DIO_6": "D6",
+            "DIO_7": "D7",
+            "DIO_8": "D8",
+            "DIO_9": "D9",
+            "SPI_CS": "D10",
+            "SPI_MOSI": "D11",
+            "SPI_MISO": "D12",
+            "SPI_CLK": "D13",
+            "I2C_SDA": "D14",
+            "I2C_SCL": "D15",
+            "I2C_TEMP_ADDR":"0x90",
+            "I2C_EEPROM_ADDR":"0xA0",
+            "AIN_0": "A0",
+            "AIN_1": "A1",
+            "AIN_2": "A2",
+            "AIN_3": "A3",
+            "AIN_4": "A4",
+            "AIN_5": "A5",
+            "AOUT" : "A5",
+            "PWM_0": "D3",
+            "PWM_1": "D5",
+            "PWM_2": "D6",
+            "PWM_3": "D9",
+            "DEBUG_MSG": 0,
+            "DEVICE_SPI": 1,
+            "FSFAT_SDCARD_INSTALLED": 1
+        },
+        "target_overrides": {
+            "DISCO_F051R8": {
+                 "SPI_MOSI": "SPI_MOSI",
+                 "SPI_MISO": "SPI_MISO",
+                 "SPI_CLK":  "SPI_SCK",
+                 "SPI_CS":   "SPI_CS"
+            },
+            "K20D50M": {
+                 "SPI_MOSI": "PTD2",
+                 "SPI_MISO": "PTD3",
+                 "SPI_CLK":  "PTD1",
+                 "SPI_CS":   "PTC2"
+            },
+            "KL22F": {
+                 "SPI_MOSI": "PTD6",
+                 "SPI_MISO": "PTD7",
+                 "SPI_CLK":  "PTD5",
+                 "SPI_CS":   "PTD4"
+            },
+            "KL25Z": {
+                 "SPI_MOSI": "PTD2",
+                 "SPI_MISO": "PTD3",
+                 "SPI_CLK":  "PTD1",
+                 "SPI_CS":   "PTD0"
+            },
+            "KL43Z": {
+                 "SPI_MOSI": "PTD6",
+                 "SPI_MISO": "PTD7",
+                 "SPI_CLK":  "PTD5",
+                 "SPI_CS":   "PTD4"
+            },
+            "KL46Z": {
+                 "SPI_MOSI": "PTD6",
+                 "SPI_MISO": "PTD7",
+                 "SPI_CLK":  "PTD5",
+                 "SPI_CS":   "PTD4"
+            },
+            "K64F": {
+                 "SPI_MOSI": "PTE3",
+                 "SPI_MISO": "PTE1",
+                 "SPI_CLK":  "PTE2",
+                 "SPI_CS":   "PTE4"
+            },
+            "K66F": {
+                 "SPI_MOSI": "PTE3",
+                 "SPI_MISO": "PTE1",
+                 "SPI_CLK":  "PTE2",
+                 "SPI_CS":   "PTE4"
+            },
+            "LPC11U37H_401": {
+                 "SPI_MOSI": "SDMOSI",
+                 "SPI_MISO": "SDMISO",
+                 "SPI_CLK":  "SDSCLK",
+                 "SPI_CS":   "SDSSEL"
+            },
+            "LPC2368": {
+                 "SPI_MOSI": "p11",
+                 "SPI_MISO": "p12",
+                 "SPI_CLK":  "p13",
+                 "SPI_CS":   "p14"
+            },
+            "NUCLEO_L031K6": {
+                 "SPI_MOSI": "SPI_MOSI",
+                 "SPI_MISO": "SPI_MISO",
+                 "SPI_CLK":  "SPI_SCK",
+                 "SPI_CS":   "SPI_CS"
+            },
+            "nRF51822": {
+                 "SPI_MOSI": "p12",
+                 "SPI_MISO": "p13",
+                 "SPI_CLK":  "p15",
+                 "SPI_CS":   "p14"
+            },
+            "RZ_A1H": {
+                 "SPI_MOSI": "P8_5",
+                 "SPI_MISO": "P8_6",
+                 "SPI_CLK":  "P8_3",
+                 "SPI_CS":   "P8_4"
+            }
+        }
+    }
+Note the following things about the `mbed_app.json` file:
+- The `mbed_app.json` file is used to define target specific symbols for the SPI pins connecting the SDCard slot to the target MCU:
+    - "SPI\_CS". This is the Chip Select line.
+    - "SPI\_MOSI". This is the Master Out Slave In data line.
+    - "SPI\_MISO". This is the Master In Slave Out data line.
+    - "SPI\_CLK".  This is the serial Clock line.
+- The default configuration defined in the "config" section is for the standard Arduino header pin mappings for the SPI bus. 
+  The "config" section defines a dictionary mapping functional names to target board Arduino header pins: 
+    - "SPI\_CS": "D10". This causes the MBED\_CONF\_APP\_SPI\_CS symbol to be defined in mbed\_config.h as D10, which is used in the filesystem test implementation.
+      D10 is defined in the target specific PinNames.h file.
+    - "SPI\_MOSI": "D11". This causes the MBED\_CONF\_APP\_SPI\_MOSI symbol to be defined in mbed\_config.h.
+    - "SPI\_MISO": "D12". This causes the MBED\_CONF\_APP\_SPI\_MISO symbol to be defined in mbed\_config.h.
+    - "SPI\_CLK": "D13". This causes the MBED\_CONF\_APP\_SPI\_CLK symbol to be defined in mbed\_config.h.
+- The `"target_overrides"` section is used to override the "SPI\_xxx" symbols for specific target boards, which may have an SDCard slot, for example.
+  This is the case for the K64F, where the "SPI\_xxx" are mapped to the pin names for the on-board SDCard.
+  ```
+    "K64F": {
+         "SPI_MOSI": "PTE3",
+         "SPI_MISO": "PTE1",
+         "SPI_CLK":  "PTE2",
+         "SPI_CS":   "PTE4"
+    }
+    ```  
+- Thus, in the absence of any target specific definitions in the `"target_overrides"` section, all boards will default to 
+  using the Arduino header configuration. For those platforms with a `"target_overrides"` section then this configuration
+  will be used in preference. 
+- Hence in the case that you want to test a platform with an SDCard inserted into a 
+  fitted CI test shield (rather than the on-board SDCard slot)
+  and there is a `"target_overrides"` section present in the `mbed_app.json` file, you must then delete the `"target_overrides"`
+  section before building. This will result in the default configuration being used (suitable for the CI
+  Test Shield).
+- Note when inserting the v1.0.0 CI Test Shield into the Arduino header of the target platform, the shield pins D0 and
+  D1 should be bent to be parallel to the shield PCB so they are not inserted into the Arduino header. This is because
+  some boards use the same UART on DAPLINK and D0/D1, which means the serial debug channel breaks and hence the mbed greentea
+  test suite will not work correctly. This is mainly on older ST boards and should not be a problem on 
+  `K64F`, `NUCLEO_F429ZI` and `UBLOX_EVK_ODIN_W2`. Note also that the v2.0.0 CI Test Shield doesn't suffer from this
+  problem and the pins don't need to be bent.  
+- When inserting the SDCard into the card slot on the CI test shield, make sure the card is fully inserted. 
+  On insertion, there should be a small clicking sound when the card registers, and the back edge of the card
+  should protrude no more than ~1mm over the edge of the CI test shield PCB. If the SDCard fails to register, 
+  try gently pushing the metal flexible strip in the shape of a spade at the top edge of the SDCard metal slot
+  casing with a pair of tweezers, bending it a little to lower it into the slot casing. This helps with the
+  insertion mechanism.
+### Target K64F with CI Test Shield fitted
+![alt text](docs/pics/sd_driver_k64_with_ci_test_shield.jpg "unseen title text")
+**Figure 2. The figure shows the K64F platform with the CI shield fitted.**
+The above figure shows the K64F with the v1.0.0 CI test shield fitted. Note:
+- The pins D0/D1 (top right of CI test shield) are bent sideways so as not to insert into the header.
+- The SDCard is fully inserted into the slot and overhangs the PCB by ~1mm.  
+# SDBlockDevice Example Application 
+The following sample code illustrates how to use the sd-driver Block Device API: 
+    #include "mbed.h"
+    #include "SDBlockDevice.h"
+    // Instantiate the SDBlockDevice by specifying the SPI pins connected to the SDCard 
+    // socket. The PINS are:
+    //     MOSI (Master Out Slave In)
+    //     MISO (Master In Slave Out)
+    //     SCLK (Serial Clock)
+    //     CS (Chip Select)
+    SDBlockDevice sd(p5, p6, p7, p12); // mosi, miso, sclk, cs
+    uint8_t block[512] = "Hello World!\n";
+    int main() 
+    {
+        // call the SDBlockDevice instance initialisation method.
+        sd.init();
+        // Write some the data block to the device 
+        sd.program(block, 0, 512);
+        // read the data block from the device
+, 0, 512);
+        // print the contents of the block
+        printf("%s", block);
+        // call the SDBlockDevice instance de-initialisation method.
+        sd.deinit();
+    }
+# SDCard POSIX File API mbed Greentea Test Cases
+This section describes how to build and run the POSIX file API test cases. 
+The following steps are covered:
+- [Create the FAT/SDCard Application Project](#create-fat-sdcard-application-project). 
+  This section describes how to git clone the mbed OS and sd-driver repositories containing the 
+  code and test cases of interest.
+- [Build the mbed OS Test Cases](#build-the-mbedos-test-cases). This section 
+  describes how to build the mbed OS test cases.
+- [Insert a microSD Card Into the K64F for Greentea Testing](#greentea-insert-sdcard-into-k64f).This section 
+  describes how to format (if required) a microSD card prior to running the tests.
+- [Run the POSIX File Test Case](#run-the-posix-file-test-cases).This section 
+  describes how to run the POSIX file test cases.
+### <a name="create-fat-sdcard-application-project"></a> Create the FAT/SDCard Application Project
+This section describes how to create an application project combining the 
+mbed-os and sd-driver repositories into a single project. 
+In summary the following steps will be covered in this section:
+- A top level application project directory is created. The directory name is ex_app1.
+- In the ex_app1 directory, the mbed-os repository is cloned.
+- In the ex_app1 directory at the same level as the mbed-os directory, the sd-driver repository is cloned.
+- The `mbed_app.json` file is copied from the `sd-driver/config/mbed_app.json` to the ex_app1 directory.
+First create the top level application directory ex_app1 and move into it:
+    simhug01@E107851:/d/demo_area$ mkdir ex_app1
+    simhug01@E107851:/d/demo_area$ pushd ex_app1
+Next, get a clone of public mbed OS repository in the following way:
+    simhug01@E107851:/d/demo_area/ex_app1$ git clone
+    <trace removed>
+    simhug01@E107851:/d/demo_area/ex_app1$
+Next, get a clone of the sd-driver repository:
+    simhug01@E107851:/d/demo_area/ex_app1$ git clone
+    <trace removed>
+    simhug01@E107851:/d/demo_area/ex_app1$
+Finally, copy the `mbed_app.json` application configuration file from `sd-driver/config/mbed_app.json` to the ex_app1 directory:
+    simhug01@E107851:/d/demo_area/ex_app1$ cp sd-driver/config/mbed_app.json .
+    simhug01@E107851:/d/demo_area/ex_app1$
+The `mbed_app.json` file specifies the SPI bus pin configuration for different targets, 
+and is discussed in the [Testing with an SDCard on Target XYZ](#testing-with-an-sdcard-on-target-xyx) section. 
+### <a name="build-the-mbedos-test-cases"></a> Build the mbed OS Test Cases
+Build the test cases for the K64F target using the following command:
+    simhug01@E107851:/d/demo_area/ex_app1$ mbed -v test --compile -t GCC_ARM -m K64F --app-config mbed_app.json 
+    <trace removed>
+    simhug01@E107851:/d/demo_area/ex_app1$
+The build trace is quite extensive but on a successful build you should see the following output at the end of the log:
+	Build successes:
+	  <trace removed>
+	  <trace removed>
+	Build skips:
+	  <trace removed>
+Notice the following tests in the sd-driver tree are listed above:     
+The FAT32/SDCard test cases are at following locations in the source code tree:
+    /d/demo_area/ex_app1/sd-driver/features/TESTS/filesystem/basic/basic.cpp
+    /d/demo_area/ex_app1/sd-driver/features/TESTS/filesystem/fopen/fopen.cpp
+#### <a name="settting-repos-to-compatible-versions"></a> Setting mbed-os/sd-driver Repositories To Compatible Versions 
+The sd-driver master HEAD and the mbed-os master HEAD should be compatible 
+with one another and therefore no specific tagged versions need to be checked out.
+However, in the case that you experience problems building, checkout out the compatible 
+tagged version of each repository, as shown below:
+    simhug01@E107851:/d/demo_area/ex_app1$ pushd mbed-os
+    simhug01@E107851:/d/demo_area/ex_app1$ git checkout tags/mbed-os-5.4.0
+    simhug01@E107851:/d/demo_area/ex_app1$ popd 
+    simhug01@E107851:/d/demo_area/ex_app1$ pushd sd-driver
+    simhug01@E107851:/d/demo_area/ex_app1$ git checkout tags/sd-driver-0.0.2-mbed-os-5.4.0
+    simhug01@E107851:/d/demo_area/ex_app1$ popd 
+In the above: 
+- `mbed-os-5.4.0` should be replaced with the latest mbed-os release tag.
+-  For an mbed-os release tag `mbed-os-x.y.z`, use the equivalent sd-driver tag `sd-driver-a.b.c-mbed-os-x.y.z`
+   where `a.b.c` is the latest version code for the `mbed-os-x.y.z` tag.
+### <a name="greentea-insert-sdcard-into-k64f"></a> Insert SDCard into K64F for Greentea Testing
+See the previous section for [Insert SDCard into K64F](#insert-sdcard-into-k64f) for details.
+### <a name="run-the-posix-file-test-cases"></a> Run the POSIX File Test Case
+To setup for running the test cases, connect the K64F development board to your 
+PC using a suitable USB cable.
+All tests can be run using the following command:
+    simhug01@E107851:/d/demo_area/ex_app1$ mbedgt -VS
+    <trace removed>
+However, it's possible to run a particular test case using the following form of the mbedgt command:
+    simhug01@E107851:/d/demo_area/ex_app1$ mbedgt -VS --test-by-names=<test-name>
+The names of the tests can be listed using: 
+    simhug01@E107851:/d/demo_area/ex_app1$ mbedgt -VS --list
+For example, to run the basic test use:
+    simhug01@E107851:/d/demo_area/ex_app1$ mbedgt -VS --test-by-names=sd-driver-features-tests-filesystem-basic 
+To run the fopen test use:
+    simhug01@E107851:/d/demo_area/ex_app1$ mbedgt -VS --test-by-names=sd-driver-features-tests-filesystem-fopen 
+On a successful run, results similar to the following will be shown:
+	mbedgt: test suite report:
+	+--------------+---------------+-------------------------------------------+--------+--------------------+-------------+
+	| target       | platform_name | test suite                                | result | elapsed_time (sec) | copy_method |
+	+--------------+---------------+-------------------------------------------+--------+--------------------+-------------+
+	| K64F-GCC_ARM | K64F          | sd-driver-features-tests-filesystem-fopen | OK     | 151.46             | shell       |
+	+--------------+---------------+-------------------------------------------+--------+--------------------+-------------+
+	mbedgt: test suite results: 1 OK
+	mbedgt: test case report:
+	+--------------+---------------+-------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------+--------+--------+--------------------+
+	| target       | platform_name | test suite                                | test case                                                                              | passed | failed | result | elapsed_time (sec) |
+	+--------------+---------------+-------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------+--------+--------+--------------------+
+	| K64F-GCC_ARM | K64F          | sd-driver-features-tests-filesystem-fopen | FSFAT_FOPEN_TEST_01: fopen()/fwrite()/fclose() directories/file in multi-dir filepath. | 1      | 0      | OK     | 7.57               |
+	| K64F-GCC_ARM | K64F          | sd-driver-features-tests-filesystem-fopen | FSFAT_FOPEN_TEST_02: fopen(r) pre-existing file try to write it.                       | 1      | 0      | OK     | 0.2                |
+	| K64F-GCC_ARM | K64F          | sd-driver-features-tests-filesystem-fopen | FSFAT_FOPEN_TEST_03: fopen(w+) pre-existing file try to write it.                      | 1      | 0      | OK     | 0.41               |
+	| K64F-GCC_ARM | K64F          | sd-driver-features-tests-filesystem-fopen | FSFAT_FOPEN_TEST_04: fopen() with a filename exceeding the maximum length.             | 1      | 0      | OK     | 0.11               |
+	| K64F-GCC_ARM | K64F          | sd-driver-features-tests-filesystem-fopen | FSFAT_FOPEN_TEST_06: fopen() with bad filenames (minimal).                             | 1      | 0      | OK     | 0.1                |
+	| K64F-GCC_ARM | K64F          | sd-driver-features-tests-filesystem-fopen | FSFAT_FOPEN_TEST_07: fopen()/errno handling.                                           | 1      | 0      | OK     | 0.07               |
+	| K64F-GCC_ARM | K64F          | sd-driver-features-tests-filesystem-fopen | FSFAT_FOPEN_TEST_08: ferror()/clearerr()/errno handling.                               | 1      | 0      | OK     | 0.1                |
+	| K64F-GCC_ARM | K64F          | sd-driver-features-tests-filesystem-fopen | FSFAT_FOPEN_TEST_09: ftell() handling.                                                 | 1      | 0      | OK     | 0.17               |
+	| K64F-GCC_ARM | K64F          | sd-driver-features-tests-filesystem-fopen | FSFAT_FOPEN_TEST_10: remove() test.                                                    | 1      | 0      | OK     | 1.28               |
+	| K64F-GCC_ARM | K64F          | sd-driver-features-tests-filesystem-fopen | FSFAT_FOPEN_TEST_11: rename().                                                         | 1      | 0      | OK     | 2.3                |
+	| K64F-GCC_ARM | K64F          | sd-driver-features-tests-filesystem-fopen | FSFAT_FOPEN_TEST_12: opendir(), readdir(), closedir() test.                            | 1      | 0      | OK     | 3.57               |
+	| K64F-GCC_ARM | K64F          | sd-driver-features-tests-filesystem-fopen | FSFAT_FOPEN_TEST_13: mkdir() test.                                                     | 1      | 0      | OK     | 1.21               |
+	| K64F-GCC_ARM | K64F          | sd-driver-features-tests-filesystem-fopen | FSFAT_FOPEN_TEST_14: stat() test.                                                      | 1      | 0      | OK     | 1.47               |
+	| K64F-GCC_ARM | K64F          | sd-driver-features-tests-filesystem-fopen | FSFAT_FOPEN_TEST_15: format() test.                                                    | 1      | 0      | OK     | 26.12              |
+	| K64F-GCC_ARM | K64F          | sd-driver-features-tests-filesystem-fopen | FSFAT_FOPEN_TEST_16: write/check n x 25kB data files.                                  | 1      | 0      | OK     | 87.11              |
+	+--------------+---------------+-------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------+--------+--------+--------------------+
+	mbedgt: test case results: 15 OK
+	mbedgt: completed in 152.35 sec
+# <a name="summary-posix-api-documentation"></a> Summary of POSIX File API Documentation
+### POSIX File API
+mbed OS supports a subset of the POSIX File API, as outlined below:
+- [clearerr()](
+    - STATUS: Basic testing implemented. Working.
+- [fclose()](
+    - STATUS: Basic testing implemented. Working.
+- [ferror()](
+    - STATUS: Basic testing implemented. 
+    - STATUS: GCC_ARM: Working. 
+    - STATUS: ARMCC: ARMCC has problem with ferror(filep) where filep is NULL. Appears to work for non-NULL pointer.
+- [fgetc()](
+    - STATUS: Basic testing implemented. Working.
+- [fgets()](
+    - STATUS: Basic testing implemented. Working.
+- [fputc()](
+    - STATUS: Unknown.
+- [fputs()](
+    - STATUS: Basic testing implemented. Working.
+- [fprintf()](
+    - STATUS: Basic testing implemented. Working.
+- [fopen()](
+    - STATUS: Basic testing implemented. Working. 
+- [freopen()](
+    - STATUS: This is not tested.
+- [fread()](
+    - STATUS: Basic testing implemented. Working.
+    - STATUS: n x 25kB stress test working.
+- [ftell()](
+    - STATUS: Basic testing implemented. Working.
+- [fwrite()](
+    - STATUS: Basic testing implemented. Working.
+    - STATUS: n x 25kB stress test working.
+- [fseek()](
+    - STATUS: Basic testing implemented. Working.
+- [getc()](
+    - STATUS: Basic testing implemented. Working.
+- [gets()](
+    - STATUS: Unknown.
+- [putc()](
+    - STATUS: Unknown.
+- [puts()](
+    - STATUS: Unknown.
+- [remove()](
+    - STATUS: Basic testing implemented. Working.
+- [rewind()](
+    - STATUS: Basic testing implemented. Working. 
+- [stat()](
+    - STATUS: Implemented. Working.
+    - STATUS: Not supported by ARMCC/IAR libc.
+- [tmpfile()](
+    - STATUS: Not implemented.
+- [tmpnam()]( 
+    - STATUS: Not implemented.
+Supported directory related operations are as follows:
+- [closedir()](
+    - STATUS: Implemented. Working.
+- [mkdir()]( 
+    - STATUS: Basic testing implemented. Working.
+- [opendir()]( 
+    - STATUS: Implemented. Working.
+- [readdir()](
+    - STATUS: Implemented. Working.
+- [remove()](
+    - STATUS: Basic testing implemented. Working.
+- [rename()](
+    - STATUS: Implemented. Not tested.
+- [rewinddir()](
+    - STATUS: Implemented. Found not to work. Test case not present in repo.
+- [seekdir()](
+    - STATUS: Implemented. Found not to work. Test case not present in repo. 
+- [telldir()](
+    - STATUS: Implemented. Found not to work. Test case not present in repo.
+### errno 
+Basic errno reporting is supported, tested and known to be working.
+# Related Projects Resources
+The following are related mbed storage projects and useful resources:
+- The [mbed-os]( main repository.
+- The [mbed-os-example-fat-filesystem]( repository.
+  This is an example project for the mbed OS FAT filesystem.
+- The [spiflash-driver]( repository.
+- The [i2ceeprom-driver]( repository.
+- The [ci-test-shield](  repository. This is the project describing 
+  the mbed-os Continuous Integration test shield, together with standard tests.
+- The [mbed-HDK]( repository containing Hardware Development Kit resources
+  including the schematics for the CI test shield. 
+- [POSIX File Interface ISO/IEC 9899:TC2 Documentation](
+- [FATFS: Generic FAT File System Module used in mbed OS](