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00001 /*  Pawn Abstract Machine (for the Pawn language)
00002  *
00003  *  Copyright (c) ITB CompuPhase, 1997-2012
00004  *
00005  *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
00006  *  use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
00007  *  of the License at
00008  *
00009  *
00010  *
00011  *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00012  *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
00013  *  WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
00014  *  License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
00015  *  under the License.
00016  *
00017  *  Version: $Id: amx.h 4731 2012-06-21 11:11:18Z thiadmer $
00018  */
00020 #ifndef AMX_H_INCLUDED
00021 #define AMX_H_INCLUDED
00023 #include <stdlib.h>   /* for size_t */
00024 #include <limits.h>
00026 #if defined __linux || defined __linux__
00027   #define __LINUX__
00028 #endif
00029 #if defined FREEBSD && !defined __FreeBSD__
00030   #define __FreeBSD__
00031 #endif
00032 #if defined __LINUX__ || defined __FreeBSD__ || defined __OpenBSD__
00033   #include <sclinux.h>
00034 #endif
00036 #if !defined HAVE_STDINT_H
00037   #if (defined __STDC_VERSION__ && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L) \
00038       || defined __GNUC__ || defined __LCC__ || defined __DMC__ \
00039       || (defined __WATCOMC__ && __WATCOMC__ >= 1200)
00040     #define HAVE_STDINT_H 1
00041   #endif
00042 #endif
00043 #if !defined HAVE_INTTYPES_H
00044   #if defined __FreeBSD__
00045     #define HAVE_INTTYPES_H 1
00046   #endif
00047 #endif
00048 #if defined HAVE_STDINT_H
00049   #include <stdint.h>
00050 #elif defined HAVE_INTTYPES_H
00051   #include <inttypes.h>
00052 #else
00053   #if defined __MACH__
00054     #include <ppc/types.h>
00055   #endif
00056   typedef short int           int16_t;
00057   typedef unsigned short int  uint16_t;
00058   #if defined SN_TARGET_PS2
00059     typedef int               int32_t;
00060     typedef unsigned int      uint32_t;
00061   #else
00062     typedef long int          int32_t;
00063     typedef unsigned long int uint32_t;
00064   #endif
00065   #if defined __WIN32__ || defined _WIN32 || defined WIN32
00066     typedef __int64           int64_t;
00067     typedef unsigned __int64  uint64_t;
00068     #define HAVE_I64
00069   #endif
00070   #if !defined _INTPTR_T_DEFINED
00071     #if defined _LP64 || defined WIN64 || defined _WIN64
00072       typedef __int64         intptr_t;
00073     #else
00074       typedef int32_t         intptr_t;
00075     #endif
00076   #endif
00077 #endif
00078 #if defined _LP64 || defined WIN64 || defined _WIN64
00079   #if !defined __64BIT__
00080     #define __64BIT__
00081   #endif
00082 #endif
00084 #if !defined HAVE_ALLOCA_H
00085   #if defined __GNUC__ || defined __LCC__ || defined __DMC__ || defined __ARMCC_VERSION
00086     #define HAVE_ALLOCA_H 1
00087   #elif defined __WATCOMC__ && __WATCOMC__ >= 1200
00088     #define HAVE_ALLOCA_H 1
00089   #endif
00090 #endif
00091 #if defined HAVE_ALLOCA_H && HAVE_ALLOCA_H
00092   #include <alloca.h>
00093 #elif defined __BORLANDC__
00094   #include <malloc.h>
00095 #endif
00096 #if defined __WIN32__ || defined _WIN32 || defined WIN32 /* || defined __MSDOS__ */
00097   #if !defined alloca
00098     #define alloca(n)   _alloca(n)
00099   #endif
00100 #endif
00102 #if !defined assert_static
00103   /* see "Compile-Time Assertions" by Greg Miller,
00104    * (with modifications to port it to C)
00105    */
00106   #define _ASSERT_STATIC_SYMBOL_INNER(line) __ASSERT_STATIC_ ## line
00108   #define assert_static(test) \
00109     do { \
00110       typedef char _ASSERT_STATIC_SYMBOL(__LINE__)[ ((test) ? 1 : -1) ]; \
00111     } while (0)
00112 #endif
00114 #if defined  __cplusplus
00115 extern  "C" {
00116 #endif
00118 #if defined PAWN_DLL
00119   #if !defined AMX_NATIVE_CALL
00120     #define AMX_NATIVE_CALL __stdcall
00121   #endif
00122   #if !defined AMXAPI
00123     #define AMXAPI          __stdcall
00124   #endif
00125   #if !defined AMXEXPORT
00126     #define AMXEXPORT       __declspec(dllexport)
00127   #endif
00128 #endif
00130 /* calling convention for native functions */
00131 #if !defined AMX_NATIVE_CALL
00132   #define AMX_NATIVE_CALL
00133 #endif
00134 /* calling convention for all interface functions and callback functions */
00135 #if !defined AMXAPI
00136   #if defined STDECL
00137     #define AMXAPI      __stdcall
00138   #elif defined CDECL
00139     #define AMXAPI      __cdecl
00140   #elif defined GCC_HASCLASSVISIBILITY
00141     #define AMXAPI      __attribute__((visibility("default")))
00142   #else
00143     #define AMXAPI
00144   #endif
00145 #endif
00146 #if !defined AMXEXPORT
00147   #define AMXEXPORT
00148 #endif
00150 /* File format version (in CUR_FILE_VERSION)
00151  *   0 original version
00152  *   1 opcodes JUMP.pri, SWITCH and CASETBL
00153  *   2 compressed files
00154  *   3 public variables
00155  *   4 opcodes SWAP.pri/alt and PUSHADDR
00156  *   5 tagnames table
00157  *   6 reformatted header
00158  *   7 name table, opcodes SYMTAG & SYSREQ.D
00159  *   8 opcode BREAK, renewed debug interface
00160  *   9 macro opcodes
00161  *  10 position-independent code, overlays, packed instructions
00162  *  11 relocating instructions for the native interface, reorganized instruction set
00163  * MIN_FILE_VERSION is the lowest file version number that the current AMX
00164  * implementation supports. If the AMX file header gets new fields, this number
00165  * often needs to be incremented. MIN_AMX_VERSION is the lowest AMX version that
00166  * is needed to support the current file version. When there are new opcodes,
00167  * this number needs to be incremented.
00168  * The file version supported by the JIT may run behind MIN_AMX_VERSION. So
00169  * there is an extra constant for it: MAX_FILE_VER_JIT.
00170  */
00171 #define CUR_FILE_VERSION 11     /* current file version; also the current AMX version */
00172 #define MIN_FILE_VERSION 11     /* lowest supported file format version for the current AMX version */
00173 #define MIN_AMX_VERSION  11     /* minimum AMX version needed to support the current file format */
00174 #define MAX_FILE_VER_JIT 11     /* file version supported by the JIT */
00175 #define MIN_AMX_VER_JIT  11     /* AMX version supported by the JIT */
00177 #if !defined PAWN_CELL_SIZE
00178   #define PAWN_CELL_SIZE 32     /* by default, use 32-bit cells */
00179 #endif
00180 #if PAWN_CELL_SIZE==16
00181   typedef uint16_t  ucell;
00182   typedef int16_t   cell;
00183 #elif PAWN_CELL_SIZE==32
00184   typedef uint32_t  ucell;
00185   typedef int32_t   cell;
00186 #elif PAWN_CELL_SIZE==64
00187   typedef uint64_t  ucell;
00188   typedef int64_t   cell;
00189 #else
00190   #error Unsupported cell size (PAWN_CELL_SIZE)
00191 #endif
00193 #define UNPACKEDMAX   (((cell)1 << (sizeof(cell)-1)*8) - 1)
00194 #define UNLIMITED     (~1u >> 1)
00196 struct tagAMX;
00197 typedef cell (AMX_NATIVE_CALL *AMX_NATIVE)(struct tagAMX *amx, const cell *params);
00198 typedef int (AMXAPI *AMX_CALLBACK)(struct tagAMX *amx, cell index,
00199                                    cell *result, const cell *params);
00200 typedef int (AMXAPI *AMX_DEBUG)(struct tagAMX *amx);
00201 typedef int (AMXAPI *AMX_OVERLAY)(struct tagAMX *amx, int index);
00202 typedef int (AMXAPI *AMX_IDLE)(struct tagAMX *amx, int AMXAPI Exec(struct tagAMX *, cell *, int));
00203 #if !defined _FAR
00204   #define _FAR
00205 #endif
00207 #if defined _MSC_VER
00208   #pragma warning(disable:4103)  /* disable warning message 4103 that complains
00209                                   * about pragma pack in a header file */
00210   #pragma warning(disable:4100)  /* "'%$S' : unreferenced formal parameter" */
00211   #pragma warning(disable:4996)  /* POSIX name is deprecated */
00212 #endif
00214 /* Some compilers do not support the #pragma align, which should be fine. Some
00215  * compilers give a warning on unknown #pragmas, which is not so fine...
00216  */
00217 #if (defined SN_TARGET_PS2 || defined __GNUC__) && !defined AMX_NO_ALIGN
00218   #define AMX_NO_ALIGN
00219 #endif
00221 #if defined __GNUC__
00222   #define PACKED        __attribute__((packed))
00223 #else
00224   #define PACKED
00225 #endif
00227 #if !defined AMX_NO_ALIGN
00228   #if defined __LINUX__ || defined __FreeBSD__
00229     #pragma pack(1)         /* structures must be packed (byte-aligned) */
00230   #elif defined MACOS && defined __MWERKS__
00231     #pragma options align=mac68k
00232   #else
00233     #pragma pack(push)
00234     #pragma pack(1)         /* structures must be packed (byte-aligned) */
00235     #if defined __TURBOC__
00236       #pragma option -a-    /* "pack" pragma for older Borland compilers */
00237     #endif
00238   #endif
00239 #endif
00241 typedef struct tagAMX_NATIVE_INFO {
00242   const char _FAR *name;
00243   AMX_NATIVE func;
00246 #if !defined AMX_USERNUM
00247 #define AMX_USERNUM     4
00248 #endif
00249 #define sEXPMAX         19  /* maximum name length for file version <= 6 */
00250 #define sNAMEMAX        31  /* maximum name length of symbol name */
00252 typedef struct tagFUNCSTUB {
00253   uint32_t address;
00254   uint32_t nameofs;
00257 typedef struct tagOVERLAYINFO {
00258   int32_t offset;           /* offset relative to the start of the code block */
00259   int32_t size;             /* size in bytes */
00262 /* The AMX structure is the internal structure for many functions. Not all
00263  * fields are valid at all times; many fields are cached in local variables.
00264  */
00265 typedef struct tagAMX {
00266   unsigned char _FAR *base; /* points to the AMX header, perhaps followed by P-code and data */
00267   unsigned char _FAR *code; /* points to P-code block, possibly in ROM or in an overlay pool */
00268   unsigned char _FAR *data; /* points to separate data+stack+heap, may be NULL */
00269   AMX_CALLBACK callback;    /* native function callback */
00270   AMX_DEBUG debug;          /* debug callback */
00271   AMX_OVERLAY overlay;      /* overlay reader callback */
00272   /* for external functions a few registers must be accessible from the outside */
00273   cell cip;                 /* instruction pointer: relative to base + amxhdr->cod */
00274   cell frm;                 /* stack frame base: relative to base + amxhdr->dat */
00275   cell hea;                 /* top of the heap: relative to base + amxhdr->dat */
00276   cell hlw;                 /* bottom of the heap: relative to base + amxhdr->dat */
00277   cell stk;                 /* stack pointer: relative to base + amxhdr->dat */
00278   cell stp;                 /* top of the stack: relative to base + amxhdr->dat */
00279   int flags;                /* current status, see amx_Flags() */
00280   /* user data */
00281   #if AMX_USERNUM > 0
00282     long usertags[AMX_USERNUM];
00283     void _FAR *userdata[AMX_USERNUM];
00284   #endif
00285   /* native functions can raise an error */
00286   int error;
00287   /* passing parameters requires a "count" field */
00288   int paramcount;
00289   /* the sleep opcode needs to store the full AMX status */
00290   cell pri;
00291   cell alt;
00292   cell reset_stk;
00293   cell reset_hea;
00294   /* extra fields for increased performance */
00295   cell sysreq_d;            /* relocated address/value for the SYSREQ.D opcode */
00296   /* fields for overlay support and JIT support */
00297   int ovl_index;            /* current overlay index */
00298   long codesize;            /* size of the overlay, or estimated memory footprint of the native code */
00299   #if defined AMX_JIT
00300     /* support variables for the JIT */
00301     int reloc_size;         /* required temporary buffer for relocations */
00302   #endif
00303 } PACKED AMX;
00305 /* The AMX_HEADER structure is both the memory format as the file format. The
00306  * structure is used internaly.
00307  */
00308 typedef struct tagAMX_HEADER {
00309   int32_t size;             /* size of the "file" */
00310   uint16_t magic;           /* signature */
00311   char    file_version;     /* file format version */
00312   char    amx_version;      /* required version of the AMX */
00313   int16_t flags;
00314   int16_t defsize;          /* size of a definition record */
00315   int32_t cod;              /* initial value of COD - code block */
00316   int32_t dat;              /* initial value of DAT - data block */
00317   int32_t hea;              /* initial value of HEA - start of the heap */
00318   int32_t stp;              /* initial value of STP - stack top */
00319   int32_t cip;              /* initial value of CIP - the instruction pointer */
00320   int32_t publics;          /* offset to the "public functions" table */
00321   int32_t natives;          /* offset to the "native functions" table */
00322   int32_t libraries;        /* offset to the table of libraries */
00323   int32_t pubvars;          /* offset to the "public variables" table */
00324   int32_t tags;             /* offset to the "public tagnames" table */
00325   int32_t nametable;        /* offset to the name table */
00326   int32_t overlays;         /* offset to the overlay table */
00329 #define AMX_MAGIC_16    0xf1e2
00330 #define AMX_MAGIC_32    0xf1e0
00331 #define AMX_MAGIC_64    0xf1e1
00332 #if PAWN_CELL_SIZE==16
00333   #define AMX_MAGIC     AMX_MAGIC_16
00334 #elif PAWN_CELL_SIZE==32
00335   #define AMX_MAGIC     AMX_MAGIC_32
00336 #elif PAWN_CELL_SIZE==64
00337   #define AMX_MAGIC     AMX_MAGIC_64
00338 #endif
00340 enum {
00341   AMX_ERR_NONE,
00342   /* reserve the first 15 error codes for exit codes of the abstract machine */
00343   AMX_ERR_EXIT,         /* forced exit */
00344   AMX_ERR_ASSERT,       /* assertion failed */
00345   AMX_ERR_STACKERR,     /* stack/heap collision */
00346   AMX_ERR_BOUNDS,       /* index out of bounds */
00347   AMX_ERR_MEMACCESS,    /* invalid memory access */
00348   AMX_ERR_INVINSTR,     /* invalid instruction */
00349   AMX_ERR_STACKLOW,     /* stack underflow */
00350   AMX_ERR_HEAPLOW,      /* heap underflow */
00351   AMX_ERR_CALLBACK,     /* no callback, or invalid callback */
00352   AMX_ERR_NATIVE,       /* native function failed */
00353   AMX_ERR_DIVIDE,       /* divide by zero */
00354   AMX_ERR_SLEEP,        /* go into sleepmode - code can be restarted */
00355   AMX_ERR_INVSTATE,     /* no implementation for this state, no fall-back */
00357   AMX_ERR_MEMORY = 16,  /* out of memory */
00358   AMX_ERR_FORMAT,       /* invalid file format */
00359   AMX_ERR_VERSION,      /* file is for a newer version of the AMX */
00360   AMX_ERR_NOTFOUND,     /* function not found */
00361   AMX_ERR_INDEX,        /* invalid index parameter (bad entry point) */
00362   AMX_ERR_DEBUG,        /* debugger cannot run */
00363   AMX_ERR_INIT,         /* AMX not initialized (or doubly initialized) */
00364   AMX_ERR_USERDATA,     /* unable to set user data field (table full) */
00365   AMX_ERR_INIT_JIT,     /* cannot initialize the JIT */
00366   AMX_ERR_PARAMS,       /* parameter error */
00367   AMX_ERR_DOMAIN,       /* domain error, expression result does not fit in range */
00368   AMX_ERR_GENERAL,      /* general error (unknown or unspecific error) */
00369   AMX_ERR_OVERLAY,      /* overlays are unsupported (JIT) or uninitialized */
00370 };
00372 #define AMX_FLAG_OVERLAY  0x01  /* all function calls use overlays */
00373 #define AMX_FLAG_DEBUG    0x02  /* symbolic info. available */
00374 #define AMX_FLAG_NOCHECKS 0x04  /* no array bounds checking; no BREAK opcodes */
00375 #define AMX_FLAG_SLEEP    0x08  /* script uses the sleep instruction (possible re-entry or power-down mode) */
00376 #define AMX_FLAG_CRYPT    0x10  /* file is encrypted */
00377 #define AMX_FLAG_DSEG_INIT 0x20 /* data section is explicitly initialized */
00378 #define AMX_FLAG_SYSREQN 0x800  /* script uses new (optimized) version of SYSREQ opcode */
00379 #define AMX_FLAG_NTVREG 0x1000  /* all native functions are registered */
00380 #define AMX_FLAG_JITC   0x2000  /* abstract machine is JIT compiled */
00381 #define AMX_FLAG_VERIFY 0x4000  /* busy verifying P-code */
00382 #define AMX_FLAG_INIT   0x8000  /* AMX has been initialized */
00384 #define AMX_EXEC_MAIN   (-1)    /* start at program entry point */
00385 #define AMX_EXEC_CONT   (-2)    /* continue from last address */
00387 #define AMX_USERTAG(a,b,c,d)    ((a) | ((b)<<8) | ((long)(c)<<16) | ((long)(d)<<24))
00389 /* for native functions that use floating point parameters, the following
00390  * two macros are convenient for casting a "cell" into a "float" type _without_
00391  * changing the bit pattern
00392  */
00393 #if PAWN_CELL_SIZE==32
00394   #define amx_ftoc(f)   ( * ((cell*)&f) )   /* float to cell */
00395   #define amx_ctof(c)   ( * ((float*)&c) )  /* cell to float */
00396 #elif PAWN_CELL_SIZE==64
00397   #define amx_ftoc(f)   ( * ((cell*)&f) )   /* float to cell */
00398   #define amx_ctof(c)   ( * ((double*)&c) ) /* cell to float */
00399 #else
00400   // amx_ftoc() and amx_ctof() cannot be used
00401 #endif
00403 /* when a pointer cannot be stored in a cell, cells that hold relocated
00404  * addresses need to be expanded
00405  */
00406 #if defined __64BIT__ && PAWN_CELL_SIZE<64
00407   #define CELLMASK      (((int64_t)1 << PAWN_CELL_SIZE) - 1)
00408   #define amx_Address(amx,addr) \
00409                         (cell*)(((int64_t)((amx)->data ? (amx)->data : (amx)->code) & ~CELLMASK) | ((int64_t)(addr) & CELLMASK))
00410 #elif defined __32BIT__ && PAWN_CELL_SIZE<32
00411   #define CELLMASK      ((1L << PAWN_CELL_SIZE) - 1)
00412   #define amx_Address(amx,addr) \
00413                         (cell*)(((int32_t)((amx)->data ? (amx)->data : (amx)->code) & ~CELLMASK) | ((int32_t)(addr) & CELLMASK))
00414 #else
00415   #define amx_Address(amx,addr) ((void)(amx),(cell*)(addr))
00416 #endif
00418 #if defined __STDC_VERSION__ && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L
00419   /* C99: use variable-length arrays */
00420   #define amx_StrParam_Type(amx,param,result,type)                          \
00421     int result##_length_;                                                   \
00422     amx_StrLen(amx_Address(amx,param),&result##_length_);                   \
00423     char result##_vla_[(result##_length_+1)*sizeof(*(result))];             \
00424     (result)=(type)result##_vla_;                                           \
00425     amx_GetString((char*)(result),amx_Address(amx,param),                   \
00426                   sizeof(*(result))>1,result##_length_+1)
00427   #define amx_StrParam(amx,param,result) \
00428     amx_StrParam_Type(amx,param,result,void*)
00429 #else
00430   /* macro using alloca() */
00431   #define amx_StrParam_Type(amx,param,result,type)                          \
00432     do {                                                                    \
00433       int result##_length_;                                                 \
00434       amx_StrLen(amx_Address(amx,param),&result##_length_);                 \
00435       if (result##_length_>0 &&                                             \
00436           ((result)=(type)alloca((result##_length_+1)*sizeof(*(result))))!=NULL) \
00437         amx_GetString((char*)(result),amx_Address(amx,param),               \
00438                       sizeof(*(result))>1,result##_length_+1);              \
00439       else (result) = NULL;                                                 \
00440     } while (0)
00441   #define amx_StrParam(amx,param,result) \
00442     amx_StrParam_Type(amx,param,result,void*)
00443 #endif
00445 uint16_t * AMXAPI amx_Align16(uint16_t *v);
00446 uint32_t * AMXAPI amx_Align32(uint32_t *v);
00447 #if defined _I64_MAX || defined INT64_MAX || defined HAVE_I64
00448   uint64_t * AMXAPI amx_Align64(uint64_t *v);
00449 #endif
00450 int AMXAPI amx_Allot(AMX *amx, int cells, cell **address);
00451 int AMXAPI amx_Callback(AMX *amx, cell index, cell *result, const cell *params);
00452 int AMXAPI amx_Cleanup(AMX *amx);
00453 int AMXAPI amx_Clone(AMX *amxClone, AMX *amxSource, void *data);
00454 int AMXAPI amx_Exec(AMX *amx, cell *retval, int index);
00455 int AMXAPI amx_FindNative(AMX *amx, const char *name, int *index);
00456 int AMXAPI amx_FindPublic(AMX *amx, const char *name, int *index);
00457 int AMXAPI amx_FindPubVar(AMX *amx, const char *name, cell **address);
00458 int AMXAPI amx_FindTagId(AMX *amx, cell tag_id, char *tagname);
00459 int AMXAPI amx_Flags(AMX *amx,uint16_t *flags);
00460 int AMXAPI amx_GetNative(AMX *amx, int index, char *name);
00461 int AMXAPI amx_GetPublic(AMX *amx, int index, char *name, ucell *address);
00462 int AMXAPI amx_GetPubVar(AMX *amx, int index, char *name, cell **address);
00463 int AMXAPI amx_GetString(char *dest,const cell *source, int use_wchar, size_t size);
00464 int AMXAPI amx_GetTag(AMX *amx, int index, char *tagname, cell *tag_id);
00465 int AMXAPI amx_GetUserData(AMX *amx, long tag, void **ptr);
00466 int AMXAPI amx_Init(AMX *amx, void *program);
00467 int AMXAPI amx_InitJIT(AMX *amx, void *reloc_table, void *native_code);
00468 int AMXAPI amx_MemInfo(AMX *amx, long *codesize, long *datasize, long *stackheap);
00469 int AMXAPI amx_NameLength(AMX *amx, int *length);
00470 AMX_NATIVE_INFO * AMXAPI amx_NativeInfo(const char *name, AMX_NATIVE func);
00471 int AMXAPI amx_NumNatives(AMX *amx, int *number);
00472 int AMXAPI amx_NumPublics(AMX *amx, int *number);
00473 int AMXAPI amx_NumPubVars(AMX *amx, int *number);
00474 int AMXAPI amx_NumTags(AMX *amx, int *number);
00475 int AMXAPI amx_Push(AMX *amx, cell value);
00476 int AMXAPI amx_PushAddress(AMX *amx, cell *address);
00477 int AMXAPI amx_PushArray(AMX *amx, cell **address, const cell array[], int numcells);
00478 int AMXAPI amx_PushString(AMX *amx, cell **address, const char *string, int pack, int use_wchar);
00479 int AMXAPI amx_RaiseError(AMX *amx, int error);
00480 int AMXAPI amx_Register(AMX *amx, const AMX_NATIVE_INFO *nativelist, int number);
00481 int AMXAPI amx_Release(AMX *amx, cell *address);
00482 int AMXAPI amx_SetCallback(AMX *amx, AMX_CALLBACK callback);
00483 int AMXAPI amx_SetDebugHook(AMX *amx, AMX_DEBUG debug);
00484 int AMXAPI amx_SetString(cell *dest, const char *source, int pack, int use_wchar, size_t size);
00485 int AMXAPI amx_SetUserData(AMX *amx, long tag, void *ptr);
00486 int AMXAPI amx_StrLen(const cell *cstring, int *length);
00487 int AMXAPI amx_UTF8Check(const char *string, int *length);
00488 int AMXAPI amx_UTF8Get(const char *string, const char **endptr, cell *value);
00489 int AMXAPI amx_UTF8Len(const cell *cstr, int *length);
00490 int AMXAPI amx_UTF8Put(char *string, char **endptr, int maxchars, cell value);
00492 #if PAWN_CELL_SIZE==16
00493   #define amx_AlignCell(v) amx_Align16(v)
00494 #elif PAWN_CELL_SIZE==32
00495   #define amx_AlignCell(v) amx_Align32(v)
00496 #elif PAWN_CELL_SIZE==64 && (defined _I64_MAX || defined INT64_MAX || defined HAVE_I64)
00497   #define amx_AlignCell(v) amx_Align64(v)
00498 #else
00499   #error Unsupported cell size
00500 #endif
00502 #define amx_RegisterFunc(amx, name, func) \
00503   amx_Register((amx), amx_NativeInfo((name),(func)), 1);
00505 #if !defined AMX_NO_ALIGN
00506   #if defined __LINUX__ || defined __FreeBSD__
00507     #pragma pack()    /* reset default packing */
00508   #elif defined MACOS && defined __MWERKS__
00509     #pragma options align=reset
00510   #else
00511     #pragma pack(pop) /* reset previous packing */
00512   #endif
00513 #endif
00515 #ifdef  __cplusplus
00516 }
00517 #endif
00519 #endif /* AMX_H_INCLUDED */