Mamecontroller/joystick device wrapper library

Dependencies:   USBDevice mbed

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "USBKeyboard.h"
00004 /*
00005 * Supported Event Types
00006 */
00007 enum events{
00008     MOVE_UP,    //up arrow event
00009     MOVE_DOWN,  //down arrow event
00010     MOVE_LEFT,  //left arrow event
00011     MOVE_RIGHT, //right arrow event
00012     FIRE1,      //CTRL key event
00013     FIRE2,
00014     JUMP,       //ALT key event
00015     COIN1,      //5 key event
00016     START,      //1 key event
00017     BACK,       //ESC key event
00018     USER,       //ESC key event
00019     PASS,       //ESC key event
00020     RUN
00022 };
00024 /*
00025 * USB/device wrapper for Keyboard
00026 * handles signals from josytick and route them to correspoding 
00027 * device USB master/host. 
00028 * 
00029 */
00030 class SignalRouter
00031 {
00032 private:
00033     USBKeyboard* kdev;
00034 public:
00035     SignalRouter(USBKeyboard& dev);
00037     /*
00038     *routes specific keboard event
00039     */
00040     void sendEvent(int event);
00042 };