
Dependencies:   RA8875 SDFileSystem mbed

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Fri Feb 17 16:53:53 2017 +0000
Commit message:

Changed in this revision

RA8875.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
SDFileSystem.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
comm.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
comm.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 000000000000 -r 6ef3fd4921d7 RA8875.lib
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/RA8875.lib	Fri Feb 17 16:53:53 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff -r 000000000000 -r 6ef3fd4921d7 SDFileSystem.lib
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/SDFileSystem.lib	Fri Feb 17 16:53:53 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff -r 000000000000 -r 6ef3fd4921d7 comm.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/comm.cpp	Fri Feb 17 16:53:53 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,767 @@
+// MW771 Laser Press HMI.
+// V.Nemera, 10/12/2016, ver.1.0, C++
+// CPU: mbed NXP LPC1768 (ARM Cortex-M3, 32bit, 90MHz)
+#include "RA8875.h"         
+#include "main.h"         
+#include "comm.h"         
+//-----------HMI i/o---------------------
+DigitalIn inEStop(p19);     //input: E-Stop ON = 1
+DigitalIn inBtnStart(p20);  //input: Btn Start ON = 0
+DigitalIn inLPactive(p26);  //input: Laser power active = 1
+DigitalIn in1(p24);         //input: in1 ON = 0
+DigitalIn in2(p23);         //input: in2 ON = 0
+DigitalOut outIrq(p14);         //output: interrupt for IO
+DigitalOut outLampStart(p25);   //output: Start Lamp ON = 1
+DigitalOut out1(p22);           //output: out1 ON = 1
+DigitalOut out2(p21);           //output: out2 ON = 1
+Ticker resetTime;                //time for e-stop reset pulse
+int iCh;
+char hexArr[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
+const char err100[] = "Wrong command\n";
+const char err101[] = "No response\n";
+Serial ioRS232(p28, p27);  // tx, rx
+int     ioRS232baud = 115200;
+int     ioRS232bits = 8;
+SerialBase::Parity  ioRS232parity = SerialBase::None;
+int     ioRS232stop_bits = 1; 
+Serial LasRS232(p9, p10);  // tx, rx
+int     LasRS232baud = 57600;
+int     LasRS232bits = 8;
+SerialBase::Parity  LasRS232parity = SerialBase::None;
+int     LasRS232stop_bits = 1; 
+char hmiLBuf[64];   //buffer hmi command to send to laser
+int indLhmi = 0;       //index of buffer hmiLBuf[]
+char LasBufCom[64];   //buffer command to send to laser
+char LasBufResp[64];  //buffer response from laser
+int indLCom = 0;       //index of buffer LasBufCom[]
+int indLResp = 0;      //index of buffer LasBufResp[]
+char IOBufCom[32];   //buffer command from io controller
+char IOBufResp[32];  //buffer response to send to io controller
+int indIOCom = 0;       //index of buffer IOBufCom[]
+int IOBufSize = 32;      //buffer IOBufResp[] size
+int sBio = 0;           //send ioBuf pointer
+int wBio = 0;           //write ioBuf pointer
+char comBuf[128];      //buffer command from pc 
+int comBufPointer = 0;
+int sBp = 0;           //send pcBuf pointer
+int wBp = 0;           //write pcBuf pointer
+const int pcBufSize = 128;
+char pcBuf[pcBufSize];
+int stLhmi = 0;        //status of hmi L.command
+int stLpc = 0;         //status of pc L.command
+int iPCcmd = 0;        //command # from pc
+int stL3 = 0;          //status of execution L.command
+int iCounts = 0;
+int iSta = 0;
+int c; 
+int usta;
+int iLasO, iLasO1, iLasO2;
+int iCmax = 10;
+const char *cLC[80];      //array of laser commands string
+void cLCinit(void) {
+    cLC[0] = "";
+    cLC[1] = "STA";     //cod 0x4001 STA -   read laser status 
+    cLC[2] = "RCS";     //cod 0x4002 RCS -   read current setpoint
+    cLC[3] = "RNC";     //cod 0x4003 RNC -   read minimum current setpoint
+    cLC[4] = "ROP";     //cod 0x4004 ROP -   read output power
+    cLC[5] = "RPP";     //cod 0x4005 RPP -   read peak power
+    cLC[6] = "RPW";     //cod 0x4006 RPW -   read pulse width
+    cLC[7] = "RPRR";    //cod 0x4007 RPRR -  read pulse repetition rate
+    cLC[8] = "RFV";     //cod 0x4008 RFV -   read current software revision
+    cLC[9] = "RCT";     //cod 0x4009 RCT -   read laser temperature
+    cLC[10] = "RET";    //cod 0x400A RET -   read elapsed time  the laser has been on
+    cLC[11] = "RMEC";   //cod 0x400B RMEC -  read module error code
+    cLC[12] = "RSN";    //cod 0x400C RSN -   read serial number
+    cLC[13] = "REC";    //cod 0x400D REC -   read error counter
+    cLC[14] = "RICDT";  //cod 0x400E RICDT - read input circuit discharge time
+    cLC[15] = "RIP";    //cod 0x400F RIP -   read the current IP address
+    cLC[16] = "RMASK";  //cod 0x4010 RMASK - read the current subnet mask
+    cLC[17] = "RDGW";   //cod 0x4011 RDGW -  read the current default gateway address
+    cLC[18] = "RMAC";   //cod 0x4012 RMAC -  read MAC address
+    cLC[19] = "RBAUD";  //cod 0x4013 RBAUD - read the current RS232 baud rate
+    cLC[20] = "";
+    cLC[21] = "";
+    cLC[22] = "";
+    cLC[23] = "";
+    cLC[24] = "";
+    cLC[25] = "";
+    cLC[26] = "";
+    cLC[27] = "";
+    cLC[28] = "";
+    cLC[29] = "";
+    cLC[30] = "";
+    cLC[31] = "";
+    cLC[32] = "EPM";    //cod 0x4020 EPM -   enable pulse mode
+    cLC[33] = "DPM";    //cod 0x4021 DPM -   disable pulse mode
+    cLC[34] = "ABN";    //cod 0x4022 ABN -   aiming beam on
+    cLC[35] = "ABF";    //cod 0x4023 ABF -   aiming beam off
+    cLC[36] = "EEC";    //cod 0x4024 EEC -   enable external analog power control input
+    cLC[37] = "DEC";    //cod 0x4025 DEC -   disable external analog power control input
+    cLC[38] = "EGM";    //cod 0x4026 EGM -   enable gate mode (internal pulse generator gated by external modulation input)
+    cLC[39] = "DGM";    //cod 0x4027 DGM -   disable gate mode
+    cLC[40] = "EMOD";   //cod 0x4028 EMOD -  enable external modulation input
+    cLC[41] = "DMOD";   //cod 0x4029 DMOD -  disable external modulation input
+    cLC[42] = "ELE";    //cod 0x402A ELE -   enable external emission input
+    cLC[43] = "DLE";    //cod 0x402B DLE -   disable external emission input
+    cLC[44] = "EHC";    //cod 0x402C EHC -   enable compatibility mode
+    cLC[45] = "EDC";    //cod 0x402D EDC -   disable compatibility mode
+    cLC[46] = "EEABC";  //cod 0x402E EEABC - enable external aiming beam control input
+    cLC[47] = "DEABC";  //cod 0x402F DEABC - disable external aiming beam control input
+    cLC[48] = "EWPM";   //Enable Waveform Pulse Mode
+    cLC[49] = "DWPM";   //Disable Waveform Pulse Mode
+    cLC[50] = "PCFG";   //Configure Waveform Mode
+    cLC[51] = "RCE";    //Reset critical error
+    cLC[52] = "RERR";   //Resers any resettable errors
+    cLC[53] = "EMON";   //Start Emission
+    cLC[54] = "EMOFF";  //Stop Emission
+    cLC[55] = "";
+    cLC[56] = "";
+    cLC[57] = "";
+    cLC[58] = "";
+    cLC[59] = "";
+    cLC[60] = "";
+    cLC[61] = "";
+    cLC[62] = "";
+    cLC[63] = "";
+    cLC[64] = "SDC ";    //cod 0x4040 SDC -   set diode current, min current < xx.x% < 100%
+    cLC[65] = "SPW ";    //cod 0x4041 SPW -   set pulse width, xx.x mS
+    cLC[66] = "SPRR ";   //cod 0x4042 SPRR -  set pulse repetition rate, xxx Hz
+    cLC[67] = "SIP ";    //cod 0x4043 SIP -   set IP,
+    cLC[68] = "SMASK ";  //cod 0x4044 SMASK - set subnet mask,
+    cLC[69] = "SDGW ";   //cod 0x4045 SDGW -  set default gateway,
+    cLC[70] = "SMAC ";   //cod 0x4046 SMAC -  set MAC address xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx
+    cLC[71] = "SBAUD ";  //cod 0x4047 SBAUD - set baud rate x (0-110,1-300,2-1200,3-2400,4-4800,5-9600
+                        //                                    6-19200,7-38400,8-57600default,9-115200)
+    cLC[72] = "PRSEL "; //Select Profile
+    cLC[73] = "SQSEL "; //Select Sequence
+    cLC[74] = "";
+    cLC[75] = ""; 
+    cLC[76] = "";
+    cLC[77] = "";
+    cLC[78] = "";
+    cLC[79] = "";
+int SetLasComm(int icLC) {
+    for(int i=0; i<15; i++) {   //wait 15*20ms stLhmi=0 (last command executed)
+        if(stLhmi == 0) {
+            indLhmi++;
+            for(int j=0; j<indLhmi; j++) {hmiLBuf[j] = '\0';}
+            indLhmi = strlen(cLC[icLC]);
+            strncpy(hmiLBuf, cLC[icLC], indLhmi);
+            //pc.printf("-s%i %s %s %i\n", icLC, hmiLBuf, cLC[icLC], indLhmi);
+            if(icLC == 1) iSta = 1;
+            stLhmi = 2;
+            wait_ms(20);
+            return 0;        
+        }
+        else {
+            wait_ms(20);    
+        }
+    }
+    //pc.printf("-e%i %s %s %i\n", icLC, hmiLBuf, cLC[icLC], indLhmi);
+    return 1;
+void initHMIio(void) {
+    ioRS232.format(ioRS232bits, ioRS232parity, ioRS232stop_bits);
+    ioRS232.baud(ioRS232baud);
+    LasRS232.format(LasRS232bits, LasRS232parity, LasRS232stop_bits);
+    LasRS232.baud(LasRS232baud);
+    outIrq = 0;         //output: interrupt for IO
+    outLampStart = 0;   //output: Start Lamp ON = 1
+    out1 = 0;           //output: out1 ON = 1
+    out2 = 0;           //output: out2 ON = 1
+    cLCinit();
+    for(int i=0; i<64; i++) {
+        LasBufCom[i] = '\0';
+        LasBufResp[i] = '\0';
+    }  
+//write char to pc buffer
+void wrChar(char cCh) {
+    pcBuf[wBp++] = (cCh);
+    if(wBp == pcBufSize) {wBp = 0;}    
+//write char array to pc buffer
+void wrCharArr(const char* err) {
+    int iM;
+    iM = strlen(err);
+    for(int i=0; i<iM; i++) {
+        wrChar(err[i]);
+    }
+//write 16bit word to pc buffer
+void wrWord(uint16_t uWrd) {
+    wrChar(hexArr[uWrd/4096]);
+    uWrd = uWrd % 4096;    
+    wrChar(hexArr[uWrd/256]);
+    uWrd = uWrd % 256;    
+    wrChar(hexArr[uWrd/16]);
+    wrChar(hexArr[uWrd%16]);
+//write 32bit word to pc buffer
+void wrInt(int i32) {
+    wrWord((uint16_t)(i32/65536));
+    wrWord((uint16_t)(i32%65536));
+void comParser() {
+    if(comBufPointer < 2) {
+        wrCharArr(err100);    //err100 = Wrong command
+        wrChar('>');
+        comBufPointer =0;
+        return;
+    }
+    //pc.printf("1 %i 2 %i\n", comBuf[0], comBuf[1]); 
+    //for (int j = 3; j < comBufPointer; j++) {
+    //    pc.printf("%i %i \n", j, comBuf[j]);
+    //}
+    int a = comBuf[0];
+    int b = comBuf[1];
+    //-----------------------
+    if (((a == 76) || (a == 108)) && (b == 32)) {  //L<SP> or l<SP>
+        if(stLpc == 0) {
+//            pc.printf("<%i>", comBufPointer); 
+            iPCcmd = 1;
+        }
+        else {
+            wrChar('?');
+            wrChar('>');
+        }            
+    }
+    //-----------------------
+    else if (((a == 76) || (a == 108)) && ((b == 83) || (b == 15))) {  //LS or ls
+        iPCcmd = 2;
+    }
+    //-----------------------
+    else if (((a == 76) || (a == 108)) && ((b == 73) || (b == 105))) {  //LI or li
+        iPCcmd = 3;
+    }
+    //----------------------- 
+    else if(((a == 76) || (a == 108)) & ((b == 65) || (b == 97))) {  //LA or la
+        iPCcmd = 4;
+    }
+    //----------------------- 
+    else if(((a == 76) || (a == 108)) & ((b == 67) || (b == 99))) {  //LC or lc
+        iPCcmd = 5;
+    }
+    //----------------------- 
+    else if(((a == 76) || (a == 108)) & ((b == 82) || (b == 114))) {  //LR or lr
+        iPCcmd = 6;
+    }
+    else {
+        wrCharArr(err100);    //err100 = Wrong command
+        wrChar('>');
+        comBufPointer =0;
+    }
+void wrIOChar(char cCh) {       //write 1 char to io buffer
+    IOBufResp[wBio++] = (cCh);
+    if(wBio == IOBufSize) wBio = 0;    
+void wrIObyte(int iCh) {       //write byte (2 char) to io buffer
+    iCh = iCh & 0xFF;
+    wrIOChar(hexArr[iCh/16]);
+    wrIOChar(hexArr[iCh%16]);
+void wrIOword(uint16_t uWrd) {    //write 16bit word (4 char) to io buffer
+    wrIOChar(hexArr[uWrd/4096]);
+    uWrd = uWrd % 4096;    
+    wrIOChar(hexArr[uWrd/256]);
+    uWrd = uWrd % 256;    
+    wrIOChar(hexArr[uWrd/16]);
+    wrIOChar(hexArr[uWrd%16]);
+void wrIOint(int i32) {           //write 32bit word to io buffer
+    wrIOword((uint16_t)(i32/65536));
+    wrIOword((uint16_t)(i32%65536));
+void ioSt(void) {
+    int b0st = 0;   //send bits d7-d4
+    if(in2) b0st = b0st + 1;
+    if(flagParChanged == 0) b0st = b0st + 2;
+    if(flagLrsConnected) b0st = b0st + 4;
+    if(flagLcomProcess) b0st = b0st + 8;
+    wrIOChar(hexArr[b0st]);
+    b0st = 0;       //send bits d3-d0
+    if(inEStop) b0st = b0st + 1;
+    if(inBtnStart) b0st = b0st + 2;
+    if(inLPactive) b0st = b0st + 4;
+    if(in1) b0st = b0st + 8;
+    wrIOChar(hexArr[b0st]);
+    wrIOChar(0xD);          //send <CR>
+void sendIOerr(int iErr) {
+    wrIOChar(hexArr[iErr | 8]); //1<err> send
+    wrIOChar(0x30);             //0-status send
+    ioSt();
+    showTPstatus(iErr);        
+void sendIOstatus(void) {
+    uint8_t b0st = 0;
+    if(flagParChanged == 0) {
+        b0st = 0x0010;      //param. send request
+        led3 = 1;
+        wait_us(4);
+        led3 = 0;
+    }    
+    else b0st = ioReq << 4;                     //another requests
+    wrIObyte(b0st);
+    ioSt();        
+    flagParChanged = 1;
+void sendIOpar(void) {
+    int b0par;
+    wrIOChar(0x30);   //0000-ready & no err
+    wrIOChar(0x31); //1-parameters send
+    b0par = prPar[progNumber].wMode + (prPar[progNumber].Lmode * 64);
+    wrIObyte(b0par); //send mode
+    wrIObyte(prPar[progNumber].LPbeg);
+    wrIObyte(prPar[progNumber].LPend);
+    wrIOword(prPar[progNumber].Lfreq);
+    wrIObyte(prPar[progNumber].Lpulse);
+    wrIObyte(prPar[progNumber].amplBeg);
+    wrIObyte(prPar[progNumber].amplEnd);
+    wrIObyte(prPar[progNumber].wFreq);
+    wrIOword(prPar[progNumber].wTime);
+    wrIObyte(prPar[progNumber].amplNum);
+    wrIOChar(0xD);          //senr <CR>
+    //flagParChanged = 1;
+    c7 = c7 | 0x7700;
+void sendIOout(void) {
+    for(int i=0; i<2; i++) {
+        ioPar.o3[i] = IOBufCom[i+2];
+        ioPar.o2[i] = IOBufCom[i+4];
+        ioPar.o1[i] = IOBufCom[i+6];
+    }    
+    if(bitOstate > 0x7F) {  //send output
+        wrIOChar(0x30);     //0000-ready & no err
+        wrIOChar(0x32);     //2-output send
+        wrIObyte(bitOstate & 0x7F);        
+        wrIOChar(0xD);          //senr <CR>
+    }
+    else sendIOstatus();
+void sendIOinp(void) {
+    for(int i=0; i<2; i++) {
+        ioPar.i3[i] = IOBufCom[i+8];
+        ioPar.i2[i] = IOBufCom[i+10];
+        ioPar.i1[i] = IOBufCom[i+12];
+        ioPar.aiLPow[i] = IOBufCom[i+14];
+        ioPar.aiLCur[i] = IOBufCom[i+16];
+        ioPar.aiLTemp[i] = IOBufCom[i+18];
+        ioPar.aiLBR[i] = IOBufCom[i+20];
+    }    
+    sendIOstatus();
+void flip() {
+    out2 = 0;
+    led4 = 0;
+    wait_us(1);
+    led4 = 1;
+    wait_us(2);
+    led4 = 0;
+    //    pc.printf("o20 ");
+void sendIOmsg(int iMsg) {
+    switch (iMsg) {
+    case 48:          //0-READY FOR WELDING
+        showTPstatus(16);
+        int t = SetLasComm(52);
+        flagWeld = 0; 
+        sendIOstatus(); 
+        break;
+    case 49: {showTPstatus(17); flagWeld = 0; sendIOstatus(); break;}    //1-WOBBLE HEAD INIT...
+    case 50: {showTPstatus(18); flagWeld = 0; sendIOstatus(); break;}    //2-WOBBLE HEAD ERROR
+    case 51: {showTPstatus(19); flagWeld = 0; sendIOstatus(); break;}    //3-IO CONTROLLER ERROR
+    case 52: {showTPstatus(20); flagWeld = 1; sendIOstatus(); break;}    //4-WELDING IN PROGRESS..
+    case 53:                                                             //5-auto reset e-stop
+        showTPstatus(16);
+        out2 = 1;
+        led4 = 1;
+        resetTime.attach(&flip, 0.5); //the address of the function to be attached (flip) to ticker
+        //printf("o21 ");
+        flagWeld = 0;
+        sendIOstatus();
+        break;
+    case 54:                                                             //6-send laser command
+        if(TPstatus == 0) wrIOChar(0x30);   //0000-ready & no err
+        else wrIOChar(0x38);                //1000-not ready & no err 
+        wrIOChar(0x33); //3-laser STA send
+        wrIOint(usta);        
+        wrIOChar(0xD);          //senr <CR>
+        flagWeld = 0;
+        break;
+    }
+void ioCommand(void) {
+    if(indIOCom < 2) {
+        sendIOerr(06);    //err 06 = Short command
+        indIOCom =0;
+        return;
+    }
+    int a = IOBufCom[0];
+    int b = IOBufCom[1];
+    if (((a == 67) || (a == 99)) && (b == 48)) sendIOstatus();   //C0 or c0
+    else if (((a == 67) || (a == 99)) && (b == 49)) sendIOpar();  //C1 or c1
+    else if (((a == 67) || (a == 99)) && (b == 50)) sendIOout();  //C2 or c2
+    else if (((a == 67) || (a == 99)) && (b == 51)) sendIOinp();  //C3 or c3
+    else if ((a == 69) || (a == 101)) sendIOmsg(b);  //E<b> or e<b> command
+    else sendIOerr(07);    //err 07 = Wrong command
+    indIOCom =0;
+//execute L.command
+void LaserCommand(void)  //laser control
+    if(stL3 == 0) {     // check commands will be execute
+        if(stLhmi == 2) {stL3 = stL3 + 1;}  //command from hmi
+        if(iPCcmd != 0) {     //command from pc
+            stLpc = 2;
+            stL3 = stL3 + 2;
+        }
+        if(stL3 == 0) flagLcomProcess = 0;
+        else flagLcomProcess = 1;
+    }
+    if(stL3 & 1) {   //hmi command
+        if(stLhmi == 2) {      //send hmi command to laser
+            while(LasRS232.readable()) {
+                iLasO = LasRS232.getc();
+            }
+            iLasO = 0;
+            for (int i = 0; i < indLhmi; i++) {
+                LasRS232.printf("%c", hmiLBuf[i]);
+            }
+            LasRS232.printf("\r");
+            iCounts = 0;
+            stLhmi = 3;    
+        }
+        else if(stLhmi == 3) {      //wait response from laser
+            if(LasRS232.readable()) {
+                iLasO = LasRS232.getc();
+                LasBufResp[indLResp++] = (char)iLasO;
+                if(iLasO == 13) {
+                    stLhmi = 4;
+                    iCounts = 0;
+                    flagLrsConnected = 1;
+                }
+                if(LasRS232.readable()) goto lasRS2;
+            }
+            else {        
+                ++iCounts;
+                if(iCounts > 400) {
+                    indStat = 11;       //error 11 - lazer does not answer
+                    indLResp = 0;
+                    stLhmi = 0;
+                    stL3 = stL3 & 0xE;  //no hmi command
+                    flagLrsConnected = 0;
+               }
+            }
+        }
+        else if(stLhmi == 4) {      //response to hmi 
+            //printf("L %c %c\n", *LasBufResp, *hmiLBuf);
+            if (*LasBufResp == *hmiLBuf) {
+                if (iSta == 1) {    //update L.status to hmi 
+                    c = 0;
+                    for(int i=6; i<indLResp; i++) {
+                        c = (c * 10) + LasBufResp[i-1] - '0';
+                    }
+                    usta = c;
+                    iSta = 0;
+                }
+                indStat = 0;        //done
+                stLhmi = 5;
+            }
+            else {
+                indStat = 12;       //error 12 - laser command error
+                stLhmi = 5;
+            }
+        }               
+        else if(stLhmi == 5) {      //delay for next command
+            ++iCounts;
+            if(iCounts > iCmax) {
+                indLResp = 0;
+                stL3 = stL3 & 0xE;  //no hmi command
+                stLhmi = 0;
+            }
+        }               
+    }
+    else if(stL3 & 2) {   //pc command       
+        if(iPCcmd == 1) {
+            if(stLpc == 2) {   //send pc command to laser
+                while(LasRS232.readable()) {
+                    iLasO2 = LasRS232.getc();
+                }
+                for (int i = 2; i < (comBufPointer-1); i++) {
+                   LasRS232.printf("%c", comBuf[i]);
+                   //pc.printf("a%c ", comBuf[i]);
+                }    
+                LasRS232.printf("\r");
+                iCounts = 0;
+                stLpc = 3;
+            }
+            else if(stLpc == 3) {    //wait response from laser
+                if(LasRS232.readable()) {
+                    iCh = LasRS232.getc();
+                    iCounts = 0;
+                    if(iCh == 13) {         //CR - carrier return
+                        wrChar('\n');       //send LF to pc
+                        wrChar('>');
+                        stLpc = 4;
+                    }    
+                    else {
+                        wrChar(char(iCh));
+                    }
+                    if(LasRS232.readable())    goto lasRS1;
+                }        
+                else {        
+                    ++iCounts;
+                    if(iCounts > 400) { //200mS
+                        wrCharArr(err101);    //err101 = "No response\n"
+                        comBufPointer =0;
+                        stL3 = stL3 & 0xD;
+                        iPCcmd = 0;
+                        stLpc = 0; 
+                    }
+                }        
+            }
+            else if(stLpc == 4) {      //delay for next command
+                ++iCounts;
+                if(iCounts > iCmax) {
+                    comBufPointer =0;
+                    stL3 = stL3 & 0xD;
+                    iPCcmd = 0;
+                    stLpc = 0;
+                }
+            }               
+        }
+        else if(iPCcmd == 2) {
+            wrChar('S');
+            wrChar('T');
+            wrChar('A');
+            wrChar(' ');
+            wrInt(usta);
+            wrChar('\n');
+            wrChar('>');
+            comBufPointer =0;
+            stL3 = stL3 & 0xD;
+            iPCcmd = 0;
+            stLpc = 0;
+        }              
+        else if(iPCcmd == 3) {
+            wrChar('I');
+            wrChar(' ');
+            wrWord(wBp);
+            wrChar(' ');
+            wrWord(sBp);
+            wrChar(' ');
+            //wrChar('\n');
+            int a = sBp;
+            for(int i=0; i<32; i++) {
+                wrChar(pcBuf[a--]);
+                if(a<0) {a=pcBufSize-1;}
+            }    
+            wrChar('\n');
+            wrChar('>');
+            comBufPointer =0;
+            stL3 = stL3 & 0xD;
+            iPCcmd = 0;
+            stLpc = 0;
+        }
+        else if(iPCcmd == 4) {
+            wrChar('L');
+            wrChar('A');
+            wrChar(' ');
+            wrInt(a7);
+            wrChar(' ');
+            wrInt(b7);
+            wrChar(' ');
+            wrInt(c7);
+            wrChar(' ');
+            wrInt(d7);
+            wrChar('\n');
+            wrChar('>');
+            comBufPointer =0;
+            stL3 = stL3 & 0xD;
+            iPCcmd = 0;
+            stLpc = 0;
+            a7 = 0; b7 = 0; c7 = 0; d7 = 0;
+        }
+        else if(iPCcmd == 5) {
+            wrInt(indLCabcc);
+            wrChar(' ');
+            wrChar('L');
+            wrChar('C');
+            wrChar(' ');
+            wrChar('"');
+            for(int i=0; i<indLCabcc; i++) {
+                wrChar(LabccBufCom[i]);        
+            }    
+*/          a7=0; b7=0, c7=0; d7=0;
+            wrChar('5');
+            wrChar('\n');
+            wrChar('>');
+            comBufPointer =0;
+            stL3 = stL3 & 0xD;
+            iPCcmd = 0;
+            stLpc = 0;
+        }
+        else if(iPCcmd == 6) {
+            pc.printf("wMode %i\n", prPar[progNumber].wMode); 
+            pc.printf("Lmode %i\n", prPar[progNumber].Lmode); 
+            pc.printf("LPbeg %i\n", prPar[progNumber].LPbeg); 
+            pc.printf("LPend %i\n", prPar[progNumber].LPend); 
+            pc.printf("Lfreq %i\n", prPar[progNumber].Lfreq); 
+            pc.printf("Lpulse %i\n", prPar[progNumber].Lpulse); 
+            pc.printf("amplBeg %i\n", prPar[progNumber].amplBeg); 
+            pc.printf("amplEnd %i\n", prPar[progNumber].amplEnd); 
+            pc.printf("wFreq %i\n", prPar[progNumber].wFreq); 
+            pc.printf("wTime %i\n", prPar[progNumber].wTime); 
+            pc.printf("amplNum %i\n", prPar[progNumber].amplNum); 
+            wrChar('\n');
+            wrChar('>');
+            comBufPointer =0;
+            stL3 = stL3 & 0xD;
+            iPCcmd = 0;
+            stLpc = 0;
+        }
+    }
+void flipRS(void) {
+    led2 = 1;
+    //check io RS232 command
+    if(ioRS232.readable()) {
+        iCh = ioRS232.getc();
+        IOBufCom[indIOCom++] = (char)iCh;
+        if(iCh == 13) {    //CR - carriage return
+            ioCommand();
+        }
+        if(ioRS232.readable()) goto flip01;
+    }
+    //check response
+    if(ioRS232.writeable()) {
+        if(sBio != wBio) {    //ioBuf not empty
+            int ff = 12;
+            ioRS232.putc(IOBufResp[sBio++]);
+            if(sBio == IOBufSize) {sBio = 0;}
+            --ff;
+            if((sBio != wBio) && (ff > 0)) goto flip02;
+        }    
+    }
+    //check pc RS232 command
+    if(pc.readable()) {
+        iCh = pc.getc();
+        comBuf[comBufPointer++] = (char)iCh;
+        wrChar(iCh);
+        if(iCh == 10) {    //LF - new line
+            comParser();
+        }    
+    }
+    if(pc.writeable()) {
+        if(sBp != wBp) {    //pcBuf not empty
+            pc.putc(pcBuf[sBp++]);
+            if(sBp == pcBufSize) {sBp = 0;}
+        }    
+    }
+    //serve Laser RS232 command
+    LaserCommand();
+    led2 = 0;
+int lampSt;
+void main_cycle_add(void)
+    if((flagWeld == 0) & (lampSt == 1)) {
+        outLampStart = 0;
+        lampSt = 0;
+    }    
+    else if((flagWeld == 1) & (lampSt == 0)) {
+        outLampStart = 1;
+        lampSt = 1;
+    }    
diff -r 000000000000 -r 6ef3fd4921d7 comm.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/comm.h	Fri Feb 17 16:53:53 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+// MW771 Laser Press HMI. Communication module.
+// V.Nemera, 10/19/2016, ver.1.0, C++
+// CPU: mbed NXP LPC1768 (ARM Cortex-M3, 32bit, 90MHz)
+#ifndef COMM_H_
+#define COMM_H_
+extern int a7, b7, c7, d7;
+extern DigitalOut led1, led2, led3, led4;
+extern Serial pc;
+extern int indStat;
+extern int progNumber;     //program# 0..7
+extern ProgPar prPar[];
+extern int TPstatus;
+extern int flagParChanged;
+extern int flagLrsConnected;
+extern int flagLcomProcess;
+extern int flagWeld;
+extern IOPar ioPar;
+extern uint8_t bitOstate;
+extern uint8_t ioReq;
+extern void main_cycle_add(void);
+extern void initHMIio(void);
+extern int SetLaserComm(int icLC);
+extern void flipRS(void);
+extern void showTPstatus(int k);
+#endif  /* inclusion lock */
diff -r 000000000000 -r 6ef3fd4921d7 main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Feb 17 16:53:53 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1784 @@
+// MW771 Laser Press HMI.
+// V.Nemera, 10/07/2016, ver.1.0, C++
+// CPU: mbed NXP LPC1768 (ARM Cortex-M3, 32bit, 90MHz)
+//#pragma once
+#include "mbed.h"           
+#include "RA8875.h"         
+#include "MyFont18x32.h"
+#include "BPG_Arial08x08.h"
+#include "BPG_Arial10x10.h"
+#include "BPG_Arial20x20.h"
+#include "BPG_Arial31x32.h"
+#include "BPG_Arial63x63.h"
+#include "SDFileSystem.h"
+#include "stdint.h"
+#include <string>
+using std::string;
+#include "main.h"
+#include "comm.h"
+int a7, b7, c7, d7;
+DigitalOut led1(LED1);
+DigitalOut led2(LED2);
+DigitalOut led3(LED3);
+DigitalOut led4(LED4);
+int iLed;
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);     // pc feedback
+extern void main_cycle_add(void);
+extern void initHMIio(void);
+extern int SetLasComm(int icLC);
+extern void flipRS(void);
+// These two defines can be enabled, or commented out
+#define BIG_SCREEN
+//#define CAP_TOUCH
+#define LCD_C 16         // color - bits per pixel
+#ifdef CAP_TOUCH
+RA8875 lcd(p5, p6, p7, p8, NC, p11,p12,p13, "tft"); // MOSI,MISO,SCK,/ChipSelect,/reset, SDA,SCL,/IRQ, name
+RA8875 lcd(p5, p6, p7, p8, NC, "tft");             //MOSI, MISO, SCK, /ChipSelect, /reset, name
+//LocalFileSystem local ("sd");                     // access to calibration file for resistive touch.
+#define PC_BAUD 115200  // I like the serial communications to be fast
+#ifdef BIG_SCREEN
+    #define LCD_W 800
+    #define LCD_H 480
+    #define DEF_RADIUS 50   // default radius of the fingerprint
+    #define BL_NORM 25      // Backlight Normal setting (0 to 255)
+    #define LCD_W 480
+    #define LCD_H 272
+    #define DEF_RADIUS 20   // default radius of the fingerprint
+    #define BL_NORM 25      // Backlight Normal setting (0 to 255)
+#define Gray        (color_t)(RGB(187,187,187))
+color_t fingerColor[5] = {Blue, Red, Green, Yellow, Magenta};
+point_t last[5];        // space for tracking 5 touches
+int layer = 0;
+//SDFileSystem(mosi,miso,sclk,cs,name,cd, SwitchType, int hz);
+SDFileSystem sd(p5, p6, p7, p29, "sd", p30, SDFileSystem::SWITCH_NEG_NO, 8000000);
+int iPC;
+char bufferNL[512];
+//const char *rDr = "/";
+char *rDr = "/";
+Ticker tickRS;               //rs232 pc, io, laser 
+timestamp_t tickTime = 2048;  // ticker interval in microSec
+//Timer IOwait;                //timeout for IO controller RS232 connection
+int usMeasure;
+point_t lastTP;
+const char *cPN[8];
+const char *cWM[3];
+TextBox txtBox[] = {
+    { 290, 15, 348, 57, 310, 20, Gray, Black, "1"},
+    { 350, 15, 408, 57, 370, 20, Gray, Black, "2"},
+    { 410, 15, 468, 57, 430, 20, Gray, Black, "3"},
+    { 470, 15, 528, 57, 490, 20, Gray, Black, "4"},
+    { 530, 15, 588, 57, 550, 20, Gray, Black, "5"},
+    { 590, 15, 648, 57, 610, 20, Gray, Black, "6"},
+    { 650, 15, 708, 57, 670, 20, Gray, Black, "7"},
+    { 710, 15, 768, 57, 730, 20, Gray, Black, "8"},
+    { 290, 70, 408, 112, 300, 75, Gray, Black, "Circle"},
+    { 410, 70, 528, 112, 420, 75, Gray, Black, "Eight"},
+    { 530, 70, 648, 112, 540, 75, Gray, Black, "Infinity"}
+int TextBoxSize = 11;
+int progNumber = 0;     //program# 0..7
+int wobbleMode = 0;     //wobble mode
+int Lmode = 0;          //laser mode
+ProgPar prPar[] = {     //default (init) parameters
+    { 0, 10,  50, 0, 100, 100, 1, 4, 230,  500,  4},
+    { 0, 20,  80, 0, 200,  50, 2, 5, 200, 1000,  7},
+    { 0, 30,  90, 0, 400,  25, 3, 3, 100, 1500,  1},
+    { 0, 40, 100, 0, 500,  10, 4, 5,  50, 1600,  3},
+    { 1, 50,  70, 1, 100,   8, 1, 5, 250, 1100,  9},
+    { 1, 60, 100, 1, 200,   5, 2, 5, 180,  800,  5},
+    { 2, 70,  75, 1, 400,  10, 1, 3, 120,  600,  7},
+    { 2, 80,  85, 1, 500,   9, 3, 5, 240,  750, 21}
+char nCh[] = {'\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0'};
+TextBoxR txtBoxR[] = {
+    { 290, 125, 380, 167, 10, 8, 320, 130, Gray, Black, "10"},          //LPbeg
+    { 470, 125, 560, 167, 10, 8, 500, 130, Gray, Black, "100"},         //LPend
+    { 650, 125, 768, 167, 10, 8, 660, 130, Gray, Black, "CW"},          //Lmode
+    { 290, 180, 380, 222, 10, 8, 320, 185, Gray, Black, "500"},         //Lfreq
+    { 470, 180, 560, 222, 10, 8, 500, 185, Gray, Black, "10"},          //Lpulse
+    { 290, 235, 380, 277, 10, 8, 320, 240, Gray, Black, "20"},          //amplBeg
+    { 470, 235, 560, 277, 10, 8, 500, 240, Gray, Black, "50"},          //amplEnd
+    { 290, 290, 380, 332, 10, 8, 320, 295, Gray, Black, "250"},         //wobFreq
+    { 290, 345, 380, 387, 10, 8, 310, 350, Gray, Black, "1500"},        //wobtime
+    { 470, 345, 560, 387, 10, 8, 500, 350, Gray, Black, "4"},           //amplNum
+    { 200, 410, 600, 452, 10, 8, 210, 415, Gray, Green, "R E A D Y"},   //status line
+    { 625, 253, 775, 343,  5, 3, 635, 283, Yellow, Black, "  E D I T"},   //edit btn
+    { 625, 365, 775, 455,  5, 3, 635, 395, Yellow, Black, "  M A I N"}    //main btn
+int TextBoxRSize = 13;
+int numTPstatus = 10;   // # txtBoxR[10] for status line    
+int numTPeditBtn = 11;  // # txtBoxR[11] for edit btn
+int numTPmainBtn = 12;  // # txtBoxR[12] for main btn
+int numTPvalBtn = 11;   // # txtBoxR[11] for values btn
+int numTPservBtn = 12;  // # txtBoxR[12] for service btn
+int numPrPar = 10;      // # of integer programm parameters
+int numLmode = 2;       // # of Lmode parameter
+int flagParChanged = 0;
+int flagLrsConnected = 0;
+int flagLcomProcess = 0;
+int flagWeld = 0;       //welding in progress    
+int TPmode = 0;         //0-Operate mode, 1-Edit mode, 2-Service mode
+int editBtnMode = 0;    //0-edit, 1-set
+int TPstatus = 0;       //index Stat[]
+char sTatus[32];
+// Status reported by controller
+TPstring Stat[] = {"R E A D Y",             //status 0
+                   "IO NOT READY",          //status 1
+                   "E-STOP ON",             //status 2
+                   "LASER POWER OFF",       //status 3
+                   "LASER NOT READY",       //status 4
+                   "LASER RS232 NOT READY", //status 5
+                   "SHORT IO COMMAND",      //status 6
+                   "WRONG IO COMMAND",      //status 7
+                   "",                      //status 8
+                   "",                      //status 9
+                   "",                      //status 10 (do not change it)
+                   "LASER DOES NOT ANSWER", //error 11
+                   "LASER COMMAND ERROR",   //error 12
+                   "",                      //error 13
+                   "",                      //status 14
+                   "",                      //status 15
+                   "READY FOR WELDING",     //status 16 
+                   "WOBBLE HEAD INIT...",   //status 17 
+                   "WOBBLE HEAD ERROR",     //status 18 
+                   "IO CONTROLLER ERROR",   //status 19 
+                   "WELDING IN PROGRESS..", //status 20 
+                   "",                      //status 21 (auto reset e-stop) 
+                   };
+int indStat = 0;
+// Errors reported by controller    
+TPstring fErr[] = {"Done!",
+                   "Write error!",
+                   "Failed to close file!",
+                   "Failed to create file!",
+                   "Failed to open file!",
+                   "No card present!",
+                   "Failed mount SD!"};
+//Numpad screen label 
+TPstring Labels[] = {"Laser power [%] beg",
+                     "Laser power [%] end",
+                     "Laser mode",
+                     "Laser frequency [Hz]",
+                     "Laser pulse length [%]",
+                     "Amplitude [0.1mm] beg.",
+                     "Amplitude [0.1mm] end",
+                     "Wobble frequency [Hz]",
+                     "Welding time [mS]",
+                     "# of amplitude steps",
+                     "File p#"};
+int LabelsIndex = 0;                     
+TextBox txtBoxNP[] = {
+    { 656, 166, 776, 261, 706, 186, Gray, Black, "0"},
+    { 290, 360, 410, 455, 340, 380, Gray, Black, "1"},
+    { 412, 360, 532, 455, 462, 380, Gray, Black, "2"},
+    { 534, 360, 654, 455, 584, 380, Gray, Black, "3"},
+    { 290, 263, 410, 358, 340, 283, Gray, Black, "4"},
+    { 412, 263, 532, 358, 462, 283, Gray, Black, "5"},
+    { 534, 263, 654, 358, 584, 283, Gray, Black, "6"},
+    { 290, 166, 410, 261, 340, 186, Gray, Black, "7"},
+    { 412, 166, 532, 261, 462, 186, Gray, Black, "8"},
+    { 534, 166, 654, 261, 584, 186, Gray, Black, "9"},
+    { 656, 263, 776, 358, 706, 283, Gray, Black, "."},
+    { 656, 360, 776, 455, 680, 380, Gray, Black, "BACK"},
+    { 656, 69, 776, 164, 695, 89, Gray, Black, "OK"}
+int TextBoxNPSize = 13;
+int NPinp = 0;
+bool flagNPinp = false;
+int LPscreen = 0;    //0-values, 1-numpad, 2-sevice, 3-main screen
+TextBoxR txtBNP = { 300, 120, 640, 162, 10, 8, 320, 130, Gray, Black, ""};
+MinMax miMa[] = {
+    { 0, 100},    //0-LPbeg
+    { 0, 100},    //1-LPend
+    { 0, 1},      //2
+    { 1, 1000},   //3-Lfreq
+    { 1, 100},    //4-Lpulse
+    { 0, 90},     //5-amplBeg
+    { 0, 90},     //6-amplEnd
+    { 1, 100},    //7-wFreq
+    { 1, 5000},   //8-wTime
+    { 1, 100},    //9-amplNum
+    { 0, 99}      //10-file p#
+int miMaSize = 9;
+IOPar ioPar;    //io controller parameters
+TextBoxR txtRServ[] = {
+    { 625, 365, 775, 455, 10, 8, 650, 395, Yellow, Black, "M A I N"},     //btn main
+    { 625, 276, 775, 346, 10, 8, 650, 296, Yellow, Black, "S A V E"},     //btn save
+    { 625, 196, 775, 266, 10, 8, 650, 216, Yellow, Black, "L O A D"},     //btn load
+    { 625, 116, 775, 186, 10, 8, 650, 136, Yellow, Black, " D I R"},      //btn dir
+    { 715,  26, 775,  86, 10, 8, 725,  40, Gray,   Black,   "0"},         //file #
+int txtRServSize = 5;
+int fileNum = 0;
+TextBox txtBoxDir[] = {
+    { 20,  54, 400,  91, 25,  58, Gray, Black, " "},
+    { 20,  93, 400, 130, 25,  97, Gray, Black, " "},
+    { 20, 132, 400, 169, 25, 136, Gray, Black, " "},
+    { 20, 171, 400, 208, 25, 175, Gray, Black, " "},
+    { 20, 210, 400, 247, 25, 214, Gray, Black, " "},
+    { 20, 249, 400, 286, 25, 253, Gray, Black, " "},
+    { 20, 288, 400, 325, 25, 292, Gray, Black, " "},
+    { 20, 327, 400, 364, 25, 331, Gray, Black, " "},
+    { 20, 366, 400, 403, 25, 370, Gray, Black, " "}
+int TextBoxDirSize = 9;
+TextBoxR txtRdir[] = {
+    { 410,  20, 560, 110, 10, 8, 425,  48, Yellow, Black, "SPLASH"},   //btn splash
+    { 410, 210, 560, 300, 10, 8, 450, 238, Yellow, Black, "  UP"},     //btn up
+    { 410, 310, 560, 400, 10, 8, 440, 338, Yellow, Black, " DOWN"},    //btn down
+int txtRdirSize = 3;
+void flipUS(void) {
+    NVIC_DisableIRQ(TIMER3_IRQn);    //disable timer3 interrupt
+    flipRS();    
+    LPC_TIM3->IR |= 1 << 0;         // Clear MR0 interrupt flag
+    NVIC_EnableIRQ(TIMER3_IRQn);    //enable timer3 interrupt
+ void writeTestFile(void)
+ {
+    //creating a 1MB test file <Test File.bin>
+    iPC = pc.printf("Write <Test File.bin> from %iB buffer", sizeof(bufferNL));
+    FileHandle* file ="Test File.bin", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC);
+    if (file != NULL) {
+        for (int i = 0; i < (1048576 / sizeof(bufferNL)); i++) {
+            if (file->write(bufferNL, sizeof(bufferNL)) != sizeof(bufferNL)) {
+                pc.printf("write error!\n");
+                return;
+            }
+        }
+        if (file->close())
+            pc.printf("failed to close file!\n");
+        else
+            pc.printf("done!\n");
+    } else {
+        printf("failed to create file!\n");
+    }
+void readTestFile(void)
+    //read buffer from the 1MB file created by writeTest()
+    pc.printf("Read <Test File.bin> to %iB buffer.. ", sizeof(bufferNL));
+    FileHandle* file ="Test File.bin", O_RDONLY);
+    if (file != NULL) {
+        file->read(bufferNL, sizeof(bufferNL));
+        if (file->close())
+           pc.printf("failed to close file!\n");
+        else
+           pc.printf("done!\n");
+    }
+    else {
+        pc.printf("failed to open file!\n");
+    }
+void fillTestBuffer(void){
+    for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) {bufferNL[i] = (char)48;} 
+    for (int i = 0; i < 440; i++) {bufferNL[i+40] = (char)49;}    
+    for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++) {bufferNL[i+440] = (char)48;}
+    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+        for (int j = 0; j < 50; j++) {
+            pc.printf("%c",bufferNL[i * 50 + j]);
+        }
+        pc.printf("\n");
+    }
+int connectSD(void){
+    //Make sure a card is present
+    if (!sd.card_present()) {
+        pc.printf("\nNo card present!\n");
+        return 1;
+    }
+    //Try to mount the SD card
+    //pc.printf("\nMounting SD card...");  //%u", aaa);
+    if (sd.mount() != 0) {
+        pc.printf("failed mount SD!\n");
+        return 2;
+    }
+    //pc.printf("success!\n");
+    return 0;
+void disconnectSD(void) {
+    sd.unmount();    
+void infoSD(void)
+     //Display the card type
+    pc.printf("\tCard type: ");
+    SDFileSystem::CardType cardType = sd.card_type();
+    if (cardType == SDFileSystem::CARD_NONE)
+        pc.printf("None\n");
+    else if (cardType == SDFileSystem::CARD_MMC)
+        pc.printf("MMC\n");
+    else if (cardType == SDFileSystem::CARD_SD)
+        pc.printf("SD\n");
+    else if (cardType == SDFileSystem::CARD_SDHC)
+        pc.printf("SDHC\n");
+    else
+        pc.printf("Unknown\n");
+    //Display the card capacity
+    pc.printf("\tSectors: %u\n", sd.disk_sectors());
+    pc.printf("\tCapacity: %.1fMB\n", sd.disk_sectors() / 2048.0);
+bool readDirSD(char *pDr)
+    bool result = true;
+    DIR *dir;
+    struct dirent *ent;
+    //pc.printf("D- %i\n", pDr);    
+    if ((dir = sd.opendir (pDr)) != NULL) {
+        // print all the files and directories within directory
+        while ((ent = readdir (dir)) != NULL) {
+            pc.printf("%s\r\n", ent->d_name);
+        }
+        closedir (dir);
+    } else {
+        // could not open directory
+        pc.printf("Could not open directory");
+        result = false;
+    }
+    return !result;
+char dirName[40][40];
+int indName = 0;
+string dirS;
+bool readDirHmiSD(char *pDr)
+    bool result = true;
+    DIR *dir;
+    struct dirent *ent;
+    if ((dir = sd.opendir (pDr)) != NULL) {
+        dirS.assign(pDr);
+        // copy all the files and directories within directory
+        indName = 0;
+        while ((ent = readdir (dir)) != NULL) {
+            strcpy(dirName[indName++], ent->d_name);
+        }
+        closedir (dir);
+    } else {
+        // could not open directory
+        pc.printf("Could not open directory");
+        result = false;
+    }
+    return !result;
+int bufferPar[128];
+void saveBufferPar(void){
+    //clean bufferPar[]
+    for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
+        bufferPar[i] = 0;
+    }
+    //save parameters in bufferPar 
+    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+        bufferPar[i*16] = prPar[i].wMode;
+        bufferPar[i*16+1] = prPar[i].LPbeg;
+        bufferPar[i*16+2] = prPar[i].LPend;
+        bufferPar[i*16+3] = prPar[i].Lmode;
+        bufferPar[i*16+4] = prPar[i].Lfreq;
+        bufferPar[i*16+5] = prPar[i].Lpulse;
+        bufferPar[i*16+6] = prPar[i].amplBeg;
+        bufferPar[i*16+7] = prPar[i].amplEnd;
+        bufferPar[i*16+8] = prPar[i].wFreq;
+        bufferPar[i*16+9] = prPar[i].wTime;
+        bufferPar[i*16+10] = prPar[i].amplNum;   
+    }
+    //print bufferPar
+//    /*
+    for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {pc.printf("%i ",bufferPar[j * 16]);}
+    pc.printf("wMode\n");
+    for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {pc.printf("%i ",bufferPar[j * 16+1]);}
+    pc.printf("LPbeg\n");
+    for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {pc.printf("%i ",bufferPar[j * 16+2]);}
+    pc.printf("LPend\n");
+    for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {pc.printf("%i ",bufferPar[j * 16+3]);}
+    pc.printf("Lmode\n");
+    for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {pc.printf("%i ",bufferPar[j * 16+4]);}
+    pc.printf("Lfreq\n");
+    for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {pc.printf("%i ",bufferPar[j * 16+5]);}
+    pc.printf("Lpulse\n");
+    for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {pc.printf("%i ",bufferPar[j * 16+6]);}
+    pc.printf("amplBeg\n");
+    for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {pc.printf("%i ",bufferPar[j * 16+7]);}
+    pc.printf("amplEnd\n");
+    for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {pc.printf("%i ",bufferPar[j * 16+8]);}
+    pc.printf("wFreq\n");
+    for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {pc.printf("%i ",bufferPar[j * 16+9]);}
+    pc.printf("wTime\n");
+    for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {pc.printf("%i ",bufferPar[j * 16+10]);}
+    pc.printf("amplNum\n");
+    for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {pc.printf("%i ",bufferPar[j * 16+11]);}
+    pc.printf("\n");
+//    */
+void readBufferPar(void){
+    //save parameters in prPar
+    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+        if(bufferPar[i*16] < 0) bufferPar[i*16] = 0;
+        if(bufferPar[i*16] > 2) bufferPar[i*16] = 2;
+        prPar[i].wMode = bufferPar[i*16];
+        if(bufferPar[i*16+1] < miMa[0].min) bufferPar[i*16+1] = miMa[0].min;
+        if(bufferPar[i*16+1] > miMa[0].max) bufferPar[i*16+1] = miMa[0].max;
+        prPar[i].LPbeg = bufferPar[i*16+1];
+        if(bufferPar[i*16+2] < miMa[1].min) bufferPar[i*16+2] = miMa[1].min;
+        if(bufferPar[i*16+2] > miMa[1].max) bufferPar[i*16+2] = miMa[1].max;
+        prPar[i].LPend = bufferPar[i*16+2];
+        if(bufferPar[i*16+3] < miMa[2].min) bufferPar[i*16+3] = miMa[2].min;
+        if(bufferPar[i*16+3] > miMa[2].max) bufferPar[i*16+3] = miMa[2].max;
+        prPar[i].Lmode = bufferPar[i*16+3];
+        if(bufferPar[i*16+4] < miMa[3].min) bufferPar[i*16+4] = miMa[3].min;
+        if(bufferPar[i*16+4] > miMa[3].max) bufferPar[i*16+4] = miMa[3].max;
+        prPar[i].Lfreq = bufferPar[i*16+4];
+        if(bufferPar[i*16+5] < miMa[4].min) bufferPar[i*16+5] = miMa[4].min;
+        if(bufferPar[i*16+5] > miMa[4].max) bufferPar[i*16+5] = miMa[4].max;
+        prPar[i].Lpulse = bufferPar[i*16+5];
+        if(bufferPar[i*16+6] < miMa[5].min) bufferPar[i*16+6] = miMa[5].min;
+        if(bufferPar[i*16+6] > miMa[5].max) bufferPar[i*16+6] = miMa[5].max;
+        prPar[i].amplBeg = bufferPar[i*16+6];
+        if(bufferPar[i*16+7] < miMa[6].min) bufferPar[i*16+7] = miMa[6].min;
+        if(bufferPar[i*16+7] > miMa[6].max) bufferPar[i*16+7] = miMa[6].max;
+        prPar[i].amplEnd = bufferPar[i*16+7];
+        if(bufferPar[i*16+8] < miMa[7].min) bufferPar[i*16+8] = miMa[7].min;
+        if(bufferPar[i*16+8] > miMa[7].max) bufferPar[i*16+8] = miMa[7].max;
+        prPar[i].wFreq = bufferPar[i*16+8];
+        if(bufferPar[i*16+9] < miMa[8].min) bufferPar[i*16+9] = miMa[8].min;
+        if(bufferPar[i*16+9] > miMa[8].max) bufferPar[i*16+9] = miMa[8].max;
+        prPar[i].wTime = bufferPar[i*16+9];
+        if(bufferPar[i*16+10] < miMa[9].min) bufferPar[i*16+10] = miMa[9].min;
+        if(bufferPar[i*16+10] > miMa[9].max) bufferPar[i*16+10] = miMa[9].max;
+        prPar[i].amplNum = bufferPar[i*16+10];   
+    }
+    //print prPar
+//    /*
+    for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {pc.printf("%i ",prPar[j].wMode);}
+    pc.printf("wMode\n");
+    for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {pc.printf("%i ",prPar[j].LPbeg);}
+    pc.printf("LPbeg\n");
+    for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {pc.printf("%i ",prPar[j].LPend);}
+    pc.printf("LPend\n");
+    for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {pc.printf("%i ",prPar[j].Lmode);}
+    pc.printf("Lmode\n");
+    for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {pc.printf("%i ",prPar[j].Lfreq);}
+    pc.printf("Lfreq\n");
+    for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {pc.printf("%i ",prPar[j].Lpulse);}
+    pc.printf("Lpulse\n");
+    for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {pc.printf("%i ",prPar[j].amplBeg);}
+    pc.printf("amplBeg\n");
+    for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {pc.printf("%i ",prPar[j].amplEnd);}
+    pc.printf("amplEnd\n");
+    for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {pc.printf("%i ",prPar[j].wFreq);}
+    pc.printf("wFreq\n");
+    for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {pc.printf("%i ",prPar[j].wTime);}
+    pc.printf("wTime\n");
+    for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {pc.printf("%i ",prPar[j].amplNum);}
+    pc.printf("amplNum\n");
+//    */
+char fileN[20];
+int errOK;
+int wrFile(char *fName)
+    errOK = connectSD();
+    if(errOK == 0) {
+        FileHandle* file =, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC);
+        if (file != NULL) {
+            if (file->write(bufferPar, sizeof(bufferPar)) != sizeof(bufferPar)) {
+                pc.printf("write error!\n");
+                errOK = 1;
+            }
+            if (file->close()) {
+                pc.printf("failed to close file!\n");
+                errOK = 2;
+            }    
+            else {
+                pc.printf("done!\n");
+                errOK = 0;
+            }
+        }        
+        else {
+            printf("failed to create file!\n");
+            errOK = 3;
+        }
+        disconnectSD();
+    }
+    else {errOK = errOK + 4;}
+    return errOK;
+int writeIniFile(void)
+    for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) {bufferPar[i] = 0;}   //clean bufferPar[]
+    bufferPar[0] = fileNum;
+    bufferPar[1] = progNumber;
+    sprintf(fileN, "p.ini");
+    pc.printf("%s\n", fileN);
+    int resp = wrFile(fileN);
+    return resp;
+int writeParFile(int numP)
+    saveBufferPar();
+    sprintf(fileN, "p%i.par", numP);
+    pc.printf("%s\n", fileN);
+    int resp = wrFile(fileN);
+    if(resp == 0) {resp = writeIniFile();}
+    return resp;
+int rdFile(char *fName)
+    errOK = connectSD();
+    if(errOK == 0) {
+        FileHandle* file =, O_RDONLY);
+        if (file != NULL) {
+            file->read(bufferPar, sizeof(bufferPar));
+            if (file->close()) {
+               pc.printf("failed to close file!\n");
+               errOK = 2;
+            }   
+            else {
+               pc.printf("done!\n");
+               errOK = 0;
+            }   
+        }
+        else {
+            pc.printf("failed to open file!\n");
+            errOK = 4;
+        }
+        disconnectSD();
+    }
+    else {errOK = errOK + 4;}
+    return errOK;
+int readParFile(int numP)
+    sprintf(fileN, "p%i.par", numP);
+    pc.printf("%s\n", fileN);
+    int resp = rdFile(fileN);
+    if(resp == 0) {
+        readBufferPar();
+        resp = writeIniFile();
+    }
+    return resp;
+void readIniFile(void)
+    sprintf(fileN, "p.ini");
+    pc.printf("%s\n", fileN);
+    int resp = rdFile(fileN);
+    if(resp == 0) {
+        if(bufferPar[0] < miMa[10].min) bufferPar[0] = miMa[10].min;
+        if(bufferPar[0] > miMa[10].max) bufferPar[0] = miMa[10].max;
+        fileNum = bufferPar[0];    
+        if(bufferPar[1] < 1) bufferPar[1] = 1;
+        if(bufferPar[1] > 8) bufferPar[1] = 8;
+        progNumber = bufferPar[1];    
+        resp = readParFile(fileNum);
+    }    
+// When drawing a "fingerprint" under the touch point - the RA8875 
+// cannot draw an object partially off-screen, so this shrinks the 
+// fingerprint as the touch approaches the edge of the screen.
+int ComputeRadius(point_t p)
+    int radius = DEF_RADIUS;
+    if (p.x < radius)
+        radius = p.x;
+    else if (LCD_W - p.x < radius)
+        radius = LCD_W - p.x;
+    if (p.y < radius)
+        radius = p.y;
+    else if (LCD_H - p.y < radius)
+        radius = LCD_H - p.y;
+    return radius;
+// Calibrate the resistive touch screen, and store the data on the local file system.
+void CalibrateTS(void)
+    tpMatrix_t matrix;
+    RetCode_t r;
+    Timer testperiod;
+    r = lcd.TouchPanelCalibrate("Calibrate the touch panel", &matrix);
+    if (r == noerror) {
+        if (connectSD() == 0) {
+            FileHandle* fh ="tpcal.cfg", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC);
+            if (fh) {
+                if (fh->write(&matrix, sizeof(tpMatrix_t)) != sizeof(tpMatrix_t))
+                {
+                    pc.printf("write error!\n");
+                }
+                if (fh->close()) pc.printf("failed to close file!\n");
+            }
+            else printf("failed to create tpcal.cfg file!\n");
+        }    
+    } 
+    else printf("error TP Calibrate: %d\r\n", r);
+    disconnectSD();
+    pc.printf("TS ok\n");
+    lcd.cls();
+// Try to load a previous resistive touch screen calibration from storage. If it
+// doesn't exist, activate the touch screen calibration process.
+void InitTS(void)
+    tpMatrix_t matrix;
+    if (connectSD() == 0) {
+        FileHandle* fh ="tpcal.cfg", O_RDONLY);
+        if (fh) {
+            if (fh->read(&matrix, sizeof(tpMatrix_t)) != sizeof(tpMatrix_t))
+            {
+                pc.printf("read error!\n");
+                //return;
+                if (fh->close()) pc.printf("failed to close file!\n");
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                lcd.TouchPanelSetMatrix(&matrix);
+                if (fh->close()) pc.printf("failed to close file!\n");
+                disconnectSD();
+                pc.printf("ok\n");
+                return;
+            }
+        }
+        else printf("failed to open tpcal.cfg file!\n");
+    }
+    disconnectSD();
+    CalibrateTS();
+void lcd800x480Init(void)
+    lcd.init(LCD_W,LCD_H,LCD_C);
+    //lcd.init();
+    lcd.Backlight(0.5f);
+    //lcd.Backlight_u8(BL_NORM);
+    lcd.foreground(RGB(255,255,0));
+    lcd.background(RGB(0,0,0));
+    lcd.SelectUserFont(BPG_Arial08x08);
+    lcd.puts(300, 0, "\r\n");
+    lcd.SelectUserFont(BPG_Arial31x32);
+    lastTP.x = 0;
+    lastTP.y = 0;
+void showTPstatus(int k)
+    int i = numTPstatus;
+    lcd.fillroundrect(txtBoxR[i].x1, txtBoxR[i].y1, txtBoxR[i].x2, txtBoxR[i].y2, txtBoxR[i].r1, txtBoxR[i].r2, txtBoxR[i].color);
+    lcd.foreground(txtBoxR[i].textColor);
+    lcd.background(txtBoxR[i].color);
+    lcd.puts(txtBoxR[i].textX, txtBoxR[i].textY, "                               ");
+    lcd.puts(txtBoxR[i].textX, txtBoxR[i].textY, Stat[k]);
+    //pc.printf("q%i\n", k);
+void showTPeditBtn(int k)
+    int i = numTPeditBtn;
+    lcd.fillroundrect(txtBoxR[i].x1, txtBoxR[i].y1, txtBoxR[i].x2, txtBoxR[i].y2, txtBoxR[i].r1, txtBoxR[i].r2, txtBoxR[i].color);
+    lcd.foreground(txtBoxR[i].textColor);
+    lcd.background(txtBoxR[i].color);
+    if(k == 0) {lcd.puts(txtBoxR[i].textX, txtBoxR[i].textY, "  E D I T");}
+    else {lcd.puts(txtBoxR[i].textX, txtBoxR[i].textY, "   S E T");}
+void showTPmainBtn(void)
+    int i = numTPmainBtn;
+    lcd.fillroundrect(txtBoxR[i].x1, txtBoxR[i].y1, txtBoxR[i].x2, txtBoxR[i].y2, txtBoxR[i].r1, txtBoxR[i].r2, txtBoxR[i].color);
+    lcd.foreground(txtBoxR[i].textColor);
+    lcd.background(txtBoxR[i].color);
+    lcd.puts(txtBoxR[i].textX, txtBoxR[i].textY, "  M A I N");
+void showTPvalBtn(void)
+    int i = numTPvalBtn;
+    lcd.fillroundrect(txtBoxR[i].x1, txtBoxR[i].y1, txtBoxR[i].x2, txtBoxR[i].y2, txtBoxR[i].r1, txtBoxR[i].r2, txtBoxR[i].color);
+    lcd.foreground(txtBoxR[i].textColor);
+    lcd.background(txtBoxR[i].color);
+    lcd.puts(txtBoxR[i].textX, txtBoxR[i].textY, " VALUES");
+void showTPservBtn(void)
+    int i = numTPservBtn;
+    lcd.fillroundrect(txtBoxR[i].x1, txtBoxR[i].y1, txtBoxR[i].x2, txtBoxR[i].y2, txtBoxR[i].r1, txtBoxR[i].r2, txtBoxR[i].color);
+    lcd.foreground(txtBoxR[i].textColor);
+    lcd.background(txtBoxR[i].color);
+    lcd.puts(txtBoxR[i].textX, txtBoxR[i].textY, "SERVICE");
+void showProgNum(int i)
+    //pc.printf("%i\n", i);
+    if((i >= 0) && (i < 8)) { //&& (i != progNumber) ) {
+        //pc.printf(":\n");
+        lcd.fillrect(txtBox[progNumber].x1, txtBox[progNumber].y1, txtBox[progNumber].x2, txtBox[progNumber].y2, txtBox[progNumber].color);
+        lcd.foreground(txtBox[progNumber].textColor);
+        lcd.background(txtBox[progNumber].color);
+        lcd.puts(txtBox[progNumber].textX, txtBox[progNumber].textY, txtBox[progNumber].text);
+        lcd.fillrect(txtBox[i].x1, txtBox[i].y1, txtBox[i].x2, txtBox[i].y2, Green);
+        lcd.foreground(txtBox[i].textColor);
+        lcd.background(Green);
+        lcd.puts(txtBox[i].textX, txtBox[i].textY, txtBox[i].text);
+        progNumber = i; 
+    }
+void showWobMode(int i)
+    if((i >= 0) && (i < 3)) {
+        //pc.printf(";\n");
+        int k;
+        k = wobbleMode + 8;
+        lcd.fillrect(txtBox[k].x1, txtBox[k].y1, txtBox[k].x2, txtBox[k].y2, txtBox[k].color);
+        lcd.foreground(txtBox[k].textColor);
+        lcd.background(txtBox[k].color);
+        lcd.puts(txtBox[k].textX, txtBox[k].textY, txtBox[k].text);
+        k = i + 8;
+        lcd.fillrect(txtBox[k].x1, txtBox[k].y1, txtBox[k].x2, txtBox[k].y2, Green);
+        lcd.foreground(txtBox[k].textColor);
+        lcd.background(Green);
+        lcd.puts(txtBox[k].textX, txtBox[k].textY, txtBox[k].text);
+        wobbleMode = i;
+    }
+void showWobParam(int i)
+    showWobMode(i);
+    prPar[progNumber].wMode = i;
+void showProgParam(int k)
+    showProgNum(k);
+    //fill round text boxes (TextBoxR)
+    showWobMode(prPar[progNumber].wMode);
+    for(int i = 0; i < numPrPar; i++) {
+        lcd.fillroundrect(txtBoxR[i].x1, txtBoxR[i].y1, txtBoxR[i].x2, txtBoxR[i].y2, txtBoxR[i].r1, txtBoxR[i].r2, txtBoxR[i].color);
+        lcd.foreground(txtBoxR[i].textColor);
+        lcd.background(txtBoxR[i].color);
+        if (i == 2) {
+             if(prPar[progNumber].Lmode == 0) {
+                 lcd.puts(txtBoxR[i].textX, txtBoxR[i].textY, "CW");
+                 if(Lmode == 1) { 
+                     Lmode = 0;
+                     if(SetLasComm(33) == 1) {TPstatus = 5;}      //DPM -disable pulse mode
+                     else {
+                        if(SetLasComm( 1) == 1) {TPstatus = 5;}   //STA -read laser status
+                        else TPstatus = 0; 
+                    }
+                }               
+             }    
+             else if(prPar[progNumber].Lmode == 1) {
+                 lcd.puts(txtBoxR[i].textX, txtBoxR[i].textY, "PULSE");
+                 if(Lmode == 0) {
+                     Lmode = 1;
+                     if(SetLasComm(32) == 1) {TPstatus = 5;}       //EPM -enable pulse mode
+                     else {
+                        if(SetLasComm( 1) == 1) {TPstatus = 5;}   //STA -read laser status
+                        else TPstatus = 0; 
+                    }
+                }                    
+            }    
+        }
+        else {
+            switch (i) {
+                case 0: {sprintf(txtBoxR[0].text, "%i", prPar[progNumber].LPbeg); break;}
+                case 1: {sprintf(txtBoxR[1].text, "%i", prPar[progNumber].LPend); break;}
+                case 3: {sprintf(txtBoxR[3].text, "%i", prPar[progNumber].Lfreq); break;}
+                case 4: {sprintf(txtBoxR[4].text, "%i", prPar[progNumber].Lpulse); break;}
+                case 5: {sprintf(txtBoxR[5].text, "%i", prPar[progNumber].amplBeg); break;}
+                case 6: {sprintf(txtBoxR[6].text, "%i", prPar[progNumber].amplEnd); break;}
+                case 7: {sprintf(txtBoxR[7].text, "%i", prPar[progNumber].wFreq); break;}
+                case 8: {sprintf(txtBoxR[8].text, "%i", prPar[progNumber].wTime); break;}
+                case 9: {sprintf(txtBoxR[9].text, "%i", prPar[progNumber].amplNum); break;}
+            }
+            lcd.puts(txtBoxR[i].textX, txtBoxR[i].textY, txtBoxR[i].text);
+        }
+    }
+void lcd800x480main(int a)
+    lcd.roundrect(    2,10, 798,478, 10,8,    Yellow);  //full screen
+    lcd.fillroundrect(3,11, 797,477, 8,6,     Black);   //do full screen black
+    lcd.roundrect(    620,360, 780,460, 10,8, Yellow);  //around btn edit
+    lcd.roundrect(    620,248, 780,348, 10,8, Yellow);  //around btn service
+    lcd.roundrect(    5,62, 615,405, 10,8,    Yellow);  //picture screen
+    lcd.foreground(Yellow);
+    lcd.background(Black);
+    lcd.puts(100, 20, "Program #");
+    lcd.puts(20, 415, "STATUS:");
+    //fill text boxes (TextBox)
+    for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+        lcd.fillrect(txtBox[i].x1, txtBox[i].y1, txtBox[i].x2, txtBox[i].y2, txtBox[i].color);
+        lcd.foreground(txtBox[i].textColor);
+        lcd.background(txtBox[i].color);
+        lcd.puts(txtBox[i].textX, txtBox[i].textY, txtBox[i].text);
+    }
+    showProgNum(a);
+    //fill round text boxes (TextBoxR)
+void lcd800x480val(int a)
+    lcd.roundrect(    2,10, 798,478, 10,8,    Yellow);  //full screen
+    lcd.fillroundrect(3,11, 797,477, 8,6,     Black);   //do full screen black
+    lcd.roundrect(    620,360, 780,460, 10,8, Yellow);  //around btn edit
+    lcd.roundrect(    620,248, 780,348, 10,8, Yellow);  //around btn service
+    lcd.foreground(Yellow);
+    lcd.background(Black);
+    lcd.puts(10, 20, "Program #");
+    lcd.puts(10, 75, "Wobble mode");
+    lcd.puts(10, 130, "Laser power [%] beg");
+    lcd.puts(390, 130, " end");
+    lcd.puts(570, 130, "mode");
+    lcd.puts(10, 185, "Laser freq.[Hz]");
+    lcd.puts(390, 185, "Pulse");
+    lcd.puts(575, 185, "[%]");
+    lcd.puts(10, 240, "Size [0.1mm] beg.");
+    lcd.puts(390, 240, " end");
+    lcd.puts(10, 295, "Wobble freq.[Hz]");
+    lcd.puts(10, 350, "Welding time [mS]");
+    lcd.puts(390, 350, "Steps");
+    lcd.puts(20, 415, "STATUS:");
+    //fill text boxes (TextBox)
+    for(int i = 0; i < TextBoxSize; i++) {
+        lcd.fillrect(txtBox[i].x1, txtBox[i].y1, txtBox[i].x2, txtBox[i].y2, txtBox[i].color);
+        lcd.foreground(txtBox[i].textColor);
+        lcd.background(txtBox[i].color);
+        lcd.puts(txtBox[i].textX, txtBox[i].textY, txtBox[i].text);
+    }
+    //fill round text boxes (TextBoxR)
+    showProgParam(a);
+void lcd800x480NP(int k)
+    lcd.roundrect(    285,65, 781,460, 10,8,    Yellow);
+    lcd.fillroundrect(288,68, 776,455, 5,3,    Black);
+    lcd.foreground(Yellow);
+    lcd.background(Black);
+    lcd.puts(300, 75, Labels[k]);
+    //fill text boxes (TextBox)
+    for(int i = 0; i < TextBoxNPSize; i++) {
+        lcd.fillrect(txtBoxNP[i].x1, txtBoxNP[i].y1, txtBoxNP[i].x2, txtBoxNP[i].y2, txtBoxNP[i].color);
+        lcd.foreground(txtBoxNP[i].textColor);
+        lcd.background(txtBoxNP[i].color);
+        lcd.puts(txtBoxNP[i].textX, txtBoxNP[i].textY, txtBoxNP[i].text);
+    }
+    //fill round text box
+    lcd.fillroundrect(txtBNP.x1, txtBNP.y1, txtBNP.x2, txtBNP.y2, txtBNP.r1, txtBNP.r2, txtBNP.color);
+    lcd.foreground(txtBNP.textColor);
+    lcd.background(txtBNP.color);
+    *txtBNP.text = '\0';
+    lcd.puts(txtBNP.textX, txtBNP.textY, txtBNP.text);
+void lcd800x480Serv(void)
+    lcd.roundrect(    2,10, 798,478, 10,8,    Yellow);  //full screen
+    lcd.fillroundrect(3,11, 797,477, 8,6,     Black);   //do full screen black
+    lcd.roundrect(    620,360, 780,460, 10,8, Yellow);  //around main btn 
+    lcd.roundrect(    620,20, 780,348, 10,8, Yellow);   //around file btns
+    lcd.roundrect(    20,418, 600,460, 10,8, Yellow);   //around status line
+    lcd.foreground(Yellow);
+    lcd.background(Black);
+    lcd.puts(623, 40, "File p#");
+    //fill round text box
+    int i;
+    i = txtRServSize-1;
+    sprintf(txtRServ[i].text, "%i", fileNum);
+    for(i = 0; i < txtRServSize; i++) {
+        lcd.fillroundrect(txtRServ[i].x1, txtRServ[i].y1, txtRServ[i].x2, txtRServ[i].y2, txtRServ[i].r1, txtRServ[i].r2, txtRServ[i].color);
+        lcd.foreground(txtRServ[i].textColor);
+        lcd.background(txtRServ[i].color);
+        lcd.puts(txtRServ[i].textX, txtRServ[i].textY, txtRServ[i].text);
+    }
+void lcd800x480dirB(void)
+    lcd.fillrect(20, 15, 565, 405, Black);
+void lcd800x480dir(char *pDr)
+    int i;
+    lcd.fillrect(20, 15, 565, 405, Black);            //clean area
+    lcd.roundrect(20,15, 400,52, 10,8,    Yellow);    //around dir name
+    lcd.roundrect(405,15, 565,405, 10,8,    Yellow);  //around buttons
+    lcd.foreground(Yellow);
+    lcd.background(Black);
+    lcd.puts(25, 19, rDr);
+    //fill round text box
+    for(i = 0; i < txtRdirSize; i++) {
+        lcd.fillroundrect(txtRdir[i].x1, txtRdir[i].y1, txtRdir[i].x2, txtRdir[i].y2, txtRdir[i].r1, txtRdir[i].r2, txtRdir[i].color);
+        lcd.foreground(txtRdir[i].textColor);
+        lcd.background(txtRdir[i].color);
+        lcd.puts(txtRdir[i].textX, txtRdir[i].textY, txtRdir[i].text);
+    }
+    //fill text boxes (TextBox)
+    for(i = 0; i < TextBoxDirSize; i++) {
+        lcd.fillrect(txtBoxDir[i].x1, txtBoxDir[i].y1, txtBoxDir[i].x2, txtBoxDir[i].y2, txtBoxDir[i].color);
+        lcd.foreground(txtBoxDir[i].textColor);
+        lcd.background(txtBoxDir[i].color);
+        //lcd.puts(txtBoxDir[i].textX, txtBoxDir[i].textY, txtBoxDir[i].text);
+    }
+void showMain(int i) {
+    lcd800x480main(i);
+    showTPvalBtn();
+    showTPservBtn();
+    showTPstatus(TPstatus);
+    LPscreen = 3;
+void showVal(int i) {
+    lcd800x480val(i);
+    showTPeditBtn(editBtnMode);
+    showTPmainBtn();
+    showTPstatus(TPstatus);
+void showNP(int i) {
+    lcd800x480NP(i);    
+void showService(void) {
+    lcd800x480Serv();    
+void statServErr(int stS) {
+    lcd.foreground(Gray);
+    lcd.background(Black);
+    lcd.puts(30, 423, "                               ");
+    lcd.puts(30, 423, Stat[stS]);    
+void statServ(int stS) {
+    lcd.foreground(Gray);
+    lcd.background(Black);
+    lcd.puts(30, 423, "                               ");
+    lcd.puts(30, 423, fErr[stS]);    
+void dirOpenHmi(char *pDr) {
+    if(connectSD() == 0) {
+        readDirHmiSD(pDr);
+    }    
+    disconnectSD();
+    lcd800x480dir(rDr);
+    if(indName > 9) {
+        for(int i=0; i<9; i++) {
+            lcd.puts(txtBoxDir[i].textX, txtBoxDir[i].textY, dirName[i]);
+        }    
+    }
+    else {
+        for(int i=0; i<indName; i++) {
+            lcd.puts(txtBoxDir[i].textX, txtBoxDir[i].textY, dirName[i]);
+        }    
+    }
+    for(int i=0; i<indName; i++) {
+        pc.printf("%s\n", dirName[i]);
+    }    
+    pc.printf(">>%i\n", indName);
+int flagDirOpen = 0;
+void btnServ(int k) {
+    int retSt;
+    switch (k) {
+    case 0:    //btn main
+        showMain(progNumber);
+        LPscreen = 3;   //main screen
+        pc.printf("\n>");
+        break;
+    case 1:    //btn save
+        retSt = writeParFile(fileNum);
+        statServ(retSt);
+        pc.printf("\ns>%i ", retSt);
+        break;
+    case 2:    //btn load
+        retSt = readParFile(fileNum);
+        statServ(retSt);
+        pc.printf("\nl>%i ", retSt);
+        flagParChanged = 0;
+        break;
+    case 3:    //btn dir
+        if(flagDirOpen ==0) {
+            flagDirOpen = 1;
+            dirOpenHmi(rDr);
+        }
+        else {
+            flagDirOpen = 0;
+            lcd800x480dirB();
+        }    
+        break;
+    case 4:    //txtBox file#
+        showNP(10);
+        LabelsIndex = 10;
+        NPinp = 0;
+        flagNPinp = false;
+        LPscreen = 1;   //LP screen
+        pc.printf("\nf ");
+        break;
+    }
+RetCode_t showBitmap(loc_t x, loc_t y, uint32_t fileOffset, FILE * Image)
+    RGBQUAD * colorPalette = NULL;
+    int colorCount;
+    uint8_t * lineBuffer = NULL;
+    color_t * pixelBuffer = NULL;
+    uint16_t BPP_t;
+    dim_t PixelWidth, PixelHeight;
+    unsigned int    i, offset;
+    int padd,j;
+    // Now, Read the bitmap info header
+    Image->read(&BMP_Info, sizeof(BMP_Info));
+    HexDump0("BMP_Info", (uint8_t *)&BMP_Info, sizeof(BMP_Info));
+    BPP_t = BMP_Info.biBitCount;
+    pc.printf("biBitCount %04X", BPP_t);
+    if (BPP_t != 1 && BPP_t != 4 && BPP_t != 8 && BPP_t != 16 && BPP_t != 24) { // Support 4, 8, 16, 24-bits per pixel
+        Image->close();
+        pc.printf("not_supported_format");
+        return(not_supported_format);
+    }
+    if (BMP_Info.biCompression != 0) {  // Only the "no comporession" option is supported.
+        Image->close();
+        pc.printf("not_supported_format");
+        return(not_supported_format);
+    }
+    PixelHeight = BMP_Info.biHeight;
+    PixelWidth = BMP_Info.biWidth;
+    pc.printf("(%d,%d) (%d,%d) (%d,%d)", x,y, PixelWidth,PixelHeight, width(), height());
+    if (PixelHeight > 340 || PixelWidth > 608 {
+        Image->close();
+        pc.printf("image_too_big");
+        return(image_too_big);
+    }
+    if (BMP_Info.biBitCount <= 8) {
+        int paletteSize;
+        // Read the color palette
+        colorCount = 1 << BMP_Info.biBitCount;
+        paletteSize = sizeof(RGBQUAD) * colorCount;
+        colorPalette = (RGBQUAD *)malloc(paletteSize);
+        if (colorPalette == NULL) {
+        Image->close();
+        pc.printf("not_enough_ram");
+            return(not_enough_ram);
+        }
+        Image->read(colorPalette, paletteSize);
+        HexDump0("Color Palette", (uint8_t *)colorPalette, paletteSize);
+    }
+    int lineBufSize = ((BPP_t * PixelWidth + 7)/8);
+    pc.printf("BPP_t %d, PixelWidth %d, lineBufSize %d", BPP_t, PixelWidth, lineBufSize);
+    lineBuffer = (uint8_t *)malloc(lineBufSize);
+    if (lineBuffer == NULL) {
+        free(colorPalette);
+        fclose(Image);
+        return(not_enough_ram);
+    }
+    pixelBuffer = (color_t *)malloc(PixelWidth * sizeof(color_t));
+    if (pixelBuffer == NULL) {
+        free(lineBuffer);
+        if (colorPalette)
+            free(colorPalette);
+        Image->close();
+        pc.printf("not_enough_ram");
+        return(not_enough_ram);
+    }
+    padd = (lineBufSize % 4);
+    if (padd)
+        padd = 4 - padd;
+    // Define window for top to bottom and left to right so writing auto-wraps
+    rect_t restore = windowrect;
+    window(x,y, PixelWidth,PixelHeight);
+    SetGraphicsCursor(x, y);
+    //StartGraphicsStream
+    WriteCommand(0x40,0x00);    // Graphics write mode
+    WriteCommand(0x02);         // Prepare for streaming data
+    //start_data = BMP_Info.bfOffBits;
+    //HexDump("Raw Data", (uint8_t *)&start_data, 32);
+    pc.printf("(%d,%d) (%d,%d), [%d,%d]", x,y, PixelWidth,PixelHeight, lineBufSize, padd);
+    for (j = PixelHeight - 1; j >= 0; j--) {                //Lines bottom up
+        offset = fileOffset + j * (lineBufSize + padd);     // start of line
+        //fseek(Image, offset, SEEK_SET);
+        Image->read(lineBuffer, lineBufSize);               // read a line - slow !
+        //INFO("offset: %6X", offset);
+        //HexDump("Line", lineBuffer, lineBufSize);
+        for (i = 0; i < PixelWidth; i++) {                  // copy pixel data to TFT
+            if (BPP_t == 1) {
+                uint8_t dPix = lineBuffer[i/8];
+                uint8_t bMask = 0x80 >> (i % 8);
+                uint8_t bit = (bMask & dPix) ? 0 : 1;
+                //INFO("%02X & %02X ? => %02X", dPix, bMask, bit);
+                pixelBuffer[i] = RGBQuadToRGB16(colorPalette, bit);                
+            } else if (BPP_t == 4) {
+                uint8_t dPix = lineBuffer[i/2];
+                if ((i & 1) == 0)
+                    dPix >>= 4;
+                dPix &= 0x0F;
+                pixelBuffer[i] = RGBQuadToRGB16(colorPalette, dPix);
+            } else if (BPP_t == 8) {
+                pixelBuffer[i] = RGBQuadToRGB16(colorPalette, lineBuffer[i]);
+            } else if (BPP_t == 16) {
+                pixelBuffer[i] = lineBuffer[i];
+            } else if (BPP_t == 24) {
+                color_t color;
+                color = RGB(lineBuffer[i*3+2], lineBuffer[i*3+1], lineBuffer[i*3+0]);
+                pixelBuffer[i] = color;
+            }
+        }
+        pixelStream(pixelBuffer, PixelWidth, x, y++);
+    }
+    window(restore);
+    free(pixelBuffer);      // don't leak memory
+    free(lineBuffer);
+    if (colorPalette)
+        free(colorPalette);
+    return (noerror);
+static void HexDump0(const char * title, const uint8_t * p, int count)
+    int i;
+    char buf[100] = "0000: ";
+    if (*title)
+    for (i=0; i<count; ) {
+        sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), "%02X ", *(p+i));
+        if ((++i & 0x0F) == 0x00) {
+            if (i < count)
+                sprintf(buf, "%04X: ", i);
+            else
+                buf[0] = '\0';
+        }
+    }
+void showPic(void) {
+    const char Name_BMP[] = "/local/48027224.bmp";
+    if (connectSD() == 0) {
+        FileHandle* fh =, O_RDONLY);
+        if (fh) {
+             if (fh->read(&BMP_Header, sizeof(BMP_Header)) != sizeof(BMP_Header))
+            {
+                pc.printf("read error!\n");
+                if (fh->close()) pc.printf("failed to close file!\n");
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                pc.printf("bfType %04X", BMP_Header.bfType);
+                HexDump0("BMP_Header", (uint8_t *)&BMP_Header, sizeof(BMP_Header));
+                if (BMP_Header.bfType != BF_TYPE) {
+                    fh->close();
+                    pc.printf("not_bmp_format");
+                }
+                pc.printf("bfOffits %04X", BMP_Header.bfOffBits);
+                RetCode_t rt = showBitmap(5, 62, BMP_Header.bfOffBits, fh);
+                pc.printf("==%i\n", rt);
+                if (fh->close()) pc.printf("failed to close file!\n");
+            }                
+        }
+        else {
+            pc.printf("file_not_found");    
+        }    
+    }       
+    disconnectSD();
+    char fqfn[50];
+    int i = 0;
+            if (fh->read(&matrix, sizeof(tpMatrix_t)) != sizeof(tpMatrix_t))
+            {
+                pc.printf("read error!\n");
+                //return;
+                if (fh->close()) pc.printf("failed to close file!\n");
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                lcd.TouchPanelSetMatrix(&matrix);
+                if (fh->close()) pc.printf("failed to close file!\n");
+                disconnectSD();
+                pc.printf("ok\n");
+                return;
+            }
+        }
+        else printf("failed to open tpcal.cfg file!\n");
+    }
+    disconnectSD();
+    INFO("Screen Capture... ");
+    for (i=1; i< 100; i++) {
+        snprintf(fqfn, sizeof(fqfn), "/local/Screen%02d.bmp", i);
+        FILE * fh = fopen(fqfn, "rb");
+        if (!fh) {
+            lcd.PrintScreen(0,0,lcd.width(),lcd.height(),fqfn);
+            INFO(" as /local/Screen%02d.bmp", i);
+            return i;
+        } else {
+            fclose(fh);     // close this and try the next
+        }
+    }
+    return 0;
+        RetCode_t r = lcd.PrintScreen(5,62,615,405,"/sd/local/48027224.bmp");
+LocalFileSystem local("local"); 
+void showPic(void) {
+    RetCode_t r = lcd.RenderImageFile(8, 66, "/local/Rio24.bmp");    
+int indDirFirst = 0;
+int indDirCheck = 0;
+void btnDir(int k) {
+    int nn = indName;
+    switch (k) {
+    case 0:   //btn splash
+        showMain(progNumber);
+        LPscreen = 3;   //main screen
+        showPic();
+        break;
+    case 1:   //btn up
+        if(nn > 9) {
+            lcd800x480dir(rDr);
+            if((indDirFirst) > 8) indDirFirst = indDirFirst - 8;
+            else indDirFirst = 0;
+            for(int i=0; i<9; i++) {
+                lcd.puts(txtBoxDir[i].textX, txtBoxDir[i].textY, dirName[indDirFirst + i]);
+            }    
+        }
+        break;
+    case 2:   //btn down
+        if(nn > 9) {
+            lcd800x480dir(rDr);
+            if((nn - indDirFirst) > 16) indDirFirst = indDirFirst + 8;
+            else indDirFirst = nn - 9;
+            for(int i=0; i<9; i++) {
+                lcd.puts(txtBoxDir[i].textX, txtBoxDir[i].textY, dirName[indDirFirst + i]);
+            }    
+        }
+        break;
+    }
+int indDirText = 0;
+char ccD[40];
+void btnDirText(int k) {
+    int nn = indDirText - 1;
+    if(indDirText != 0) {
+        lcd.fillrect(txtBoxDir[nn].x1, txtBoxDir[nn].y1, txtBoxDir[nn].x2, txtBoxDir[nn].y2, txtBoxDir[nn].color);
+        lcd.foreground(txtBoxDir[nn].textColor);
+        lcd.background(txtBoxDir[nn].color);
+        lcd.puts(txtBoxDir[nn].textX, txtBoxDir[nn].textY, dirName[indDirFirst + nn]);
+    }
+    indDirText = k + 1;
+    nn = k;
+    lcd.fillrect(txtBoxDir[k].x1, txtBoxDir[k].y1, txtBoxDir[k].x2, txtBoxDir[k].y2, Yellow);
+    lcd.foreground(txtBoxDir[k].textColor);
+    lcd.background(Yellow);
+    lcd.puts(txtBoxDir[k].textX, txtBoxDir[k].textY, dirName[indDirFirst + k]);
+    if (strchr(dirName[indDirFirst + k], '.') == NULL) {
+        //pc.printf("<%s>", dirName[indDirFirst + k]);
+        dirS.append(dirName[indDirFirst + k]);
+        //pc.printf("<%s>", dirS.c_str());
+        strcpy(&ccD[0], dirS.c_str());
+        //pc.printf("<%s>", ccD);
+        dirOpenHmi(ccD);
+        // clean directory
+        for(int i =indName; i<40; i++) {
+           strcpy(&dirName[indName++][0], "  ");
+        }
+    }    
+void txtBoxNPadd(int i) {
+    if(i < 10) {
+        NPinp =10 * NPinp + i;
+        if(NPinp > miMa[LabelsIndex].max) {NPinp = miMa[LabelsIndex].max;}
+        lcd.fillroundrect(txtBNP.x1, txtBNP.y1, txtBNP.x2, txtBNP.y2, txtBNP.r1, txtBNP.r2, txtBNP.color);
+        lcd.foreground(txtBNP.textColor);
+        lcd.background(txtBNP.color);
+        sprintf(txtBNP.text, "%i", NPinp);
+        lcd.puts(txtBNP.textX, txtBNP.textY, txtBNP.text);
+        flagNPinp = true;
+    }    
+    if(i == 11) {
+        lcd.fillroundrect(txtBNP.x1, txtBNP.y1, txtBNP.x2, txtBNP.y2, txtBNP.r1, txtBNP.r2, txtBNP.color);
+        lcd.foreground(txtBNP.textColor);
+        lcd.background(txtBNP.color);
+        NPinp = NPinp / 10;
+        if(NPinp == 0) {
+            lcd.puts(txtBNP.textX, txtBNP.textY, "");
+            flagNPinp = false;
+        }
+        else {
+            sprintf(txtBNP.text, "%i", NPinp);
+            lcd.puts(txtBNP.textX, txtBNP.textY, txtBNP.text);
+        }
+    }    
+    if(i == 12) {
+        if(TPmode == 1) {
+            if(flagNPinp == true) {
+                if(NPinp < miMa[LabelsIndex].min) {NPinp = miMa[LabelsIndex].min;}
+                switch (LabelsIndex) {
+                    case 0: {prPar[progNumber].LPbeg = NPinp; break;}
+                    case 1: {prPar[progNumber].LPend = NPinp; break;}
+                    case 3: {prPar[progNumber].Lfreq = NPinp; break;}
+                    case 4: {prPar[progNumber].Lpulse = NPinp; break;}
+                    case 5: {prPar[progNumber].amplBeg = NPinp; break;}
+                    case 6: {prPar[progNumber].amplEnd = NPinp; break;}
+                    case 7: {prPar[progNumber].wFreq = NPinp; break;}
+                    case 8: {prPar[progNumber].wTime = NPinp; break;}
+                    case 9: {prPar[progNumber].amplNum = NPinp; break;}
+                }
+                sprintf(txtBoxR[LabelsIndex].text, "%i", NPinp);
+            }    
+            showVal(progNumber);
+            LPscreen = 0;   //value screen
+            flagParChanged = 0;    
+        }    
+        else if(TPmode == 2) {
+            if(flagNPinp == true) {
+                if(NPinp < miMa[LabelsIndex].min) {NPinp = miMa[LabelsIndex].min;}
+                switch (LabelsIndex) {
+                    case 10: {fileNum = NPinp; break;}
+                }
+                sprintf(txtRServ[4].text, "%i", NPinp);
+            }    
+            showService();
+            LPscreen = 2;   //service screen
+        }    
+    }    
+void testTP(void) {
+    TouchCode_t touch;
+    touch = lcd.TouchPanelReadable();         // any touch to report?
+    if (touch) {
+        uint8_t id = lcd.TouchID();           // 'id' tracks the individual touches
+        TouchCode_t ev = lcd.TouchCode();     // 'ev'ent 0-no_touch,1-touch,2-held,3-release,4-no_cal
+        point_t xy = lcd.TouchCoordinates();  // and of course the (x,y) coordinates
+        pc.printf("%2d,%d:(%4d,%4d)\n", id, ev, xy.x, xy.y);
+        int lastRadius, newRadius;
+        lastRadius = ComputeRadius(lastTP);           // To erase the last fingerprint
+        newRadius = ComputeRadius(xy);                  // Shrink near edge of screen
+, newRadius, Red); // draw new fingerprint
+, lastRadius, Black);    // erase old fingerprint
+        lastTP = xy;
+        led2 = 1;
+        wait_ms(100);
+        led2 = 0;
+    }
+void checkTP(void) {
+    TouchCode_t touch;
+    touch = lcd.TouchPanelReadable();         // any touch to report?
+    //pc.printf("TP\n");
+    if (touch) {
+        uint8_t id = lcd.TouchID();           // 'id' tracks the individual touches
+        TouchCode_t ev = lcd.TouchCode();     // 'ev'ent 0-no_touch,1-touch,2-held,3-release,4-no_cal
+        point_t xy = lcd.TouchCoordinates();  // and of course the (x,y) coordinates
+        //printf("(%4d,%4d)\n", xy.x, xy.y);
+        pc.printf("%d,%d:(%4d,%4d)\n", TPmode, LPscreen, xy.x, xy.y);
+        if(LPscreen == 0) {     //value screen 
+            //8 program#
+            for(int i = 0; i < TextBoxSize; i++) {
+                if((xy.x > txtBox[i].x1)&(xy.x < txtBox[i].x2)&(xy.y > txtBox[i].y1)&(xy.y < txtBox[i].y2)) {
+                    pc.printf("%i\n", i);
+                    if(i<8) {showProgParam(i); flagParChanged = 0; goto checkTPend;}
+                    else {if(editBtnMode == 1) {showWobParam(i-8); flagParChanged = 0; goto checkTPend;}}  //edit mode, 3 wob.mode      
+                }    
+            }
+            // text boxes
+            if(editBtnMode == 1) {
+                for(int i = 0; i < numPrPar; i++) {
+                    if((xy.x > txtBoxR[i].x1)&(xy.x < txtBoxR[i].x2)&(xy.y > txtBoxR[i].y1)&(xy.y < txtBoxR[i].y2)) {
+                        pc.printf("%i\n", i);
+                        if(i == numLmode) {
+                            lcd.fillroundrect(txtBoxR[i].x1, txtBoxR[i].y1, txtBoxR[i].x2, txtBoxR[i].y2, txtBoxR[i].r1, txtBoxR[i].r2, txtBoxR[i].color);
+                            lcd.foreground(txtBoxR[i].textColor);
+                            lcd.background(txtBoxR[i].color);
+                            if(Lmode == 0) {
+                                Lmode = 1;
+                                prPar[progNumber].Lmode = 1;
+                                lcd.puts(txtBoxR[i].textX, txtBoxR[i].textY, "PULSE");
+                                if(SetLasComm(32) == 1) {TPstatus = 5;}       //EPM -enable pulse mode
+                                else {
+                                    if(SetLasComm( 1) == 1) {TPstatus = 5;}   //STA -read laser status
+                                    else TPstatus = 0; 
+                                }
+                            }
+                            else {
+                                Lmode = 0;
+                                prPar[progNumber].Lmode = 0;
+                                lcd.puts(txtBoxR[i].textX, txtBoxR[i].textY, "CW");
+                                if(SetLasComm(33) == 1) {TPstatus = 5;}       //DPM -disable pulse mode
+                                else {
+                                    if(SetLasComm( 1) == 1) {TPstatus = 5;}   //STA -read laser status
+                                    else TPstatus = 0; 
+                                }
+                            }
+                            flagParChanged = 0;
+                        }
+                        else {    
+                            showNP(i);
+                            LabelsIndex = i;
+                            NPinp = 0;
+                            flagNPinp = false;
+                            LPscreen = 1;   //LP screen
+                        }
+                        goto checkTPend;
+                    }    
+                }
+            }
+            //btn Edit
+            if((xy.x > txtBoxR[numTPeditBtn].x1)&(xy.x < txtBoxR[numTPeditBtn].x2)&(xy.y > txtBoxR[numTPeditBtn].y1)&(xy.y < txtBoxR[numTPeditBtn].y2)) {
+                if(TPmode == 1) {
+                    showTPeditBtn(0);  //set operate mode
+                    TPmode = 0; 
+                    editBtnMode = 0;               
+                }
+                else {
+                    showTPeditBtn(1);  //set edit mode
+                    TPmode = 1;                
+                    editBtnMode = 1;               
+               }
+                goto checkTPend;            
+            }    
+            //btn Main
+            if((xy.x > txtBoxR[numTPmainBtn].x1)&(xy.x < txtBoxR[numTPmainBtn].x2)&(xy.y > txtBoxR[numTPmainBtn].y1)&(xy.y < txtBoxR[numTPmainBtn].y2)) {
+                pc.printf("MainBtn");
+                showMain(progNumber);
+                TPmode = 0;
+                LPscreen = 3;                
+            }    
+            //status line
+            if((xy.x > txtBoxR[numTPstatus].x1)&(xy.x < txtBoxR[numTPstatus].x2)&(xy.y > txtBoxR[numTPstatus].y1)&(xy.y < txtBoxR[numTPstatus].y2)) {
+                showTPstatus(10);   //clean status line
+            }    
+            goto checkTPend;            
+        }
+        else if(LPscreen == 1) {   //numpad screen
+            if(xy.x < txtBoxNP[1].x1) { //touch left from form
+                showVal(progNumber);
+                LPscreen = 0;   //values screen
+                pc.printf("<<");
+                goto checkTPend;
+            }    
+            //btn 0..9, ok, back
+            for(int i = 0; i < 13; i++) {
+                if((xy.x > txtBoxNP[i].x1)&(xy.x < txtBoxNP[i].x2)&(xy.y > txtBoxNP[i].y1)&(xy.y < txtBoxNP[i].y2)) {
+                    pc.printf("%i\n", i);
+                    txtBoxNPadd(i);
+                    goto checkTPend;
+                }    
+            }
+        }
+        else if(LPscreen == 2) {     //service screen 
+            for(int i = 0; i < txtRServSize; i++) {
+                if((xy.x > txtRServ[i].x1)&(xy.x < txtRServ[i].x2)&(xy.y > txtRServ[i].y1)&(xy.y < txtRServ[i].y2)) {
+                    btnServ(i);
+                    break;
+                }    
+            }
+            if(flagDirOpen != 0) {
+                for(int i = 0; i < txtRdirSize; i++) {
+                    if((xy.x > txtRdir[i].x1)&&(xy.x < txtRdir[i].x2)&&(xy.y > txtRdir[i].y1)&&(xy.y < txtRdir[i].y2)) {
+                        btnDir(i);
+                        break;
+                    }    
+                }
+                for(int i = 0; i < TextBoxDirSize; i++) {
+                    if((xy.x > txtBoxDir[i].x1)&&(xy.x < txtBoxDir[i].x2)&&(xy.y > txtBoxDir[i].y1)&&(xy.y < txtBoxDir[i].y2)) {
+                        btnDirText(i);
+                        break;
+                    }    
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else if(LPscreen == 3) {     //main screen
+            //8 program#
+            for(int i = 0; i < TextBoxSize; i++) {
+                if((xy.x > txtBox[i].x1)&(xy.x < txtBox[i].x2)&(xy.y > txtBox[i].y1)&(xy.y < txtBox[i].y2)) {
+                    pc.printf("%i\n", i);
+                    if(i<8) {showProgNum(i); flagParChanged = 0; goto checkTPend;}
+                }    
+            }
+            //btn Values
+            if((xy.x > txtBoxR[numTPvalBtn].x1)&(xy.x < txtBoxR[numTPvalBtn].x2)&(xy.y > txtBoxR[numTPvalBtn].y1)&(xy.y < txtBoxR[numTPvalBtn].y2)) {
+                pc.printf("ValuesBtn");
+                showVal(progNumber);
+                TPmode = 0;
+                LPscreen = 0;                
+            }    
+            //btn Service
+            if((xy.x > txtBoxR[numTPservBtn].x1)&(xy.x < txtBoxR[numTPservBtn].x2)&(xy.y > txtBoxR[numTPservBtn].y1)&(xy.y < txtBoxR[numTPservBtn].y2)) {
+                pc.printf("ServiceBtn");
+                showService();
+                TPmode = 2;
+                LPscreen = 2;                
+            }    
+            //status line
+            if((xy.x > txtBoxR[numTPstatus].x1)&(xy.x < txtBoxR[numTPstatus].x2)&(xy.y > txtBoxR[numTPstatus].y1)&(xy.y < txtBoxR[numTPstatus].y2)) {
+                showTPstatus(10);   //clean status line
+            }    
+        }
+ checkTPend:       
+        led2 = 1;
+        wait_ms(100);
+        led2 = 0;
+        while(touch) {
+            touch = lcd.TouchPanelReadable();         // any touch to report?
+            wait_ms(1);
+        }
+    }
+void LasCommInit(void) {
+    if(LPscreen == 2) statServErr(10);    //service screen, status " "
+    else showTPstatus(10);                // main screen, status " "
+    if(SetLasComm(52) == 1) {c7=52; goto met1;}    //RERR -Resets any resettable errors 
+    if(SetLasComm(54) == 1) {c7=54; goto met1;}    //EMOFF -Stop Emission
+    if(SetLasComm(41) == 1) {c7=41; goto met1;}    //DMOD -disable external modulation input
+    if(SetLasComm(47) == 1) {c7=47; goto met1;}    //DEABC -disable external aiming beam control input
+    if(SetLasComm(34) == 1) {c7=34; goto met1;}    //ABN -aiming beam on
+    //if(SetLasComm(35) == 1) {c7=35; goto met1;}    //ABF -aiming beam off
+    //if(SetLasComm(46) == 1) {c7=46; goto met1;}    //EEABC -enable external aiming beam control input
+    if(SetLasComm(39) == 1) {c7=39; goto met1;}    //DGM -disable gate mode
+    if(SetLasComm(36) == 1) {c7=36; goto met1;}    //EEC -enable external analog power control input
+    if(SetLasComm(40) == 1) {c7=40; goto met1;}    //EMOD -enable external modulation input
+    if(SetLasComm(42) == 1) {c7=42; goto met1;}    //ELE -enable external emission input
+    if(SetLasComm( 1) == 1) {c7=1; goto met1;}    //STA -read laser status 
+    c7 = 99;   
+    if(LPscreen == 2) statServErr(0);    //service screen, status READY
+    else showTPstatus(0);                // main screen, status READY
+    return;
+    if(LPscreen == 2) statServErr(5);    //service screen
+    else showTPstatus(5);                // main screen
+void initIOparam(void) {
+    for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
+        ioPar.o3[i] = '\0';
+        ioPar.o2[i] = '\0';
+        ioPar.o1[i] = '\0';
+        ioPar.i3[i] = '\0';
+        ioPar.i2[i] = '\0';
+        ioPar.i1[i] = '\0';
+        ioPar.aiLPow[i] = '\0';
+        ioPar.aiLCur[i] = '\0';
+        ioPar.aiLTemp[i] = '\0';
+        ioPar.aiLBR[i] = '\0';
+    }
+uint8_t bitOstate = 0x80; //d7=1 need set/reset, d6=1-set,0-reset, d5-d0 bit number
+uint8_t ioReq = 0;        //0-no request, 1-inp.request, 2-out.request
+int main()
+    a7=0;
+    b7=0;
+    c7=0;
+    //Configure CRC, large frames, and write validation
+    sd.crc(true);
+    sd.large_frames(true);
+    sd.write_validation(true);
+    pc.baud(PC_BAUD);    //
+    pc.printf("\nRA8875 Touch Screen. Date: " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ "\r\n");
+    //wait_ms(5000);
+    //pc.printf("\n>>\n");
+    //wait_ms(5000);
+    initHMIio();
+    initIOparam();
+    lcd800x480Init();
+    //showMain(progNumber+1);
+    tickRS.attach_us(&flipUS, tickTime); // the address of the function to be attached (flip) to ticker
+    wait_ms(5000);
+    LasCommInit();
+    fillTestBuffer();
+    if(connectSD() == 0) {
+        infoSD();
+        //writeTestFile();
+        readTestFile();
+        readDirSD(rDr);
+        //RetCode_t r = lcd.RenderImageFile(0, 0, "/sd/local/48027208.bmp");
+        //printf("returned %d\r\n", r);
+        //wait(3);
+        //r = lcd.RenderJpegFile(0, 0, "/sd/local/p480272.jpg");
+        //printf("returned %d\r\n", r);
+        disconnectSD();
+    }
+    pc.printf("a7=%i b7=%i c7=%i d7=%i\n", a7, b7, c7, d7);
+    InitTS();
+    readIniFile();       
+    showMain(progNumber);
+    //int x, y, z;
+    while(true)
+    {
+        //testTP();
+        if(flagWeld == 0) checkTP();
+        main_cycle_add();
+        iLed++;
+        if(iLed > 500) {
+            led1 = !led1;
+            iLed = 0;
+        }    
+        wait_ms(1);
+    }
diff -r 000000000000 -r 6ef3fd4921d7 main.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.h	Fri Feb 17 16:53:53 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+// MW771 Laser Press HMI.
+// V.Nemera, 10/07/2016, ver.1.0, C++
+// CPU: mbed NXP LPC1768 (ARM Cortex-M3, 32bit, 90MHz)
+//#pragma once
+#ifndef MAIN_H_
+#define MAIN_H_
+//main screen
+typedef struct {
+    uint16_t x1;
+    uint16_t y1;
+    uint16_t x2;
+    uint16_t y2;
+    uint16_t textX;
+    uint16_t textY;
+    color_t color;
+    color_t textColor;
+    char text[40];
+    //char * text;
+} TextBox;
+typedef struct {
+    uint16_t wMode;     //0-circle, 1-Eight, 2-Infinity
+    uint16_t LPbeg;     //welding laser power begin [%] 10..100
+    uint16_t LPend;     //welding laser power end [%] 10..100
+    uint16_t Lmode;     //0-CW, 1-Pulse
+    uint16_t Lfreq;     //laser frequency [Hz] 1..1000
+    uint16_t Lpulse;    //laser pulse length [%] 1..100 
+    uint16_t amplBeg;   //wobbles begin amplitude [0.1mm] 1..99 (0.1-9.9mm)
+    uint16_t amplEnd;   //wobbles end amplitude [0.1mm] 1..99 (0.1-9.9mm)
+    uint16_t wFreq;     //wobbles frequency [Hz] 1..300
+    uint16_t wTime;     //wobbles time [mS] 1..5000
+    uint16_t amplNum;   //number of amplitude steps 1..100 (min step 0.1mm)
+} ProgPar; 
+typedef struct {
+    uint16_t x1;
+    uint16_t y1;
+    uint16_t x2;
+    uint16_t y2;
+    uint16_t r1;
+    uint16_t r2;
+    uint16_t textX;
+    uint16_t textY;
+    color_t color;
+    color_t textColor;
+    char text[16];
+} TextBoxR;
+typedef char TPstring[24]; 
+typedef struct {
+    uint16_t min;
+    uint16_t max;
+} MinMax; 
+typedef struct {
+    char o3[4];     //io outputs d15-d0
+    char o2[4];     //io outputs d31-d16
+    char o1[4];     //io outputs d31-d16
+    char i3[4];     //io inputs d15-d0
+    char i2[4];     //io inputs d31-d16
+    char i1[4];     //io inputs d31-d16
+    char aiLPow[4];   //analog laser power
+    char aiLCur[4];   //analog laser current
+    char aiLTemp[4];  //analog laser temp
+    char aiLBR[4];    //analog laser back reflection
+} IOPar; 
+#endif  /* inclusion lock */
diff -r 000000000000 -r 6ef3fd4921d7 mbed.bld
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Fri Feb 17 16:53:53 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
\ No newline at end of file