Embedded coursework 2.

Dependencies:   IndiCorp mbed-rtos mbed

diff -r 000000000000 -r f3f1e48b3e4b main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Mar 23 20:05:08 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,512 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "Crypto.h" // Library used for Bitcoin mining.
+#include "rtos.h"   // Real time operating system library for threads etc.
+//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Photointerrupter pins~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+#define I1pin D2
+#define I2pin D11
+#define I3pin D12
+////~~~~~~~~~~Incremental encoder pins//~~~~~~~~~~~
+#define CHA   D7
+#define CHB   D8  
+//~~Motor Drive output pins~/Mask in output byte~~~
+#define L1Lpin D4           //0x01
+#define L1Hpin D5           //0x02
+#define L2Lpin D3           //0x04
+#define L2Hpin D6           //0x08
+#define L3Lpin D9           //0x10
+#define L3Hpin D10          //0x20
+//~~~~~~~~Maximum command length accepted~~~~~~~~~~~
+#define MAXCMDLENGTH 18
+//~~~~~~~~Maximum PWM allowed due to 50% restriction
+#define MAXPWM 1000
+//~~~~~~~Enumeration of message identifiers~~~~~~~~~
+enum MsgCode {Msg_motorState, Msg_hashRate, Msg_nonceMatch, Msg_keyAdded, Msg_velocityOut, Msg_velocityIn,  Msg_positionIn, Msg_positionOut, Msg_rotations, Msg_torque, Msg_error};
+//~~~~~~~New data type to carry the messages~~~~~~~~
+typedef struct {
+    MsgCode code;
+    uint32_t data;
+} message_t;
+//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Global Variables~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+//Mapping from sequential drive states to motor phase outputs
+State   L1  L2  L3
+0       H   -   L
+1       -   H   L
+2       L   H   -
+3       L   -   H
+4       -   L   H
+5       H   L   -
+6       -   -   -
+7       -   -   -
+//~~~~~~~~~~~Drive state to             output table~~~~~~~~~~~~
+const int8_t driveTable[] = {0x12,0x18,0x09,0x21,0x24,0x06,0x00,0x00};
+//Mapping from interrupter inputs to sequential rotor states. 0x00 and 0x07 are not valid.
+const int8_t stateMap[] = {0x07,0x05,0x03,0x04,0x01,0x00,0x02,0x07};  
+//Alternative if phase order of input or drive is reversed.
+//const int8_t stateMap[] = {0x07,0x01,0x03,0x02,0x05,0x00,0x04,0x07};
+////~~~~~~~~~Phase lead to make motor spin~~~~~~~~~
+int8_t lead = 2;  //2 for forwards, -2 for backwards
+//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Rotor states~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+int8_t orState = 0;              // Rotor offset at motor state 0 
+volatile int8_t intStateOld = 0; // Motor old state. Type is volatile since
+                                 // its value may change in ISR 
+//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Status LED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+DigitalOut led1(LED1);
+//~~~~~~~~~~~~~Photointerrupter inputs~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+InterruptIn I1(I1pin);
+InterruptIn I2(I2pin);
+InterruptIn I3(I3pin);
+//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Motor Drive outputs~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+PwmOut     L1L(L1Lpin);
+DigitalOut L1H(L1Hpin);
+PwmOut     L2L(L2Lpin);
+DigitalOut L2H(L2Hpin);
+PwmOut     L3L(L3Lpin);
+DigitalOut L3H(L3Hpin);
+//~Dats structure to pass information between threads~
+Mail<message_t,16> outMessages;
+Queue<void, 8> inCharQ;
+//~~~~~~~~~~~~Serial command buffer~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+char newCmd[MAXCMDLENGTH];
+volatile uint8_t cmdIndx = 0;
+//~~~~~~~~~~Key to be passed for mining~~~~~~~~~~~
+volatile uint64_t newKey;   // Key
+Mutex newKey_mutex;         // Restrict access to prevent deadlock.
+//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Initial conditions~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+volatile uint32_t motorPower = 300; // motor toque
+volatile float targetVel = 45.0;
+volatile float targetRot = 459.0;
+//~~~~~~~~~~~Motor position variable~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+volatile int32_t motorPos; // Motor position updated by interrupt.
+//~~~~~~~~~~Serial port connection~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+RawSerial pc(SERIAL_TX, SERIAL_RX);
+Thread commOutT(osPriorityAboveNormal,1024);  // Output to serial port.
+Thread commInT(osPriorityAboveNormal,1024);   // Input from serial port.
+Thread motorCtrlT(osPriorityNormal,1024);     // Motor control thread.
+//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Function declarations~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+void motorOut(int8_t driveState, uint32_t pw);
+inline int8_t readRotorState();
+int8_t motorHome();
+void motorISR();
+void cmdParser();
+void commOutFn();
+void putMessage(MsgCode code, uint32_t data);
+void serialISR();
+void commInFn();
+void motorCtrlFn();
+void motorCtrlTick(); 
+int main() {
+    //~~~~~~~~~~~~~Initial serial prints~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    pc.printf("\n\r\n\r Hello \n\r");
+    pc.printf("\n\r\n\rGroup: IndiCorp \n\r");
+    pc.printf("Initial hardcoded conditions:\n\r");
+    pc.printf("\tVelocity:\t%f\n\r", targetVel);
+    pc.printf("\tRotation:\t%f\n\r", targetRot);    
+    //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Start all threads~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    commOutT.start(commOutFn);
+    commInT.start(commInFn);
+    motorCtrlT.start(motorCtrlFn);
+    //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Attach ISR to serial~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    pc.attach(&serialISR);
+    //~~~~~~~~Attach ISR to photointerrupters~~~~~~~
+    I1.rise(&motorISR);
+    I1.fall(&motorISR);
+    I2.rise(&motorISR);
+    I2.fall(&motorISR);
+    I3.rise(&motorISR);
+    I3.fall(&motorISR);
+    //~~~~~~~~~Declare Bitcoin Variables~~~~~~~~~~~
+    SHA256 sha256Inst;
+    uint8_t sequence[] = {\
+        0x45,0x6D,0x62,0x65,0x64,0x64,0x65,0x64,\
+        0x20,0x53,0x79,0x73,0x74,0x65,0x6D,0x73,\
+        0x20,0x61,0x72,0x65,0x20,0x66,0x75,0x6E,\
+        0x20,0x61,0x6E,0x64,0x20,0x64,0x6F,0x20,\
+        0x61,0x77,0x65,0x73,0x6F,0x6D,0x65,0x20,\
+        0x74,0x68,0x69,0x6E,0x67,0x73,0x21,0x20,\
+        0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,\
+        0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
+    };
+    uint64_t* key = (uint64_t*)((int)sequence + 48);
+    uint64_t* nonce = (uint64_t*)((int)sequence + 56);
+    uint8_t hash[32];
+    uint32_t sequenceLength = 64;
+    uint32_t hashCounter = 0;
+    Timer bitcoinTimer;
+    //Set PWM period to max 2000 due to hardware limitations
+    L1L.period_us(2000); 
+    L2L.period_us(2000);
+    L3L.period_us(2000);
+    /* Run the motor synchronisation: orState is subtracted from future rotor
+       state inputs to align rotor and motor states */
+    orState = motorHome();
+    pc.printf("Rotor origin: %x\n\r", orState); //Print state for debugging purposes.
+    //~~~~~~Give the motor a kick to begin~~~~~~~~
+    motorISR();
+    //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Mining loop~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    bitcoinTimer.start();          // start timer
+    while (1) {
+        newKey_mutex.lock();
+        (*key) = newKey;
+        newKey_mutex.unlock();
+        sha256Inst.computeHash(hash, sequence, sequenceLength);
+        hashCounter++;
+        if ((hash[0]==0) && (hash[1]==0)){
+            putMessage(Msg_nonceMatch, *nonce);   // matching nonce
+        }
+        (*nonce)++;
+        if (bitcoinTimer.read() >= 1){
+            putMessage(Msg_hashRate, hashCounter);
+            hashCounter=0;
+            bitcoinTimer.reset();
+        }
+    }
+//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Functions Definitions~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+//~~~~~~~~~~~~Set a given drive state~~~~~~~~~~~~
+void motorOut(int8_t driveState, uint32_t pw){
+    //Lookup the output byte from the drive state.
+    int8_t driveOut = driveTable[driveState & 0x07];
+    //Turn off first
+    if (~driveOut & 0x01) L1L.pulsewidth_us(0);
+    if (~driveOut & 0x02) L1H = 1;
+    if (~driveOut & 0x04) L2L.pulsewidth_us(0);
+    if (~driveOut & 0x08) L2H = 1;
+    if (~driveOut & 0x10) L3L.pulsewidth_us(0);
+    if (~driveOut & 0x20) L3H = 1;
+    //Then turn on
+    if (driveOut & 0x01) L1L.pulsewidth_us(pw);
+    if (driveOut & 0x02) L1H = 0;
+    if (driveOut & 0x04) L2L.pulsewidth_us(pw);
+    if (driveOut & 0x08) L2H = 0;
+    if (driveOut & 0x10) L3L.pulsewidth_us(pw);
+    if (driveOut & 0x20) L3H = 0;
+//~Convert photointerrupter inputs to a rotor state~
+inline int8_t readRotorState(){
+    return stateMap[I1 + 2*I2 + 4*I3];
+//~~~~~~Basic motor synchronisation routine~~~~~~   
+int8_t motorHome() {
+    //Put the motor in drive state 0 and wait for it to stabilise
+    motorOut(0, MAXPWM); // set to max PWM
+    wait(2.0);
+    //Get the rotor state
+    return readRotorState();
+//~~~~~~~~~Motor ISR (photointerrupters)~~~~~~~~~
+void motorISR() {
+    static int8_t oldRotorState;
+    int8_t rotorState = readRotorState();
+    motorOut((rotorState-orState+lead+6)%6,motorPower);
+    // update motorPosition and oldRotorState
+    if (rotorState - oldRotorState == 5) motorPos--;
+    else if (rotorState - oldRotorState == -5) motorPos++;
+    else motorPos += (rotorState - oldRotorState);
+    oldRotorState = rotorState;
+//~~~~~Decode messages to print on serial port~~~~~
+void commOutFn() {
+    while(1) {
+        osEvent newEvent = outMessages.get();
+        message_t *pMessage = (message_t*)newEvent.value.p;
+        //Case switch to choose serial output based on incoming message
+        switch(pMessage->code) {
+            case Msg_motorState:
+            pc.printf("The motor is currently in state %x\n\r", pMessage->data);
+                break;
+            case Msg_hashRate:
+            pc.printf("Mining at a rate of %.2f Hash/s\n\r", (int32_t)pMessage->data);
+                break;
+            case Msg_nonceMatch:
+                 pc.printf("Nonce found: %x\n\r", pMessage->data);
+                break;
+            case Msg_keyAdded:
+                pc.printf("New key added:\t0x%016x\n\r", pMessage->data);
+                break;
+            case Msg_torque:
+                pc.printf("Motor torque set to:\t%d\n\r", pMessage->data);
+                break;
+            case Msg_velocityIn:
+                pc.printf("Target velocity set to:\t%.2f\n\r", targetVel);
+                break;
+            case Msg_velocityOut:
+                pc.printf("Current Velocity:\t%.2f\n\r", \
+                    (float)((int32_t)pMessage->data / 6));
+                break;
+            case Msg_positionIn:
+                pc.printf("Target rotation set to:\t%.2f\n\r", \
+                    (float)((int32_t)pMessage->data / 6));
+                break;
+            case Msg_positionOut:
+            pc.printf("Current position:\t%.2f\n\r", \
+           (float)((int32_t)pMessage->data / 6));
+                break;
+            case Msg_error:
+                pc.printf("Debugging position:%x\n\r", pMessage->data);
+                break;
+            default:
+            pc.printf("Unknown Error. Data: %x\n\r", pMessage->data);
+                break;
+        }
+        outMessages.free(pMessage);
+    }
+//~~~~~~~~~Put message in Mail queue~~~~~~~~~~~
+void putMessage(MsgCode code, uint32_t data){
+    message_t *pMessage = outMessages.alloc();
+    pMessage->code = code;
+    pMessage->data = data;
+    outMessages.put(pMessage);
+//~~~~Receive & decode serial input command~~~~~
+void commInFn() {
+    while (1) {
+        osEvent newEvent = inCharQ.get();
+        uint8_t newChar = *((uint8_t*)(&newEvent.value.p));
+        pc.putc(newChar);
+        if(cmdIndx >= MAXCMDLENGTH){            //Make sure there is no overflow in comand.
+            cmdIndx = 0;
+            putMessage(Msg_error, 1);
+        }
+        else{
+            if(newChar != '\r'){                //While the command is not over, 
+                newCmd[cmdIndx] = newChar;      //save input character and
+                cmdIndx++;                      //advance index
+            }
+            else{
+                newCmd[cmdIndx] = '\0';         //When the command is finally over,
+                cmdIndx = 0;                    //reset index and
+                cmdParser();                    //parse the command for decoding.
+            }
+        }
+    }
+//~~~~~~~~~~~~~Decode the command~~~~~~~~~~~
+void cmdParser(){
+        switch(newCmd[0]) {
+                case 'K':
+                        newKey_mutex.lock();                        //Ensure there is no deadlock
+                        sscanf(newCmd, "K%x", &newKey);             //Find desired the Key code
+                        putMessage(Msg_keyAdded, newKey);           //Print it out
+                        newKey_mutex.unlock();                      
+                        break;
+                case 'V':
+                        sscanf(newCmd, "V%f", &targetVel);          //Find desired the target velocity
+                        putMessage(Msg_velocityIn, targetVel);      //Print it out
+                        break;
+                case 'R':
+                        sscanf(newCmd, "R%f", &targetRot);          //Find desired target rotation
+                        putMessage(Msg_positionIn, targetRot);      //Print it out
+                        break;
+                case 'T':
+                        sscanf(newCmd, "T%d", &motorPower);         //Find desired target torque
+                        putMessage(Msg_torque, motorPower);         //Print it out
+                        break;
+                default: break;
+        }
+//~~~~~~~~~~~~~Serial ISR~~~~~~~~~~~~
+void serialISR() {
+    uint8_t newChar = pc.getc();
+    inCharQ.put((void*)newChar);
+//~~~~~~ISR triggered by Ticker~~~~~~
+void motorCtrlTick(){
+    motorCtrlT.signal_set(0x1);                            //Set signal to motor control thread which carries out calculations to avoid CPU blocking
+//~~~~~~~~~~~~~Motor control function  with proportional controller~~~~~~~~~~~
+void motorCtrlFn() {
+    //~~~~~~~~~~~~~Variables~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    Ticker motorCtrlTicker;                             //Ticker to ba attached to callback function
+    int32_t velocity;                                   //Variable for local velocity calculation
+    int32_t locMotorPos;                                //Local copy of motor position
+    static int32_t oldMotorPos = 0;                     //Old motor position used for calculations
+    static uint8_t motorCtrlCounter = 0;                //Counter to be reset every 10 iterations to get velocity calculation in seconds
+    int32_t torque;                                     //Local variable to set motor torque
+    float sError;                                       //Velocity error between target and reality
+    float rError;                                       //Rotation error between target and reality
+    static float rErrorOld;                             //Old rotation error used for calculation
+    //~~~Controller constants~~~~
+    int32_t Kp1=22;                                     //Proportional controller constants 
+    int32_t Kp2=22;                                     //Calculated by trial and error to give optimal accuracy  
+    float   Kd=15.5;    
+    //Attach ticker to callback function that will run every 100 ms
+    motorCtrlTicker.attach_us(&motorCtrlTick,100000);
+    while(1) {
+        motorCtrlT.signal_wait(0x1);                    // Wait for thread signal.
+        //Initial velocity calculation and report
+        locMotorPos = motorPos;                         //Read global variable motorPos which is updated by interrupt and store it in local variable
+        velocity = (locMotorPos - oldMotorPos) * 10;    //Proceed with calculation
+        oldMotorPos = locMotorPos;                      //Update old motor position
+        motorCtrlCounter++;                             //Advance counter 
+        if (motorCtrlCounter >= 10) {                   //Every 10th iteration
+            motorCtrlCounter = 0;                       //Reset counter
+            putMessage(Msg_velocityOut, velocity);      //Report the current velocity
+            putMessage(Msg_positionOut, locMotorPos);   //Report the current position
+        }
+        //~~~~~Speed controller~~~~~~
+        sError = (targetVel * 6) - abs(velocity);        //Read global variable targetVel updated by interrupt and calculate error between target and reality
+        int32_t Ys;                                      //Initialise controller output Ys  
+        if (sError == -abs(velocity)) {                  //Check if user entered V0, 
+            Ys = MAXPWM;                                 //and set the output to maximum as specified
+        }
+        else {
+            Ys = (int)(Kp1 * sError);                    //If the user didn't enter V0 implement controller transfer function: Ys = Kp * (s -|v|) where,
+        }                                                //Ys = controller output, Kp = prop controller constant, s = target velocity and v is the measured velocity
+        //~~~~~Rotation control~~~~~~
+        rError = targetRot - (locMotorPos/6);            //Read global variable targetRot updated by interrupt and calculate the rotation error. 
+        int32_t Yr;                                      //Initialise controller output Yr
+        Yr = Kp2*rError + Kd*(rError - rErrorOld);       //Implement controller transfer function Ys= Kp*Er + Kd* (dEr/dt)        
+        rErrorOld = rError;                              //Update rotation error
+        if(rError < 0){                                  //Use the sign of the error to set controller wrt direction of rotation
+            Ys = -Ys;                               
+        }
+        if((velocity>=0 && Ys<Yr) || (velocity<0 && Ys>Yr)){        //Choose Ys or Yr based on distance from target value so that it takes 
+            torque = Ys;                                            //appropriate steps in the right direction to reach target value
+        }
+        else{
+            torque = Yr;
+        }
+        if(torque < 0){                                             //Variable torque cannot be negative since it sets the PWM  
+            torque = -torque;                                       //Hence we make the value positive, 
+            lead = -2;                                              //and instead set the direction to the opposite one
+        }
+        else{
+            lead = 2;
+        }
+        if(torque > MAXPWM){                                        //In case the calculated PWM is higher than our maximum 50% allowance,
+            torque = MAXPWM;                                        //Set it to our max.
+        }   
+        motorPower = torque;                                        //Lastly, update global variable motorPower which is updated by interrupt        
+    }