NNN50 CE test using UDP (select DELTA_DFCM_NNN40 to compile)

Dependencies:   NNN50_WIFI_API mbed

Fork of NNN50_WiFi_HelloWorld by Delta

Wed Nov 23 17:47:35 2016 +0000
First commit; Show the usage of apScan() and connect()

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 1 /******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 Delta Electronics, Inc. ***************
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 2 *
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 3 * File Name : main.cpp
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 4 * Authors : Tsungta Wu - CPBG (tsungta.wu@deltaww.com)
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 5 * Version : V.1.0.0
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 6 * Date : 2016/Nov/24
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 7 *
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 8 * This example only show the most basic WiFi operation include AP scan and connect
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 9 * The usage of TCP/UDP socket please refer to the mbed Handbook from the link below
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 10 * https://developer.mbed.org/handbook/Socket
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 11 *
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 12 *******************************************************************************/
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 13
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 14 #include "mbed.h"
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 15 #include "EthernetInterface.h"
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 16 #include "WIFIDevice.h"
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 17
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 18 Serial uart(p17, p16);//temporary define for alpha release
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 19
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 20 void scanCallback(tstrM2mWifiscanResult result)
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 21 {
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 22 uart.printf("SSID: %s \n", result.au8SSID);
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 23 uart.printf("RSSI: %i \n", result.s8rssi);
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 24 }
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 25
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 26 int main() {
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 27
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 28 EthernetInterface eth;
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 29 WIFIDevice wifi;
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 30
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 31 uart.baud(9600);
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 32
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 33 eth.init();
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 34 uart.printf("MAC: %s\n", eth.getMACAddress());
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 35
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 36 wifi.apScan(scanCallback);
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 37
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 38 wifi.setNetwork(M2M_WIFI_SEC_WPA_PSK, "Tsungta_iPhone", "icq87001");
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 39 eth.connect();
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 40 printf("IP: %s\n", eth.getIPAddress());
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 41 printf("Gateway: %s\n", eth.getGateway());
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 42 printf("NetworkMask: %s\n", eth.getNetworkMask());
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 43
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 44 if(wifi.is_AP_connected())
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 45 uart.printf("Connect Success! \n");
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 46 else
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 47 uart.printf("Connect Fail! \n");
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 48
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 49 while(1) {
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 50 m2m_wifi_handle_events(NULL);//temporary use for alpha release
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 51 }
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 52 }
tsungta 0:b5f183111420 53