
Fork of CyaSSL-forEncrypt by Mobius IoT

diff -r 000000000000 -r 5045d2638c29 asn.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/asn.h	Sat Feb 05 01:09:17 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+/* asn.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Sawtooth Consulting Ltd.
+ *
+ * This file is part of CyaSSL.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * CyaSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+ */
+#include "types.h"
+#include "ctc_rsa.h"
+#include "ctc_dh.h"
+#include "ctc_dsa.h"
+#include "ctc_sha.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    extern "C" {
+/* ASN Tags   */
+enum ASN_Tags {        
+    ASN_INTEGER           = 0x02,
+    ASN_BIT_STRING        = 0x03,
+    ASN_OCTET_STRING      = 0x04,
+    ASN_TAG_NULL          = 0x05,
+    ASN_OBJECT_ID         = 0x06,
+    ASN_SEQUENCE          = 0x10,
+    ASN_SET               = 0x11,
+    ASN_UTC_TIME          = 0x17,
+    ASN_LONG_LENGTH       = 0x80
+enum  ASN_Flags{
+    ASN_CONSTRUCTED       = 0x20,
+enum DN_Tags {
+    ASN_COMMON_NAME   = 0x03,   /* CN */
+    ASN_SUR_NAME      = 0x04,   /* SN */
+    ASN_COUNTRY_NAME  = 0x06,   /* C  */
+    ASN_LOCALITY_NAME = 0x07,   /* L  */
+    ASN_STATE_NAME    = 0x08,   /* ST */
+    ASN_ORG_NAME      = 0x0a,   /* O  */
+    ASN_ORGUNIT_NAME  = 0x0b    /* OU */
+enum Misc_ASN { 
+    ASN_NAME_MAX        = 256,    
+    SHA_SIZE            =  20,
+    RSA_INTS            =   8,     /* RSA ints in private key */
+    MIN_DATE_SIZE       =  13,
+    MAX_DATE_SIZE       =  32,
+    ASN_GEN_TIME_SZ     =  15,     /* 7 numbers * 2 + Zulu tag */
+    MAX_ENCODED_SIG_SZ  = 512,
+    MAX_SIG_SZ          = 256,
+    MAX_ALGO_SZ         =  20,
+    MAX_SEQ_SZ          =   5,     /* enum(seq | con) + length(4) */  
+    MAX_SET_SZ          =   5,     /* enum(set | con) + length(4) */  
+    MAX_VERSION_SZ      =   5,     /* enum + id + version(byte) + (header(2))*/
+    MAX_ENCODED_DIG_SZ  =  25,     /* sha + enum(bit or octet) + legnth(4) */
+    MAX_RSA_INT_SZ      = 517,     /* RSA raw sz 4096 for bits + tag + len(4) */
+    MAX_NTRU_KEY_SZ     = 610,     /* NTRU 112 bit public key */
+    MAX_NTRU_ENC_SZ     = 628,     /* NTRU 112 bit DER public encoding */
+    MAX_RSA_E_SZ        =  16,     /* Max RSA public e size */
+                                   /* use bigger NTRU size */
+    MAX_LENGTH_SZ       =   4 
+enum Oid_Types {
+    hashType = 0,
+    sigType  = 1,
+    keyType  = 2
+enum Sig_Sum  {
+    SHAwDSA = 517,
+    MD2wRSA = 646,
+    MD5wRSA = 648,
+    SHAwRSA = 649
+enum Hash_Sum  {
+    MD2h  = 646,
+    MD5h  = 649,
+    SHAh  =  88
+enum Key_Sum {
+    DSAk  = 515,
+    RSAk  = 645,
+    NTRUk = 364
+/* Certificate file Type */
+enum CertType {
+    CERT_TYPE       = 0, 
+    CA_TYPE
+enum VerifyType {
+    NO_VERIFY = 0,
+    VERIFY    = 1
+typedef struct DecodedCert {
+    byte*   publicKey;
+    word32  pubKeySize;
+    int     pubKeyStored;
+    word32  certBegin;               /* offset to start of cert          */
+    word32  sigIndex;                /* offset to start of signature     */
+    word32  sigLength;               /* length of signature              */
+    word32  signatureOID;            /* sum of algorithm object id       */
+    word32  keyOID;                  /* sum of key algo  object id       */
+    byte    subjectHash[SHA_SIZE];   /* hash of all Names                */
+    byte    issuerHash[SHA_SIZE];    /* hash of all Names                */
+    byte*   signature;               /* not owned, points into raw cert  */
+    char*   subjectCN;               /* CommonName                       */
+    int     subjectCNLen;
+    char    issuer[ASN_NAME_MAX];    /* full name including common name  */
+    char    subject[ASN_NAME_MAX];   /* full name including common name  */
+    int     verify;                  /* Default to yes, but could be off */
+    byte*   source;                  /* byte buffer holder cert, NOT owner */
+    word32  srcIdx;                  /* current offset into buffer       */
+    void*   heap;                    /* for user memory overrides        */
+    /* easy access to sujbect info for other sign */
+    char*   subjectSN;
+    int     subjectSNLen;
+    char*   subjectC;
+    int     subjectCLen;
+    char*   subjectL;
+    int     subjectLLen;
+    char*   subjectST;
+    int     subjectSTLen;
+    char*   subjectO;
+    int     subjectOLen;
+    char*   subjectOU;
+    int     subjectOULen;
+    char*   subjectEmail;
+    int     subjectEmailLen;
+#endif /* CYASSL_CERT_GEN */
+} DecodedCert;
+typedef struct Signer Signer;
+/* CA Signers */
+struct Signer {
+    byte*   publicKey;
+    word32  pubKeySize;
+    word32  keyOID;                  /* key type */
+    char*   name;                    /* common name */
+    byte    hash[SHA_DIGEST_SIZE];   /* sha hash of names in certificate */
+    Signer* next;
+void InitDecodedCert(DecodedCert*, byte*, void*);
+void FreeDecodedCert(DecodedCert*);
+int  ParseCert(DecodedCert*, word32, int type, int verify, Signer* signer);
+int  ParseCertRelative(DecodedCert*, word32, int type, int verify,
+                       Signer* signer);
+word32 EncodeSignature(byte* out, const byte* digest, word32 digSz,int hashOID);
+Signer* MakeSigner(void*);
+void    FreeSigners(Signer*, void*);
+int RsaPrivateKeyDecode(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx, RsaKey*, word32);
+int RsaPublicKeyDecode(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx, RsaKey*, word32);
+int ToTraditional(byte* buffer, word32 length);
+#ifndef NO_DH
+int DhKeyDecode(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx, DhKey* key, word32);
+int DhSetKey(DhKey* key, const byte* p, word32 pSz, const byte* g, word32 gSz);
+#ifndef NO_DSA
+int DsaPublicKeyDecode(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx, DsaKey*, word32);
+int DsaPrivateKeyDecode(const byte* input, word32* inOutIdx, DsaKey*, word32);
+int RsaKeyToDer(RsaKey*, byte* output, word32 inLen);
+#if defined(CYASSL_KEY_GEN) || defined(CYASSL_CERT_GEN)
+int DerToPem(const byte* der, word32 derSz, byte* output, word32 outputSz,
+             int type);
+enum cert_enums {
+    SERIAL_SIZE     =  8,
+    NAME_SIZE       = 64,
+    NAME_ENTRIES    =  8,
+    JOINT_LEN       =  2,
+    EMAIL_JOINT_LEN =  9,
+    RSA_KEY         = 10,
+    NTRU_KEY        = 11
+typedef struct CertName {
+    char country[NAME_SIZE];
+    char state[NAME_SIZE];
+    char locality[NAME_SIZE];
+    char sur[NAME_SIZE];
+    char org[NAME_SIZE];
+    char unit[NAME_SIZE];
+    char commonName[NAME_SIZE];
+    char email[NAME_SIZE];  /* !!!! email has to be last !!!! */
+} CertName;
+/* for user to fill for certificate generation */
+typedef struct Cert {
+    int      version;                   /* x509 version  */
+    byte     serial[SERIAL_SIZE];       /* serial number */
+    int      sigType;                   /* signature algo type */
+    CertName issuer;                    /* issuer info */
+    int      daysValid;                 /* validity days */
+    int      selfSigned;                /* self signed flag */
+    CertName subject;                   /* subject info */
+    /* internal use only */
+    int      bodySz;                    /* pre sign total size */
+    int      keyType;                   /* public key type of subject */
+} Cert;
+/* Initialize and Set Certficate defaults:
+   version    = 3 (0x2)
+   serial     = 0 (Will be randomly generated)
+   sigType    = MD5_WITH_RSA
+   issuer     = blank
+   daysValid  = 500
+   selfSigned = 1 (true) use subject as issuer
+   subject    = blank
+   keyType    = RSA_KEY (default)
+void InitCert(Cert*);
+int  MakeCert(Cert*, byte* derBuffer, word32 derSz, RsaKey*, RNG*);
+int  SignCert(Cert*, byte* derBuffer, word32 derSz, RsaKey*, RNG*);
+int  MakeSelfCert(Cert*, byte* derBuffer, word32 derSz, RsaKey*, RNG*);
+int  SetIssuer(Cert*, const char*);
+#ifdef HAVE_NTRU
+int  MakeNtruCert(Cert*, byte* derBuffer, word32 derSz, const byte* ntruKey,
+                  word16 keySz, RNG*);
+#endif /* CYASSL_CERT_GEN */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    } /* extern "C" */
+#endif /* CTAO_CRYPT_ASN_H */