SimpleBle-Example on mbed-os 5

Dependencies:   SimpleBLE mbed nRF51822

Fork of SimpleBLE-Example by mbed-x

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "SimpleBLE.h"
00004 DigitalOut led(LED1);
00006 // The first thing we need to do is create a SimpleBLE instance:
00007 // * first argument is the device name
00008 // * second is the advertisement interval in ms. (default 1000 ms.)
00009 SimpleBLE ble("DEVICE_NAME");
00011 // Now we can declare some variables that we want to expose.
00012 // After you created the variable you can use it like any other var,
00013 // but it's value will be automatically updated over Bluetooth!
00015 // F.e. here we declare service 0x180d (heartrate), char 0x2a37 (curr. value) as uint8_t
00016 SimpleChar<uint8_t> heartrate = ble.readOnly_u8(0x180D, 0x2A37, true /* notify */, 100 /* default value */);
00018 // now we can use this variable everywhere in our code like a normal uint8_t
00019 void updateHeartrate() {
00020       led = !led; // keep-alive LED
00021     // we just loop between 100 and 180
00022     heartrate = heartrate + 1;
00023     if (heartrate > 180) {
00024         heartrate = 100;
00025     }
00026 }
00028 // And here we create a custom service (0x9310) and char (0x9311) with a callback
00029 void callback(uint32_t newValue) {
00030     // whenever someone updates this var over Bluetooth, this function will be called
00031     printf("My value was updated to %d\n", newValue);
00032 }
00033 // FYI, you can also use long UUID strings here instead of short services :-)
00034 SimpleChar<uint32_t> writeMe = ble.readWrite_u32(0x9310, 0x9311, &callback);
00036 int main(int, char**) {
00037     // update the heart rate every second
00038     Ticker t;
00039     t.attach(updateHeartrate, 1.0f);
00041     // here's how we kick off our loop
00042     ble.start();
00043     while (1) {
00044         ble.waitForEvent();
00045     }
00047 }