
Dependencies of ftf_mbed_lab2

A dependency is a program or library which this program uses. When you import this program, the dependencies are automatically imported.

The PCAL9555, PCAL9554 series is a low-voltage 16-bit/8-bit General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) expander with interrupt. This conponent library is compatible to basic operation os GPIO expanders: PCAL9555, PCA9555, PCA9535, PCA9539, … GPIO, GPIO expander, I2C, PCA9535, PCA9538, PCA9539, PCA9554, PCA9555, PCAL9554, PCAL9555
LPC General Purpose Shield (OM13082) LCD module library
The PWM output by software. Can be output to any pin. It can be used to replace the Pwmout. pwm, PwmOut, SoftPWM, softwearPWM