Example of communication between a computer and a Nucleo board - RS232/USB - a terminal or an interface is required on the computer

Dependencies:   mbed

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Tue Mar 17 07:07:00 2020 +0000
Commit message:
Example of communication between a computer and a Nucleo board - RS232/USB - A terminal or interface is required

Changed in this revision

main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Mar 17 07:07:00 2020 +0000
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+#include "mbed.h"
+#define     ETAT_STOP           0
+#define     ETAT_WAIT_PARAM     1
+#define     ETAT_WAIT_PARAM_N   11
+#define     ETAT_WAIT_PARAM_F   12
+#define     ETAT_WAIT_PARAM_S   13
+#define     ETAT_WAIT_GO        2
+#define     ETAT_ACQUIRING      3
+#define     ETAT_SENDING_DATA   4
+// inputs and outputs configuration
+DigitalOut  debug_led(LED1);
+Serial      rs232(USBTX, USBRX);
+AnalogIn    can_input(A0);
+InterruptIn sync_input(D10);
+Ticker tictoc;
+Ticker blinky;
+// System functions
+void ISR_sync(void);
+void convert_signal(void);
+void ISR_get_data(void);
+void ISR_send_data(void);
+void TIK_blink_led(void);
+// System variables
+int i, pdix, temp;
+char etat = 0;
+char data_received, i_received;
+char tab_received[10] = {0};
+// Acquisition parameters
+int     number_points;
+int     frequency;
+char    sync = 0;
+// Acquisition data
+int     i_data;
+int     tab_data[10000];
+// Main function
+int main() {
+    number_points = 0;
+    frequency = 0;
+    i_received = 0;
+    etat = ETAT_STOP;
+    data_received = '0';
+    debug_led = 0;
+    i_data = 0;
+    rs232.baud(115200);
+    rs232.attach(&ISR_get_data);
+    sync_input.rise(&ISR_sync);
+    while(1) {
+        switch(etat){
+            case ETAT_SENDING_DATA :
+                rs232.putc('d');
+                blinky.detach();
+                tictoc.detach();
+                debug_led = 1;
+                for(i = 0; i < number_points; i++){
+                    rs232.printf("[%d;%d]", i, tab_data[i]);
+                }
+                etat = ETAT_STOP;
+                debug_led = 0;
+                break;
+            default :
+                temp = 0;
+        }
+    }
+void ISR_sync(void){
+    if((etat == ETAT_ACQUIRING) && (sync == 1)){
+        float period = 1.0/frequency;
+        tictoc.attach(&convert_signal,period);
+    }
+void convert_signal(void){
+    tab_data[i_data] = can_input.read_u16() >> 4;
+    i_data++;
+    if(i_data == number_points){
+        etat = ETAT_SENDING_DATA;
+        tictoc.detach();
+    }
+void ISR_send_data(){
+    i++;
+    rs232.printf("i=%d:\r\n", i);
+void ISR_get_data(){
+    data_received = rs232.getc();
+    if((data_received == 'U') && (etat != ETAT_STOP) && (etat != ETAT_ACQUIRING) && (etat != ETAT_SENDING_DATA)){   // UPDATE parameters
+        rs232.putc('u');
+        etat = ETAT_WAIT_PARAM;
+        blinky.attach(&TIK_blink_led, 0.5);
+    }
+    switch(etat){
+        case ETAT_STOP :
+            if(data_received == 'a'){
+                etat = ETAT_WAIT_PARAM;
+                rs232.putc('o');
+                blinky.attach(&TIK_blink_led, 0.5);
+            }            
+            break;
+        case ETAT_WAIT_PARAM :
+            if(data_received == 'n'){
+                rs232.putc('n');
+                etat = ETAT_WAIT_PARAM_N;
+                i_received = 0;
+            }
+            break;    
+        case ETAT_WAIT_PARAM_N :
+            if(data_received == 'f'){
+                rs232.putc('f');
+                // param number of points
+                number_points = 0;
+                pdix = 1;
+                for(i = i_received-1; i >= 0; i--){
+                    number_points += (tab_received[i] - '0') * pdix;
+                    pdix = pdix * 10;
+                }
+                // next state
+                etat = ETAT_WAIT_PARAM_F;
+                i_received = 0;
+            }
+            else{
+                tab_received[i_received] = data_received;
+                i_received++;
+            }
+            break;    
+        case ETAT_WAIT_PARAM_F :
+            if(data_received == 's'){
+                rs232.putc('s');
+                // param frequency
+                frequency = 0;
+                pdix = 1;
+                for(i = i_received-1; i >= 0; i--){
+                    frequency += (tab_received[i] - '0') * pdix;
+                    pdix = pdix * 10;
+                }
+                // next state
+                etat = ETAT_WAIT_PARAM_S;
+                i_received = 0;
+            }
+            else{
+                tab_received[i_received] = data_received;
+                i_received++;
+            }
+            break; 
+        case ETAT_WAIT_PARAM_S :
+            // param synchro
+            sync = data_received - '0';
+            // next state
+            etat = ETAT_WAIT_GO;
+            i_received = 0;
+            rs232.printf("N=%d;F=%d;S=%d;",number_points, frequency, sync);
+            break; 
+        case ETAT_WAIT_GO :
+            if(data_received == 'G'){
+                etat = ETAT_ACQUIRING;
+                blinky.detach();
+                blinky.attach(&TIK_blink_led, 0.1);
+                if(sync == 0){
+                    float period = 1.0/frequency;
+                    tictoc.attach(&convert_signal,period);
+                }   
+            }
+            break;
+        default :
+            etat = ETAT_STOP;
+            debug_led = 0;
+    }
+void TIK_blink_led(void){
+    debug_led = !debug_led;
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