SX1276 Shield based Applications

Dependencies:   X_NUCLEO_IKS01A1 LoRaWAN-lib SX1276Lib mbed

LoRaWAN-SX1276-Application Demo uses SX1276MB1LAS mbed component shield on a nucleo board platform to demonstrate a Class-A LoRaWAN device in the 915MHz ISM band for North American region. It uses the LoRaWAN-lib and SX1276Lib libraries.

Comissioning.h (LoRaWAN Network Configuration)

The end-device can be activated in one of the two ways:

Over the Air (OTA) activation can be enabled as shown in the figure below. /media/uploads/ubhat/ota_enable.png

The end-device must be configured with the following parameters:

  • LORAWAN_DEVICE_EUI (8 Bytes) : Fist 3 Bytes is the Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI) followed by 5 bytes of unique ID. If not defined by user, then the firmware automatically assigns one to the end-device


Activation by Personalization (ABP) can be enabled as shown in the figure below. /media/uploads/ubhat/abp_enable.png

The end-device must be configured with the following parameters:

  • LORAWAN_DEVICE_ADDRESS (4 Bytes) : If not defined by user, then the firmware automatically assigns one to the end-device
  • LORAWAN_NWKSKEY (16 Bytes)
  • LORAWAN_APPSKEY (16 Bytes)


Config.h (LoRaWAN Communication Parameters)

  • Mode of Operation : Hybrid If the end-device needs to be configured to operate over 8-channels, then Hybrid Mode needs to be enabled /media/uploads/ubhat/hybridenable.png
  • Mode of Operation : Frequency Hop If the end-device needs to be configured to operate over 64-channels, then Hybrid Mode needs to be disabled
  • Delay between successive JOIN REQUESTs : The delay between successive Join Requests (until the end-device joins the network) can be configured using the parameter OVER_THE_AIR_ACTIVATION_DUTYCYCLE
  • Inter-Frame Delay : One can change the delay between each frame transmission using APP_TX_DUTYCYCLE It is advisable that APP_TX_DUTYCYCLE is greater than or equal to 3sec.
  • Data Rate : The data rate can be configured as per LoRaWAN specification using the paramter LORAWAN_DEFAULT_DATARATE. The range of values are DR_0, DR_1, DR_2, DR_3 and DR_4
  • Confirmed/Unconfirmed Messages : The uplink message or payload can be chosen to be confirmed or unconfirmed using the parameter LORAWAN_CONFIRMED_MSG_ON. When set to 1, the transmitted messages need to be confirmed with an ACK by the network server in the subsequent RX window. When set to 0, no ACK is requested.
  • ADR ON/OFF : The ADR can be enabled or disabled using the parameter LORAWAN_ADR_ON. When set to 1, ADR is enabled and disabled when set to 0.
  • Application Port : The application port can be set using parameter LORAWAN_APP_PORT. A few examples are associated to specific Application Port, and are defined in Config.h
  • Payload Length : The lenght of the payload (in bytes) to be transmitted can be configured using LORAWAN_APP_DATA_SIZE
  • Transmit Power : The transmit power can be configured using LORAWAN_TX_POWER (LoRaMAC verifies if the set power is compliant with the LoRaWAN spec and FCC guidelines)


The baud-rate for serial terminal display is 115200

Sat Aug 27 04:03:02 2016 +0000
X_Nucleo_IKS01A1 Sensor application (Port 8)

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 1 /*
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 2 / _____) _ | |
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 3 ( (____ _____ ____ _| |_ _____ ____| |__
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 4 \____ \| ___ | (_ _) ___ |/ ___) _ \
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 5 _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | |
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 6 (______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_|
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 7 (C)2015 Semtech
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 8
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 9 Description: Target board general functions implementation
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 10
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 11 License: Revised BSD License, see LICENSE.TXT file include in the project
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 12
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 13 Maintainer: Miguel Luis and Gregory Cristian
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 14 */
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 15 #ifndef __BOARD_H__
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 16 #define __BOARD_H__
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 17
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 18 #include "Config.h"
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 19 #include "mbed.h"
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 20 #include "system/timer.h"
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 21 #include "debug.h"
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 22 #include "system/utilities.h"
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 23 #include "sx1276-hal.h"
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 24
ubhat 2:78df92a365c2 25 #ifdef USE_IKS01A1_SENSOR
ubhat 2:78df92a365c2 26 #include "x_nucleo_iks01a1.h"
ubhat 2:78df92a365c2 27 #endif
ubhat 2:78df92a365c2 28
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 29 /*!
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 30 * Unique Devices IDs register set ( STM32L1xxx )
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 31 */
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 32 #define ID1 ( 0x1FF800D0 )
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 33 #define ID2 ( 0x1FF800D4 )
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 34 #define ID3 ( 0x1FF800E4 )
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 35
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 36 #define LOW_BAT_THRESHOLD 3.45
ubhat 2:78df92a365c2 37 #define AIN_VREF 3.3 // STM32 internal refernce
ubhat 2:78df92a365c2 38 #define AIN_VBAT_DIV 2 // Resistor divider
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 39
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 40 extern SX1276MB1xAS Radio;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 41
ubhat 1:80c1daf19aa4 42 extern DigitalIn UsrButton;
ubhat 1:80c1daf19aa4 43
ubhat 2:78df92a365c2 44 extern AnalogOut UsrLED;
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 45
ubhat 2:78df92a365c2 46 #ifdef USE_IKS01A1_SENSOR
ubhat 2:78df92a365c2 47 extern X_NUCLEO_IKS01A1 *mems_expansion_board;
ubhat 2:78df92a365c2 48 extern MotionSensor *accelerometer;
ubhat 2:78df92a365c2 49 extern HumiditySensor *humidity_sensor;
ubhat 2:78df92a365c2 50 extern PressureSensor *pressure_sensor;
ubhat 2:78df92a365c2 51 extern TempSensor *temp_sensor1;
ubhat 2:78df92a365c2 52 #endif
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 53
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 54 /*!
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 55 * \brief Initializes the target board peripherals.
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 56 */
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 57 void BoardInit( void );
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 58
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 59 /*!
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 60 * \brief Measure the Battery level
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 61 *
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 62 * \retval value battery level ( 0: very low, 254: fully charged )
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 63 */
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 64 uint8_t BoardGetBatteryLevel( void );
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 65
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 66 /*!
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 67 * Returns a pseudo random seed generated using the MCU Unique ID
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 68 *
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 69 * \retval seed Generated pseudo random seed
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 70 */
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 71 uint32_t BoardGetRandomSeed( void );
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 72
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 73 /*!
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 74 * \brief Generates Lower 32 bits of DEVEUI using 96 bits unique device ID
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 75 *
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 76 * \param [IN] id Pointer to an array that will contain the Unique ID
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 77 */
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 78 void BoardGetDevEUI( uint8_t *id );
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 79
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 80 /*!
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 81 * \brief Gets the board 64 bits unique ID
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 82 *
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 83 * \param [IN] id Pointer to an array that will contain the Unique ID
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 84 */
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 85 void BoardGetUniqueId( uint8_t *id );
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 86
ubhat 0:42863a11464a 87 #endif // __BOARD_H__