
Dependencies:   RA8875 SDFileSystem mbed

diff -r 000000000000 -r 6ef3fd4921d7 comm.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/comm.cpp	Fri Feb 17 16:53:53 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,767 @@
+// MW771 Laser Press HMI.
+// V.Nemera, 10/12/2016, ver.1.0, C++
+// CPU: mbed NXP LPC1768 (ARM Cortex-M3, 32bit, 90MHz)
+#include "RA8875.h"         
+#include "main.h"         
+#include "comm.h"         
+//-----------HMI i/o---------------------
+DigitalIn inEStop(p19);     //input: E-Stop ON = 1
+DigitalIn inBtnStart(p20);  //input: Btn Start ON = 0
+DigitalIn inLPactive(p26);  //input: Laser power active = 1
+DigitalIn in1(p24);         //input: in1 ON = 0
+DigitalIn in2(p23);         //input: in2 ON = 0
+DigitalOut outIrq(p14);         //output: interrupt for IO
+DigitalOut outLampStart(p25);   //output: Start Lamp ON = 1
+DigitalOut out1(p22);           //output: out1 ON = 1
+DigitalOut out2(p21);           //output: out2 ON = 1
+Ticker resetTime;                //time for e-stop reset pulse
+int iCh;
+char hexArr[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
+const char err100[] = "Wrong command\n";
+const char err101[] = "No response\n";
+Serial ioRS232(p28, p27);  // tx, rx
+int     ioRS232baud = 115200;
+int     ioRS232bits = 8;
+SerialBase::Parity  ioRS232parity = SerialBase::None;
+int     ioRS232stop_bits = 1; 
+Serial LasRS232(p9, p10);  // tx, rx
+int     LasRS232baud = 57600;
+int     LasRS232bits = 8;
+SerialBase::Parity  LasRS232parity = SerialBase::None;
+int     LasRS232stop_bits = 1; 
+char hmiLBuf[64];   //buffer hmi command to send to laser
+int indLhmi = 0;       //index of buffer hmiLBuf[]
+char LasBufCom[64];   //buffer command to send to laser
+char LasBufResp[64];  //buffer response from laser
+int indLCom = 0;       //index of buffer LasBufCom[]
+int indLResp = 0;      //index of buffer LasBufResp[]
+char IOBufCom[32];   //buffer command from io controller
+char IOBufResp[32];  //buffer response to send to io controller
+int indIOCom = 0;       //index of buffer IOBufCom[]
+int IOBufSize = 32;      //buffer IOBufResp[] size
+int sBio = 0;           //send ioBuf pointer
+int wBio = 0;           //write ioBuf pointer
+char comBuf[128];      //buffer command from pc 
+int comBufPointer = 0;
+int sBp = 0;           //send pcBuf pointer
+int wBp = 0;           //write pcBuf pointer
+const int pcBufSize = 128;
+char pcBuf[pcBufSize];
+int stLhmi = 0;        //status of hmi L.command
+int stLpc = 0;         //status of pc L.command
+int iPCcmd = 0;        //command # from pc
+int stL3 = 0;          //status of execution L.command
+int iCounts = 0;
+int iSta = 0;
+int c; 
+int usta;
+int iLasO, iLasO1, iLasO2;
+int iCmax = 10;
+const char *cLC[80];      //array of laser commands string
+void cLCinit(void) {
+    cLC[0] = "";
+    cLC[1] = "STA";     //cod 0x4001 STA -   read laser status 
+    cLC[2] = "RCS";     //cod 0x4002 RCS -   read current setpoint
+    cLC[3] = "RNC";     //cod 0x4003 RNC -   read minimum current setpoint
+    cLC[4] = "ROP";     //cod 0x4004 ROP -   read output power
+    cLC[5] = "RPP";     //cod 0x4005 RPP -   read peak power
+    cLC[6] = "RPW";     //cod 0x4006 RPW -   read pulse width
+    cLC[7] = "RPRR";    //cod 0x4007 RPRR -  read pulse repetition rate
+    cLC[8] = "RFV";     //cod 0x4008 RFV -   read current software revision
+    cLC[9] = "RCT";     //cod 0x4009 RCT -   read laser temperature
+    cLC[10] = "RET";    //cod 0x400A RET -   read elapsed time  the laser has been on
+    cLC[11] = "RMEC";   //cod 0x400B RMEC -  read module error code
+    cLC[12] = "RSN";    //cod 0x400C RSN -   read serial number
+    cLC[13] = "REC";    //cod 0x400D REC -   read error counter
+    cLC[14] = "RICDT";  //cod 0x400E RICDT - read input circuit discharge time
+    cLC[15] = "RIP";    //cod 0x400F RIP -   read the current IP address
+    cLC[16] = "RMASK";  //cod 0x4010 RMASK - read the current subnet mask
+    cLC[17] = "RDGW";   //cod 0x4011 RDGW -  read the current default gateway address
+    cLC[18] = "RMAC";   //cod 0x4012 RMAC -  read MAC address
+    cLC[19] = "RBAUD";  //cod 0x4013 RBAUD - read the current RS232 baud rate
+    cLC[20] = "";
+    cLC[21] = "";
+    cLC[22] = "";
+    cLC[23] = "";
+    cLC[24] = "";
+    cLC[25] = "";
+    cLC[26] = "";
+    cLC[27] = "";
+    cLC[28] = "";
+    cLC[29] = "";
+    cLC[30] = "";
+    cLC[31] = "";
+    cLC[32] = "EPM";    //cod 0x4020 EPM -   enable pulse mode
+    cLC[33] = "DPM";    //cod 0x4021 DPM -   disable pulse mode
+    cLC[34] = "ABN";    //cod 0x4022 ABN -   aiming beam on
+    cLC[35] = "ABF";    //cod 0x4023 ABF -   aiming beam off
+    cLC[36] = "EEC";    //cod 0x4024 EEC -   enable external analog power control input
+    cLC[37] = "DEC";    //cod 0x4025 DEC -   disable external analog power control input
+    cLC[38] = "EGM";    //cod 0x4026 EGM -   enable gate mode (internal pulse generator gated by external modulation input)
+    cLC[39] = "DGM";    //cod 0x4027 DGM -   disable gate mode
+    cLC[40] = "EMOD";   //cod 0x4028 EMOD -  enable external modulation input
+    cLC[41] = "DMOD";   //cod 0x4029 DMOD -  disable external modulation input
+    cLC[42] = "ELE";    //cod 0x402A ELE -   enable external emission input
+    cLC[43] = "DLE";    //cod 0x402B DLE -   disable external emission input
+    cLC[44] = "EHC";    //cod 0x402C EHC -   enable compatibility mode
+    cLC[45] = "EDC";    //cod 0x402D EDC -   disable compatibility mode
+    cLC[46] = "EEABC";  //cod 0x402E EEABC - enable external aiming beam control input
+    cLC[47] = "DEABC";  //cod 0x402F DEABC - disable external aiming beam control input
+    cLC[48] = "EWPM";   //Enable Waveform Pulse Mode
+    cLC[49] = "DWPM";   //Disable Waveform Pulse Mode
+    cLC[50] = "PCFG";   //Configure Waveform Mode
+    cLC[51] = "RCE";    //Reset critical error
+    cLC[52] = "RERR";   //Resers any resettable errors
+    cLC[53] = "EMON";   //Start Emission
+    cLC[54] = "EMOFF";  //Stop Emission
+    cLC[55] = "";
+    cLC[56] = "";
+    cLC[57] = "";
+    cLC[58] = "";
+    cLC[59] = "";
+    cLC[60] = "";
+    cLC[61] = "";
+    cLC[62] = "";
+    cLC[63] = "";
+    cLC[64] = "SDC ";    //cod 0x4040 SDC -   set diode current, min current < xx.x% < 100%
+    cLC[65] = "SPW ";    //cod 0x4041 SPW -   set pulse width, xx.x mS
+    cLC[66] = "SPRR ";   //cod 0x4042 SPRR -  set pulse repetition rate, xxx Hz
+    cLC[67] = "SIP ";    //cod 0x4043 SIP -   set IP,
+    cLC[68] = "SMASK ";  //cod 0x4044 SMASK - set subnet mask,
+    cLC[69] = "SDGW ";   //cod 0x4045 SDGW -  set default gateway,
+    cLC[70] = "SMAC ";   //cod 0x4046 SMAC -  set MAC address xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx
+    cLC[71] = "SBAUD ";  //cod 0x4047 SBAUD - set baud rate x (0-110,1-300,2-1200,3-2400,4-4800,5-9600
+                        //                                    6-19200,7-38400,8-57600default,9-115200)
+    cLC[72] = "PRSEL "; //Select Profile
+    cLC[73] = "SQSEL "; //Select Sequence
+    cLC[74] = "";
+    cLC[75] = ""; 
+    cLC[76] = "";
+    cLC[77] = "";
+    cLC[78] = "";
+    cLC[79] = "";
+int SetLasComm(int icLC) {
+    for(int i=0; i<15; i++) {   //wait 15*20ms stLhmi=0 (last command executed)
+        if(stLhmi == 0) {
+            indLhmi++;
+            for(int j=0; j<indLhmi; j++) {hmiLBuf[j] = '\0';}
+            indLhmi = strlen(cLC[icLC]);
+            strncpy(hmiLBuf, cLC[icLC], indLhmi);
+            //pc.printf("-s%i %s %s %i\n", icLC, hmiLBuf, cLC[icLC], indLhmi);
+            if(icLC == 1) iSta = 1;
+            stLhmi = 2;
+            wait_ms(20);
+            return 0;        
+        }
+        else {
+            wait_ms(20);    
+        }
+    }
+    //pc.printf("-e%i %s %s %i\n", icLC, hmiLBuf, cLC[icLC], indLhmi);
+    return 1;
+void initHMIio(void) {
+    ioRS232.format(ioRS232bits, ioRS232parity, ioRS232stop_bits);
+    ioRS232.baud(ioRS232baud);
+    LasRS232.format(LasRS232bits, LasRS232parity, LasRS232stop_bits);
+    LasRS232.baud(LasRS232baud);
+    outIrq = 0;         //output: interrupt for IO
+    outLampStart = 0;   //output: Start Lamp ON = 1
+    out1 = 0;           //output: out1 ON = 1
+    out2 = 0;           //output: out2 ON = 1
+    cLCinit();
+    for(int i=0; i<64; i++) {
+        LasBufCom[i] = '\0';
+        LasBufResp[i] = '\0';
+    }  
+//write char to pc buffer
+void wrChar(char cCh) {
+    pcBuf[wBp++] = (cCh);
+    if(wBp == pcBufSize) {wBp = 0;}    
+//write char array to pc buffer
+void wrCharArr(const char* err) {
+    int iM;
+    iM = strlen(err);
+    for(int i=0; i<iM; i++) {
+        wrChar(err[i]);
+    }
+//write 16bit word to pc buffer
+void wrWord(uint16_t uWrd) {
+    wrChar(hexArr[uWrd/4096]);
+    uWrd = uWrd % 4096;    
+    wrChar(hexArr[uWrd/256]);
+    uWrd = uWrd % 256;    
+    wrChar(hexArr[uWrd/16]);
+    wrChar(hexArr[uWrd%16]);
+//write 32bit word to pc buffer
+void wrInt(int i32) {
+    wrWord((uint16_t)(i32/65536));
+    wrWord((uint16_t)(i32%65536));
+void comParser() {
+    if(comBufPointer < 2) {
+        wrCharArr(err100);    //err100 = Wrong command
+        wrChar('>');
+        comBufPointer =0;
+        return;
+    }
+    //pc.printf("1 %i 2 %i\n", comBuf[0], comBuf[1]); 
+    //for (int j = 3; j < comBufPointer; j++) {
+    //    pc.printf("%i %i \n", j, comBuf[j]);
+    //}
+    int a = comBuf[0];
+    int b = comBuf[1];
+    //-----------------------
+    if (((a == 76) || (a == 108)) && (b == 32)) {  //L<SP> or l<SP>
+        if(stLpc == 0) {
+//            pc.printf("<%i>", comBufPointer); 
+            iPCcmd = 1;
+        }
+        else {
+            wrChar('?');
+            wrChar('>');
+        }            
+    }
+    //-----------------------
+    else if (((a == 76) || (a == 108)) && ((b == 83) || (b == 15))) {  //LS or ls
+        iPCcmd = 2;
+    }
+    //-----------------------
+    else if (((a == 76) || (a == 108)) && ((b == 73) || (b == 105))) {  //LI or li
+        iPCcmd = 3;
+    }
+    //----------------------- 
+    else if(((a == 76) || (a == 108)) & ((b == 65) || (b == 97))) {  //LA or la
+        iPCcmd = 4;
+    }
+    //----------------------- 
+    else if(((a == 76) || (a == 108)) & ((b == 67) || (b == 99))) {  //LC or lc
+        iPCcmd = 5;
+    }
+    //----------------------- 
+    else if(((a == 76) || (a == 108)) & ((b == 82) || (b == 114))) {  //LR or lr
+        iPCcmd = 6;
+    }
+    else {
+        wrCharArr(err100);    //err100 = Wrong command
+        wrChar('>');
+        comBufPointer =0;
+    }
+void wrIOChar(char cCh) {       //write 1 char to io buffer
+    IOBufResp[wBio++] = (cCh);
+    if(wBio == IOBufSize) wBio = 0;    
+void wrIObyte(int iCh) {       //write byte (2 char) to io buffer
+    iCh = iCh & 0xFF;
+    wrIOChar(hexArr[iCh/16]);
+    wrIOChar(hexArr[iCh%16]);
+void wrIOword(uint16_t uWrd) {    //write 16bit word (4 char) to io buffer
+    wrIOChar(hexArr[uWrd/4096]);
+    uWrd = uWrd % 4096;    
+    wrIOChar(hexArr[uWrd/256]);
+    uWrd = uWrd % 256;    
+    wrIOChar(hexArr[uWrd/16]);
+    wrIOChar(hexArr[uWrd%16]);
+void wrIOint(int i32) {           //write 32bit word to io buffer
+    wrIOword((uint16_t)(i32/65536));
+    wrIOword((uint16_t)(i32%65536));
+void ioSt(void) {
+    int b0st = 0;   //send bits d7-d4
+    if(in2) b0st = b0st + 1;
+    if(flagParChanged == 0) b0st = b0st + 2;
+    if(flagLrsConnected) b0st = b0st + 4;
+    if(flagLcomProcess) b0st = b0st + 8;
+    wrIOChar(hexArr[b0st]);
+    b0st = 0;       //send bits d3-d0
+    if(inEStop) b0st = b0st + 1;
+    if(inBtnStart) b0st = b0st + 2;
+    if(inLPactive) b0st = b0st + 4;
+    if(in1) b0st = b0st + 8;
+    wrIOChar(hexArr[b0st]);
+    wrIOChar(0xD);          //send <CR>
+void sendIOerr(int iErr) {
+    wrIOChar(hexArr[iErr | 8]); //1<err> send
+    wrIOChar(0x30);             //0-status send
+    ioSt();
+    showTPstatus(iErr);        
+void sendIOstatus(void) {
+    uint8_t b0st = 0;
+    if(flagParChanged == 0) {
+        b0st = 0x0010;      //param. send request
+        led3 = 1;
+        wait_us(4);
+        led3 = 0;
+    }    
+    else b0st = ioReq << 4;                     //another requests
+    wrIObyte(b0st);
+    ioSt();        
+    flagParChanged = 1;
+void sendIOpar(void) {
+    int b0par;
+    wrIOChar(0x30);   //0000-ready & no err
+    wrIOChar(0x31); //1-parameters send
+    b0par = prPar[progNumber].wMode + (prPar[progNumber].Lmode * 64);
+    wrIObyte(b0par); //send mode
+    wrIObyte(prPar[progNumber].LPbeg);
+    wrIObyte(prPar[progNumber].LPend);
+    wrIOword(prPar[progNumber].Lfreq);
+    wrIObyte(prPar[progNumber].Lpulse);
+    wrIObyte(prPar[progNumber].amplBeg);
+    wrIObyte(prPar[progNumber].amplEnd);
+    wrIObyte(prPar[progNumber].wFreq);
+    wrIOword(prPar[progNumber].wTime);
+    wrIObyte(prPar[progNumber].amplNum);
+    wrIOChar(0xD);          //senr <CR>
+    //flagParChanged = 1;
+    c7 = c7 | 0x7700;
+void sendIOout(void) {
+    for(int i=0; i<2; i++) {
+        ioPar.o3[i] = IOBufCom[i+2];
+        ioPar.o2[i] = IOBufCom[i+4];
+        ioPar.o1[i] = IOBufCom[i+6];
+    }    
+    if(bitOstate > 0x7F) {  //send output
+        wrIOChar(0x30);     //0000-ready & no err
+        wrIOChar(0x32);     //2-output send
+        wrIObyte(bitOstate & 0x7F);        
+        wrIOChar(0xD);          //senr <CR>
+    }
+    else sendIOstatus();
+void sendIOinp(void) {
+    for(int i=0; i<2; i++) {
+        ioPar.i3[i] = IOBufCom[i+8];
+        ioPar.i2[i] = IOBufCom[i+10];
+        ioPar.i1[i] = IOBufCom[i+12];
+        ioPar.aiLPow[i] = IOBufCom[i+14];
+        ioPar.aiLCur[i] = IOBufCom[i+16];
+        ioPar.aiLTemp[i] = IOBufCom[i+18];
+        ioPar.aiLBR[i] = IOBufCom[i+20];
+    }    
+    sendIOstatus();
+void flip() {
+    out2 = 0;
+    led4 = 0;
+    wait_us(1);
+    led4 = 1;
+    wait_us(2);
+    led4 = 0;
+    //    pc.printf("o20 ");
+void sendIOmsg(int iMsg) {
+    switch (iMsg) {
+    case 48:          //0-READY FOR WELDING
+        showTPstatus(16);
+        int t = SetLasComm(52);
+        flagWeld = 0; 
+        sendIOstatus(); 
+        break;
+    case 49: {showTPstatus(17); flagWeld = 0; sendIOstatus(); break;}    //1-WOBBLE HEAD INIT...
+    case 50: {showTPstatus(18); flagWeld = 0; sendIOstatus(); break;}    //2-WOBBLE HEAD ERROR
+    case 51: {showTPstatus(19); flagWeld = 0; sendIOstatus(); break;}    //3-IO CONTROLLER ERROR
+    case 52: {showTPstatus(20); flagWeld = 1; sendIOstatus(); break;}    //4-WELDING IN PROGRESS..
+    case 53:                                                             //5-auto reset e-stop
+        showTPstatus(16);
+        out2 = 1;
+        led4 = 1;
+        resetTime.attach(&flip, 0.5); //the address of the function to be attached (flip) to ticker
+        //printf("o21 ");
+        flagWeld = 0;
+        sendIOstatus();
+        break;
+    case 54:                                                             //6-send laser command
+        if(TPstatus == 0) wrIOChar(0x30);   //0000-ready & no err
+        else wrIOChar(0x38);                //1000-not ready & no err 
+        wrIOChar(0x33); //3-laser STA send
+        wrIOint(usta);        
+        wrIOChar(0xD);          //senr <CR>
+        flagWeld = 0;
+        break;
+    }
+void ioCommand(void) {
+    if(indIOCom < 2) {
+        sendIOerr(06);    //err 06 = Short command
+        indIOCom =0;
+        return;
+    }
+    int a = IOBufCom[0];
+    int b = IOBufCom[1];
+    if (((a == 67) || (a == 99)) && (b == 48)) sendIOstatus();   //C0 or c0
+    else if (((a == 67) || (a == 99)) && (b == 49)) sendIOpar();  //C1 or c1
+    else if (((a == 67) || (a == 99)) && (b == 50)) sendIOout();  //C2 or c2
+    else if (((a == 67) || (a == 99)) && (b == 51)) sendIOinp();  //C3 or c3
+    else if ((a == 69) || (a == 101)) sendIOmsg(b);  //E<b> or e<b> command
+    else sendIOerr(07);    //err 07 = Wrong command
+    indIOCom =0;
+//execute L.command
+void LaserCommand(void)  //laser control
+    if(stL3 == 0) {     // check commands will be execute
+        if(stLhmi == 2) {stL3 = stL3 + 1;}  //command from hmi
+        if(iPCcmd != 0) {     //command from pc
+            stLpc = 2;
+            stL3 = stL3 + 2;
+        }
+        if(stL3 == 0) flagLcomProcess = 0;
+        else flagLcomProcess = 1;
+    }
+    if(stL3 & 1) {   //hmi command
+        if(stLhmi == 2) {      //send hmi command to laser
+            while(LasRS232.readable()) {
+                iLasO = LasRS232.getc();
+            }
+            iLasO = 0;
+            for (int i = 0; i < indLhmi; i++) {
+                LasRS232.printf("%c", hmiLBuf[i]);
+            }
+            LasRS232.printf("\r");
+            iCounts = 0;
+            stLhmi = 3;    
+        }
+        else if(stLhmi == 3) {      //wait response from laser
+            if(LasRS232.readable()) {
+                iLasO = LasRS232.getc();
+                LasBufResp[indLResp++] = (char)iLasO;
+                if(iLasO == 13) {
+                    stLhmi = 4;
+                    iCounts = 0;
+                    flagLrsConnected = 1;
+                }
+                if(LasRS232.readable()) goto lasRS2;
+            }
+            else {        
+                ++iCounts;
+                if(iCounts > 400) {
+                    indStat = 11;       //error 11 - lazer does not answer
+                    indLResp = 0;
+                    stLhmi = 0;
+                    stL3 = stL3 & 0xE;  //no hmi command
+                    flagLrsConnected = 0;
+               }
+            }
+        }
+        else if(stLhmi == 4) {      //response to hmi 
+            //printf("L %c %c\n", *LasBufResp, *hmiLBuf);
+            if (*LasBufResp == *hmiLBuf) {
+                if (iSta == 1) {    //update L.status to hmi 
+                    c = 0;
+                    for(int i=6; i<indLResp; i++) {
+                        c = (c * 10) + LasBufResp[i-1] - '0';
+                    }
+                    usta = c;
+                    iSta = 0;
+                }
+                indStat = 0;        //done
+                stLhmi = 5;
+            }
+            else {
+                indStat = 12;       //error 12 - laser command error
+                stLhmi = 5;
+            }
+        }               
+        else if(stLhmi == 5) {      //delay for next command
+            ++iCounts;
+            if(iCounts > iCmax) {
+                indLResp = 0;
+                stL3 = stL3 & 0xE;  //no hmi command
+                stLhmi = 0;
+            }
+        }               
+    }
+    else if(stL3 & 2) {   //pc command       
+        if(iPCcmd == 1) {
+            if(stLpc == 2) {   //send pc command to laser
+                while(LasRS232.readable()) {
+                    iLasO2 = LasRS232.getc();
+                }
+                for (int i = 2; i < (comBufPointer-1); i++) {
+                   LasRS232.printf("%c", comBuf[i]);
+                   //pc.printf("a%c ", comBuf[i]);
+                }    
+                LasRS232.printf("\r");
+                iCounts = 0;
+                stLpc = 3;
+            }
+            else if(stLpc == 3) {    //wait response from laser
+                if(LasRS232.readable()) {
+                    iCh = LasRS232.getc();
+                    iCounts = 0;
+                    if(iCh == 13) {         //CR - carrier return
+                        wrChar('\n');       //send LF to pc
+                        wrChar('>');
+                        stLpc = 4;
+                    }    
+                    else {
+                        wrChar(char(iCh));
+                    }
+                    if(LasRS232.readable())    goto lasRS1;
+                }        
+                else {        
+                    ++iCounts;
+                    if(iCounts > 400) { //200mS
+                        wrCharArr(err101);    //err101 = "No response\n"
+                        comBufPointer =0;
+                        stL3 = stL3 & 0xD;
+                        iPCcmd = 0;
+                        stLpc = 0; 
+                    }
+                }        
+            }
+            else if(stLpc == 4) {      //delay for next command
+                ++iCounts;
+                if(iCounts > iCmax) {
+                    comBufPointer =0;
+                    stL3 = stL3 & 0xD;
+                    iPCcmd = 0;
+                    stLpc = 0;
+                }
+            }               
+        }
+        else if(iPCcmd == 2) {
+            wrChar('S');
+            wrChar('T');
+            wrChar('A');
+            wrChar(' ');
+            wrInt(usta);
+            wrChar('\n');
+            wrChar('>');
+            comBufPointer =0;
+            stL3 = stL3 & 0xD;
+            iPCcmd = 0;
+            stLpc = 0;
+        }              
+        else if(iPCcmd == 3) {
+            wrChar('I');
+            wrChar(' ');
+            wrWord(wBp);
+            wrChar(' ');
+            wrWord(sBp);
+            wrChar(' ');
+            //wrChar('\n');
+            int a = sBp;
+            for(int i=0; i<32; i++) {
+                wrChar(pcBuf[a--]);
+                if(a<0) {a=pcBufSize-1;}
+            }    
+            wrChar('\n');
+            wrChar('>');
+            comBufPointer =0;
+            stL3 = stL3 & 0xD;
+            iPCcmd = 0;
+            stLpc = 0;
+        }
+        else if(iPCcmd == 4) {
+            wrChar('L');
+            wrChar('A');
+            wrChar(' ');
+            wrInt(a7);
+            wrChar(' ');
+            wrInt(b7);
+            wrChar(' ');
+            wrInt(c7);
+            wrChar(' ');
+            wrInt(d7);
+            wrChar('\n');
+            wrChar('>');
+            comBufPointer =0;
+            stL3 = stL3 & 0xD;
+            iPCcmd = 0;
+            stLpc = 0;
+            a7 = 0; b7 = 0; c7 = 0; d7 = 0;
+        }
+        else if(iPCcmd == 5) {
+            wrInt(indLCabcc);
+            wrChar(' ');
+            wrChar('L');
+            wrChar('C');
+            wrChar(' ');
+            wrChar('"');
+            for(int i=0; i<indLCabcc; i++) {
+                wrChar(LabccBufCom[i]);        
+            }    
+*/          a7=0; b7=0, c7=0; d7=0;
+            wrChar('5');
+            wrChar('\n');
+            wrChar('>');
+            comBufPointer =0;
+            stL3 = stL3 & 0xD;
+            iPCcmd = 0;
+            stLpc = 0;
+        }
+        else if(iPCcmd == 6) {
+            pc.printf("wMode %i\n", prPar[progNumber].wMode); 
+            pc.printf("Lmode %i\n", prPar[progNumber].Lmode); 
+            pc.printf("LPbeg %i\n", prPar[progNumber].LPbeg); 
+            pc.printf("LPend %i\n", prPar[progNumber].LPend); 
+            pc.printf("Lfreq %i\n", prPar[progNumber].Lfreq); 
+            pc.printf("Lpulse %i\n", prPar[progNumber].Lpulse); 
+            pc.printf("amplBeg %i\n", prPar[progNumber].amplBeg); 
+            pc.printf("amplEnd %i\n", prPar[progNumber].amplEnd); 
+            pc.printf("wFreq %i\n", prPar[progNumber].wFreq); 
+            pc.printf("wTime %i\n", prPar[progNumber].wTime); 
+            pc.printf("amplNum %i\n", prPar[progNumber].amplNum); 
+            wrChar('\n');
+            wrChar('>');
+            comBufPointer =0;
+            stL3 = stL3 & 0xD;
+            iPCcmd = 0;
+            stLpc = 0;
+        }
+    }
+void flipRS(void) {
+    led2 = 1;
+    //check io RS232 command
+    if(ioRS232.readable()) {
+        iCh = ioRS232.getc();
+        IOBufCom[indIOCom++] = (char)iCh;
+        if(iCh == 13) {    //CR - carriage return
+            ioCommand();
+        }
+        if(ioRS232.readable()) goto flip01;
+    }
+    //check response
+    if(ioRS232.writeable()) {
+        if(sBio != wBio) {    //ioBuf not empty
+            int ff = 12;
+            ioRS232.putc(IOBufResp[sBio++]);
+            if(sBio == IOBufSize) {sBio = 0;}
+            --ff;
+            if((sBio != wBio) && (ff > 0)) goto flip02;
+        }    
+    }
+    //check pc RS232 command
+    if(pc.readable()) {
+        iCh = pc.getc();
+        comBuf[comBufPointer++] = (char)iCh;
+        wrChar(iCh);
+        if(iCh == 10) {    //LF - new line
+            comParser();
+        }    
+    }
+    if(pc.writeable()) {
+        if(sBp != wBp) {    //pcBuf not empty
+            pc.putc(pcBuf[sBp++]);
+            if(sBp == pcBufSize) {sBp = 0;}
+        }    
+    }
+    //serve Laser RS232 command
+    LaserCommand();
+    led2 = 0;
+int lampSt;
+void main_cycle_add(void)
+    if((flagWeld == 0) & (lampSt == 1)) {
+        outLampStart = 0;
+        lampSt = 0;
+    }    
+    else if((flagWeld == 1) & (lampSt == 0)) {
+        outLampStart = 1;
+        lampSt = 1;
+    }    