Arianna station communication peripherals.

Dependents:   AutonomousDAQ AutonomousDAQ


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
10:29301aaa8c33 2018-08-08 uci1 Fixed EOL termination for SBD comms, replacing \r\n with \r (or something like that) default tip
9:1562f78c4d3c 2015-10-30 uci1 Update Iridium epoch date. Make SendString use less memory.
8:11db5ec260d4 2015-02-04 uci1 Add 1 sec wait before first AT command on Connect. Without this, the serial port doesn't become readable for the first command, and the first Connect will time out.
7:ba4bc9266f9c 2014-10-30 uci1 init reading char to 0. add TODO comment about fixing msg num/tot
6:e9d133ec7a95 2013-10-30 uci1 no debug. fix so modserial does not use vtable. add CheckSignalStrength. fix Send to return bytes sent, not buffered. use SBD checksum and without union
5:2ee6cbb948c0 2013-10-08 uci1 make serial type explicit, as they do not have vtables. SBD: send buffered returns bytes sent out, use checksum of msg from modem, remove unions, fix EmptyRxBuffer, add CheckSignalStrength
4:8328c2972290 2013-10-05 uci1 set callback in NewSocket, no wait after fEth setup, fEthSetup false in CloseConn, opt use of rtos wait, CPU baud rate to 115200, remove input of 0 returning false from IsTimedOut, set sys time tracks prev and curr times, no type punting in sbd stime
3:a7f72492f19e 2013-09-05 uci1 add power down function, add finish sending in case of outgoing buffering, add outgoing buffer to SBD, change dynamic to static casts, remove timeout constants. changes untested.
2:3916a7f5d91b 2013-05-29 uci1 Remove DEBUG from SnCommSBD
1:6d6004359345 2013-05-29 uci1 add Iridium epoch and seconds per tick to the comm constants
0:26c9189e5924 2013-05-29 uci1 communication peripheral library for Arianna station