Arianna autonomous DAQ firmware

Dependencies:   mbed SDFileSystemFilinfo AriSnProtocol NetServicesMin AriSnComm MODSERIAL PowerControlClkPatch DS1820OW

diff -r b3180073c8ec -r efc4d654b139 SnCommWin.cpp
--- a/SnCommWin.cpp	Tue Oct 30 06:02:32 2012 +0000
+++ b/SnCommWin.cpp	Thu Nov 01 07:00:17 2012 +0000
@@ -15,7 +15,9 @@
 //#define DEBUG
-const char* SnCommWin::kLocalDir = "/local";
+const char*   SnCommWin::kLocalDir = "/local";
+const char*   SnCommWin::kDelAllConfCodeStr = "fj2io32FIJ(#jd;;.O@++/]ewavk2[49ojv";
+const uint8_t SnCommWin::kDelAllConfCodeLen = 35; // length of the above string
 uint32_t SnCommWin::GetConnectTimeout() const { return kConnectTimeout; }
 uint32_t SnCommWin::GetListenTimeout() const { return kListenTimeout; }
@@ -128,8 +130,9 @@
                     printf("calling wait handshake\r\n");
                     // wait for handshake
-                    uint8_t hndshk=0;
-                    res = WaitHandshake(curConf, handshakeTimeout, genBuf, bsize, hndshk);
+                    uint8_t hndshk(0); uint32_t hndshkLen(0);
+                    res = WaitHandshake(curConf, handshakeTimeout, genBuf, bsize, hndshk,
+                                        &hndshkLen);
                     if (hndres!=0) {
                         *hndres = hndshk;
@@ -138,20 +141,34 @@
                         res, nevts, curConf.IsDeletingFiles(), inf,
                         SnSDUtils::GetCurFile(), hndshk);
                     if (    (res==SnCommWin::kOkWithMsg) // got handshake
                          && (nevts==0)                   // sent whole file
-                         &&  curConf.IsDeletingFiles()   // want to delete
-                         && (inf!=SnSDUtils::GetCurFile()) // not current file
-                         && (hndshk==SnHeaderFrame::kHnShOkComplCode)) {  // whole file received
-                        // delete it
+                         && (inf!=SnSDUtils::GetCurFile()) ) { // not current file
+                        if (    curConf.IsDeletingFiles()   // want to delete
+                            && (hndshk==SnHeaderFrame::kHnShOkComplCode)) {  // whole file received
+                            // delete it
 #ifdef DEBUG
-                        printf("deleting file %p, %s\r\n",inf,infn);
+                            printf("deleting file %p, %s\r\n",inf,infn);
-                        SnSDUtilsWhisperer::DeleteFile(inf, infn);
-                        didDel=true;
+                            SnSDUtilsWhisperer::DeleteFile(inf, infn);
+                            didDel=true;
+                        } else if (  hndshk==SnHeaderFrame::kHnShOkStopCode ) {
+                            res = SnCommWin::kOkStopComm;
+                        } else if ( (hndshk==SnHeaderFrame::kHnShOkDelAlCode) ||
+                                    (hndshk==SnHeaderFrame::kHnShOkDelRnCode) ) {
+                            if ( GetDeleteAllConfirmCode(curConf, 
+                                    kDelAllConfCodeLen, handshakeTimeout, 
+                                    genBuf, bsize) ) {
+                                if (hndshk==SnHeaderFrame::kHnShOkDelAlCode) {
+                                    SnSDUtilsWhisperer::DeleteAllFiles();
+                                } else if (hndshk==SnHeaderFrame::kHnShOkDelRnCode) {
+                                    SnSDUtilsWhisperer::DeleteFilesOfRun(hndshkLen);
+                                }
+                                res = SnCommWin::kOkStopComm;
+                            }
+                        }
@@ -171,11 +188,46 @@
     return res;
+bool SnCommWin::GetDeleteAllConfirmCode(const SnConfigFrame& conf,
+                                        const uint32_t length,
+                                        const uint32_t timeout,
+                                        char* const buf,
+                                        const uint32_t bsize) {
+    bool ret = false;
+    // ensure we don't wait forever
+    const uint32_t to = ((timeout>0) && (timeout<kAbsMaxTimer)) 
+                                ? conf.GetTimeoutTime(time(0), timeout)
+                                : conf.GetTimeoutTime(time(0), kListenTimeout);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    printf("GetDeleteAllConfirmCode, to=%u\r\n",to);
+    // better pull all the bytes no matter the buffer size
+    const uint32_t ll = (bsize<length) ? bsize : length;
+    int mlen = 0;
+    while ( mlen<length ) {
+        mlen += ReceiveAll(buf, ll, to);
+        if (IsTimedOut(to)) {
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    if (mlen==length) {
+        const char* b = buf;
+        const char* c = kDelAllConfCodeStr;
+        bool match = true;
+        for (uint8_t i=0; (i<kDelAllConfCodeLen) && match; ++i, ++b, ++c) {
+            match = ((*b)==(*c));
+        }
+        ret = match;
+    }
+    return ret;
 SnCommWin::ECommWinResult SnCommWin::WaitHandshake(const SnConfigFrame& conf,
                                                    const uint32_t timeout,
                                                    char* const buf,
                                                    const uint32_t bsize,
-                                                   uint8_t& hndShkCode) {
+                                                   uint8_t& hndShkCode,
+                                                   uint32_t* hndShkLen) {
     // ensure we don't wait forever
     const uint32_t to = ((timeout>0) && (timeout<kAbsMaxTimer)) 
                                 ? conf.GetTimeoutTime(time(0), timeout)
@@ -193,6 +245,9 @@
         printf("got handshake code=%02x, len=%u\r\n",hndShkCode,msgLen);
         if ((hndShkCode & SnHeaderFrame::kHndShkBits)!=0) {
+            if (hndShkLen!=0) {
+                *hndShkLen = msgLen;
+            }
             return SnCommWin::kOkWithMsg;
         } else {
             // TODO: somehow handle unexpected message?
@@ -517,6 +572,7 @@
     return SnCommWin::kFailPartSent;
 SnCommWin::ECommWinResult SnCommWin::SendString(const char* str,
                                                 const uint32_t timeout) {
 #ifdef DEBUG