Added SPI burst mode to spi 8 bit.

Dependents:   Bicycl_Computer_NUCLEO-F411RE Bicycl_Computer_NUCLEO-L476RG

Fork of UniGraphic by GraphicsDisplay

Added SPI burst mode to this graphics driver. If whoever wants this rolled in to repository let me know. I replaced _spi.write(); with fastWrite(); and clearRX();


// need to re-create SPI firmware to access SPI handle
static SPI_HandleTypeDef SpiHandle;

void SPI8::fastWrite(int data) {
      SpiHandle.Instance = SPI1;
    // Check if data is transmitted
    while ((SpiHandle.Instance->SR & SPI_SR_TXE) == 0);
    SpiHandle.Instance->DR = data;
void SPI8::clearRX( void ) {
        SpiHandle.Instance = SPI1;
    //Check if the RX buffer is busy
    //While busy, keep checking
    while (SpiHandle.Instance->SR & SPI_SR_BSY){   
        // Check RX buffer readable
        while ((SpiHandle.Instance->SR & SPI_SR_RXNE) == 0);
        int dummy = SpiHandle.Instance->DR;
--- a/Protocols/SPI8.h	Mon Mar 02 10:52:26 2015 +0000
+++ b/Protocols/SPI8.h	Wed Apr 12 20:18:25 2017 +0000
@@ -104,6 +104,9 @@
     * @param enable 0/1   
     virtual void BusEnable(bool enable);
+        virtual void fastWrite(int data);
+        virtual void clearRX( void ) ;
     DigitalOut _CS;