Added SPI burst mode to spi 8 bit.

Dependents:   Bicycl_Computer_NUCLEO-F411RE Bicycl_Computer_NUCLEO-L476RG

Fork of UniGraphic by GraphicsDisplay

Added SPI burst mode to this graphics driver. If whoever wants this rolled in to repository let me know. I replaced _spi.write(); with fastWrite(); and clearRX();


// need to re-create SPI firmware to access SPI handle
static SPI_HandleTypeDef SpiHandle;

void SPI8::fastWrite(int data) {
      SpiHandle.Instance = SPI1;
    // Check if data is transmitted
    while ((SpiHandle.Instance->SR & SPI_SR_TXE) == 0);
    SpiHandle.Instance->DR = data;
void SPI8::clearRX( void ) {
        SpiHandle.Instance = SPI1;
    //Check if the RX buffer is busy
    //While busy, keep checking
    while (SpiHandle.Instance->SR & SPI_SR_BSY){   
        // Check RX buffer readable
        while ((SpiHandle.Instance->SR & SPI_SR_RXNE) == 0);
        int dummy = SpiHandle.Instance->DR;



File content as of revision 36:0ced7cf0ec8c:

/* mbed TextDisplay Library Base Class
 * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 sford
 * Released under the MIT License:
 * A common base class for Text displays
 * To port a new display, derive from this class and implement
 * the constructor (setup the display), character (put a character
 * at a location), rows and columns (number of rows/cols) functions.
 * Everything else (locate, printf, putc, cls) will come for free
 * The model is the display will wrap at the right and bottom, so you can
 * keep writing and will always get valid characters. The location is 
 * maintained internally to the class to make this easy


#include "mbed.h"

/** A common base class for Text displays
class TextDisplay : public Stream {

    // functions needing implementation in derived implementation class
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------
    /** Create a TextDisplay interface
    * @param name The name used in the path to access the strean through the filesystem
    TextDisplay(const char *name = NULL);

    /** output a character at the given position
    * @param column column where charater must be written
    * @param  row where character must be written
    * @param c the character to be written to the TextDisplay
    * @note this method may be overridden in a derived class.
    virtual void character(int column, int row, int c) = 0;

    /** return number of rows on TextDisplay
    * @result number of rows
    * @note this method must be supported in the derived class.
    virtual int rows() = 0;

    /** return number of columns on TextDisplay
    * @result number of columns
    * @note this method must be supported in the derived class.
    virtual int columns() = 0;
    // functions that come for free, but can be overwritten
    // ----------------------------------------------------
    /** redirect output from a stream (stoud, sterr) to  display
    * @param stream stream that shall be redirected to the TextDisplay
    * @note this method may be overridden in a derived class.
    * @returns true if the claim succeeded.
    virtual bool claim (FILE *stream);

    /** clear the entire screen
    * @note this method may be overridden in a derived class.
    virtual void cls();

    /** locate the cursor at a character position.
    * Based on the currently active font, locate the cursor on screen.
    * @note this method may be overridden in a derived class.
    * @param column is the horizontal offset from the left side.
    * @param row is the vertical offset from the top.
    virtual void locate(int column, int row);

    /** set the foreground color
    * @note this method may be overridden in a derived class.
    * @param color is color to use for foreground drawing.
    virtual void foreground(uint16_t colour);

    /** set the background color
    * @note this method may be overridden in a derived class.
    * @param color is color to use for background drawing.
    virtual void background(uint16_t colour);

    // putc (from Stream)
    // printf (from Stream)

    virtual int _putc(int value);
    virtual int _getc();

    // character location
    int _column;
    int _row;

    // colours
    volatile uint16_t _foreground;
    volatile uint16_t _background;
    char *_path;
