Arianna autonomous DAQ firmware

Dependencies:   mbed SDFileSystemFilinfo AriSnProtocol NetServicesMin AriSnComm MODSERIAL PowerControlClkPatch DS1820OW



File content as of revision 51:b2bc37d660c0:

#ifndef SN_SnConstants
#define SN_SnConstants

#include "SnBitUtils.h"
#include "SnCommConstants.h"

// constants
// if these change, it is likely that some i/o version (config, event, etc) will need to change
static const bool     kIridPwrFromAfar  = false; // true if Iridium & Afar are on the same relay, false if not
static const uint32_t kBStime           = 946684800u; // 1/1/2000 00:00:00 UTC
static const uint8_t  kNchans           = 4u;
static const uint8_t  kNsamps           = 128u;
static const uint8_t  kNfpgaDacs        = 4u;
static const uint8_t  kNplasV1          = 5u;//72;  // update config i/o version if this changes
static const uint8_t  kNplas            = kNplasV1; // update config i/o version if this changes
static const uint16_t kNoTrigPla        = 0x0000u;
static const uint8_t  kNcomms           = 2u;
static const uint16_t kNvoltsAve        = 500u; // must be greater than ~10 (but not checked. <2 will result in divide by 0)
static const float    kAsfClkPrdUs      = 8.535; // us -- change kAdcToMBtimeCut if this is <=2us

static const uint32_t kAbsMaxTimer      = 1800u; // timers use integers counting us and can't go longer than ~ this many secs

// NOTE: these times (in sec) must be less than kAbsMaxTimer (this is not checked, however)
static const uint8_t  kDefTimeoutMin    = 3u;    // minutes. used in case a clock error is detected or range needs enforcing
static const uint32_t kCommWinLongPrdTk = 300u;  // seconds. check if it's time for a comm win every X sec. this way comm per can be longer than Timer allows

static const uint16_t kMaxConsecCommFails = 4;    // (exclusive) number of times a comm win can fail before the mbed resets

// safety nets
static const uint16_t kMaxFirstSeq      = 25000;  // max specifiable seq number -- leave room to grow
static const float    kMinForcePer      = 0.05;   // seconds -- safety net for max force trigger rate
static const uint16_t kMaxThrottlePerMs = 60000;  // ms -- max time between thermal triggers
static const uint16_t kMaxBatVoltLowPwr = 25000;  // ADCs -- probably futile, but try to prevent it from being in low power mode always
static const uint32_t kMinCommWinPeriod = 120;    // seconds -- min time between communication windows
static const uint32_t kMaxCommWinPeriod = 259200; // seconds -- max time between communication windows
static const uint32_t kMinCommWinDur    = 600;    // seconds -- min communication window duration -- must be >= Ncomms*listen/connect timeout
static const uint32_t kMaxWatchDogPer   = 3600;   // seconds -- max time before watchdog reset on idle
static const uint32_t kMinWatchDogPer   = 300;    // seconds -- min time before watchdog reset on idle

static const uint16_t kTotSamps         = kNchans*kNsamps;
static const uint16_t kTotDacs          = kNchans*kNfpgaDacs;

static const float    kAdcToMBtimeCut   = (kNsamps*kAsfClkPrdUs)+(kAsfClkPrdUs/2.0);

enum ESnTrgTypes {
                                          // order must match ESnTrgTypes
static const uint8_t kTrgBW[kNumTrgs] = { BIT(0), BIT(1), BIT(2), BIT(7) };

#endif // SN_SnConstants