This is the open source Pawn interpreter ported to mbed. See here: and here:

Dependents:   Pawn4Test

You are viewing an older revision! See the latest version


Some instructions:

  • Put the attached include folder next to your source, so when you compile you get all the proper definitions
  • Use the attached main.p as a starting point if you wish
  • Compile your main.p into main.amx - Put your main.amx on the mbed 'drive'
  • Reset and be amazed.

Important Compile Notes:

  • You should use the -S# option to define a smaller default stack size. Start with -S64 and go up from there if needed.
  • To use on the Cortex-M0 version of the mbed (LPC11U24), you MUST include the TARGET=3 command-line option as well, so the pin names are properly defined. In the future this may be handled on the native code side.

Known Issues:

  • At the moment it appears the kbhit() function is not working right - at least on my mac. Will continue testing on Windows.

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