
Dependencies:   Hepta2_9axis HeptaBattery HeptaTemp HeptaXbee SDHCFileSystem mbed

Fork of HEPTA2_ALL_ver0803_02 by Hepta 2

diff -r 890188e041da -r 726072016da1 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Wed Jul 19 09:25:34 2017 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Jul 21 10:38:11 2017 +0000
@@ -1,28 +1,294 @@
+2:MPU9250(Accel) =
+3:MPU9250(Gyro) =
+4:MPU9250(Mag_compass) =
+5:GPS sensing Mode =
+6:CAM Mode = OK!
+7:Temperature sensing =
+8:Xbee mode =
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "SDHCFileSystem.h"
+#include "HeptaXbee.h"
 #include "HeptaSerial.h"
+#include "Hepta9axis.h"
+#include "HeptaTemp.h"
-//static const int CAPTURE_FRAMES = 3;
-//static char buf[256+1];
-//static FILE *fp_jpeg;
+Serial pc(USBTX,USBRX);
+SDFileSystem sd(p5, p6, p7, p8, "fs");
+HeptaXbee xbee(p9,p10);
+HeptaSerial camera(p13, p14);
+HeptaMPU9250 MPU9250(p28,p27,0xD0,0x18);//sda,scl,acc&gyro_address,mag_gyro
+HeptaTemp heptatemp(p17);
+DigitalOut CAM_SW(p25);//CAM_control
+DigitalOut GPS_SW(p24);//GPS_control
+int main()
+    char mode;
+    pc.baud(9600);
+    while(1) {
+        /*
+        ************
+        Mode select
+        ***********
+        */
+        pc.printf("\r\n");
+        pc.printf("*********************************\r\n");
+        pc.printf("Hello world.\r\n");
+        pc.printf("My name is HEPTA2\r\n");
+        pc.printf("Please select mode.\r\n");
+        pc.printf("1:SD test Mode\r\n");
+        pc.printf("2:Gyro sening ModeE\r\n");
+        pc.printf("3:Accel sensing Mode\r\n");
+        pc.printf("4:Magnet sensig Mode\r\n");
+        pc.printf("5:GPS sensing Mode\r\n");
+        pc.printf("6:CAM mode\r\n");
+        pc.printf("7:Temperature sensing Mode\r\n");
+        pc.printf("8:Xbee Mode\r\n");
+        pc.printf("9:Xbee & Temperature Mode\r\n");//恒温槽用
+        pc.printf("10:All Transmitting Mode Mode\r\n");
+        pc.printf("*********************************\r\n");
+        mode = pc.getc();
+        pc.printf("\r\n");
+        pc.printf("Your select Mode = %c\r\n",mode);
+        wait(0.5);
+        switch(mode) {
+            case'1': {
+                printf("=============\r\n");
+                printf("SD test Mode\r\n");
+                printf("=============\r\n");
+                FILE *fp = fopen("/fs/myfile.txt", "w");
+                if(fp == NULL) {
+                    pc.printf("Could not open file for write\r\n");
+                } else {
+                    fprintf(fp, "\n\rHello World!\n\r");
+                    printf("SD Check Complete!!\r\n");
+                    fclose(fp);
+                }
+                break;
+            }//case'1'
+            /*
+            ******************
+            Gyro sensing mode
+            ******************
+            */
-SDFileSystem sd(p5, p6, p7, p8, "fs");
-HeptaSerial camera(p13, p14);
-DigitalOut AS2(p25);//CAM_control
-DigitalOut AS1(p24);//GPS_control
+            case'2': {
+                printf("===================\r\n");
+                printf("Gyro sensing Mode\r\n");
+                printf("===================\r\n");
+                float gx,gy,gz;
+                for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+                    MPU9250.sen_gyro(&gx,&gy,&gz);
+                    pc.printf("GX = %f,GY = %f,GZ = %f\r\n",gx,gy,gz);
+                    wait(0.5);
+                }
+                break;
+            }//case'2'
+            /*
+            ******************
+            Accel sensing mode
+            ******************
+            */
+            case'3': {
+                printf("===================\r\n");
+                printf("Accel sensing Mode\r\n");
+                printf("===================\r\n");
+                float ax,ay,az;
+                for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+                    MPU9250.sen_acc(&ax,&ay,&az);
+                    pc.printf("AX = %f,AY = %f,AZ = %f\r\n",ax,ay,az);
+                    wait(0.5);
+                }
+                break;
+            }//case'3'
+            /*
+            ******************
+            Magnet sensing mode
+            ******************
+            */
+            case'4': {
+                float mx,my,mz;
+                printf("===================\r\n");
+                printf("Magnet sensing Mode\r\n");
+                printf("===================\r\n");
+                for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+                    MPU9250.sen_mag(&mx,&my,&mz);
+                    pc.printf("MX = %f,MY = %f,MZ = %f\r\n",mx,my,mz);
+                    wait(0.5);
+                }
+                break;
+            }//case'4'
+            /*
+            ******************
+            Cam Snapshot mode
+            ******************
+            */
+            case'6': {
+                GPS_SW = 0;
+                CAM_SW = 1;
+                printf("\r\n");
+                printf("==========\r\n");
+                printf("CameraC1098\r\n");
+                printf("==========\r\n");
+                camera.Sync();
+                camera.initialize(HeptaSerial::Baud115200, HeptaSerial::JpegResolution320x240);
+                camera.test_jpeg_snapshot_picture(1);
-int main() {
-    AS1 = 0;
-    AS2=1;
-    printf("\r\n");
-    printf("==========\r\n"); 
-    printf("CameraC1098\r\n");
-    printf("==========\r\n");
-    camera.Sync();//Synchronization
-    camera.initialize(HeptaSerial::Baud115200, HeptaSerial::JpegResolution320x240);//initialize
-    camera.test_jpeg_snapshot_data();
-    return 0;
+                break;
+            }//case'6'
+            /*
+            ******************
+            Temp sensing mode
+            ******************
+            */
+            case'7': {
+                printf("==================\r\n");
+                printf("Temp sensing Mode\r\n");
+                printf("==================\r\n");
+                float temp;
+                for(int i = 0; i<100; i++) {
+                    heptatemp.temp_sense(&temp);
+                    pc.printf("%f\r\n",temp);
+                    //xbee.printf("%f\r\n",temp);
+                }
+                break;
+            }//case'7'
+            /*
+            ***********
+            Xbee mode
+            ***********
+            */
+            case'8': {
+                int i=0,rcmd=0,cmdflag=0;
+                xbee.printf("Count Up!\r");
+                while(1) {
+                    xbee.printf("num = %d\r",i);
+                    i++;
+                    wait(1.0);
+                    xbee.xbee_recieve(&rcmd,&cmdflag);
+                    pc.printf("rcmd=%d, cmdflag=%d\r\n",rcmd, cmdflag);
+                    if (cmdflag == 1) {
+                        if (rcmd == 'a') {
+                            pc.printf("Command Get %d\r\n",rcmd);
+                            xbee.printf("HEPTA Uplink OK\r");
+                        }
+                        xbee.initialize();
+                    }
+                }
+                break;
+            }//case'8'
+            /*
+            ******************
+            Temp sensing mode by Xbbe
+            ******************
+            */
+            case'9': {
+                printf("==================\r\n");
+                printf("Temp sensing Mode & Xbee\r\n");
+                printf("==================\r\n");
+                float temp;
+                //FILE *fp = fopen("/fs/myfile.csv", "a");
+//                if(fp == NULL) {
+//                    pc.printf("Could not open file for write\r\n");
+//                } else {
+                    while(1)
+                    {
+                    //for(int i = 0; i<100; i++) {
+                        FILE *fp = fopen("/fs/myfile.csv", "a");
+                        heptatemp.temp_sense(&temp);
+                        pc.printf("%f\r\n",temp);
+                        xbee.printf("%f\r\n",temp);
+                        fprintf(fp, "%f\n",temp);
+                        fclose(fp);
+                    }
+//                    fclose(fp);
+//                }
+                break;
+            }//case'9'
+            /*
+            *********************
+            All Transmitting Mode
+            *********************
+            */
+            case'a': {
+                printf("==================\r\n");
+                printf("All Transmitting Mode\r\n");
+                printf("==================\r\n");
+                char gx[4],gy[4],gz[4],ax[4],ay[4],az[4],mx[4],my[4],mz[4],lad[8],log[8],bt[4],temp[4];
+                char ddata[60];
+                int dsize[6];
+                while(1) {
+                    /*
+                     MPU9250.sen_gyro_u16(gx,gy,gz,&dsize[0]);
+                     MPU9250.sen_acc_u16(ax,ay,az,&dsize[1]);
+                     MPU9250.sen_mag_u16(mx,my,mz,&dsize[2]);
+                     gps.sensing_u16(lad,log,&dsize[3]);
+                     battery.vol_u16(bt,&dsize[4]);
+                     heptatemp.temp_sense_u16(temp,&dsize[5]);
+                     */
+                    //gyro.x_u16(gx,4);
+                    xbee.xbee_transmit(ddata,60,gx,gy,gz,ax,ay,az,mx,my,mz,lad,log,bt,temp,dsize[0],dsize[0],dsize[0],dsize[1],dsize[1],dsize[1],dsize[2],dsize[2],dsize[2],dsize[3],dsize[3],dsize[4],dsize[5],13);
+                }
+                break;
+            }//case'9'
+            /*
+                       ******************
+                       Cam Snapshot mode
+                       ******************
+                       */
+            case'b': {
+                GPS_SW = 0;
+                CAM_SW = 1;
+                printf("\r\n");
+                printf("==========\r\n");
+                printf("CameraC1098\r\n");
+                printf("==========\r\n");
+                camera.Sync();
+                camera.initialize(HeptaSerial::Baud115200, HeptaSerial::JpegResolution320x240);
+                camera.test_jpeg_snapshot_data(1);
+                break;
+            }//case'6'
+            default:
+                break;
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file