
Dependents:   FreeIMU

Fork of MPU6050 by Yifei Teng

diff -r 9549be34fa7f -r e32a6beb0a41 MPU6050.cpp
--- a/MPU6050.cpp	Wed Sep 24 01:10:42 2014 +0000
+++ b/MPU6050.cpp	Tue Mar 27 22:31:21 2018 +0000
@@ -3465,4 +3465,493 @@
 void MPU6050::setDMPConfig2(uint8_t config)
     i2Cdev.writeByte(devAddr, MPU6050_RA_DMP_CFG_2, config);
\ No newline at end of file
+// =============================================================================
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+// =============================================================================
+// =============================================================================
+// ============================== MPU 9250 parts ===============================
+// =============================================================================
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+// =============================================================================
+// =============================================================================
+// =============================================================================
+/** initialize 9250.
+ * 
+ */
+void MPU6050::initialize9250() {
+    reset();
+    Thread::wait(50);
+    setStandbyDisable();
+    setSleepEnabled(false); // thanks to Jack Elston for pointing this one out!
+    setClockSource(MPU60X0_CLOCK_PLL_XGYRO);
+    setFullScaleGyroRange(MPU60X0_GYRO_FS_2000);
+    setFullScaleAccelRange(MPU60X0_ACCEL_FS_2);
+    //data = 1000 / rate - 1;
+    //setRate(data);    
+void MPU6050::initialize9250MasterMode(){
+    #include "AK8963.h"
+    uint8_t buff[3];
+    uint8_t data[7];
+    float _magScaleX, _magScaleY, _magScaleZ;   
+    //set dev address for magnetometer
+    magDevAddr = AK8963_DEFAULT_ADDRESS;
+    Thread::wait(50);
+    reset();
+    setStandbyDisable();
+    setSleepEnabled(false);
+    // select clock source to gyro
+    if( !writeRegister(MPU60X0_RA_PWR_MGMT_1, MPU60X0_CLOCK_PLL_XGYRO) ){
+        debugSerial.printf("Clock Source Not Set\n");
+    }
+    // enable I2C master mode
+    if( !writeRegister(MPU60X0_RA_USER_CTRL,I2C_MST_EN) ){
+        debugSerial.printf("Master Mode Not Set\n");
+    }
+    // set the I2C bus speed to 400 kHz
+    if( !writeRegister(MPU60X0_RA_I2C_MST_CTRL,I2C_MST_CLK) ){
+        debugSerial.printf("I2C Bus Speed Not Set\n");
+    }
+    // set AK8963 to Power Down
+    if( !writeAKRegister(AK8963_RA_CNTL1, AK8963_MODE_POWERDOWN) ){
+        debugSerial.printf("AK Not Powered Down\n");
+    }
+    // reset the MPU9250
+    writeRegister(MPU60X0_RA_PWR_MGMT_1, PWR_RESET);
+    // wait for MPU-9250 to come back up
+    Thread::wait(1);
+    // reset the AK8963
+    writeAKRegister(AK8963_RA_CNTL2, PWR_RESET);
+    // select clock source to gyro
+    if( !writeRegister(MPU60X0_RA_PWR_MGMT_1, MPU60X0_CLOCK_PLL_XGYRO) ){
+        debugSerial.printf("Clock Source Not Set\n");
+    }
+    // check the WHO AM I byte, expected value is 0x71 (decimal 113)
+    readRegister(MPU60X0_RA_WHO_AM_I, 1,&buff[0]);
+    if( buff[0] != 113 ){
+        debugSerial.printf("9250 Not Recognized\n");
+    }
+    // enable accelerometer and gyro
+    if( !writeRegister(MPU60X0_RA_PWR_MGMT_2, SEN_ENABLE) ){
+        debugSerial.printf("Accel and Gyro not Enabled\n");
+    }
+    /* setup the accel and gyro ranges */
+    setFullScaleGyroRange(MPU60X0_GYRO_FS_2000);    // set gyro range to +/- 250 deg/second
+    setFullScaleAccelRange(MPU60X0_ACCEL_FS_2);     // set accel range to +- 2g
+    //setFilt9250(DLPF_BANDWIDTH_92HZ, 4); 
+    // enable I2C master mode
+    if( !writeRegister(MPU60X0_RA_USER_CTRL,I2C_MST_EN) ){
+        debugSerial.printf("Master Mode Set\n");
+    }
+    // set the I2C bus speed to 400 kHz
+    if( !writeRegister(MPU60X0_RA_I2C_MST_CTRL,MPU60X0_CLOCK_PLL_XGYRO) ){
+        debugSerial.printf("I2C Bus Set\n");
+    }
+    // check AK8963 WHO AM I register, expected value is 0x48 (decimal 72)
+    readAKRegisters(AK8963_RA_WIA, sizeof(buff), &buff[0]);
+    if(  buff[0] != 72 ){
+        debugSerial.printf("%d", buff[0]);
+        debugSerial.printf(", ");
+        debugSerial.println("AK does not match");
+    }
+    /* get the magnetometer calibration */
+    // set AK8963 to Power Down
+    if( !writeAKRegister(AK8963_RA_CNTL1, AK8963_MODE_POWERDOWN) ){
+        debugSerial.printf("AK Not Powered Down\n");
+    }
+    Thread::wait(100); // long wait between AK8963 mode changes
+    // set AK8963 to FUSE ROM access
+    if( !writeAKRegister(AK8963_RA_CNTL1, AK8963_MODE_FUSEROM)){
+        debugSerial.printf("FUSE ROM Access Not set\n");
+    }
+    Thread::wait(100); // long wait between AK8963 mode changes
+    // read the AK8963 ASA registers and compute magnetometer scale factors
+    readAKRegisters(AK8963_RA_ASAX, sizeof(buff), &buff[0]);
+    //_magScaleX = ((((float)buff[0]) - 128.0f)/(256.0f) + 1.0f) * 4912.0f / 32760.0f; // micro Tesla
+    //_magScaleY = ((((float)buff[1]) - 128.0f)/(256.0f) + 1.0f) * 4912.0f / 32760.0f; // micro Tesla
+    //_magScaleZ = ((((float)buff[2]) - 128.0f)/(256.0f) + 1.0f) * 4912.0f / 32760.0f; // micro Tesla 
+    _magScaleX = buff[0];
+    _magScaleY = buff[1];
+    _magScaleZ = buff[2];
+    //Serial.print(_magScaleX); Serial.print(", "); Serial.print(_magScaleY); 
+    //Serial.print(", "); Serial.println(_magScaleZ);
+    // set AK8963 to Power Down
+    if( !writeAKRegister(AK8963_RA_CNTL1, AK8963_MODE_POWERDOWN) ){
+        debugSerial.printf("AK Not Powered Down\n");
+    }
+    Thread::wait(100); // long wait between AK8963 mode changes  
+    // set AK8963 to 16 bit resolution, 100 Hz update rate
+    if( !writeAKRegister(AK8963_RA_CNTL1, 0x16) ){
+        debugSerial.printf("Res Not Set\n");
+    }
+    Thread::wait(100); // long wait between AK8963 mode changes
+    // select clock source to gyro
+    if( !writeRegister(MPU60X0_RA_PWR_MGMT_1, MPU60X0_CLOCK_PLL_XGYRO) ){
+        debugSerial.printf("Clock Source Not Set\n");
+    }      
+    // instruct the MPU9250 to get 7 bytes of data from the AK8963 at the sample rate
+    readAKRegisters(AK8963_RA_HXL,sizeof(data),&data[0]);
+    //Serial.println((((int16_t)data[1]) << 8) | data[0]);  
+    //Serial.println((((int16_t)data[3]) << 8) | data[2]);
+    //Serial.println((((int16_t)data[5]) << 8) | data[4]);
+    // successful init, return 0
+    //Serial.println("FINISHED");
+/* sets the DLPF and interrupt settings */
+int MPU6050::setFilt9250(mpu9250_dlpf_bandwidth bandwidth, uint8_t SRD){
+    uint8_t data[7];
+    switch(bandwidth) {
+        case DLPF_BANDWIDTH_184HZ:
+            if( !writeRegister(MPU9250_RA_ACCEL_CONFIG2, MPU60X0_DLPF_BW_184) ){ // setting accel bandwidth to 184Hz
+                return -1;
+            } 
+            if( !writeRegister(MPU60X0_RA_GYRO_CONFIG, MPU60X0_DLPF_BW_184) ){ // setting gyro bandwidth to 184Hz
+                return -1;
+            }
+            break;
+        case DLPF_BANDWIDTH_92HZ:
+            if( !writeRegister(MPU9250_RA_ACCEL_CONFIG2, MPU60X0_DLPF_BW_98) ){ // setting accel bandwidth to 92Hz
+                return -1;
+            } 
+            if( !writeRegister(MPU60X0_RA_GYRO_CONFIG, MPU60X0_DLPF_BW_98) ){ // setting gyro bandwidth to 92Hz
+                return -1;
+            }
+            break; 
+        case DLPF_BANDWIDTH_41HZ:
+            if( !writeRegister(MPU9250_RA_ACCEL_CONFIG2, MPU60X0_DLPF_BW_42) ){ // setting accel bandwidth to 41Hz
+                return -1;
+            } 
+            if( !writeRegister(MPU60X0_RA_GYRO_CONFIG, MPU60X0_DLPF_BW_42) ){ // setting gyro bandwidth to 41Hz
+                return -1;
+            } 
+            break;
+        case DLPF_BANDWIDTH_20HZ:
+            if( !writeRegister(MPU9250_RA_ACCEL_CONFIG2, MPU60X0_DLPF_BW_20) ){ // setting accel bandwidth to 20Hz
+                return -1;
+            } 
+            if( !writeRegister(MPU60X0_RA_GYRO_CONFIG, MPU60X0_DLPF_BW_20) ){ // setting gyro bandwidth to 20Hz
+                return -1;
+            }
+            break;
+        case DLPF_BANDWIDTH_10HZ:
+            if( !writeRegister(MPU9250_RA_ACCEL_CONFIG2,MPU60X0_DLPF_BW_10) ){ // setting accel bandwidth to 10Hz
+                return -1;
+            } 
+            if( !writeRegister(MPU60X0_RA_GYRO_CONFIG,MPU60X0_DLPF_BW_10) ){ // setting gyro bandwidth to 10Hz
+                return -1;
+            }
+            break;
+        case DLPF_BANDWIDTH_5HZ:
+            if( !writeRegister(MPU9250_RA_ACCEL_CONFIG2,MPU60X0_DLPF_BW_5) ){ // setting accel bandwidth to 5Hz
+                return -1;
+            } 
+            if( !writeRegister(MPU60X0_RA_GYRO_CONFIG,MPU60X0_DLPF_BW_5) ){ // setting gyro bandwidth to 5Hz
+                return -1;
+            }
+            break; 
+    }
+    /* setting the sample rate divider */
+    if( !writeRegister(MPU60X0_RA_SMPLRT_DIV,SRD) ){ // setting the sample rate divider
+        return -1;
+    } 
+    if(SRD > 9){
+        // set AK8963 to Power Down
+        if( !writeAKRegister(AK8963_RA_CNTL1, AK8963_MODE_POWERDOWN) ){
+            return -1;
+        }
+        delay(100); // long wait between AK8963 mode changes  
+        // set AK8963 to 16 bit resolution, 8 Hz update rate
+        if( !writeAKRegister(AK8963_RA_CNTL1,0x12) ){
+            return -1;
+        }
+        delay(100); // long wait between AK8963 mode changes     
+        // instruct the MPU9250 to get 7 bytes of data from the AK8963 at the sample rate
+        readAKRegisters(AK8963_RA_HXL,sizeof(data),&data[0]);
+    }
+    /* setting the interrupt */
+    if( !writeRegister(MPU60X0_RA_INT_PIN_CFG,INT_PULSE_50US) ){ // setup interrupt, 50 us pulse
+        return -1;
+    }  
+    if( !writeRegister(MPU60X0_RA_INT_ENABLE,INT_RAW_RDY_EN) ){ // set to data ready
+        return -1;
+    }  
+    // successful filter setup, return 0
+    return 0; 
+/* enables and disables the interrupt */
+int MPU6050::enableInt9250(bool enable){
+    if(enable){
+        /* setting the interrupt */
+        if( !writeRegister(MPU60X0_RA_INT_PIN_CFG,INT_PULSE_50US) ){ // setup interrupt, 50 us pulse
+            return -1;
+        }  
+        if( !writeRegister(MPU60X0_RA_INT_ENABLE,INT_RAW_RDY_EN) ){ // set to data ready
+            return -1;
+        }  
+    }
+    else{
+        if( !writeRegister(MPU60X0_RA_INT_ENABLE,INT_DISABLE) ){ // disable interrupt
+            return -1;
+        }  
+    }
+    // successful interrupt setup, return 0
+    return 0; 
+/* get accelerometer data given pointers to store the three values, return data as counts */
+void MPU6050::get9250AccelCounts(int16_t* ax, int16_t* ay, int16_t* az){
+    uint8_t buff[6];
+    int16_t axx, ayy, azz;
+    readRegister(MPU60X0_RA_ACCEL_XOUT_H, sizeof(buff), &buff[0]); // grab the data from the MPU9250
+    axx = (((int16_t)buff[0]) << 8) | buff[1];  // combine into 16 bit values
+    ayy = (((int16_t)buff[2]) << 8) | buff[3];
+    azz = (((int16_t)buff[4]) << 8) | buff[5];
+    *ax = tX[0]*axx + tX[1]*ayy + tX[2]*azz; // transform axes
+    *ay = tY[0]*axx + tY[1]*ayy + tY[2]*azz;
+    *az = tZ[0]*axx + tZ[1]*ayy + tZ[2]*azz;
+/* get gyro data given pointers to store the three values, return data as counts */
+void MPU6050::get9250GyroCounts(int16_t* gx, int16_t* gy, int16_t* gz){
+    uint8_t buff[6];
+    int16_t gxx, gyy, gzz;
+    readRegister(MPU60X0_RA_GYRO_XOUT_H, sizeof(buff), &buff[0]); // grab the data from the MPU9250
+    gxx = (((int16_t)buff[0]) << 8) | buff[1];  // combine into 16 bit values
+    gyy = (((int16_t)buff[2]) << 8) | buff[3];
+    gzz = (((int16_t)buff[4]) << 8) | buff[5];
+    *gx = tX[0]*gxx + tX[1]*gyy + tX[2]*gzz; // transform axes
+    *gy = tY[0]*gxx + tY[1]*gyy + tY[2]*gzz;
+    *gz = tZ[0]*gxx + tZ[1]*gyy + tZ[2]*gzz;
+/* get magnetometer data given pointers to store the three values, return data as counts */
+void MPU6050::get9250MagCounts(int16_t* hx, int16_t* hy, int16_t* hz){
+    uint8_t buff[7];
+    // read the magnetometer data off the external sensor buffer
+    readRegister(MPU60X0_RA_EXT_SENS_DATA_00,sizeof(buff),&buff[0]);
+    if( buff[6] == 0x10 ) { // check for overflow
+        *hx = (((int16_t)buff[1]) << 8) | buff[0];  // combine into 16 bit values
+        *hy = (((int16_t)buff[3]) << 8) | buff[2];
+        *hz = (((int16_t)buff[5]) << 8) | buff[4];
+    }
+    else{
+        *hx = 0;  
+        *hy = 0;
+        *hz = 0;
+    }
+/* get temperature data given pointer to store the value, return data as counts */
+void MPU6050::get9250TempCounts(int16_t* t){
+    uint8_t buff[2];
+    readRegister(MPU60X0_RA_TEMP_OUT_H, sizeof(buff), &buff[0]); // grab the data from the MPU9250
+    *t = (((int16_t)buff[0]) << 8) | buff[1];  // combine into 16 bit value and return
+void MPU6050::get9250Motion9Counts(int16_t* ax, int16_t* ay, int16_t* az, int16_t* gx, int16_t* gy, int16_t* gz, int16_t* hx, int16_t* hy, int16_t* hz)
+    uint8_t buff[21];
+    int16_t axx, ayy, azz, gxx, gyy, gzz;
+    readRegister(MPU60X0_RA_ACCEL_XOUT_H, sizeof(buff), &buff[0]); // grab the data from the MPU9250
+    axx = (((int16_t)buff[0]) << 8) | buff[1];  // combine into 16 bit values
+    ayy = (((int16_t)buff[2]) << 8) | buff[3];
+    azz = (((int16_t)buff[4]) << 8) | buff[5];
+    gxx = (((int16_t)buff[8]) << 8) | buff[9];
+    gyy = (((int16_t)buff[10]) << 8) | buff[11];
+    gzz = (((int16_t)buff[12]) << 8) | buff[13];
+    *hx = (((int16_t)buff[15]) << 8) | buff[14];  
+    *hy = (((int16_t)buff[17]) << 8) | buff[16];
+    *hz = (((int16_t)buff[19]) << 8) | buff[18];
+    *ax = tX[0]*axx + tX[1]*ayy + tX[2]*azz; // transform axes
+    *ay = tY[0]*axx + tY[1]*ayy + tY[2]*azz;
+    *az = tZ[0]*axx + tZ[1]*ayy + tZ[2]*azz;
+    *gx = tX[0]*gxx + tX[1]*gyy + tX[2]*gzz;
+    *gy = tY[0]*gxx + tY[1]*gyy + tY[2]*gzz;
+    *gz = tZ[0]*gxx + tZ[1]*gyy + tZ[2]*gzz;
+/* get accelerometer, gyro, and magnetometer data given pointers to store values */
+void MPU6050::get9250Motion9(float* ax, float* ay, float* az, float* gx, float* gy, float* gz, float* hx, float* hy, float* hz){
+    int16_t accel[3];
+    int16_t gyro[3];
+    int16_t mag[3];
+    get9250Motion9Counts(&accel[0], &accel[1], &accel[2], &gyro[0], &gyro[1], &gyro[2], &mag[0], &mag[1], &mag[2]);
+    *ax = ((float) accel[0]); // typecast and scale to values
+    *ay = ((float) accel[1]);
+    *az = ((float) accel[2]);
+    *gx = ((float) gyro[0]);
+    *gy = ((float) gyro[1]);
+    *gz = ((float) gyro[2]);
+    *hx = ((float) mag[0]);
+    *hy = ((float) mag[1]);
+    *hz = ((float) mag[2]);
+/* get accelerometer, magnetometer, and temperature data given pointers to store values, return data as counts */
+void MPU6050::get9250Motion10Counts(int16_t* ax, int16_t* ay, int16_t* az, int16_t* gx, int16_t* gy, int16_t* gz, int16_t* hx, int16_t* hy, int16_t* hz, int16_t* t){
+    uint8_t buff[21];
+    int16_t axx, ayy, azz, gxx, gyy, gzz;
+    readRegister(MPU60X0_RA_ACCEL_XOUT_H, sizeof(buff), &buff[0]); // grab the data from the MPU9250
+    axx = (((int16_t)buff[0]) << 8) | buff[1];  // combine into 16 bit values
+    ayy = (((int16_t)buff[2]) << 8) | buff[3];
+    azz = (((int16_t)buff[4]) << 8) | buff[5];
+    *t = (((int16_t)buff[6]) << 8) | buff[7];
+    gxx = (((int16_t)buff[8]) << 8) | buff[9];
+    gyy = (((int16_t)buff[10]) << 8) | buff[11];
+    gzz = (((int16_t)buff[12]) << 8) | buff[13];
+    *hx = (((int16_t)buff[15]) << 8) | buff[14];
+    *hy = (((int16_t)buff[17]) << 8) | buff[16];
+    *hz = (((int16_t)buff[19]) << 8) | buff[18];
+    *ax = tX[0]*axx + tX[1]*ayy + tX[2]*azz; // transform axes
+    *ay = tY[0]*axx + tY[1]*ayy + tY[2]*azz;
+    *az = tZ[0]*axx + tZ[1]*ayy + tZ[2]*azz;
+    *gx = tX[0]*gxx + tX[1]*gyy + tX[2]*gzz;
+    *gy = tY[0]*gxx + tY[1]*gyy + tY[2]*gzz;
+    *gz = tZ[0]*gxx + tZ[1]*gyy + tZ[2]*gzz;
+void MPU60X0::readRegister(uint8_t subAddress, uint8_t count, uint8_t* dest) {
+    i2Cdev.readBytes(devAddr, subAddress, count, dest);
+/* writes a register to the AK8963 given a register address and data */
+bool MPU60X0::writeAKRegister(uint8_t subAddress, uint8_t data) {
+    uint8_t count = 1;
+    uint8_t buff[1];
+    writeRegister(MPU60X0_RA_I2C_SLV0_ADDR, magDevAddr); // set slave 0 to the AK8963 and set for write
+    writeRegister(MPU60X0_RA_I2C_SLV0_REG,subAddress); // set the register to the desired AK8963 sub address
+    writeRegister(MPU60X0_RA_I2C_SLV0_DO, data); // store the data for write
+    writeRegister(MPU60X0_RA_I2C_SLV0_CTRL, I2C_SLV0_EN | count); // enable I2C and send 1 byte
+    // read the register and confirm
+    readAKRegisters(subAddress, sizeof(buff), &buff[0]);
+    if (buff[0] == data) {
+        return true;
+    } else {
+        return false;
+    }
+/* reads registers from the AK8963 */
+void MPU60X0::readAKRegisters(uint8_t subAddress, uint8_t count, uint8_t* dest) {
+    writeRegister(MPU60X0_RA_I2C_SLV0_ADDR, magDevAddr | I2C_READ_FLAG); // set slave 0 to the AK8963 and set for read
+    writeRegister(MPU60X0_RA_I2C_SLV0_REG,  subAddress); // set the register to the desired AK8963 sub address
+    writeRegister(MPU60X0_RA_I2C_SLV0_CTRL, I2C_SLV0_EN | count); // enable I2C and request the bytes
+    Thread::wait(1); // takes some time for these registers to fill
+    readRegister(MPU60X0_RA_EXT_SENS_DATA_00, count, dest); // read the bytes off the MPU9250 EXT_SENS_DATA registers
+bool MPU60X0::writeRegister(uint8_t subAddress, uint8_t data) {
+    uint8_t buff[1];
+    i2Cdev.writeByte(devAddr, subAddress, data);
+    Thread::wait(10); // need to slow down how fast I write to MPU9250
+    /* read back the register */
+    readRegister(subAddress,sizeof(buff),&buff[0]);
+    /* check the read back register against the written register */
+    if (buff[0] == data) {
+        return true;
+    } else {
+        return false;
+    }