LoRaWAN application using SX1272

Dependencies:   X_NUCLEO_IKS01A1 driver_mbed_TH02 LoRaWAN-lib-v1_0_1 SX1272Lib mbed

Fork of LoRaWAN-SX1272-Application-Demo by Uttam Bhat

Fri Nov 10 09:42:56 2017 +0000
minor changes

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 1 /*
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 2 / _____) _ | |
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 3 ( (____ _____ ____ _| |_ _____ ____| |__
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 4 \____ \| ___ | (_ _) ___ |/ ___) _ \
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 5 _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | |
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 6 (______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_|
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 7 (C)2013 Semtech
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 8
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 9 Description: Helper functions implementation
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 10
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 11 License: Revised BSD License, see LICENSE.TXT file include in the project
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 12
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 13 Maintainer: Miguel Luis and Gregory Cristian
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 14 */
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 15 #ifndef __UTILITIES_H__
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 16 #define __UTILITIES_H__
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 17
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 18 /*!
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 19 * \brief Returns the minimum value betwen a and b
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 20 *
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 21 * \param [IN] a 1st value
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 22 * \param [IN] b 2nd value
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 23 * \retval minValue Minimum value
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 24 */
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 25 #define MIN( a, b ) ( ( ( a ) < ( b ) ) ? ( a ) : ( b ) )
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 26
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 27 /*!
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 28 * \brief Returns the maximum value betwen a and b
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 29 *
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 30 * \param [IN] a 1st value
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 31 * \param [IN] b 2nd value
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 32 * \retval maxValue Maximum value
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 33 */
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 34 #define MAX( a, b ) ( ( ( a ) > ( b ) ) ? ( a ) : ( b ) )
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 35
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 36 /*!
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 37 * \brief Returns 2 raised to the power of n
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 38 *
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 39 * \param [IN] n power value
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 40 * \retval result of raising 2 to the power n
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 41 */
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 42 #define POW2( n ) ( 1 << n )
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 43
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 44 /*!
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 45 * \brief Initializes the pseudo ramdom generator initial value
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 46 *
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 47 * \param [IN] seed Pseudo ramdom generator initial value
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 48 */
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 49 void srand1( uint32_t seed );
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 50
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 51 /*!
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 52 * \brief Computes a random number between min and max
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 53 *
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 54 * \param [IN] min range minimum value
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 55 * \param [IN] max range maximum value
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 56 * \retval random random value in range min..max
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 57 */
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 58 int32_t randr( int32_t min, int32_t max );
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 59
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 60 /*!
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 61 * \brief Copies size elements of src array to dst array
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 62 *
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 63 * \remark STM32 Standard memcpy function only works on pointers that are aligned
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 64 *
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 65 * \param [OUT] dst Destination array
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 66 * \param [IN] src Source array
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 67 * \param [IN] size Number of bytes to be copied
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 68 */
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 69 void memcpy1( uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, uint16_t size );
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 70
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 71 /*!
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 72 * \brief Copies size elements of src array to dst array reversing the byte order
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 73 *
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 74 * \param [OUT] dst Destination array
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 75 * \param [IN] src Source array
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 76 * \param [IN] size Number of bytes to be copied
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 77 */
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 78 void memcpyr( uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, uint16_t size );
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 79
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 80 /*!
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 81 * \brief Set size elements of dst array with value
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 82 *
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 83 * \remark STM32 Standard memset function only works on pointers that are aligned
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 84 *
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 85 * \param [OUT] dst Destination array
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 86 * \param [IN] value Default value
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 87 * \param [IN] size Number of bytes to be copied
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 88 */
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 89 void memset1( uint8_t *dst, uint8_t value, uint16_t size );
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 90
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 91 /*!
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 92 * \brief Converts a nibble to an hexadecimal character
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 93 *
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 94 * \param [IN] a Nibble to be converted
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 95 * \retval hexChar Converted hexadecimal character
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 96 */
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 97 int8_t Nibble2HexChar( uint8_t a );
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 98
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 99 #endif // __UTILITIES_H__